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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 41 KB, 600x360, 41735259609121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14920522 No.14920522 [Reply] [Original]

Old threads dead

>> No.14920732
File: 631 KB, 1536x2732, 1B31A61E-74E1-4538-9F8E-DDBD75B0F014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t want to rate all the garbage in the other thread

>> No.14920857


This the kind of RO fit you find prepackaged at aldi

>> No.14920872

Nice quinab habibi

>> No.14920889
File: 113 KB, 640x960, 49D5A8F5-8613-4B78-AA49-08DFD696304B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talk shit post fit

>> No.14920899
File: 506 KB, 2048x2048, 452A0C70-BF54-46CE-9F29-192CA54159CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought myself this flannel and a margiela ring to celebrate getting into pharmacy school

>> No.14920907
File: 1.14 MB, 686x888, 1901_d101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me on the left

>> No.14920911

reddit response
kys. congrats on wearing the same 8 pieces of used rick every fucking thread

>> No.14920933
File: 1.82 MB, 2049x3072, D099F766-2F1B-44F8-A3EB-8418CB041AD4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shalom iPad-Sama
These are fine. Congrats on your acceptance
I’m sure this is b8 but he looks happy and has his girl I can’t even hate.

>> No.14920965
File: 644 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20200108_151945~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought me some 10 quid wellies

>> No.14920992

just use this pls

>> No.14921098

This isn’t /p/ nobody cares

>> No.14921115

daily reminder that nook is a fag

>> No.14921258
File: 84 KB, 960x1280, pants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice you look dangerous with the suit
i dont like it
love it

>> No.14921267
File: 141 KB, 1000x1103, 2222222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually nice silhouettes but get some more pieces bro
your fits are always my fav do you have ig?
probs b8 but impressive that he found an almost perfectly matching pink fit
clothes fit your build very well
cozy cabin core

>> No.14921367


>> No.14921374

hey contrats :))

>> No.14921414

>do you have ig?
tyty it’s @ew_matth

love the shoes

tyyyy still have a couple more interviews but i got into my top choices

>> No.14921465

Ugly unshaven face

>> No.14921557

I miss when you were a faceless guy who sat in chairs.

>> No.14921604

guys like my fit? it isn't the last fit just with slight variations I have been posting for the last 3 months. You have three fits. Mountain hoodie. Oversized shirt with hat. and this one. Go invest in some new rick at least before you call anyone a poorfag

>> No.14921605

10/10 fit anon :)

>> No.14921624
File: 821 KB, 848x2202, Screenshot_20200108-152644_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14921645

based sailor core

>> No.14921651

Liking this a lot

>> No.14921745
File: 284 KB, 1148x2048, 81604038_1202667996605467_4865190798011924480_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based rick poster- However I do wish you would throw some new rick pieces into the mix

A big fan of the fit on the left- I enjoy the fit of the pants as well although I feel like it's time to change the shoes


Best ITT, this fit is cozy and everything is just right

Cozy looks like you did some labour today

Genuinely very true 80s causal

I don't usually get your fits but the pea coat is a nice addition, nice anon

sorry for the quality on the photo. Feeling this fit today- pretty much the only thing you can wear when the country you are in is on fire.

>> No.14921753

>Don’t want to rate all the garbage in the other thread
Yeah but you started it

>> No.14921755
File: 95 KB, 505x1279, waywt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in my 30s but new here

>> No.14921847
File: 222 KB, 567x1200, fit_03-01-12_v1f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14921848


>> No.14921852


>> No.14921993

ID on the pants ?? Great fit dude

>> No.14922050
File: 1.64 MB, 2912x2775, IMG_20200109_031802908~4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

major manlet incoming
nothing special... i like it, though, and i get compliments fairly often.
(also, my shoes are actually a light tan color, no clue why they look dark brown in this pic)

halloween is over, bro.
right is better for many reasons
always love your fits
you should lift, though.
nice sweater
get a haircut though you greasy asshole
aren't you freezing?!
burn that fucking hat
assuming you're a straight man, burn those pants
nothing goes together - your pants are way too flarey for the silhouette of your shoes and all button-down shirts should be tucked in. sloppy pig
at least the misfits are a cool band
i can see the bitch in your posture
best itt by a landslide

>> No.14922064

Not to be mean but nothing here works. This fit is shit. Go back to basics.

>> No.14922065

how vague

>> No.14922087

Okay the pants fit horribly in the front and the back with so much excess material in the back and the front literally looks undone. the colour and taper is both don’t match the duck beaks you have on feet and the buttoned denim jacket makes you look stiff and uncomfortable

>> No.14922092

*are both awful. Even if I fucked up my post my point still stands

>> No.14922140

that puffer is too hardcore for me, how's the analytical chemistry going?

>> No.14922181
File: 45 KB, 509x744, kike bug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14922273

You look like a fucking GTA character
I actually like how you stick to your style even if it's fucking garbage that takes a delusional person to like
Never like your fits but would fuck
Stupid boots but you look normal
I'd stomp your head in for dressing like that
Best itt even if it's completely uninteresting

>> No.14922489
File: 425 KB, 828x606, 64772EFB-4C2C-4722-A295-3B9B72C66A49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I can live with that
Thanks, sometimes being stupid skinny helps
That’s a fuckin throwback damn. I still like some of the fits from that period but I regret never dropping my name
Thank u homie it’s very cozy, love your button up
I appreciate it, I feel like lifting might conflict w my skinny e boy energy which seems to be working for me. But it’s also just healthy so...
I’m too tall to transition, I’d look like contrapoints without the money to shave down my mannish forehead

>> No.14922563

nfw White Stripes guy is The Chairman!?

>> No.14922565

Has our little bug had a 2020 sex scandal yet?

>> No.14922571

Every fucking day. Every single fucking day when i go to get my $6 coffee this little faggot just stands in front of the cashier and congratulates them on their "refugees welcome" sign.

>> No.14922678

jonah why do always insist on showing off your flat ass in every photo, thought you had a girlfriend now, no need to be a fag anymore

>> No.14922790

do you still hate frogs. asking for a firend

>> No.14922880

fellow manlet here

proportions look nice here even though cuffing + short inseam should make you look even more manletty...maybe it works because of light pants and dark shoes combo, when i try it wearing dark pants and lighter shoes i look like a squat hobbit :(

>> No.14922947

>the pants fit horribly in the front and the back with so much excess material in the back and the front literally looks undone.
they're straight cut pants, maybe it's just not your taste
>the colour and taper is both [sic] don’t match
i know you're referring to my pants here, but i already mentioned how my camera fucked up the color of my shoes if you were paying attention; makes my shoes look much darker than they actually are. use your imagination and pretend they're a light tan.
>the duck beaks you have on feet
this just doesn't make sense. desert boots have a classic, historical silhouette, so obviously you aren't used to them.
>and the buttoned denim jacket makes you look stiff and uncomfortable
my jacket fits me fine and is incredibly comfortable. it's also freezing out so it's only natural that i would button my jacket.

>> No.14922951

>cuffing + short inseam should make you look even more manletty
i was afraid of this! honestly though i really like the look, it's casual and playful.

>> No.14922953



its fun tho.,,, but yea it's still 1200 eur lol?
im dipping analytical chem for the time being. I want a job, I'm sick of the studying/research grind.
how r u?

life's a game

my gf likes my ass!!

they shall die without a cause

>> No.14923084

Very good criticism you really brought a lot to the table with this post. Great use of your time everyone is clapping for you. Truly the greatest piece of critic I've ever seen, in fact you blew me out ofthe park. This reminded me that critic in itself can be art, something beautiful and expressive in it's own right. You're on a level with the greats, the Roger Ebert of our time. No. Roger Ebert wishes he was you. With this post you single handedly proved the artistic worth of the critic, that the critic is an artist, and artist of translation, an artist of philosophy and thought. You proved a criticism can be more valuable than the work it's commenting on. You will be remembered on the level of Leanardo Davinci and Orson Welles in terms of you're influence on art and world culture. Thank you for your work, thank you.

>> No.14923096

you're a fucking sick and twisted retarded CUNT

>> No.14923097

Lot of shit talking for a boring ass fit

>> No.14923105

Lot of shit talking with no fit posted

>> No.14923130

yeah no one really cares what tickles your uniqueness funnybone and what doesn't

>> No.14923137

this looks like shit. the jean jacket is too big and makes your torso look bigger and therefor makes you look shorter. the pants are plain, too low rise and have shit cuffs. take your pants to a tailor. your shoes look wide as fuck to an almost orthopedic level. they look like clown shoes.

>> No.14923144

worst fit itt
go back to r*ddit

>> No.14923148

eyebrows on fleek, the fuck

>> No.14923159

>the jean jacket is too big
it's not. my shoulders are just very broad -- i can understand if you aren't familar with how clothes look on a built upper body if you don't work out, though ^^
>too low rise and have shit cuffs.
they are mid rise by definition. low rise would be 8 inches or below, and the rise on those pants is 9/9.5 inches iirc.
>our shoes look wide as fuck to an almost orthopedic level. they look like clown shoes.
cartoonish exaggeration, effectively meaningless rhetoric.

nice baseless reaction against a perceived archetype solely because 4chan told you to

>> No.14923182
File: 347 KB, 721x924, 16538575-072B-4D13-A87D-5433A2C38001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IG freeslurpeeday

New swamp runners shoes my amazing gf got me

So pumped on them :)

>> No.14923192
File: 2.20 MB, 2508x3415, IMG_20200109_144111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right side looking fly
Boots a lil excessive but Like the rest
This would look amazing if the trousers didn't flare at the knees. Anti-Hero core
I like it my dude

>> No.14923194

>i can understand if you aren't familar with how clothes look on a built upper body if you don't work out, though ^^
Bro this is /fa/, home of the concerningly active /thinspo/ general. Nobody here works out or eats right, just ignore these emaciated druggies.

>> No.14923200

stop plugging your instagram please

>> No.14923206

I got tired of people asking me so now I just put it on every pic of mine :)

>> No.14923212

>it's not
yes it is. it's baggy as hell on you and the end is considerably below your belt line.
>they are mid rise
no. they look like shit regardless of what rise they are. they're baggy up front and around your thighs.
>cartoonish exaggeration
some of the most bulbous boots i have ever seen. the toe area looks like a semi circle. they make your feet look huge compared to the rest of your body.

>> No.14923214

hahaha yeah good point

>> No.14923229

Looks like you lost all your muscle mass, especially in the ass and legs.

Are you 70 or sick perhaps?

>> No.14923246

Damn nigga you sound super insecure just take the crit

>> No.14923248

>it's baggy as hell on you and the end is considerably below your belt line.
if anything the arms are rather *tight* on me, and i don't think the end is very low at all. my pockets are visible so that's a good sign -- methinks you're just biased and butthurt.
yes. were you not aware of the divide between low and high rise or something? is this news to you? perhaps the legs could be slimmer, though.
>some of the most bulbous boots i have ever seen. the toe area looks like a semi circle. they make your feet look huge compared to the rest of your body.
biased and butthurt indeed. which fit were you? and don't lie to me, either.


>> No.14923253

i would if the majority of it made sense lol

>> No.14923256

says the guy trying to deny all the criticism. off yourself. you're short, not muscular at all, and have terrible taste in clothes. there is no hope for delusional people like you.

>> No.14923260

>says the guy trying to deny all the criticism
your criticism is vague and makes me doubt your own credentials, and the fact that you refuse to tell me which fit was yours is making matters much worse.
>you're short, not muscular at all, and have terrible taste in clothes. there is no hope for delusional people like you.
i'll take this as a concession.

>> No.14923266

>criticism is vague
literally told you exactly what was wrong with your outfit.
Jacket: Too big, wash is plain.
Pants: Do not Fit well. Front area is baggy. It is baggy in the legs. Color is really mediocre and makes it look like you work at target. Pants are too long and the cuffs are sloppily done.
Boots: They look too big for your feet. Toe area is large and not flattering at all.
there it is laid out in the simplest terms. hopefully you can understand it this time.

>> No.14923277
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>> No.14923280
File: 520 KB, 1053x1200, ENuS6s0XsAAOAwJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which pair should I rock tonight, /waywt/?
Taking my lady out for a special time.

>> No.14923283

male or female?

>> No.14923288

neither but if you have to choose then go with the left

>> No.14923295

>Jacket: Too big
so you're sticking to this narrative, even in the face of contradictory info from the person who actually owns the jacket and therefore has a much clearer idea of how it fits? it's okay to be wrong sometimes, ya know.
>Do not Fit well. Front area is baggy. It is baggy in the legs.
yeah i'm not too crazy about these pants myself. they're much better suited to heavier work boots. idk what your problem with the color is, though, it's a light beige; about as universal as it gets, i'm not interested in whether or not they tickle your autistically niche funnybone. and they still aren't low-rise lol
>Boots: They look too big for your feet.
if this were true then they would dig into my heels, you're just not used to the historical silhouette of the desert boot. that's fine.
>not flattering at all
dozens of people IRL seem to disagree /shrugs

>> No.14923311

Absolutely shaking

>> No.14923315

Nobody asks for your ig

>> No.14923328

Not the same guy here,

The pants have no shape to them, like they are way too large at the waist and you just used your belt to the max. Look at your fucking groin for fucks sake.

The denim jacket looks like the usual 40 year old soccer mom uniform and overall it's shit, not even /mfa/tier.
Are you a fucking troll or what?

>> No.14923330

the worst thing about your outfit is that it's just plain boring.
>inb4 sorry to not tickle your uniquebone
it's not even that. your outfit is peak npc core. changing a few things would do a lot for the outfit. for instance, open the jacket so you can show off the shirt underneath, get another pair of boots, change out the pants for something that isn't just khaki, accessorize.

>> No.14923334

One of your best fits so far desu

>> No.14923342

so bundle up

>The denim jacket looks like the usual 40 year old soccer mom uniform and overall it's shit, not even /mfa/tier.
i know you're autistic so this abstraction probably makes a lot of sense to you but to normal people you just sound incredibly unhinged

>it's just plain boring.
>>inb4 sorry to not tickle your uniquebone
>it's not even that.
it is. still waiting for you to show me which fit is yours, btw.
>your outfit is peak npc core.
oh god i can smell your ASPD from here. what does "npc core" even mean? you mean people who go out, don't have drug problems, take care of themselves, smile in photos and have sex?

>> No.14923356

>what does "npc core" even mean?
it means that you're forgettable and just blend in to the masses. nothing is special about this outfit. it's like you're not even trying.
>still waiting for you to show me which fit is yours
still trying to invalidate my criticism with a mute point.

>> No.14923377

>it means that you're forgettable and just blend in to the masses.
so why do you call it "npc core"? that explicitly implies people who are pretty much computers who aren't sentient enough to think for themselves. do you see why i think you're a sociopath yet?
>it's like your not even trying
...to fit into your vague, ill-defined archetype of a well-dressed person, you mean. you can manipulate your own rhetoric away from this all you want, but this is really what things boil down to. it's sick, and tells me that you spend far too much time on the internet.
>still trying to invalidate my criticism with a mute point.
except for the criticism regarding my pants, everything else was wasn't even constructive, just gatekeepy and even flat out wrong. you'd think someone who was confident enough to nitpick somebody like this would also be confident to show their own fit/credentials.

>> No.14923403

This looks like what someone who just got into fashion would wear.

>> No.14923407

>aren't sentient enough to think for themselves
yes. your outfit is cookie cutter as fuck. try something new for once
>your vague, ill-defined archetype of a well-dressed person
your clothes don't fit you well. i'm not telling you to dress a certain way, just to change out the bad parts of your outfit, which is most of it.
>everything else was wasn't even constructive
everything was constructive. you being butthurt about some of my points doesn't invalidate any of them.
this is 4chan. if you want a safespace where your'e able to post whatever you want and get positive comments, go to reddit.
but even my comments aren't gatekeeping. i wasn't telling you to conform to anything, it was just criticism.
>you'd think someone who was confident enough to nitpick somebody like this would also be confident to show their own fit/credentials
it doesnt matter what I post at this point, you're just going to blindly say it's shit because you're mad at my valid criticism.
do you even think your own fit is any good. because if so, you can't be helped at this point. there's no point in trying to legitimately help someone who is just blind to criticism and unwilling change any part of their outfit.

>> No.14923409

You're right. A true veteran dresses like >>14921745 this and >>14921267 this.

>> No.14923412
File: 2.36 MB, 4032x3024, FBB11A3B-01AB-458F-9102-DB14F64D7159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I switch out the sweater to a black one? Also I feel like my solovairs are a little too formal dunno

>> No.14923418

people need to stop being so boring and to start dressing like us. we're really conscious people and not like those non-player character Chad's who dress like traditional adults. *hits bong and visits thinspo*

>> No.14923440
File: 1010 KB, 1854x3327, IMG_0939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess good but can't tell on the suit fit from that pose
really like this, only criticism I can think of is 3 necklaces is one too many. well done
nice, I think I have that same sweater in green I bought at JC penny 10 years ago
me no likey
this somehow works in a anti-fashion norm core way. I don't like the pieces themselves but overall you pull it off
I can't find it but I read an article that hipster-sailor is the 2020 fashion movement. way to start it off
good except shoes, chunky brown derbies would be better
everything too big
looks like you're standing over an updraft
nice all around
those pants don't belong in this decade
good as is

>> No.14923441

>seething this hard because he got btfo
napoleon complex

>> No.14923452

huh? I'm agreeing with you. we're very intelligent and self-aware, i don't know why regular people are so averse to us. see you in thinspo!

>> No.14923456

You have autism right? Autistic face

>> No.14923459

Both of those fits are leagues better than yours especially the one with the hat. You look like a teacher not someone that is into fashion

>> No.14923463

ok buddy. maybe i can get my legs as thin as yours! how did you do it?

>> No.14923469

Does "being into fashion" constitute looking like you're homeless?

>> No.14923474

post body and I'll give you pointers

>> No.14923477

t. person who has never seen a homeless person in their lives

>> No.14923480

didn't mean to tag

>> No.14923488
File: 1.57 MB, 852x747, fitpic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go dude. you can see how pathetic i am now but just wait until you help me out!

>> No.14923506


>> No.14923513
File: 1.23 MB, 852x599, updated fitpic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my bad. I photoshopped the first pic. here's what I really look like.

>> No.14923514
File: 1.58 MB, 1569x2634, Snapchat-1138134840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no clue what my core is but hi

Nice wellies lad
Not my style but I love the horse
Trousers make you look like you have thinner legs than you probably actually have
Like the others said, maybe go down a size or two?

>> No.14923542

Me again
You gotta understand that Jean jackets and khakis is completely Reddit MFA but it's just a normal outfit. Change the bottom half and you'll be better off.

I'll shit in your mouth

Another video game character. Change that bottom half.
Like the colors but have no idea how the clothes actually fucking look on you take a normal picture fuckboy
Basic bitch Korean. See so many of you jn this outfit but it's a nice.
Lmao you need a shirt
Pants bad, like the scarf and dislike the coat. Can't really tell what your outfit even looks like from that picture though.

>> No.14923560 [DELETED] 
File: 962 KB, 852x457, rate my fit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 the fit fellas

>> No.14923698

Come hang with us in /trad/, leave these fucking low class degenerates in the dirt where they belong.

>> No.14923706
File: 754 KB, 461x627, fitpick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm On My Way!

>> No.14923722

>You gotta understand that Jean jackets and khakis is completely Reddit MFA
Not him but judging by 90% of this thread, I'm starting to think this isn't inherently a bad thing. I'd much sooner employ someone dressed in khakis and a jean jacket/shirt than whatever haphazard teenage experimentation usually goes on in this general.

>> No.14923725

>thinking that anyone would use any of the fits to a job interview
you're retarded

>> No.14923731

hey sexi ;)

>> No.14923733

Nigga did you just reference rescue heroes

>> No.14923736


>> No.14923740

From a purely social point of view, I'd still assume that most people here had something wrong with them for dressing the way they do, and most women who aren't emaciated, BPD-ridden cunts with neon dyed hair agree. "High fashion" past your teenage years is just an embarrassing hobby, and /tip/ is the cure.

>> No.14923745

/tip/ is to cope with the fact that your youth is behind you and can't dress the same.

>> No.14923747

i don't disagree but this is 4chan, everyone here is an antisocial asshole with a chip on their shoulders. if you want to be around healthier people (both mentally and physically) you should try reddit.

>> No.14923754

Not true, there's plenty of adults rocking Rick Owens and Balenciagas and baggy vintage clothing that hides their bodies. Growing old is mandatory but growing up is optional.

>> No.14923756
File: 179 KB, 1200x900, reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you should try reddit

>> No.14923763

There's not much else in terms of fashion forums, this place is for the lowest of the low. The fact that /thinspo/ is as active of a general as it is proves this.

>> No.14923772

i love 4chan addicts who pretend like their reactionary echo chamber isn't as bad as reddit. it's a pathology.

>> No.14923792

why aren't you on reddit instead of here then?

>> No.14923807
File: 1.09 MB, 1124x1940, 5FF760DC-FCBC-4109-85E4-D36F585C29AF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never thought I’d see you wearing marine serre
i am brown boots destroyer of fits

>> No.14923834
File: 794 KB, 976x1424, Screenshot_20200110-041420_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already have a job where I dress like this and I'm not planning to become an office drone any time soon. Not going to put in the effort to iron a shirt that will just hang in a locker for most of the day. My posts here are more a way to avoid dressing in sweatpants everey day.

>> No.14923836

I'm regularly accused of being reddit though, so maybe you have some kind of point.

>> No.14923928


>> No.14923937

Of course nothing's wrong with it, it's just basic which is the antithesis to the fucking spergs on here like the first post.

>> No.14923939
File: 2.14 MB, 730x1290, face reveal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14923968


>> No.14923970

In general, if you don't have deep respect for the fact that most people who are regulars on 4chan have serious mental issues then you're going to have a hard time. The normies don't call this place the asshole of the Internet for no reason.

But yeah, high fashion is for teenagers. Getting fit is infinitely more impressive.

>> No.14923984

>it doesnt matter what I post at this point, you're just going to blindly say it's shit because you're mad at my valid criticism.
I've heard plenty of excuses to not post fit but this one takes the cake as the most weasely.

>> No.14924018
File: 805 KB, 790x1919, 20200109_102347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

always good but these aren't my favorites >>14920965
I like your pants & hair
looks like any guy in high school dressing poorly on purpose
I actually like the shoes but now how you are wearing them
looks pretty HORRIBLE imo sorry :(
looks thrown together and I can't make it out very well. Not a fan of the shoes
I'm intimidated. Very good
always good, no feedback
... I am not a fan
love it
this image makes me uncomfortable
I don't know how I can help you. I really dislike that coat
Is this your fit pic? Are you 13?

>> No.14924025

Best ITT

>> No.14924034
File: 182 KB, 1000x979, IMG_5322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very nice especially the unbuttoned shirt
not bad but try a real dress shirt, this one looks like a casual button up
really like the cropped puffer
GAP core
normally don't like cuffed pants but it works
superior rick poster on /fa/
great fit but you've dirtied your boots anon
just the socks
looks nice and very put together
pants a few shades off 0/10
scarf clashes with the sweater but everything else is nice
popeyes chicken core
as long at you have a construction job this is fine

>> No.14924057
File: 319 KB, 530x1706, 20200110_003203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14924071

what's yo insta bitch you look good

>> No.14924093


>> No.14924102
File: 1.77 MB, 4032x3024, 784914FF-3512-4DC1-AE3A-C6A6B8087203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came out with da trash bag

>> No.14924107
File: 459 KB, 1536x2048, 8A5711EF-B7C8-4054-9543-51FE8F38FC05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>inb4 tards say I wear the same thing
Literally just got this new shirt in the mail today

>> No.14924114

clearly you know what you like but it seems to rub some people the wrong way

>> No.14924162

I don't have one but ty
I like this a lot more, I was too harsh before

>> No.14924173
File: 33 KB, 650x919, twisted-outdoor-jeans-mens-anthracite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it the pants again? I've been considering another pair in grey since they are really comfy, but I already need a belt so I cant go up in waist size.

>> No.14924177
File: 32 KB, 650x919, adrenaline-outdoor-jeans-men-s-anthracite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong pic, this is the model I have

>> No.14924181

It is mostly the pants, yes. Sorry if I was harsh.
The color just won't work and I feel the same about the shoes. You lose me on top half in terms of the layering and the beanie + t shirt is way more casual than the coat. You look like an attractive guy and your clothes look good on you/fit well but you need to be careful of what you mix

>> No.14924194
File: 3.49 MB, 750x1334, 176CAF81-A194-4346-8E51-70176129EECC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i feel like my shapelessness is worse than usual in this but I'm not really sure how to fix it

lovely but wish i could see the boots better because they look kinda weird in this shot
qt, I like your choker
like others said scarf and sweater are very busy
but i really like your coat

>> No.14924198

eesh it's not a choker, it's my shirt collar but thank you

Love the skirt but not sure about the combo with the top half, I'd go with a feminine blouse. Looks cute anyway though!

>> No.14924202

oh shit my bad lmao
the shirt looked really similar to your skin tone so i thought you were going for some kinda sexy topless-under-windbreaker-with-choker look

it looks a lot more cohesive though now that i can see its a shirt

>> No.14924227
File: 96 KB, 789x1280, wrathkek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My edgy ''wrath'' t-shirt and some white pants

>> No.14924229
File: 109 KB, 960x1280, boots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My boots. Not so sure if they go well with the outfit. Any insights?

I would like to see your outfit with a longer, more oversized jacket. Would look comfy and cute. But I like it nonetheless.

Like the comfyness of the outfit. Perhaps the pants are a bit too long?

fjaak tier

>> No.14924312

not bad 4 me, graduating early Autumn but I still don't know about doing postdoc vs industry

ur pic is too blown out to really tell, but it seems like the black of the shirt is significantly more faded than the boots, so maybe a mishmatch in that sense. maybe some black outerwear could help?

>> No.14924375
File: 529 KB, 1211x2153, FullSizeRender.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found these clown boots for cheap, now I gotta build an outfit around them.

>> No.14924471

fucka postdoc unless you wanna be an academia GOON
tbf there's pros and cons. the experience of postdoccing for 3 yrs will probably help you accelerate your scientific output
can't be me

>> No.14924473

>if the trousers didn't flare at the knees.
I have no idea what you're seeing that I'm not seeing.

>> No.14924477

imagine being this insecure that you lurk on fa 24/7 in hopes of validation

>> No.14924479
File: 245 KB, 720x1440, Screenshot_2020-01-10-14-41-20-957_com.android.browser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are either blind or have some really retarded kneecaps

>> No.14924556

yea, unfortunately in biotech more and more companies are looking for postdoctoral experience. I guess I'll figure out what to do after a few conferences this year.

>> No.14924590
File: 396 KB, 1220x2660, 1554593637820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've lost a fuckton of weight (130->60kg) and I bought a bunch of new clothes a few months ago for the first time in my life (my parents always clothed me before then) I have no fucking clue what I'm doing, please help frens

I would rate other people but my understanding of fashion is next to nothing, I've been lurking for months now

>> No.14924593
File: 1.66 MB, 750x1334, 1578641338163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only thing off about this is how clearly your granny panties are visible in that dim lighting. i can only imagine how obvious they would be outside in natural light

>> No.14924603

Are you saying you lost 130 pounds or is that how much you weigh now? your fit looks fine, the white sweatshirt stops the rest from looking super edgy vs if you had a black one instead (either would look fine depending on what youre going for) a better lit picture would be more helpful though

>> No.14924610

I went from weighing 130kg to 60kg
okay, that's good, thanks for the advice anon, I might try and experiment with a black jumper instead

>> No.14924613
File: 60 KB, 383x671, 382952833791f7909f19cb4d208d1790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try this

>> No.14924635
File: 921 KB, 1644x3293, IMG_20200109_181411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's my core

>> No.14924680

I'm pretty sure that main visible line is just an awkwardly placed fold from me wearing a significantly shorter slip than the skirt lining and then it wrinkling or folding underneath everything. My actual panty lines would have been noticeably higher than that lol. But I will use a thicker and longer slip next time.

>> No.14924698

Taking upskirt photos of women when they’re not looking core

>> No.14924809
File: 280 KB, 568x817, 7AB7044F-959E-47A3-8C5A-8A04B0ECC544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14924813

nice fit. what jacket is that? rick right?

>> No.14924825
File: 93 KB, 564x564, A51B964A-F3AE-4E2E-86B2-4AB99C319540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14924827

Yeah it’s all Rick, the jacket is a Berger from 09 I believe

>> No.14924844

The worst fit ITT and that's quite an achievement.
neither with those fucking pants
stop talking to this retard
those pants are too big
>if you want to be around healthier people (both mentally and physically) you should try reddit.
based sabotage poster
>thin bad
>fat gud
>I've lost a fuckton of weight (130->60kg)
very impressive anon
are you boy or girl? do you have any loose skin?
I wanna know cause i'm trying to lose weight as well

>> No.14924852

I'm a boy but I get that question all the fucking time aaaaaaa

My inner thighs and belly has some loose skin, it's not particular noticabele when standing up but when I lean forward/raise my legs while sitting the skin folds in a really unsightly way

In case you're wondering how I lost the weight, normal CICO for 130kg->80kg, then IF+CICO for 80kg -> 70kg, then keto + OMAD/ADF + CICO for 70kg->60kg

currently thinking of gaining some weight back because I look fucking disgusting without any clothes on

>> No.14924864

>currently thinking of gaining some weight back because I look fucking disgusting without any clothes on
well, you should put muscle on, getting fat again isn't a good idea.

can you tell me your height and how long it took to lose the weight?
thanks for answering btw

>> No.14924882
File: 1.87 MB, 1025x1509, 1572977605197.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

130kg->80kg took a year
then I took a year break, went back up to 85kg
85->70kg took 4 months of eating a tiny amount (not recommended, I had constant brainfog and it began to interfere with my studies/hobbies)
70kg-60kg took a month, I did it over summer break when I had zero responsibilities so it was suprisingly easy
been maintaining for 6-5 months now

on a sidenote I discovered that I have gyno

>> No.14924901

Why are you 'thinking about gaining some weight back'? You should be eating two juicy steaks right now.

>> No.14924905

I actually had two ribeye steaks for breakfast to celebrate me finishing my exams ahaha

but that's all I've eaten all day, I don't feel like eating and I hate/love being thin, love that my legs, face and hands are nice and slim, hate how disgusting my body and arms look

>> No.14924912

this would look a lot better with cargo pants imo

>> No.14925023

would look better with a lighter colored jacket or something w/a more feminine shape but otherwise ok

>> No.14925038
File: 2.08 MB, 1106x1122, dreamweaver9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14925344

this is nice

>> No.14925412

What I wear every day,
Holister jumper (nice and soft and loose, I hate constrictive clothing)
Skinny jeans
and vans.

>> No.14925495
File: 287 KB, 897x2283, IMG_20200110_193514_424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted in the wrong thread and only now realized my mistake

I've Only recently started to pay attention to my appearance. How is my fit,considering I'm an amateur at this sorta stuff?

>> No.14925498
File: 3.11 MB, 3000x4000, IMG_20200110_232751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14925500


>> No.14925502
File: 49 KB, 720x960, 83050566_697376114121842_1398398719732219904_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14925507


>> No.14925859

There's only one reason behind that angry mom pose, your dom tendencies are finally coming out of their shell. I'm getting goosebumps at the only thought of you putting those nasal spray bottles in my fucking mouth and crushing them by repeatedly kicking my chin to lose sensation in my mouth for the blood loss.

>> No.14925875

LMAO you recognise her from that pic?

You know that who you pretend to be eventually becomes just who you are...

>> No.14925965
File: 116 KB, 788x818, FB9795E2-3DF3-4F42-B646-CE77253A8C0C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got called a boomer today

>> No.14926032
File: 3.57 MB, 4032x3024, 20200111_140739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14926036

God damn it

>> No.14926039


More like coomer amirite

>> No.14926075
File: 236 KB, 764x690, 11020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been a while. gf took some pics for a projject

nothing works here
lose weight and glasses and go for a more neutrak shirt color
would love with a white button up and dif boots
love it

>> No.14926088

I don’t understand why old fucks like you even come here? Like do you think you look good?

>> No.14926101

what would you change?
shoes are definitely weak + no show socks would have been cleaner

>> No.14926119
File: 166 KB, 812x819, B3DA2A15-624A-4773-A145-431315E887BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know bad fit but it’s Friday night

I work for Rick though ;)

Come visit me sometime. If you see me say you’re from 4chan and I’ll give you a friends and family Sticker

>> No.14926124


What store?

>> No.14926167

Currently in Milan. But I’m always switching between stores in different cities like Paris, NYC, LA mostly.

>> No.14926180

how does one get into such a career? asking for a friend

>> No.14926190

Does mr Owens pay u well

>> No.14926200


Ah man that's awesome. Sounds like a really cool lifestyle.

>> No.14926210

>I’m too tall to transition, I’d look like contrapoints without the money to shave down my mannish forehead
That's an interesting thing for a presumably cis dude to say...

>> No.14926255

Depends what you’re interested in. If you’re in one of the cities you can apply to work retail there if there are any openings. There’s internships that pop up every once in a while. Usually NYC/Milan for art/design students.
Pretty well since I basically just work retail. But I’m family at this point so I make more than newer employees.
It was definitely more fun lifestyle wise 10 years ago when I was younger and could go party every weekend with my friends/fellow employees in different cities. I guess I’m a boomer now though so I’ll only get a drink or two before I’m done for the night.

>> No.14926288

God damn fill that shit in with some muscle.

>> No.14926349

Just having a bit of fun. I play smash so I obviously spend time around a few trannies

>> No.14926593

Suck ricks dick

>> No.14926599

Get rid of all but one necklace and chill with the piercings and rings. Good fit, not sure how I feel about the shoes.

>> No.14926602


>> No.14926658

What shoes?

>> No.14926667

Adidas gats

>> No.14926672

Gyno on skelly, holy shit you’re fucked with estrogen lol

>> No.14927405

Ew, you look like a disgusting tranny faggot. Trannies make me sick and I always make sure to smack the fuck out of them before pulverising their dirty fag buttholes. I can't even look those dirty faggot transfreaks in the eye after busting, or I'll be physically ill.

>> No.14927420

dilate and stop projecting your mental illness onto others. Everyone's disgusted by an open wound. Very few simultaneously get sexually aroused.

>> No.14927555
File: 2.15 MB, 2953x3931, IMG_20200111_185440914~3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just copped this jacket at the hardware store

>> No.14927572
File: 1.10 MB, 1770x2046, 6CC90F69-C577-4202-B458-09878FD23768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Busy weekend

>> No.14927581

nike sfb ?
Not a hudge fan of the jacket.
Funny dog.

>> No.14927596

Yeah I needed some new boots, they are surprisingly light and comfy. For a workwear jacket that cost £20 I think it's pretty cool

>> No.14927613

>For a workwear jacket that cost £20 I think it's pretty cool
Sure but i don't think it match with the fit ;)

>> No.14927635

As long as you can see the lining it does go well.
Good cop regardless.

>> No.14927729
File: 29 KB, 701x526, pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14927730


>> No.14927734
File: 1.46 MB, 3264x1836, 20200111_213652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You, come here.

>> No.14927748

I have a Pomeranian too anon. Great dogs if you can curb the yappiness

>> No.14927759
File: 2.06 MB, 2160x3840, DSC_0661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow pretty yopu look like artist
pretty edgy haha but cool
damn bro its best fit in this thread imo, i like that bandit style

>> No.14927762

oh forgot to add that i wear grey tanktop, dark green sweat pants, tanktop is tucked in sweatpants and undies

>> No.14927768

thanks bro, this is standard issue wear for the U.S. Coast Guard

>> No.14927770
File: 816 KB, 855x792, dayel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like to wear allblack, im carrying barbell everywhere with me haha
(im autistic)

>> No.14927783

damn bro mirin. natty? routine?

>> No.14927789

You actually look familiar. Did you used to have really long hair?

>> No.14927923

The barking doesn't bother me much, moreso that he's a grumpy wee shit sometimes and can snap easily. Just gotta be careful with him, he is so damn viscous when angered. Apart from that I love him.

>> No.14927971


Maintain what? Bitch you have zero muscle. You are a skeleton and you STILL have no six pack. Start bulking.

>> No.14928069

Dogs always recognize their owners.

>> No.14928410
File: 149 KB, 769x819, A20A5048-D2D5-4228-A30F-BD29D0A77060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. When I was much skinnier. Chopped it off once I started bulking up. Photo is circa 2014 with the iPhone 4

>> No.14928511
File: 791 KB, 1595x3507, _20200112_023451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on this fleece? https://www.endclothing.com/gb/aime-leon-dore-full-zip-polar-fleece-ald-cj003-pm.html

Not sure about how yellow it is. Also soz for the mess

>> No.14928591

what coat is this

>> No.14929227
File: 346 KB, 750x1296, 1576652574142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14929278

id on shoes?

>> No.14929295

lol. Boy, you really fucked up your body, huh?

>> No.14929305

dude looks 5'4"

>> No.14929760

im 4'9"

>> No.14930667

I thought you were inside a giant urinal from the thumbnail

>> No.14930682

holy shit i would never fuck any woman with all that ink.
philosophically nothing's wrong with it but it just looks like a horrible mess of random bullshit, because that's exactly what it is. it makes you look ugly and I could never get it up even if your face was beautiful

>> No.14930700

congrats dude
is that a needles flannel? wanted to cop one for myself
regardless it looks good

>> No.14930723

yeye i’m kinda obsessed w needles atm. sizing was kinda weird and inconsistent so i would try it on first

>> No.14930734

id on boots?

>> No.14930737
File: 49 KB, 377x684, gaylord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i increase my /fa/ level at work

>> No.14930754
File: 269 KB, 644x488, 1535458785240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


would if you bought better slacks

would not

goddamn I'm thirsty.

>> No.14930760

I love my tattoos
Thats too bad

>> No.14930773

ur hot

>> No.14930885

I want to cum in you but like romantically

>> No.14930909

based hair

>> No.14931964


>> No.14931974
File: 78 KB, 933x1118, welp cringe wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine fucking a literal sticker book