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/fa/ - Fashion

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14840957 No.14840957 [Reply] [Original]

I asked for advice on here regarding buying a downcoat from uniqlo for a short guy like me a few days ago and the anons said it would probably be too long, and they were right. I bought the XXS size of pic related (but navy) and while the sleeves and form were perfect, the length was stupidly long and almost went to my knees. it's as if the company sees no height difference between XXS and S. the online sizing chart was clearly useless then and I'm going to return the coat instore. my plan is to also try on the other coats instore but they only have XS or higher in stock so it's quite annoying. I even looked at kids' clothing that had a similar style but they cost around the same as this coat ~£130 and I don't know if they're good quality since the major component is polystyrene on average. at this point I just want to know
>if kids coats would be worth the cost or not?
I'm not even talking about just down coats, even parkas or insulated ones are good. I want to get a coat in a simliar style i.e. not puffy, looks slim, black/navy and covers my arse a bit, and can be worn in all occasions. this coat is comfy so it sucks I have to return it. I pondered over possibly shortening the hem but then that's probably impractical with all the down. sorry for the rant

>> No.14840989

Are you that Indian whos mom said to buy ralph lauren?

>> No.14840993

yes, you have good memory

>> No.14840998

lmao should have listened to mummy you fucking tool

>> No.14841007

? I'm not going to buy something from an outlet store, plus they don't have my size

>> No.14841009

Cry about buying cheap shit from Uniqlo and getting shafted cos you're a manlet then!

>> No.14841014

thank you for your contribution :)

>> No.14841179

are you retarded? you bought a parka, its supposed to go to your knees

>> No.14841216

>aaagh, I wanted a coat in this style, but it comes down to my knees which is what these coats are designed to be like! Oh no!
You're an idiot.

>> No.14841244
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>it's supposed to go down to the knee
Holy shit the amount of manlet cope in this thread is unreal.

>> No.14841267

what on earth? parkas stop before the knees and if a short guy wears a long parka it makes him look shorter - that's what the anons told me last time and what I realised myself after looking in the mirror

>> No.14841277

Buy an Alpha industries N3B you fucking poorfag

>> No.14841281

>tfw 185 cm
>not really "tall" but the perfect height for not having to worry about stupid bullshit like OP
>literally just buy M and I'm set

>> No.14841290

sorry but those sleeves look way too large, what exactly am I paying £150 for apart from the brand name? it doesn't even have down
yeah it sucks to be below average

>> No.14841316

poorfag cope

>> No.14841328

the uniqlo coat is only £10 cheaper but with more stuff so your argument doesn't make sense

>> No.14841526

What is your caste? I notice only the medium skinned Indians buy Ralph Lauren. The dark tamil looking ones dont. No idea what light skin indians do.

>> No.14841576

>being asked my caste on /fa/ of all places
I'm medium brown, unless you were asking the anon who wrote the post you're replying to

>> No.14841609

Yes, you. I was right. Why is it just you guys shopping at places like RL?

>> No.14841669

idk, I mean I don't own anything from them, the only thing my parents have from RL is a coat my mum bought for my dad. 99% of my clothes are from primark, tesco, h&m and ebay since we're not well off. maybe another medium brown indian can answer your question

>> No.14841679

although if I were to guess, the same reason you see chinese buying similar i.e. it's a brand so a sort of status symbol and they can afford it. it's possible the indians you've seen are tourists who will be more likely to buy that stuff rather than 2nd generation ones.

>> No.14841818
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>long coat is too long, goes further down than my ass and reach below my knees
That's what L O N G coats are for, my dude

>> No.14841833

dont buy long coats if ur 5’5

>> No.14841866

I can tell when a chinese is a tourist or not, but not for indians.

>> No.14842222

Post pic wearing jacket.