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14914259 No.14914259 [Reply] [Original]

Are humanities degrees /fa/?

>> No.14914387

Humanities classes are only good for gen ed requirements
If you're going to go to college, go STEM

>> No.14914394
File: 67 KB, 696x425, What-Can-You-Do-With-a-Humanities-Degree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have such a strong passion for it that you don't care about the sub par pay?

>> No.14914413

If you're independently wealthy so that you don't have to suck up to kikes to survive

>> No.14914850


And you go to a top college like Oxford or Harvard or etc. At the very least it needs to be a place with some history behind it such that it feels like you are partaking in a tradition as you fulfill your degree, if that makes any sense.

As much as I enjoyed my STEM degree and the economic opportunities it provided, I question how /fa/ it was. I suppose it depends on what OP considers /fa/ insofar as a degree is concerned.

>> No.14914895

it's a great pursuit if you're already got a good wage earning education or are wealthy to begin with.

>> No.14914898


>> No.14914957

Business is the only /fa/ degree desu, and that in itself is a meme

>> No.14914963

only if you go to an excellent lac and plan on grad school

>> No.14914983

gotta start college this fall, can't decide if i should choose history, which i love or something like data science or environmental sciences

>> No.14914991

University is never /fa/. The buildings themselves can be. Being well read is extremely /fa/. Taking humanities runs into the problem that in virtually all cases the coursework is things you could have read and came to a greater understanding of on your own. STEM and business degrees aren’t /fa/ at all except for the fact that they make money. Money is the core of what makes any of these things /fa/, being born into wealth is the best of them all but being born into wealth in turn makes most degrees moot. This is not to say that you can’t be /fa/ and go to uni (as most in this thread have/are and you probably should), just making a case for why it isn’t /fa/.

>> No.14915083
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I'm in the 1st year of Art conservation/restoration and it's dope because it mixes art/science/history+I'll have a job at the end of it

>> No.14915084

if you are going to an average school major in something that will get you a job

>> No.14915091
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>> No.14915131

I got a dual in comsci and philosophy at university of Michigan
I currently work as a tech lead in Indeed Tokyo.
I feel like it worked out ok and it wasn’t some obnoxious compromise.
UofM is effay af

>> No.14915158

Studying something to you actually care about while keeping a roof over your head is effay. It makes no sense to force yourself into studying comp sci or whatever and hate your life in uni and in your cucked career in that field. You'll probably enjoy life more studying what you want and then getting into a career that isn't directly related to your content area, even if that means working at a Starbucks for a bit right out of school if you're unlucky. But plenty of people find decent careers just because they have a bachelor's, or find one after grad school.

>> No.14915280

recognizing San Giovanni from a thumbnail is.

>> No.14915390

If only more humanities majors were like this

>> No.14915774

Geology. Its the best thing you can do. Safe job, kind of a mix of the stuff you listed.

>> No.14915881

this has nothing to do with whether humanities the field is /fa/, just the program i'm currently doing.

i'm doing a master's degree in design history @ parsons and i am probably one of the more "well dressed" people in the program if you wanna go by the standards set on this board, but i always look disheveled and quite frankly a little goth compared to my classmates. they're always in h&m but look way more alive than i do lol. i was thinking "oh fuck my classmates are way wealtheir than me guaranteed and will wear Marni/Jacquemus/etc to class" and that did not happen at all. so great, i wear shit they don't know about but i feel kind of ostracized lmao

if by /fa/ you mean open minded, leaning to the avant-garde, then no. you find lots of staunch traditionalists in the humanities. in my case everyones doing work on victorian wallpapers and my masters thesis is about something entirely more contemporary.

choose what you love to do and data science together--find a job in archiving.

fuck yeahhhh

>> No.14916555

I'm double majoring in physics/philosophy. Literally everything I want to understand in the universe comes down to these two. If I can get a solid grasp at these I can finally create my universal theory of history. I had to stop that project a few years in when I realized I must learn the language of life before proceeding.

>> No.14917683
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This man's trips and incredible insight just stopped all further discussion. Damn.

>> No.14917691

Sadly, the Humanities are lost and should be divested into History and Current Events.
Mostly they are just ways for blowhards to take huge salaries while millions of underpaid underlings do all the "work"
And by work I mean they contribute nothing of value