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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 227 KB, 1125x1116, beard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14934448 No.14934448 [Reply] [Original]

there's no excuse for a beardless "man".

>> No.14934452

yeah there is its called having jaw and chin

>> No.14934456

This. Beards are for old men and ugly men.

>> No.14934462

>Coping this hard

The most masculine man are clean shaven

>> No.14934464

I don't need to hide inferior facial aesthetics/genes with a beard.

>> No.14934465

How resentful do you beardlets have to be to make posts like this?

>> No.14934482


Most often than not guys with full beards are either fat, bald, have weak facial structure
U ain't an alpha viking just because you let your hair grew

>> No.14934484

You're a fucking hipster faggot that follows the popular trend like the sheep you are.

>> No.14934497
File: 327 KB, 1280x720, 61e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is bait but I'm still content with laughing at jawlets unironically posting OP pic

>> No.14934498

This thread reeks of insecurity on all sides lmao

>> No.14934499

lol, OP btfo.

I have excellent facial hair genetics but look best of all with 3-5d stubble, because I have a nice face. When I've grown big beards it's kind of fun but I can say it looks better on me. Some girls like it a lot, of course.

>> No.14934530

people who can grow beards can chose to shave it
people who cant grow beards have no choice

who is coping?

>> No.14934546

To be fair, there's cope on both sides. The people who try to reinforce the meme that only ugly chinlets have beards are clearly desperate to shoot down those who have precisely what they don't, but on the other hand, the people who buy into the dumb hypermasculine fantasy of having a beard will usually do it to compensate for the overall lack of it in their personality and the way they carry themselves. For everyone else who isn't autistic, all that matters is whether it suits you or not.

>> No.14934580
File: 222 KB, 1000x1000, 38B0172A-0300-4828-AA9D-BF39BF46E1D3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beards are a cope for a weak chin. The only acceptable facial hair is a mustache

>> No.14934595

For everyone saying beards are only used to hide weak chins– Why is this a problem? How is it any different to wearing garments that change or obscure the natural shape of your figure? I rarely ever see any threads shitting on the latter, and yet it serves essentially the same purpose.

>> No.14934631

this, I have one just because I look better and it accentuates my perfect nose and eyes

>> No.14934633

Most of the board is skinny and underage, meaning they have sharp jaws and no ability to grow a beard

>> No.14934640

the 'stache is the ultimate chad test
if you grow one you will either look like a molester or gigachad, there's no in between

>> No.14934648

beards are for lazy, unkept sloths. which is why I associate beards with homeless men.

>> No.14934776
File: 47 KB, 960x720, mAcic2u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beards is for ugly men what makeup is for ugly girls: a cope to hide their face.
And fordeluded people who think their appereance defines their manliness and not their actions.

>> No.14934782

You still haven't explained why its inherently a bad thing for an ugly man to make himself look better with a beard, or an ugly girl to make herself look better with makeup. Why should they be condemned for trying to improve their appearance, regardless of how limited that improvement might be?

>> No.14934787
File: 21 KB, 500x328, enough (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u know who loves beards?

>> No.14934802

that might be true but I respond to the implied "real men wear a beard" bullshit those fags ponder around.

I'll get my beard lasered because I'm pretty and shaving sucks.

>> No.14934803

He didn't claim that, he said it's a cope for ugly men, which is true. You're the one making the jump that coping is bad.

>> No.14934811

I shit on all of it. I'm really only on this board to tell people that ugly can't be fixed and that good looking people look good despite a complete lack of effort.

>> No.14934828

Not when the tone is so explicitly negative, and the same goes for all the other identical "beards are cope" posts in this thread. Why else would they all feel the need to parrot each other when the point has been made countless times over in this thread alone? It's almost as if they're all overcompensating for something...

>> No.14934831

Tbh it's so weird how you have so many women in blogs/reddit/whatever saying that would only date bearded men, yet irl and even on many Online Communities I see the opposite , with Beards only being attractive if the man himself is attractive/fit enough. I never had a girl say anything about my clean shaven face

>> No.14934844

the difference is makeup is not natural. a beard is and in that case, can be attributed to how naturally attractive you are. your point is moot and nothing but a cope because you lack the testosterone to grow one. theres nothing wrong with that so dont kill yourself.

>> No.14934848

Seems like you just hate yourself. Beauty is subjective but there is a loose standard amongst us all.

>> No.14934849
File: 29 KB, 349x642, db0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beards are for men
>lol can't grow a beard
>whoa, chill, It's almost as if you're overcompensating for something...

after a while the act of getting told stupid shit just annoys you hard. Ever saw a "shave" thread? Me neither.

>> No.14934853

believe me, i had the beard of the beards, and in the end, it decided me more than my personality did. You'd never guess it, but being humble enough not to grow one is considered more manly by what they say are mature people.

>> No.14934855
File: 36 KB, 980x653, cavill-mission-impossible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only way to pull this off without looking like a pedo is having a high level chad face

>> No.14934856

That's some serious cope right there.

>> No.14934866
File: 125 KB, 1222x1209, high_test_soyboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dont worry honey, she (our kid) will be attractive as soon as she's in her twentie.... oh


>> No.14934870

beards are for men with shit jaw genetics

>> No.14934874

yeah, true

>> No.14934878

most people have shit jaw genetics, with or without beard, the fact that you cant grow a beard indicates low testosterone, and you wont have a strong jaw with low test

>> No.14934880

It's makeup for men and unlike women, so men are exempt from need

>> No.14934881

ID on the zippered jacket? I need to watch MI apparently

>> No.14934901

I didn't say testosterone has anything to do with manliness or character. you can't grow a beard because you lack testosterone. try to keep up.

>> No.14934910

how is it cope when it's true? Im admitting there are beauty standards but because there even exists unconventional beauty where some might disagree on the attractiveness then its a loose standard. This means beauty is subjective, and even those who follow the normal standard, some people dont find them attractive at all. its all subjective this world isnt black nor white but rather many shades of grey.

>> No.14934920

Dude on the left unironically looks better, at least something's going on with his face

>> No.14934976

Dude on the left is not Bilzerian. He's some mentally ill dude who was popular in Lithuania during early days of youtube

>> No.14934978 [DELETED] 

w2c a waffle t-shirt for a sane $10-20 ?

>> No.14934984

>Ever saw a "shave" thread? Me neither.
I have, but they aren't very common which is good because they are very autistic.

>> No.14934988


According to this logic having hair is a cope because you cant look good bald.

>> No.14935024

i thought its common knowledge that only those who look good even without hair are truly beautiful.

overall beard growth or density in that matter is determined by genetics, not your test or dht levels.
Muscle growth is a much better indicator for test levels. So: post body

>> No.14935034

I just trim to stubble because shaving is a nightmare for me and beards are soi.

>> No.14935062

I've actually found most of the women I've known to dislike big beards, most like stubble though. My ex hated when I had a big beard. Now that I'm single I have a beard, but that's due to not caring anymore

>> No.14935064


>> No.14935070

>most like stubble though
the problem with stubbles is, when you kiss you shredd her face. At least mine becomes like rough sandpaper.

>> No.14935076

Yeah that shit sucks. A shame though cause stubble is objectively the best look out of all facial hair

>> No.14935084

It softens after a couple of days or so of growth if you don't mind keeping it a little longer. I try to keep it at around 5-10 days growth.

>> No.14935120
File: 30 KB, 678x572, twin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

started shaving because:
>most men my age in my area had meme beard
>barbershop/beard culture is cringe
>onions meme
>looks like shit if you are into trad,preppy,DA
>jap cuties don't like beards

I'm joking about that last one,women don't know what they want

>> No.14935136

thats not really stubble for me anymore though.

>> No.14935144

>looks like shit if you are into trad,preppy,DA
This. Christian Chensvold (the guy who runs Ivy-Style) looks ridiculous, dressing preppy with a big lumberjack beard.

>> No.14935175

When will you idiots learn that both look nice, and you can rock both without looking like an idiot? Beards even look cooler with some looks, like nautical, and worse with other looks, like techwear. So if you can, just switch it up from time to time, just like your hair. Fashion has a lot of avenues to explore, you don't have to pledge loyalty to anything.

>> No.14935180
File: 6 KB, 400x200, foot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I grow a beard when my lower third looks like a beautiful foot? I drew a picture for reference.

>> No.14935186
File: 103 KB, 634x960, 13482976_1158134437541667_5124094287248285451_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looks like shit if you are into trad,preppy,DA
>jap cuties don't like beards
Good thing nobody told Toshiro Mifune

>> No.14935191

Lmao no jaw copers and teenage faggot no facial hair seethers. I grow my beard for the winter and shave the first day of spring. Autumn is for stubble

>> No.14935226

>sharp jaws
Most of this board has incel shooter chins, yet they can't grow beards. This is why beard threads get so heated.

>> No.14935245

Nah, Reddit usually says all the same things /fa/ does, since the posters are all the same people.

>> No.14935254

Dude, there are plenty of jobs that require employees to be clean-shaven.

>> No.14935263

That short sleeve waffle shirt is worse than everything else

>> No.14935325

I'm sorry you're a Walmart greeter, but no one in a real job cares.

>> No.14935355
File: 174 KB, 1188x1028, 8E1A6659-A288-4FA0-9E5C-F69F51B0AF55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what did you say to me lil shit

>> No.14935372
File: 6 KB, 318x159, he's done it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I said you peaked with Mad Men, fucker. You're still hot shit with women right now but you won't be after "someone" throws acid in your face

>> No.14935383
File: 49 KB, 1080x606, CFF80CEA-BB06-44AF-990B-6084A1A9D60D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14935384
File: 9 KB, 300x222, 1562429465871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do people just not understand that we go through a cycle of people wanting to look younger for a decade and then older for another?
the 2000s was a younger, clean shaven decade so expect 2020 to be young too if you hate beards.

Come the fuck on. at least /g/ knows computer theory. I'd expect /fa/ to know the the same in its field.

>> No.14935414

These threads have the same energy as cut vs uncut dick threads on /b/ back in 2012 - full of insecurity on both sides
There are good looking people without a beard
There are bad looking people without a beard
There are good looking people with a beard
There are bad looking people with a beard
Being insecure because someone elses hair on his face is pure söy

>> No.14935588

This meme make me want to commit die.

>> No.14935592

Every bearded man I've ever known has been incredibly, deeply insecure, basing their self-perceived masculinity on their facial hair and ethnicity.

I mean actually crying and throwing full-blown adult tantrums because someone made a joke about their beards. Every single one.

>> No.14935630

Where did the meme that looking younger by shaving was a bad thing come from? Why would you wanna look 40 when you are 20?

>> No.14935634

Some people look better with them, some without. >>14934988
Some people can look decent bald, some look horrible. Like bro some people are ugly, some are attractive. Most are inbetween

>> No.14935717

The quality of the company you keep says more about you than it does about them. If all of your bearded friends are pathetic betas then hell, you're probably one too.

>> No.14935720

Males are worth more the older they are just as females are worth more the younger they are

>> No.14935734

Imagine not growing a trimmed mustache with a light stubble since 2018.
The seasonal fag and just b urself lads are right too. But listen to me if you want to do something with your facial hair

>> No.14935929


>> No.14936059

Weak jaw, good beard: grow a beard to hide your weak jaw
good jaw, weak beard: obviously remain clean shaven
good jaw, good beard: remain clean shaven, show off both and look masculine by leaving a little stubble or growing a moustache
weak jaw, weak beard: remain clean shaven. you'll still look ugly but at least you won't look gross and ugly
clean shaven is the clear winner overall

>> No.14936063

babies btfo

>> No.14936082

why can't I have a hairline like that?

>> No.14936131


>> No.14936155

haha oh boy i haven't seen my chin in years.
to be honest, i didn't shave even when my beard looked ridiculous. now it's semi decent, passable.
i won't shave though, even if i have a good chin and a normal jawline, i would look like a highschooler i think. also long hair+shaven is literally trannymode, no thanks.
i really hope my beard keeps improving, when did yours stop making progress (thickness and number of hair)? i'm 21

>> No.14936206
File: 187 KB, 328x346, beard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think my beard looks good on me? Yay?

>> No.14936229

if i saw you at night i'd walk across the street

>> No.14936234
File: 520 KB, 647x422, smile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why dude? I'm not black.

>> No.14936235


It's not bad, but could benefit from more volume.

I'm not a bead expert though so take that with a grain of salt. Looking good though dude

>> No.14936246

somehow more lighting made it worse. you look like you haven't slept in 5 days and you look like you would sodomize your cat because it pissed you off. you need to get rid of your beard and never smile that wide AGAIN.

>> No.14936253
File: 383 KB, 797x468, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks dude, I sometimes clean shave, the facial hair can itch but sometimes it balances out my face as I shave my head.

I have naturally baggy eyes, well somewhat based on my lifestyle. I work long shifts sometimes late as a dishwasher.

Here I am clean shaven with a little makeup trying out an "androgynous" look haha.

>> No.14936263


>> No.14936648


based. big beards are a fucking meme, the reddit-tier pic in op is some of the best evidence that beards are no longer "manly". instead they've been taken over by fat tattooed hipster redditors who've never changed a tire or thrown a punch in their life.
nowadays it's all about clean-shaven or stubble.

>> No.14936663

Stop posting this dude, you’re not fooling anybody you fucking loser.

>> No.14936665

long hair plus shaven is literally panty wetting romance novel front cover material
fabio doesnt have a beard
imagine being such a closeted tranny that you think shaving will unleash your inner tranny

>> No.14936672
File: 65 KB, 436x590, ddd4a302779a01f2e21bd160ff14bdde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are more /fa/gs here who can't grow a beard, probably zoomers and trannys, from that direction we probably experience the most cope reactions.

>> No.14936687

reminder that there are no new fashion trends and you are only being encouraged to pursue styles that cost more money

beards are only fashionable when they have been manicured at a salon, much like hair is only fashionable when it has been styled for values in excess of sixty american dollars

>> No.14936695

There are plenty of real jobs that don't allow beards as well. Police, fire, EMS, a lot of medical, aviation, etc. I'm a pilot and I actually have a beard now because it's basically the last time in my life until retirement age that I'll be allowed to, once I hit 1500 hours and get a "real" pilot job I'll have to shave it off because pilots need to be able to get a good seal on an oxygen mask if the plane decompresses.

>> No.14936725

Justify the number of "men" who grow beards just to hide their weak chins compared to men with an actual chin

>> No.14936808

beard in 2020, yikes dude

>> No.14936810

In my country most public-related jobs don't allow you to have a beard, it's seen as unprofessional.
These are mostly boomer firms though, I think in 10-20 years things will change a lot

>> No.14936906

Y'know I would agree but then you went retarded with the whole "REAL men change tires and fight"

>> No.14936949

beauty is not subjective. we are all attracted to same basic standards of beauty like manly physique, wide arms, tight waist, straight posture, clean skin etc, wide hips with tight waist etc. just because one person in a thousand has a certain paraphilia causing them to be attracted to things otherwise considered non-desirable like obesity or baldness do not mean that beauty is a fluid concept. beauty IS black and white

>> No.14936968

...to a certain degree, then there is a small variation in preference on top of that

>> No.14936970

there is a variation on more obscure details on human's physique like color of hair or color of eyes. i would say that beard is such a obscure detail aswell - popularity of beard is just a matter of fashion. it doesnt change the fact that nowadays beard is a numale coping mechanism of choice

>> No.14936980
File: 121 KB, 927x582, whiskers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should I keep my tache or nah? You decide, /fa/

>> No.14937011

Nah, Dan confirmed it was him. You lose nerd

>> No.14937091

I don’t care if you agree fucking faggot

>> No.14937097

hiding your fat body in baggy clothes is also funny but it's less funny, and generally doesn't have quite the same accompanying mental gymnastics

Super telling though, the man who covers himself rather than fixing himself says something obout his drive and ethic

>> No.14937110

fucking cool

>> No.14937161
File: 258 KB, 1006x1341, 6A104451-52DB-4FAA-A832-8624ACAA454D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I shave them off?

>> No.14937165

your eyebrows? yeah

>> No.14937172

Oi, what’s wrong with my eyebrows?

>> No.14937193

How do you put on sunscreen with a beard? I'm very fucking white and I work outdoors a lot, so sunscreen is absolutely essential. If I get anything more than stubble and I rub sunscreen into it, the sunscreen sticks to the hair. When it dries it looks like I've got a ton of dandruff all over my face.
Do people with beards just not work outside, or do they just accept the skin cancer?

>> No.14937238

>Implying a beard makes you manly
A vagina can grow hear too

>> No.14937247


>> No.14937251

Fucking moron. Apply to where there is no hair.

>> No.14937254

It goes in and out of fashion. People have a stupid obsession over beards, pro- and con. I think it's mostly /fa/ shitposting, but having a beard is either unmanly or it's manly depending on which time of day you ask someone.

>> No.14937285

The pedostache?

>> No.14937305

Is it pedostache-looking?

>> No.14937309


because the sun hits at an angle other than perpendicular to the hair (unlike the hair on the head), beard hair offers very little in terms of protection from the sun, especially during peak UV around noon.

even for the densest beards, SPF was less than 10 (some less than 5) during midday sun angles. typical summer shirt fabrics have a ~6 UPF (SPF for fabric).

suffice to say, beards block very little UV.

>> No.14937310

What's the context of that picture? I laugh everytime I see it.

>> No.14937314

Idunno, I'm not /fa/ enough to really know

>> No.14937320
File: 260 KB, 500x376, 185346579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have great jaw, thanks to my father
>grow mustache
>sister tells me i look like a child molester
>lean into it, buy gold-rim aviator prescriptions
>sister tells me i look like a serial killer now
>hairline receding at mach 3, nature will be giving me a skullet in a few years
I made it lads, i actually feel handsome for the first time in my life.
and is that not the important thing

>> No.14937406

>only realize my facial features are actually attractive in the last two years
>bogged down by lack of confidence
I just struggle to not give a shit

>> No.14937418
File: 35 KB, 612x612, b8e4230d35d55c7569ad0315849760ac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Beard is only for so..

>> No.14937460

Asians that can grow good beards often pull them off well because we don't expect it in the first place.

>> No.14937472

This is beyond based

>> No.14937478
File: 83 KB, 860x791, 47-470730_pepe-meme-facepalm-png-download-pepe-the-frog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no excuse to look like a tattooed trashy freak either.

>> No.14937518

It's not about having a beard, it's about being able to grow one.

>> No.14937526

That's why you grow stubble

>> No.14937531
File: 35 KB, 600x350, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagining making false-flag obnoxious-fag-with-a-beard threads to try and persuade /fa/ to hate beards just because you can't grow one.
That's exactly what it is too. A guy that makes a thread like this is a petty, narcissistic bitch.

Normal guys that can't grow one probably spend <1 minute per year thinking about it. But this guy sees some hipster and it cuts him deeply, even though that hipster just has a beard to make up for lack of a chin.

>> No.14937548

I have a strong jawline and I'm not LARPing as a bum

>> No.14937637
File: 35 KB, 800x600, gc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beards are for old men, and chinlets.

>> No.14938036

b a s e d

>> No.14938221

Those beards are disgusting but does anyone really call clean shaven childlike? Arguably its okay for chinlets and jawlets to grow beards because it looks better than not growing one. In the end of the day, the real argument comes down to: are you attractive? Are you confident? Thats it. Of course some onions cuck faggots are going to get shit on for some pathetic beards, but i doubt anyone actually looks like those chads on the left because unfortunately through generations of nutritional neglect we have ALL become lacking in testosterone. I doubt there will be anyone who looks like that again for a while unless theres some kind of paradigm shift and society as a whole changes its ways.

>> No.14938228

Except that beards are naturally occurring and makeup is not, and it takes time to cut/trim your beard, so clean shaven would be closer to makeup.

>> No.14938468

chinlets and jawlets claim that clean shaven is childlike, because they themselves look like children or women when shaved.
It is the ultimate cope

>> No.14938713

these neck beard don't groom

>> No.14938891

I have never known anyone with a beard who said "shaved people look like children or women"
you confuse reality with internet memes

>> No.14938902

Shut the fuck up, first off. Second, I bet that hipster in op's pic could stomp your sub-80 IQ brain into a mash on the pavement.

>> No.14938907
File: 595 KB, 1534x2044, 2CA0BCE9-FF75-4B9C-A9E7-A97A2FAC32BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>needing a beard
ultimate cope, and I say that with this hairline

>> No.14938920

>chinlets and jawlets claim that clean shaven is childlike

I never have and I have never seen it happen. Anon is right you are confusing reality with memes.
I freely admit my beard is a cope. If I could have a Chad jawline I would but I can't so I do a thing that makes me slightly more aesthetic.
You know this so why do you have to be so mad that you can't grow one yet? You probably just need to get a little older.

>> No.14938921

faggots can't handle the truth. go wax your faggy beard and suck off your barber shop buddies fucking queer

>> No.14939008

henry cavill looked the best in the witcher, he should really grow out his hair and shave

>> No.14939042

This, his face really suits long hair

>> No.14939073

Best beards are patchy and wild and make you look like Diogenes the Cynic. Coupled with receding hairline and a suit, you get peak Punished Salaryman.

>> No.14939157
File: 712 KB, 245x200, I7Z.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Marlon Brando

>> No.14939158

Reddit likes to claim that any female who likes clean shaven guys is a nonce

>> No.14939174

Midget with no muscles or fashion sense, mantits and a weak chin. What other way to cope than growing a beard lol
Daily reminder that the weaker of a jaw you have, the more facial hair you need to look good. My sweetspot is a bit of stubble rn.

>> No.14939209


>> No.14939210
File: 72 KB, 700x466, 1578010957971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being a "man" is a mentality.
Just by making this thread you have a long way to go to get there, applies to 99% of this board probably

>> No.14939212

They would all look good if they did these things.

1. Eat a high caloric diet with turkey, chicken, and liver.
2. Play multiple sports like football, basketball, baseball, and soccer and rotate the sports every three months for a total of four sports a year.
3. Shave like a marine would have too.
4. Go to a real barber not a salon.
5. Work hard labor on the side or as a second job.
6. Boxing, Wrestling or MMA should be mandatory on top of the multiple sport rotation.
7. Buy a used and busted up car and learn how to fix it up.
8. Get a dog, not a cat.
9. Use your bedroom for sleeping not a hangout.
10. Once a month the entire family should BBQ and play a game of baseball.
11. Calisthenics & Hard Labor is enough, Bodybuilding is degenerate and Strongman competition are exceptions. Crossfit if you want to snap some shit.

>> No.14939214

People who can't grow beards wrote this. Post jawline if you want to prove me wrong

>> No.14939216

Just when you thought it couldn't get gayer than "real men have beards".
There's no way you're older than 16.

>> No.14939220
File: 2.95 MB, 638x360, cross-shit.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god am I laffin

>> No.14939224
File: 149 KB, 347x468, I_shit_my_pants.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I grow a beard?

>> No.14939227

>t. 100% REAL man who is also really manly Look guys how MANLY I am haha

>> No.14939408

Stubble looks way better than a full on amish tier beard.

>> No.14939519

Beard guy here.
I wish I had a stronger jaw line and that I wasn't bald, then I could shave.

At least I'm not into "le beard culture".

>> No.14939525

fucking lol

>> No.14939536

You look like a cross between Sid Haig and Nik Fiend.

>> No.14939709

beard memes are the absolute most cringey shit holy fuck

>> No.14939729

beards are pure cringe

>> No.14939739
File: 23 KB, 451x600, kop-van-baudelaire-raymond-duchamp-villon-43438-copyright-kroller-muller-museum[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14940103
File: 90 KB, 551x800, Bundesarchiv_Bild_183-S72707,_Heinrich_Himmler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14940209

I would let Henry rape me until I bleed. If I smelled his sweaty pits I would cum immediately. I normally consider myself pretty masculine but when I see him I just want to be fucked like a girl.

>> No.14941405

Shit, I am found.

>> No.14941432

>4. Go to a real barber not a salon
Biggest fn meme ever. Last time I went into a so called “barber shop” I got my shit fucked up by some pussy hipster. I’ve been going with a lady at a hair salon. I always get a classic side part with tapers. She does all that fancy shit you see on ig.

>> No.14941451

Is it at least effay? I am confused.

>> No.14941481
File: 68 KB, 730x554, hoooooooooooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14941502

Beards are for ugly men. No way around it.
If you want to cover half your face, its probably because you need to.

>> No.14941507

You look like you cut childrens penises off in a nazi concentration camp back in 1944 and kinda feel proud of it because you do it for science

pretty interesting to see falseflagging outside /pol/
These beard and tattoo hate threads are nothing more than circlejerk threads where teens (age range of /fa/ is from 16 to 20) feel good about themselves and their undeveloped bodies, you have to be a stupid nigger not to notice that

>> No.14941509

Barber shops are a meme where söyboys go to feel manly and shitskins go to feel white

>> No.14941521

OP is not just a faggot, he's an insecure faggot.

>> No.14941523

White tweaker = nigger

>> No.14941525

Jewish chimo/10
Criminally underrated

>> No.14941549

Find a good barber

>> No.14941756

Why? Those "perfect fades" are only popular with arabs and niggers in 2020AD
Everyone else is rocking those disconnected fades that your friend can do

>> No.14941771

I have a jaw and women love it

>> No.14941780

its okay anon, a lot of men dont have enough testosterone for beard growth, but cheer up its 2020 and masculinity is bad, you really wanna be called a chauvinist nazi pig for wearing a beard???
Open displays of masculinity should be banned

>> No.14941783

Cringe chinlet cope

>> No.14941787

I can grow a beard too, but the job i do it would be scruffy and a nightmare to paint

>> No.14941878

hahaha ur such a MAN

>> No.14941959

I have a massive chin and am a chad, didnt you notice from my writing style?

>> No.14941986

if you were actually so confident in your beard and appearance, you would have posted it already. You're not fooling anyone faggot, kill yourself and your parents so they can't reproduce again. Thanks man.

>> No.14942070

that dude expels the aura of masculinity but at the same time you know he cant fight for shit

>> No.14942081

this >>14942070
also every retard with a beard looks like he's giving up
it's not the dark ages anymore you coffee shop bearded tards, shave ffs

>> No.14942176

you sound really insecure man, like a little mouse

>> No.14942179

mmmkay boomer

>> No.14942182

in English we would say "exudes"

>> No.14942190

What is that 3 dot tattoo meaning?

t. has one since teenager and not sure what it even means

>> No.14942192
File: 7 KB, 242x209, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna add 2 more dots

>> No.14942194

every dot for a beardlet he pushed into suicide

>> No.14942202

Jawlet with strong beard genetics here, I openly admit that my beard is a cope but it works for me, I get a decent amount of attention from women and have been in a relationship for the past 4 years. Why wouldn’t I use my god-given innate talent for growth and sculpt my face into the kind of shape I want it to be? I wasn’t born to be a chiselled Chad, some of us have to work with what we have.

>> No.14942254

Imagine not being able to literally grow a strong chin
Beardlets know that their life is harder so they make cope threads after cope threads

>> No.14942257
File: 150 KB, 800x1239, 800px-Comparative_evolution_of_Cuneiform,_Egyptian_and_Chinese_characters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love symbols n shit

>> No.14943239

military, bitch. I shave every day. unless you are some special forces dude because they spend like a year in the field and shit.

>> No.14943728
File: 706 KB, 1088x718, 1572968372295.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they would look good if
O boy
>High calorie diet with 3 specific protein sources including liver
Lol so you want them to gain weight?
>Play 4 specific rotating sports
Advocating for regular exercise does the same thing for appearance
>Shave like a marine would have too
Besides your aylmao grammar, you could simply have written "shave" and it would have the same meaning
>Go to a real barber
If the end result is appearance, the tools don't matter. Go wherever you get the product you want at the cheapest price
>Work hard labor on side or as second job
Once again, you can get the same effect from regular exercise
Or just regular exercise
>Buy a used car and learn to fix it
Doesn't impact your appearance
>Get a dog
Doesn't impact your appearance
>Use your bedroom for sleeping not hanging out
Doesn't impact your appearance
>Once a month BBQ and baseball
Holy moly mate have you ever written a thesis statement before? Doesn't impact your appearance
>Calisthenics and hard labor can replace bodybuilding
Imagine advocating for all these hyper meme "muh traditional men" tropes and dismissing weight lifting as degenerate.
>Crossfit over liftan'
Ahahahahahahaha this has to be bait right?