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14862681 No.14862681 [Reply] [Original]

thinspo drink alingment edition
what's your drink of choice?

old thread

>Post Current stats
>Daily Routines
>Meal strategy
>Make America thin again


low calorie food & drinks list

>> No.14862682

fuck wrong old thread

>>14838703 real old thread

>> No.14863149
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Cold water upsets my stomach and makes me hungry, hot water is the way to go

>> No.14863153

I don't feel hydrated unless I drink cold water but cold water makes me COLD as fuck, so I exclusively drink coffee and tea this time of year

>> No.14863163
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If you're not a fan of plain green tea then genmaicha (green tea with roasted rice) tastes great and you still get the appetite suppressant benefits

>> No.14863165

huh, I might try some, thanks anon

>> No.14863166

I'm too deep in Frag, I legit thought you were talking about Davidoff colognes

>> No.14863175

No performance, synthetic crap

>> No.14863178

Happy to help, also brew green tea way below boiling at around 85°C or so which will prevent most of the astringent taste

>> No.14863196


>> No.14863267

Hot water is great, but makes you feel more hydrated than you actually are. You should drink roomtemp water as well to make sure yo get enough

>> No.14863525
File: 438 KB, 960x720, MTXX_20191116103255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fed up of being fat. 5'4, 108lbs. How do you get the thinspo mindset back once you've lost it?

>> No.14863625

you gotta hate yourself enough. though you're at a good weight for that height

>> No.14863691

this is either a mtf or you need some exercise and vitamins.

>> No.14863694
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I used to be 78lbs though, feelsbadman

>> No.14863699
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Why do you think I'm mtf? Is it the flat chest?

>> No.14863750

posted in last thread but:
i like water fasting bc it's easy to follow BUT I consistently around the 20-24 hr mark feel violently ill and end up throwing up a bunch of water/green bile and it's the worst... gonna try going back to restricting

5'6, 115.6 lbs as of this morning. gw is to maintain ~113-115 bc it's my happy place. not an insanely low weight but i'm happy with it, especially bc of my bf distribution (big tits + ass)

like all of these except monster. bleh
also diet root beer/cream soda is god tier

>> No.14863754

Apple cider vinegar tastes awful but that shit is good for you

>> No.14863771

what concentration do you drink? and do you use a straw or anything to help with tooth erosion?

>> No.14863785
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I'm becoming a twink so I can get dominated by a 6 foot mommy
But why?

>> No.14863786

I usually shoot a medicine caps worth and drink water right after. Idk it's some trader Joe's brand.

>> No.14863794

i f w this, this already my life but mine 5'4.

>> No.14863803

I drink water, sparkling water and coffee daily. I never drink sodas and other shits like that since I'm 15, I don't know why.

>> No.14863968

just be glad you've never met me.
You know why.

>> No.14863986

is /wateronly/ the true redpill fa?

>> No.14863998

I've never fasted for more than about 12 hours before. Now I'm trying to complete a 3-day fast because I binged (and bringe drank) during the weekend. Wish me luck.

>> No.14864003


>> No.14864123
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P-Please be in London

>> No.14864154

I have lower bodyfat and weigh less than all of you losers but I am stuck with a wide caveman bone structure which prevents me from actually looking slim in the torso / heroin chic

instead i have thin arms and legs and a stocky torso no matter what i do

but ive learned to at least understand than even though my one meal a day perfection and low bodyfat mastery and cardio achievements are unparalleled it was just meant to be i can never look completely skinny as i always wanted and bones will be bones

>> No.14864171

Are v shaped chins /fa/? I want to lose some weight but when I get thinner I lose weight on my face first and it looks really sharp

>> No.14864484

i have the same problem and i hate it, even my body fat distribution is kinda fucked
life is unfair

>> No.14864490

what do you suggest then?

>> No.14864504

REMEMBER - don't think of your goal in lbs./kgs, think percentages for success.
Formerly 30% body fat, now about 19% 4 months later, and getting lower. My goal is 9%.

>> No.14864513

same height, 125lbs, I don't plan on losing weight. I hope that makes you feel better

>> No.14864597

>mfw thinking of you hurting

>> No.14864625
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member 2 hydrate

>> No.14864653

drinking yerba mate with ginger, what's your drink of choise today, fellas?

>> No.14864682
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I binged on like 1000kcal of walnuts/brasil nuts/hazelnuts last night, it started off controlled with me logging every individual nut into cronometer, but before I knew it was was literally grabbing them by the handful and shoving them into my face. The nuts were plain and unsalted so they didn't even taste that good...

The scary thing that I've been eating at maintenance for two weeks now I'm still just as hungry as I was when I was restricting hard, I just want to die, I really don't want to go back to being fat

>> No.14865035

Finally can see noticable progress only 10 lbs left to burn

>> No.14865044

Is it safe to water fast in hot weather? It's going to be 30°C-40°C all week in Australia but I want to go until Christmas day.

>> No.14865103

damn i'm down 12lbs from taking adderall daily/every other day prior to finals and I feel/look so much better. it's like the last 10lbs i'm always trying to lose and I haven't been at this weight for like 3 years, feels bad when you no longer have the self control that you used to :/

sad i'll probably gain it back too

>> No.14865113

> throw up at 20 hour mark
There must be something wrong with you if you can't even do OMAD (which is obviously a meal every 24 hours) , your either lieing or need to go see a doctor

>> No.14865148

Discord link?

>> No.14865216
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Rate my breakfast, /thinspo/

>> No.14865232

disgusting zero nutrition carb loaded trash
food like this is how you eat if you want to get fat, not strong

>> No.14865293

lmao, okay skelly. put another sweater on.

>> No.14865422

i literally always want grocery store birthday cake. like i have a 2 month plan of restricting/fasting so i can have a planned binge of a 1/4 sheet cake. how tf do i fix this

>> No.14865455

get some fucking taste Jesus Christ.

>> No.14865471

Lmao you’re so sick in the head those are your ribs sticking out you have NO BODY FAT

>> No.14865473
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Sweaters are comfortable. Get fucked.

>> No.14865519
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Sup fags

>> No.14865521

I have a question thinspo, is my cum or the cum of others a thin approved drink or should I avoid it at all costs?

>> No.14865545

Canada, sorry

>> No.14865625

stop eating sugar
your sugar cravings go away if you stop eating sugar for long enough
failing that you can stop eating carbs all together, I used to be the biggest sugar junkie, I'd go shopping just to stare at sweets and then go home without buying anything, now I don't even glance at them when shopping

>> No.14865677

Depends on the diet of the cumming individual

>> No.14865733
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yes, ah mushi mushi?
curinju desu-nae?

>> No.14865762

>implying boomer-juice doesn't give you a dadbod

>> No.14865898

are you a male or a female i cant fucking understand. some of y'all twinks can be really confusing

>> No.14866016

Post moar pls

>> No.14866023

finally happy with my body check scale gained 3 kg / 6 lbs

fuck i let myself go

>> No.14866085

>hot water

have fun with your esophageal cancer

>> No.14866249

obviously not so hot it hurts my tongue I mean general coffee/tea drinking temp you midwit

>> No.14866282
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Are subliminals a meme

>> No.14866531


>> No.14866537
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been lurking for a while, took your guys' advice, and several months later my s.o. can't keep his hands off me and people at work have taken notice as well. it feels fucking fantastic. I remember when I couldn't even comfortably cross my legs, but now I feel good in my own skin. I still have a ways to go but this is definitely a step in the right direction.

sorry for the blog post but THANK YOU thinspo. stay hydrated, my friends.

>> No.14866540
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I have gotten very depressed lately. I'm burned out from my career and my education. I never do anything unnecessary. I have gained a ton of weight. I have a goal of losing 30 pounds. Any mindset advice?

If I lost 30 lbs I'd be 10 lbs underweight again. I'm very muscular and tall, so my weight now, even though not petit, is still fit. I still would like to get better.

>> No.14866550

black coffee is my go-to. you have to always have a mug of it on hand, though. if you slack off you'll start to feel hungry, but if you're always sipping on it then you're good to go.

as far as mindset is concerned, I have a pic of myself when I was much bigger that I go back to for reverse-inspiration. I look at it any time I feel like binging. it's probably not the most healthy mechanism from a standpoint of emotional well-being, but it works. I think, "I'll never go back to that."

>> No.14866558
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>6’1 126 lbs
hi thinspo

>> No.14866561
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I drink black coffee a ton, but I gulp it down cold. I have never been bigger. I still get the point. I've tended to look at pictures of thin people next to bigger people. I always ask myself who I am? I will try to sip my coffee.

>> No.14866564
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>> No.14866565
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Sorry by the way, I'm Kazakh. Third language if it's difficult to understand.

>> No.14866577
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>I showed you my bones, pls respond

>> No.14866594

Your bones are well. You can also stretch. If you show us a standing portrait we can see your actual progress.

>> No.14866622
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bit old but I’ve maintained weight for the past couple years

>> No.14866624

also sorry that the best pic I can find is a fucking Snapchat screenshot. I just barely ever take pics of myself and my mirror is blocked rn by a mountain of shit

>> No.14866642

You look really good from this picture. I would say start to find an equilibrium. I know this isn't your thinnest picture, but its thin enough.

>> No.14866645

Sadly not lying... when I looked online, it seemed like it wasn't that uncommon, but looking again, it looks like it's common around the 3-6 day mark. I also get other symptoms that most people don't get until after several days (severe back pain, basically crippling nausea and lethargy)

wtf is wrong with me? anyone else throw up bile early in a fast?

>> No.14866646
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>> No.14866647

>eat 3 small meals a day
Still hungry later
>eat 2 medium size meals a day
Still hungry later
>eat 1 large meal a day
Still hungry later

I don't fucking get it what the FUCK do I do

>> No.14866648

unless they keep you too busy to eat i guess

>> No.14866650

yeah that's the plan. i bounce between 125 and 135 just depending on how much i end up eating. i don't do any kind of tracking/food planning, just eat what i want when i'm hungry. on new meds that are supposedly going to make me hungrier, but haven't really noticed that yet.

>> No.14866778
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do you expect to restrict without feeling any type of hunger at all? that's really unrealistic lol. are you drinking a gallon a day? caffeine/stimulants? just endure it bitch boy. you'll get to a point where it feels normal and hardly noticeable

>> No.14866786
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jesus she (poppy) is getting thin. what would you guess is her weight? she's 5'3

>> No.14866789
File: 807 KB, 674x927, Screenshot 2019-12-15 at 9.32.58 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another pic

>> No.14866796

I hate feeling hungry.
Caffeine and Nicotine.

>> No.14866801
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>> No.14866968

I'm trying to lose 15 kgs preferably
I'm 85kg at 182 cm and would like to be at least 70. I'm doing keto and so far I'm not bloated anymore which feels good

>> No.14867002

Are you a Senior Citizen? Nice retirement home you got there.

>> No.14867005

Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels

>> No.14867007

nice pouch slimfat boy

>> No.14867011

>I hate feeling hungry.
If you hate feeling hungry youre not gonna make it. Nothing feels better than when you know your thinspo and you can feel that mild little hunger regularly throughought the day, it's a reminder of how thin you are. It's addictive desu.

>> No.14867064
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purple sips

>> No.14867117

i don't know how you can say i'm slimfat when my stomach is literally concave.

>> No.14867277

>get irritable when hungry
what do?

>> No.14867321

mauthausen core

>> No.14867518
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post discord, please.

>> No.14867556

Hiding belly fat/flab under Jean waist that's why their so high, a classic

>> No.14867651

This is soooo true, I used to hate being hungry got nowhere, now I love that mild hunger and ive been making progress!!!

>> No.14867665

you can literally see in the pictures before my stomach is noticeably concave, all of my ribs are fairly visible, and my hipbones stick out like 3 inches. i'm not sure i have any kind of flab on me.

>> No.14867971

Based and self-loathingpilled

>> No.14868010

Currently fasting at work. I'm so fucking hungry. My head hurts. I'm annoyed. I wanna break my laptop. I'm mad I forgot to bring green tea, water and coffee don't work as appetite suppressants for me anymore.

>> No.14868035
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Came here from /fit/
mfw this whole thread

>> No.14868043

Diet coke if I’m warm
Coffee if I’m cold

>> No.14868047
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Literally the biggest reason I want to be thin.

>> No.14868048

what post lead you here?
I browse /fit/ a lot so curious

>> No.14868060

It says
>Meanwhile on female fit
And has a pic of a grill holding a sword

>> No.14868062

kek I saw that thread this morning
I reccomend checking out MPA (MyProAna) while you're at it

>> No.14868068
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Poppy a cute!

>> No.14868085

Will do thanks. Tired of looking like the michilan man

>> No.14868098

i lost 80 pounds from literally just cutting out wheat and dairy. used to be 215 pounds 5'11". absolutely no need to /fit/ or starve if u can self discipline lol

>> No.14868107

I get dairy but why wheat? need dat fibre

>> No.14868112

This poster isn't American

>> No.14868115


>> No.14868116

AHHHH started smoking weed and my appetite has skyrocketed it
fuck that shit

>> No.14868120

I lost weight drinking two iced machiattos a day with a generous splash of heavy cream

>> No.14868143

Fucking pollacks

>> No.14868147

Because, here in 'merica, in the bread isle most of what you see is white bread with no fiber at all, another chunk is billed "whole wheat" and brown to trick brainlets to think it's healthy while also having no fiber, and the stuff that actually has any fiber is on the bottom shelf and pricey as fuck.
Note that most corner stores in working class neighborhoods have only white bread and usually only processed meats with zero fresh produce.

>> No.14868199

>not paying 6$ a loaf at a health food store

>> No.14868216

I don't eat bread at all, carbs are wasted kcal

>> No.14868228

Mostly agree but sometimes you gotta refeed and other times you gotta make gains.

>> No.14868237

keto is based
once you get properly fat adapted it's almost impossible to go back to the standard high carb diet, I feel like such utter lazy food addicted shit when I eat too many carbs, it's crazy to think that I managed to function like this before I went keto
Love browsing MPA/EDanonymous and reading theirs where people waste their 400kcal on oatmeal/fruit/veggies/chocolate/fucking starbucks frappachinos and then do a 5000kcal binge at the end of each week while I don't even even glance at junkshit anymore

although that being said some people can legitimently handle carbs better than others and do not benefit from low carb ways of eating

>> No.14868263

I want to quit carbs too, but I like fruit a lot. Do you mind sharing what you eat on the daily, anon?

>> No.14868271

Ironically enough I'm neither losing weight not making gains because of my liquid carb intake. Fugg I gotta quit this

>> No.14868280

So I get fasting is the easiest way to lose weight but what about cutting cal intake to less than 500 a day? Does your body plateau on a diet like that?

>> No.14868302

Berries have some carbs but a handful isn't too bad actually.

>> No.14868313

how much weight bro ?

>> No.14868339


>one scoop of whey isolate protein shake (after workout)

>hard boiled eggs
>almond nuts

>green veggies (broccoli, asparagus, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, leafy greens)
>oily fish (mackeral/salmon/sardines/herring/achivoys

none, snacking is bad on the keto way of eating because it stops your insulin level going all the way down which may keep your appetite up, however if I really have to snack it's on something that's purely fat such as 100% dark chocolate or brazil/macadamia/walnuts/almonds

this is what I ate everyday last week, I like to come up with a meal plan for each week to keep it fresh, this week I'm eating a fuck ton of cheeses, dark chocolate and organ meats (liver tastes so fucking good if you know how to prepare it right). I'm only on a very small deficit right now, but usually I adjust portion sizes/skip lunch if I want to increase my deficit

>but I like fruit a lot
yeah I used to love fruit too, I'd go through a bag of apples each day, kissabel apples are divine, so are pink ladies and bananas
since getting fat adapted I don't really crave fruit or anything sugary anymore

>> No.14868354

Currently 6'3
330 lbs
Staying around 1500 calories a day.
Might start keto today
Lost 50 lbs last 3 months
A-Am I gonna make it lads?

>> No.14868357

>Does your body plateau on a diet like that?
Do you mean eventually reach a stable weight? I'd assume so

>> No.14868363

You should >>>/fit/ if you’re trying to “make it”

>> No.14868373

Starvation mode is a myth
People wouldn't starve to death if your metabolism slowed down significantly lmao
At most you'll feel extremely tired (reducing your activity level) and your heart rate/body heat/etc will slow down which will result in a slightly slower BMR, but according to the Minnesota starvation experiment, this doesn't happen until you get REALLY thin (like sub 15 BMI) and it won't be by more than a few hundred calories
And finally, """"starvation mode""" reverses itself once you start eating maintenance for a month or two

don't believe fatlogic lies

Yeah if you stick to it
Keto is a good idea, especially if your appetite is becoming a nuisance, but make sure you still count calories

>> No.14868376

Someone explain this to me. IDGI

>> No.14868383

Counting calories is easily the best thing I've ever done to stop being a slob

>> No.14868418
File: 44 KB, 640x626, FCE3D86A-1A87-4BDC-8D52-734BEE35E8E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lost 3kg and 0.8 BMI over 3 weeks so far. I’ve been fasting every other day and just eating 2 meals when I do

I also discovered what was causing my chronic bloating & constipation (which was a problem for like 5 years) and it’s unironically changed my life. I dropped a waist size just because of that

Good feels

>> No.14868426
File: 24 KB, 529x486, 1547025405687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based, ADF is really easy and effective for weightloss if you're one of these "all or nothing types"
When I did ADF I drunk a fuckton of Pepsi Max which constantly made me hungry, I didn't realise that at the time and yet ADF was still the easiest weight loss of my life, I imagine it'd be even easier now that I've started drinking green tea instead

here's my old ADF log I did over September

>> No.14868474

This is awesome I wanna do a log now
Ty anon

>> No.14868499

my scale at home said I'm 115.6... came home to my parents' and their two scales both say I'm 113.8? so you mean... i didn't have to hate myself?

>> No.14868594
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Do I have a good body? I want bigger arms

>> No.14868602
File: 125 KB, 639x780, 26C9422D-1A0A-4CF1-8142-DF11442CC054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a low bmi. Like 15 or something

>> No.14868605

I just made an excel sheet as well and I love it, thanks for inspiration anon!

>> No.14868614

no problem anons, waking up and updating the spreadsheet is such a good feel

>> No.14868631

this pic looks better than the previous
you look fine

>> No.14868653
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why is flavored water so nice frens?
legit look forward to coffee/tea more than I do food now

>> No.14868681

>>14868653 caffeine. It's addictive

>> No.14868869

Wait, what caused your issues?

>> No.14868874
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Is this diet, dare I say it, based?

>> No.14868884

i have slight knock knees as a consquence of being a fat fuck during my formative years, but over the past few months ive lost a lot of weight, but my legs still look weird and gross and fat and gigantic. how long until they start looking slimmer and the knock knee doesnt look as fucked up? i am 5'8 currently 145 lb.

>> No.14868935
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i also neglected to mention that i am a 19yo male. here are my legs currently for reference

>> No.14868943
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I've gone completely pescatarian (essentially ovo; cutting out dairy, most sugars and carbs too) for just over two months now and it's really helping. Not that I eat much, I either fast or got to the 500 cal range. Green tea is my go-to appetite suppressant

>> No.14868944

they might just be permanently bent from the extra weight but they don't look that bad.
women are not visual.
they fucked harvey weinstein.
just have money.

>> No.14868967

Advice for those with a larger frame, and a high BMI?
>lose weight fag lol
chonky skeleton

>> No.14868988

Can someone give me ideas for meals around 100/150 calories other than salads?

>> No.14868991


>> No.14869046

Any inv to a thinspo discord

>> No.14869065

Why is my body temp so warm when fasting and keto, also my teeth are furry

>> No.14869072

Are you also working out?

>> No.14869109


The trick really is to go slow and steady. I've lost 10 pounds since September and never feel lethargic or like I need to binge. I eat about 1500-1800 calories a day on average and rarely even want more than that.
Stay safe frens

>> No.14869111

no, just occasional lifting things at work and walking

>> No.14869144

protein shakes
fruit + greek yogurt
italian style chicken (breast)
chicken kebabs (breast)
balsamic chicken + mushrooms (breast)
braised beef + onions
japanese beef curry + skinny rice
grilled salmon
cheesy mixed vegetables

all under 200 cals per serving

>> No.14869155

rather endure 3 months of mild hunger and lethargy losing 5 pounds a week, than the sloggish slowburn weightloss eating normally gives. glad it works for you though anon we’re all gonna make it

>> No.14869162


also to add

-medium baked potato with salsa and 1 tbsp sour cream (160 for potato, 10 for salsa, 30 for sour cream)
-fried egg on toast (70 for egg, 50-100 for toast, extra for butter for cooking)
-tomato soup with toast to dip (90-100 for soup, 50-100 for toast)
-tortilla chips and salsa (140-160 for chips, 10-40 for salsa, however many servings of it you choose)

>> No.14869206
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Anyone else lose their sex drive on a diet?

>> No.14869245

i tried that and just felt like shit. basic tasks were exhausting, i couldnt focus on anything, constantly thought about food, got light-headed after standing up, woke up in pain, fucked my metabolism (not fatty starvation mode meme, actually reduced my tdee to around 1000), was always freezing, and became completely insatiable. Like, 5000 calories in one sitting was easy, I'd be in physical pain from how full I was, but was still really hungry.
if it works for you though, go for it. that way isn't sustainable for me and doing it slowly takes almost no conscious effort

same. cannot get it up or even have a sexy thought if im restricting

>> No.14869259

yup lol. unintentionally put myself on no fap too weak and hungry to even think about anything sexual

>> No.14869324

Any thinspo discord like skinee out

>> No.14869327

/biz/ here. It's diet coke all the way.

>> No.14869363

Black Tea
Constant Comment from Bigelow

>> No.14869423
File: 23 KB, 701x374, received_3307459182657548~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i somewhat /thinspo/?

also what would you guess is my weight? I'm 5'6

>> No.14869439

had 3 cups of coffee today and then had 4 eggs with mustard, going to bed now

>> No.14869453

i'm the same height and you look about 120-130 maybe?

>> No.14869462

thanks for guessing. that's about what everyone says and it makes me lowkey sad

i'm 113

>> No.14869472

The fuck is this pose? Can't you just stand?

>> No.14869480

excellent point. my bf likes weird poses so i sent him this on my way out and decided to share it here as well to be ridiculed
might take a normal one later tho

>> No.14869485

I mean there's nothing wrong with it persay, it's just hard to evaluate and initially confusing

>> No.14869489

You are thin enough to wear smaller underwear, if it wrinkles like that it might bunch.

>> No.14869496

Yes. Whenever my gf wants me to fuck her in the morning or night I just want to sleep. Only way I can get in the mood now is in the afternoon after my meal. Even then it still feels like work. She’s been mad cranky about it lately and I understand. Like she texts me while at work that she just wants sexy time between the two of us. I just have no drive or motivation

>> No.14869536

where is yerba mate in that equation?

>> No.14869548

those are smalls. extra smalls don’t go over my hips.

>> No.14869554


>> No.14869556

based on this weirdass pic, i'd say you look maybe 120. big legs but very small waist

>> No.14869564

Big skelly

>> No.14869584
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When did society become this way?

>> No.14869609
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>> No.14869610
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>> No.14869613
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>> No.14869614

this pic makes me feel better about my waist shape desu. my waist is small but it doesn’t taper very smoothly. it’s really high and all the tapering happens at once

>> No.14869617
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>> No.14869619
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>> No.14869621
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>> No.14869647

From perfect to sickly.

>> No.14869659

to effay.

>> No.14869676

It's not the society, it's girls being jealous to each other. Whatever makes them look better is embraced.

>> No.14869785

So I’m still trying to identify every problematic food, but the main one I’ve discovered so far is yeast. Also broccoli and leafy veggies, but neither is as bad

Literally if I eat a single slice of bread it fucks me up for days

>> No.14869786

jealousy is the ultimate thinspo

>> No.14869788

I used to have a bit of this and it disappeared after I started exercising (callisthenics, rowing, squats)

>> No.14869792

delete yourself please you are clueless

>> No.14869794

Go for an athletic build. You can’t really be thinspo but you can still be slim & aesthetic

>> No.14869831

Thicc, not thinspo

>> No.14869847
File: 1.90 MB, 1121x752, 1554082790152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after a while everything becomes thinspo
look how much better right looks compared to left

>> No.14869850

Not really. You are brain-damaged 2bh.

>> No.14869851

>that one /fit/rat troll who never stops shitting up the thread

please go back

>> No.14869902

but if youre female you should be careful about getting too lean, you'll lose your period at a certain point. Not to mention insomnia/sleeping too much, bottomless pit stomach, and being cold all the time.
females generally have a little more body fat than male, especially around the lower stomach and thighs
If you really want to flat stomach tho you can cut out junk food and do stomach vacuums. Just be careful about cutting too much. Itll do more harm for your body image than good

>> No.14869905

im thin and i wouldnt even fuck right
no ass or tits

>> No.14869906

...you can't even see her ass

>> No.14869908
File: 112 KB, 992x1235, 6CA59885-541E-4D8A-BA2C-C26512BC9A2C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eating 1000-1400 calories and running a few miles every other day
>have been steadily losing weight for a month
>period starts
>completely stop shitting, face gets puffy
>weight has not budged
How do I fix this? It happens every time and I've tried eating more fiber, drinking more water, and eating less sodium

>> No.14869909

OK, coomer

>> No.14870057

Cuz he's a fat hairy dude who will seduce you instantly.

>> No.14870063

Start chewing gum or drinking water every time you get hungry. Doing so made my weight loss piss easy. Went from 16% bf to 11% in a little over a month.

>> No.14870080
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>> No.14870099

chinese drink hot water
make you strong like monkey king

>> No.14870183

Staying at my mum's over christmas, how do I stick to fasting dinner?

>> No.14870185

when they try to make you eat tell them to fuck off

>> No.14870197

Sad :(

>> No.14870227

How does it feel to know you will never be a skinny kpop idol

>> No.14870229

it's okay, I can be an anorexic faggot instead

>> No.14870272

not that bad. after following my gf's obsession with kpop for a few years I can tell you those people are basically slaves.
You shouldn't want to be in kpop.

>> No.14870292

I'm 5'11 male.
Lowest I've been is 125, highest ~155 a few years ago.
Right now i'm like 138 or so.
I think thin looks bad on my frame, I have broad shoulders and a small waist feels like my body wasn't meant to be twink but otter instead.

>> No.14870306

as a relatively muscular male the lowest I've been is 148 (67kg).
I looked ok but felt really really weak.
I'm trying to find a happy medium between fat/muscle/water but I think I'm going to have to work a lot harder. Strength is somewhat important to me but not powerlifter or sport, just good quality of life.
I wish my fat distribution was less awkward. at 148 my nipples were still puffy and flat. sux man.

>> No.14870307

hello, fellow faggot

now go back to squats

>> No.14870355

How old are you/how active? When I wasn't working and just going to school, eating, and going out with my friends was when I was around that weight. As I got older (22 now) my weight seems to normalize around 130s.

>> No.14870375

I'm 6 ft though.
nowadays I'm not very active and I'm almost 30.
I have almost hit 95 kg at this point.
I'm going back down now but I have yet to begin exercising again.
I know I have to get back into it.

>> No.14870382

the crazy thing is I went from 145 to 200 in three years. I still have clothes that don't fit anymore. AH HOW COULD IT HAVE GOTTEN THIS FAR!!! I'M SO UPSET WITH MYSELF...

>> No.14870389

Asians look SOULLESS

>> No.14870404

t. mutt consoomer

>> No.14870409

>cant sleep if hungry
>always binge before bed

>> No.14870421

it is ok as long as u are comfortable with yrself anon ! 95kg is not that much and keep working at it and browsing thinspo for motivation.

>> No.14870423

eat a very small amount of complex carbs 2 hours before bed. a half apple or a bit of sweet potato.
Take a shot of tart cherry juice.
Wind down for 2 hours before bed with a book or some meditation.

>> No.14870426
File: 1.92 MB, 230x306, 1554148204934.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its more like 85 now after a month or so.
I retain water like nuts and I was drinking a lot of booze.
I'm gonna get there m8. I know that I've become unwell and I also acknowledge that calorie restriction is positively correlated with longevity.
I hope that dementia is not in my future. I wish for a long healthy life despite my recent downturn...
I wish you all a long healthy life as well.

>> No.14870456


>> No.14870458

Kek faggot thinks surgery experiments are attractive . Also.im far from an Americuck

>> No.14870459
File: 74 KB, 461x640, 08C089C0-1F10-4AE8-8A4A-CCDC16583D1D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

153.0 lbs, 6’4”, few months off 26 years old

>> No.14870465
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Thanks, I'll try it.

>> No.14870468

get a haircut and do something with those eyebrows ffs.
Also fix up your mouth. I can tell you are lacking muscle on your face.

>> No.14870477
File: 1.67 MB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_20191217-121430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trust me it works.
A bit of food to quiet the hunger and stabilize the blood sugar.
If I have a big bottle of tart cherry juice in my fridge (pic rel) I'm sleeping well for a couple weeks.

>> No.14870505
File: 134 KB, 1060x1502, 1513670554325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gained a bunch of weight by binging like crazy ever since i got put on new meds
>5'3 154lb

i need to get a grip and start fasting again

>> No.14870519

Sugar can do this in general. Maybe try keto?
It's probably hormonal desu so (unironically) maybe try more or less onions?

>> No.14870528

Beer and wine too?

>> No.14870536

oH MY GOD I've been hit with insatiable hunger for the past week, I feel paralyzed by hunger, I estimate that I've gone 100kcal over my TDEE for the past week now, I'm beginning to get terrified of gaining pounds

on a side note atleast I feel A LOT warmer (went from needing coats + thermal base layer in doors to just a tshirt) and slightly more energetic, I hope my insatiable hunger is due to some weird metabolism spike (maybe because I've started exercising again after being sedentary for a year?) and not just some random hormone bullshit

>> No.14870650


>> No.14870678

I'm on 500 calories a day, have been for almost a month now, how the fuck do you guys manage to find the strenght to work out? I feel very lethargic, I love it, it makes me feel delicate in a way, but I also don't want to lose my ass :-(

>> No.14871114

I don’t think so but I haven’t had a beer in 2 months

>> No.14871165

These things happen malt m8s

>> No.14871216
File: 177 KB, 782x1145, AA6562A9-10FB-4ADB-A670-26159AF5CCBB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitting my brains out

>> No.14871221

You a top or a bottom?

>> No.14871361

Gonna need more pics to determine your weight desu, can’t really tell here

>> No.14871373

cant stop shitting

>> No.14871390

ehh idk i'm a sensitive little bitch and people calling me fat online doesn't feel great ngl
i know i'm far from skellie but def not fat either... bmi 18. my legs/ass/tits pretty thicc tho so i guess it's kinda fair

>> No.14871412
File: 233 KB, 720x1480, Snapchat-2010978153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually fuck it, here's one from one of my autistic fast documentations a little while ago

>> No.14871496
File: 533 KB, 980x2452, body3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the FUCK low do i need to go to get rid of this retarded lower stomach fat? currently at 145lbs 6'2" thinking about going down to 135 or so

>> No.14871512

pic above you is me, that's my biggest insecurity as well. it's a big part of what drove me to go hard on losing, i thought the pooch would go away. i got down to about 95 and if anything it almost seemed to look more pronounced (i also wasn't eating so it might have been my half-functioning brain), like that little clump of fat just had to be there to protect my organs or whatever.
give it a shot if you want, but be prepared for it to potentially not work

>> No.14871527

fuck... well i guess it's still worth a shot anyways.
it's the same for me actually, i started deficiting hard just so i could finally have a flat stomach.
i have a lot of loose skin there as well since i ballooned to ~220lbs really fast during winter last year as a result of taking psych meds, but there's not really much i can do about that.
thanks for responding to my post, you look good btw. yours doesn't look that noticeable imo, which is saying something if you're really relaxed in those pics. idk how it could possibly look pronounced even when you were at 95lbs.

>> No.14871532

got that african bloat goin on

>> No.14871564

thanks senpai. i know i'm my own worst critic.
i thought maybe it looked pronounced at 95 because that was practically the last place i was holding onto any fat? bodies are weird
anyway congrats on your weight loss. if it's any condolence, i think you look good. i can see how the lower stomach area could be a little annoying, but all in all you have a great body as far as i can tell. don't lose too much i hope. i wrestled myself into gaining bc my organs were seriously retaliating. hope you don't go that far, would not recommend. godspeed fellow anon

>> No.14871627

thank you for the kind words ^^
i feel you on not going too far, i think 135 is the lowest im gonna go and if i still have this shit ill just have to suck it up.
maybe building up the core or something will help, idk.
we're all gonna make it!

>> No.14871638

I think you’re perfect as is. Not thinspo but you look hot

Can we get a pic from the front rather than side?

>> No.14871701

I'd consider you thin but not /thinspo/ thin personally. I would stay at that weight to keep the tits.

>> No.14871733

>18 bmi

Sorry to hear that anon

>> No.14871794

fat and gross

>> No.14871795 [DELETED] 

fat and disgusting. Are those flapjacks or tits?

>> No.14871798

slimfat and gross

>> No.14871841

I drink a shit ton of black coffee, and Söder tea with just a tiny bit of locally produced honey.

>> No.14871873

>wake up at 4 am for 30 minute cold shower and yoga.
>drink .75L of hot green tea immediately after wrapped up in a blanket. Feels really fucking good man. post your comfy/good thinspo feels here. thinspo gets overly negative sometimes

>> No.14871911
File: 1.78 MB, 270x188, 5A59DE91-6DA5-4AE5-A577-FC783BED1F3D.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you weigh yourself and you're right on the money

>> No.14872007

i literally saved it because it looks aesthethic

>> No.14872019

where is your feminine penis

>> No.14872027

might be your body detoxing

>> No.14872032

nah anon. i'm clearly slimfat. based no physique poster critiquing me without ever posting body earlier has confirmed it.

>> No.14872049
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>> No.14872052

jesus fucking christ I don't know what's wrong with me
here I am sitting in my chair wondering if I'm below my set point at 19 bmi while there are FUCKING kids being encouraged to smoke in order to stay thin

I need to up my game, considering a one week fast

>> No.14872100
File: 144 KB, 919x1025, 1568976986974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

decided to treat myself to a thinspo xmas
I know it's pleb tier but it's still a step up for 55p Aldi brand tea

>> No.14872104

>binge like crazy in the last few days
>still 2000kcal+ in a deficit thanks to exercise
>wasn't even trying to lose weight

n i c e

>> No.14872123
File: 250 KB, 1238x1312, 7C8F38B1-C36F-42FB-A469-85BB53FC62A4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weigh self
>didn't lose as much as expected but ok
>get urge to go to the bathroom again
>release what must be 2-3 days worth of food
>weigh self again
>down half a pound
I cannot think of a more satisfying feeling

>> No.14872155

I don't usually purge, but I just ate 500 calories worth of noodles and vegetables and felt disgusting, so I threw up. I'm never fucking eating noodles again.

>> No.14872662


fuck i wanna be thin

>> No.14872663

How about;
being happy with yourself?

Not that you'll ever get there but theoretically it's got to be better

>> No.14872776
File: 158 KB, 828x1023, 59B045F3-7D7E-405D-BEFF-489ED1BD8693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14872783


>> No.14872859

you don't infuse matcha.
You get it in a powder and dissolve it into the drink.
Make sure not to use very very hot water. maybe like 92-96c tops. Then just add and agitate.

>> No.14872864

Oh yeah I know
thanks for the heads up anyway anon, I'm planning on making some before my run tomorrow, can't wait!

>> No.14872867

Cutie 3.14

>> No.14873183

train abs

>> No.14873184
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>> No.14873240


>> No.14873248

volume eating

>> No.14873270

if u ever have a bad day the most important thing is just not to make it a habit, thats too easy to do and getting back out of a rut is much harder than recovering from one day

>> No.14873534

Quit alcohol 4 days ago been eating little to none (aprox 400~700 cals a day). Had to quit the alcy cause I've been getting really itchy skin and bruising easily. Being clearminded helps lots I can't emphasize that enough. Been eating riced cauliflower, basic veggies and lots of coke zero/tea
We'll make it qts
Stats: 5'11 m 145lb really high bf%
Goal: 125~130

>> No.14873558

tfw too depressed and deprived of dopamine to diet

>> No.14873562

skip breakfast and eat later in the day

>> No.14873647

That’s what I do. Only eat in the evening

>> No.14873691

Have 100 cal meal in middle of the day, then have 600 cal of vegetables for dinner, should fill you up

>> No.14873894

my heart rate is up on keto atm

is it me lacking potassium

>> No.14874214
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>> No.14874394

You probably have a stomach virus.

>> No.14874424

Wide hips on a male is suicide :(

>> No.14874533
File: 203 KB, 349x491, FkjxNfT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been 130 lbs for the past 2.5 months regardless of my efforts. Tried all the meme "break your plateau" tricks. Lowering intake (was eating about 500 calories per day and went down to <250 for a while), increasing to vigorous exercise, eating a lot one day then going back to normal, etc. Nothing. Recently I somehow managed to duck below to 128.8 but my stupid fucking father planted me in a psych ward for two weeks and I gained the weight back to 130. Asked my doctor to increase my Adderall dosage another 5mg, which caused me to not eat a crumb for 5 days. Blacked out in the shower last night, got up this morning to weigh myself. 130.2 lbs. All the excess Adderall has done is plant me on my ass and increase my anger/anxiety over the situation.

Before anyone suggests it might be my scale, I own three, one of which I just bought in case the others were junk.

I'm so close yet so far from getting there. I lost 50 lbs so far. I just need to get to 115 max. Fuck my life, what do I do?

>> No.14874715

just accept that you're at the bottom.
Then realize you're a wojackposting faggot and kill yourself.

>> No.14875057

how does one achieve this

>> No.14875080

> Meds and depression made me gain weight and now I'm 240 lbs
why live ;_;

>> No.14875143

you shouldn't. depression is /fa/

>> No.14875158

how tall?

>> No.14875248

bruh just get diagnosed ADHD and get adderall, never hunger again.

>> No.14875257

Not losing any weight at that weight on strictly 500 a day, doubt it

>> No.14875288

Might go eat some caramelized onions, chipolatas, pork, baked veggies, crisp bread and potato salad washed down with milk and juice. Sucked in fatties. To bad slow metabolisms cant enjoy it with us.

>> No.14875442

this. just stay sub 1k and wait it out.

>> No.14875507

Ive realized i just need to buy like 500 of those jello 0 calorie snack packs and ill be okay

>> No.14875634
File: 548 KB, 2876x1110, Screen Shot 2019-12-20 at 10.39.00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /thinspo/ just dumping some data here since I've been tracking a lot of it in the last few weeks.

I started my diet long before this, but only recently did I decide to keep calorie records for longer than 7 days.

I considered my diet to be very low in general, and usually, when I talked to people I'd tell them I ate on average 1200 or less/day.

It was only today that I did the math and my average across the last 16 weeks came up to ~1450/day.

Some key data takeaways -

1) Mondays and Sundays were the highest calorie days for me. This is because I ate the most and generally took breaks on these days, as you can see by the red in the charts.

2) Fridays were the lowest calorie days. Yes, I stay home all the time and do not go outside with friends, so this is not terribly surprising. My increased performance on this day could also have something to do with being closer to my break days so I want to go extra hard. Or it could just be variance.

3) Even though my daily average is 1450, this is averaged out across every single day in the past 4 months. That includes, vacation days, refeed days, cheat days, and anything in between. So in reality, while I am in "diet mode" I am probably eating much much less than 1450 on average, and the average number is of course raised by those extra days of above-average calorie consumption.

4) Per week I can expect moving forward an average deficit of around 5000 cals/week, or 1.4 lbs. Not too shabby.

This is just an interesting post I thought some of you might like. Certainly, there's something to be said about discipline and really sticking to a hard diet, but the way I've structured mine allows for plenty of 3000 calorie off-days to reset my sanity and keep me going through the tough times.

>> No.14875691
File: 107 KB, 1000x1414, 1575440331105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tranny here, been on and off thinspo stuff for awhile (thanksgiving kinda fucked me up) but remained underweight and fairly skinny, probably a dumb question but along with restricting what's the ideal way to get like a fit twink-esque body in terms of exercise and stuff

>> No.14875764

>shoving nut into your face

>> No.14875872

t. double chin

>> No.14875882

>3k days
>like a week out of the month
weakling. Get lost.

>> No.14876344

sauce please?

>> No.14876522

Sit ups, skinny with abs is aesthetic, any other exercise will make you look bigger and less twink

>> No.14876550
File: 229 KB, 1080x1350, 73036733_2189429991349363_3533497657208151247_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Half of the U.S. Population Will Be Obese by 2030

Stay thin!

>> No.14876553

kek I love reading news like this
the average person getting fatter is basically the same as us getting thinner
/fit/ter as well

can't wait until I'm regarded as a super athlete for just running an average pace marathon

>> No.14876633

It worked for the first 50 but now what?

>> No.14876818

Get help

>> No.14876889

Most cases of wide hips is just lack of muscle. Males can't be thinspo with out the proper foundation.

>> No.14877172
File: 2.92 MB, 4032x3024, 20191221_101734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at work i just wanna drink my.breakfast and people decide to bring this trash in like do most people even care about themselves

>> No.14877182

Derive pleasure from watching other people pig out anon

Nothing makes me feel better than when I deny fattening hyperpalatable garbage in favour of a black coffee/green tea/diet coke

>> No.14877186

people eating really grosses me out so i dont want to watch them

>> No.14877341

Carry on eating 500 a day, you don't lose weight instantly.. The weight you lost in those 50 hours would've just been from having less food in your stomach

>> No.14877481

I ate 1200 calories today (I usually eat between 500 and 600) and I feel like absolute shit, I feel like I'm weak and lack discipline because I have in to food

>> No.14877586


>> No.14877661
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Anyone got some /thinspo/ stories like fit in fph? Like people being rude to you because they're jealous you're thinner? Non-family members trying to get you to eat more?

>> No.14877671

a bunch of ham planets that i work with accuse me of having an ed because i dont eat lunch and always refuse choclate from them which they snack on everyday then we have a staff lunch of pasteries and cake then they try to pressure me into eating garbage its like bitch if u dont want your husband to.fuck you thats fine but imma drink my diet coke and make dinner when i get home cause im not content being a fatty

>> No.14877775

Congratulations! You're the worst looking human I have ever seen!