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File: 957 KB, 1080x1298, 1572572148645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14826877 No.14826877 [Reply] [Original]

Since there hasn't been a thread for the day. Dont know how to do the links and shit

>> No.14826879

hory shet

>> No.14826881
File: 23 KB, 718x512, 1574325291692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14826883


>> No.14826887

I just came

>> No.14826919

my body kinda looks like that and im a boy

>> No.14826926

post or fake

>> No.14826927


>> No.14826928


>> No.14826961

Whew sauce?

>> No.14826965
File: 3.63 MB, 295x222, fuckoffcunt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ok larper

>> No.14826970

only if you took estrogen shots

>> No.14827002
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>> No.14827032

moar pls

>> No.14827042
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>> No.14827049


>> No.14827056

I was going to ask advice but this is literally just a coomer thread
Anyway tips on becoming very thin? I already started throwing up after binges recently. Cant stop binging tho it makes me feel so gross and I usually have to pour bleach all over my food to stop eating it.

>> No.14827058
File: 287 KB, 719x1792, 391F95D7-FF99-46B2-8023-8831668FA3D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14827061

Looks gross, ano's got abused and neglected when they were younger and are seeking control.

Get help you heart failure deathers

>> No.14827063

$20/week for actual food. Drink tons of water. Drink coffee/caffeinated tea until the evening, then nothing but water.

>> No.14827072

I used to drink 4 litres of water a day and eat 1200 calories
So hard to get back into that regime. I went from 96 to 82 kg but I really want to be thin now.
I'll try the coffee.
A meal deal comes to about 1200 calories from the shop might do that again

>> No.14827083

honestly, the end goal is not to simply lose weight, but to get to a point where your casual habits leave you thin. I don’t consciously control or worry about my food intake and I sit at around 6’1/125 ish consistently.

>> No.14827094

what does your coochie look like

>> No.14827111

I dont complain much about it but I generally have to eat much less than others, my mates can munch 2500 calories everyday. When I did that my bmi was over 32

>> No.14827126
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>> No.14827132

why are your nipples so big dude

>> No.14827133

thats awesome

>> No.14827157

My guess is since I used to be a really fat kid

>> No.14827174

do they get much smaller when they are hard?

>> No.14827175
File: 530 KB, 731x1629, 20191125_170646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess my weight

>> No.14827180

see a therapist you fucking munter

>> No.14827181

too much for this thread.


>> No.14827184

what is her IG?

>> No.14827189

never been to fit or a gym, no thanks

>> No.14827203
File: 20 KB, 550x550, 1566112038204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AAAAAAAAAA all I need is a thinspo gf who's body I can caress

>> No.14827207

She hooked up with some mutt this year and got pregnant instantly, another one ruined.

>> No.14827212

I want fat gf, i am 50kg

>> No.14827215
File: 681 KB, 1296x2312, IMG_20191129_231124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhh, idk.
I am very wide so I get called fat irl, my ribcage and shoulders are very broad. It is upsetting

>> No.14827217

me but you have to buy me Geobaskets first.

>> No.14827242
File: 557 KB, 2591x1943, 399079408_8b3e713302_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(ꏿ ω ꏿ)

>> No.14827246

i'll see if i can post one tomorrow

>> No.14827254

4 1/2 inches

>> No.14827260

is that a good thing or a bad thing

>> No.14827264

Why are you replying for me anon? That’s kinda cringe.

>> No.14827298
File: 68 KB, 1020x574, 6e50754b-b24c-47b9-b595-96eaa03b7306-woman-doing-hot-yoga-sunlight-window.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody here do bikram yoga?

>> No.14827307


>> No.14827330

should I post more? I hate over posting bc it feels like I’m attention whoring

>> No.14827334

I certainly wouldn't mind

>> No.14827339

no faggot gtfo

>> No.14827379

this is the worst fucking thinpo thread i have ever seen, jesus fuck you guys
talk about hating yourself. talk about hating your body. talk about convincing yourself it's a good thing to be dizzy and cold all the time. tell me you're afraid of eating fruit.
what did you do on thanksgiving
put your fucking dicks away or go to another board
fuck you

>> No.14827390

that’s all the lame shit fatties and fatties at heart do because they can’t adapt to the thinspo lifestyle. Being thin your whole life is the only way to truly understand it.

>> No.14827394

wait why shouldnt i eat fruit

>> No.14827395

You're only happy when it rains

>> No.14827401

at my max weight i had a bmi of 17.7
if you're happy then why are you proana

>> No.14827407

I’m not proana. Actual anorexics look like shit. Being skinny but not to the point of being grotesque is optimal. Been ~16 BMI since I was 12 or 13.

>> No.14827408

depressed, overeating and skipping meals
can't go on like this forever ;_;

>> No.14827418

if you put ANY emphasis in your life on being thin and you reasoning does not extend beyond "i wanna look good," you are pathetic. subhuman.

>> No.14827457

yeah exactly. I am thin because it looks good, I’m not thin for any other reason.

>> No.14827482

then you're no longer worth my time
and mind you, my time is worthless

>> No.14827494

post physique.

>> No.14827495
File: 56 KB, 747x662, image0 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At bmi 19.9, which is a milestone I've been waiting for for a while.
19.5 by February is my next goal, I'm going slowly due to exams.

>> No.14827498


>> No.14827518

exams mean you can't do anything but lay in bed and eat?

>> No.14827519

imagine having to TRY to be skinny LMAO

>> No.14827524

Important exams, hard restriction really impacts my ability and willingness to study.

>> No.14827561

pretty sad bro u look awful
eat some food brother i used to have the same problem

>> No.14827658

unironically where to meet thinspo gf to share calorie cutting tips and furthering our mental trauma

>> No.14827688

art galleries are a good place. sometimes you find emaciated chain smoking art students but also steer clear of the foodbeast population there.

>> No.14827692

yeah right, thinspo girls are too weak to leave their room

>> No.14827757
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>> No.14827769

She's clearly not eating enough pussy

>> No.14827783
File: 1.41 MB, 1857x1890, 20191130_040748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14827798


>> No.14827875

aiming for this physique..... tell me I can make it anon, my bmi is 23, only started dieting a week or two ago, currently 1k deficit/day

>> No.14827938


>> No.14827942

lol joke?
i'm 6'0 ~160lbs so my bmi is around 21.5

>> No.14827948

Literally so skinny a strong breeze could push you over

>> No.14828032

LMAO you look disgusting. Eat some food ffs. We get it!--- AHAHAHA you became thinspo. now eat something or you will die.

>> No.14828050

This bitch looks nothing like the OP wtf

>> No.14828053

holy fuck, she ruined herself. I don't wanna see her in these threads ever again.

>> No.14828056
File: 806 KB, 931x593, blacked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

little dick white boys seething

>> No.14828068

post physique or leave fatty.

>> No.14828071

dudes gonna dump her when mutt is born rip lil nigga

>> No.14828081
File: 38 KB, 333x500, 297FD4EE-1442-4D72-A8DF-914681512323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think white men need to be more aggressive about meeting women, coloreds have nothing to lose so they’re more upfront when it comes to “courtship”. Whitey fears the threat of retaliation when all women want is to be ravished by some intimidating asshole who doesn’t fear litigation

>> No.14828100
File: 111 KB, 1008x597, A3CA2B09-29D3-4497-8F69-5BCE376DB54B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted this a while ago

>> No.14828105

I actually looked at her IG and that guy is hot I fw him
But her blonde hair is disgusting as fuck
I would have killed myself if I was born white also

>> No.14828111

that’s not thinspo. you’re way too big.

>> No.14828151

>you’re way too big.
That’s what she said! I just fucking roasted u so badly. Kys

>> No.14828152

Real life anime character. Jesus christ

>> No.14828170

Any hope for us fatbois

I lost a ton of weight on my last diet and I’m getting the last bit off. But I wonder if I’ll ever truly look skinny because of excessive skin. I was never obese to be clear but I just don’t know how extra skin looks and if I’ll look weird

>> No.14828307

Shitty thread fuck each and every one of you fat fucks

>> No.14828366

I started running because merely fasting just makes me flabby. Is this a good idea long term?

>> No.14828413

>is improving my cardiovascular health a good idea?

>> No.14828433

My sides

>> No.14828436
File: 6 KB, 263x192, 1560687443649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bmi for hollow cheeks?!

>> No.14828464

her belly button looks like a vagineey

>> No.14828776 [DELETED] 

White women harvest black sperm for superior children. They want hybrid vigor, congoid skull structure and fast twitch muscle fibers. In the future full blooded whites will be killed in Europe, so you can't really blame these white women for wanting their genes to survive in a dangerous environment.

>> No.14828779

Blondism is an ugly mutation anyway. Looks like they are some kind of sickly albinos. Give them hybrid vigor to fix it.

>> No.14828783

That's why white women sun tan so much, they wanna get rid of the ugly white skin. Brown skin is healthier, you want your children to inherit it too.

>> No.14828869


>> No.14828884
File: 177 KB, 740x734, Lil-Uzi-Vert-photo-1494953208-compressed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14828917

he looks chill

>> No.14828921

why my mans look mad fucked up

>> No.14828979

I'm trying to get a bra for my smol tiddie gf. She's a 29c and it's a real pain to find sizes. Anyone know where I could find a bra like the one in the OP's pic or a link to somewhere?

>> No.14828980

Actual answer, get a 30B or so and have someone professionally alter the band to be a bit smaller. This is probably the easiest way without finding some hyper specific seller

>> No.14829009

Thanks. I'll look into it.

>> No.14829040


Looks like he would be the prison bitch

>> No.14829049
File: 78 KB, 338x526, 1563653570904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright I'm sick of being normal weight
cBMI = 19.5-20 BMI, gonna do 7 day fasts until I get down to 18 BMI

>> No.14829222
File: 29 KB, 720x724, 1559244805117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shitskin cope


>> No.14829257
File: 463 KB, 779x899, 1569213122112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never mate with a female specimen this magnificent
Why even live

>> No.14829294

I'm a male and I'm skinny and tall as hell but I only look good when I'm fully dressed and wearing long sleeves at least. Should I just start lifting a little bit? I think I look weird naked or shirtless

>> No.14829366

the one in the picture is from victorias secret, so look there i suppose, or really any lingerie brand should have ones similar, they're pretty common

>> No.14829714

I am on the same boat.

>> No.14829864

why her belly button look like 2nd vagina?

>> No.14830139
File: 131 KB, 1015x1280, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like shit because every time after snorfing a shit ton of cocaine and going to a party I eat like an animal. Doesn't help that I am depressed. The pilates are helping not to leave anything saggy but I still don't look lean enough. I should just close my mouth and become a good anorexic again.

>> No.14830143
File: 131 KB, 1010x1280, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bloated stomach after eating. Fuck my life.

>> No.14830145

your only real problems are body dysmorphia and that you do cocaine

>> No.14830147

the only thing that will really help is therapy

>> No.14830155

I like to lurk these threads but unfortunately my body is irredeemable. Thinspo? More like loose skinspo. Oh well, hopefully I'll at least look good in clothes some day

>> No.14830174

Is your knee ok?

>> No.14830177

Yes. Does it... Look weird as well?

>> No.14830178

What kind of guys do the girl in OP date

>> No.14830179

black guys

>> No.14830183

ok great meme haha but really what kind of guys do they go for

>> No.14830185

it's not a meme... she's pregnant with a black baby

>> No.14830187

seek help from a professional and stop watching porn, it's ruining your brain

>> No.14830189

It’s just a picture, don’t worry about it

>> No.14830192

your skin looks so soft i want to grab you and run my fingers along your thighs

>> No.14830200

So not only are you going to hit on somebody in an thinspo thread, you’re going to call her thighs soft while you do it? Retard

>> No.14830205


>> No.14830208
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My t-shirt is soaked in tears, maybe I should just accept it.

>> No.14830215

I know the feeling

>> No.14830283

>stay up at school for thanksgiving to work, eat my usual scarce but calorically heavy meals (i work in a restaurant, most of my intake is free food)
>gf gets back in town, comes over for dinner
>”god, anon, have you been eating since i left? you look thin. i brought some rolls back from my mom’s if you want them”

i don’t know my bmi because i’m not mentally ill nor a woman but I think my BMI would be likely in the lower end of the healthy range. i don’t usually come into these threads but lord as a former fat kid the dopamine rush from being told you look too skinny is like crack

>> No.14830322

yes you are

>> No.14830326
File: 47 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20130619_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're on your way. Now eat lean protein and exercise so you have a fall back when sickness or injury comes along.

>> No.14830335

real advice: you should start working out

>> No.14830341

working out and drinking lots of water is a better course of action than drugs - which lead to bingeing. Please stop the hard drugs, you look good and it will kill your hotness.

>> No.14830373

I already do


>> No.14830382

how? If you built some muscle I think it would compliment your body shape

>> No.14830395

I follow pilates tutorials on Youtube, every day I focus on a body part. I have been obsessed with a thigh gap so I have been focusing on inner thigh exercises.

>> No.14830409

Pilates is good for core strength but it's not going to do much else for your physique, aside from the additional calories burned. You can't target fat in specific areas, so inner thigh exercises won't help in that regard. It will actually have the opposite effect, since your muscles there will grow & thigh gap will be harder to achieve. If you want a thigh gap, then all you can really do is lose weight, and hope you have the genetics for it.

t. /fit/izen

>> No.14830423

I see. Thank you, anon.

>> No.14830432

I see. Thank you, anon. But funny thing, the gap has increased over these past two weeks.

>> No.14830445

I imagine it's just due to losing fat, but if whatever you're doing is giving to the results you want, then keep doing it I suppose

>> No.14830474

I moved out, went to uni, ate less and I had a feeling that I lost some weight but I actually weigh more than I used to, what the fuck

>> No.14830482

>but lord as a former fat kid the dopamine rush from being told you look too skinny is like crack

It is at first but now I get so upset being called skinny all the time, it drives me crazy, I can't say anything without someone bringing my weight into it

>"I'm cold..."
>"maybe you should gain some weight xddd"

>"I can't find any clothes that fit me here
>" well ofcourse, you're wayy smaller than most guys"

>"I don't want to eat that"
>"PLEASE eat more, you're going to die at this rate"

Now that I think about it, its nice when friends do it in a light hearted way, but family meetup are the fucking worst.

>> No.14830485

The exact same thing happened to me this time last year and is the whole reason I started coming here regularly, spooky.

>> No.14830507

mentally ill

>> No.14830512

where can I get a coat like that?

>> No.14830525


>> No.14830635

Oh are you the bodyweight exercise guy? I remember you from another thread. You ever get that pullup bar?

>> No.14830824

That's not a coat.

>> No.14830828

This picture is like ultimate thinspo for me, instantly makes me want to lose more weight

Sticc legs are so beautiful, I want them myself...

>> No.14830861

yes it is. I got it in Harajuku, unlikely to find another one online anywhere unfortunately.

>> No.14831064

why do I watch cute girl mukbangs? why do I do this to myself?
now i'll order 80 dollars worth of burgers, pizza and fries to binge like an animal

>> No.14831101
File: 152 KB, 600x400, jew_laughing_heartily.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14831129

do you have a mantra (a motivating sentnce ) to help you fast?

>> No.14831139

I don't have a mantra, I just keep distracted and look at thinspo if I get really desperate

how long have you been fasting for? Your appetite goes away after 1-3 days, then the only thing you have to worry about is the cold

>> No.14831149

I was almost making a sandwich, then I stopped, opened the thinspo thread and at my pictures. After that I just drank two cups of water and one of fat free milk (I am the desperate poster with thr tattoos).

>> No.14831152

Opened the thinspo thread and my pictures*

>> No.14831163

I cannot wait until Summer arrives
This cold is fucking horrible, even when I'm maintaining I can't take it

>> No.14831215

Intermittent Fasting

>> No.14831219

oh dude come on IF is so fucking easy, even OMAD
just drink black coffee/gren tea/apple cider vinegar shot and find something to distract you

>> No.14831220

will getting thin make look attractive?
i have a gf but i feel like shes more into me because of my personality and less of my looks
im 5'10 172 lbs

>> No.14831225

you're like 24.5 BMI which is basically fat, either getting /fit/ on /thinspo/ will be a dramatic improvement, even just 20 BMI is good enough

>> No.14831227
File: 150 KB, 1080x1348, 1574229159234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


/fit/ or /thinspo/*

>> No.14831232

eating often works well for me. but it's not a full meal, it's a serving of mixed nuts every 2 hours.

>> No.14831251
File: 100 KB, 352x345, 1505509245603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Used to have a body just like this minus the curves
>Gained a few pounds
What do?

>> No.14831264

The whole point of IF is that you don't snack throughout the day, usually you have two/three filling meals spaced four/eight hours apart and then forget about eating until the next day.

How long have you been doing IF for? If you're going to stick with it I'd recommend giving up the snacking and train yourself to not constantly expect food. Otherwise I'd look into diet plans

Like I suck at daily calorie deficits but I can manage long term fasting, other people hate fasting but can stick to 800kcal/day for a year

>> No.14831273

I can't handle carbs, whenever I try adding carbs (steel cut oats, wholegrain bread, legumes, fruit etc) back into my diet I get INSANELY hungry

sucks because the only foods I enjoy are carb heavy foods, fat and protein heavy foods taste like mud aside from 100% dark chocolate, but atleast I can maintain a low weight pretty easily by sticking to a low-carb diet

>> No.14831274

this is literally gross, there is a point where you can do more than just sit ups and crunches

>> No.14831282

yes and no not yet. i looked briefly then forgot.
do you know a good one you recommend? all the ones i saw had padded handle and i'd rather just have plain one

>> No.14831288
File: 84 KB, 960x964, 1570702595138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>try out running
>really like it
>start running 30km a week within 2 weeks of starting
>start skipping 30 minutes each day as well
>get tendonitis
>can't do any exercise anymore, can barely stand up straight


I can see how anorexics get addicted to exercise, it feels so fucking good burning off an extra 4000kcal each week

>> No.14831407

Should I bother to lose weight when the widest part of me is my hips? I cant achieve a slim figure as a man with such big hips, and I'm already a good weight so losing more wont help my silhouette much.

>> No.14831425

post pic if you want real advice

>> No.14831496

why does king crimson have a pussy for a face

>> No.14831618

This is why I cant wait until we start killing niggers again

>> No.14832353

ID on sneakers? cute fit

>> No.14832383
File: 57 KB, 420x768, boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14832384

How do thin people where clothes that fit fucking properly , I’m 5’11 and probably like less than 110 pounds at this point and my pants never Fuckn fit properly

>> No.14832391

YSL suede high tops, I don’t know exactly what they are called.

>> No.14832457

162? Am I right anon?

>> No.14832460

Do some calisthenics to sculpt your muscles. Other than that nice frame but it isn’t enough

>> No.14832465


>> No.14832483

try being thin then instead of anorexic

>> No.14832484

Starve until it's gone?

>> No.14832757


>> No.14832762

close enough. was like 161.5 last time i weighed myself (with clothes and shoes on)

>> No.14832854

I gained 10 lbs over this month.
I feel so shit.
There goes half my progress over this year.
Just cause I got stressed and ate all the time.
Why am I so retarded

>> No.14832862

damn that nose is perfect. Look at the curvature. Look at the formation of the nostrils, her medial crus, the perfection. A philtrum shaped by god himself.

>> No.14832864


>> No.14832870

blacked and based.

>> No.14832884

Jesus Christ

>> No.14832896

I wish my face was thin like this fuckkckc

>> No.14832932
File: 92 KB, 1024x1024, 1565069398387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14832961

wow she went from a 9 to a 0 real fuckin quick

>> No.14832967

Shame this future single mom's kid is gonna look like a mutt.

>> No.14832968

based and straightpilled

>> No.14833514
File: 254 KB, 540x497, 0103D36B-743D-430B-BE60-A05BA9E9351A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post b&as

>> No.14833518
File: 115 KB, 611x736, 5725FDE2-71E6-4EF3-B620-A53B5C0A55B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14833520
File: 108 KB, 1024x1025, 0AF0BB3D-6604-498C-BD01-7C26029ED662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14833521

beautiful. actual thinspo

>> No.14833522
File: 90 KB, 640x640, 04D2C4E1-40D5-47AF-BCB8-B201C4260FFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14833523
File: 172 KB, 1076x1025, 42892898-49A7-4768-9160-9FE440F71C70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hips seem to be photoshopped in the after but still motivational.

>> No.14833527
File: 60 KB, 500x487, F54D4C66-1C58-47D4-91BF-4931FF462A8B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14833531
File: 232 KB, 1241x1231, B790EFCD-185D-4C9A-B854-7030D40BF558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14833538
File: 108 KB, 604x604, B03EA29F-D3C3-4846-B10C-B9F83AB1F3FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14833544

the "girl" in op is also a boy

>> No.14833604


No she's not a boy. That's a woman.

her instagram:


>> No.14833648

I love b&as/comparisons where the normal BMI person looks fat

>> No.14833673

This had to be surgery right? At least to get rid of loose skin?

>> No.14833688

Not everyone gets the loose skin from weight loss.

>> No.14833697

Thanks for posting all of these comparisons anon, good thinspo

>> No.14833800

cant trust anything that seems to have post production work on the photos. I have seen some people do sorcery with photoshop.

>> No.14834030

Just ate 700kcal over maintenance, fuck...

It feels like I just can't lose anymore weight, anytime I under eat I get extremely hungry the following few days and end up gaining back the calories, this is shit

>> No.14834055

I think this is happening because I've lost over 20% of my bodyweight (85 -> 60kg) in less than a year, with 10% of that being a few months ago, but then again, I'm only 19 BMI so I shouldn't be struggling to lose weight...

maybe I should give restriction a break anyway, it's clearly not working out

>> No.14834099
File: 366 KB, 1242x1630, 190E5FAC-BA1F-4CAB-A7E9-B46B67416803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not thinspo yet, but happy with diet so far. How many weeks of ab exercises does it take to get visible abs if you are in a caloric deficit with a bit of belly fat?

>> No.14834151
File: 482 KB, 1361x1924, image0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wanna get bigger arms and lose a little more fat

>> No.14834155

nice child bearing hips bro, lemme put one in ya

>> No.14834240

you'd slurp up ropes off those hips don't lie bitch boy

>> No.14834249

...and he would love it

>> No.14834259
File: 76 KB, 900x900, greekgoddess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why wait? just do it pussy ass nigga

>> No.14834265


are there any calorie burning exercises I can do that don't require my right leg? I'm going to go mad if I have to spend another day doing no exercise

>> No.14834272

core, anything upper body
what is wrong with your right leg

>> No.14834278

Tendonitis in my lower calf, I'm a runner and I increased my weekly milliage too quickly

I can't really think of any core/upper exercises that burn a lot calories, atleast not any that don't requirement equipment

>> No.14834288

just eat at a greater deficit then?
your goals are unclear

>> No.14834294

I can't deficit by eating less anymore, if I try eating under 1400kcal I'm basically guaranteed to binge later on in the week, the only way I can circumvent this is by exercising

>> No.14834302

again i don't understand where you are currently and where you're trying to go

>> No.14834310

I'm trying to lose weight

I can't lose weight by eating less

I can lose weight by exercising

My leg is injured so I can't run or skip like I usually do

I made a post asking for someone to recommend me an effective calorie burning exercise that don't require the use of my right leg or special equipment

>> No.14834319

>I can't lose weight by eating less
that's just not true
>I can lose weight by exercising
hardly compared to a deficit
>I made a post asking for someone to recommend me an effective calorie burning exercise that don't require the use of my right leg or special equipment
get a gym membership or a bike

>> No.14834322

okay this is getting frustrating learn to read you dumb fuck

>> No.14834338

if you're eating 1400 kcal and not losing fat you're not eating 1400 kcal

>> No.14834378

1400kcal is a tiny deficit for me unless I do exercise on top of that

>> No.14834379

breh you have no arms or shoulders. HILARIOUS

>> No.14834382
File: 24 KB, 480x480, img-resize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you gym has an upper body ergometer...

>> No.14834395

okay then eat less
>but i'll binge
okay then stop binging
or don't extreme diet and lose weight over a healthy period of time with your "tiny deficit" at 1400 cal

>> No.14834417
File: 1.48 MB, 1536x2048, 20191202_140109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still a bit heavier than my lw and have no plans on going back to it, but getting a BMI in the 16s again feels real good

>> No.14834424

could use a little more tone

>> No.14834437

do you have a learning disability or something? genuine question

>> No.14834443

you literally don't understand fat loss
it's so simple yet you're so weak willed looking for an out

>> No.14834477

When you get to a low enough bf%/have lost weight quickly enough, you'll learn that binges are inevitable if you continue restricting hard, it's why a lot of anorexics end up developing bulimia, they have to purge (or exercise) in order to continue losing weight

My BMR is only 1200-1300, so eating 1400kcal is a REALLY small deficit, but if I eat anything less than that I get insanely hungry, before you say "oh you're just weak willed" I've done 14 day fasts at sub 18 BMI before, I just can't keep it up anymore because I've lost too much weight now but I still need to lose more

The only way I can lose weight at a reasonable pace without risking a binging session is by exercising a lot, sadly I'm injured and can't do any exercise, which means all I can do is sit on my fat ass and burn a measly ~100kcal/day because as I've explained, I physically cannot handle calorie restriction anymore.

>inb4 stop losing weight xd

I don't have a gym membership sadly, maybe I should get one, I'd probably get injured less running on a treadmill than on concrete...

>> No.14834490

post body and stats

>> No.14834520


>> No.14834681

I actually feel a little flattered when someone tells my body looks masculine.

>> No.14834723

This is the peak femoid body. Prove me wrong.

>> No.14834733

what curves?

>> No.14834748

>Tfw no slimfit bf to fuck me

>> No.14834838


>> No.14834989

I can't stop thinking about food. I think I'll never be thin.. Should I give up and live happily as a fatty, eating all the food I love, or I should I kill myself

>> No.14835109

what to wear when you're thin and short (5'8) as a male and don't want to look like a child

>> No.14835281

Why did you have to mog me like this brah

>> No.14835298

I actually really like how he looks. Men with enlarged shoulders and arms look awful in suits.

>> No.14835470

pls tell me u r a boy

>> No.14835507

Me too
we should get help

>> No.14835547

just ate a burger uwu

down from 190 to 140 since summer tho

>> No.14835560

it’s complicated anon. whatever makes you feel better, I’ll be that

>> No.14835563


Try keto, it helps a bit, I can't maintain /thinspo/ when I eat carbs

>> No.14835629

train your head, don't just give up
It takes time, but I overcame it too and I used to be bulimic as shit

>> No.14835690

This looks disgusting tbqh. Your tummy is soft and cookie dough ish. Your thighs are thick and fat. Your forearms look thin though. Maybe stop eating only junk, and never exercising. You look like the only physical activity you do is intense mouse clicking and thumb-typing.

>> No.14835740

Gonna start walking to and from work, it's a 5.5 mile walk which means I can burn an extra ~400kcal each way if I walk briskly

Anyone know any good podcasts I can listen to?

>> No.14835766

chapo trap house

red scare (vaguely pro ana)

new books in psychoanalysis

new books in history

revolutions podcast

zero books


>> No.14835778

lost 10lbs and my stummy is smaller but my face is still bloated af
any tips pals ?
mostly take
green smoothie

>> No.14835798

>bloated stomach
Pfft. You're skinnyfat that's why. Your everything is bloated why on earth are you focusing on your stomach at if it's the problem.

>> No.14835801

You look nothing like the girl in the picture though.

>> No.14835953

She was better before

>> No.14835977

Kill yourself you limp wristed faggot

Anyone else got anything?

>> No.14835982

Oh my. I didn't know it was that bad, to be honest.
I was kinda feeling better about myself since everything is into place (not saggy) and I look thinner in real life, in comparison to the pictures. But you guys are right, I should go back to fasting...

>> No.14835987

>tfw this thread is a heavy motivator for me not to eat but at the same time it makes me me cry in the bus

I don't know how to feel after posting pictures of myself here.

>> No.14836081

>limp-wristed faggot

>posting on a manorexic thread


>> No.14836105

based weeb.

op listen to audiobooks start with walden by henry thoreau

>> No.14836152

this thread is full of insecure, ana-larping fatties. I'm sure you look fine

>> No.14836353

Nah. Try exercising instead. Fasting doesn't help when you're skinnyfat, if your stomach bulges a lot when you eat it's a sign that you have really weak core muscles fasting will only make it worse.
If you used to be fat and fasted to lose weight it makes sense that you'd get this result.

>> No.14836385

It bulged like in that pic related, anon. I have been doing pilates every day for the past two weeks, focusing mainly on my core and thighs. It showed *some results* as my thigh gap has increased.

I was never fat, only considered "at a healthy weight", at tops.

I will just keep with the pilates and with fasting. God, I can't stand myself.

Thank you for the tips anyway.

>> No.14836453

anon you look fine. being a skeleton won't make you happy and you know there's no such thing as "skinny enough"
take care of yourself, friend

>> No.14836456

Oh god, the tears won't stop flowing.

>> No.14836470

A least you've posted one actually good podcast.

>> No.14836473

More please, can we see your face?

>> No.14836512

wtf are these obliques

>> No.14836523
File: 129 KB, 1080x720, chloe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me and a dog

>> No.14836528

Cute thank you:)

>> No.14836542

... dude.

>> No.14836956

No homo but... b-bro... I need more pics.

>> No.14836991

of the dog
yes that dog is quiet cute
you look like a troglodyte goblin, dog is beautiful

>> No.14837024

This is not thinspo. It’s a nice body but it’s not thinspo at all.

>> No.14837033

Idk mine are super hollow and I’m about 18. I’m also Scandinavian so I have high ass protruding cheekbones so idk

>> No.14837063


>> No.14837078

17.3 and i look gaunt as fuck i hate it

>> No.14837089

no advice just sayin slatt!

>> No.14837091

different for everyone. some anons already replied with 17 or 18 but at 15.5 I didn't get shit. Some people just dont get hollow cheeks until they're corpse-tier

>> No.14837132

>Thinspo is only the emaciated look

>> No.14837143

You’re obviously new to this so I won’t bully.

>> No.14837158

Ate a 300kcal cup noodle + 3 egg whites + 1 whole egg. The rest of the day I drank coffee and water.

Tomorrow it will be the same shit, or even less.

>> No.14837167

very unhealthy

>> No.14837170

I know, but I don't care anymore. I just want people to be afraid of how skinny I am.

>> No.14837172

afraid for you

>> No.14837203

hybrid vigor is a myth.

you want to marry your 3rd or 4th cousin to get a double dose of the good genes while missing the bad genes.

>> No.14837342

Get help, Anon. Or just kill yourself (cause secretly, you've wanted death for a long time)

>> No.14837345

I have already tried, don't have the courage to do it anymore.

>> No.14837546

Does "kinda" mean "not at fucking all" where you live?

>> No.14837554

i wasnt the person who claimed they looked like the girl in the OP. I just wanted an excuse to attention whore.

>> No.14837556
File: 143 KB, 440x1646, 882e1ee5gy1g3vvhbehjyj21av4vb7wh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so fucking hot

>> No.14837562

jesus that ribcage is tiny compared to those long ass legs

>> No.14837638

What helped you to overcome bulimia?
What do you tell yourself or what habits and practices did you put into place?

>> No.14837777

you shitskins are weird as fuck

>> No.14837847
File: 2.13 MB, 3724x2095, 4DE84BE1-EE6D-4239-961C-F6D3536C700D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else scared of their tits deflating to used toothpaste tubes? Any way to counteract this while losing weight?
Im currently @ 5’6, 159 lbs, 24 bmi, with 42” bust and DDD cups. I lost 8 pounds in November and haven’t seen any noticeable change in my boobs so far, but am scared anything beyond that without preventative care could lead to the dreaded granny boobs. Any tips? I use the rowing machine at the gym when i workout 1-2 times a week, and am considering stopping running

>> No.14837851

To follow up, they’re already kinda saggy due to heavy participation in sports as a kid and hitting puberty kind of young

>> No.14837873

>should go back to fasting...
Where the fuck did i say go back to fasting. I never mentioned once in any of my posts. I said, ti looks like you only eat crap and don't exercise. Fasting just makes you bloaTed like you already look. Eat some organic food ffs, stop buying that disgusting walmart processed shit.

>> No.14837875

>as my thigh gap has increased.
post progress

>> No.14837876

you look fat and disgusting lol why the fuck are yo posting this shit in here.

>> No.14837945

wanted people to tell me how gross i look. suicide fuel y'know

>> No.14837976

do you still feel suicidal when you get your ass filled?

>> No.14837980
File: 107 KB, 480x480, 8F9DB0F6-54B3-4115-BA07-9CEA12E7529D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just cleaned out c/s sink
>man I should really buy a bucket to spit in my room so I can dump it in the toilet
>I’m not disordered

>> No.14837993

>you only eat crap
I do not.

>don't exercise
As I said, have been doing pilates every day for the past two weeks. I have been also fighting against my urge to chew and spit food, which is one of the main contributors for my bloated belly. You know shit about me and assume crap from a single shitty picture.

>inb4 you start telling me how disgusting and horrible this habit is when I am already aware of every single aspect of it

I tried finding a picture of thighs before those two weeks, but failed. Sorry. But my stomach also got much better from eating solely ~500kcal yesterday. The same will be repeated today.

>> No.14837994

yeah it feels good in the moment but sadly i cant find a guy willing to choke me out during sex :(

>> No.14837995

Less than when you get choked in dicks.

>> No.14838002

>been doing pilates
pfff what the fuck is this shit. Do some fucking pushups. Do some planks. Buy two barbells and lift them. Do squats. Just don't do it with heavy weights.

>> No.14838027

Planks are included in my workout, anon. I actually just did them!

>> No.14838101
File: 167 KB, 1193x1022, B528AEE6-9242-4D7D-A46F-CF80CAE281D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You already know what time it is! That's right, time to look at b&as instead of eating.

>> No.14838103
File: 406 KB, 1536x2048, AE76449C-C8EB-432A-A153-903C128720DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14838104
File: 230 KB, 1024x1024, 1BA20B5A-5F13-42BB-A423-82E3D4F35DC1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Powered by gook ed twitter

>> No.14838106
File: 211 KB, 1242x1225, BA8F8360-DB99-40F7-B598-0A605214C101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14838108
File: 126 KB, 1069x1069, 37399A44-B842-43E5-B89B-1CEA6F323865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14838111
File: 74 KB, 512x512, 1494112B-A25E-4B6C-AFC4-CC6BC1DA3427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14838112
File: 34 KB, 400x400, 663BEB49-B3D2-4345-BF6D-37DA822E3395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14838115
File: 56 KB, 500x513, 0AAC117B-AC81-4777-B523-C7FF9427378B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14838117
File: 484 KB, 582x585, 33D79D23-971C-435E-BAFA-575B83E84479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

..ending this spam with not a b&a but one of my most favorite skinnymogs of all time. See y'all later!

>> No.14838159

I just run 10km today, it was pretty easy and I think I can do it everyday if I don't get injured

this combined with burning 400kcal walking to and from campus + running 10km erry day (probably will have one rest day where I only do 5km) means I can burn ~5500kcal a week from exercise alone

feels good frens

>> No.14838162

thanks for the actual thinspo content anon
this is thread is 45% ED stuff (which I don't really mind, I can relate desu), 45% coomershit and 10% actual thinspo media and talk

>> No.14838174
File: 102 KB, 500x618, 9E5BED6F-9870-4593-B012-68A12229AFFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome. Let's make /thinspo/ great again.

>> No.14838252

>obsessed with a thigh gap so I have been focusing on inner thigh exercises.
spot reduction does not work.

>> No.14838362

Spot reduction is a meme but building more muscle as a "base layer" for the fat in order to tighten it isn't right? Maybe that's what's going on.

>> No.14838364

Anybody got any Asian male thinspo?

>> No.14838369

are you fucking blind? post body

>> No.14838534

End it freak

>> No.14838535

>those high estrogen nigger woman hips

>> No.14838539
File: 49 KB, 374x529, texas-shooter-devin-kelley-1510153771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>those high estrogen nigger woman hips

>> No.14838542
File: 52 KB, 521x700, F2CF48F2-A0FD-4C41-9DF0-81329A53082D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only have a few but tell me what you're looking for more specifically and I'll keep an eye out~

>> No.14838545
File: 55 KB, 640x309, 62B8788A-D58B-406A-B834-1B1B5C362F5B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14838548
File: 104 KB, 515x640, CE1D0846-1A53-4154-812C-279B689812C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14838552
File: 79 KB, 750x1125, F91C95CC-AD13-4A02-B748-B6C42BC0CDDB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14838557

not asian or him but fuck this is good

>> No.14838577
File: 181 KB, 750x933, 60534D08-243C-4254-8AE2-9067A41D245A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14838581
File: 30 KB, 500x669, DC8DFC8B-A830-41DC-A85F-CB495BE13C43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14838583
File: 136 KB, 660x822, 691035E0-57D2-4572-A5A7-2B17E1F17007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14838625

Anyone got experience with 72 hr fasts how much do you lose per month and what do you eat on refeeds and how much water do you drink?

>> No.14838626

Redpill me on Diet Coke.

>> No.14838635

Just drink water or unsweetened tea, faggot.

>> No.14838694

i will. dont worry.

>> No.14838718

new thread >>14838703

>> No.14839900

nice dick