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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 301 KB, 1000x1498, 1573561624965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14787057 No.14787057 [Reply] [Original]

How should i dress to get a girlfriend? I want one fast please, thanks.

>> No.14787080


>> No.14787086

>how do I dress to get gf?

>how jacked do I have to be to get gf?

>what can I cook for girl to make her want to be my gf?

>what do I read to attract nerdy gf?

>how much money do I need to get gf?

>> No.14787097
File: 90 KB, 900x1042, 1573678547872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt that will help you fucking nigger

>> No.14787101

full YSL

>> No.14787109

Just BE attractive

>> No.14787116

he cute

>> No.14787118
File: 621 KB, 2760x2228, 1573677413957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well i am not, what now?

>> No.14787120

Kill Joy fag

>> No.14787155

I'm waiting for answers

>> No.14787157

hire a dating coach faggot

>> No.14787173

why? have u a blue balls problem?

>> No.14787196
File: 91 KB, 960x1280, 1573669894763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you do the same? I doubt

Here is pic of me

>> No.14787349
File: 314 KB, 800x450, inifinity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you think it might be possible to get a gf if i combine all the advice?

>> No.14787398

You must use the advice to destroy the advice, otherwise chad will use better than you

>> No.14787472
File: 24 KB, 300x345, thumb_download-135kib-700x710-wojak-crying-sony-png-image-with-53344791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck youre right, whats stopping chad from using same advice, what happens if chad is himself? Does he become giga chad?

>> No.14787573

Yes, except for cooking, which is for people with cunts

>> No.14787662

Hey anon, I just want to say that it's not just the clothes (like everyone else). However it doesn't hurt to get fit, try new experiences, have some cool skills to show off to people. I have found that in my experience that the most attractive people tend to be the people that have interesting things about themselves. It takes some time and dedication, but I know you can do it. If you want tips and tricks I'd recommend looking up a guy named basedshamen.

>> No.14788512
File: 63 KB, 377x228, SmartSelect_20191114-075351_Firefox Nightly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks women are good at cooking
Okay then you fucking queer, your mom really convinced you that she's the greatest cook.

>> No.14788518

Not him, but I feel like I've lost a big chunk of my charisma/intriguing stuff to talk about and I'm rusty as fuck in conversation. How can I go have interesting experiences to talk about? I've recently gotten into cooking, which has been really nice, but I'd like to have more experiences to talk about. I'd like to be someone who has stuff happening in their life again.

>> No.14788519

just die

>> No.14788522

You don't put on clothes to get a gf you damn zoomers: learn social skills like a normal person or learn game like an autist.

>> No.14788527

Get into more stuff, but be passionate about it. If it’s not really your thing, just move on to the next thing. Don’t be afraid to try out new stuff because life is way too short to be passive

>> No.14788528

You don't usually be interesting by talking about yourself. Learn listening skills, empathic listening.

>> No.14788618

Did you get stunged by a bee?

>> No.14788624

just bee yourself

>> No.14788631
File: 11 KB, 236x253, 26611e364b3c0f44c0e5f792e6ad75a7--internet-meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so that's it! if i get the ideal on every board i'll get a gf!

>> No.14788725

also /sci/
>what IQ do i need to get a gf

>> No.14788731
File: 897 KB, 1002x1002, JPEG_20191002_132613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so that's it! if i get the ideal on every board i'll get a gf!
I hope you will enjoy your 4chan shitposter tranny gf.

>> No.14788803
File: 82 KB, 800x611, jewish-people-manga-attack-on-titan-internet-forum-4chan-great-teacher-onizuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but women are 24/7 on Instagram and snapchat, why should I improve myself when they don't?

>> No.14788821

Would watch this anime desu

>> No.14788824

>>what can I cook for girl to make her want to be my gf?
Damn, now I want to know. I guess I will have to browse /ck/ now.

>> No.14788881
File: 38 KB, 663x579, c2d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically want this

>> No.14788892
File: 17 KB, 326x326, 1570414613322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody on this website can play tinder


>> No.14788974

Check out wellcome to NHK.

>> No.14788981
File: 167 KB, 800x1066, SEX please.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How should i dress to get a girlfriend?

>> No.14788984

SELFcore? this is actually crazy enough to work!

>> No.14788989

The problem of being Chad is that you have to always flex on other chads in order to maintain your position in the chadocracy, you could try being more chill and laid back to counter chad.

>> No.14788992

When people say they want a GF they mean they want a GF that does not suck if you suck you atracct a GF that sucks or none at all if you suck hard enough.

>> No.14788996

choke on a dick fagot.

>> No.14788997

Because youre unattractive by your own admission and the standards of others. Because if you're anything like your chan persona you're just a tad unbearable. Because women are the gatekeepers of sex and relationships and that's just how it fucking is. So, if you made this post sincerely you should definitely take some of the more sincere advice here. Get some interesting hobbies, work on your physical appearance where you can ie getting /fit, dressing more /fa, grow a beard (IDC that you might hate them and so do most people here, it will hide that weird shit you've got going on with your face and a lot of women like them), practice being a good conversationalist and work on your empathetic listening skills. Be genuine and confident, confidence is probably gonna be the biggest thing here. Then start putting yourself in social situations where you have the opportunity to meet new people. Eventually someone will give you a chance and hopefully you click. Either that or just keep being a lonely shitposter, w/e. Good luck I guess.

>> No.14789052
File: 84 KB, 556x641, 1573684623767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can a girl suck? All what i care is about face and a haircut.
Well that fucking sucks dick. My weakest point is social skills. I am going to rope myself i guess \_(0_0)_/


>> No.14789084

>All what i care is about face and a haircut
Thern you don't need a GF you need a hooker

>> No.14789147
File: 225 KB, 764x580, 1573325289185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All guys care is about face and haistyle. Dont lie youre the same.


>> No.14789229

Because the sexual market is unfair and you get less than you pay for, so the prices are exorbitantly high for anything worth having

>> No.14789488

Its okay if you want to get your dick wet but a GF is someone you are gonna spend a lot of time with so they might as well pick the kind of chick that would not irratate you.

>> No.14789514

Imagine thinking like this lol but i am on fa i guess

>> No.14789524

Yeah this would be a good anime

>> No.14789580

First day in 4chan?

>> No.14789660

as long as i fuck i dont care

>> No.14789672


>> No.14789801

imagine never using tinder and black pilling yourself

>> No.14789822

>wear clothes that fit
>brush your teeth
>shave or trim your face pubes
>Develop a personality

>> No.14790202

You know you can just go to an escort for that right?

>> No.14790226

Some traditional italian pasta

>> No.14790248

>finale anon turns 30 after being hesitant on a date
>with all the skills learnt he becomes into supreme wizard ruler
>phone/social media blows up with women lusting but rejects advances due to his ascension and the wizard contract
>strolls around with sceptre in dressing gown and dirty underwear, pushing underwear models from out of his path
>approaches the ancient monolith and carves his janny application into the stone after socks and sandals pilgrimage
>fades to black

>> No.14790256

wait fuck golden boy was basically this but with part time jobs

>> No.14790269

or i can get a girl for free like a normal human

>> No.14790272

So if you formed a personality? Yeah, maybe.

>> No.14790448

can you?

>> No.14790480

uwu i want to touch her feetsies

>> No.14790544

if you can than anyone can anon

>> No.14790550

/K/ ?

>> No.14790590

Good fucking lord

Try getting a bunch of face tattoos to take the emphasis off your unsightly features

>> No.14790645

>for free
you still pay for dates retard

>> No.14790649


>> No.14790665

5 dollars vs 500 euros, i will take dates

>> No.14790675

>guys my dick is stuck in my raifu HELP

>> No.14790825

not going to lie to you but dress as a quriky skater kid and every sub genre after that

>> No.14790834

I keep running into them but they're already taken i hate my life

>> No.14790852


I mean honestly, out of all the posts here, this is probably the closest thing to the truth. You can't just dress nice, you gotta do that and be in shape, and be well versed in other fields. Why would anyone want to date you if all you bring to the table is a nice outfit?

>> No.14790995

Didn't expect to see the gunt here.

>> No.14791068


Hey, the way you could try to do some more Interesting stuff would be to find some concerts are a good one, maybe a convention (if you can stand the degenerates), or DND which used to be a big socialization tool for me. In my experience people tend to open up when you talk about something there passionate about. For example if someone really likes fashion you can point out you really like those outfit (this saves me a lot since I'm introverted). Good luck annon just remember you can do it!

>> No.14791714

watch this, thank me later

>> No.14791747

>>how do I dress to get gf?
raf simons rick owens

>>how jacked do I have to be to get gf?

>>what can I cook for girl to make her want to be my gf?
a good lasagna

>>what do I read to attract nerdy gf?
harry potter, lord of the rings

>>how much money do I need to get gf?
enough to be independent

trust me I almost had a gf

>> No.14792118

Reading book is gay and nerdy, i am young i am no old man

>> No.14792146

dress up like an art fuckboy, look good and wear expensive dumb shit
have the curtain lesbian haircut
look like a junkie

>> No.14792292

>how many good boy points do I need to get a mommy gf?
> how many mosins do I need to get a russian t1 gf?

>> No.14792529

you are dumb as fuck though maybe fix that

>> No.14792619

I was lab tasted for my IQ and i am smart so kys nerd

>> No.14794306

>I was lab tasted
yeah and they found the 47th chromosome in you you retarded namefag.