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14838703 No.14838703 [Reply] [Original]

+++++++++last thread >>14826877
>Post Current stats
>Daily Routines
>Meal strategy
Thinspiration Thread
>making thinspo great again

>> No.14838792

where the fuck are all the useful links

>> No.14838820

Not sure. POst them in a reply if you can find some time.

>> No.14838875

Anyone got experience with 72 hr fasts how much do you lose per month and what do you eat on refeeds and how much water do you drink?

>> No.14838882
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will i get cheeks like this if i cut down low enough?

>> No.14838949

>how much do you lose per month
it depends how much you refeed with and what you're TDEE, fasting is still just CICO

>what to eat on refeeds
Apperantly proteins + fats that are easy on the stomach, like eggs, I heard you're supposed to stay away from carbs and fibre, don't know why

maybe /fit/fast/ can help more

>how much water to drink
atleast ~2.7 liters as you're getting no water from the food

consider snake drink/electrolyte water for 72 hour fasts

>> No.14838979
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>redpill me on diet coke

I fasted a lot while drinking Pepsi Max, it suppresses appetite pretty well BUT

>carbonated drinks expand your stomach leading to more hunger, however this could be a good thing as they also are more filling
>sweet things can raise insulin just by being tasted, even though aspartame doesn't spike insulin, the fact that it's sweet MAY cause an insulin response leading to more hunger, however this may help you satisfy sweetness cravings, but it also may reinforce them instead
>acesulfame k DOES spike insulin but is in low levels in diet coke
>diet coke is usually drunk cold, if you're a low weight/fasting then drinking cold drinks may lead to you feeling cold more often

I swapped to black coffee, green tea and water about two months ago and I haven't looked back since, I'm hyposensitive to caffine so the black coffee doesn't suppress my appetite that much but I still enjoy it, the green tea does suppress my appetite, especially if I drink it after a meal (probably due to the fact that green tea lowers insulin and I'm insulin resistant) and water also suppresses my appetite because I tend to drink A LOT of water immediately after each meal in order to fill my stomach up.

>> No.14839136
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110 lbs, thoughts?

>> No.14839155


>> No.14839293

>too curvy
>legs too fat
>fat ass

I just want to be thin, dammit. I lost 15kg since the beginning of the year but my body still looks ugly and fat. I can't eat below 500kcal daily anymore because of my job. Also my immunity was so shit I got sick like three times and it sucks working when you're sick. I'm trying OMAD next but I won't be counting calories anymore, this shit is making me crazy. I hate exercising more than anything so it's not a option. I wish I was a NEET so I could just starve and sleep when I'm too hungry.

>> No.14839321

reminder of being to skinny worsen hair loss

>> No.14839404

What other proteins + fats are easy on the stomach?

>> No.14839649

How many days of fasting do you think it would take to lose 10-15lbs?

>> No.14839689
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>This nigger op posting vaccarellero

>> No.14839790

Whenever I produce a bowel movement after a cheat/relapse day, I feel much better than the night before because I feel "lighter" than the previous night even if I ultimately gained weight. This motivates me more to keep trying again than if I didn't produce a bowel movement.

What's the best way to produce a bowel movement. I already drink black coffee.

>> No.14839970
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no strat just cant gain weight or muscle so easy

>> No.14839975

this is useless without height

>> No.14839978

also 6' 170

>> No.14839990

I'm 107LB and 5'3" and while I'm "thin" I don't feel skinny because of how short I am. Man I wish growth spurts were still possible at 24. I'd look much better if I was taller.

Time to hit the 100Lb mark and hope for the best, lads.

>> No.14839994


>> No.14839999

how do i relapse
i used to restrict, or just purge everything i ate. but now i just don't care about food like i used to. but now i'm very miserable with my body.

>> No.14840004
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I just want some definition

>> No.14840007

pull your pants up homo

>> No.14840009

Sry just took a shit bro

>> No.14840010

you need muscle bro, low bf doesnt mean shit when you have nothing under the fat

>> No.14840012

pics or it didnt happen

>> No.14840015

just count your calories bro, if youre not gaining weight its probably because youre not eating enough, and you dont really look like you hit the gym so that might be a good way to start building muscle

>> No.14840024

eat dates

>> No.14840116

OP here. Got a problem?

>> No.14840120
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>I hate exercising more than anything so it's not a option.
Never gonna make it LOL

>> No.14840194
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>> No.14840196

I feel you
I just take laxatives nows, just don't over do them

>> No.14840206

Anyone ever become depressed being thin? Ever since going thinspo I’ve been tired all the time and have been having more depressive thoughts/anger problems. Idk if it relates to losing weight or if I’m just going insane. Like today my friend was on his phone and I grabbed it and threw it across the room and I cracked his screen. He just told me to go see a therapist because I’ve been more pissed off lately

>> No.14840386

first fuck you for being a dumbfuck and pay for your friend's screen. and yes, eating on a caloric deficit for a lot of time make you go insane, so i recommend you what i did to escape that mood. You should cycle your calorie intake, this means that you should have a couple days where you eat more than you usually do, for example eating on deficit for 5 days and 2 on surplus each week. also dont forget to do anaerobic and aerobic exercises, i recommend you doing bodyweight exercises and/or calisthenics and hiit instead of regular cardio (less time, more fat burning and helps maintaining muscle).

>> No.14840390

in my case i started cutting myself when i lost 13kg in 2-3 months, however im not sure the time that took to lose that weight because i was on cruise mode for more than a year, i had a really bad brain fog .

>> No.14840391

>bodyweight exercises
good point

>> No.14840814

What kind of exercise do you suggest then? I have no idea. Lifting? Running?

>> No.14840817

Has any anons used keto?

>> No.14840850

Flat chested women for life!

Those things look ridiculous on her and she's got to strap those things in just to move around like a normal human being.

Imagine if men's balls got that big, it'd count as some type of disability.

>> No.14840912

I do, been keto for 6 months, went off it for a month and then went back, I do a lot of endurance exercise as well
what do you want to know?

>> No.14840917
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boyish/vaguely androgynous women are cute as fuck, fatass "thicc" women look like disgusting sex objects

>> No.14840954

Depends on your bone structure

>> No.14840974

Gained 8 lbs..
cant fit into my tailored dress shirts anymore.

>> No.14840997

I knew these threads were full of faggots but goddamn

>> No.14841013

Will post body pics in order to feel bad later and feel motivated not to eat.

>> No.14841044
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>> No.14841136

I recently bought a stationary exercise bike for my house. Would 40 minutes to an hour of HIIT biking be a good starting fitness regimen for weight loss?

>> No.14841174

Yes, HIIT is the most time efficient form of exercise calorie burning

building the endurance and strength required to do the HIIT regulary may take a while though, but you shouldn't have to worry about injuries if just a spinbike

Do some research into serious biking, when I started running there was a LOT of stuff for me to learn

Also, beware exercise induced hunger, this shit can get fucking unbearable if you don't manage it properly

>> No.14841185

Also consider that if you were to do standard cardio and not HIIT, you'd be able to exercise for a lot longer and thus burn more calories in the end

>> No.14841209

after you drink your coffee, smoke a cigarette. works like a charm

>> No.14841285

I’m depressed because I’m fat :(

>> No.14841309

I'm 6' 130 lbs but I have stomach and chest hair. I trim it down pretty low but it kinda makes me feel like a man child. Should i just shave?

>> No.14841313

its spoooooky

>> No.14841326


>> No.14841350
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Am I doing it yet?

>> No.14841372
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holy shit my600lb life is legendary

>> No.14841378

any special tips for 5'6"?

>> No.14841379

you are 60% to the finish line.

>> No.14841711


>> No.14841747

Today I broke my 25h fast with brownie, ice cream and french fries. I can never resist to junk food when I go out with my coworkers, especially when I'm not the one who's paying. I feel like shit now.

>> No.14841768

What you usually ate, your exercise routine and how much you lost

>> No.14841779

how many calories tho

>> No.14841804

I'm not sure, but if I try to count it, I think it's about 1000kcal easily. Certainly under my TDEE, I'm still on a deficit, but my body doesn't need all that sugar and I don't exercise a lot. It's gonna turn into fat.
I'm going out tomorrow again, but we're drinking this time. I was thinking about doing another long fast before the event, but I'm afraid it's gonna make me binge again. So I think I'm gonna just skip breakfast and have some lean meat with lettuce for lunch.

>> No.14841824

>I'm not sure, but if I try to count it, I think it's about 1000kcal easily. Certainly under my TDEE, I'm still on a deficit, but my body doesn't need all that sugar and I don't exercise a lot. It's gonna turn into fat.
This is ED talk. If you are under TDEE, you are fine. No need to stress.

But yeah, if you are worried about being tempted to binge, eat beforehand to damper cravings (ideally mostly protein and fat).

>> No.14841869

genuinely confused how this happens to someone

>> No.14842369

lads i'm taking the gumpill

>> No.14842482

I weighed about 127 in August, was happy at 125, but ended slowly losing weight due to a mildly restrictive diet and small appetite until 120. From there my diet consisted of mostly eating out and peanut butter, and as sure as I was that I was in a calorie surplus, continued to lose weight until where I am now.
I was happy at 125 and now I can't imagine breaking 120 without wanting to hard restrict. The ride never ends

>> No.14842490

U look like a formless mass of skin

>> No.14842592

Has anyone else used food as a way to numb yourself or to feel okay while you’re binging?
What has helped you to overcome that addiction or those feelings of unrest, emptiness, etc?
What habits, routines, mindsets do you maintain now?

Feeling hopeless personally

>> No.14842631
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>> No.14842635
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>> No.14842641

wait post more mantras

>> No.14843213

I have the exact same stats but I only started 3 kg heavier TT
still have a long way to go
we’re in this together ~

>> No.14843650

I don't even know why I want to lose any more weight, pretty sure it won't make me more attractive and everyone already thinks I'm a skelly

oh well, keto + IF + clean eating has cured my appetite and I'm doing a lot of exercise which is passively causing me to lose weight, might as well see how I look I guess

>> No.14843734

Would it be much harder to maintain my weight if I am 10 pounds lighter than my current weight?

>> No.14843763

In general yeah, losing 10 pounds will cause your BMR to drop slightly, but more importantly you'll have less fat and thus less leptin being produced, leptin is the hormone that signals satiety, meaning that as you get leaner, it's harder to achieve satiety, which is why people with EDs/former obeselards/people who did car crash diets can get physically full but still suffer intense mental cravings for nutrition

It can get pretty bad but there are ways to circumvent/manage it and it goes away after a while, just don't start binging whatever you do because this is how bulimia and BED starts

>> No.14844034
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12% bf at 185 pounds 6'3
crash dieting and taking the week off training hoping to get to 8% fast as hell
im like so distorted

>> No.14844073
File: 1.13 MB, 640x1136, B6E402E2-A20B-4D14-A225-EB030287F40B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else love being naked all the time when they’re home

>> No.14844090

no because I'm constantly cold as fuck
currently wearing 2 pairs of socks, slippers, leggings, skinny jeans, thermal base layer, 2 pairs of tshirts (all tucked in), jumper, dressing gown, tubana, gloves and one of those one of those furry winter hats that are associated with the USSR and go over the ears (forgot the name) while drinking green tea and sitting next to the radiator

still cold

>> No.14844129

retard niga

>> No.14844137

Lol that’s why I live in Florida

>> No.14844152

that u?

>> No.14844182
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cauliflower chicken fried rice is the best dieting meal

>> No.14844378
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>> No.14844545
File: 172 KB, 640x1136, 926B3208-3EEF-4000-AB0F-E0C9C215639E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i never wear cloths either
lost my tan in like a month and a half

>> No.14844552

post your big ass vagina

>> No.14844556

im on a crash diet right now with an hour of cardio a day. i wake up, burn ~600 calories on the stationary bike, eat a few pickle spears, and then eat dinner around 8pm. Its working. I wanna have abs and be sexxxy

>> No.14844558

get some muscle definition you doughy faggot

>> No.14844562

get. some. fucking. abs.

>> No.14844566

god damn im never getting tattoos that looks so fucking stupid

>> No.14844619
File: 1002 KB, 640x1136, 44A36CEE-FEE7-461E-8C97-6EFEBCA4A2D6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s a sneak

>> No.14844623

what the hell!!! I was joking!!! this is awesome!!!!

>> No.14844707
File: 462 KB, 1721x1770, FDD2C651-97BF-473E-A543-5078F78FD4CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You look like a lad.

>> No.14844761
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>> No.14844794
File: 305 KB, 1080x1350, 72278841_819563238500446_3260038965858414314_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14844838


>> No.14845009

Well I hope you like :)

>> No.14845303

Fuck you’re hot. You’d look better with some more titty meet though

>> No.14845310


This isn’t your personal photo blog pal. Show one clear pic of your body in normal light if you want thinspo advice. What are your stats

>> No.14845339
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>> No.14845342
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>> No.14845344
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>> No.14845345
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>> No.14845373 [DELETED] 
File: 1.61 MB, 2431x2948, IMG_20191206_221024~3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I take a scissor to the shirt and have a make shift crop top to show navel

>> No.14845374
File: 1.11 MB, 1632x2948, IMG_20191206_221024~4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I cut the shirt to have a make shift crop top to show navel

>> No.14845375

Lwft isway hotter

>> No.14845441

Can you have right's lower legs with left's thighs?

>> No.14845464

Can you kys?

>> No.14845470


>> No.14845656

Why am I so weak willed? I fucking hate myself.
I was doing so well this weak, my then my mom came to visit me and I lost it. She brought brownie, pudding, bread and chicken and of course I had to binge. Also today she wants to go out for pizza and as much as I don't wanna go, I feel like I should because I miss her. I love living alone but I want to spend more time with her while she's here. But I know I won't be able to hold myself, I'm gonna binge on pizza.
Why did I have to be born with such shit metabolism. Why can't I be like those Yuka Kinoshita or one of those people who can eat as much as they want without gaining any weight. I'm fated to be a fat pig.

>> No.14845657

>this week

>> No.14845662

I feel you. My depression attacked me again and this thursday I binged a lot of food. Yesterday I was supposed not to eat anything but ended up with 700kcal.

But... Think like that, anon. At least your mother seems nurturing. I wish I had parents like that. :)

>> No.14845704

If you're binging then

>stop restricting more than 500kcal in a day
>exercise more and eat more so you feel less hungry but still lose weight
>stop eating sugary stuff, stop eating carbs all together if you're addicted to them
>practice IF

it's what worked for me when I hit a weightloss wall, I was getting unbearable cravings for ANYTHING and would have insane b/p sessions, I could eat 2000kcal in one sitting and STILL feel ravenously hungry

now I've cleaned up my diet, eat at my sendetry TDEE and do a fuckton of exercise, weightloss is a bit more steady but more importantly it's CONSISTENT and I feel really good

>> No.14845711

I heard decaf suppresses appetite more. Just watch out for acid reflux from the higher acidity.

>> No.14845713

Eat every 2 hours to restart your metabolism. 1 serving of mixed nuts is good enough which is 150ish calories. You’ll notice after a day or 2 you get hungry again.

>> No.14845746

Just fast after the pizza and it will be fine.

>> No.14845749

Can the stationary bike be used to make your legs smaller? My thighs are too big.

>> No.14845756

I did 5 days and ruined it with junk food as well. Literally shit my pants soon after.

>> No.14845760

>Why am I so weak willed?
Because you have no faith.

>> No.14845761

In general, no, you're going to gain muscle in your legs, especially if you lack muscle there already and start eating at or above maintenance

Look at bikers and distance runners physiques, they're usually rail thin but with disproportionally large thighs

yeah it sucks, I wish my thighs were smaller but man I'm loving cardio at the minute

>> No.14845820

My thighs are too big because of muscle, not fat. And these muscles dont seem to have much endurance. Will this change anything?

>> No.14845822

im 74kg and 189cm. onw to getting more defined, i really want the hedi look. but my thighs are too big from when i used to do cycling :(

>> No.14845828

you know, /thinspo/, usually I hate you all because you advocate unhealthy levels of low weight
but then I remember there are people who think being fat somehow doesn't have an impact on their health, and I remember that you guys really aren't that bad in comparison
at least with the right dedication and a less autistic goal body you'd be able to pack on muscle and look good while doing it

>> No.14845851

/fph/ is where /thinspo/ and /fit/ overlap

>> No.14845861

not everyone here is into the auschwitz look

>> No.14845862

I have a family full of shapely women. They were instagram curvy a decade ago (pre-pregnancies) and now they're all obese and dealing with health issues on top of old age and years of not taking care of themselves. Not only does curvy bodies not look good to me anymore they're a red flag of poor life style choices. I'm not pro-anorexia or for eating disorders but I refuse to date and procreate with a woman that's curvy. It'll just be a life time of health issues for your wife, children, and yourself by extension.

>> No.14845867

atleast skellies can be good at cardio
t. run 40 miles per week

>> No.14845877

I don't understand /fph/, it's always 300lbs monsters there, not realistically fat or chubby people.

>> No.14845881

>300lbs monsters there, not realistically fat or chubby people.
I can see that you don't live in America or the UK

>> No.14845929

Thinspo Anime?

>> No.14845933

Isn't all of anime thinspo?

>> No.14845946

>be overweight
>nobody cares
>be lower end of normal BMI
>everyone makes fun out of me for being skinny
>doctor (basically) asks if I have an eating disorder
>family constantly tries feeding me

fuck fatasses

>> No.14845956

Paradise Kiss

>> No.14845963

You deserve everything you get because you let yourself be moved by the consternation of the fat.

>> No.14846374

so I've unintentionally undereaten by 4000kcal this week and I'm not sure whether I should have some crazy guilt free binge or whether I should "bank" these calories and lose more weight

I don't really know if I want to lose my weight zzz

>> No.14846718

When I wrote that post I was thinking of Nana and expected someone to reply with Takumi or Shin but I guess that works too.

>> No.14846816

I drank so much water today that my stomach is deformed


>> No.14847557

Do guys generally prefer women who are a little underweight? I'm 5'5 115 lbs but my stomach is chubby and everything

>> No.14847580
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>> No.14847591


>> No.14847639

post progress pic

>> No.14847656

Every time I set a goal to lose a few pounds, I completely lose motivation in doing anything else. All I want is for the days to pass so I can be thinner. How do I deal with this?

>> No.14847797

Honestly I get the same thing, eating at set times and meal prepping can help take your mind off food which in turn helps takes your mind off dieting

also not coming here and only weighing yourself once a week/fortnight also helps

>> No.14847872
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one month later
still fat
still have bitch tits
atleast all of the exercise has made me fitter and feel better

>> No.14847890

are you a boy or girl?

>> No.14847896

extremely low test boy

>> No.14847897


>> No.14848005

youre perfect

>> No.14848044

thanks, I was expecting everyone to laugh at me

>> No.14848098

> making thinspo great again

Yeah right. No purging resources even

>> No.14848114
File: 46 KB, 487x667, 1558632018877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

purging is fucking waste of time and money and only gets up 50%-75% of calories according to actual studies, very adept purgers can get up 90% maximum and only with certain foods, on top of that purging trains your body to be more hungry, expands your stomach and fucks up your teeth/face, this isn't just an EDgen, this is also a fashion general

sort your diet out (probably means going low-carb if you're addicted to binging). stop looking at food as a source of entertainment and hit the gym 7 days a week, be a good little ana, not a disgusting food addicted bulimiac who'll gain and lose the same 5 lb until they die of a raptured oesophagus

>> No.14848118

Kek just ate a pound of jerky on my refeed lord save me

>> No.14848119

youre very thin/thinspo, youre tiny
only delusional people will disagree

>> No.14848126

I uh don't know what to say
this is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me, thank you

>> No.14848131
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>> No.14848231

Can you pull off militarywear if skinny?

>> No.14848754

get on trt

>> No.14848770

share recipe pls anon

>> No.14848792

more off of what i have in the fridge, Coconut aminos and frozen cauliflower rice are the most important parts
the frozen bagged rice doesn't have a strong flavor

honestly it's a great meal, high in protein and cauliflower is such a great low calorie dense rice substitute ~112 calories per pound

>> No.14849315


>> No.14849530

cardio to burn fat, weight lifting to build muscle, calisthenics for toning.
Fuck off fat fuck.

>> No.14849998
File: 247 KB, 822x1425, 1E42429D-0754-4AC7-8608-01CD42928EB4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14850013


>> No.14850610

Anyone have pictures of skinny boys with nice ass?

Also, any pictures of skinny boys with nice veins and possibly nice biceps?

>> No.14850615
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>> No.14850636
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>> No.14851215
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>> No.14851731

Is drinking a lot of fucking coffee a good idea?

>> No.14851738

It's not a bad idea

>> No.14851743

it's an addiction
it gives you anxiety

>> No.14851745

No, your stomach is gonna suffer lately. I've seen someone close to me die from stomach cancer and it's not pretty.

>> No.14851748


>> No.14851780

Losing your hair will fuck up whatever chance you did have

>> No.14852181
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>> No.14852284

Ah yes, the manga reading order

>> No.14852595

>back to /fit/

>> No.14852605

weebs fucking slay me

>> No.14852691

if thats real i applaud you, but the fat will always be fat

>> No.14852703

Weak twink boi. Link your discord lmao

>> No.14852706

I'm 106 pounds
Can I get to 99?

I don't really have a "diet" but I don't eat that much

>> No.14852715

Just do a water fast.

>> No.14852948

It's has its upsides and downsides, sadly I'm hyposensitive to caffine so it doesn't supress my apetite, therefore I drink green tea instead mostly

>> No.14852949

holy fuck what a b&a

>> No.14853017
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>too big for thinspo
>too small for fit

>> No.14853024

>chew and spit liters of chocolate
>get bloated

I don't even have abdominal fat, but my stomach gets so bloated due to this retarded habit that it looks like I am skinnyfat.

>> No.14853041

fuck fuck fuck everytime i am close to my goal weight i end up messing up again, i will always be a fatty

>> No.14853056

*gets high and pukes*
Nothing tastes like skinny.

>> No.14853073

Yeah, some people LIKE skelly look so find one like that.

>> No.14853183

Any advice for a beginner 5', 100lb 27 year old?

Or is it too late?

>> No.14853203


>> No.14853382

nah current culture is all about mild obesity "muh phat ass hoe"

>> No.14853740

What weight / height are you

>> No.14853753

Guys I just ate 2 big macs because they were $3 cad. Feels so good

>> No.14853758

At 5', you need to be thinner to look thinner, but 19.5 is still pretty good regardless of height

need pics to judge how /thinspo/ you are but chances are you already decent

>> No.14853762


>> No.14853893

Where's that discord link?

>> No.14853917
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>want to do cardio 7 days a week
>intense pain in right calf when I walk down stairs

this is all my fault, I just started running last week and the number one piece of advice is "just to loads of long easy runs as much as possible until you're running 30/40/50/60/100miles per week aha" but I got fitter and more bored so I started pushing myself and now I'm injured and can't run at all

guess it's a rest day for me

>> No.14854638

im not going to make it my will power is shit

>> No.14854758

do burpees

>> No.14854762

stretch your calves before and after every run and foam roll them with a tennis ball or roller if you are going to do that much leg related cardio

>> No.14854777

Fuck had a steak sandwich tonight too how fucked am I??

>> No.14854979

ow, my back

>> No.14855075
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my 2 tips, fuck static stretches, warm up by walking and then starting with super light jogs interspersed with walking and also stop overworking your body, take a rest day every other day so your body can heal, if you're trying to lose weight then stop eating so much you fuck, and if you're trying to get fit, jogging constantly like this is literally doing the opposite of what you're trying to accomplish

>> No.14855632

Fuck I meant to say that I started running "last month", not last week

Hurts my calf as well, along with jump rope

Yeah I have been :C

I do a mix of static stretches before I leave the house and some dynamic stretches while brisk walking to the place where I run

I know I know I need to slow down with the jogging at this stage, I've just been really bored and depressed since I've started maintaining my weight and running is the only way I can make my life interesting again (probably because it's burning calories) aaaa fuck

thanks for the advice anons

>> No.14855663
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I need a new "laugh at fatties" TV show

I don't feel like SSvsSS at the minute and the later seasons of my 600lb life are too slow to binge watch, Fat Families was literally the exact same shit every episode, Secret Eaters good?

>> No.14856212

>No Monster Energy Zero Ultra
what a shit list desu

>> No.14856222
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I agree

>> No.14856624

Today I managed to resist to 2 cakes and brownies at work. Also I went to a restaurant with my coworkers and didn't binge. I'm under my calorie limit and very proud of myself. I hope I can keep being consistent

>> No.14856768

checked and mosterpilled

>> No.14856989
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eat food.

>> No.14857249

How tf do you get sunken cheeks like this. This is all I want. I’m skinny btw but still got baby fat in my face

>> No.14857356

smoke ciggies become a coomer

>> No.14857668

Start doing speed, I guess. Isn't that supposed to give you the look

>> No.14857825
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>> No.14857830
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>> No.14857832
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>> No.14857834
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>> No.14857838
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>> No.14857841
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>> No.14857847
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>> No.14857852
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>> No.14857907
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>> No.14857920

Currently 146 lbs 5'9" ~12% bf 29" waist. I'm going to to try to get down to 9-10% bf just for shits and giggles, should put me around 132-135ish, maybe a 28 waist by then. I've been doing a decent job maintaining 145 (except for at thanksgiving), but I really liked the way my body looked when I was at 138 when I had just finished cutting from 160. If my body looks sexy enough then I'm going to try to maintain that level as my baseline, and then I'll bulk for some muscle and come back down to the same percentage. I'm honestly really proud to have lost the weight and meet my previous goal of 12% bf. All I've done is change my hair and go from 17% bf to 11-12% bf, and people treat me so much differently already. For once I feel attractive, and people treat me as such. I'm so used to being slightly skinny fat and nerdy looking. I've only made small tweaks but most people don't recognize me and treat me so much better. Anyone else experience this?

>> No.14857924
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>For once I feel attractive, and people treat me as such.

this coming from a male. Absolutely delusional. People view you a repulsive faggot. You'll only earn respect when you're big and strong

>> No.14857945

In my experience endurance is more of a mental thing than a muscle thing. If you just keep powering through an excercise despite however tired you are, then you will absolutely be able to do more later on.

>> No.14857968

I want to get more muscle, but where I am is fine for now. I have a beginner's body, too little muscle to be otter mode, but too much to be like most people pictured here. For most people it seems what I currently have is plenty, but I'm not satisfied yet.

>> No.14858051

How do you measure your body fat %?

>> No.14858096

Yeah lack of food whatever you’re doing to yourself isn’t fuckinf healthy. Make sure you get your vitamins. You know what happens when you lack certain vitamins? Iron you start losing hair, You you lack vitamin D youll feel very fuckinf tired

>> No.14858102

I hope you all get help one day. I a bulimic for almost 4 years. I can’t believe I could do that to myself. Also if your under 18 and not eating right now your going to STUNT YOUR GROWTH. have fun being a fuckin Manlet

>> No.14858105

Congrats you’re going to DIE

>> No.14858112
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How do i get more slender thighs? I've never been able to get into running consistently. Have been able to do HIIT and lifting regularly at other points in my life though if that helps.

>> No.14858113

>Associating good feelings with being glutonous
Surefire way to becoming obese

>> No.14858187

i'd suggest doing some chest exercises, would fill your chest out enough to remove the puffy chest look

>> No.14858200

does keto work

>> No.14858209

you don't, every method that's cheap and practical is inaccurate as fuck, bodyfat calipers are best used to gauage a change in bodyfat percentage over time, trying to get an accurate answer out of them is pointless

>> No.14858211

running and sqauts has just bulked up my thighs desu
if you want super slender thighs then your best bet is to just lose weight

>> No.14858224
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Yes it does
I lost most of my weight by fasting but I couldn't maintain it when it I hit my goal weight, I was eating steel cut oatmeal/legumes/wholegrain rice/other low GI carbs and then thinking about food every 2 hours while eating at maintenance, it was fucking horrible, I was beginning to make peace with the fact that I might have to gain all my fat back
Then I tried keto, bam, massively reduced appetite and zero carb cravings, I've gone from being hungry eating at maintenance to being satiated on 50% of my TDEE, I've decided that since this is the only way I can control my insane sugar cravings that I'm going to stick with it for the foreseeable future.
I will say though, transitioning to keto was really easy for me because I had already became fat adapted via fasting, if you've never fasted regulary/for extended periods of time and you've never done any low-carb diets before, keto can be kinda rough for the first ~40 days as your body has to adapt to burning lipids for energy instead of glucose
Also electrolyte imbalance is a very real thing on keto, drink an extra glass of water or two each day and look up snake juice/ketoade, if you don't do this you will get brainfog, feel weak as shit and be sad.

If you have any questions please ask, I feel like keto has saved my body, so I want to help everyone who's considering it

>> No.14858279
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>lose weight for a couple of weeks
>binge the next couple of weeks and gain it all back
How the fuck do I break out of this cycle?

>> No.14858295

>smaller deficit
>exercise and eat more to make up for the deficit
>maintain weight for a month or two

there are other options but these are the most standard answers, if you can't control the binges then there's no shortcuts and you're at risk for some meme ED like BED, Bulimia or CHSP

>> No.14858526

Thighs for bites. You cannot target body parts while losing fat. Either lose fat from everywhere, or work out for a better appearance, but ~same weight and size.

>> No.14858713
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>eat daily calorie limit
>feel hungry
>tell myself it's a craving and it'll go away
>it doesn't go away
>eat something
>don't feel hungry anymore
>feel nice and satiated

I hate this, the lower weight I am the hungrier I get, I'd almost feel better if the hunger didn't go away because atleast then I could tell myself it was just mental hunger

>> No.14859389
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>Stats: m, 19, 5'8, 145lb, was 180 when i started trying to lose weight
>Goals: any one of these
>Daily Routines: 500 cal deficit every day, no exercise (used to lift but lost motivation after 2 months)
>Bna: ?
>Meal strategy: anything as long as im at a 500 cal deficit, lots of water and fruits/veggies
>tfw losing hair

>> No.14859454

I can't stop eating.
I can't stop drinking.
I can't stop.
Please send help.

>> No.14859488
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>> No.14859498

eat protein

>> No.14859516


>> No.14859652

I'm so hungry and wanna drink so fucking much right now the PAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN

>> No.14859753

Eat less, keep running. If you eat too much (aka not at a deficit) your thighs might bulk though.

>> No.14859791

Alright anons, I'm 170 cm (5'7) and 57 kg (126 lbs).
My goal would be around 50-53 kg (110-116 lbs). I usually eat anything from 300 to 1000 calories per day, but the problem is that I drink alcohol weekly which adds to the calorie consumption. The day after I also eat more, about my TDEE. Another problem is that I don't exercise at all. Is it possible to make it? (pls bully me into exercising)

>> No.14859832

Artificial sweeteners raising insulin is a meme.

>> No.14859844



>> No.14860037

what do you think is an acceptable and/or /thinspo/ weight for a 5'6 gorl

>> No.14860064

100 lbs

>> No.14860071

/fit/ gemfag is a fat fucking loser

>> No.14860075

better hope you dont binge tonight ;)

>> No.14860076

fuck you i already did

>> No.14860079

what are you going to do about it as punishment?

water fast?
dry fast?
obsessive exercising?

>> No.14860081

go to sleep and cry

>> No.14860086

what'd you eat?

>> No.14860088

french fries

>> No.14860090

is that it?

>> No.14860091


>> No.14860101

how many?

>> No.14860102


>> No.14860108

was it a large quantity?

>> No.14860109


>> No.14860112

are you close or far to your goal weight?

>> No.14860113


>> No.14860118
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wow you've really messed up
what do you plan on doing when you wake up?

>> No.14860120

suffering miserably

>> No.14860122

do you feel full right now?

>> No.14860143

>, 145lb, was 180 when i started trying to lose weight
Good job anon!

>> No.14860195


>> No.14860219

ok good. That means your body has succeeded in getting a proper meal

make you eat something when you wake up

>> No.14860293

I fucking hate being born a female wtf I'm short as fuck and can gain weight by just sniffing food while men eat like whales and still look lean and toned fuck this life

>> No.14860510

that was fucking sweet you guys

>> No.14860612

>start doing a lot of fasted workouts
>eat slighly below TDEE
>only lose 1kg
>face looks MUCH sharper, finally developing gaunt cheeks
>stomach muscles and ribs sticking out a lot more
>body has gone from boney in some places, slightly flabby in others to rock hard all over

working out is NOT meme guys, even if I haven't lost much worse I feel like I'm much more /thinspo/

>> No.14860615

much worse -> much weight

>> No.14860755

i am too full, i wanna throw up

>> No.14860793

112lbs m 6ft1, how's everyone else doing

>> No.14860797

I have awoken.
I feel miserable.

>> No.14860810


>> No.14860865

for all the drunktards in this thread who don't yet know


>> No.14860918

Tip : have half a can of tomato soup as dinner, only 100 calories, better than nothing and stops cravings

>> No.14861275

eat something

>> No.14861276

you have gyno, you need surgery to remove the tits

>> No.14861291

embrace gyno and become a girl uwu

>> No.14861307

what bodyfat% is this?

>> No.14861423


makes me want to binge so bad

>> No.14861514

>biology major
>which means field trips
>automatically feel hungry every time I go to one
>ate four healthy but full meals
>feeling bloated
>can't check myself in the mirror because it is a dorm
>feeling so disgusted with myself that I can't focus on the group tasks

Fuck this shit, I hate field work, I just want to work in the laboratory.

>> No.14861515
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185cm 71kg currently. Started at 88kg in April 2019. Not really focusing on losing weight, I just had less time to eat and worked out every few days. Rate pls.

>> No.14861526

i like water fasting bc it's easy to follow BUT I consistently around the 20-24 hr mark feel violently ill and end up throwing up a bunch of water/green bile and it's the worst... gonna try going back to restricting

>> No.14861552

arms could be a bit better but you said you aren't working out that much so I give you an 7.5/10.

>> No.14861727

jesus, I'm only 5'11 and felt like shit at 112 (lw). how is that for you?

>> No.14861808

what the fuck

>> No.14861830

im 5'8 and around 110lbs and i though that my stats were impressive

>> No.14861874

Pics or gtfo

>> No.14861961

>had a baby
>doctor doesn't recommend fasting because I breast feed
Is it.. is it over for me? ;-;

>> No.14862016

losertown.org put calories to 0

>> No.14862026

terrible advice

>> No.14862045

theres no way that's you at 71kg.
at 68 kg I looked nothing like that. That's gotta be in the 60s

>> No.14862049

breast feed your kid bitch.
Get thin again after its like 1 and some change.

>> No.14862152
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I’ve lost quite a bit of weight recently, and I used to be quite overweight. I don’t miss my face being grotesquely bloated and pillowy, but I’ve developed these weird lines across my cheeks. Do they make me look ridiculously old? How the fuck do I get rid of them?

>> No.14862369
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God I should kms

>> No.14862373

Wait I also have those
Seconding the request for help, what are they and is it possible to get rid of them

>> No.14862424

It's called ageing, they're probably there just due to water retention, eye strain, and lack of sleep.

>> No.14862466

someone needs to make a new thread

>> No.14862475

you're still fat, got fat kid face

>> No.14862484

will make in 13 more posts

>> No.14862500
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just made this, I feel like I'm being unfair to monster zero desu

>> No.14862571

that's just eternal Anglo.

>> No.14862587

I have the same problem. I just accepted I'm short waisted and I'll always look fat

>> No.14862673

have sex with me before you do that

>> No.14862684
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new thread

>> No.14862780

some jizz

>> No.14863379

you gotta gain weight!!!!

>> No.14863671

U are looking normal again, congrats.

>> No.14863737

you're not even technically underweight yet lol.. you can complain when you get there just restrict