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/fa/ - Fashion

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>> No.14932243
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>> No.14932263


Here is IFRA restricted list. Has every ingredient in the ban. I’m guessing R means restricted but idk what P means. I’m going to make a review anon video on it hopefully some point this week. YouTube shills won’t narc on their masters but I was going to make it easy for people and list out the ingredients that aren’t in chemist language. Tea leaf is banned too stock up on zoologist macaque haha

>> No.14932282

Cont: I’m going to hate myself but my fomo panic buys (for anyone wondering or caring) are 100ml of carnal flower and a backup (ouch wallet) bottle of mortal skin. Im going to scour the list and see if anything in bee would get nuked. Any anon that finds anything with bee do report it to the thread. Any anon who wants to compile a ban list of fragrances based of the banned ingredient list please do so and we can help contribute. I read some perfumers commenting in base notes. They are aware this is coming. It’s happening and it’s real. Doubters will be left with cuck juice so if there is something your heart really wants you’ve got this year to grab it

>> No.14932287
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Did you have sex today?

>> No.14932291 [DELETED] 
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lol yea are you going crasy

>> No.14932296

I was going to panic buy a 200mL bottle of BR 540 because jasmine is on the list, but I'm certain that MFK used all synthetics in that one so crisis averted.

>> No.14932309

God I hate women. The worst noselets too.

>> No.14932322

Def going to cop chameleon and chypre palatain but im going to rue the day i run out of either

>> No.14932336


If you like the fragrance, always buy a backup. Easy way to save headaches.

>> No.14932341

Soooo, anyone know more about that Demi Rawling Camel fucking story?

>> No.14932346

>implying synthetics are safe

There are about 100+ ingredients on that ban list posted. Some natural some synthetic. Won’t hurt you to check when you have time.

>> No.14932351

is it on pornhub yet?

>> No.14932352

Is everyone still waiting for their CDG samples?

>> No.14932355

>tfw really like chypre palatin
>tfw want chameleon as a beachy scent
>tfw in order to buy a bottle of palatain and a backup bottle it will cost me like 600$
>if i get chameleon it will be like 765$
Hold me bros

>> No.14932367


P= prohibition, S= specification and R= restriction. Basically every component in the list will at least see a very diminished use.
>treemoss extract
>verbena oil
>boldo oil
>grapefruit oil expressed
>cumin oil
>a ton of musks
It’s ogre. Depending on the specification, linalol alone may require a reformulation or the vast majority of citric and fresh fragrances. Rip performance too.

>> No.14932370

Cinnamon, cedar, coumarin, Peru balsam, cumin, grapefruit banned.

Fuck thank goodness I just got a bottle of lune feline cheap. Peru balsam isn’t huge but it’s in a few based frags

>> No.14932377

Is this a worldwide thing or just US?

>> No.14932389

It’s european but in a way worldwide because the euro market is huge. Will drag everyone with it

>> No.14932392

Its EU so all european countries which is a huge market meaning most compnaies will reforumulate affected frags get the shit you really want before the ban goes through

>> No.14932394

Just Europe, but most fragrance houses either are from Europe or have it as one of its main consumers.

>> No.14932431

Any good non-citrus daily frag for this Summer?

>> No.14932447
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Hey guys i just got an email back from zoologist about the IFRA restrictions here's hoping they dont have to reformulate anything

>> No.14932450

Will the IFRA affect the compounds used in the perfumes themselves ie stuff like oakmoss extract no longer get sold or will it only affect the end product aka the commercial fragrance itself. Was thinking of getting into DIY frags

>> No.14932464

Thanks for the inquiry anon. That’s not a hard no though. Seems a business dismissive “no comment at this time”. Victor is a good guy and a professional. Probably coming up with a game plan before stirring the pot in his fan base. OG Bat was shot down due to restrictions. He has seen this before but he has time to make a plan this go around

>> No.14932472

i can go to the store today and buy a gun in 30 mins on credit, but god forbid i smell like jasmine and someone gets a stuffy nose

>> No.14932474

Thats what i was thinking def getting a bottle of chypre palatain and possibly chameleon before this shit goes live

>> No.14932480

Should I be worried about the ban if I plan on buying some niche perfumes in around 3 months? Can't buy them now.

>> No.14932482

So, does the IFRA just not want the fragrance industry to exist anymore? This is like a governing body that regulates what ingredients restaurants can use banning flour, potatoes, garlic, pepper, and chicken.

>> No.14932494

This is the thing that annoys me. Most of these substances don’t get banned because they’re dangerous. They don’t cause cancer, people won’t go into anaphylaxis. They’re getting banned because like .1% of the population might get a rash if they spray it on themselves, or might cough a bit or something. It’s a massive overreaction to an incredibly minor issue, and likely politically driven considering how many snowflake types want all public spaces to be “fragrance free”.

Fuck off, let me have my smelly water!

>> No.14932504

U could just see the disgrace in here face on the "where I've been" vid

>> No.14932530

Apparently the law will only vacate until January 2021. Anything before holiday season will probably be fine.

>> No.14932546

You should be fine you have a year to do this. I do think discounters and grey market products will move faster though as those in the know will begin stocking. Retailers shouldn’t see effects just yet

>> No.14932562

All of this lack of knowledge ITT is crippling.

>> No.14932567

Got my bottle of Interlude. Gonna enjoy my opoponax under the ifra ban. What did you cop lads?

>> No.14932571


FUCK YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT BR 540 IS FUCKING DISGUSTING. It smells synthetic, clinical, latex, fluoride, exactly like the dentist office. Not even lying I almost gagged when I first put it on, felt like someone was about to drill into my teeth.

by far the WORST frag i had ever smelled. Fuck you cock sucking useless aids infected asshole fuckacum butt

>> No.14932574

It’s not even that. It’s that many ingredients have an acceptable limit, and using too much may cause a minor reaction in a small percentage of people, and the IFRA makes decisions based on the assumption that these ingredients may exist in body wash or skin cream or something as well. So they ban substances on the assumption that one may be wearing body wash, skin cream, and fragrance together, and that the accumulation of this particular substance may be over the acceptable “safe” limit. Ie. they’re banning substances that cause reactions in a minuscule percentage of people, and only under conditions that are unlikely to exist. It’s beyond nanny state, it’s downright paranoid.

>> No.14932589

going to buy the entire UK stock of London and sell it to you lot when you miss it

>> No.14932603

Not exactly, they put on 3 different categories of prohibition on the document. Only about 20% of the substances listed are forbidden under any circumstance.

>> No.14932683

This is more of a hygiene question but what are the best products to use in and after the shower to make girls know I'm hygienic? Also, I sweat *very* easily. I heard putting deoderant on your face lessens sweating. How do I stop sweating so much?

>> No.14932685

You guys are fucking insane. I really enjoy perfumery too but this is super nasty. You are nasty men, this is irregular.

>> No.14932710

There are people out there buying crack and hookers in their free time. Some of them post here too. Perfume isn’t that bad bro

>> No.14932711

What does /fa think about Escentric Molecules? Any in particular worth trying?

>> No.14932721

Any recommended incense perfumes for my gf? Was thinking of getting her lubin akkad so something less dry and a little sweet, is there anything else I should look at?

>> No.14932722


>> No.14932730
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So i bought a couple of these for my CDG bottles. I will let you guys know if it works to stand them up

>> No.14932732

this, and black afgano

>> No.14932733

Just sticky tape them to the wall :^)

>> No.14932737
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This is what I currently do

>> No.14932766

Incense kind of smells shitty, but try 40 thieves it's very much what you described

>> No.14932772
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>> No.14932773


>> No.14932780

M04 and M01 are essentials. Perfect for layering or for minimalist vibes.

>> No.14932782

Do you sweat on your face? Anyways, deodorant on your armpits is enough of a health concern to many people to warrant buying aluminin-less variants, so if you do that, please do not put on toxic shit in your face. A less harmful variant would be talc, but it still not exactly healthy.
You can try moisturizing and seeing what effect it does to your sweating. Also, if you live in a very humid climate, a goof portion of the "sweat" you see is actually condensed water from the air. In this case, you likely have a problem with clothes breathability instead of sweating.

>> No.14932788
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Give it to me straight do I need to stock

Coeur du desert
Juby XXV
Fate Man
Black Afgano?

>> No.14932792

That's pretty cool.
How's ENS for the summer?

>> No.14932803

I think Cour might be fine, as its knows ingredients appear to only be restricted. The only things which will be gone for good are Peru Balsam, Styrax, Verbena, Tagetes and some other synthetic aromachemicals which us mortals have no idea what they do.

>> No.14932804

Yeah, I was leaning towards either the M01 or Escentric 01 for layering but wasn't sure which to go for. I suppose M01 is a safe bet but the notes listed for the E01 sound appealing

>> No.14932808

Fuck, i just realized that Green Irish Tweed has verbena as a note. Hopefully it is a fictional note already, otherwise, rip another classic in perfumes.

>> No.14932810

I heard opponax is banned as well. GOODBYE JOOBY

>> No.14932813

Tons of phenomenal fragrances are going to cease to exist. Within the community this is a large deal for rightfully so

>> No.14932817

Opoponax got a Restricted-specialized label. In so far, we do not know the extension of these restrictions. It may be above a certain quantity applied on skin, we do not know. Hopefully fragrances will not be affected.

>> No.14932821

I'll just buy fate man then and be done with it. Maybe a sample of the zoologist line you have all been shilling for the past while.

>> No.14932827

TF or Burberry London? I don't think there's anything to be banned in the latter.
Purely a hype job. 01 is lliterally just Iso E Super mixed with PA.
Seconding Floriental. I bought it for my gf and can't stop sniffing her. She also loves it.

>> No.14932834
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Apparently this will only affect fragrances from 2022 onwards. Turn off the alarms, for now.

>> No.14932857

two years to stock up and become ebay plugs

>> No.14932896

Isn't the IFRA a sort of trade organization that basically self-regulates? Why would they make their lives such a living hell by banning everything?

>> No.14932919

Because they know if they don’t, the EU nanny state will put severe restrictions on fragrances in general.

>> No.14932928

I could have sworn the Burberry has some Oppoponax in it?

>> No.14932940

because this way the can keep mass selling their trash perfumes so that niche and quality frag producers get gimped and leave the market to the big bois.

>> No.14932942

Has there been a similar category shitstorm before? I feel like I don't remember this happening when previous IFRA amendments came out

>> No.14932944

Who cares fuck oppopashit

>> No.14932947


>> No.14932959


It started in the 70's and got progressively more restrictive from there.

>> No.14932965

I feel like this is the real reason

>> No.14932971

I like how Jeremy just admits his latest vid he is filibustering for greater monetization because the video was shorter than he expected

>> No.14932991

It's not great either, though

>> No.14933078

his time is almost up lads.
he's going to go postal
and nuke berlin with Sauvage molotov cocktails.
The streets will be paved with blood.

>> No.14933120

Review anon here. Thanks to the anon that sent me the sloth sample. Got it and am wearing it now. As some others have said. Apple, cinnamon, woody, with a skunky animalic to it. Skunky in the best way though, altogether it’s actually very pleasant and the best noticeably animalic zoologist I have smelled. Kind of had the wet fur skunk you might associate with a sloth. It’s strangely warm and endearing with the sweetness and woodiness buffers. Definitely better than the new bat. Kind of has that apple cinnamon pie smell you get in 1 million prive but much nicer and higher quality. Strange but pretty pleasant I keep putting my nose up to it. This may be a masculine spin on a zoologist dna gourmand but not super gourmand-y.

>> No.14933145

Thanks for the review and thanks to the anon who sent it to you. Another apple kinda sounds boring to me after just trying panda and macaque

>> No.14933151

should we invite Jeremy to /frag/ and let him join in the banter?

>> No.14933157

1 Million Prive is unironically one of my favorite frags, and this is coming from a guy who routinely shits on designer scents. It's sweet in just the perfect way and is such a homely, warm smell. Gotta try Sloth now shiiieet.

>> No.14933159

He would probably kill himself after one thread we better not

>> No.14933198
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>> No.14933259

The aluminum bullshit is a myth. You absorb fuck all aluminum from the salts in your antiperspirant for it to be a concern, especially when compared to other sources of aluminum that we deal with just fine. I'd use an antiperspirant-deordorant like Arm and Hammer's "Fresh" kind on your pits the area between your pits and thighs. I wouldn't suggest putting products meant for those areas on your face. Among other things, fragrance can be very irritating on the face. But desu you could try it and if it works for you then knock yourself out; any side effects would be temporary. I'd try the above and see how far that gets you. If your face is unusually sweaty then you'll probably have to go to a dermatologist or something. There's options like Botox.

>> No.14933270

I'd say goodbye L O N D O N but I doubt Burberry used much naturals in their frags anyway. RIP Secretions Magnifiques?

>> No.14933274

Astounding ignorance in this post tbqh.

>> No.14933276
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>> No.14933281

See >>14933270. You think Burberry used real oppoponax at their prices? But for all we know they might have I guess. I've been hearing London has been getting harder to find, besides at discounters? It's not impossible that we could see it discontinued.

>> No.14933298

>How's ENS for the summer?
Wondering the same. Might cop

>> No.14933310
File: 3.20 MB, 828x1792, 3F696F45-F981-4C1C-88FE-E55B66068D70.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Date for Men is the only true sexcore fragrance worth your

>> No.14933321

Good on a rainy day

>> No.14933329

Watched 2 of his videos. Not a bad reviewer and has some money to blow on this. I found his fragrantica reviews and he does a lot of rojas. Definitely has a sexcore aesthetic though.

>> No.14933352

What is that nose even

>> No.14933361

probably fake

>> No.14933414

Seen the word masterpiece being thrown around a lot for jubilation xxv and chypre palatin. What are some other perfumes that are generally considered to be at that level by fragrance autists?

>> No.14933426

Cont: spoke to victor very briefly. He did send me the notes list though. Crazy fucking list, notes I’ve never seen used before. He bamboozled everyone who smelled it. Some of the notes: Chamomile, açaí berry, lavender, mushroom, oak moss, beeswax, marigold , hay, frankincense, myrrh. The idea is an oakmossy fragrance because moss grows on sloths and lots of traditional sleep aid ingredients because sloths sleep so much. The “apple cinnamon” was more Fruity sweet spices. The furry skunk was the oak moss and mushroom. Strange stuff but innovative. Never would have guessed.

>> No.14933433

Fucking hell MFK Gentle Fluidity Gold smells amazing

>> No.14933459

Date is honestly terrible. It smells like juicy fruit gum mixed with Office. It smells like something that should be selling for 25.00 at the drug store. If I smelled it blind and someone told me it was a new Oaco Rabanne clubbing scent, I’d believe them. Horrible stuff.

>> No.14933485

>Chamomile, açaí berry, lavender, mushroom, oak moss, beeswax, marigold , hay, frankincense, myrrh
That sounds awesome and makes total sense with the sloth theme. I wonder how many of those are naturals.

>> No.14933487

Yes but I'm in Canada so I expect it this summer
Go buy some nice clothes instead, this is /fa/
based fuckacum butt

>> No.14933511

>implying i come to this board for anything other than this general

>> No.14933526

>Go buy some nice clothes instead, this is /fa/
best advice this tread has ever seen.

>> No.14933568


>> No.14933580
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Thoughts on Farenheit? Tried it on at dillards today and liked the smell but it reminded me of something an old man would wear. Do women like it?

>> No.14933593

Is Chanel No.5 really getting reformulated?

>> No.14933599

It sucks, anyways. Gabrielle, Coco Mademoiselle, Chance are all much better. Modern No.5 smells like cheap bathroom cleaner. Probably due to the dozens of reformulations is has already suffered.

>> No.14933600

its a classic, women will like it but you should be wearing frags for yourself

>> No.14933601

F-for me it’s C-Chance by Chanel *sobs*

>> No.14933607

Sometimes I will look at room inspo or have a laugh at sexcore threads but this is the only thread I consistently visit on /fa/. Frag thread is top 3 threads on 4chan

>> No.14933629
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Why haven't Chanel stocks dropped yet? Literally every single of their frags has jasmine and ylang-ylang and none of their execs are panicking over this?

>> No.14933641

Because they probably just laugh and pay the IFRA to look the other way. Chanel gets to do whatever the fuck they want, the competition gets neutered.

>> No.14933643
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Thinking of trying out some Guerlain fragrances, pic related in particular, and the rest of the L'homme Ideal line, and L'instant line. Would the above listed be suitable for someone in their early 20's or best suited for someone older?

>> No.14933661

Animaltranny is still alive in our hearts

>> No.14933664

Was it a tranny after all or was it someone impersonating her?

>> No.14933666

They will only have to change it in 2 years. They will begin worrying about it in July of 2021.

>> No.14933711

I bought l'homme ideal (black sides and cap) when it came out and used to wear it during my last year of high school, mainly when I went out at night. My then girlfriend liked it, so I assume it wasn't necessarily a scent that didn't belong on an 18 year old. I'm not too sure how it compares to the edp though.

>> No.14933726

>l'homme ideal
Hmm, interesting. Think I'll order a few decants and see whats up. Just after something that isn't too polarising and won't make me "smell like an old man".

>> No.14933749

Don't quote me on this, but i remember it starting off slightly fruity and then becoming woodier, while having some sweetness to it all the way through. I don't think it smelled of old men but I'm not sure it's something I'd wear casually, at least at our age. Give Yves Saint Laurent L'homme a try as well if you haven't. I remember it being slightly fresher and less sweet than the Guerlain while having some similarities when it comes to base notes. I used to like it more and find it more wearable casually. My memory is not particularly good though so take that with a grain of salt.

>> No.14933789

I'm a huge fan of YSL L'homme, basically my go to scent for work in spring/summer, so from what you described, a sweeter more gourmand type fragrance thats kinda similar to YSL sounds interesting enough for me to give it a shot. Thanks

>> No.14933832

>YSL L'homme
Hows the performance though?

>> No.14933846
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I wore sauvage for a day because i lost a bet and 3 women complimented me wtf bros

>> No.14933848

As a 30yo boomer LHI cologne is the most youthful frag I own, still has enough Guerlain character for it to be somewhat interesting to me. Big almond grapefruit character straight out of the gate.

>> No.14933862

because women don't give a shit about your $300 eau de faggot and as long as you smell somewhat decent they'll like it.

>> No.14933898

Does sauvage need time to get good or what? I tried it once and found it repulsive.

>> No.14933901

I have a vintage bottle which has solid perfomance; 4 hours projection and 7-8 hours longevity, but also have a 2018 bottle I made the mistake of purchasing which doesn't perform for shit.

>> No.14933906

Sounds good, LHI cologne was definitely one I planned on trying out, apparently it's being discontinued which is a shame

>> No.14933969

Hey lads i have a bottle of norne i havent used and i want to trade it for slumberhouse ORE or just sell it whats the best way to go about this?

>> No.14934032

so whats similar to marc jacobs bang? i found an old sample sitting around and thought it was great until i looked it up to see that its been discontinued.

>> No.14934046

There is a cologne version, 4 out of 5 Luca Turin’s stars, pretty much the safest and cheapest options for you. And you can completely forget about L’Instant since it is pale water nowadays in the current iteration.

>> No.14934051

is a fucking shame. You know nothing about #5, imbecile.

>> No.14934090

>No.5 smells like cheap bathroom cleaner
They should have gone with expensive bathroom cleaner

>> No.14934114
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because is a mass appealing fragrance faggot?
is good for 30 min after he become a chemical mess

>> No.14934165

Sounds very interesting, glad a sample made it your way. Would be cool to have someone who's never smelled the line blind-test them and try to guess an animal for each scent, might get some interesting results. So much of a fragrance only becomes apparent once you've got a name / notes list in front of you. Looking forward to the video!

Would also much appreciate if you can use your tenuous connection with Victor to get more info on their IFRA situation as things progress. He's so far said he's heard nothing from the suppliers, but it's pretty early days and that's not a denial of things down the line. No worries if you can't, I know you wanted to step things back a bit regarding your channel so don't feel pressured

>> No.14934171


>> No.14934284
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>stuff like oakmoss extract no longer get sold

In 'murica, domestic niche frags (i.e. made by shaving company) are and will still be loaded with a shit tone of oakmoss.

>Will the IFRA affect the compounds used in the perfumes themselves

The vested interest here are the houses that developed their own patented/proprietary substitutes. Guerlain's 2016 reformulations are up to par with vintage, for example, because of their oakmoss substitute.

>> No.14934397

>Would be cool to have someone who's never smelled the line blind-test them and try to guess an animal for each scent, might get some interesting results. So much of a fragrance only becomes apparent once you've got a name / notes list in front of you.

I did some sensory stuff at uni and the thing is you have trouble recalling the name despite how familiar the scent is so this kind of exercise would be difficult. We did an exercise where we sniffed 12 fragrances and had to guess what they were and for all of us it was pretty much that, it smells really familiar but we couldn't quite put our finger on what it was. I think everyone only got 2 or 3 guesses correct.

>> No.14934535

Any good alternatives to Chanel Sycomore?

>> No.14934578

So you're saying i won't be able to smell like burned lizard because some weak faggots may sneeze? Fuck this i will pour entire bottles on myself everyday to make them get respiratory failure try and stop me you cunts

>> No.14934587
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how much is victor paying you?

>> No.14934627
File: 64 KB, 768x576, 7dbec7f338a0fd76942c4191db69216f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any chance the new IFRA regs will fuck with this baby right here? And what about Frederic Malle stuff? There's a whole bunch of FMs I've been sampling and would like to cop eventually.

>> No.14934644

So, how hard is hookerfag laughing right now with his massive collection of niche bottles that are about to double in value?

>> No.14934649


You're just not what the fragrance represents. Either grow a pair or ditch it.

>> No.14934651

Money never mattered to him so selling never crossed his mind probably. The prestige of owning OG bat is worth more than 600 to him, etc

>> No.14934712


It is funny how you are asking about a reformulation of a Chanel because of IFRA but you want it intact and simultaneously planning to purchase a “whole bunch” of staff issued starting 20 years ago. Do you really think FM’s weren’t diluted several times already? Please. Would you buy a toyota from 2000 like Cologne Bigarade? Or a Nissan from 2007 as French Lover? Just google “[perfume name] reformulation site:basenotes.net” and enjoy. The Down, The Night and the Moon you can buy though.

>> No.14934718

I feel like I can't trust side by side comparisons. Let's say I'll wear Fragrance A for a day and like it. I'll wear Fragrance B the next day and love it even more! Then when I put one on each wrist to compare the two I prefer A.

Noses are weird.

>> No.14934734

That is victor, anon.

>> No.14934766

Did you just get a bottle for your 17th birthday, Ahmed?

>> No.14934786
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Current winter roto. I finished my Chergui in December and bought bought this week Interlude and vintage Jubi due to the new IFRA regulations. Post your rotations lads and rate others.

>> No.14934790

It's been reformulated already for many times. My friend emailed Luca Turin like back in 2010's to ask if the formula got changed and he confirmed it.

>> No.14934791

So, I asked for 2 cheap fragrances to gift my parents and the discounter sent me Black XS by mistake. I sent them an email reporting what happened and asking for a voucher to send it back. They replied by saying that they are sending the correct products to me as soon as possible. Did I just get a fragrance for free? I guess the price of the procedure of sending it back to them is higher than it is worth, kek.
Nah, salvage is shitty. I still like it sometimes, but there is no denying.

>> No.14934797

Encre Noire unironically

>> No.14934804

That Nicolai one has me interested. I keep trying like amouge but all the frag reviews keep me from sampling.

>> No.14934814
File: 1.46 MB, 1536x1025, rhino_web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO I've been wearing Rhinoceros from Zoologist for the past week at work and today we had a meeting about a bunch of workers complaining of "people" wearing heavy colognes . I'm the only one who wears frags at work lolllll

>> No.14934822

Keep doing it until they call you out by name. This feminine indirect way of trying to fix the issue should not be encouraged
Although it is true that you shouldn't go to work with 25 sprays of rhino everyday. Try keeping it under 12.

>> No.14934824

lol someone came up to me yesterday and said "why do you smell like chewing tobacco"
I do 4 sprays which is overkill but I don't care.

>> No.14934825

He's why ifra is a thing

>> No.14934833

do I cop BDC as my signature for my work so I don't burn through my other frags?

>> No.14934852

Yeah, enjoy your signature being every other coworker's ex-boyfriend and brother's scent.

>> No.14934859

This 2bqhfam. If people are too gutless to give you the respect of coming to you directly with their problems, they don’t deserve consideration.

>> No.14934861

Here's a question, how does Brexit affect these new regulations? Does Britain not have to subscribe to them?

>> No.14934875

It’s just one guy samefagging trying to make it seem like a big deal. Most stuff is synthetic anyway

>> No.14934879

It’s not necessarily a matter of the rules being legally binding. It’s that you can’t sell your products in the EU if you’re not IFRA-compliant, and the EU is one of, if not the biggest, markets in the world for fragrance, so it’s a de-facto global ban.

>> No.14934885

>It’s just one guy samefagging trying to make it seem like a big deal
>Most stuff is synthetic anyway
Correct but I reckon they're also restricting synthetic ingredients that god knows how will affect fragrances. Sarah from 4160Tuesdays was concerned herself about the natural ingredients restrictions.

>> No.14934893

IFRA is not EU controlled per se. It is an international organization in which the countries own regulatory agencies choose to submit themselves to. Leaving has no effect to the legal validity of its norms.
You can see all the members here: https://ifrafragrance.org/about-ifra/membership
Most of these are either state agencies or comprise of pretty much the entire industry of production and retail in the respective countries. In some, though, it has no effect other than advising companies. The US is one the the latter, I think.

>> No.14934900

Most of the components banned are weird mix of letters synthetic organic compounds. It is just that we have no idea what they do, but linalol and geraniol, for example, are widely used synthetic components that are being restricted.

>> No.14934908

165 posts, 54 unique posters on this thread. Doubt it's just one guy samefagging.

>> No.14934919

I geta discord tranny vibe from some of these threads. Too scripted to be authentic, too reasonable to be anything but shills or reddit. Pretty sure some of us post from a phone, so knock down some of those ips.

>> No.14934926

So, you’re saying that because we’re not all hurling shit at each other like a bunch of retarded bonobos, we must be reddit and/or shills? Fuck off with your nonsense.

>> No.14934930

Seems to me like the guy constantly insisting that the new regulations being put into place are no big deal and nothing we should be worried about is much more likely to be a shill. Just sayin’.

>> No.14934953

Keep up with the strawman if you want, but I think these threads are manipulated.
No one knows the specifics yet, a few naturals were axed, a few have to be toned down. How much? Still conjecture, a space that I'm not the least bit interested in. We'll have more specifics later, but the extreme amount of anxiety currently displayed shouldn't be encouraged. It's fear mongering, others trying to control your emotions and actions. I've always bought the big bottle if I like anything, and anyone post ifra should know by now that a backup is a reasonable action. No doubt many houses will be hit hard, but I see the constant ifra threat not only killing the industry of quality content, but also this thread.

>> No.14934963

Be honest: you have a psychiatric disorder, right? Is it schizophrenia, or just some kind of anxiety disorder?

>> No.14934968

It was me who brought the regulations and I've been posting here for years. Apart from mentioning Interlude as potential reformulated fragrance I haven't posted on this topic at all.

>> No.14934974

Chanel no 5 has been reformulated probably half dozen times by now, nothing in life is permanent.
Then I'm clearly not talking about you then.

>> No.14934983

It’s new news. We are allowed to discuss new news here. Or would you rather us just shitpost old memes. It’s honestly very refreshing to have such a hot topic discussed on the board. It has also sparked some fun side convos. Let’s keep it fresh, I’m sure the regulars have appreciated it.

>> No.14935018

No one should believe anything posted on this site, I'm sure the "regulars" are aware of this by now and are also aware their opinion carries no more weight than the next anon. Unless they start namefagging and tripping, I couldnt care less of what they think. Hand wringing and pearl clutching over some smells, no wonder Chad gets all the pussy while you stress over ylang ylang and your zoologist that uses cat piss as a base for everything.

>> No.14935033

>Summoning civetposter with this autismo level

>> No.14935055

Are any of these actually a health risk?

>> No.14935057

he dun goofed now

>> No.14935091
File: 22 KB, 500x333, CD59EBE3-E362-48A7-A58B-8EE969BA1E7F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s the problem: you’re arguing against your own point. You assert that someone is manipulating the thread to cause a panic, presumably to sell bottles. However, you also claim, when it was pointed out how many individual posters are in the thread, that some of those IPs are likely fake and that there probably aren’t many people here. Now ask yourself: would it really be worthwhile for someone to pay someone to shill products to a few dozen autists on a Bhutanese civet appreciation board?

>> No.14935128

Ifra and the shills are two challenges we face, I'm sorry you are conflating the two. A free bottle is a free bottle, but what kind of person calls directly the head of a house on the phone, and they tell them all the notes and have a nice little chat about the weather presumably?

>> No.14935131

The regulars go unnamed but their posting carries this thread. People who show up to share their thoughts carry the thread. Anons also have unique writing style so you can tell when a certain personality is speaking so there is more life and community than you think here. We all have lives outside of this, it’s nice to come somewhere that I can nerd out over frags over. Everyone on 4chan is a nerd or a reformed one. The furthest natural chad and Stacey goes is Reddit. All around normal people don’t come here. Something at some point in our lives knocked us off regular person course and this is where we congregate

>> No.14935133

>not just calling the CEO of a company because you feel like it.

Not gunna make it

>> No.14935149

If I were trying to create a buzz around a product, I would head here. It's free, and carries a certain amount of cache to certain types that would be appealing to a niche brand. You're the target consumer, the fraghead, and this is the self proclaimed island of lost toys.

>> No.14935173

Except we are like 40~ regulars with already developed tastes

>> No.14935214
File: 73 KB, 800x599, ap_19119635581722-c62fab0c8e5e4cfe3e0c165a8ad06a37bc653a70-s800-c85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya businesses wanna spend money coming here shilling to bitter autists who hate most frags than paying off youtubers thousands to shill their products to retarded consumerfags who know nothing and are willing to buy anything.

>> No.14935225

I would gladly spit on my mother's corpse if she bought into some shill garbage

>> No.14935240

some like peinture by miro, cy twombly, victor, and blinky palermo enough to pay good money while others enjoy such classical masterpieces such as botticelli, monet, chanel, and millet. Which ones should dominate discussion? When you publicly proclaim that you turned this into some unwearable smelling niche thread, dont expect to not have pushback.

>> No.14935253

Based schizo. Say more words

>> No.14935262

SampleSperg was a godsend compared to this sheer amount of autism.

>> No.14935292

It has already happened several times
>that tranny brand that creates popcorn fragrance

>> No.14935324

dial back the fucking breakfast bongs you paranoid /x/nigger
cognitive decline seems to have hit you like a sack of manure

>> No.14935330

>some people like niche, while others like designer. Who are YOU to judge what is good?
This one was easy to decipher. Maybe his condition is improving?!

>> No.14935331

Not him. Wouldnt a sack of bricks be heavier and harder thus causing more damage?

>> No.14935332

youre glowing

>> No.14935351
File: 830 KB, 2386x2386, butterflygang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty sure no one wants to talk about my fragrances here everyone is kind of stuck up

>> No.14935352

Who puts bricks in a sack? Put manure in an old feed bag that's gonna be 30 kilos probably, will have a bit of inertia, and would probably split on impact.

>the cia is pushing fud about the recently announced harsher and broader ifra regulations in order to prop up the economy with department store sales
>where was I? you concerned about coumarin? lmao what are you an old man? you won't get pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy pussy oh where was I? oh yeah unless you wear clubbing scents 24/7 buy eros and stop being concerned

>> No.14935359
File: 219 KB, 1273x1024, 1577012053684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these scent molecules directly travel into your body and activate certain regions of the brain. its someone else sticking their finger in your brain, and you dont seem the least bit concerned.

>> No.14935362


>> No.14935366

Or people here are interested in fragrance, someone buys a bottle, they enjoy it, they post here saying they enjoyed it, others try it and like it too, and people start posting about it here more.

Or it’s a massive conspiracy to sell stuff to like 30 autists. That seems plausible too.

>> No.14935375

What the actual fuck is going on here? I feel like I’m on LSD. Shit’s completely surreal. I don’t even know who to @ here. It’s all so completely asinine.

>> No.14935387
File: 162 KB, 1506x1309, Screenshot 2020-01-14 17.47.03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey guys what's going on in this thr

>> No.14935388

amazing thread possible only through the power of our collective autism

>> No.14935389

It won't drag the Chinks in, lol. Soon we will be buying perfume from the Chinks just like everything else.

>> No.14935394

r u a girl? OwO

>> No.14935402

if someones going to stick a finger in me, it might as well be brittney

>> No.14935420
File: 71 KB, 750x1334, L'HOMME INFINIMENT3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rose clouds of holocaust
How is it?

>> No.14935422

Asked for people to check out /frag/ on Jerememe's newest vid
We will grow as a family, everyone

>> No.14935434

Thanks for destroying this general.

>> No.14935435


>> No.14935436

Are you the MDCI fag from a couple weeks ago? Someone was recommending which were the best to try in the sample box besides IB and CP, but I don't remember which ones. I may use one of the five slots to get something for my mom also.

>> No.14935450

>How is it?
Still my favorite Oud+Roses fragrance after testing 30+ fragrances with this accord. It's oriental and dandy. Think Lord Byron lol.
Ye, it was me. I was probably recommending Fetes Persanes as a must have together with IB and CP. Cuir Garamante is snice and overlooked, too. If you want something for your mother then Peche Cardinal and La Belle Helene are absolutely stunning. I will buy the former for my gf at some point. However, note that you can have repeated fragrances in your sample set of 5 lads. The other time I ordered 3xIB and 2xCP.

>> No.14935460

You mean black aoud right? Perfume nationalist describes it as barnyardy and burnt/rubbery, you wouldn’t say its loke that right?

>> No.14935472

Yeah, I mean Montale. I wouldn't call it Barnyardy but there's some rubbery quality to it. Many people call it 'burnt plastic' and this is I believe what they refer to calling Black Aoud 'synthetic' too. Not gonna sing a Paean here and pretend there's no such thing in this composition as this is precisely what makes Black Aoud masculine and appealing to me to be honest, and distinguishes it from hundred other MFK-like powdery or sweet Rose+Oud combos.

>> No.14935481

Ahh perfect, thanks man. Fetes Persanes looks nice, and I'm definitely intending on doubling up on Invasion Barbare. I was thinking of Cio Cio San as well, but that seems like it might be better for a gf (if I ever get one ;_;) than my mom lol.

>> No.14935520

Welcome bby <3
Soon we'll have a whole load of pantydropper Pajeet untermensch in our chat

>> No.14935541
File: 2.31 MB, 5344x2275, jdu4dcbfoea41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my collection anons uwu

>> No.14935555

god mugler bottles are so fucking ugly. they look like something you'd pick up at a gas station next to Axe body spray

>> No.14935560

>these unshaved tranny legs in the mirror
Also, this is something unique to have 100+ fragrances and not a single good one.
Quads of truth.

>> No.14935565

They won’t stay don’t worry. As soon as the realize we bathe in unwearable niche they will turn tail. I and others have worked to install the current pleb filter with all our niche discussion.

>> No.14935566


130-140 I'd guess.


>> No.14935589


>> No.14935595
File: 2.62 MB, 4032x2268, 20200114_153518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and classics pilled
I want to try mdci's chypre quick rundown?

>> No.14935606

let this be a warming to you sll

>> No.14935608

>everyone rates mugler cologne ITT as some sort of gold standard freshie
>until somebody posts it within their uberautistic collection

>> No.14935643

That's some great stuff you've got here. I went through my 5ml sample of Santal majuscule really quick. It's really, really good stuff. Wondering if you got it because of my shilling a month ago when I was testing it.
CP is implementing each of three orthogonal axes of a chypre structure in a complex and elegant way. It's like listening to a full symphony orchestra going smoothly through three movements. Claude describes it on his website as "Opulent. Sumptuous. Imperial" and besides being a pretentious frenchy he's completely right.
I might sell Jubi back though. I still have reservations about the blackberry+oud combo that reminds me of some cheap blackberry chocolate. I will give it a couple more wears and see. It also serves the same role as Interlude for me and I don't really like to hoard fragrances any more and prefer to keep up to 5 in a seasonal rotation.

>> No.14935647

Is anyone ever going to address the fact that alot of the perfumes list as a note g-rape-fruit?

How is this naming allowed?
Do they even smell different to normal children?

>> No.14935652


>> No.14935656

That sums me up desu. I think I got into niche due to my natural contrarianism. I remember one time at an airport going through Dior's booth. I actually really liked Sauvage (back then I owned only 4711, L'Homme which was a gift from an ex-gf, and Eternity) but despised deeply the celeb marketing and the fact that my another super normie ex-gf bought it for her father and brother 'cause it smells sooo good'. For that reason I bought Eau Sauvage instead. On that day one of /frag/ shitposting legends was born.

>> No.14935659

t. ifra

>> No.14935679

So what? That's one fragrance within a massive brand lineup of stuff which is mostly not worth buying at all. Also, are you really trying to defend the autistic hoarding of essentially every scent from a sub-par house? You entirely miss the point.

CP is implementing each of three orthogonal axes of a chypre structure in a complex and elegant way
explain that please

>> No.14935686

Triggered that you're also too much of a pussy to feel comfortable rocking masculine scents?

>> No.14935690


>> No.14935693

This looks like a shelf at an Indian dollar store.

>> No.14935699

Sauvage isn't shitty. It is just a different genre of fragrances that most pussy enthusiasts are into. Most people who are autistic about fragrances have a pussy personality who might actually like "classical" music over EDM. Sauvage is too crass for their sensibilities. Meanwhile...most women want a guy wearing Sauvage because they don't like pussy men.

>> No.14935704

What do you feel about Emporio Armani He?

>> No.14935722

I find that a little disorientating at times. I obviously don't know anyone irl who is particularly into fragrances and online fragrance communities are pretty bizarre. I could really imagine myself getting drawn into this which makes me a little concerned.

>> No.14935736

rent free, baby

>> No.14935744

>explain that please
Okay so first of all, chypre for me is primarly a structure of a fragrance not really any particular scent. However, some implementations of this structure are so classic that immediately bring to mind the chypre association (e.g. bergamot, oakmoss, labdanum). The structure classically consists of
>zesty citruses opening (on the sweeter side)
>floral heart (rose and optional white flowers)
>woody (oakmoss and/or patchouli would be a staple ingredient), resinous (labdanum) or animalic finish.
We all know though that head-heart-base model is just an approximation to describe a fragrance and one rarely can observe three distinct phases following each other. What one can rather typically smell is the dynamic interplay between all three phases at once changing over time. The ingenuity of chypre is that these three phases don't really blend chaotically into each other but stand out as separate groups (that's why I call them three orthogonal axes). Now this can sound like a very limiting restriction but actually there is infinitely many ways of implementing this structure bounded only by an author's creativity. CP is definitely on a more classic side of things and following roughly the mentioned structure. This is what makes it a masterpiece for me though, despite quite limiting restrictions it's done modernly and beautifully complex. The closest comparison that comes to my mind is an art of writing a fugue. This is a fucking restricting compositional technique with many rules that one must abide to but for me Bach's fugues are one of the most beautiful and creative pieces of music ever written. Another example of a modern creative take on rather classical chypre structure can be Zoologist Nightingale. Look up the notes on fragrantica and you will understand well why.

>> No.14935748

To finish this post, let's go through some example of a rather non-conventional chypre.
>ELDO Rien
I'd call it a leather chypre. The ingenuity of the guy who composed it really commands my respect. So first of all, he replaced the citrus phase with aldehydes which is really bold and mind-blowing idea if you think about it. Then he kept some classic structure with flowery mid and faint patch and oakmoss in the finish but what you can really smell here as the main actor on this third axis is leather. Really brilliant (and very post-modern epitomic of ELDO style) stuff.
Lol, I can't believe I just spent 20 minutes writing about chypres here.

>> No.14935749

So do Boots sell any decent frags or is it all Jeremy tier cancer?

>> No.14935753
File: 38 KB, 375x500, 375x500.51353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is T-Rex wearable? I'm about to order a sample.

>> No.14935767

Based MDCI anon delivering some quality posts.

>> No.14935771



no it isn't wearable unless you're in a forest away from other humans

>> No.14935780

Got £40 to drop on a new bottle for my collection
50ml of Luna Rossa or Dolce Gabbana Pour Homme?

>> No.14935781

More like took from reddit

>> No.14935788

I exclusively douse myself in leaded petrol, which is more masculine than your synthetic recreation of rotten dog semen will ever be.

>> No.14935794

enjoy having cancer

>> No.14935805

Preferable to wearing sauvage.

>> No.14935819

‘Rate my (growing) collection anons’-reddit reposting is a staple /frag/ shitpost bounding our small group together by hating these faggots. Any regular should recognise these posts

>> No.14935845

>So what?
It's an excessive and consumerist collection that I will (being generous) never have more than a sixth of by numbers open at any one time, but I opened the image and clearly in the front row is a regularly recommended and well regarded frag.

EDM is its own counterexample tbqh, you can pay a few hundred bucks to go to a festival and listen to big room shit that's only going to be background music to try and pick up sloots or you can pay a small cover and go to a club night with a touring DJ that might even be doing a live set with your mates. If you're a chad you'll pick up anyway, if you are a dork you'll need some earnest interests to connect with people.

>> No.14935851
File: 34 KB, 679x588, It works every time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14935858

Are the newest batches of Dior Homme (2011) worth picking up or are they a shadow of their former self? What about Dior Homme Sport 2017 compared to 2012?

>> No.14935889

This has been by far the shittiest, most autistic thread we’ve had in months. I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed in you guys.

>> No.14935899

Fuck bro’s. How do I get out of this gourmand phase? Everything I spray that doesn’t smell edible and delicious I don’t even entertain the idea of buying anymore

>> No.14935904

I had that phase. You grow out of it once you realize it’s very hard to be diverse in that category. Lots start smelling the same. You just pick the note you like. I like honey so I went with bee. Tom Ford noir extreme is unironically very good despite awful performance though

>> No.14935913
File: 11 KB, 225x225, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really love wearing this cologne. Got it about a week ago. No compliments yet, but no compliments needed either. Makes me feel like I'm in the 70's. I also regularly show off my awesome chest hair. Keep wearing Bee you non-men.

t. wishes he wasn't born into this modern nightmare

>> No.14935915

What did make you so angry anon? Imo it was an okay theead

>> No.14935918

He has a point. Some autistic entity joined the thread about 40% through and made a mess out of it.

>> No.14935920

This. It was fine until the schizo conspiracy autist turned up and the thread became absolute chaos. Now it’s all shitposting and dick waving.

>> No.14935921
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>> No.14935922

I still don't get what his conspiracy is about. Better to leave it to rest.

>> No.14935931

I have no fucking clue. I think he thinks based ScentScavenger is secretly an agent of the IFRA leaking information to get us to panic buy frags, which makes about as much sense as... well, most things that get posted here, really.

>> No.14935938

You mean the guy claiming that niche companies shill here their products? Lol how it can even get anyone angry. That’s one of the least innocuous theses proposed in these threads (probably wrong regardless but I don’t care if Victor comes here and shitposts with us to be fair lads. Would be cool actually). I think you’ve forgotten old niche/designers wars goof for 300 posts in couple subsequent threads, first pheromone shotposting, hookeranon writing dissertations in defence of his lifestyle, fragrances going to your bloodstream-fate, nazi midget with rotten teeth or samplesperg. This thread was chill and I was just skimming through the conspiracyposts

>> No.14935940


>> No.14935943

That’s terrifying

>> No.14935950

>injecting fragrances into your bloodstream
That escalated really quickly. And the conspiracy people are thinking is what >>14935931 described, I think.

>> No.14935958
File: 362 KB, 598x603, pop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like he hit a sore spot, unrelated, whats yalls favorite? About to put in a new order and need some regs

>> No.14935962

Damn I’m finally coming around to my norne sample and it’s sold out

>> No.14935963


>> No.14936014

Did I just have a stroke?

>> No.14936019

>Thinking ScentScavenger is an IFRA agent

Im not sure if the accuser has actually seen my youtube autism but if they haven't I assure them I am not getting monetized anytime soon. I am just reviewing what I was going to sample anyway. I havent received anything from anyone except a sloth and snicebomb sample from a friendly anon here.

You and me both. Motherfucking Josh. Any portland anons go bang on his door. I am on the "wait list" but thats just paper he uses to wipe his ass. I honestly wish he frags sucked so I could be free of his bullshit but they are wonderful.

>> No.14936021
File: 33 KB, 393x421, Screenshot_2020-01-15_02-14-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im wondering what the iso blue smells like, is it like iso e super blue scent like BDC? looking forward to the leather and dv8, and my good buddy jungle juice

>> No.14936031

I have no idea about any of that, but I once got a fantastic blowjob from a Romanian hooker while using poppers. Shit was breddy gud, man.

>> No.14936046

Very glad I got my Norne bottle. I knew Josh wouldn’t be able to “mass produce” anything. Fucking hippies, man.

>> No.14936053

you strike me as a useful idiot if anything
ifrafags will shit up your thread completely for the next 3 years if you do not check them
shills will roam wild also
two things
not one
fuck batchcodes, reformulations, all the drama, you live for the drama, this hobby, do you ask an american how great his culture is, or maybe do you look for a consensus answer from others outside the noise?

>> No.14936056

Oh no, he’s back.

>> No.14936060

Please go to your frag cabinet and drink them all. Thanks.

>> No.14936065
File: 200 KB, 1200x1200, wong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you want this guy deciding what animal beast he wants to turn you into? some unfuckable canasian with a mop? Have you heard of the tshirt experiment? Go back to your corner, armsniffer

>> No.14936079

I honestly have no idea at all what the fuck you’re trying to say. Are you ok? Did you have a stroke? Do you need medical attention? Is there a medication you’re supposed to be taking? What do you need? I’m worried about you!

>> No.14936134

I heard chypre palatin got reformulated but theres also a video of Claude himself dissmissing the rumor as just a simple color change. Opinions?

>> No.14936154

based MDCI anon, your nerdy knowledge is always welcome here. I'm gonna out myself as a pleb now by saying that I've sampled CP and honestly wasn't blown away by it, but I'll keep on trying it out. With the same order I got Histoires des Parfums 1725 and I fucking love it, thinking about copping it.

Can you recommend other chypres to try out? Does Frederic Malle have any good chypres?

>> No.14936163

>I've sampled CP

>> No.14936208

“It’s been reformulated” should be tattooed backwards on our chests. I saw the video in a basenotes thread and was fascinated by an idea how cynical the perfume business is. And I am a divorce lawyer.

>> No.14936216

I don’t know how a color change isn’t a formula change

>> No.14936217

>you live for the drama
t. the faggot currently marking the thread with his /x/nigger piss

>> No.14936222

link to video? I'd love to see it

>> No.14936231



>> No.14936279


Well known and respected blogger is adamant it has been reformulated. Worth the short read the owner chimes in with some emails posted.

>> No.14936321

I've never tried an Aventus clone before but what about getting a bottle of CDNIM for a date I'm having soon?

>> No.14936333

Buy a decant of aventus

>> No.14936338
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>> No.14936450
File: 30 KB, 500x500, 81420869D1_OS_Barbershop_ToBrandcom_Redwood_BW_Fiji_front__26533.1554959103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What your guys opinion's on body wash. If I start using it will it interfere with my cologne?

>> No.14936514

I'm gonna do the same soon man, i know everyone here will hate on it but whatever, i'm never gonna be able to afford a bottle of Creed.

>> No.14936518

>will it interfere with my cologne
Maybe for the first hour when you're fresh out of the shower. Body wash scents suck anyway though, I use an antibacterial bar soap that is just a neutral clean scent, and keeps my pits from getting musty. Combined with crystal deodorant, its just me and my fragrance.

>> No.14936540

they say its just a dye that was removed

>> No.14936541

like by the fireplace better, but it was heavily polarizing and some cunt co-workers complained to management about it. I've yet to meet anyone to outright dislike jazz club and i'm halfway through the bottle now.

>> No.14936592


Am wearing this now because my other thing is empty. I work in an environment where 90% of the lady customers are thots, curious about the results of this scent. It was a gift, pls don't bully.

>> No.14936627

What is your other thing?

>> No.14936703

Autists cry that 20 sprays of la nuit don't last an hour and others are worried that their body wash is too strong

>> No.14936744

We won’t give tryouts shit for buying clones, person from Jeremy’s vid, we could give you shit for blind buying a clone of a meme fragrance without knowing what the meme is about to begin with.
Aventus and its clones are not good date fragrances.

>> No.14936844


Cartier Declaration. New one will be Papyrus Oud thanks to you guys.

>> No.14936853
File: 80 KB, 400x590, comment_3cPwk4Ye8RufnMEpmD0zWQJLvUpAzkD7,w400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One man show ruby smells on my skin like gucci intense oud and both are atomic bombs
What the hell i never saw these 2 being compared

>> No.14937085

One man show is a meme and gucci is trash

>> No.14937089

Yeah, it most likely was. Despite liking Claude, I think that Kafkasque is right on this matter. The good news is that the reformulated version is great.
Look up Wafts from The Loft's videos. They've done some videos on chypres.
>Does Frederic Malle have any good chypres?
I don't recall any from top of my head. Malle is rather heavy on orientals.

>> No.14937096
File: 532 KB, 640x550, 1577804832070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy a bottle of norne to flip on ebay
>people tell me hes mass producing and seems to be true
>he finally sells out

>> No.14937128
File: 47 KB, 375x500, 375x500.5012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just want to see if anybody has tried this one. It's a bit of a niche scent but very different... and English.

>> No.14937135
File: 1.01 MB, 882x632, Screen-Shot-2017-01-15-at-7.07.09-PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New thread:

>> No.14937300

poivre samarcande from hermes. also smells like pepper with strong iso e super base

>> No.14937855

>One man show is a meme and gucci is trash
Gucci Intense Oud is one of their best next to discontinued GPH and GGA

>> No.14938240

Based catposter.