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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 73 KB, 750x1000, mp,840x830,matte,f8f8f8,t-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.u1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14859184 No.14859184 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14859202
File: 72 KB, 750x711, tumblr_pjiuccoUIU1vbwg7vo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14859203

>trying to defend tattoos
>literally posts the most basic "nord" tattoo

>> No.14859206


>> No.14859209

>getting something tattooed on you that looks like it was drawn on with a pen by someone bored in highschool

>> No.14859217

you seem insecure. get that checked out. byeeee

>> No.14859320
File: 194 KB, 854x1020, a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14859433

Will keep gettin' them, m8.

>> No.14859608
File: 53 KB, 250x311, 1573431440581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dickies and carhartt without working manual labor

>> No.14859640
File: 728 KB, 1074x1600, hannya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was thinking of getting this. Thoughts?

>> No.14859665

only if you're jap

>> No.14859673

if i was jap i'd get a whole back and arms Irezumi but im not so i figured this would be fine

>> No.14859675
File: 101 KB, 720x960, edgy gentleman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14859709

Lmao the tattoo cuck even showed themselves up as another stupid tattoo wearer by posting that "Nord" tattoo when it's an Icelandic stave tattoo.

It's a 17th century made up larp tattoo invented many years after the viking era and never worn by vikings. It's total cringe and idiots get it thinking it;s a viking tattoo just showing their total ignorance.

They were fake "viking" tattoos invented as a larp and that's what these people are doing. LARPING.


>> No.14859714

The only person that said anything about Nord tattoos was you

>> No.14859726

I'm not that guy clearly, if you are the guy that posted the stave tattoo you look like a fool. Nobody should have a larp tattoo. It's meaningless. It's made up. If you post that as an example of a good tattoo you are also a cringe inducing faggot.

It's clearly supposed to be "viking" as you can tell by the other symbols and the birds. The stave is totally out of place and obviously the cuck with it thinks it's a viking tattoo. Just gtfo. You are mentally unstable.

>> No.14859750

>NASA logo clothing
>Seiko diver watches on NATO straps
>Red Wing boots
>wearing boots ever
>selvedge denim
>leather jackets

>> No.14859818

good fit if they’re attractive, garbage fit if average or below

>> No.14859821
File: 164 KB, 499x280, d88.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no its the NORDIC WARRIOR

>> No.14859852

I’m so happy people are smart enough to point out how far removed almost every pol fag is from the lineage they wished they belonged too.....hitler and the Nordic gods find you disgusting and you know it

>> No.14859862

Whats wrong with leather jackets, fag?

>> No.14859894

something tells me he got all those to get laid and still hasn't gotten laid

>> No.14860031



>> No.14860077

ask me how i know youre new here

>> No.14860080

literally no one:
some incel: ask me how i know youre new here

>> No.14860084

how do i give gold on this website

>> No.14860098
File: 83 KB, 384x313, 1340433133397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm genuinely curious why everyone here gets so bent out of shape over tattoos. Like, don't you guys have your own problems to worry about? Or actually have lives?

Maybe I shouldn't assume much from a eurofag twink board.

>> No.14860159
File: 1.42 MB, 1200x1200, viper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see tattoo thread
>post some shit about tattoos being degenerate/sӧy/larp
>delicious (You)s
>come back days later
>see an enlightened anon shitting on tattoo victims
>start to reply telling them how based they are
>realize it's mine

>> No.14860175
File: 21 KB, 680x510, ba8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okiley dokely there neighborino

>> No.14860492
File: 68 KB, 541x506, 51e[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sure showed those tattoo fags whose boss

>> No.14860495

woah cool symbols bro. What do they mean?

>> No.14860502

>Not all who wander are lost


>> No.14860590

Honest opinion? It's becoming a more popular and accepted trend (especially in the US). Not only are tattoos better in quality now (we graduated from barbed wire and chinese letters to genuinely good linework and decent art), they're way more accepted. Even field grade officers in the Army have full sleeves at this point. People are loosening up and asking "why was this ever a problem in the first place?" and it's opening the door to more fashion potential.

Here's the thing though: unlike another meme/trend on this board, tattoos inherently can't be temporary. You can't just move on and get different ones when the trend changes like you can with clothes. I think this scares people, obviously not everyone knows for sure what they want on their bodies for the rest of their lives (which is understandable) but now feel left out that they can't be part of the big tattoo zeitgeist. How do we deal with things we sort of want but can't have? By pretending not to want them at all, and even further, to pretend that everyone else who has them is inherently lesser.

I'm not saying that people should all get tattoos, it's entirely their choice what they do with their bodies, I just wish non-tattooed people wouldn't have such a weird moral crusade about it.

>> No.14860594
File: 14 KB, 342x343, 1576242779221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the tattoos look cool but he doesnt

>> No.14860596

I am perfectly ok with not being apart of the >tattoo zeitgeist
tattoos are for military or criminals and everyone else looks like a larping faery faggot

>> No.14860600

unless you're hapa or were adopted by gooks you're gonna look like king of the weeb faggots.
jesus christ just dont do it.
get a tight fitting tshirt.

>> No.14860602
File: 65 KB, 1068x601, gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No thanks, I'm good

>> No.14860625

>tattoos are for military

This one makes me laugh so hard, like signing up to be a desk clerk or a chef in the army suddenly gives you a free pass on getting shitty tattoos. If you saw me on the street in my civilian clothes I guarantee the first thing you'd think is "wow what a larpy hipster faggot" but somehow magically because I'm an officer in the army you'd change your mind right away? Nah. Trust me, some of the most cringe tattoos I have ever seen have been on other soldiers. We make fun of other soldiers who get military related tattoos, because we think they're cheesy and stupid.

>> No.14860648

I got a dui while in the navy and spent a couple weeks on restriction. One of the guys I was in there with was being processed out. Over his heart he had his fiance's name and down his right side was NAVY in big block lettering. Turns out after his fiance found out he was being kicked out she dumped him lol. Also walked in on the same idiot in the showers giving himself a staple/penink tattoo on his thigh.

>> No.14860655

Yeah this is the kind of shit I'm talking about. /fa/ always says that tattoos are only acceptable on military members and criminals, but honestly military and prison tattoos are some of the worst tattoos out there.

>> No.14860666

The bushido gentleman

>> No.14860697

>I'm really good at providing libertarian solution to everyday problem
I'd like to ear his solution about the funding of road maintenance

>> No.14860701


>> No.14860704


>> No.14860705

Relax mate, it's fashion board on the internet

>> No.14860710
File: 56 KB, 621x702, thisisyou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be mega-grocer big-wig
>boy it'd be a great investment to have a nice paved road between the farms, shipping depots, my stores, and major housing areas
>oh well, I literally cannot into roads because a product of public education said so

>> No.14861466

lol, cringe this bad can only be a troll

>> No.14861687
File: 26 KB, 750x555, rs_560x415-150817131955-1024-kermit-lipton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with you. Personally I don't think people should get tattoos just because it's 'fashionable' or more 'acceptable'. There really should be some deliberation about the subject and what it means to you. All of my tattoos are meaningful to me in some way and I don't regret a single one. I just can't really wrap my head around people who get so upset with the actions of others when it has nothing to do with them.

Psychology does seem to suggest that 'We hate those who exemplify qualities we wish to have secretly' whether that be being overtly sexual or cocky or exuberant, etc. So maybe it truly is just an envy problem or merely that people have too much time on their hands.

>> No.14861810

fuck that. I have pretentious explanations when i point out a tattoo that i like. why can't it just be cool art? like "oh it represents that struggle between good and evil within us all"

>> No.14861917
File: 563 KB, 498x280, received_10156480239603139.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No need to get so butthurt anon. If you just want 'cool art' then go crazy mate. Makes zero difference to me.

>> No.14862886

It's the pressure they're feeling now tattoos are the norm and they're the outliers. Makes them more vocal.

>> No.14863048

no im not a weeb though so its ok

>> No.14863073

Why would you write something in modern English using futhark instead of going for old Norse or old English? Horrible

>> No.14863624
File: 422 KB, 1080x1554, Screenshot_20191031-111557__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would this work as a shoulder tattoo, i have an appointment in a month and im thinking of getting this

>> No.14864355

How would he become a mega-grocer big-wig if basic road infrastructure did not yet exist?

>> No.14865137

Dont worry people know this inherently

>> No.14865157

For such average guys as us, tattoos are the best way to draw attention. Of course you don't want to get tattoos with that purpose, but that helps a lot. Litteraly all people that approach me to that to comment on my tattoo. Not for my clothes, not for my original hairstyle, not for the body I build every day at the gym, but for my "sick ink"

>> No.14865172

i have a good 50% of my body completely covered
people approach me instead of leaving me alone like i had hoped, asking me about my ink
i made a mistake anons.

>> No.14865207

>would tattoo [too big to fit on a shoulder] fit on my shoulder?
>I already have an appointment set up but I'm still deciding what to get
yeah this will work out perfectly

>> No.14865565
File: 864 KB, 971x635, Screen Shot 2019-06-27 at 6.28.50 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I notice this a lot. I have pic related on my forearm, it's the most visible of the 6 that I have and it's probably what people comment on the most. The people who usually comment on my clothes are other people who are into fashion, and the only people who comment on my physique are other dudes at the gym, but my tattoos are kind of universal.

It's really flattering though so I think it's nice. What gets annoying is when people ask me "what they mean". It's not that they don't have any meaning at all, but it's also not something I can just explain in a little casual soundbyte without sounding like an edgy 3deep5u teenager.

>> No.14865569

thats a nice tattoo

>> No.14865572

how do you know how big his shoulder is

>> No.14865593

Thanks, it was the 2nd one I ever got.

>> No.14865633

That's pretty cringe

>> No.14866095

Reminder that tattoos are exclusively for:
>manual laborers/tradies (bricklayers, fishermen, etc)

If you aren't or have never been any of the above, you're cringe.

>> No.14866129

says who

>> No.14866152

Gay. Overdone. Completely unoriginal

>> No.14866181

prove it

>> No.14866186

That would look stupid as a shirt and he can’t take off wew lad

>> No.14866316

Did you not read my post above?

There are fucking privates out there who work in an office or a kitchen during their whole time in the service but go and get some crossed rifle "death before dishonor" or "molon labe" bullshit at some shack next to a strip club and yet somehow this is totally fine and acceptable?

>> No.14866326


>> No.14866894

Says this dude, who's clearly one or all of those.

>> No.14866930
File: 57 KB, 640x640, 1474853964234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Seiko diver watches on NATO straps
>>Red Wing boots
you called?

>> No.14868224
File: 26 KB, 300x444, bfd3a0f6-d92f-4333-baf2-44e7d4e1c354-486x720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]