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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 87 KB, 700x875, aoc-greta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14788838 No.14788838 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, I may be late to the party, but I really need to ask:

/fa/, can you comment?

>> No.14788849

AOC looks good and Greta like a girl dressed by her mother shopping at Primark.

Anyway this image is only going to draw in insecure right wing internet teens

>> No.14788851

wake me up when the left has actual arguments, but namecalling

>> No.14788857

lel, how are you even on 4chan if you drunk the normie kool-aid about the greta non-issue?

>> No.14788872
File: 242 KB, 591x640, 2988A70F-08C5-4DEF-9147-006227ED3A6A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greta gets mogged

>> No.14788888

How does this 16 year old swedish girl manage to look like an 11 year old mongoloid who dresses like she just had her first period and now feels the need to wear leopard patterns because "shes mature now"
what a fucking joke
and then they wonder why people make fun of their "brave" weather icon

>> No.14789069

the vegan diet halted her hormonal development

>> No.14789115

Sami genes

>> No.14789234
File: 225 KB, 1440x810, 9FB41640-41F7-489F-AA6B-79A8CF8F77E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those digits going unchecked
Only /fa/

>> No.14789286

incredible digits

>> No.14789291 [DELETED] 

there is no context to those digits so it means shit

>> No.14789294

imagine caring more about money than other human beings

>> No.14789296 [DELETED] 

a nice get is when the context matches the digits
otherwise it means absolutely jack shit

>> No.14789300 [DELETED] 

>a nice get is when the context matches the digits
otherwise it means absolutely jack shit
*and when it happens on a fast board

>> No.14789303

honestly i think its part of her PR-tactic dressing and looking like a kid. If she would be a women she would directly be suspected to misogynist hate. Now she has the power of "we, your kids" instead of an equal or even worse a teenage woman.

>> No.14789304

Stunning digits.

>> No.14789305

A nice get is when the post content context matches the digits, otherwise it means absolutely jack. Also when it happens on a fast board, not on something like /fa/

>> No.14789306


>> No.14789388

Opinion descartes

>> No.14789399

and, of course, it's unintended

>> No.14789543

>i think its part of her PR-tactic dressing and looking like a kid
yeah I think so too but it really weirds me out

also I don't see how this is meant to win anyone over. you have to be absolutely brain dead to be a climate change denier but getting yelled at by a partially autistic prepubescent looking Scandinavian isn't going to change your mind

>> No.14789558

Those are some serious digits you got there brah.

>> No.14789566

how she look 8 and 38 at the same time lmao

>> No.14789630

Caring about being able to supply anything to your family for multiple generations, or caring about somebody I don't know. Tough choice

>> No.14789723

>Be me
>have psychopathic tendancies
>Low baseline level of empathy
>really only care about 3 people in my life
>rest of humanity can go to hell with me

its not hard to imagine

>> No.14789840

whatever the reason, more people need to have kids like her. legal lolis

>> No.14789906


Your family members can be and most likely are pieces of shit just like everyone else.

Why play favorites

>> No.14790015

its not about turning someone over its about gathering all the sheeple/people believing in it and changing the norm for the normie boomer to caring about the environment. Its our modern religion, believing you have consumer power and believing your choices can change the world.

>> No.14790027


>> No.14790692
File: 1.13 MB, 600x1000, 1573089775874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greta getting mogged here

However, AOC's spine is also getting mogged. The fuck is that hunchback she has, and has anyone else noticed that she has a lean to her right?

>> No.14790720

confirmed 15 year old

>> No.14790761

>caring about future generations of your family
>supporting fucks who do nothing about climate change
sure thing buddy

>> No.14790791


>> No.14790809

>those rolled shoulders
At least AOC has an excuse.

>> No.14790811

>we have the power to change the climate
you will always be retarded

>> No.14790836
File: 3.16 MB, 2036x1252, Screen Shot 2019-11-14 at 10.24.05 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

greta is hot

>> No.14790841

>denying da science of anthropogenic climate change because facts and truth your hurt feelings
this is why mongoloids need to be put down

>> No.14790844

fuk im dyslexic

>> No.14791723

both trannys lol. NWO

>> No.14791743

sicc stacks

>> No.14792034

If greta was wearing jeans instead of whatever the fuck those pants are she'd look like a normal, if underdeveloped, 16 year old girl.

>> No.14792114

she's literally got aspergers and shit, dude.

>> No.14792122

Why would an environmentalist wear pretend leopard skin?

>> No.14792155

to confuse idiots

>> No.14792297

They both look like they need a serious neck massage

>> No.14792303

If autism was a valid excuse this whole board would be wearing pokemon tees and sweatpants daily

>> No.14792308

I love Full Environmental Rick

>> No.14792357

came here to say this. their shoulders look so tense

>> No.14792400
File: 76 KB, 620x340, creepy-uncle-joe-videos-viral-biden-sexual-abuse-11419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14792823

>those hips

>> No.14792861

quite impressive

>> No.14792872

greta is kinda cute in a retarded little swedish girl kind of way

aoc should be shot out of a cannon back to mexico

>> No.14792888


>> No.14792894
File: 6 KB, 244x207, bateman checked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heil Hitler to that

>> No.14793380

Why wouldn't they? They can like the look and still care about leopards

>> No.14794316

The entire point of "the look" is showing off you're wearing an exotic animal's skin, fake leopard skin is supposed to try to pass for the real thing but be cheaper. Leopard print clothes are peak trashy, it's wearing leopard print because you saw rich people do it but don't get that there's no point if it's plain as day it's not actual leopard skin.

>> No.14794325

Lol Aoc looks like a boomer her style is complete dogshit

>> No.14794360

im still pretty sure its to confuse idiots

>> No.14794365

Yeah, well, you know, that's just like, your opinion, man. I agree that leopard prints are lower-class trash, but besides that, there's nothing wrong with it. And I also don't think that environmentalists are trying to LARP as rich people because they take pride in telling others that is is fake. It's like saying people are trying to be seen as hard workers when they are wearing jeans.

>> No.14794379

>It's like saying people are trying to be seen as hard workers when they are wearing jeans.
Well yeah, that was the reason people started wearing jeans. Ultimately jeans transcended their original purpose and became normal everyday clothes, whereas leopard print was and still is tacky garbage worn by trashy people thinking it gives them an air of class.

>> No.14794425

Why does she look like an actual goblin, hunched forward and with her neck compressed like that?

>> No.14794494

they both have shit posture, their shoulders are internally rotated forward and it makes them look like they're hunching over

t. /fit/