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File: 367 KB, 2160x1080, 2CEC3698-D2EA-479F-CD52-7F81CFCBBDB1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14825559 No.14825559 [Reply] [Original]

i took a picture of myself and i looked good in the viewer but after i took it my picture got mirrored and i looked really ugly and asymmetric, can someone explain this? am i actually this ugly?

>> No.14825566

Nooo your so beautiful

>> No.14825567

the same thing happened to me but when im looking at your pic there really isnt a difference. maybe its just in our heads idk

>> No.14825568

I like women.

>> No.14825569

one half of my face is totally different than the other one, its so ugly to look at i genuinely look deformed or something

>> No.14825572

I mean it doesn't help that your eyes aren't level

>> No.14825577

i think one eye is just much bigger than the other one it looks so weird

>> No.14825595

actually deformed but kinda cute

>> No.14825598

That is because you are used to only seeing your face mirrored. When you see it the "normal" way you get sorta of an uncanny valley feeling for your self.

I have the same sorta assymetry so it looks completely off wehn i see it non mirrored. You look cute though so youre fine

>> No.14825604
File: 33 KB, 480x360, LE EPIC NOID XD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a Death Grips thread, post your Death Grips album rankings or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

>> No.14825609

fuck death grips more like deaf grips cause they make me wish i was deaf

>> No.14825610

Left looks better

>> No.14825612
File: 48 KB, 800x450, riff feet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tI started listening to death grips back in 2011. Thought they were really good, but now as ive grown older and have listened to more and more music i realize that they are not actually that good.
Money store is their only legitimately good album.
still best live performance ive ever seen tho

>> No.14825614

1.The Money Store
2.The Powers that B
3.Year of the Snitch
4.Bottomless Pit
5.No Love Deep Web
6.Government Plates

>> No.14825616

You have an attractive face in both. You're still better off than a good chunk of the populace - even in the mirrored, deformed, horrendous, probably makes children cry picture.

>> No.14825617

so is this actually you are some creepy guy larping as you who posts these pictures

>> No.14825618

Interesting... I looked at your pic, but it really doesn't matter. You look the same -- it's just different sides for me. You're just used to seeing your face the one way. You look great.

>> No.14825619

she thinks you are funny and will now be your girlfriend

>> No.14825622

She’s a model called cloes on Instagram. Not real

>> No.14825628


I'm just telling the truth Anon. Kids 100% ask "What happened to that lady?" in slightly too loud a voice. She was brave for rescuing her family from that burning building. Why can't you give her a break?

>> No.14825641

Fucking plebs, money store is most accessible and catchy album. Exmilitary and ep are the best

>> No.14825647
File: 152 KB, 640x844, 3CFC3799-D2EB-579F-DD52-8F91CFCBBDB1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14825649


>> No.14825656

such a punchable face

>> No.14825664

Your left eyebrow is higher than the the other which makes your left eye look bigger. Your eyebrows are terribly bushy, not a big fan desu

>> No.14825665

thanks for the wank sister :P

>> No.14825673

You good looking

>> No.14825724

most people are asymmetrical.
one breast is usually slight bigger than the other, one eye, for guys one teste is usually bigger than the other etc

>> No.14825730

Her ig is cloes_

>> No.14825812

>"quick anon, tell me I'm pretty!"

dumb bitch

>> No.14825816
File: 118 KB, 376x309, Le_56_Face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14825819
File: 71 KB, 337x500, 97AC4641-BAF1-4C1E-B7F0-BA010A97BA31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you in college I went to college hoping to find a compatible individual to marry but it looked grim now I’m dropping out for other reasons haha ! :(

>> No.14825846

she is an IG model with 30k followers


>> No.14825849


>> No.14825854

it's because of asymmetry. in reality your real face is somewhere in the middle, so take comfort in the fact that you only look half as ugly as you think

>> No.14825863

i really really like girls

>> No.14825865

I only like some of them personally. Same for boys but not in a yucky gay way!

>> No.14825880

NO, don't get tricked by this, take a pic on snapchat it won't happen btw, take it from a lopsided motherfucker, its not that obvious in people's eyes

>> No.14825896


Start about 10 minutes in and you'll understand why it looks so different.

>> No.14826102

You’re gorgeous! Got a kik?

>> No.14826103

bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh

>> No.14826133


>> No.14826170


>> No.14826194

lost boys is best song they made

>> No.14826231


>> No.14826242

No. You arent ugly at all but not model-tier like 99,99% of ghe population. Almost every face is asymmetrical and mirrors invert the picture on the horizontal axis whilst cameras don't. You look more often into a mirror than on pictures so It's obvious you seem fucked if you compare both pictures + the thickness of the camera lense can make you also look fuglier.

tl;dr: I'd smash and that photo shit is normal.

>> No.14826251
File: 293 KB, 1628x532, focal length.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14826261
File: 14 KB, 220x288, 220px-Zach_Hill_2012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theyre all equal in my eyes

>> No.14826311

1.The Money Store
2.The Powers that B
3.Year of the Snitch
4.Bottomless Pit
5.No Love Deep Web
6.Government Plates

>> No.14826323

cloe per favore basta

>> No.14826324

Letteralmente chi?

>> No.14826328

Ti prego Cloe torna a casa

>> No.14826378
File: 114 KB, 1080x1080, 2EFB7739-D7EB-579F-DD56-8F51CFCBBDB1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chi questo

>> No.14826385

different FROM

"than" is for quantity comparisons

>> No.14826390

sorry english is not my native language

>> No.14826392

nigga who is you

>> No.14826417

rip death grips thread :(

>> No.14826419

good im glad

>> No.14826424


>> No.14826448

Hi there, can you be my gf please?

>> No.14826451

Bruh wtf is with your eyes? You’re 4/10

>> No.14826457

Do people actually believe that are girls in 4chan? Lame

>> No.14826467

i have bf
one is bigger :(
im 100% girl no trans

>> No.14826524

bro seriamente fatti una vita e smettila di cosplayare
lasciala stare, non fa per te

>> No.14826532

get the fuck off my website and stop posting pictures of yourself until you break up with your cuck boyfriend. thanks

>> No.14826534

chi cazzo e cloe

>> No.14826544


>GP last
log off plebs

>> No.14826563

The money store

>> No.14826671

As others have said this is only your brain fucking with you because you never look at your own face aside from mirrors and pictures. It feels weird because you never see it like that, nothing else.

>> No.14826684

why does right look so much better

>> No.14826689

You're cute

>> No.14826704
File: 64 KB, 750x742, 68DC8CC1-085A-45D1-AE8C-72A00AE7E03F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14826719



>> No.14826729

Broken italian, cringe
Invece fa per te? Sfigato
Ti picchio quando voglio

>> No.14826730


Are you a model with 30k followers? Post proof with your face. right hand holding a piece of paper with the current timestamp and date written on it and raise ONLY 2 fingers up on the left hand

>> No.14826733

1. Steroids

>> No.14826845

DG is Online

>> No.14826856

Haha if you’re in nyc we could like go on a date maybe? Haha

>> No.14826870
File: 1.59 MB, 640x1136, FE47ADBF-A686-4472-B001-FA9EEA9031C8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14826873

you look like the lady from stranger things

>> No.14826878

you're ugly on the both picture anon don't worry

>> No.14826949

You’re at that perfect age where you’ve stayed skinny but your face hasn’t lost its elasticity yet which will age you like 10 years over the course of the next three oh god bless you so many American women are fat ;(

>> No.14826974

she is clearly european, americans are not that cute. My guess is italian

>> No.14827016

how did you find her anons? i reversed image searched and nothing came up

>> No.14827025

cuz selfie camera is already mirrored and youre used to looking at yourself in the mirror so the real you seems off
The way you see yourself in a mirror is how people see you normally

>> No.14827030

well I was right, she is italian. Why am I a beast like that? I really should be arrogant

>> No.14827051

Thje flipped image looks very ugly to you because its an unusual representation.

Record your voice and listen back. Youd think its horrible.

Same thing

>> No.14827077

Intendi catfishare?

>> No.14827082

Il problema è che ti picchio quando voglio?

>> No.14827097

A chi cazzo ti stai riferendo ritardato? È il mio primo post in questo 3d

>> No.14827099

stop talking in mexican it bothers me

>> No.14827102

3d? Ma hai fumato?
Forse non ti picchio, io non picchio i drogati; al massimo ti prendo a schiaffi?

>> No.14827109

how can you guys not realize this is fucking bait

>> No.14827137

Ma come cristo parli? Ce l'hai il diritto di voto almeno? Ma che vuoi essere la nuova mascotte cagapasta di fa?

>> No.14827193
File: 30 KB, 523x197, Screenshot from 2019-11-30 00-07-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

non picchieresti mai una donna
dai basta

>> No.14827199

Il problema qui è che ti devi zittire
certo che no, tu non sei una donna però

>> No.14827224
File: 96 KB, 440x640, 68EF018F-BD48-448C-8CC6-341E298F2FB0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She’s a cutie

>> No.14827230

Yes I know I agree the very average Southern European woman is at least a 7 in the US our women are so boorish and lack elegance

>> No.14827256

mos pepel dont have symmetrical faces this is why they use angles

>> No.14827261


>> No.14827396

idk what a death grip is but fuck your mother nigger

>> No.14827398


>> No.14827410


>> No.14827545
File: 4 KB, 192x144, google.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone is asymmetrical

>> No.14827556

1. Money Store
2. Government Plates
3. Bottomless Pit
4. Powers That B
5. No Love
6. Exmilitary
7. Year of the Snitch

>> No.14827557

men's faces are more asymmetrical than womens.


>> No.14827588

have someone else do your eyebrows other than that ur very good looking, dummy. and u look weirder in the second because people read left to right so the balance feels off

>> No.14827608


this, one is just not used to see themselves the not-mirrored-way that others see us. you look very pretty op dont worry

>> No.14827615

who cares they're all equally as shit. same with all of swans discography

>> No.14827616

and what do you listen to bud?

>> No.14827618

not anything shilled by the fat jew melon

>> No.14827665

Based unless you listen to weeb shit

>> No.14827667 [DELETED] 

>I looked good in the viewer, but after I took my picture and got it mirrored, I looked really ugly and asymmetric; can someone explain this?

It's because your hairstyle isn't nicely symmetric; if it was, it would look good both ways.

>> No.14827706

The mirrored image (i.e. viewer) is more approximate to your mental image of yourself formed through looking in the mirror. You are noticeably asymmetrical to any neutral observer, but given that it appears to be bog standard directional asymmetry it's not such a big deal.

>> No.14827713

You're pretty good looking imo don't worry about it

>> No.14827742
File: 191 KB, 1000x801, DCCFB815-F1EA-4824-9825-1550023BF5EC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14827778


>> No.14827813

fuck you i hate dg

>> No.14827831

Beta orbiters

>> No.14828041
File: 249 KB, 640x790, 1571029861297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's me baby

>> No.14828058

sadly larp

>> No.14828065

One side of your face is more developed than the other. It’s pretty common, people won’t notice in everyday life if you don’t point it out. It’s a lot more noticeable as you’ll analyze yourself and it’s a still image. Also the mirror will always look better than selfie camera cause you’re much more used to that presentation of yourself. My face is also developed more on one side and I have more bone growth on my right chin

>> No.14828070

1. Money Store
2. Government Plates
3. Bottomless Pit
4. Exmilitary
5. No Love
6. Powers that B
7. Year of the Snitch

>> No.14828121


>> No.14828123

I have the same thing but considering you don't look that different to me I'm pretty sure it's just in your head, also pls be my Italian gf

>> No.14828134


I love guillotine my guy

>> No.14828163

Government Plates
Bottomless Pit
The Money Store
No Love Deep Web
The Powers That B
Year of the Snitch

>> No.14828191

Awkward qt

>> No.14828207

How do I fix this

>> No.14828227

uh uh i only listen to exmilitary and lamps albums so 1 is exmilitary and 2 is lamps

>> No.14828381

Moneystore #1 (received head to it)
Everything else #2
#3 steroids and the meme albums

>> No.14828707


Interview 2016

Everything else

>> No.14829028

You’re beatiful

>> No.14829070

lots of dicks

>> No.14829219

Fuck off with your shit

>> No.14829311

i guess there's technically no difference but you look hotter on the right to me

>> No.14829345


>> No.14829830

you're cute and you stir up a "I want to protect" sort of emotion in me

I wouldn't ever impregnate you because you look like you'd give me weak and onions offspring

>> No.14829859

how can you like GP but not TPTB or vice versa?? some of you were so close to having the objectively most correct power rankings

>> No.14829875

Is t-t-that girl real?
I didn't know girls browsed this board...
Ermmm excuse me anons I must take care of something.

*undoes Rick Owens fw17 trousers*
Oh yeah! Mmmhmmmunnnnnfffffffff my dearest! Her complexion so divine!
*strangles his throbbing kielbasa with his vice of a hand and strokes it raw*

I'm coooooming
I'm cooooooooooming anons!


>> No.14830127


>> No.14830199

You can tell this is post-ironic and it’s really, really cringey.

>> No.14830218
File: 551 KB, 365x400, 2334441C-F50A-47B6-B173-44B3A15B74B8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>death grips

>> No.14830301

i did this and look ugly in both, what do

>> No.14830345

Their stuffs alright

>> No.14830366

Money store and exmilitary are only good ones

>> No.14830402

look at this entry level pleb.

Anyways is this thread bait then? or is the model truly worried about her looks even though she is a model who gets her photo taken semi-professionally?

BTW Snapchat pictures don't do this I think because it doen't mirror the picture go check it out I ain't joking.

>> No.14830548
File: 1.35 MB, 640x1136, D6671260-CAC0-41EF-83B0-4E02FC29B812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14830696


>> No.14830727

I'm a guy and i got the same sort of asymmetry, I even got that ruffled tip on one eyebrow, but you look gorgeous, don't worry about it.

>> No.14830744


It's the go to band for any soinoid that wants to pretend they have a personality or have advance music tastes. Whenever you ask one of these soifiends what their favorite band is their go to response is death grips because they think it is the most left field band out there and instantly makes others think their tastes are refined. It's not. It's the most mainstream left field band out there and it's been meme'd to death. it's the metal equivalent to saying you are metal head when all you listen to is metallica. Most only pretend to like it because fantano told them it's good.

>> No.14830952

gp>>>>>>>the rest

>> No.14831057

how do i dress to get girls like this

>> No.14831075

government plates is bad and you're just being edgy.

>> No.14831088


>> No.14831179


>> No.14831202

post feet, need to know if you're fully perfect

>> No.14831206

this picture was posted like a month ago buddy

>> No.14831245

You're a goober if you like TMS more than TPTB. So many subtleties sprinkled thru out, and some good ass lyrics on up my sleeves, on gp, etc.

>> No.14831260

dog grips>anything else

>> No.14831497

Unironically beautiful

>> No.14831501

Insta? I think you’re really cute and would be chill to talk too. I’m pretty cool too and I think you would like me haha

>> No.14831766

imagine being this >>14831075 big of pleb and thinking your opinion holds weight

>> No.14832187


>> No.14832195

Exmilitary > Steroids > Niggaz on the Moon > Bottomless Pit > The Money Store > No Love Deep Web > The Rest

>> No.14832212

they wouldnt...

>> No.14832217

i like the one where he says ive seen footage

>> No.14832327

They wouldn’t what?

>> No.14832667

Bottomless Pit
Money Store

>> No.14832784

Nigger your post is cringier

>> No.14832880

Cloe Simoncioni. Now fuck off and find a girl you guys.

>> No.14832917

She’s so dreamy :D

>> No.14833168

This. Simple as

>> No.14833174

you're fucking ugly, don't listen to those desperate incels

>> No.14833185

Fashion week>powers that b> Bottomless pit> money store> year of the snitch> no love deep web
All the albums are great though

>> No.14833509

i dont really know lol desu

>> No.14833513

You look good either way youre just not used to seeing yourself at that angle

>> No.14833920

you have bdd get that shit fixed no amount of looksmaxing will fix u

>> No.14834469
File: 99 KB, 632x650, Listen_here_little_baby._Youre_gonna_get_a_lot_of_hurtful_and_degrt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14834881

Where to find skinny qt gf

>> No.14836124

fucking disgusting get this shit out of here

>> No.14836128


>> No.14836148

this is a dipshit thread baiting for compliments, but the actual answer is you're used to seeing your face in a certain way and when you see it mirrored it seems alarming and foreign. that's what other people are seeing though and if you aren't considered ugly then its probably fine

>> No.14836154


>> No.14836172
File: 93 KB, 800x582, pop team.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fashion week

>> No.14836244


>> No.14836408


>> No.14836415

You're so hot please by my internet girlfriend

>> No.14836977

Niggas On The Moon>Exmilitary > The Money Store> Bottomless Pit>Jenny Death> Government Plates>Year or The Snitch.
Now don't hurt my mommy.

>> No.14837422

10/10 queen

>> No.14837427

what? so how do i know if im considered ugly or not???

>> No.14837441

get used to seeing your face flipped and then form your own opinion OR just listen to the million people here calling you cute and stuff

>> No.14837569

You aren’t op stop larping

>> No.14837593
File: 95 KB, 1500x1500, 71KrMGql2lL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the same Ikea bed frame. If you want it to stop creaking you should install some angle braces where the legs meet the bottom of the frame. Just drill little holes and use a nut and bolt to secure it. I personally MIG welded it but dont recommend it if you're not a fairly experienced welder. It should solve your problem.

>> No.14837603

do you live anywhere near NYC? i'd literally pay good money to lick your asshole

>> No.14837609 [DELETED] 

why is this thread STILL going when op is obv larping? sage

>> No.14837621

Because 4chan is full of retards

>> No.14837925

more pics of your feet?

>> No.14837939
File: 112 KB, 935x1169, 3BEC2651-D2BC-279F-CD52-7F81CFCBBDB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14838154

Money Store>Exmil>Snitch>Bottomless>Powers that B>NoTM>NLDW>everything else>fashion week

>> No.14838448

its just "newfag" since its the middle of fucking winter

>> No.14838452

made me chuckle

>> No.14838454

>It's the go to band for any soinoid that wants to pretend they have a personality or have advance music tastes. Whenever you ask one of these soifiends what their favorite band is their go to response is death grips because they think it is the most left field band out there and instantly makes others think their tastes are refined. It's not. It's the most mainstream left field band out there and it's been meme'd to death. it's the metal equivalent to saying you are metal head when all you listen to is metallica. Most only pretend to like it because fantano told them it's good.

>> No.14839819


>> No.14839841
File: 3.73 MB, 1242x2208, ECAE889B-FD8A-45AE-B709-0834DDF329DD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14839972

Put me in the screencap

>> No.14840021

#1 the one with IT GOES
#2 the rest

>> No.14840072

I don't even like Death Grips but "Hacker" from The Money Store is kinda lit

>> No.14840081

they all suck

>> No.14840112

The Money Store
No Love Deep Web
Year of the Snitch
Bottomless Pit

>> No.14840198

Why are your pupils so small wtf

>> No.14840296

Just appreciate your youth and beauty before it’s too late and you don’t notice yourself age 5 years because your obsessed with your nose.
Take it from me just let it go
You’re already taking the “mugshot style pictured that no one looks good in. It’s hurts to see myself in you. Because I kept obsessing about being ugly when I wasn’t. Now I’m stuck not realizing I aged and didn’t appreciate my beauty. I’m fighting to get a piece of it back with products

>> No.14840336

Don’t that what that is

>> No.14840392

droppa insta porcoddjo ti vojo seguire

>> No.14840393

Non è lei che sta postando obeso

>> No.14840394

People still dont understand that some creeps are posting her pics and that shes not here

>> No.14840405

bright lights make pupils small.
opiates too.

>> No.14840617


>> No.14840809

I don't know. Maybe try posting pictures of your feet?

>> No.14840827

if i had to guess you sleep on one side pretty regularly so maybe there is some very mild squishing to that side, but you shouldn't worry because you are absolutely beautiful

>> No.14841846

tha one with charles manson in it

>> No.14842164

1. Powers that B
2. Money Store
3. Exmilitary
4. Steroids
5. More than the fairy
6. Full Moon EP
Everything else is not really worth the time

>> No.14842430

I agree with this

>> No.14842450

Don't let all these guys help your ego, you're ugly as fuck. Also Nice job baiting people to post here.

>> No.14844043

she just has more eyelid space on one eye.

>> No.14844057
File: 385 KB, 828x1462, 70BD1A9B-2E4A-4CC5-9613-524C89DFB2AB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14844058
File: 122 KB, 1080x1295, 1571237348755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14844059

This really hurts mate

>> No.14844063

Post more of the cat

>> No.14844072


>> No.14844169
File: 98 KB, 600x828, 1575419166931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14844272

im not even that big into death grips...
money store > government plates > exmilitary > nldw

>> No.14844273

yeah dude

>> No.14844289

bitch i could stare at you all day you look lovely. i love your eyes

i love you

>> No.14844322


>> No.14844381
File: 1.51 MB, 640x1136, 8BC2AE4B-A08C-4DAC-90B4-7001EA9762DE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14844453

how old are you beautiful?

>> No.14844538

Would come on eyebrows/10

>> No.14844626
File: 280 KB, 664x602, 1562640578548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i lol'd

>> No.14844638

I only listen to exmilitary. Which of their other albums have the same aggression?

>> No.14844666

>has literally model bf
>is a model
>so insecure that has to come here and attention seek from incels

what a fucked up retarded human

>> No.14844876


>> No.14845143

Love that sweater and those jeans :)

>> No.14845301

Damn you’re skinny

>> No.14845306


>> No.14845331

its a larp, retard

>> No.14845371

>satan getting fooled by some fantasist larper
ffs get it together

>> No.14845493

Tptb best

>> No.14845738

The Money Store
No Love Deep Web
Year of the Snitch
Bottomless Pit

>> No.14845800

money store

>> No.14846015


>> No.14846033

...so is this just some larper taking pictures from a model's instagram and uploading them from a phone?

>> No.14846199


>> No.14846455

This is my favorite photo of you. I feel I’m in the room with you and that bed looks comfy

>> No.14846510

I really only listened to Exmilitary and The Money Store, but I got to see them live so that was cool.

>> No.14846849

A guy is larping as her

>> No.14847094


>> No.14847102

cat is cute

>> No.14847107

gp >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

>> No.14847149


>> No.14847365

Whyyyyyy so cuteeeeee

>> No.14848258


>> No.14848299

fucking crackhead tweaker looking bitch

>> No.14848678

Bottomless Pit

Need to listen to the rest

>> No.14848768

Ex-military->The rest

>> No.14848858


>> No.14849031

1.The Money Store
2.The Powers that B
3.Year of the Snitch
4.Bottomless Pit
5.No Love Deep Web
6.Government Plates

>> No.14849432

I hate this as well whenever I take a selfie and it flips

>> No.14850047

1. The Money Store
2. Bottomless Pit
3. Exmilitary
4. The Powers that B
6. Government Plates

>> No.14850167
File: 201 KB, 640x798, 1571029961410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14850173

Please marry me so we can have asymmetrical children together.

>> No.14850347

ma poi coglione lo hanno già postato ti svegli

>> No.14850529
File: 241 KB, 1242x2208, 3CF2AE4B-C47F-4DAC-90B4-6922CA9762DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to hide my asymmetry with makeup lol

>> No.14850536

The Money Store

>> No.14850546


>> No.14850849

Ex Military don't care bout da rest mon

>> No.14851908

Pls don’t wear makeup you’re cuter without it

>> No.14852509

how many times a week do you guys fall for this larp? she has like 10k on insta

>> No.14852516

uh ex military > da rest

>> No.14852546


>> No.14852832
File: 136 KB, 1242x2208, BCED758D-FD8A-45AE-B709-0834DDF329DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is everyone asking to see my feet?

>> No.14852930 [DELETED] 
File: 1.64 MB, 1956x2079, 20191210_124132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao feel the power of true asymmetry

>> No.14853015


>> No.14853123

Nancy wheeler from stranger things? lol

>> No.14853133

what mm does the eye see? 50?

>> No.14853190

Plz be my gf

>> No.14853225

>thirsty betas have bumped this to almost 300 posts

At least it is almost over

>> No.14853890


ssri's meds etc

>> No.14853932

I dont have any but please dont kill my mom

>> No.14854574

The money store > no love deep web > ex military are all I listened to

>> No.14854582

why is this board so gullible

>> No.14855065

Or perhaps she is larping as a larper larping her

>> No.14855114


>> No.14855148

1. Exmilitary
2. Money Store
3. Year of the Snitch

>> No.14855250

Autists roam here

>> No.14855506

powers that b

>> No.14855508

Per cristo, smetti di autocommiserarti. L'imperfezione è la vera bellezza

>> No.14856074


op will age beautifully chronologically too i hope :)

>> No.14856346

This can’t be right.

You don’t say “I would rather x from y”. Saying “I would rather take an uber from taking a lyft” doesn’t sound normal.

>> No.14856369

>Money Store>Exmililitary> Year of the Snitch>Bottomless>Powers that B>NoTM>NLDW>everything else>fashion week

>> No.14856419
File: 232 KB, 617x329, 1572087034838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dog grisp

>> No.14856507

Would she date an incel like me?

>> No.14856526

shes clearly a femcel

>> No.14856536


utilizing these photos i've gathered enough exif data to triangulate your location

I'll be at your house in 30 minutes

>> No.14856537

There's a whole psychology thing on it. Everyone feels that way about their flipped face. Don't worry about it.

>> No.14856661

But "I would rather" is not "different"...
You say that something differs from something else, hence it is different from it.

>> No.14856723

>This is now a Death Grips thread, post your Death Grips album rankings or your mother will die in her sleep tonight

1- The money Store
2- Botomless pit
3- Exmiltary
4- Power that B

>> No.14857264
File: 1.44 MB, 640x1136, 7B0785E4-0369-48C4-A29D-7EA44A12119F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14857271

my point stands

>> No.14857272
File: 402 KB, 500x558, death grips.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s all good.

>> No.14857783

1. Government Plates
3. The Powers that B
4. No love deep web
5. The money store
6. Fashion Week

Exmilitary is overrated

>> No.14857807

finally, a fellow patrician

>> No.14857987

You look old here

>> No.14858008

my face is asymmetrical but on the opposite side. if we have children they will be beautiful and normal.

>> No.14858012
File: 777 KB, 1477x1475, 20191212_102742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

long hair hides my asymmetry but it's still shit