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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 386 KB, 1241x1489, D123AA9D-8543-4D39-A9C2-6C035223C0F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14834809 No.14834809 [Reply] [Original]

What are some effay careers?

>> No.14834815

most of the well paying jobs also art related like architect and what not

>> No.14834816

I like nascar

>> No.14834825

Fashion Designer
Theatre stuff in general
Film stuff in general
Designers (graphic design, architecture, programmers, etc) tend to have a social uniform - "I have to dress clean like the current design trends" - so they always look like dorks. So I don't count them, but you can if you like drone shit, if you like pseudo boilersuit type style.
Jobs that let you dress how you want are the fashionable jobs. Like working in a bar or whatever, but not every bar because some require uniforms or neutered formal dress. My job had an implied dress code that I ignored and now everyone wears whatever they want for the most part and a lot of them have started dressing like me. I work in a theatre and I'm a practicing artist as well.

>> No.14835151

Law is big dick fashion

>> No.14835183

Only if you're east coast and big city

>> No.14835188

No it’s not. Just big salaries

>> No.14835256

Haha why are girls kissing

>> No.14835275

Corporate lawyers are maximum effay

>> No.14835276

I teach second grade it's pretty effY

>> No.14835282

Real estate

>> No.14835283


>> No.14835301

sad lonely mom pusy

>> No.14835305

anything with a uniform/dress code is disqualified

>> No.14835307

uhhh sauce on this pic? so i can find their linkedins and check how effay their career is ofc

>> No.14835324

why is critic on the list

>> No.14835350

whose mouth is the tongue coming from?

>> No.14835388

Private Equity

>> No.14835418
File: 879 KB, 4096x2731, 124C13DE-ADCC-464E-B5B2-57FAB4C81E9E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I teach second grade it's pretty effY

>> No.14835428

UI/UX Design
Product Design

>> No.14835429


>> No.14835462

Industrial electrician

>> No.14835472

>tfw law fag with comfy job in highly specialized field

Man life sure is great. I get to go to my comfy office everyday and sperg out in peace about my hobbies (sports) and get paid to do it.

>> No.14835697

McDonald's cashier.

>> No.14835710


>> No.14835717

Mind f*cked

>> No.14835754


I'm studying that shit now.

>> No.14835759
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Just become a pro athlete bro. God tier body+all the money you could ever need+no dress code+stylists and labels fighting to dress you.

Some of these niggas go too far and look gay as hell tho

>> No.14835762
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>> No.14835767
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>> No.14835773

Law is effay as fuck, easy and lots of moneyand you can play out the JFK or Gordon Gekko or Patrick Bateman fashion fantasy every male has

>> No.14835776

>God tier body
idc what anyone says, athletes always look awkward in anything outside of their team uniforms. They have freakish proportions and tend to be awkward and aren't good looking guys in general. They are not fashionable.

>> No.14835781
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>That cope

Bet you're a fat manlet.

>> No.14835783


>> No.14835789


Nope not at all actually. These guys just genuinely look awkward.

>> No.14835809

I imagine being a food critic is pretty effay. Flying around the world eating the best stuff and writing about it

>> No.14835815
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I'm an author, I feel like that's an effay career that people often overlook.

>> No.14835820

horrid outfit, would rob

>> No.14835861

The top 10% of architects are barely cracking the 100k barrier. It is just a job, not a well paying job. That being said, being an architect is fa as fuck

>> No.14836033

im studying your moms vagina pussy bitch

>> No.14836048

Consumer tech. Filled with onions, tight pants and fat people

Enterprise tech is for men

>> No.14836085

Lawyers are balding midwits who fell for the law school scam due to being to unintelligent for actual cerebral careers

>> No.14836108

you must like fortnite

>> No.14836116

And stillmake more than you while having peak hedonistic lifestyles

>> No.14836132

tim blanks is bretty fa

>> No.14836147

I love it when bitter wageslaves post this stuff because they're mad that the only thing keeping them from 100k+ a year was studying for the LSAT and doing well in undergrad

>> No.14836158

What kind of work do you do in theatre? I'm a TD of a dance company and I've really been enjoying the receptions.

>> No.14836160

Nope, most lawyers are in debt and in positions for which they’re overqualified. The ones making money are a tiny minority of biglaw guys, even then, many are 80+hr/week associates who will never make partner, and will burnout and take a dead-end job in the bureaucracy. Not exactly “peak hedonism.”
I got an 172 on the LSAT. I’m getting a doctorate in geography instead

>> No.14836168

My goal is assistant US attorney, prosecuting federal crimes. I'm content putting in my time at a smaller DA's office I'm qualified for it.

>> No.14836174
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is veterinary effay?

>> No.14836187

Astrologer is the most effay profession

>> No.14836207

Funny thing is that the balding thing might actually be true. I’m studying law and for some reason there are more balding people than in other fields.

>> No.14836222

It’s because Jews are overrepresented

>> No.14836224

Stress causes balding

>> No.14836233

You made law sound cool, I'm a zoomer looking for a major any advice going into law school ?

>> No.14836235

t. retard that thinks every lawyer life is Keanu Reeves from The Devil's Advocate

>> No.14836256

Another lawl school victim

At this point I don’t even pity you striver idiots

>> No.14836264

I'm married but the opportunity presents itself a lot.
Lol I've made the paper bag hats too. The last few weeks of school are brutal. You'll do anything to keep the kids from rioting
It's ok. I preferred pubg when it came out but I can do the default dance.

>> No.14836276

My first job before college was a delivery boy. I'd ask people about their lives and what made them happy, if they liked their jobs.

Most lawyers hated their lives.

>> No.14836284

this. Geoscience is the best

>> No.14836301

EU fag here so its free
my dad was a lawyer and alcoholic who had a burnout with 45 so I can see that but ever since I was young people said I'd make a great lawyer

>> No.14836309

My uncle is a tax lawyer, school is free due to EU, got a shitton straight out of uni and now works from home 4 days a week in Italy for a Dutch company fucking Italian milfs all day in his villa

>> No.14836324


>> No.14836326


>> No.14836330

Law isn’t that stressful as people make it out to be

>> No.14836340

only the mentally ill could ever look at a misery generating white collar job and pretend that its fashionable, let alone human or lively.

fashion and being cool belongs to the alienated and othered. Its why so many white collar vampires spend millions to make it seem like they arent completely lifeless villains. All the money in the world cant give them what they really want, being cool and interesting. Balenciaga has made billions off of selling shit a ukrainian kid with a negative net worth would steal in a thrift store to miserable and desperate rich people in a vain attempt to be cool.

>> No.14836346

pretty effay but at the same time a lot of authors dress like bums who haven't changed their clothes all week, which can be an effay look

>> No.14836350

exactly. i feel bad for anyone listing white collar jobs

>> No.14836351

LOL, you do realize that law is rent-seeking: the profession, right?

If you had balls you’d go into finance or entrepreneurship, if you had brains you’d go into a PhD program

>> No.14836359

I work as a wildlands firefighter in the summer and work on boats/collect unemployment in the winter

Doesn’t pay much but I’m in great shape and I have a ton of freedom. My wife is a dentist so no material concerns

>> No.14836362
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Except people who do law dont dress like that, they dress like WASPs and other upper class people
Your post is just poorfag cope
Finance is twice the work for the same money, why would I do that.

>> No.14836375

Let me guess, you’re a 1L at a school just outside the T14–something like Emory, for example. You were a humanities major who felt directionless until you took a practice LSAT and scored high enough to go somewhere respectable-sounding. You read too many John Grisham novels and you think working in a big law firm is going to be like working for a captain of industry in the 1920s, or joining a WASPy good ole boys club.

You’ll be surprised when you land your first junior associateship at some marginally-prestigious sounding place like DLA Piper.

You’ll walk around with their custom tote and hold your head up on the subway, picturing yourself as Tom Buchanan while you and the Latina girl who shares your cubicle debate over using a comma or a period for twelve hours, with a brief break in the middle of the workday when buckets of greul descend from the ceiling.

>> No.14836376
File: 169 KB, 1280x780, lawyers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're posting an idealized version of a reality that does not exist. You are proving my point. You so badly want to believe that theres this cool, attractive, young, interesting white collar life like in a movie. There isnt. That lifestyle cannot, and does not exist with white collar professions.

This is your reality. The real, unimagined, distilled truth.

>> No.14836380

Can you explain rentseeking to someone who doesn't pay rent?

>> No.14836381

people who buy Balenciaga are actors, musicians, trophy wives and other scum, finace and law bros wear preppy shit and play golf and tennis and do other white people shit, your post is more towards other groups (and even then, people dont buy it because they wanna appear like a shitty ukrainian mongrel, they buy it for the expensive logos)

>> No.14836386


>> No.14836389

Both. They are Siamese twins conjoined at the tongue. Very sad.

>> No.14836398

Im an eurofag so that first alinea doesnt apply to me, but I am indeed a law student
Im also not actually planning on becoming a lawyer (its very competitive in my country) but probably gonna master in financial law or fiscal law or something

But I already life the student part of that lifestyle? Im a posh cunt and so are my friends, i play (or played really havent done so in months) golf and field hockey, am part of the poshest student association (our equivalent of a frat) in the country

Im already living the life, and its very comfy so far

>> No.14836402

how punchable do you look?

>> No.14836410

Not that much even though i say so myself,but it worsens when i open my mouth
A lot of my friends are worse, one of them said a couple days ago 'i dont work, i inherit' (but in dutch ofc)

>> No.14836411

Do ALL the research you can first and know it's not as good as the money sounds and the costs are huge.
Study your ass off for the LSAT take a year off if you need to to make sure you get a good score.
If you realize you're not going to get 170+ then just keep studying and retake or walk away from law school dreams completely. Do NOT go to a school outside the top 14 and maybe top 20 unless it's on scholarship or daddy's money.

>> No.14836412

Desire is subconscious. The white collar shell is constantly looking for validation of their shitty lives. They desperately want to be cool and interesting and when they realize that they cant, they push the other way and try to imitate old money bloodline aristocrats which ultimately fails as well.

Nothing the white collar identity could truly want is ever attainable to them. they are endlessly tormented and miserable by what they can never achieve.

would wouldnt be on /fa/ if you werent desperate for validation and confident and content in yourself. You're as empty as anybody else. You're full of shit.

You arent part of some cool, fun, interesting upper class clique. You're here. Pretending. Get used to it because thats all you're ever going to do from now on. Pretend to be somebody you arent while you go about your miserable life.

>> No.14836414

>athletes always look awkward
Are you retarded? show us what a non-awkward god tier body type is then

>> No.14836420

Dont get what you mean, a lot of people on /fa/ are content with their lives, this isnt the mental health board

And as for the second part, its just what you are born in and im lucky to be born into that and raised by 2 very dilligint parents who teached me all the ettiquetes

Anyway gtg now im hungry as fuck

>> No.14836426

> lot of people on /fa/ are content with their lives, this isnt the mental health board

>> No.14836428

>i'm not insecure of chasing my fantasy life that doesnt exists i uh am uh very content with my life and uh im uh lucky and grateful to be born rich and uhh I HAVE TO GO NOW
get the fuck out of here you faggot fucking hollow rich kid. You;re destined to spend all your fucking inhereted money trying to buy confidence you'll never have while chasing an idealized fantasy of a cool and interesting white collar eclectic fraternity before you overdose on benzos and oxycontin crying that nobody likes you

>> No.14836433

>Anyway gtg now im hungry as fuck
>i'M not a fucking loser and i do THiNGS!!!!!!

>> No.14836435

I'm not who you're responding to, but some people just want to be lawyers. I know, it's crazy to think, huh?
I am a humanities major, I specifically chose English because I always knew I wanted to be a lawyer. I like to read, like to write, have done lots of academic and technical writing, I enjoy doing research as well.
I want to be a lawyer. I want to be a federal prosecutor. I feel that there are bad people who have done bad things and need to be prosecuted and I want to be that person.
I'm not in it to be rich, but if I get a chance at biglaw I'll take it, not only to use the salary to pay down my loans so I can move on to something I enjoy more but because I like being busy, I like the pressure.

Just because you ended up hating law school and being a lawyer and you're crippled with debt and in a firm you hate, doesn't mean everyone else does. There are countless people who enjoy law and what they do.

>> No.14836443


>movie critic
>sit in dark theatres jackin off and get paid for it
>write a bunch of pseudo intellectual bullshit about entertainment that's made to appeal to the least common denominator (uneducated proles and children)
wow so /fa/

>> No.14836452

>ever since I was young people said I'd make a great lawyer
most people have no idea what lawyers even do so can't say who would make a good lawyer.
If you mean you liked being annoying and arguing with people about inane bullshit then that's not law

>> No.14836461

>building your whole life around playing fetch

>> No.14836476

>ever since I was young people said I'd make a great lawyer
which means everyone thinks youre a huge faggot and completely unlikable

>> No.14836481

Is this a SEXCORE?

>> No.14836490

changing rules/laws so that you profit.
>links a medium article
dont take this fag seriously.

>> No.14836492

Some of you are just so abviously jealous call center workers dressing in autismcore who are jealous of people with interesting and/or well oaying jobs.

>> No.14836500

I didn’t go to law school. I studied philosophy and I work for a consultancy firm. I make more than most of my friends who went to prestigious law schools and I work 40 hours a week.

>> No.14836502

Some people are losers. If you think being a lawyer is cool, you’re a loser. Google clique theory.

>> No.14836508

It’s a medium article by an NYU professor and a millionaire you imbecile

>> No.14836514

I believe you. Do you believe me that I believe you? Because I know you wouldn't come to the internet and post lies

>> No.14836518

I didn’t say I make a lot. I make a middle class salary and it’s not a lot where I live (DC). But compared to my friends who decided to become lawyers, my life is amazing. They’re all developing alcoholism and losing their hair. These stereotypes exist for a reason. if you’re dumb enough to make law your career, you better have good enough connections to skip the 10-15 years of indentured servitude you’re expected to put in before you make any real money.

>> No.14836529

Thomas777: People also have this deluded idea that lawyers are some cognitive elite and that law school is really rigorous or something. This could not be further from the truth. A lot of lawyers are genuinely stupid people, and in law school you actually get penalized if the arguments you present are considered overly complicated. Its a repository of dumb people who are ambitious. Its the opposite of a science program where there are smart people who are unambitious.

>> No.14836536

Why do lawyers make people seethe so much? More that probably any other profession, people who aren't lawyers and never have been lost to post their opinions.
Is it just jealousy? Is that all it is? Is it bitterness that a lawyer helped make their parent's divorce happen? I'm genuinely confused. Non-lawyers who haven't set foot in a law classroom have the strongest opinions about lawyers.
Someone give me some insight because I frankly don't get it.

>> No.14836552

Lawyers seem to think that by virtue of taking a few torts classes and passing the bar that they’ve initiated themselves into the elite, or that they’ve achieved something tantamount to becoming a doctor. They are smug, and their job doesn’t create anything. They are leeches, and dumb leeches to boot. Nobody intelligent likes lawyers, there’s a reason the people who wind up in law school are abrasive, overly-ambitious type A personalities with no discernible intelligence who everyone hates. This is also why Jews, dull Asians, and women are especially attracted to the field.

>> No.14836562

blessed salo poster

>> No.14836569

Work as a slot operations manager at a casino, get to dress in suits all day, have many styles and colors to choose from, i get an allowance to but them and i can keep them and at my job they take care of the dry cleaning pretty fa desu

>> No.14836581

Have you ever seen professional critics?
I don't mean YouTube reviewers or magazine reviewers, I mean critics. I'm talking Clement Greenberg shit, my man. Jerry Saltz.
Literally Zara basics the workplace.
I do lighting and sound. I work theatre bars as well. I do some front of house shit. So, everything besides performing, accounting and booking. It's the cosiest type of work, but the pay sucks. I'm based in a suburban theatre so I don't get good shows, but it means when I do something for a show they're always amazed because they don't even know how to attach files to an email there.
>thinking critics are magazine reviewers who watch the Avengers 9: Return of Homer Simpson.
>thinking that having a wank in a cinema isn't /fa/
Cringe on all fronts.
Imagine not reading criticism. That's some brainlet tier ignorance. You know that the foundations of cultural ideologies are all based on the writings of critics, right? So, everything you are interested in and enjoy, from a cultural level, is derived from something a critic wrote.

>> No.14836593

Physicist here. Seems there's a ton of lawyers.
I was thinking of getting into patent law. Data science sucks nuts but the pay is amazing.
Anyone know someone in that field that can chime in?

>> No.14836638

That sounds like a great time. I do a lot of the same work that you do and some freelance lighting design on the side.
I work for a contemporary dance company in the downtown of my city so I usually am seeing/doing some really bizarre shit. Last week I had 1L of fake blood and 13 eggs broken onstage every night. This week it's panties and those chattering toy teeth.
The pay is shit and the hours are abysmal but I'm genuinely happy.

>> No.14836647

Actually sounds based. Howd ya get the job

>> No.14836661

Is speech pathology effay?

>> No.14836665

I took a speech pathology class in college and I was the only guy in the 150+ seat lecture. Helped my sexual prospects that year quite a bit

>> No.14836698

Started off as janitor then in 8 months moved up to supervisor and a year later I just internally applied as a slot supervisor and then a year later a manager position opened and i put in for it and got it, been doing this for also a little over a year. Pretty comfy and based desu especially since I literally started at the bottom, a lot of nepotism here so it’s pretty based that im one of the few who actually worked my ass off to be here

>> No.14836708
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Wish i could say the same

>> No.14836713

>The pay is shit and the hours are abysmal but I'm genuinely happy
That's the shit part, since it's such a fun job but you really can't live off of it unless you kill yourself doing tonnes of freelance stuff. I just claim unemployment on top of it to get by, but I'm gonna have to emigrate and do a masters.
I feel like a contemporary dance company would be pretty cool, with way better sexual prospects and much more interesting shows. The majority of what we put on are shows targeted at 70 year old women, I can't understand why, and kids shows. Besides amateur musical societies and Garth Brooks cover bands, it's pretty great though.
Let me know if you figure out how to get rich from doing this!

>> No.14836821

insightful but overrated

If critic is on your list so should collector - they're just rich people who buzz around artists and sap their blood for personal gain
more often than not they have decent taste and dress well but that's only a function of the crowds they run in

>> No.14836858

I never said any of that wasn't true.
But not all critics are retards like that.
Greenberg was a hack and Saltz is a complete pseud who obviously doesnt understand art. Greenberg was pretty fly, though and Saltz was mostly bait.
Collectors are just rich people with no personality, they're the evolved form of the bourgeoisie.

>> No.14837060

Sounds like you're just mad they have higher earning potential than you

>> No.14837149

business management
business administration
graphic design

>> No.14837151 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14837188
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>tfw electrician

i am greatly enjoying my current assignment at an old cathedral tho desu senpai

>> No.14837199

So why doesn't he hate doctors?

>> No.14837217

>business management
>business administration
Ah yes, the guys who paid tuition to go to class to draw linear supply demand graphs

>> No.14837225


>> No.14837241

>business management
>business administration

>> No.14837255

because they constantly fuck people over. why the fuck do you think? have you never interacted with a lawyer in your life?

>> No.14837268

Creative jobs. Starving artists are /fa/. Alternatively, just take a job that funds your /fa/ hobbies because normies will never appreciate your fits IRL.

>> No.14837482
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Manual labor if you interested in that commie stuff or simply belong in having purpose of duty.

>> No.14837525

I agree only a few are genuinely thin enough to pull off non athletic/basic fits. Most look like CHIPPENDALE dancers
Kek this is my impression of law kids at my university too. Never met one who actually came across as smart (I'm sure all of them are at Harvard or some shit).
Actually unique and pretty effay job

>> No.14837535

porn star

>> No.14837576

I studied English in college, then went on to law school and afterward to graduate law school.

I have practiced for many years and I love it.

I couldn’t imagine doing anything else.

I don’t know whether I’m in a minority in that regard or not.

I dress very well for work and I am fortunate to have learned manners at an early age.

Good luck with your pursuits.

>> No.14837627

architect here

how do I deviate from the default architects wardrobe, i.e all black

Just look at this shit
(yes, im from mejico)

>> No.14837629
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Haha unfortunately anon my get rich plan is just to take the film gigs during the down time the company has during it's off season.
The dream is to get enough experience and tour to different countries and theatres. I'm thinking of writing myself personal development and research grants to see if I can have some travel paid for.
Also, the photo is from a lighting design I did earlier in the year!

>> No.14837649

do you work for winston or covington?

>> No.14837653

Thomas Cooley law

>> No.14837672 [DELETED] 

Most europeans are sheep (especially the Spanish and Italians). There is no changing them.

>> No.14837706

this is a meme that you should only go to top 14 schools.

>> No.14837735

Yes and no.
If you want a career as a lawyer then in many cases it's smarter to not go into t14 debt. But if you're set on biglaw it's pretty much t14-20ish or bust.
Of course location of law school is hugely important but there are certain things that too schools and only top schools will get you.
My state's flagship university's law school is ranked in the 40s. It's great if I want to stay local and make 80k a year but it will never get me to New York or Chicago or DC where I can make 180k a year.

>> No.14837754
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Come underground with us real men

>> No.14837757

I'm willing to bet money that your priveledged ass has never set foot in a mine

>> No.14837761

6 years going strong
Deepest mine I've worked at we were active around 9500 ft

>> No.14837771

>well paid
dont rub it in anon

>> No.14837772

you spelled astronomer wrong

>> No.14837782

The greatest fiction writers of our time couldn't fabricate such a tale.

>> No.14837784

thats funny, my school wasnt really like that, but my school wasn't exactly an architecture school either.
I kind of feel like these students are all larping on review day, but there is definitely a uniform.
Luckily my firm is pretty loose about dress code, as long as you're presentable.

>> No.14837785

they work, there are just no fruits of their labor

>> No.14837904

I work at Uniqlo. Is that effay?

>> No.14837920
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Effay shit is working with your hands. Doing hoodrat shit with your friends after shitty retail shifts. Selling drugs on the side or being an alcoholic, or just wearing comfy sweaters in the city Library because your apartment sucks.

Lawyers, doctors, businessmen, scientists, physicists are all lame as shit nerds and normies

>> No.14837932

Working with your hands is for people who don't have any brains to work with

>> No.14837981

>Fashion Designer
Selecto uno

>> No.14837986

t. Cringy suburbian hogh schoolfag who glorifies the lower class

>> No.14837987

t. Lives in a flyover and hangs out with his friends at a wal mart

>> No.14838105

>Working with your hands is for people who don't have any brains to work with

This is the stupidest shit I've ever read here.

>> No.14838208

Living in a city is a thinly veiled cope for uninteresting losers who need geography to compensate for their lack of personality.

>> No.14838215

a city is where everything is, women, bars, clubs, universities, booze, drugs, everything you need

>> No.14838220

Everything listed is universal besides colleges.
>But it's b-

>> No.14838225

Dated a few lawyers before. Most boring people I’ve ever met.

>> No.14838256

t. Striver who’s still mad he got rejected from Harvard

>> No.14838267
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>> No.14838269
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>he actually thinks those things constitute a meaningful life

Lmaoing at your existence, retard.

>> No.14838652

Stay mad, trade-cucks

>> No.14838659

Selling you brain power and creativity feels like prostitution.

>> No.14838666
File: 133 KB, 480x640, Obelisk_Luxor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

says the fat neet incel in the flyover state

>> No.14839781 [DELETED] 

Bro I just said the feeling of communist aesthetic if that's what people think online though.