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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 147 KB, 720x960, A394958A-8A10-4704-9394-9461A6E1D705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14879477 No.14879477 [Reply] [Original]

Graduated today. Anyone else? What did you wear under your gown? Also died my hair and got a haircut. Feeling better and for once excited for the future

>> No.14879478

you got a nice face

>> No.14879484

Thanks! I was scared about getting rid of my red hair but I like how it came out. It makes me happy. Now I just need to get a job

>> No.14879537

>fresh graduate
Mc donalds it is

>> No.14879544

>teehee i'm a girl and i just graduated in the middle of winter!
what kind of retarded LARP is this?

>> No.14879549

Australia is another world, man

>> No.14879551

Are you retarded? Tons of people graduate college during their fall semester. I graduated in 3.5 years rather than 4.

>> No.14879558

either way her feet are gross, so who the fuck cares?

>> No.14879561

I’ve been working at Arby’s but now that I have my degree I hope to get a better job

>> No.14879718

>being this retarded


>> No.14879722


>> No.14879736

heh, sorry roasties, but your gross feet will never be qt if you abuse and disfigure them with jewish pointy shoes!

>> No.14879839

Are you that red head girl with shit teeth? If so you look good now

>> No.14879845

You are doomed to be an arby barbie forever. RIP

>> No.14879849

your head looks abnormally large but maybe thats the cap

>> No.14879854


>> No.14879857
File: 122 KB, 642x960, 62DD3E09-2963-44C8-9D4C-5D1FB7D55837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was my hair before

>> No.14879876

do you want dental work in the future?

>> No.14879877

oh its you from the thread about hating yourself
hope you realized you're not ugly within the past few days
if not then good luck with everything i hope you dont spend an absurd amount of money on pointless surgery

>> No.14879879

this, just consider braces and nothing else

>> No.14879893

this is a really qt pic anon, you know i was just joking about your feet before though right? like i don't want to be mean if you actually feel bad about your looks, you're qt. s-sorry.

>> No.14879950

You fucked up. This hair looks much better than your new stupid fringe shit

>> No.14880003

Image actually being this retarded and not knowing it

>> No.14880050

Someone was obviously to dumb to make it in college

>> No.14880080

retard never heard of december grads everyone point and laugh

>> No.14880437


I just wore shitty shirt and tie. Nothing special since it was under the gown

>> No.14880451


>> No.14880472

this, except try going back to natty colour

>> No.14880480

OP prove this guy wrong and post feet

>> No.14881169

bitch be high AF!

>> No.14881173
File: 172 KB, 1024x1024, 1565602239702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>went to uni for meme degree
>couldn't even pass 1 semester

>> No.14881309

who cares

>> No.14881322

post feet

>> No.14881325

You look like your only aspirations after graduating is smoking meth

>> No.14881385
File: 360 KB, 661x881, 20191222_161413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14881391

>black ops II font on the signs

>> No.14881486

>tfw graduated with honors in computer science
>there are no jobs
>sit around unemployed with no skills doing nothing
Have fun discovering you got sold a lie OP. Hope the years of no responsibility was worth it. I know it wasn't for me.

>> No.14881505

Literally me right now bro. I hate myself for going to college. I don’t have a job since Im back in my hometown in the middle of nowhere with shit jobs and I’m 170k in debt

>> No.14881533

>I’m 170k in debt
fucking how?

>> No.14881545

i think the fringe cut doesnt fit you as well as it just having it like this does
cool hair tho

>> No.14881547


sagy tity

>> No.14881594

>no jobs
>no skills
>computer science major
what the fuck did you do during college???

>> No.14881784

Paid about 43k per year

>> No.14883165

post feet pics to prove this actually you

>> No.14883202

i wore trad, graphyte suit when i was graduating HS.
Also, im euro, and can anyone of you tell me about your, american education system, because i dont know if i get it. You have High School, College and Uni, in the end if i understood it correctly, but thanks to kino, i dont have any bright idea at what age you should graduate them.

>> No.14883227

>dumbass kids still falling for the CS meme
If you have any stem inclination do engineering and take CS classes (get a minor or something). You show you have a ton of transferable skills and as markets get saturated you can transition to something else.

>> No.14883228

Lookin like a mad greek goddess

>> No.14883278

High school is the end of primary education, most people graduate at 18 but depending on your birthday you could be 17. College is just what we call "Uni" and what age you graduate entirely depends on your degree and how many credits you take per semester as well as if you dropped out then came back later. Getting a degree any time in your 20s is normal but it's not unusual for people to get a degree(a first or second one) later in life.

>> No.14883284

I graduated high school at 18 and then went to college/university for 4 years and graduated at 22

>> No.14883659

College degree is good if you are over 120ish iq. Too many average iq people get college degrees thinking that will guarantee them a good job.

>> No.14883675

iq doesn’t mean shit if you don’t have a good resume, connections, communication/social skills, and experience.
t. have had to interview people who are autistic spergs who look good on paper but not in real life.

>> No.14883682

Of course. Its a mix of everything. But notice all the things you mentioned you can acquire with time. IQ is pretty much set at puberty. Also its a meme that highly intelligent people are socially autistc.

>> No.14883688

high iq people don't go to college. ten, twenty years ago? maybe... but if you are currently enrolled in a college, you have a mushy brain.

>> No.14883708

>equating iq with being money-driven

>> No.14883733

you can't call yourself intelligent if you go to college.

>> No.14883754

What's the downside? I had my tuition covered through a combination of need-based aid and a sports scholarship at an Ivy. Got out with zero debt, and now I likely make double you do.

Certain opportunities make things worthwhile. Sorry you weren't lucky enough or skilled enough to make anything out of yourself.

>> No.14883768

wtf this doesnt match what my facebook group told me

>> No.14883777


>> No.14883783

lol yes you really made something of yourself drone #12481340193974 congratulations on the big brain salary

>> No.14883795

I started my own consulting business after putting four years in at one of the big three. I'm anything but a drone, but you can keep projecting your own feelings of insignificance onto me if you'd like.

>> No.14883800

You're right anon. I'm sure dropping out of high school is gonna pay off any day now.

>> No.14883802

>I started my own consulting business after putting four years in at one of the big three.
>I'm anything but a drone

>> No.14883809

Yeah, starting my own business =makes me a drone, sure buddy. You realize you need capital to do something like that, right? Four years at Bain makes sense to get the funds necessary, the clientele, and the experience. Now I work my own schedule. What do you do?

>> No.14883816


>> No.14883851


why is tity sagy

>> No.14883853

ur head looks photoshopped onto your body here

>> No.14884000


>> No.14884036

I have a big head :(

>> No.14884046

>no computer science jobs
You must be literally retarded and be turning in a blank resume to not find a job.
>t. computer scientist

>> No.14884051

Oh hey, I remember you from the last post you made, happy you're feeling better about yourself. You cute.

>> No.14884053

Are you single qt? If you show those feet maybe I’ll buy you something special for Christmas

>> No.14884055

You're. Baked. As. Fuck.

I liked you better in red hair, like a lot better. I'm not saying that because I've fetishized red hair, it just looks miles better.

>> No.14884058

Thanks! I’m trying

>> No.14884063
File: 143 KB, 671x822, 3BADAE3F-823B-4239-ACE4-87A1A5876407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I have a boyfriend. He says if anyone comes near me he’ll beat them brain dead and I believe him. He bought me a camera as a graduation/early Christmas gift! Love him

>> No.14884093

Your boyfriend looks like he has a ged and is small time drug dealer that thinks he’s the shit while living in government assisted housing

>> No.14884098

anon speaking facts though, your boyfriend looks like a gimp

>> No.14884099

looks like you on the left holding the airsoft and your sister next to you

>> No.14884100

he looks like your son to be quite honest

>> No.14884101

Your boyfriend has the lips of a prepubescent girl.

>> No.14884105
File: 302 KB, 826x1026, 80597658-5A34-4582-B7F4-36D9CFF546B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s a real life sweetheart

>> No.14884109

you mean real life faggot?

>> No.14884112
File: 156 KB, 818x607, 1517141D-A133-4ADD-875C-F7D4648FD4D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t say that! He takes care of me and I love him

>> No.14884121

this axl rose lookin nigga lol

>> No.14884173

yeah he's an ugly faggot who's too scared to fight which is why he needs to carry around a gun just to not piss himself around real men who will actually beat the fuck out of him

sorry babe

>> No.14884226

Your new hair suits you well

>> No.14884230

This. Looks like someone who hangs around high school aged kids because people his age have actually grown up and want nothing to do with him.

You look like a cheap whore who spends an hour doing her makeup to look like a total dope fiend. 100% gurantee you have a collection of liquor bottles on display in your house/bedroom.

>> No.14884248

How old are you? You look like you've hit the wall pretty hard

>> No.14884263

you guys are rude

>> No.14884369

>he takes care of me

>> No.14884381

If you're gonna try to flex or look tough while holding a gun, at least hold it in a way that it's not so fucking obvious that it's a cheap airshit toy. I hope for your sake that his dick is bigger than his brain because there's clearly not much up there. God damn omega male looking teenager.

>> No.14884421

>Literally wearing shirt with "bitch" on it

>> No.14884422

Cause it's the school level

>> No.14884427

You literally have worms in your brain because of these 4chan memes

>> No.14884654

nice mother and daughter photos
tell her to paint the end of her airsoft gun

>> No.14884712
File: 5 KB, 202x250, lepolface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You look like a cheap whore who spends an hour doing her makeup to look like a total dope fiend. 100% gurantee you have a collection of liquor bottles on display in your house/bedroom.

>> No.14884906

>aw hey you’re not that bad looking
>mentions boyfriend whom she cares about
>omg you’re such an ugly whore reeeee

>> No.14885376
File: 41 KB, 750x480, no-ragrets-temporary-tattoo-2663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your boyfriend looks like literal white trash

>> No.14885411


you do heroin?

btw congrats on graduating.

>> No.14885447



>> No.14885455

gravity beats collagen

>> No.14885613

Please be my girlfriend

>> No.14885704

Tattoos are degenerate

>> No.14885715

already more /effay/ than 99% of grads

>> No.14885718


>> No.14885720

>white trash
you could've just said white

>> No.14885736

Ok Raj

>> No.14885839

Not that anon but he looks like a pussy

>> No.14885866

which one is the boy

>> No.14886233

ftm on the left iirc

>> No.14886234

Try to unlearn feeling good about yourself from the act of spending money.
Replace it with feeling good about yourself from going for a jog or completing a work out and you will greatly increase your ability to be attractive long-term.

>> No.14886781

You’re pretty

>> No.14886803

congrats anon I graduate it spring

>> No.14887430

Lmao, tell him to get a real gun

>> No.14887561


>> No.14888063

what the fuck is this pizza?

>> No.14888076

Glad I’m not the only one that was wondering

Whatever it is it looks disgusting

>> No.14888255
File: 568 KB, 1936x1936, 82167CEC-2203-4DAD-AD90-5A185CCDF2A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14888325

Congrats! You look great! Gl with everything you do

>> No.14888753

Hot af

>> No.14889269

Retard alert

>> No.14889482

lack of knowledge =/= lack of intelligence

>> No.14889485

holy fucking cringe anon
the only thing worse than being a beta orbiter is pretending you aren't one, while not orbiting

>> No.14889486

>I likely make double you do.
I make jack shit, anon.

>> No.14889974

Never had supreme pizza?

>> No.14890303

disgusting tattoos

>> No.14891012

dick just got hard post more

>> No.14891810

Your boyfriend looks like a piece of shit

>> No.14891943

dude fuck off michael

>> No.14891946

newfags cant see bait when it's right in front of their jew noses

>> No.14891956


>> No.14892414
File: 210 KB, 827x999, C57A54E3-3F1A-4969-8D01-F086C8DEF56D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He knows lol

>> No.14892590

you two literally look like heroin addicts

>> No.14893313

This. If I saw you on the street together I’d think you were junkies

>> No.14893430


>> No.14894500

gain some weight you look too skinny

>> No.14894526

im dieting and looking at that pizza made me not want to eat for another day, thanks

>> No.14894742
File: 330 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14894745

WHy is everyone in hollywood a gay pedeo degenerate

>> No.14894746

these dudes seamed so cool back in the day

>> No.14896212

They still are

>> No.14896217

No they aren't.

>> No.14896223


>> No.14897504

They were never cool

>> No.14897524

they probably are desu

>> No.14898704
File: 579 KB, 630x632, sadsfsdfasf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14899144

Were not so you can be quiet

>> No.14899366

Look at all those simps coming hot just after one picture and tell me women don't live life on easy mode lmao how pathetic you are faggots

>> No.14899384

r9k anon here, you're all niggers for orbiting a girl this hard. kys.

>> No.14899387

You look like a washed up stupid bitch you’re so fucking ugly I don’t even know how faggots here can even call you pretty you look like whore girl no #67887 I’ll give you my discord looking ass attention whoring birch

>> No.14899395

The amount of simps and triggered faggots over her boyfriend made me realize that 95% of this board are pathetic subhumans

>> No.14899535

>he uses discord and doesnt think hes a loser himself

holy fuck everyone point and laugh

>> No.14899541


>> No.14899564

Put the booze down you are aging like shit

>> No.14899577

Nope. That is alcohol for sure.

>> No.14899647

why is ur head so square

>> No.14900344

How does alcohol age you? What makes you think they’re alcoholics?

>> No.14900370

Damn theres really people like the ones in this thread who will spend any amount of time reveling in hate and spewing insults, projecting their own misery and disgust of their own lives onto others for no good reason. They see a happy, loving couple and their instinct is to try to crush the happiness they envy. OP I hope this teaches you enough about this place and you leave the terrible environment that is /fa/ and the chan in general. This site harbors so much negativity and vileness. You have no business being here.

>> No.14900376

Shut up white knight, she won't have sex with you

>> No.14901104

Tell mommy her baby boy is still a baby

>> No.14901129

>Damn theres really people
You're surprised?
>You have no business being here.
Maybe you should leave as well.

>> No.14901241

Alcohol ages you because it dehydrates you and effects your immune system and vital organs. When your body lacks hydration it will make you age faster as will damage to your organs as your body is working harder to keep you running. You can tell they are alcoholic by the condition of their skin and especially their eyes as the skin around your eyes is thinner and gets hit with aging first.

>> No.14901242

I wish she would that would be really fun.

>> No.14901266

What a weird looking creature. It's like Josuke healed it wrong.

>> No.14901283

To get into more detail, one of the reasons alcohol makes one age prematurely is because it activates the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. When you stimulate this it releases hormones that will make you age like shit. Alcohol stimulates this and you build a tolerance(it is also speculated to be one of the reasons you feel pleasurable when drunk so more tolerance=more drinking=more release of the hormone=more aging) which accelerates aging. As for how it dehydrates you alcohol suppresses your body’s antidiuretic hormone that sends fluid back into your body while simultaneously acting as a diuretic, causing water to be flushed out of your system much more rapidly than normal, thus you become dehydrated.

For more information and study upon the effects of alcohol and aging of the skin. It does not just age your skin, it ages just about everything in your body. Your brain ages and becomes less sharp, your heart will be less effective, its just really fucked up. Alcoholics are riddled with premature aging and organ complications, its a very well studied subject.


>> No.14901313

Thank you, this is very informative.

>> No.14901330

Did you guys have internships? Or live in highly competitive tech hubs? I fucked up a science degree in uni so bad I transferred to a community college for comp sci, and got a well playing software job out of it with relative ease

>> No.14901367

lmaoooo dis nigga mad tho!

>> No.14901375


>> No.14901376

Please show your butt

>> No.14902099

I live in the middle of nowhere where there’s no jobs besides farming or working at a local shop, restaurant, gas station in center of town

>> No.14902127

well theres your fucking problem sperg just move

>> No.14902527

>T. Rides a Bmx bike as main transport, and sells Vicodin.
Lol some things never change.

>> No.14902536

Hey I'm not here to judge, but you two give me that queesy feeling, I know you fuck with opiates atleast a little. I've been around people on that shit so much, I can tell, I feel it in the psychic part of my stomach. Just remember when you think you don't look high to other people, you do.

>> No.14903301


This af

>> No.14903638

Move to a city retard or more urban area.

>> No.14904101
File: 122 KB, 647x820, 220B8062-D212-4284-B2B8-D94E3DDFA0D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not anymore. I’ve been clean for years. I just get bad skin whenever I get off the pill

>> No.14904110

The damage is done

>> No.14904117

You haven’t been through the shit I’ve been. I went to college when no one believed me thought I’d drop out but I did it all by myself with no help.

>> No.14904248

holy fuck you look like a crackwhore. OD and die

>> No.14904632
File: 160 KB, 676x698, 1554682990511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>challenging all of 4chan's combined autism
I'd be careful if I were you.

>> No.14904637

>this is the future of America
>This is what passes as parents if they have kids
lel asteroid impact needs to reset humanity

>> No.14904641

Fucking kekkk my sides

>> No.14904654

O-one beer a day is fine, right??

>> No.14904923

Idk y'all look high.
Lo fucking L, you don't know other people on here either. I made it through college with crippling pee pants blackout everyday alcoholism, left home with $500 and a backpack, hitch hiked all over America,, living outside for months, then off-grid for a year, got a good job, quit drinking, got a good home, and am now a fully functional adult. You're not hard or special. Everyone goes through these things.

>> No.14905282

so cute

>> No.14905329
File: 11 KB, 221x228, 1564484700936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen here little baby. You've gotten a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.

>mfw thinking of you hurting

I'm so, so, sorry in advance for what is about to happen. Trolls are going to come into the thread and they will be saying some very hurtful things about you. They will call you some very hurtful names. But none of those things are true. How could they possibly know? How could they possibly know how beautiful you really are? How sweet and compassionate you are? I'm so sorry about them, please do not let them hurt you.

I just want to see you shine and flourish. You are so precious to me. I want to write poetry and sing songs about my love and adoration for you and all of your perfections. My name is Brian, by the way. I know that you're tired of all the assholes and jerks. I know how you feel baby girl. I know. I am different. I am the nicest guy you will ever meet, and if anything I'll be the one in the kitchen.

>> No.14905351

post feet

>> No.14905355

That looks fucking gross how can you eat that shit

>> No.14905426

>graduated today
>can't tell the difference between died and dyed
kys dumb roastie whore, enjoy your future in middle management at arbys

>> No.14905468

Top tier simp posting

>> No.14905964

People like you need to be eliminated from the white race

>> No.14905969


>> No.14906151

>You haven’t been through the shit I’ve been. I went to college when no one believed me thought I’d drop out but I did it all by myself with no help.

that's fucking nothing. you think that's a hard life? you fucking pathetic specimen.

>> No.14906159

nice hair

>> No.14906983

why not just make a manyvids/c4s/iwantclips make fetish content and findom people as an online goddess
I already hit my balls to this image

>> No.14907092

What is your relationship like with your father?

>> No.14907315


>> No.14907672

Trailer park trash looking motherfucjers

>> No.14908250
File: 54 KB, 640x960, E9E6A9B6-8DFF-4BA1-885C-19AABAF93EBE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My new camera

>> No.14908278

Stupid coomer

>> No.14908403

nice shorts

>> No.14908438

Fix your posture, you look like Quasimodo.

>> No.14908544


I don’t get it? What’s wrong with my posture

>> No.14908558

Your shoulders are uneven and raised too high.

>> No.14908566

he just wants to see your tits

>> No.14908644

That’s just the angle the camera is at retard.

>> No.14908720
File: 250 KB, 488x281, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, dude, it's tots camera angles only! Her head being put way too forward, her shoulders being uneven, her rib cage being put in a weird unnatural way are all seen on her pics.

>> No.14908893

That’s just how females stand lol. My gf does the same shit. Always pointing one of her toes and like curving her back and shit and putting a hand on a hip

>> No.14908899
File: 191 KB, 828x1472, E10589AA-20F0-4051-8FF1-53C4F4212372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right angle

>> No.14908916
File: 303 KB, 1290x757, ohnonono.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do me a favor. Stand next to a wall, apply your regular posture, take a pic. Similar to pic related, I wanna show you what's up because it's hard to persuade you when there can be multiple excuses made for other pics.

>> No.14908992

2 heroin addicted losers

>> No.14908997

poo in loo

>> No.14909004

top kek

>> No.14909015

I mean the damage to your skin is done and can not be reversed. And none of that is impressive.

>> No.14909041

You look like trailer trash

>> No.14909445

I didn’t say it was hard.

>> No.14909497

How would someone get a gf like you if have aspergers, dropped out of high school due to bullying, quit your last job due to ostracization and bullying, have been prescribed SSRIs for depression and anxiety, are neurotic, unassertive, submissive, overemotional, constantly visibly nervous, self absorbed, vain, needy, desperate, maladjusted, whiny, self doubting, lacking any decent personality, completely lacking in any social dominance, unable to learn proper self validation as an adult, uncharismatic, effeminate, harmless, often look like you're about to cry, always avoiding conflict, pretentious, unable to deal with others, weak willed, naive, agreeable, overly self conscious, lacking any real life experience due to your mental illnesses, living with parents. self hating, zero confidence, struggle maintaining eye contact, weird behavior in general (lack self awareness past this point), feel slower than everyone in interactions, replay painful events/people in your head years after when alone, always have your head down, find it difficult to smile or show joy naturally around others, often get feelings of impending doom in social situations, zero past relationship or sexual experience, overthinking, unable to feel aroused by normal sex, have no friends, unable to take risks or make decisions for yourself but have an attractive face, broadshoulders, lift and are over 6ft?

>> No.14909861


>> No.14910251

You actually don’t look like a drug addict in this one. Good job

>> No.14910263

making an assertion with lack of knowledge => lack of intelligence

>> No.14911075


>> No.14911392

>This was my hair before
Did you get it done at a hairdresser or was it temporary?
I've been looking all over for dye in this colour

>> No.14911399
File: 304 KB, 754x437, TROUBLE WITH THE SNAP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go green

>> No.14912305

Show that belly girl :)

>> No.14912447

You get a job yet? You could always work the corner ;)

>> No.14912688


>> No.14912749

I graduated in the middle of winter too

>> No.14912755

I get that you guys probably love each other but you can't let that blind you to how retarded you both look right here

>> No.14912757

>Blogposts on 4chan
>"You guys are rude!"
Fuck you. I don't say this lightly. Thank God this shit is contained to shitty fem boards like /fa/ and /cgl/

>> No.14912834

Whats your instagram

>> No.14912841

why does a girl have toilet paper?

>> No.14913062

girls make smelly doodoo? Or wipey wipey fronty flipper flapper?

>> No.14913705

How so? Let me see a pic of you and your gf if you even have one

>> No.14913762

Shoulda gone clean cut with a white shirt but whatever.

>> No.14913769

I thought the first pic was a joke and you had a female friend pose as a "boyfriend" but it looks like you really do have an effeminate, white trash bf lol.

>> No.14913953

That pizza looks like throw up

>> No.14913993


>> No.14914009

Why do white women hit the wall so early and hard?

>> No.14914089

Hey OP. Gotta say that this was the most entertaining thread I've read in years. I know this wasn't your intention, but I encourage you to continue making threads and posting photos. Your boyfriend looks like a fucking mess, so you should stay with him and post more pics for my enjoyment. It's just so great to watch an actual trainwreck like him. What a sight. He's actually a modern peasant. Just incredible. I love it.

>> No.14914214

R9k here
>r9k here
Go away cretin

>> No.14914215

>upload photo looking to start conversation to fulfill need for human interaction
>most guys basically let it be known theyre just jerking off to you, nobody cares

>> No.14914319

Who tf is jerking off to her. She’s ugly af and looks like a heroin junkie

>> No.14914327

go white!

>> No.14914329

By the looks pf this thread alot of guys. And shes trashy hot, like yiu would never call her your gf but hope shes still down to fuck and do degenerate shit with

>> No.14914350

This man knows. She might not be the hottest without makeup but in pics like
She’s totally fuckable.

>> No.14914735

Me :)

>> No.14914877

I see i have found a potential snow brother
And another

>> No.14914919

>most guys
imagine having that hubris

>> No.14915764

Ehhh I think she’s cute

>> No.14916097

Girl like you are the type I don’t shower for a few days before I let them give me head

>> No.14916300

She needs to post more pics

>> No.14916308

Imagine being female and using 4chan. How shit your life could be

>> No.14916588
File: 2.37 MB, 975x1200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jermbot is a tranny?

>> No.14916820

What’s the difference between male and female using it?

>> No.14917272

I come here to browse fa and lit :(

>> No.14917276
File: 367 KB, 796x1518, 1564694897219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imaging being female in general. It's a rough ride.

>> No.14917280
File: 257 KB, 1261x776, 1545152737184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Men use 4chan out of a genuine interest in either the topics being discussed, or the banter surrounding them. Women use 4chan in those brief interludes when they don't have a boyfriend.

Regular male 4chan users tend to be fucked up that they have escaped the normie morass and developed something like a soul. Female 4chan users are just non-basic enough to crave something more than the usual normie social media, but because they're women, they can never truly escape basicdom. Their center of gravity is always basic at the end of the day. So they are permanent tourists on 4chan.

>> No.14917491
File: 38 KB, 127x143, ishygddt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14917530

shut it down

>> No.14917681

Please shut up you retarded incel faggot
Women use 4chan for the exact same reasons as us, stop spewing conjecture to fit some faggot incel narrative that doesnt hold up to the slightest scrutiny

>> No.14917684

And lets not forget all the braindeads here who dont contribute to any discussion and they just spam wojack edits

>> No.14917710

roast triggered, direct hit

>> No.14917767
File: 26 KB, 333x391, 66419575_119927585949831_3543246318995760249_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14918407

This. Go to /Soc/. Tons of girls on there some even hot that will timestamp and prove they’re real

>> No.14918983

No hot girls on 4chan man

>> No.14918994

This. Hot girls on 4chan is like unicorns

>> No.14919036

Only hot girls on 4chan are the ones here to shill their private Snapchat’s for $$$

>> No.14919260

Post feet

>> No.14919389

>yfw someone actually made this image out of a smug hate for women despite them most likely not looking any better than the right pic
oh no no no

>> No.14920255

She was so hot in the girl next door


>> No.14921010

Literally only movie I know she’s been in

She fell off hard

>> No.14921862

Post more selfies anon

>> No.14921877

10/10, op just got mogged hard

>> No.14921885

based and truthpilled.

>> No.14922994

Why hasn’t thus fucking thread died yet

>> No.14923003

cause a girl posted it

>> No.14924101

my nigga