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14905761 No.14905761 [Reply] [Original]

Is the next "counter-culture" becoming Christian?

>> No.14905773
File: 137 KB, 630x496, varg vs nigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes and no

>> No.14905778

paganism is based it's just a shame that a drooling retard materialist like varg has become the face of it

>> No.14905787

>Good music

>> No.14905791

paganism is a blanket term.
Do you mean Odinists? Temple of Ra? Remphan? Wiccan? hermetics? There's so many forms of paganism.

>> No.14905793

It is

>> No.14905794

Jesus has always been in style

>> No.14905800
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>> No.14905802

Michael Jackson pederast and antisemite, fuck him

>> No.14905809
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This ain't it bruh

>> No.14905811

was Jesus, a Semitic man, being anti-Semitic when he called Jews the children of Satan?

>> No.14905812

Was he actually a pederast or did he just regress into a childlike state of mind to cope with a lifetime of abuse, like Joybubbles before him?

>> No.14905840
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>> No.14905847

smarmy queers need to be genocided

>> No.14905858

>implying that being an anti-semite is a bad thing
If anything it makes you based

>> No.14906511

'paganism' meaning the reconstruction of the pre-christian, post-aryan spirituality of europe
varg's materialist placenta-neanderthal cult and wiccan cringelords don't count

>> No.14906675
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>> No.14906712
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Yes,the "gen z will be the most conservative gen since WW2" meme is not going to be a meme.

Human sacrifice was never based
it's literally nigger behavior.That's what pagans in Africa and South America were doing when we got there.
pic fucking related,get fucked.

>> No.14906727

You are aware that paganism was built into catholicism and before christianity was established in eruope the barbarian germans and english were living in shit mud huts ans sacrificing animals to pagan gods? Lmao

>> No.14906779
File: 560 KB, 718x494, 1566166395017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aryan paganism has anything to do with africans or incans
based retard
all the priests in my area are LITERALLY niggers, christians pretending to be racist to own the pagans is such a fucking joke when you kneel before a semitic deity delivered to you by a jewish messiah and probably take communion from the hands of an african priest

>> No.14906809

Catholicism denounces any and all pagan beliefs, rituals, symbols, and practice. You are aware Jew slaves built pyramids 2000 years before Christianity right? Faggot little kids need to stop talking out of their ass, you sound like a literal 10 year old who just finished watching history channel

>> No.14906811 [DELETED] 
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>Jew slaves

>> No.14906837

Pagans are furries?

>> No.14906849
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>> No.14906851

OK schizo

>> No.14906947

i've been reading the bible a lot lately and plan to make aliyah in my lifetime

>> No.14907057
File: 57 KB, 650x618, pagan christianity jewish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>proving my point
>pagans were niggers that killed some dude in robes for chopping down some gay ass tree

I'm from Southern Europe,we hella catholic here,no nigger priests tnx

>> No.14907062
File: 58 KB, 900x506, christmas stolen pagan yule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you didn't make a point

>> No.14907063
File: 239 KB, 1338x1558, christ cucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14907255

wtf I love MJ now

>> No.14907291

>tfw no hook-nosed bf to sodomize me straight to hell

>> No.14907299

kohl please

>> No.14907801


>> No.14908075

While the last spiritual counter-culture was atheism and reactionary Satanism, the next one isn't going to be Christianity because it is still the norm. I imagine atheistic satanism may overtake flatline atheism, but actual religious belief won't be a counter culture because you don't put real faith in a religion because you want to piss someone off. Various alternative religions like Odinism, Wicca, Theistic Satanism and others will probably gain more popularity in the coming decade but it won't actually be a counter culture.

>> No.14908079

>Implying the alt-right aren't overwhelmingly Christian and Catholic
And yes, I'm aware the Nazis were generally anti-religion, but modern day alt-righters and neo-nazis don't know dick about their self-declared ideology and tend to be incredibly, obnoxiously Christian.

>> No.14908098
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Faggot motherfucker, kill yourself and keep eating up dick bitch

>> No.14908119

We were living in wood huts, were mostly monogamous and knew how to plan a year ahead in order to survive winter. Meanwhile southern European pagans created full blown empires.

>> No.14908127

Calling it now the next big thing unless the Church somehow survive the fag and jew infiltration will become ancestor worship.

>> No.14908128
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>> No.14908146

All bigotry aside, this is also more than likely. It's already quite a common practice among modern day witches

>> No.14908200
File: 179 KB, 1059x600, 1567023448586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>desecrating indigenous european holy site is so FRICKING BASTED PAGANS BTFO'd
>wait no wtf you're not supposed to fight back NOOOOOO-

>> No.14908321


>> No.14908536

we don't know what the implications of installing paganism throughout Europe were. Some claim a Pagan Europe would have a higher level of ethnic solidarity and migrations into Europe from different people were no longer possible. I don't know, I can't give an educated guess about it, however for now my gutfeelings tell me that it would weaken the ability to organize among Europeans to deter a common threat even more, probably reducing Europeans to cattle being easily led by whatever the Elite seems right.

>> No.14909246

Maybe gnosticism.
Christianity is mainstream normie shit.

>> No.14909252

next? it already is

>> No.14909294

That's you're arguement? Every religion outside of Jainism and Buddhism does fucked shit to each other for stupid reasons. Christians have done way more damage to Europe and abroad than most. Hell look at Ireland to this day, you guys are taking flamethrowers to each other over who sucks gods cock correctly. It's too bad Constantine was a cuck, it's too bad the guals, picts, saxons etc didn't push back harder and it's really a shame that Rome didnt burn more of you until the job was finished.

>> No.14909312

So where are these mountains of evidence that worshipping Yahweh and Yeshua ben Yosef, and reading the jewish holy scriptures, is not the most jewish shit in the world?

>> No.14909326

the only reason there are saints was to appease and help transition the pagan peasants into the new religion

>> No.14909333
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>> No.14909373

nigger music is based af

>> No.14909507
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If it will be, it won't be the Christianity of today, which is assimilated by the current culture and can not oppose it because it is part of it.
>Human sacrifice was never based
Gonna be a yikes from me. The sacrificed were prisoners, enemies in battle, and slaves.
It's may not be a coincidence most furries are white and probably Germanic, and that "nazifurs" are a thing.
Stinky medieval Christians btfo. Bri'ish women to this day prefer to inseminate themselves with the sperm of Danish Chads.

>> No.14909560

Would be dope. If there were some radical Catholics of the type that ran amok in the late Roman Empire, harassing pagans, vandalizing their idols and desecrating their "holy" places, I'd be so down. But modern Christians are just such pussies. I don't want to be associated with such faggotry.

>> No.14909868

I just moved to northern Kentucky and drove past a Scientology church yesterday. I think Ill check it out.

So look for Scientology to come back in 2020!