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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 142 KB, 1278x892, 1547838747867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14863716 No.14863716 [Reply] [Original]





Not being updated anymore:

Quick guide to prep: https://www.mreero.com/journal/how-to-dress-like-a-prep
The Preppy Handbook: https://issuu.com/fiyero109/docs/toph
Nautical clothing guide: https://epochs.co/features/epochs-guide-to-nautical-clothing?p=nauticalpost
Boat shoe lacing guide: https://blog.sperry.com/stories/style/lacing-guide/
Waxing Barbours: https://www.saltwaternewengland.com/2019/09/waxing-barbour.html
80s Inspo compilation: http://www.ivy-style.com/heres-to-a-preptastic-year-the-1982-prep-for-all-seasons-calendar.html
Inspo albums: https://imgur.com/a/SRKjs, https://imgur.com/a/eEw6B and https://imgur.com/a/XZuwA

Where to find clothing:
https://pastebin.com/XuddAMgt (Provisional, European)
https://pastebin.com/Htr9xj0t (Special patterned Sweaters, European)
https://pastebin.com/Tsu6xGLg (OCBD, General)
https://pastebin.com/4puLLev6 (Spanish shoes, European)

>> No.14863722 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 249x249, 1576352080594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that posters here don't have what it takes to be Trad, are not smart enough to go to Ivy and don't come from good enough family to dress Prep. Know your place in social stratification kiddos.

>> No.14863730

Based and upper class pilled

Daily reminder that even if you become rich your dad will always remain a plubmer

>> No.14863734

Rental tux guys with the trans friend?

>> No.14863743


>> No.14863745
File: 186 KB, 661x1369, 323A0DB8-45F1-4642-9F17-5B2D8C36E794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our /“girl”/

>> No.14863765


>> No.14863768

>Upper class "women"
Oh no no no

>> No.14863769

Mr save a hoe

>> No.14863770

what the fuck

>> No.14863774

Doubt anyone here has gone to an Ivy
I want to get my prostate checked by it

>> No.14863778

>12 posts
>8 posters
You really don't help your case.

>> No.14863782

I went to Columbia but I was poor before and still are so I don't know if I count.

>> No.14863796

This is me and idk who the other guy is but lmfao those are awful hands, not everyone who you disagree with is samefag

>> No.14863802
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>> No.14863804


>> No.14863811

Based big powerful hands to crush LARPer skulls with

>> No.14863833

best of the absolute shit brands for shoes?

just want to try a shoe also as a one off purchase which will hardly get any wear so I’m wondering which brands come out marginally on top of that whole section

>> No.14863841

Tallsem. Unless you want to go for glued soles. Then, i have no idea.

>> No.14863847


>> No.14863917


>> No.14864017
File: 1.90 MB, 400x215, giphy (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol. ""Girl""

>> No.14864053
File: 300 KB, 869x1024, _The Chap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that this is what you guys look like to normal people

>> No.14864070

More like your middle school geography teachers who were sputtering from anger every time the class was yet again disrespecting them.

>> No.14864073

jannies are faggots

>> No.14864089


>> No.14864093


>> No.14864107

>Daily reminder that even if you become rich your dad will always remain a plubmer
So?? I'll still be rich. Also
Do they not teach to spell in prep school?

>> No.14864128
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Yes, sure Mr. Collins

>> No.14864132
File: 158 KB, 512x1588, 1576262016498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Robertson DON'T call him "Chicken Nugget Scoon" anymore, do you hear me??

>> No.14864135
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>> No.14864153


>> No.14864157
File: 74 KB, 567x939, _AverageHypebeast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14864162
File: 65 KB, 606x469, gentlementlemen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fellow chaps of good breeding and social stature...

>> No.14864170

We were actually having a few good threads, but then things went to shit in the last one and they are continuing to go to shit here. Why exactly does this style draw so much controversy?

>> No.14864174

You should have been to these threads 2 years ago, fewer threads, they used to stay up for a week or so, few posters, 50 posters for 200 posts and a lot of great inspo

>> No.14864178

Do you have any links to archives of those threads? This is one of the few good parts of effay, it depresses me to see it go to shit too.

>> No.14864183

Same as usual. People like to start shit for the sake of starting shit, constant pointless meme spewing and little discussion about relevant topics.

>> No.14864212

I’ve been browsing since May of this year. I’ve learned a lot. These things seem normal and quite amusing, but I guess we’ve been invaded by the two larpers and their tranny who think they run the show

>> No.14864215

Does a french "grande école" in Paris count?

btw : "The grandes écoles (French: [ɡʁɑ̃dzekɔl]; lit."great schools") of France are higher education establishments that are separate and parallel, but often connected to, the main framework of the French public university system. Grandes écoles are highly selective, elite, and prestigious institutions; their graduates have dominated upper levels of the private and public sectors of French society for decades"

>> No.14864229

Ofc. Good for you, anon

>> No.14864234
File: 52 KB, 650x366, 832158-leonardo-dicaprio-wolf-of-wall-street.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a dilemma. I want to replicate this fit next Summer, but I am unsure what pants to wear. I own a pair of cream colored chinos, but they are flat front. I own a pair of double pleated chinos, but they are a darker shade, like british khaki. Which detail is more important, the cream color that gives it that summery look, or the pleats that scream "Its the 90s!" And don't tell me not to wear pleats because they are "old man-ish", I like pleats, I'm just asking about how important they are to this particular ensemble.

>> No.14864238

It doesn't really matter. People have been dressing in this style without actually attending elite schools since the 1950s.

>> No.14864303

This is legitimately a terrible fit and looks like something someone in a nursing home would wear.
This is nice.

>> No.14864314
File: 284 KB, 580x596, Screen Shot 2019-12-14 at 11.30.03 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ID on this coat Portnoy is wearing in this video? Couldn't get a good screenshot but the video shows the coat really well. I really like the stitching, I have a similar coat thats a bit dark and the stitching looks a bit more "sweater-y"(?) I'm not sure how to put it. I like how sleek his coat looks.

Can someone with a better materials vocabulary tell me why his coat's material looks expensive and mine looks like its off the rack at old navy? I'll post my coat in a second

>> No.14864322
File: 3.79 MB, 4032x3024, C99F827E-D38E-4764-A949-28EB10D73EEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to get a good pic showing the stitching of mine

>> No.14864342

Well if you want to look exactly like pic related then do so. The only thing that might be hard is to find that belt.

>> No.14864348

My shirt from Spier and Mackay arrived today. I ordered a slim because I'm a pretty skinny guy, so slims usually fit me. The slim from Ralph for example is perfect on me.
But S&M's slim is slim slim. I'm really debating exchanging it for their classic fit or whatever they refer to it as.

>> No.14864351

>Well if you want to look exactly like pic related then do so
That's the thing though, I can't. I dont have pleated cream colored pants, and I don't have the extra cash to buy a pair.
>The only thing that might be hard is to find that belt
Yeah, I know. I'm not even gonna bother with that.

>> No.14864354

Hot take: Saying "You can't dress preppy if you don't come from an old money family" is essentially the same thing as an SJW bitching about "cultural appropriation"

>> No.14864356

Heh, I just noticed that.

>> No.14864360

>Doubt anyone here has gone to an Ivy
I did but I'm not a resident poster in this thread.

>> No.14864370

is that a shower curtain it's wearing?

>> No.14864376

I didn't but if you type my schools name into google one of the recommended searches is "Is XXX University an ivy" so I have that going for me

>> No.14864379

I think I may realistically have a chance at Brown for my masters. We'll see, I'll be applying next summer

>> No.14864382


>> No.14864396

I go to a state college, but at least I'm the best dressed person there. There's something nice about having no competition as far as style goes. Even my worst fits mog everyone else.

>> No.14864403

post fit please. not trying to be cheeky, just curious

>> No.14864410

Browse around for the exact same garments and get them when you can. Don’t rush things anon. You have plenty of time before the summer.
>yeah Ik not even gonna bother with that
I found a couple of belts sort of identical to it. I doubt anyone’s going to sell one with black leather.

>> No.14864413

My phone camera doesn't work. I'll get someone to take a pic of me later and send it to me.

>> No.14864420

I wish could posts fits. I only posted once for turkey day, but it was at an angle. I need a large bedroom mirror bc bathroom selfies are gay. Any suggestions? No ikea poopoo

>> No.14864434

What charities are you guys giving to for Christmas? I'm looking for some ideas.

>> No.14864437
File: 184 KB, 863x1222, 41328857-C48D-4BEE-BB45-0AEBA1D0C5C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks to this pic in hd we definitely know it’s a macrame belt, but that damn black leather...doubt you’ll ever find that.
Just go with the second link. It’s the closest.

>> No.14864444

Local homeless, veterans, settlements..There’s always another settlement that needs help

>> No.14864447

>There’s always another settlement that needs help
I see what you did there

>> No.14864449

Who here/poorfag prep/?
>TFW you dress upper class but most of your wardrobe is from Goodwill

>> No.14864456
File: 490 KB, 500x211, 455EC6CD-D465-451C-9E9F-033326AD839B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s been a while

>> No.14864463
File: 562 KB, 1500x997, 021648_1326220.jpg.1500x997_q95_crop-smart_upscale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people act like you need to go to an Ivy League school to dress TIP, when pic rel is how most Ivy League students dress today? Only a couple of them are even wearing pseudo-preppy fits.

>> No.14864495

One of the jannies is obviously a tip larper, he's always deleting things he doesn't like.

>> No.14864506

Yes, they are called aspirational plebs.

>> No.14864521

I'm gonna have to ask you to post fit and face with timestamp, or just shut up. Whichever you prefer.

>> No.14864524

Kek. Based jannies making gatekeeper fags SEETHE

>> No.14864529


>> No.14864537
File: 2.17 MB, 600x300, 49AB4DB7-957F-4BB2-9E2E-B7454F5AF398.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14864538

Honestly not sure how to respond to this

>> No.14864565

But the point is you are appropriating the culture (usually so badly it's laughable) of a class who have nothing but contempt for you.

>> No.14864573


>> No.14864577

Can someone explain the difference between trad ivy and prep? I went to Dartmouth and everyone really just wears jeans and sweaters. I'd like to class it up

>> No.14864588

It's a stupid thing to do.

>> No.14864630
File: 95 KB, 952x500, 1574838926817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are wearing TIP while having not gone to a school like this (or the equivalent elsewhere) you are wearing a costume and thus larping. Stop.

>> No.14864639

Trad and ivy - shit
Prep - based

>> No.14864644

you need to eat and lift to fill out them threads little boy

>> No.14864651

Post timestamped body or you're a larping dyel fatty.

>> No.14864652

I don't care if you believe me or not, but you are using a meme that I made, against me. Kind of funny.

>> No.14864655

First the pants fit (slim vs drape) wars, now the "IF U ARENT AN OLD MONEY WASP THEN TIP IS CULTURAL APPROPRIASHUN" wars. What are these threads coming to?

>> No.14864663

Nobody gives a shit about dressing prep without being old money, you faggots. The preppy look has been co-opted by the middle class since the early 80s, get fucking used to it. It's just another style of clothing, only socialists and old money faggots desperately trying to cling to exclusivity actually care about the "upper-class connotations" of prep. Go fuck yourselves.

>> No.14864665


>> No.14864670

What a low-effort, faggy response. It proves that you have no real argument, and can only incoherently scream buzzwords to keep up your delusion that anyone actually cares about what you're saying. Better luck next time.

>> No.14864679

>These are the debate skills an Ivy League education gives you

>> No.14864685

Sorry but she's right. If your shoulders are smaller than your waist/hip area then you should be lifting or at least doing light exercise daily.

>> No.14864687

What school did you go to Anon? (-:

>> No.14864706

There was also the "desert boots are trad. No, desert boots are reddit!" wars in between those.

>> No.14864708

That was different though because desert boots definitely are trad. it was only trolls that were saying otherwise.

>> No.14864721
File: 723 KB, 655x865, fit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't normally fitpost in here, but this thread needs moar holliday spirit.

Post christmas party fits or cozy sweaters.

Pic related. Christmas party fit from friday.

>> No.14864727

Nice dick bulge.

>> No.14864730

thanks bruh

>> No.14864808

>daddy hs drop out makin mor than avg Harvard grad
>mommy a stay at home mommy
I do what I please. Idk how I even got into /tip/ haha

>> No.14864812

A consulting job is not upper middle-class kids.

>> No.14864828

hey guys I lurk here and I am a poor student right now with somewhat big thighs from lifting and I want to say thank you for introducing me to high rise trousers

I just bought some ASOS (poly/elastane) trousers for an event (shit tier I know, I’ll buy better stuff when I graduate) but now I realise a high waist is so fucking comfortable, why the fuck is everything low rise?

I can move and everything sits well on the natural waist, they also had pleats, not sure if that helped

>> No.14864832

Under 6'

>> No.14864845


>> No.14864850

>why the fuck is everything else low rise
Popularized by hippie weirdo fags, fatties so their gut can hang loose, prostitues, and npcs

>> No.14864872

Bruh, why did someone post my fit?

>> No.14864879

I’m guessing one of the larpers used your fit as a meme

>> No.14864890

Tip is now being raided by sneaker fags and people who think slim fit is acceptable, I'm assuming.

>> No.14864895
File: 30 KB, 532x338, irony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14864901

>This is nice
Imagine thinking this even looks acceptable

>> No.14864908

Mine aren't though, its just the cardigan's pockets which make my hips look bigger although even in the photo my shoulders are bigger than my hips. I do acknowledge that I'm very skinny though.

>> No.14864942

Wtf is going on. I haven't visited in a few days and this shit happens.

>> No.14864972

>sneaker fags
More like actual /tip/ people who have enough of you lower middle class larpers. I've got pairs of shoes worth more than your entire wardrobes. Almost never posted in this thread as I was always embarrassed of a thought of posting my fits among your mediocre larpy stuff. Keep coping.

>> No.14864978


>> No.14864980
File: 166 KB, 1080x1350, KbuKNb4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14864981

Dress looks decent, her figure doesnt really help out.

>> No.14864982
File: 279 KB, 1080x1350, DloU40Z[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14864988

That is a real nice coat indeed, I have been thinking about buying a new coat.

What are some does and don't if anyone wants to help me out?
I'm looking for a knee lenght coat, have not settled on the colour yet. (my suit is darkblue)

>> No.14864989
File: 108 KB, 1080x775, vhid2TF[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14864992 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 249x249, 1576352080594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that posters here don't have what it takes to be Trad, are not smart enough to go to Ivy and don't come from good enough family to dress Prep. Know your place in social stratification kiddos.

>> No.14864997
File: 66 KB, 640x799, K49q01w[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14864999

I hope whoever keeps repeatedly posting Drakes inspo knows that they are not a /tip/ brand and that they should kindly desist.

Thank you,

>> No.14865010
File: 82 KB, 537x810, dEfW2vI[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14865014
File: 530 KB, 893x2041, 1575989024100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hope whoever keeps repeatedly posting Drakes inspo knows that they are not a /tip/ brand and that they should kindly desist.
>Thank you,

>> No.14865019
File: 170 KB, 512x1588, 1576377814098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh yes I despise Drakes too!!

>> No.14865020
File: 131 KB, 640x800, dx5CkiN[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is that?

>> No.14865031

Who are these greasy weirdos
See >>14864808
Trips of truth?

Good quality duffle coats? I was looking at this one, but they're out of stock on my size.

>> No.14865055

There was a tip cringe thread made by sneaker fucks and some rich tranny took over this thread and the last one too

>> No.14865057

Have I become a meme?

>> No.14865062

Polytechnique, Les Mines, Centrale and the ENS yes. Essec, supaero, etc no.

>> No.14865065
File: 268 KB, 1200x946, John Constable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is it that ails all of you?

>> No.14865080

How do you choose the right colour or pattern of sock depending on trouser and shoe colour?
Not sure what I can do if anything with a near all black fit.

>> No.14865088

Luciferianism being implemented in our government/society, shaving my balls, and veganism

>> No.14865094

what are the most /tip/ tie knots?

>> No.14865097
File: 82 KB, 719x893, d9yh0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14865100

What about the ancient virtues of deference and frugality

I am afraid they cannot be bought

>> No.14865104

There are some infographics online iirc, at least for suits. I recommend you light colours for socks if your pants are light colour, and darker if they are darker. Example: Navy pants and burgundy socks. Then the combination with the shoe, just make sure it doesn't contrast "too much", for example if you wear tan suede loafers, don't wear shiny red socks, you could go with green socks for example in that case

What a crap of a thread, it's getting as toxic as some months ago when the /fit/ raid happened

>> No.14865124

Those are easy to find in american websites, it seems like a surcincle belt with webbing:

It's in the OP: quick guide to prep. Both styles appear compared there (old vs new)

what are those pants? moleskin?

Put in google: site:warosu.org Trad/Ivy/Prep

>> No.14865130

Yeah I'm abandonning this shitheap..I was one of the first to post in these threads about a year ago but fuck posting fits/inspo now, seeing what is become. The biggest problem is how often anons respond to obvious bait. This attracts more shitposters until maybe 2/3rds of the posts are made by shitposters. Fuck this.

>> No.14865133

I told you already, no one is going to miss you. Stop acting like a big shot here lmao.
>I was one of the first to post in these threads about a year ago
I was coming to these threads years ago, it was a better place without you posting your fits.

>> No.14865135

It's still a thread with a good ammount of content, but these last 24h have been a shit. People fall for the same bait over and over

>> No.14865138

Holy shit, can someone tell me if these are posters here? Start doing any kind of sports spaghetti arms.

>> No.14865143
File: 953 KB, 961x3000, neckpill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take at least the neckpill to fill collars of your shirts lol

>> No.14865144

You have very bad memory, there were far more fits in the past, but there was a point in which any fit had a shitload of crap being replied to it, and anons stopped posting their fits. Before that, comments were more or less good criticism

>> No.14865155

this isn't an airport, no need to announce your departure

>> No.14865165
File: 29 KB, 640x620, 10574461_10204403519476529_4292006877392280740_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Half this thread looks like scrawny white kids wearing their fathers hand me downs, the other half are fart sniffing pseudo elites. You'll all a bunch of fags, good day.

>> No.14865177 [DELETED] 
File: 214 KB, 546x1080, 1543015899381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*ahem* attention, everyone. Attention, please. I have an announcement to make. You'll never be one of us. Enjoy taking your kids for budget rental skiing in Salt Lake City while we're cruising in St. Moritz and watching Snow Polo Cup from my chalet.

>> No.14865182

Only for the one insufferable faggot that spends his entire day starting shit on Le 4chan.

>> No.14865184

Yeah tge one with oatmeal cardigan is me. Recently I've lost quite a bit of weight but I'll get some weights soon.

>> No.14865189

No, you're looking great son but could you please give grandpa his clothes back? The nurse wants to take him for a walk.

>> No.14865200

Real talk now. You look ridicilous for your age and everything on this picture screams "socially inept weirdo and a virgin". You're young enough to change that though. Work on your social skills and start doing some (team) sports and stop coming here. This is an echo chamber worse than reddit and most of the fit posters here should really get a wake up call.

>> No.14865203

Grandpa's dead :'(

>> No.14865204

At least they admit that they are faggots just trying to instigate conflict... >>14864495

>> No.14865209

This desu.

I am not a troll and browse here all the time and try to incorporate parts without looking like a time traveller but that anon described how most and how I would view you, this doesn’t really matter though if you don’t care. It’s just that people will treat you differently depending on how they perceive you from the way you dress.

>> No.14865214

Id say my social life is actually surprisingly good! Do you think I should or shouldn't dress tip?

>> No.14865219

I post a fit here maybe once a month but they never get saved or ridiculed so that probably means theyre good

>> No.14865221

Okay, I understand that many people don't like how I dress though and I'd say I've developed quite a thick skin to it.

>> No.14865223

Unironicaly yes. Embrace European-style neoclassicism and abandon American anachronisms like the best posters of the thread.

>> No.14865227
File: 166 KB, 591x640, 1569267021207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, if your friends don't dress prep why do you?

>> No.14865238

This is just too much and not really /tip/ anyways.
That's good for you, but you're missing a point. It's not really that much different than dressing up as a mall ninja. One thing that larpers here could learn from actual /tip/ people is how fluid and aware of the way they are perceived they are. They would benefit way more from reading a page of Machiavelli a day than posting an inspo photo.

>> No.14865242

>European-style neoclassicism
I think that's a bit too far

>> No.14865248

I 110% support this. I am WASP as well

>> No.14865251

So could you post one good inspo pic that doesn't make me look as if I'm larping?

>> No.14865268

That is the readoption (neo) of classical european menswear in a modern setting. It is not restrained by historical rules, while paying homage to them, and is a style actually based on love, not ironic spite towards the original style.
By "classical menswear" one should obviously understand that this means 1880s-1950s, and not earlier periods. If you were to interpret that literally, it would be 500 BC...

>> No.14865272

There shouldnt be guides to prep. If you were qualified to wear it your parents wouldve tought you

>> No.14865276


>> No.14865278

This. Once lower class, forever lower class

>> No.14865291

This one was universally agreed upon to be a good fit >>14860394
Looking at that, reviewing your fit and reflecting upon my past experience, i am going to have to say it: Overly relaxed and wide pants look like shit and are the horseshoe-theory equivalent of skinny jeans, and should be avoided just as much. The pants in that post have the perfect fit, maybe even being a little bit too relaxed, but still great. Looking at the work of my previous bespoke suits and at the labour of the great maestros, they always come in that specific, "regular" fit.
Do note that the presence of the pleats will always make the legs look more shapely, but you can still identify the essential components of the ideal trouser fit.
Going back to your post after having made this reflection, i can easily say that the fit of the pants is one of the factors that make it look bad.

>> No.14865292


>> No.14865298

What fit are you talking about?

>> No.14865301

You could just look at pictures though

>> No.14865303

Oh, i assumed you were >>14864132 as he was asking for fits better than his, so that is the one i'm comparing that other fit to.

>> No.14865305

That person in the pic is me, that was the fit I posted in the last tip thread but I never asked for your fit, good damn fa needs an id system

>> No.14865311

I was asking for one of your fits.

Anyway, I think that the type of fit depends on your physical shape, an ectomorph should go for slim fit, mesomorph for regular fit and endomorph for regular or bigger fits. Skinny and extremely baggy fits should be avoided at all costs.

>> No.14865329

>start calling everyone old sport
>Have a date with a preppy cutie

>> No.14865334

>LARPing as an upper class person to try to forbid people from wearing a style of clothing on a Vietnamese watercooler maintenance forum

>> No.14865337

I have black toe cap oxfords which I wear for work but I realise I have no other shoes for casual wear or gatherings, in UK if it matters. I am also mid 20s.

What are my options for a second shoe or boot? I am torn between black or oxblood/burgundy.

Loafers? Weejuns? Something else?
Oxfords with half brogue?
Chelsea boots?

Can’t decide desu especially since I have to consider the lack of clear weather.

>> No.14865350

Burgundy/Brown penny loafers for casual
Brown brogue derby boots for bad weather

I recommend you to start with that, maybe a pair of boat shoes/plain sneakers for summer

>> No.14865355

Genuine upper class WASP here, there is nothing wrong with lower class people dressing this way. The people trying to be exclusive are the people who get made fun of by everyone else at the club for acting like the "rich bad guys" from a movie.
We WASPs would rather see the hoi polloi dress like us, than offend our eyes with graphic tees and skinny jeans.

>> No.14865360

Because wearing a graphic tee and athletic shorts year round doesn't appeal to me.

>> No.14865364

Why are you friends with proles then?

>> No.14865368

>It's not really that much different than dressing up as a mall ninja.
Yeah, business casual is the same thing as dressing like an edgelord freak. Retard.

>> No.14865376

Because I don't choose my friends based on how they dress.

>> No.14865382
File: 103 KB, 480x640, 20191206_154210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This jacket reviewed here looks great, does anyone have any norfolk jacket inspo?

>> No.14865404
File: 161 KB, 512x1588, businesscasual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>business casual

>> No.14865410

pants are green bb cords. light's a bit off.

>> No.14865415

If by business you mean working in your uncle's antique shop than probably it's good. But from the outfits posted in this thread I can tell that none of posters here has anything to do with real business. You'd be bullied unmercifully if you showed up dressed as such clowns. Must suck to live in such a bubble.

>> No.14865417

Keep on spamming that one image, buddy. Is it your only argument?

>> No.14865420

Checked. "Muh cultural appropriation" fags BTFO.

>> No.14865436

This is getting pathetic.

>> No.14865453

Where's your fit? For all I know you could be wearing sweatpants 24/7. Would should I take your opinion seriously?

>> No.14865476

>working in your uncle's antique shop
Sounds comfy t b h

>> No.14865488


>> No.14865493

Just wear a nice fitting oxford button down shirt and good shoes. It'll go a long way over slobs and you're not larping that way. Maybe add jacket for a more formal occasion. Focus on quality of your items and how do they fit not on making an entire /tip/ warderobe. This applies to all younger guys who are still in college.

>> No.14865497

To build up on this: my friends of the poshest backgrounds never overdo. You'll always see them wearing nice OCBDs, chinos and some loafers.

>> No.14865500

Because we are being raided.

>> No.14865501

Because it's a bit funnier than our resident geography teacher's outfits. But you're correct that I could also just post his fits here.

>> No.14865514

It's not even funny at this point though

>> No.14865516

w2c nice RTW button down (no pocket) which isn’t ridiculously expensive in EU?

>> No.14865557

Shirtonomy or Lopez Aragon

>> No.14865574
File: 128 KB, 950x1095, 175052_1914_41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do Bean Boots need broken in? The part where the rubber and leather meet is kind of uncomfortable on the top portion of my foot...and I'm not even wearing that thick of socks.

>> No.14865646

Sounds like you didn’t get the right size anon
Mine fit perfectly

>> No.14865653

Yeah i dont get that about this thread. That is like how a quarter of the guys at my uni dress, how the fuck would you even need inspo for that

>> No.14865662

William and Mary and UVA main campus kind of fit into that question as well

>> No.14865665
File: 219 KB, 1015x1080, zTf_WAJ98wA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bummer. They fit fine EVERYWHERE ELSE... Plenty of toe room, width is good... But think if I went up a whole size they'd be way too massive. Maybe could go up a width size...but maybe the last just doesn't fit me or something. I generally have a problem with shoes being uncomfortable on the top of my foot.

>> No.14865675

You’re about 105 years too late to be Ivy League gatekeeping. Versions of ivy style are literally standard for upper middle class Americans and any guy that was in a fraternity.

>> No.14865705
File: 158 KB, 600x800, 0djru27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought this made in brittany dufflecoat for 15 euros, now I'm not sure what colour I can pair it with anymore

>> No.14865713

Another trainwreck of a thread

>> No.14865714

The colour is good. You can easily pair it with other shades of brown and it will look decent, The issue i see with that coat is the fit, which is too big on the sleeves, and the buttons, which looks glossy and just awful. Take it to a taylor and hope that he can fix the shoulders and look into replacing or alterating the holders.

>> No.14865718

You have to tailor that, the fitting is just terrible. Pair it with navy chinos

>> No.14865721


>> No.14865725

I'm not the guy in the picture, hopefully it will fit better; I did think of changing the buttons, maybe for a lighter tone and definitely not that glossy

>> No.14865746

You don't need inspo for the extremely basic tier of the look, but if you want to do anything more interesting with it you do. This is /fa/, a fashion board, where fashion is discussed. This is the only style that attracts this much controversy on here.

>> No.14865748

Some people grew up thinking jeans abd a t-shirt is casual. This thread is for people who never had their parents teach them how to dress nicely. Though even if you post a nice fit someone will come in and say "pants too low" and then someone else will say "pants too high".

Basically you can post here but most people will not give you good advice

>> No.14865749

what material is the duffle made of? wool?

>> No.14865759

On a 3 button sportcoat (regular 3 button, not 3 roll 2), do you button the top 2 buttons or just the middle button?

>> No.14865766

Top button is optional, I sometimes button it and other times not

>> No.14865773

75% wool and 25% polyshit according to the brand's website

>> No.14865800
File: 165 KB, 600x600, p571jnug7u3k0s8g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For all I know you could be wearing sweatpants 24/7.
Yeah, I sometimes wear my sweatpants for the whole day when I have a training in the evening. I don't have to overcompensate with larping for my social standing. Here's a pic from yesterday.

>> No.14865806

Nice leggings

>> No.14865810

What are the positives of polyester? All I can think of is a sheen to some items and anti crease.

>> No.14865817

why does this look like the UK

>> No.14865819

cringe jacket and ultraslim pants

>> No.14865820

It costs less>>14865810

>> No.14865821

Couldn't be UK. That guy has a decent chin.

>> No.14865823

Water resistant

>> No.14865829


>> No.14865836

Water resistant, tough, keeps heat within your (not in a good way, in my opinion), very resistant to wrinkles, cheaper, keeps good structure and is easier to work.

>> No.14865841
File: 238 KB, 586x960, oops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you and what do larpers think of my new midnight blue tux I got two weeks ago for my friends bday (at his pops Chateau)? It's Turnbull & Asser and shoes are C&J but I doubt it rings any bell for you. Is it too slim, is it /tip/ enough, can I post with you guys here, what do my fellow posters from America think about it? Should I rather settle for ASOS and Bexley? Is it the best price/quality ratio?

>> No.14865843


>> No.14865846

Crockett and Jones are based, got some brown oxfords of them from my dad last week, quality is amazing.
I also bought some black Cheaney oxfords a month or 2 ago, gonna check which ones last longer

>> No.14865849

Ngl, I'm literally shaking rn

>> No.14865850

Settle for ASOS, a face makes or breaks clothing.

>> No.14865851

>Turnbull & Asser
They are famous for their shirts, i haven't heard about their suits.
>crockett and jones
They are pretty great. Don't have a pair personally, but the ones i have seen were gorgeous, if a bit understated.
Just settle for Aldens or Allen Edmonds, lmao.

>> No.14865855

>using lipstick

>> No.14865857

nice bait but anyone who dresses sartorial knows these brands and they’re not really anything special

>> No.14865858

put me in the screencap

>> No.14865864

reminder for all of you class LARPers, RTW is on the same shit level as fast fashion and is for those too poor or autistic for bespoke (the same as the guy who buys an omega instead of a rolex)

just buy anything you want but remember a polished turd is still a turd

>> No.14865869

Based richfag delivering

>> No.14865872

he is as bad as the posters here
t. unbiased lurker

>> No.14865873 [DELETED] 

Honestly this is my sentiment too. When you're upper class like me or you, there are no fucking 'rules' to dress like mongs in this thread pretend, you just dress a certain way because that's how you've been raised and you add elements you like to that. You don't have to wear loafers and gold button sports coats everyday for fucks sake, no one actually fucking does that.
Some fucking LARPer tried to tell me a week or so ago upper class people don't wear jeans, like what the fuck are you talking about have you ever been outside.
Feels like I'm sharing a thread with gypsies.

Pic rel is me wearing jeans last friday in Amsterdam while making fun of some (literal) farmers that are protesting, shortly before buying some 3MMC.
t. grandpa was top 500 richest in the Netherlands and gf is nobility

>> No.14865885
File: 2.85 MB, 1080x1920, sketch-1576445542538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly this is my sentiment too. When you're upper class like me or you, there are no fucking 'rules' to dress like mongs in this thread pretend, you just dress a certain way because that's how you've been raised and you add elements you like to that. You don't have to wear loafers and gold button sports coats everyday for fucks sake, no one actually fucking does that.
Some fucking LARPer tried to tell me a week or so ago upper class people don't wear jeans, like what the fuck are you talking about have you ever been outside.
I'm not saying we don't wear shirts or chinos, I wear chinos more often than jeans too but you don't have to fucking pretend your estate is gonna get impounded if you wear sneakers once in a while. Don't fucking LARP so hard.
Feels like I'm sharing a thread with gypsies.

Pic rel is me wearing jeans last friday in Amsterdam while making fun of some (literal) farmers that are protesting, shortly before buying some 3MMC.
t. grandpa was top 500 richest in the Netherlands and gf is nobility

>> No.14865894

I’m not against you but prove it you LARPer, every post here is a LARP and upper class posters do not post on 4chan

>> No.14865899

not him, but why not? 4chan is almost entirely users from first world countries and like 5% of each first world country is upper class, surely a couple have got to be posting here
believe it or not but there are also actual women here

>> No.14865901

Do you know why the farmers were protesting?

>> No.14865902

uh oh you fell for it

>> No.14865911
File: 7 KB, 259x194, _laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is the guy calling us larpers

>> No.14865916

>The Netherlands
Fucking kek. Come back when you're from a country that actually matters.

>> No.14865925

>Muh bespoke
This is the most nouveau post I've seen here. Actual upper class here, most of my wardrobe is inherited or off the rack. The obsession with clothes fitting PERFECTLY is a very middle class impulse.

>> No.14865928

>Pictures that were obviously pulled from r/mfa to bait
>Everyone is falling for them

>> No.14865938

This, pretty funny

>> No.14865942

LARPer stop baiting

>> No.14865945

I'm not a LARPer, you're the LARPer.

>> No.14865950

Everyone is a LARPer

>> No.14865965


>> No.14865968

Actual upper class here as well. If we are talking about regular clothes such as common pants, polo shirts and casual jackets, sure, but if we are talking about suits, most of them are bespoke.
t.got my first bespoke suit from my father at age 12.

>> No.14865969
File: 75 KB, 768x351, 1575336335103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this pic, any similar?

>> No.14865972
File: 78 KB, 417x538, elliot-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14865980
File: 24 KB, 768x347, top-button-2-768x347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look up "ivy illustrated Kazuo Hozumi"

>> No.14865985

Those are from a book called: The Illustrated Book of IVY

>> No.14865990

This. If you're getting your polo shirts tailored, then you aren't, TIP, you're just an extravagant dandy.

>> No.14865993

>if you wear shirts and chinos you are larping as upper class

>> No.14866024
File: 133 KB, 662x1000, wall-street-still2-c3d1e94bcacd81642ec8d184e00d8638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14866028

kek, based and upperclasspilled

>> No.14866040
File: 69 KB, 1024x1024, 15604512757293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I be polo down to the bricks

>> No.14866043

Unironically a nice shirt

>> No.14866070


>> No.14866081

Aaaaaaggghhhhhh fuck my almonds. They're activaaaaaatiiiiiiiii ggggggg
Madras pilled
University stripe cuck

>> No.14866099

He has surprisingly good fits.

>> No.14866194

What's wrong with uni stripe?

>> No.14866200
File: 167 KB, 1000x1000, longwing_blucher_brown_grain_532_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking of ordering these from Carmina as a Christmas present to myself.
I really like the pebble grain calf. Do you think I'd ever get buyer's remorse if I don't get them in cordovan?

>> No.14866202
File: 80 KB, 466x700, c002ca59-9756-4eff-886e-b84532853102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

90% of posters in this thread have no idea what they are talking about. They just randomly slap buzz-words like LARP and cuck to things and hope they stick.

>> No.14866203

Pebnle grain cordovan doesnt have the same benefits as regular cordovan so id say no

>> No.14866206

Cordovan is a really acquired taste. It's not necessarily better or worse than calf-skin. I personally don't like it because when it ages it tends to roll rather than bunch up in wrinkles. It's also harder to polish to a nice shine.

>> No.14866209

Tryna purchase some Allen Edmonds off eBay. The hands holding the shoes are black though. Will I get scammed?

>> No.14866213

I'm just shitposting. My blue univ. Stripe is one of my fav shirts.
Also what he said.

>> No.14866235

It's pebble grain calf, should have specified.

>> No.14866285
File: 292 KB, 470x634, 6117E86D-8C46-441A-A19D-E3FD1FAE52A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I find a cheap sweater like this with a deep V and wide rib?
Don’t even care if it’s cheap and polyshit

>> No.14866287

I have some pebble grain calf derbies in black they're based

>> No.14866313

fast fashion excrements or thrift store

>> No.14866355

Try a dif width
You look stiff
Lolol make sure it says that they’re authentic and made in USA in the description if it turns out they aren’t contact eBay and you’ll get your money back and you keep the shoes

>> No.14866360
File: 115 KB, 736x972, CDDB71B0-3B34-4165-8EF9-7BE728CEBC85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14866371

Will give it a shot. 8D on brannock, might try the 8E

>> No.14866384
File: 135 KB, 550x323, 617529653701_Etzo_Cargo_Plaid_Shorts_(C9009)_in_Yellow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have an ID on these?

>> No.14866410


>> No.14866488

Why did you put a black bar on the doggo kek? I don’t like the fit very much but it’s a cute picture

>> No.14866491

Best loafers I can get for around £100 or thereabouts as a solid general/everything use shoe? I’m not expecting anything amazing.

Not really sure what I should be looking for in regards to penny/saddle/tassle/snaffle/almond toe/moc toe. I looked at weejuns but they just looked too moc.

>> No.14866492

>t. working class origin american thinking that he can treat his country's success almost as his own
Wew lad

>> No.14866520

t. swamp german

>> No.14866557

>chad higher classes posters
>confident and relaxed body language
>always smiling
>have many friends who take quality pictures
>understand well that one's attire is contextual
>no matter what they wear, you can still tell their class because one can't buy charm and being raised within cultural capital
>encompass freely casual elements in their fits, still look smart and clean
>have fun with friends and fool with them around (literal) farmers
>pure breed trad hunting dogs
>wear whatever they want, let it be jeans or sweatpants
>cute, affectionate nobility gfs
>virgin lower middle class larpers
>awkward posture
>making tough faces in the hope that it'll make people treat them seriously
>blurry mirror selfies or timed pictures with their phones left on a sink
>not self-aware enough to understand how other people perceive them
>larp beyond their social class, people think of them as weirdos
>stick to a single iota to outdated half-satirical style "guidebooks" from 6 decades ago
>live for posting their "fits" on an anonymous anime imageboard circle jerking with each other
>had a mongrel once, it ran away from lack of respect to the "owner"
>dress up in walmart three piece suits for throwing garbage
>tfw no prep gf

>> No.14866580

Cool novel. Now go on home to MFA.

>> No.14866581


>> No.14866583

>Dinner jacket in a color other than black
>Calling it a "tux"
Hi prole!

>> No.14866585
File: 17 KB, 249x249, 1576352080594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*akhem*, attention. Attention please. I've got a question. Did you try to lift some weights? This would make your clothes look way better on your bodies.

>> No.14866587

>Dinner jacket in a color other than black
This is actually the loosest critique you could possibly make.

>> No.14866590

Shouldn't you be on /fit/ admiring other mens' bodies, fag?

>> No.14866592

Oh wow, homophobia is not cool anon!

>> No.14866593

Lol ok. Cope harder prole

>> No.14866595

You aren't even trying now. Here's your (You) though, I'm in a charitable mood.

>> No.14866598
File: 25 KB, 399x322, _cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Actually taking the time to type all this

>> No.14866599

Stfu this is a fashion board. It’s for people who are really into fashion. Having money doesn’t have anything to do with having fashion sense, good taste and classiness . Those are things you have to cultivate and develop

>> No.14866610

The stark contrast between these 6 pics is just too funny. Please stay and post with us anons. That’s a breath of fresh air in this thread

>> No.14866626

>Trying this desperately to keep your pathetic raid going

>> No.14866658

>Whiteknighting someone this hard
That was embarrassing to read lmao

>> No.14866709

All these recent threads have taught me is that the upper classes consist of poorly dressed assholes who waste even more time in 4chan than me, who I am actually glad to not be one of.

>> No.14866710

Not even trying to be edgy, but what I can see of your face looks punchable as hell.

>> No.14866720

They’re all shit posts like this one

>> No.14866763

Guarantee he's got these pictures saved and will larp as that guy in the next thread too.

>> No.14866770

damn these threads. I come here for inspo on how to literally look like a time travler that stepped out of the 1950s. Now some rich kid is shitting up the thread with pictures of jeans and shit. I dress trad because god damn anything more than a t-shirt and jeans is fucking >larp now.

>> No.14866799

It’s b8

>> No.14866815

Watching Gremlins rn. Lots of prep inspo.

>> No.14866830


screenshot this as the ultimate LARP

>> No.14866831

there was something similar in Uniqlo U fw this year, got myself 2

>> No.14866833
File: 92 KB, 657x425, Uncle Frank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Same for Home Alone. Uncle Frank is TIP as fuck

>> No.14866835

any female prep instas?

>> No.14866855
File: 258 KB, 672x1024, B9054911-B607-44E2-81DD-B39D6FF144A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New thread >>14866851

>> No.14866999

LOL don't wear granny's farm boots.