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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 388 KB, 1067x1213, 20200106_193747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14919334 No.14919334 [Reply] [Original]

>cant make up for the face edition:

>Post Current stats
>Daily Routines
>Meal strategy


low calorie food & drinks list

>> No.14919527

>hateful anorexics in denial
>/fit/rats that outnumber actual thin posters
>memes like "1200kcal/day max" and starvation mode
>regulars have all been bullied out of the general
>zero actual thinspo

This place is garbage.
There's almost no reason to browse this shit hole anymore. Want actual thinspo or to talk about EDs? Go to myproana. Want to learn how to lose weight? /fit/ unironically has better advice. Fuck this thread.

>> No.14919532

I notice that I literally never shiver anymore, even if I stand outside in the snow naked while freezing cold. It takes me forever to warm up, I can't drink cold water without my finger nails going purple from the cold. Could this be related to weightloss? I'm pretty sure it started happening while I was fasting over the summer.

>> No.14919558

this thread has become less and less useful probably because most people who want(ed) to be thinspo already are

>> No.14919563

In my opinion this thread is great for those who wanna lose weight in the normal bmi range (or slightly below) and don't want to gain muscle, unlike /fit/. Mpa is full of mentally ill people who are "scared" of regular food and other tardy shit. Most of the normie weight loss groups only accept fatties who lose weight for health purposes. So let us be and support each other you fucktard

>> No.14919572

I originally started browsing this gen for exactly that reason, but the last few threads have just been the same 3 fucks telling everyone that they look disgusting and need to gain weight. Im a skeleton and my bones are visible without flexing and I get told I need to gain weight LESS on normie weightloss forums than I do here

With that in mind, what's the fucking point of this thread?

>> No.14919581

>be 18 bmi 12-14% bf
>realise that I can only lose ~3-4kg of fat before i get into the essential bf fat range

Is it correct to assume that anymore weightloss from this point onwards (even really slow, accidental weightloss) will just be muscle mass unless I'm training like crazy?

I run a lot, might crosstrain on the rowing machine as well because my upper body and core is pathetically weak.

>> No.14919702

sounds like cardiovascular problems, you might want to get that checked out

>> No.14919719

Got some bloodtests lined up, doc was going to give me an ECG because my RHR was below 60 but then the ECG broke twice in a row and my doc retired, new doc said my RHR was fine as I exercised a bit, I'll bring this up next appointment

This started at 20 bmi so I doubt it's weight related but of it is then damn, am I supposed to be fat or something?

>> No.14919810

Most of the posters don't visit anymore because it's just giving good advice then met with /fit/ and keto tards trying to argue

>> No.14919811

No, unless your like 15 bmi you shouldn't get much muscle mass loss

>> No.14919816

I would 100 fuck this man and I’m straight

>> No.14919829

Stop conflating keto advocates with that saviour complex fitrat from last night, keto is fucking amazing if you have shitty carb tolerance, it made maintaining an uw bmi literally effortless vs. Absolute hell for me

Not for everyone, but its not useless either

>> No.14919864

>keto tards trying to argue

Point proven

>> No.14919892

big news comin your way buddy

>> No.14919903
File: 51 KB, 491x625, 1576517342426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This place is garbage.
>There's almost no reason to browse this shit hole anymore. Want actual thinspo or to talk about EDs? Go to myproana. Want to learn how to lose weight? /fit/ unironically has better advice. Fuck this thread.
Wow you are autistic. See ya later then I guess.

>> No.14920441

he looks like 13. kys pedo

>> No.14920493

Fucking anorexiafags get of my board

>> No.14920553

How do you guys manage to eat enough? I basically never feel hungry so i just force myself to eat 1400 calories daily. Should i just lessen the amount or do i have a problem?? I used to struggle with anorexia a lot so im just trying to not fall into that, while also staying healthily thin.
>135lbs (19.5 bmi)

>> No.14920574

you're male? put on 50 pounds while lifting

>> No.14920636

I've never struggled with anorexia or getting myself to eat. I imagine that you'd have an easier time eating if you found more food that's particularly palatable/pleasureable to you. I'd reccomend trying out new foods, recipes, and restaurants, and making a conscious effort to think of eating as a positive thing (nourishing your body, etc.), but I make that reccomendation not knowing what mental struggles a former-anorexic may have.

>> No.14920661

Silly question: are you getting enough iodine?

>> No.14920666

I'm wondering if it could be a thyroid issue too, anyway I consume fish literally 7 days a week, so probably

>> No.14920691

That definitely sounds like you're getting enough iodine, then. Not very many people get enough because of the sea salt=good/table salt=bad mindset.

>> No.14920823

I mean there’s foods i really do love and enjoy, and i’ve definitely binged before (used to do it a lot actually lol), i just find it difficult to ever work up an appetite
>gain 50 pounds
:/ if i was gonna be muscular i’d much rather be thin and toned

>> No.14920856
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>5' 11
>126 lbs
>face looks normie/ chubby compared to the rest of my body
what gives

>> No.14920862

Could be a hormonal problem.
Get a blood test, king.

>> No.14920871

many potential reasons:
weak bone structure
body naturally stores fat in face
too much sodium
not enough water

>> No.14920902

Jealous tranny.

>> No.14921135
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>> No.14921141

>tfw 52kg 1,73cm male
Give me your weight plz I don’t want to be a twink

>> No.14921310

> 5' 4" (162 cm)
> CW: 96.6 lbs (BMI 16.7)
> GW: 93 lbs, maybe, or just liking my body, idk
> SW: 101 lbs (down 4 lbs, fuck yeah)
> LW: 87 lbs; HW: 115

So, calorie cycling is the best goddamn thing I've ever discovered.

I also started with a count of calories I wanted to burn off (which works well if you've got a nice Fitbit device and if you're annoyingly anal about tracking every calorie, urk). It's both keeping me accountable and helping me not freak out and give up if I eat a little more than I wanted to on a given day.

Also also got Ringfit, which I use the day after my higher-calorie days, and I track everything on Cronometer so I can keep an eye on my micros. It's taught me that I need to supplement with... basically everything, but particularly potassium.

Any other Cronometer fans? Bc it's the best, honestly

>> No.14921327

see you in the next thread!

p.s please use a tripcode

>> No.14921334

I unironically can't gain weight at all but I have IBS I think
I wish I could switch out these traits

>> No.14921345

Do you'll go through cycles of binges where you eat at maintenance calories or at a small deficit like 500 calories?

I usually go through cycles of eating 500-800 calories for 2 days but then binge around 1500 calories for the 3rd day?

>> No.14921358


YES. Same here. I later discovered that that's natural calorie cycling and I just built that expectation into my goal-setting. It's been pretty helpful in sticking to my goals

>> No.14921371

Yea I used to eat <800 calories then binge 2000 and fast or eat <500 to fix it, but having planned days where I eat healthy food at or close to maintenance has helped a lot in killing the urges to binge on trash

>> No.14921386

I was thinking about having my diet be 5 days of low calories, but including 2 days of 'refeeding' of 1500 calories to make it more easier.

>> No.14921422

How low is low for you? I go all over the place between 33-1600 kcal a day trying to pretend I don't have an issue around husband/coworkers, lol

>> No.14921426

Like 500-800 calories

>> No.14921458

Yeah, do you. Personally, I'd probably have a real issue after the "refeeding" phase, either wouldn't feel comfortable eating that much or it would trigger a big binge. Everyone is different, though, and in the end it's the count that matters

>> No.14921518
File: 2.52 MB, 1337x1357, thin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5"10, 130 lbs.
i dont eat as much as i should and i also smoke despite wanting to gain 20 pounds for a minute now.

>> No.14921536

Finally got to a bmi below 19. Kinda loving my body currently, next goal is bmi below 18.5 and after that I will probably just maintain.

>> No.14921550

he cute

>> No.14921569

>gain 20 pounds for a minute now.

>> No.14922057

does anyone know if pomo speaks any english?

>> No.14922216

dont really like being this thin, ive always been underweight

>> No.14922356

fast for 48h and you will see the difference. dry fasting is better but i expect most pussies on /fa/ to be... well pussies.

>> No.14922403

Get buccal fat removal

>> No.14922462

Any advice on maintaining a low body weight (bmi 16)? Also what are good ways to burn calories other than exercise obviously

>> No.14922525

eat and exercise at maintenance, and using stimulants can burn a small amount of calories as they speed up your bodily functions, no real effective way to drop calories besides restricting and excersizing

>> No.14922567

Below 16 bmi atm, just work out your maintenance, mine personally is about 1300 atm, and do a hour walk a day

>> No.14922662

Those are fitrats replying to you, don't fall for their lies

>> No.14922991
File: 33 KB, 889x667, 1576377512660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want pictures of cute thin people.
myproana has the garbage 90s forum format. /fit/ doesn't allow anyone who isn't a roidmonkey.

>> No.14923098
File: 12 KB, 391x334, 1577870548617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to plow this so fucking bad

>> No.14923104
File: 235 KB, 828x1384, B54637B3-6921-499D-B02A-6591AADEF155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got done with my workout. Ran 2 miles on treadmill them did stairclimber for 30 minutes then finished it off with stretching

>> No.14923110

Also did it fasted. Going to make dinner when I get home. Been doing only one meal a day since New Years

>> No.14923169

Good job.

>> No.14923424

How to dress as tallish, thin man who doesn't want to look thin?

I typically wear skinny jeans, sneakers, oversized jacket. Basic af, I know, but how do I branch out?

>> No.14923448

Oversized top just makes your legs look thinner, then that with added skinny jeans, not helping yourself at all

>> No.14923526


>> No.14923549

I am always fucking tired when on low cal diet
I dont have any energy to do any work out

>> No.14923561
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>> No.14923565
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>> No.14923670

But he's not, so why are you so retarded?

>> No.14923707

Damn, how the hell do you have that much energy? Also, you're lookin cute as hell, but you don't need me to say that

>> No.14923712

Get your supplements bb

>> No.14923729

It’s really not that bad running on the treadmill when you’re listening to music. The stair climber was the hard part. You start to feel it in your abs and legs after 20 mins. I also drink a preworkout before so I get some energy from that. That definitely helps since I don’t eat until after

>> No.14923805

for a year i managed to lose weight. i lost 100lbs in a year. i fell into a very bad depressive episode and gained even more than i lost. i weigh 189 lbs and i'm 5'4''. i am grotesque. i am disgusting. what is the fastest, [idc if it's unhealthy] way to lose weight, and how do i deal with hunger pangs and hunger headaches after not eating for al ong time.

>> No.14923814

either get lapband surgery or just resign yourself to being fat and find a fat chick and have fat kids.

>> No.14923850

everyone shames me for it. my life is a living hell. i'm gay. i don't like women. i need to lose weight. i am grotesque. these tumors growing on me aren't heppling. my hips are too wide. i need to find a way out. this body isnt mine

>> No.14923876

find a chubby chaser on grommr.com
there are men who will buy you food just so they can watch you eat
you can die happy

>> No.14923887

5'10 144lbs going back to 130. Lowest I got to was 123. Wish me luck.

>> No.14923900

you don't understand. this is ruining me and i hate myself and i will never see myself as anything more than garbage as long as i am obese

>> No.14923902

just stop eating

>> No.14923903

just do one meal a day of like 1500 cals and workout as much as you can tolerate, you will be better off

>> No.14923907

>one meal a day of like 1500 cals
no dude he said he wanted to LOSE weight

>> No.14923924

Take mine, you can gave 5 whole kg if you want

What version of calorie cycling do you do? And how are you finding the ringfit? Been thinking of buying one but I don't know anyone who has used one
>liking my body
That doesn't ever happen though does it lol

If he's struggling with dizziness and doesn't know how to supplement, tapering down might actually work for him though.

>> No.14923938

>struggling with dizziness
goes away with practice

>> No.14923945

Is it just me or are skinny sweaty women hot af.

>> No.14923975

>Post Current stats
166cm, 55kg. 30DD-25-37.
SW: 62kg (around a year ago)
LW ever: 43.5kg about 8 years ago
LW this round: 51kg (about six months ago - before I moved house and started my PhD lol)
>Daily Routines
30 min tabata and bodyweight video daily, plan to add in some sort of exercise class 3x a week soon. I also walk at least an hour a day during term time.
>Meal strategy
Just try to not overdo it. Avoiding carbs as much as possible. Usually I will have some sort of small snack around 150cals for each of breakfast and lunch, dinner is shared with my husband and is usually between 1000 and 1800 cals.

I know it sounds like I'm eating a lot compared to most of y'all but my goal isn't as low as many people in this thread and I'm not in a hurry. I want this to be as sustainable as possible, because last time I did this sort of thing, I got so obsessed people started to get wise to me. It killed my social life, and then I tried to kill myself a few times. I may be a stupid bitch, but I'm not doing that again.

I don't really have an aesthetic goal other than old pictures of myself at around 50kg. I think I looked my best there - slim and athletic with smaller tits and ass, not yet skinny enough to have a gross gaunt face. Most of the girls in thinspo pics have a very different underlying structure to me - I have a curved waist and ribcage but my pelvis is WIDE. I also gain muscle very easily for a girl which is pretty annoying.

>> No.14923985

Fucl, I wish I were skinny enough to feel comfortable in gym clothes like yours, haha. Well done, I aspire to be as driven as you clearly are.

>> No.14923999

I'm under 16 bmi chillin 1300 cal, I'm out not checking this forum anymore

>> No.14924000

Don't be shy, guys would love to see your dick (female) bulging during workout.

>> No.14924011

Ew wtf, are you trying to make me hurl? Staring men is one of the reasons I stopped going to the gym and started exercising at home in the first place...
And I know it's a meme but I don't have a penis and never did, sorry to disappoint you

>> No.14924230
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I don't know what to do... I was visiting my parents for christmas, which meant that I stayed at their place for 3 weeks. They are a little bit on the heavier side, so there was a lot of food which I had to eat, not only the Jesus birthday stuff but a lot of other stuff as well. As a consequence I decided I'll start exercising and cutting calories after I get back home, and that I did. Everything has gone pretty solidly, but now I'm having doubts because this morning my mom's words have been echoing inside my head:
>i was talking to your sister and she agrees that your calves make women jealous
Well that is cool and nice, isn't it? But it isn't - I'm male. Is there any sense in what I'm doing if this is just leading to results like that?

>> No.14924248
File: 10 KB, 290x93, 5e612b46-b03e-453f-bfd3-d3779791dfdd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw 178cm, 55kg
Actually skinny, white, hairless
Would look like >>14922991 if I didn't have a fucking pectus excavatum
What the fuck do I do now?

>> No.14924310
File: 117 KB, 671x708, 1552305447952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm so hungry and want to eat but every time i do eat i feel immense shame and guilt even if it was something as small as a slice of cheese. is this how eating disorders start?

>> No.14924341

Why are you doing the isis finger point thing?

>> No.14924346


>> No.14924364

Le Memri TV Face

>> No.14924383

Post stats or pic or something, m'lady.

>> No.14924442

Male, 27 yo, 189 cm and roughly 61 kg.

>> No.14924568
File: 1.87 MB, 1025x1509, 1557316755358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm unironically considering gaining weight at this point, I'm getting so disgusted with my body

>> No.14924573

girl or boy

>> No.14924576

dude please start eating more and going to the gym, you look more concentration camp than /thinspo/ with that build

>> No.14924599

You have no discipline, you won't make it anon, if you care that much start fasting but we all know you wont

>> No.14924602

Body pic for reference

>> No.14924606


You must be new here

>> No.14924609
File: 77 KB, 1024x550, ed692bb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it looks like an obvious joke.

>> No.14924732

How long have you been on hrt?

>> No.14924757
File: 98 KB, 720x1280, 2AA32F1B-0578-4C0E-A0A7-AC93BF89B892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 6’2” , 160lbs

>> No.14924792

Who is he?

>> No.14924930

Sorry about your chest anon

>> No.14925075

How long do I need to dry fast for to cure mental illness? How long can I dry fast safely?

>> No.14925097

It's a fucking snake!

>> No.14925150
File: 46 KB, 500x405, 940fbf1c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I knew how to cure mental illnesses. I don't want to be ano-nymous. Pun was self invented.

>> No.14925157

so that pic isnt you?

>> No.14925182
File: 303 KB, 1000x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm taking one of these every day what else could I possibly need?

>> No.14925185

Can someone with more knowledge than me explain why someone with this little body fat has tits?
Gynecomastia? HRT?

>> No.14925225

You're getting an eating disorder

>> No.14925243

I gotta cure my mental illness and get my life back on track. How long do you have to fast to get back to normal?

>> No.14925248
File: 3.19 MB, 1845x3793, 20200110_213935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>65kg, around 140lbs
>bad chest and shit
>type 1 diabetes
>not even trying

I got a slight funnel breast. Is there a way to fix that?

>> No.14925264

>fastest way to loose weight
>idc if it's unhealthy

>> No.14925389

How do you get your hair like that?

>> No.14925569

Meh, I don’t mind the chest gap, I’ve seen worse. That little arrowhead in exchange for glorious winged pecs is a gud del

>> No.14925578

is this a boy or a girl

>> No.14925582

do some chest flys you mongrel

>> No.14925602


>> No.14925620

is drinking water the only way to get a thinner face?
Is it possible to get a thin face without losing body mass?

>> No.14925627

are you me

>> No.14925638

Unless you get surgery then no, just lose weight

>> No.14925642

32 hours into a unintentional fast, how's everyone else doing

>> No.14925664
File: 513 KB, 1174x889, 1419191149807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking if I should post a picture of my body again in this thread in order to be bashed, feel bad and stop eating as much as I do. I am not sure if I am overly chubby or if I just have to accept my feminine curves.

>> No.14925686


>> No.14925722
File: 2.00 MB, 4032x3024, CE8C74A1-F4D9-4A15-9EB6-16DA36595E80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lost 10 pounds over the holidays not sure if that was a good thing lol

>> No.14925770

Who cares

>> No.14925805

20% bf fag here, how low should i try to get my bodyfat before determining if my face is a lost cause?

>> No.14926170

sorry i can't help you, but i just wanted to say you have a very nice body

>> No.14926171

I’m gonna coooooooooommmmmm >:)

>> No.14926456

noob question, how many pounds would a 5'7" male have to be in order to be "effay"

>> No.14926494

Effay or thinspo

>> No.14926500


>> No.14926712
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I can't poo.

>> No.14926845
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Do what I did, only train Upper chest if your chest insertions aren't good. Focus on upper back and abs to help w rib flare. Get your lats and serratus anterior big enough and your pectus won't be noticable.
Most importantly, if you have a gap in your chest insertions at all DO NOT train lower chest at all, your pectus will look much worse.
Also this is the worst place for you if you have pectus, stay around 80kgish twunk with a bit of fluff on you is the best place to be with pectus

>> No.14926932

thinspo i suppose

>> No.14926935

Yes. Leave /fa/ and get help. Skeletors might be wanted to be seen on catwalks but 95% of all people prefer a normal bmi or something slightly below/above that range.

Post a pic of your body, then we can decide how to help you.

>> No.14926937

115 (underweight area) to 125 pounds.
Bonus point if you go ottermode by training for 2-4 months.

>> No.14926965

>being a certain weight for other people

>> No.14927115

I've been eating 500 calories for some time now and I don't notice a difference in my body, what the fuck am I doing wrong

>> No.14927126

Probably not actually eating 500 calories

>> No.14927129

how long have you been eating 500kcal for?
anyway sometimes it can takes several weeks for weightloss to show up on the scale, one day I stepped on the scale and I was 2-3kg lighter, I've been weighing myself everyday since then and it still hasn't come back, trust the process anon.

>> No.14927162

Around a month? I don't actually weight myself but I assume I should be seeing some changes in my body by now?

>> No.14927165

lmao you won't see body changes for longer than that, it took me like an entire stone before I noticed any difference

>> No.14927170

actually wait you probably should've lost a stone by now

hmmm, look at some pictures of yourself before you started 500kcal/day and compare how you looked then vs now, that's when I noticed the weightloss

>> No.14927174

>1200kcal/day max
what are you talking about? 1200 is hardly extreme or anything

>> No.14927183

exactly, but there were spastics in the last thread pretending it was

this a thinspo thread, we ain't fatties trying to get normal weight, we're trying to get underweight/very close to it, those of us who aren't male or exercise regularly need to eat less than 1200kcal

>> No.14927196

People don't seem to understand the lower you get the harder it is to lose weight, then their standing there complaining that they can only eat 1800cal to lose weight

>> No.14927198

ahhh okay now I get you
idk, I don't really go on here any more, every post gets multiple "gain weight" replies and it seems like two thirds of posters are just gay guys who are here to gawp at twinks

>> No.14927210

I feel you anon and I've been browsing this gen less and less too, I used to browse MPA as well but I think it's pretty awful for my mental health so I tend to avoid /thinspo/ content in general nowadays.


>> No.14927218

You may have to lose 2 stone before you notice anything and even then you might not, unless you put a pic side by side, because it's slow and you see yourself every day so a gradual change won't be noticeable

>> No.14927284
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>> No.14927355
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My face when I have basically all of those symptoms.
t. different anon

>> No.14927475

just ate

>10 handfuls of hazelnuts nuts
>50g of dark chocolate
>2 cans of sardines

on top of a usual day of eating
I feel sick as fuck
kill me

>> No.14927534
File: 34 KB, 500x374, 7CBC9FB0-E11C-4A40-AA51-C139E71E414E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feeling sick
Eww eating canned fucking fish will do that

>> No.14927537

oh no I loved canned fish usually, I'd literally eat nothing but sardines if macros and mercury poisoning wasn't a problem

it's the nuts I think, my entire body feels like it's cold and on fire at the same time, reckon I gained atleast a pound tonight. Fuck

>> No.14927546
File: 115 KB, 592x931, 29685856-806F-4FC6-820B-9F806ED580A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>idk, I don't really go on here any more, every post gets multiple "gain weight" replies and it seems like two thirds of posters
>I feel you anon and I've been browsing this gen less and less too, I used to browse MPA as well but I think it's pretty awful for my mental health so I tend to avoid /thinspo/ content in general nowadays.
Then fucking leave and don’t come back u two are both just negative idiots who shit on every thread guess what me and one other poster are the only ones who even make the threads we keep it going for years now we don’t need retards dilettantes like you now and we never have you will come and go but guess what this gen will still be here

>> No.14927551

> guess what me and one other poster are the only ones who even make the threads we keep it going for years now we don’t need retards dilettantes like you now and we never have you will come and go but guess what this gen will still be here

I made the last 5 threads and I didn't make this one because of how sick I was of the quality of the last thread, fuck you tard

>> No.14927554

>no I loved canned fish usuall
Disgusting. Go get some fresh smoked salmon and caviar and stop eating from a fucking can thinspo anon

>> No.14927556

I'm too poor to afford smoked salmon :(
and besides, canned sardines are more nutritious than salmon

>> No.14927557

Oh that makes me feel so much better, thank you. I'll definitely take a photo tonight then

>> No.14927560 [DELETED] 

I made the new template with the ++++++ in it don’t fuck with it it’s simple and easy to understand for posting stats

If you don’t want to be here then don’t make the thread mmkay?

>> No.14927562

Sweetie, nothing out of a FUCKING CAN is good for you

>> No.14927565

what are you on about? the last few threads (that I made) all have the retarded +++ format

can you read? I literally said that I've stopped posting here nearly as much

you sound extremely dumb, sorry restriction has rotted your brain

>> No.14927568

>made the last 5 threads
No u didn’t stop lying. And stop making the thread if I don’t want to be here.

>> No.14927571

actually kill yourself you useless illiterate tard holy shit

>> No.14927573

>sorry restriction has rotted your brain
Gtfo here you fucking troll

>> No.14927584
File: 87 KB, 499x519, 8C47E1A8-772B-4D57-9F33-201B92E9F26B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stfu u fat piece of shit

>> No.14927658
File: 144 KB, 1478x1108, 1557989160695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone else have zero sex drive?
I don't think my hormones are fucked because I make to eat a fuckton of fat and protein, but I just don't have a sex drive anymore, even when eating at maintenance for months

>> No.14927661
File: 26 KB, 288x288, 1578692227554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have none either.

>> No.14927682

I wish I was taller and I wish I didn't have such a shit ribcage, I look like total garbage at a low weight, but I don't want to be average, muscular, or fat either. I just hate my body

I can get surgery on my face, but I'm never going to be able to do anything about my ribcage, gay as fuck dude

being 6 foot tall would be fucking amazing

>> No.14927745

Has anyone here used a waist trainer or corset? I really want to reduce my waist measurement by an inch or two and I'm already thinking about what I can do if losing the last 7ish pounds doesn't solve my problem.

>> No.14927749

I've never had a sex drive. Did you lose your sex drive at a certain point in your weight loss? Could it have coincided with the development of depression or some other psychological problem?

>> No.14927754

Around September 2019 is when my sex drive basically vanished, it was also at that time I went from 22 BMI -> 19 BMI by fasting, a lot of other weird shit started happening to my body as well, lower general energy level, general weakness and fatigue, intolerance to coldness and so on, so I'm assuming it's related to that

my overall nutrition and mental wellbeing is the best it's ever been in my life...

>> No.14927772

You might want to get a blood test. I'm also eating significantly better than ever since starting to lose weight, but losing a lot a body fat alone fucks with a person's hormone levels.

>> No.14927784

Then lose more weight

>> No.14927798

yeah I actually have some lined up but I was putting them off due to work/laziness/not wanting to be even more lethargic due to losing blood

I'll go next Wednesday

>> No.14927811

I think my ribcage might be my problem though.

>> No.14927847

What's your waist got to do with your ribcage

>> No.14927918
File: 588 KB, 891x2230, 1564650209141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish pic related would post here more often, they're my main source of thinspo

>> No.14927942


>> No.14927943

I want babies with this person

>> No.14928413

I'm 74kg

If I fast how long will it take me to get thing?

I had 3 meals this week

Pls response

>> No.14928435

>>Post Current stats
5'10", 138lbs
>>Daily Routines
i walk like 6 miles a day, run once or twice a week, but that's about it
>>Meal strategy
lately i've been eating 1400 calories a day (mainly protein) but it still feels like too much

I used to be anorexic. I hate that im not anymore but still force myself to eat despite feeling disgusting for it. How many of you are or were anorexic and how do you deal with it?? Should i just go back to like 500cal per day??? I just feel so disgusting and fat in this body.

>> No.14928482

>>Post Current stats
>>Daily Routines
Two fifteen minute walks a day during breaks at work
Playing either Ring Fit or Just Dance for half an hour to an hour a day
>>Meal strategy
At this point I’m just banning myself from sweets and any sugary drinks

My mom passed away a few months ago and I let myself eat whatever I want to cope. Now I’m 15lbs from the largest size I’ve ever been. I’m sick of feeling fat. I just started my routine late this week.

I noticed that I won’t even be hungry, but I crave food. How do people deal with it?

>> No.14928501

>I won’t even be hungry, but I crave food. How do people deal with it?
Distraction. You need to be engrossed in something or otherwise occupied so you don't think about wanting to eat.

>> No.14928514

Okay, thanks. I’m going to have to work on that.

>> No.14928531

I'm on a 1300 calorie diet right now and have been for a week and I am just absolutely fucking exhausted every day.
I heard that this gets better after 2 weeks is that true?

>> No.14928546

eat smol to get smol

>> No.14928645

Black coffee and lots of water

>> No.14928701


>> No.14928702

will it ever get better?
I can't stand this
I just want to lay down all day.

>> No.14928708

Probly not, just know you won't be a fatty

>> No.14928750

What's your current weight/height bmi

>> No.14929099

Also, try training self discipline. Have a small portion of food you crave for ready, but also set a time before which you can't touch it. OMAD/IF is a good way to do this.

>> No.14929141

>step on scale morning after binge
>up 3 lbs

It's not water weight, I didn't eat anything that has much carbs or sodium, I estimate I ate around 10000kcal yesterday which is roughly equal to 3lb gained when you factor in the physical weight of my bloated intestines

Ahh fuck me

>> No.14929149

Anyone who the person in the picture is?

>> No.14929178
File: 20 KB, 500x282, 0266b853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I ate around 10000kcal yesterday

>> No.14929191

Several jars of nut butters and nuts...
I can't believe I managed to fast all through Christmas and deny all the food was being offered to me only to snap mid January

>> No.14929195

The worst part is that I still feel an insatiable desire to eat... This is so fucking horrible

>> No.14929265
File: 42 KB, 500x703, pehmo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, that sucks. I know the non-hunger desire, and it makes it even worse.

>> No.14929302
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>> No.14929306
File: 68 KB, 633x758, 1494234112673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>179 cm
>55 kg
>bmi 17,2
>still have chubby face

>> No.14929323
File: 51 KB, 393x700, So+_d198eebfa1b9cf191fd0ae1607063881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who else b/p sometimes ? i used to be only binging and now i purge... atleast i lose and not gain
restriction is still the best

>> No.14929339

thanks anon

>> No.14929441
File: 34 KB, 640x432, vuh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we include excessive exercise to purging, then yeah. My body is aching from the training this week.

Speaking of exercise, I'm wondering if I should try to become a big boy instead of a skinny one, as I just realised I am 27 years old. Eating over my consumption just sounds so scary and makes me anxious even when I just consider it.

>> No.14929462

I think I’m going to try 13 hr IF to eliminate might eating. Thanks for the extra advice

>> No.14929540

Same and same, I compulsively exercise to burn calories and I'm also considering just going /fit/spo at this rate

>> No.14929549

Just do OMAD at that point

>> No.14929560

No problem. I hope it helps.

Which path do you think we should take? As we age, our metabolism gets slower, and that (at least if I remember what I read correctly) makes it easier to gain muscle mass,

>> No.14929565

just work out you faggot, you need structure in your life

>> No.14929584

At that anons height/weight exercise is pointless and could be dangerous

>> No.14929644

It depends how you look and feel desu, I'm thinking of going fitspo because I look absolutely fucking hideous with my garish ribcage and I'm sick of feeling super weak, cold and tired 24/7

I wish I could be thinspo, but I just don't think I'm slender enough, I started passing out and getting health issues at 21bmi despite eating as nutritiously as I could (within my calories), I'm now 18 bmi and I feel like death.

>> No.14929751
File: 41 KB, 563x571, a3b35bcb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm strange. That's pretty much the only description I can think of. 189 cm and about 60 kg, but I have really broad shoulders and could be quite beefy given the chance. Sometimes I wish I was like pic related, and sometimes I just wanna be a skeleton, but the problem with self-skeletalisation is that nothing is enough. The same would obviously hold true if I was to start building muscle, but that would at least lead to something slightly more healthy.

>> No.14929758 [DELETED] 
File: 205 KB, 750x1334, 8B226C45-E974-4E7E-A296-58AE5232FC0D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14929763


>> No.14929787

>passing out at 21 bmi

>> No.14929795

>tfw only thin because I'm too lazy to buy food when there is nothing to eat

>> No.14929828
File: 70 KB, 601x587, 8gqWam_2Iew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>180 pounds

how to go kraywave?

>> No.14929831


>> No.14929907
File: 296 KB, 800x1000, 1570495459394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do i get this sort of look bros?

I need a good fitness routine mostly

>> No.14929938

i sadly purge via vomiting
if i exercise too much i get hungry and binge

>> No.14929950

Try doing what I do: OMAD and start the one meal with cabbage etc that makes you full of gas, also carbonated water for the drink. When you go on, you will feel so horrible you have to stop.

>> No.14929957
File: 137 KB, 617x852, EA22B3AC-3DFE-4760-AE60-A527167C61C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone else binge when they don’t even feel hungry just because it makes your body feel awful?? i basically used to not eat to punish myself but then i enjoyed being thin too much so i started punishing myself like this and now i’ve gained 30lbs

>> No.14929980

- anime is not real life
- that's just a slightly bigger ottermode? if you weigh more just eat in a deficit and train your muscles lol

>> No.14930065

does anyone have login details to skinnygossip?

>> No.14930073


>> No.14930091
File: 1.07 MB, 2064x3120, IMG_20200112_021745366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do i make the cut?

>> No.14930099

i rly want to eat only dinner, but i'm hungry in the morning and eat breakfast
i usually skip dinner, but skipping breakfast is better because of insulin

>> No.14930119

lmao people no offense but what are you even doing in this thread. I decided to eat more salads a couple of weeks ago and dropped like 3 kg easily despite Christmas (from 51 to ~48, I'm 162 cm). I still eat all my meals. Pretty sure even if you want to have a super low BMI, eating 3 meals a day with small portions is much better than just 1 meal a day, it seems to me that all you'll achieve with that is fucking up your metabolism

>> No.14930187

It's all calories in calories out, doesn't matter at what point you consume them

>> No.14930190

I have never found a proper guide to ottermode

>> No.14930198

Perhaps it is, but it is easier to stay on the track with these OMAD things etc than with three meals, as the super small portions may lead to just one spoonful or w/e more, ad infinitum.

>> No.14930200
File: 1.39 MB, 3088x2320, 4E71A91D-9767-4F85-A23F-722AEE1BB85E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi i was just wondering how much more weight u guys think i should lose. i’m 5’4 and weigh 118 pounds rn.. i do have medium sized breast though so i feel they play a part in my weight.. let me know

>> No.14930224

you're fine

>> No.14930326

akcshually, fasting has been shown to increase your metabolism for the first 72 hours, nigger

anyway, the idea of OMAD is that you only get one insulin spike (one of the thingies that causes you to get hungry) and it trains your stomach to only go through one expand and contract cycle a day (which releases a hormone called ghrelin which also causes you to get hungry), and then fasting for 23 hours leads to increase in noradrenaline, cortisol and ketone bodies, all 3 of which reduce appetite

>> No.14930332

you look great, losing any more weight will give you slightly nicer thighs, at the cost of ruining the rest of your body

>> No.14930343
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>> No.14930391
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>> No.14930443

one upside of my insane 10,000kcal binge is that I've had an absolutely insane amount of energy all day, usually going for a run kills me but today I ran 20km and then jogged 10km home from uni and I'm still too restless to go to sleep

>> No.14930460
File: 63 KB, 500x734, IMG_3889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been wanting to go to the gym recently (to go from 25-30 bodyfat% to around 20% ) but I'm unsure where to buy gym clothes.Where can I buy modest,non-attention grabbing gym-wear?

>> No.14930464

I just wore shitty old clothes that weren't effay until I hit my gw, then I bought TOTL form fitting gear

as long as you're not going to the gym in jeans and boots you're fine.

>> No.14930467

Spooky lighting. Looks like a shot from an episode of CSI.

>> No.14930470

There is no guide to ottermode. You lift to make your muscles stronger, you eat less to lose fat. Adjust to achieve goal body. Find a good lifting plan and look for diet help if you can't manage to eat right.
That's literally everything there is.

>> No.14930471

>TOTL form fitting gear

>> No.14930478

TOTL = top of the line

so for my main activity (running) it was sweat whisking nylon stuff

>> No.14930499
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>> No.14930503 [DELETED] 
File: 1.01 MB, 2752x2752, IMG_3523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14930511
File: 3 KB, 83x85, IMG_3667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is fatness-deterrent pics allowed here too?

>> No.14930514


>> No.14930527
File: 173 KB, 690x1212, IMG_4118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14930567

Those shortalls are cute as fuck.

>> No.14930685
File: 39 KB, 709x765, 1553380293247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn have a threesome with these two

>> No.14930686

I was bulimic for almost 2 years and it was the best I've ever looked. that shit fucked up my tooth enamel though. nobody will want to fuck you with ratchet teeth

>> No.14930693
File: 14 KB, 128x128, suicide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14931009

i started at 1200 and now on a good day I get 600, i feel better now but still get dizzy sometimes

>> No.14931043

>Post Current stats
5'8" manlet, 140 down from 157
cut down to 120, maintain around 130
>Daily Routines
after months of whining and starving myself I stopped drinking beer and started doing cocaine + moderate exercise 4 days a week +fucking my girlfriend more
>Meal strategy
cooking less american/French cuisine and more japanese/thai, reducing red meat and meals out, hydrating more + tea, cocaine

>> No.14931079

pretty effay, anon. may i suggest some cigarettes

>> No.14931112

been off cigs 4 years now, used to be a touring vocalist and couldn't keep em up

>> No.14931120

Have any ladies here stopped menstruating as a result of losing weight? Did that result in any complications other than simply not menstruating?

>> No.14931172
File: 398 KB, 2048x1536, B85C2786-D9E3-465E-8849-A22DDFA09DB6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know who this poster is? they dumped a few pics of their ribs/pelvis and legs and I was wondering if there was more

>> No.14931241

Jesus Christ those man hands and gross male complexion

>> No.14931257

Here’s the deal, if your are chad genetics but madly restricting just to be thinspo it’s never going to look as good as if you were going natural chadspo

But if you are natural andro (not chad but not overly wimpy) genetics then thinspo will look better than fit bulking

>> No.14931284

The “have you lost weight?” Comments taste better than food

>> No.14931305

I wish I was still getting positive feedback on my weight loss. I'm not even underweight but all I get now is "aren't you too skinny?".

>> No.14931494

So hungry I feel like puking.

And those "you're too skinny" comments make me want to punch people.

>> No.14931567

*unzips pants*
Awww shit here we go again

>> No.14931902
File: 80 KB, 493x457, 20200113_144949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those marks

>> No.14931911
File: 54 KB, 640x480, nukkumis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>body aching all the time
>sleeping problems
>waking up with mouth full of bile a few times last night
>constantly tired
>very anxious and tense
The big boy mode seems more and more tempting all the time. A few weeks at my parents place made me forget these side effects.

>> No.14931920

drink coffee player

>> No.14931924

I do.

>> No.14931949

Is a 19.5bmi okay?? I feel practically obese since i gained weight, i used to be 15.9

>> No.14931963

My upper body is looking pretty thinspo, but my thighs are still huge. This has been such a struggle forever, feels stupid to keep losing weight since my ribs are already sticking out but I guess I'll have to.

>> No.14932012

depends. Is it mostly muscle or is it mostly fat? if it's the later, you're right in feeling fat.

>> No.14932033

i'm here because i want to die skinny

>> No.14932067

Yea it’s mostly fat, I need to start running again and probably start lifting too

>> No.14932153

I'm in the same boat.

>> No.14932161

Whats so hard to understand about 1200 calories a day? What about that scares you spics so much?

>> No.14932163

The irony of saying 1200kcal is a meme like starvation mode, despite it actually being the best advice

>> No.14932222
File: 79 KB, 850x1159, sample_35b559a9dd9730e8ada00c5a4f1f310a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am horny as fuck all the time, I jack off like 2-5 times a day.
t. 5'11'' and 110 pounds

>> No.14932266

Love the winter, get depressed as hell and now I don't want to eat.

Only thing keeping me from despair pit is that sweet sweet weight loss

>> No.14932269

nasty coomer

>> No.14932523

Post more

>> No.14932560

Me too and I still find the energy to fuck my wife. Makes no sense. I'm 35, I should have ED (the penis kind) at this point.
Also checked.

>> No.14932563

Go there. Set a weight that's no lower than 17.5 bmi. Eat the amount it tells you.

>> No.14932590
File: 35 KB, 750x741, 1578589970319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would be quite an increase.

>> No.14932592
File: 5 KB, 193x261, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know if supplements break a fast? I take vitamin D and C pills in the morning while doing IF. Have I wasted my whole time?

>> No.14932653
File: 267 KB, 677x1630, 7D91A6B0-C962-4ECC-A2B2-B363C5CD0780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only other image of them I have

>> No.14932705

Only if your supplements have calories. I know that most gummy vitamins have calories.

>> No.14932738

eating more than 20-40kcal can trigger hunger pangs, especially if those calories were carbs

if you were fasting for autophagy, then yeah you weakened your fasting state

if you was fasting for weightloss, don't worry about it. fasting is a way to do CICO

>> No.14933253

>female face and suckable nipples
>V-line lower-abdominals
What gender is this even

>> No.14933571

god we're almost the exact same, except I have little breasts :^( same situation too. praying for you.. we can make it

>> No.14933597

would succ

>> No.14933606

early onset osteoporosis, anon. if your period stops, gain a little until it comes back.

>> No.14933609

you can buy cheap stuff on amazon until you feel more confident

>> No.14933620
File: 140 KB, 777x1021, BCB87667-0E4C-484D-926C-A0FCF3A8410F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14933681
File: 585 KB, 1366x768, 78780888-2A66-42E9-95A3-77CABF9F3BAC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I miss my anorexia so badly?? I was able to suppress it and my BDD for over a year and now it’s finally all coming back and i feel like such an obese piece of shit even though I’m obviously objectively healthier now. I started cutting back to 1400 calories/day and i always feel like i wanna throw up, which is a feeling i haven’t had in quite a while now. I keep thinking about how thin i used to be and it’s just becoming so hard again. What do i do????

>> No.14933684

Eat 500 cal every day and you will not be fat.

>> No.14933709

These, the reality is that even if you want to be thinner, or lose weight, if you lose enough for it to be even noticeable it's going to be far too much. You're at goals right now anyway, this is good. Enjoy wearing cute thinspo clothing.

>> No.14933755

>gain a little
I'd rather die. I'm not even close to underweight right now.

>> No.14933896
File: 67 KB, 640x474, 1578969768298[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vogue was based

>> No.14933900

Keto af :) and some of y’all talk shit about keto

>> No.14934521

Going well so far for me, anon. I've upped my exercise, not showing in my weight yet but I'm feeling good! Hope you're doing well too

>> No.14934524

Get a personal trainer, tell them your goal is to be very skinny and fit like a VS model (every other women tells them that so they won't be suss) but you worry about your nutrition. Then follow their plan to a T, do not fuck up, put all your controlling in energy into that rather than. just restricting. You can't be trusted with your own nutrition right now, so put it in someone else's hands, but someone who will actually get you where you want aesthetically.

>> No.14934526

Hard to tell how much you're sucking in/curving your back to make thigh gap bigger, but your numbers are objectively great. Seriously, you look cute and fit.

>> No.14934531

Only works if you genuinely get a good, custom one, and if you're no longer growing, results are temporary even if you get down to under 18". Will weaken your abdominal muscles if you wear it 24/7. They're great as shape wear or lingerie but waist training in general is neither as dangerous nor awesome as people claim.
>t. Did it for 3 years

>> No.14934650

Or just save your money and stop eating, go back to /fit/

>> No.14934753

The advice was because she wants to be skinny but doesn't want to go back to being ana. I hate fitposters as much as everyone else here does but a trainer isn't a bad idea. It's not a trainer's job to get everyone jacked, if someone wants to be skinny and have a lean body, they do that too. Look how skinny runners are, they all have trainers too.

>> No.14934757

Do some light exercises and eat less, you don't need to waste money for basic advice

>> No.14934783

Then do 25. Sheesh

>> No.14934784

Nocarb reduces bloating

Ceteris paribus

>> No.14934792

Bench press and u can make it

Feels good once you start

>> No.14934887

is my body really that weird?
I'm a guy anyway

yeah I've started hitting the gym, only for 30 minutes before my morning runs. I'm struggling to find the will to eat more though, even going 300kcal over my TDEE makes me feel bad

>> No.14934897


carnivore > keto
come at me fags, I had a beef liver + 1/2th a cup of double cream (as a drink) for breakfast this morning, I feel like a fucking god

>> No.14934945

.-. it’s just the lightning lol i don’t have a mans complexion anon

>> No.14934958

What's some exercises to train abs that's not situps (my spine / lower back bones rub against the ground making more than 10 hurt)

>> No.14934961


>> No.14934966

ab rolls
L sits

>> No.14934993

I’m 5’7 and 112 lbs and my thighs are so fat compared to yours... Did you do anything other than fast to get your legs? You look so ideal to me...

>> No.14934998

It's genetics, rule 1 of weight loss is that you can't spot reduce fat, just lose more weight, the person in the pic doesn't look to train their legs at all

>> No.14935004
File: 376 KB, 1179x834, 1570534729633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have BMI of 20
>feel like I'm an obese fat fuck
>discover waist-to-height ratio
>borderline between "slim" and "extremely slim"

what the fuck

>> No.14935037

Yeah, I'm just wondering if there's anything I can do, like exercise or something. I always see girls so much heavier than me but with skinnier looking bodies. I'd have no trouble fasting more, but I'm becoming concerned about losing more weight since I'm already underweight. I've avoided any bad side effects so far and I don't want to run into any now.

>> No.14935090

If you do any strength exercise you will actually look fatter/bigger because muscle will be added with your fat

>> No.14935121
File: 52 KB, 376x419, 1551719996580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I have 0.40 with BMI less than 17.

>> No.14935201
File: 40 KB, 720x540, FB_IMG_1539475439290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then is every "fat burning" or "toning" exercise just a lie? I find this hard to believe.

>> No.14935273

Do the anons here have any /thinspo/ mantras? I know "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels" is a common one. I repeat "I want to be thin more than I want to eat" to myself because I struggle with wanting to eat any time I'm bored.

>> No.14935293

I've never really thought about mantras, but I just say to myself "I'm not eating x because I'm not fat." It seems work and makes me feel good about myself.

>> No.14935308

"Beauty is pain" is one I use when get bad stomach pangs

>> No.14935328

not mentally ill btw

>> No.14935338

>go to the gym
>arms really hurt
>just wanna go home and sleep
>tell myself "no pain no gain!"
>finish last set

>go on diet
>get really hungry
>just wanna eat something
>tell myself "skip dinner wake up thinner!"
>don't pig out

nothing worth having is easy btw

>> No.14935341

Being mentally ill and thin is a lot better than being mentally ill and fat, in my case.

>> No.14935458

"toning" is a buzzword, you just have smaller or bigger muscles, also "fat burning" is just you using up calories so pointless aswell just consume less

>> No.14935471

One that's always stuck with me is "resist or regret" in terms of resisting when given the opportunity to eat

>> No.14935474

That's a good one.

>> No.14935529

yeah, spot reduction is absolutely a myth, however visceral fat tends to be more stubborn than subcutenous fat, which is why people who weight cycle a lot may end up with apple shaped bodies, however if you get to a decently normal weight you're going to lose visceral fat regardless.

feel free to google "spot reduction myth" if you don't believe us, thousands of articles should come up on the topic

>> No.14935583

>Start dieting and workingout out in April 2019
>had 88 kg's at 177 cm
>now at around 65 kg's
>been stuck there for about a month
>can't seem to loose the last few kg's (3-4)

I don't think I am going to make it boys...I am at my wits end, I am sure I am at a caloric deficit, I walk at least 10 km a day and work out at home (have only 1 rest day), avoid carbs and sugar like the plague, but I am just stuck at this weight... anyone have any suggestions ?

>> No.14935586

How many calories are you eating

>> No.14935598

I would say about 1200-1400 on average a day; I work an intense job in the finance industry, and going below that just makes me tired and innefficent, so that's as low as I can go at this point

>> No.14935639

I'm 149 lbs, which is not too bad at my current height. Just trying to gradually lose weight and hopefully get to 125-130.
I get moderate exercise, a 30 min jog and some bodyweight exercises every day.

Is 1500 calories a day a good pace? Could I do less? Or should I be doing more?

>> No.14935654

It's addictive. It makes you feel in control and like you're accomplishing something. Try replacing it with having a daily to-do list, learning a new skill, and being proud of yourself for staying healthy and not having purple, cracked hands and a saggy non-ass. Cheers.

>> No.14935668

1200 is the usual

>> No.14935903

What does your face look like dude?