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14870808 No.14870808 [Reply] [Original]

Wich is the best and why is it type 2

>> No.14870814

>not type 4
Shit thread please delete

>> No.14870964

Jew detected

>> No.14870974

> hair is between 3 and 4
why even live

>> No.14870991
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type 3 is best

>> No.14870992

Any can be /fa but 3 is cutest

>> No.14870998

Between 2 and 3 masterrace reporting in

>> No.14871002
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>> No.14871008

yooo shes cute as fuck

>> No.14871010

4 and up is subhuman tier

>> No.14871014
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>> No.14871070

I have exactly this, even the color is the same

>> No.14871181

My moms side is German and a lot of us have that texture. Looks great when it looks great but brushing and styling is a chore

>> No.14871236

based german genes

>> No.14871277
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>tfw type 3 and always frizzy and dry

>> No.14871456

i would say 5 and up
fuck off

>> No.14871464

even tho texture is important it's not everything, hair quality is not entirely dependant on texuture, there are other factors like thickness, strength, softness, resiliency, etc. two people can have straight hair but one's is top-tier and the other one is shit-tier, same goes for wavy and curly.

>> No.14871490

Black hair makes me gag to be very honest. Even when I was a small child I thought their hair was horrific.

>> No.14871588

>tfw no type 7 gf to rest her fluffy head on you
it hurts so much bros

>> No.14871636

Everything after II is shit.
If you see a III you like you're mistaken because it's most probably a II.

>> No.14871640

What do you use on your hair

>> No.14871641

1, I wish I were 4

>> No.14871653
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my hair is a IV, wish it was a little more relaxed like a III

>> No.14871666

it's not worth it. it's only good if it's too short for the curl to from or super long and go full 'fro. If you go the long route, it's hard to maintain and you'll run the risk of looking like a clown. The only pros I could think of is people are chiller around you and black guys will think you're funky fresh

>> No.14871697
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Anyone got any recomendations on what to do with my hair? Im legit lost what to do with it. Please help lol. Or should I just pick it out?

>> No.14871703

picking it out will only give it more volume, which you don't need because it's already pretty voluminous

>> No.14871705
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what should I do then? I legit dont know what to do with my hair. Here I am with it super long. Should I just go back to it?

>> No.14871796

that’s tight man

>> No.14871810

dude, honestly, you just need to lose weight man. Like you won't look any better regardless of your haircut until you can actually see your facial features.

>> No.14871831

2 is just a lightly styled 1

>> No.14871835

Get so jojoba oil and do hot oil treatment about once a month.

>> No.14871852

Looks kinda cool long. If you hate the upkeep though then maybe just buzz it and hit the gym. Focus on cardio at first and then incorporate weights.

>> No.14871854
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Whatever texture my hair is, I fucked it up trying to do a home cut because I am too shy at the barbers... Now I am fucked.

>> No.14871874

just lose weight bro, you might turn out to be hot as fuck.

>> No.14871899

>tfw white with type 5
i fucking hate my life

>> No.14871905

If you're past Type 3, why even continue having hair?

>> No.14871932

You look like you are afraid to look people in the eyes IRL

>> No.14871934

They look like half of everyone that goes to engineering university

>> No.14871936

please fuck off to reddit

>> No.14871939
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dont listen to them anon

>> No.14872071

I wash when needed with just water and rub in a shea+argon+apricot oil mix (20-40-20 percent) with some additives while wet, starting at the ends. Massage with hands until evenly distributed, air dry with no towel until 3/4ths dry and then lightly come with a Wet Comb. Shampoo and deep condition once a week or when needed.
I have extremely thick and coarse hair thats dries out quick so I never have to worry about it getting greasy, if you have more typical white hair use a mixture with less or no shea/coconut and apply less often.
Any oil by itself can moisturize an protect just fine, but argon+apricot specialize in softening and repairing ends, while shea+coconut loosen/straighten tangles and add a glossy finish.

>> No.14872074

dont have to I'm hot

>> No.14872075

struck a nerve huh

>> No.14872076

Exactly what someone like you would say

>> No.14872077
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>mfw type 1
Stupidly straight hair is so fucking boring

>> No.14872089

2-4 for women clearly the best

>> No.14872116

it's true that coiled hair is sub-human tier so he's the one who struck a nerve lol, keep coping with your fungus hair, nigger.

>> No.14872376

But that woman clearly has type 2

>> No.14872440

lol I know. Ive lost 20 pounds since I took that picture. Rn im 187lbs. Hopefully ill get to 160 by the end of 2020.

>> No.14872464

I feel you brother. Type 1 with absolutely lifeless pin straight hair. No volume, if I wear it without any product it legit becomes lego hair. Thank god he gave me a god tier cowlick at the edge of my hair line so with product I can style it and make a natural and effortless part in my hair.

>> No.14872495

also check on that curly girl method
i got back my type 4 hair back with it

>> No.14873171

Imo thin straight hair is the hardest to pull off unless you're model-tier

>> No.14873174

Shea butter nigga

>> No.14873808

i had the same problem, just stop using shampoo, i've noticed that long showers help a lot, some people with that hair type also use coconut oil for better texture

>> No.14873838
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This is the best hair type. both in colour and type

>> No.14873848

Gotta be careful about coconut oil if you have finer hair. If you are a V or lower it should be alright as such coiled hair tends to need more hydration than straight. The oil can clog your scalp and can be a real bitch to wash out.

my hair is fine and pin straight and it made it look greasy and heavy. It even made me break out along my scalp where it touched.

>> No.14873933
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Ok, listen up kid. Pic related is me, so I am not talking out of my ass.
Start counting calories asap.
always select sedentary lifestyle. This calculator will give you your TDEE = how much energy you need to maintain your weight.

A deficit of 7000 kcal will make you lose 1 kg of bodyweight. A safe place to start is a daily deficit of -500 kcal. You will need to count EVERYTHING, no guessing. People always overestimate how much they burn and underestimate how much they ate.

Counting calories is now your religion. The two subreddits are good recommendations for the right mindset: loseit and fatlogic

Once you've been counting for a month or two and it has become second nature for you, you should start lifting weights. Otherwise you will not only lose fat but muscle mass as well.

Now stop slacking and start losing weight, fatty.

>> No.14873937

not real anyway

>> No.14873942

this is after the guy got surgical fat removal. you shouldn't use this as your reference.

>> No.14873947

No. After severe weightloss you are often left with skin flaps that can only be surgically removed. It isn't fat removal, it is excess skin removal.

>> No.14873956

you are right
anyway, if this is really you, congrats on the weightloss
looking great

>> No.14873960
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LMAO this nigga performing mystical ancient rituals

>> No.14874114

You look like Ice Cube if he was from Venezuela

>> No.14874122

got type 3 as a dude. didnt even know it till my late 20s because i always had mid length hair max. or maybe it just changed with time

>> No.14874230
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>> No.14874906

i do the same thing, i have the same hair. only thing i don't do is comb bc i like the curls.

anyone who is fed up with their dry/coarse/curly hair seriously needs to look into argon oil post-shower

>> No.14875161

hocus pocus nigga

>> No.14875786

looks more like 3 but fizzy to me

>> No.14875855

Oy vey!

>> No.14876128

What about if you're a dude?

>> No.14876131

El es cubo de hielo.

>> No.14876137

My ex had type 4 and she was a blonde haired blue eyed Christian of German descent. Now it's hard to be satisfied boring type 1 hair.

That's type 2 you fool.

>> No.14876141

why is everyone here so pretty?

>> No.14876158

yeah, it's not as kinking as a IV but i don't consider it a III. It kind of relaxes the day after a wash. If anything, if I grew it out to how my sister has it, it could be a III

>> No.14876159

2 and not close.

>> No.14876163

Fucking heard. I need a curly haired blonde something fierce.

>> No.14876183

My wife had type 3.5 until she gave birth to my straight-haired kid. Now she's type 2. Microchimerism is real.

>> No.14876193

Different anon but I was born with perfectly straight hair and then in 8th grade it turned curly, so I buzzed it off until I was 20 and then when I grew it out it had calmed down to more of a 3, which is what it is now and I hope it never changes.

>> No.14876200

You guys have the male version of this?

>> No.14876214

Yeah hang on.

>> No.14876221
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Here you go.

>> No.14876278

>"everyone gay nigger but me"
Said GayNigger, the gayest nigger of them all

>> No.14876421

The worst part is I have no jewish ancestry for at least 200 years

>> No.14876566

Any haircuts for number one straight hair? T: Finnish

>> No.14876567

My hair is anywhere from 0 to 3 depending on how greasy it is.

>> No.14876941

Its fucking weird, even the cringe zoomers who post their faces in WAYWT threads look good, this is easily the most handsome board on 4chan

>> No.14876943


>> No.14876977

You are failing one or both things;
1) Hair getting enough moisture
2) Sealing in moisture

>> No.14877866
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