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File: 140 KB, 1242x1221, @girlbimbo.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14755840 No.14755840[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Got rejected by an art hoe recently. WTF am I supposed to wear to attract them?

>> No.14755844

My skin

>> No.14755853

that's gross anon I'm talking about clothing.

>> No.14755858


>> No.14755859

Rules number 3: Stay away from art hoes, horse girls and psychos.

>> No.14755861

yeah dude I'm sure it was solely because of your clothing lol.

>> No.14755923

Don't go after art hoes unless you want to suffer/are emotionless.

>> No.14755936


you can have any girl you want, it isn't about the clothing

>> No.14755940

art hoes are like any other women. be tall and be good looking

>> No.14755943

this, all women are the same

>> No.14755950

why would you want an art hoe faggot

>> No.14755954

art girls are the easiest girls, how the fuck you get rejected by them

>> No.14755994

dress like you crawled out of a thrift store dumpster.

>> No.14755996

>WTF am I supposed to wear to attract them?
a woman better looking than they are

>> No.14756028

Maybe you did just something wrong. What did she look like, anon?

>> No.14756047
File: 213 KB, 548x868, 1542217530895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are all girls really just shallow whores nowadays?
I just want to fall in love happily, why the fuck does every girl I meet cheat on me, turn out to be a druggie, emotionally/mentally unstable or all of the above
aaaaahhhhhh fffffffffffffffucckckckk somebody take this blackpill away

>> No.14756053

lmao, art hoes dont want body builders retard

>> No.14756057

Nope you have negative thoughts because you've had bad experiences. Try writing about it brother.

>> No.14756058

You can wear lots of things to attract them anon. But that won't guarantee you keeping them.

>> No.14756059


he didnt say bodybuilder you skinny little twink. he said muscles.
now get in the gym

>> No.14756063

I have like zero muscles and get with arthoes on the reg, what they want is a "twink"

>> No.14756067

how the fuck do you get rejected by an art hoe?

>> No.14756070
File: 10 KB, 275x183, 45188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it hurts

>> No.14756077

I'm gonna start therapy again, I have a hollow hope that it'll finally help somehow.
How would writing help, you mean like a journal of my fucked up exes?

>> No.14756087

A noose

>> No.14756165

Just dont be so tryhard about girls. I decided to not give any fucks about girls and after a year I met my gf. Maybe I am just lucky, but as I can see from my friend's experience if your main goal in life is to find love you will be stuck in the thot swamp

>> No.14756174
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That's my attitude too, girls I like tend to fall into my lap somehow, but it just always ends really fucking badly. Not actively trying to find a girl rn, my recent ex messed me up too badly.

I know a few tinder coomers and they're even miserable than me so I'm not going down that route lmao

>> No.14756184

a girl, especially an "art hoe" is probably going to be repulsed by a clear effort to dress/act differently to attract them

my guess is that you're ugly and smell bad

i got an art hoe to invite me to her bed when i was a shut-in 19 y/o

so i guess I'll give you a summary of what I did that ended up being wildly popular on /soc/ and parties, ample opportunities to get laid

>do exercise every day, lifting dumbbells or whatever you have, run around the block
>do meditation as often as possible in an organized group led by an experienced practitioner
>grow a big beard and then shave it
>keep your hair very short
>wear cheap clothing but wash it regularly
>talk to people or don't talk to people in whatever frequency you like
>work some shitty job at a pizza place
>tell girls that you want to get to know their friends if they already have a boyfriend
>be kind of a jerk if you're kind of a jerk, some people are into a dickish personality and it comes across better than purposefully muting your personality

>> No.14756190

how did you meet the people though?
the main thing I struggle with is finding an in, I just have no idea where to go, what to do if I want to meet people, not necessarily girls

>> No.14756503


>> No.14756507

Don't look for love, you'll never find it. Look for life and love will come on it's own.

>> No.14756527

Lol how do you get rejected by a thot?

>> No.14756531

Guys. You attract art hoes via social status (and, this is related, access to coke).

Seriously, just start dealing. Art hoes will be all over you.

You might also be

1. A tattoo artist
2. The front man for a metal or punk band. Though, depending on your locale, hip hop or earnest country or folk might work.
3. A well-known visual artist with multiple shows under your belt. Writers tend to be too academic, but dirt bag self publishing might work.
4. Bartender at a hip new bar.
5. Or, if you're a bit older, you might be able to work being an exec at a community art space or non profit.

The point is, it's not necessarily about what you wear or what you look like. It's about your status in a particular subset of your city's culture.

>> No.14756536

Thot's are, by definition, women you aren't having sex with you.

>> No.14756537

you dont really need to do any of this if you are actually cool or smart. you are just trying to trick people into thinking you are interesting while you really aren't.

>> No.14756549

I said that you attract art hoes by social status. That's being cool. However, "being cool" tends to be a fairly rigid project, and if you're not cool already, you can fake it by understanding certain typologies.

And OP asked how to trick people into thinking he's interesting. I don't care either way.

>> No.14756555

Yep, leave them to me while you chase some tranny.

>> No.14756577

whiteoids are truly a subhuman race. this is what is considered "cool" in todays day and age. bugman holocaust when?

>> No.14756629

work a shitty job, I was a shut in but made friends working at a coffee shop

>> No.14756639

>just trying to trick people into thinking you are interesting while you really aren't
this is all life is

>> No.14756664

nobody's impressed.

>> No.14756960

arthoes are drawn to me but I'm more of a gothgirl guy myself. I don't know what they like so much about me, i hate myself.

>> No.14756965

all i get is art hoes off tinder
im sick of it
i want a normal gf. let me be the weird bf pls

>> No.14756985

truly an /fa/ feel

>> No.14756988

no normal girl is going to want to bring home to her parents a guy who pretends to smoke cigarettes and listens to tame impala

>> No.14756991

i only match with art hoes but don't smoke drink or do drugs
how fucked am i?

>> No.14756994

Bru how do you talk to these bitches. Summer is over which means dry season for picking up chicks. My friend recommended tinder because that's how he keeps it going into the dry season but I have fucking zero game online.

>> No.14757001

this is true

>> No.14757021

You're delightful. This stuff has been cool forever and has next to no connection to bugmen (I concede that everything described occurs more in the city, but then, so do art hoes).

I'd love to hear what you think is cool or should be cool or whatever. I'm sure it's hilarious.

>> No.14757027

honestly if you're talking arthoes they love being dominated...just be a dick

>> No.14757050
File: 42 KB, 474x631, 4Jj6kdG6uggNLVUxdMQ1+ZG4hJh00+g51E1+SJRYzjY=sylvester-stallone-body.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm built like 80s Sylvester Stallone and have had several ffm threesomes with art hoes. They objectively and irrefutably want lean muscle more than anything

>> No.14757080

I played rugby in college and used to fuck a few of them they dont give that much of a shit when it comes to strictly fucking idk why thats so hard for people to believe

>> No.14757096

>It's about your status in a particular subset of your city's culture.
THIS more than anything

>> No.14757130

you people are all dumb bro, litterally just be funny or extremely hot stop trying to cope, also op ur probably beta show pic otherwise ill assume u look like a failed wannabe normie who couldnt fuck the hot blondies so thought he could go for insecure because of mental bob haircut but still extremely hot and knows it Amy who has 999999 followers on instagram, stop trying to spread ur beta genes

>> No.14757177
File: 756 KB, 598x825, demigod and two goblinas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just dress like Ezra

>> No.14757188

Can comfirm, im a twink
Dont do anything because autism tho

>> No.14757195

Maybe it isn't the same in the usa but over here the art hoes go to raves but generally stay outside chatting

>> No.14757207

>just be Ezra

>> No.14757252
File: 589 KB, 1570x1560, tokyo 2018 dec (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's only one Ezra Anon :(

>> No.14757255

Thank fuck for that.

>> No.14757257

Yeah, he'd fuck every human being in existence and there'd be no one left to have sex with.

>> No.14757262

Not the same guy but does it matter if it's a chain or a local place?

>> No.14757591


eboy shit or bodybuilder chads

>> No.14757593


Stfu bluepilled faggot. Go and looksmax

>> No.14757599

clothes wont fix that lol

>> No.14757623

That’s it you hate yourself that’s the trick it must be evident

>> No.14757629

Nigga is too goddamn fucking handsome damn man tell him to chill out

>> No.14757637

Most of them are lookin for sugardaddy arrangements and charge extra for monogamy, zoomers are crazy.

>> No.14757639

that was me when I was 15, now I smoke and pretend I don't

>> No.14757684

Fuck that, my ex of 2 years was a ravethot.
Nobody ever hurt me as badly as she did, not falling into that web ever again.

>> No.14757690

fucking same
just let me find a normal person
i want to be the strange one for once

>> No.14757710

also annoying getting normal girls who know nothig of the world u live in, but as consistenly super genuine in compariosion to dick riding ""althoes"" which is niceee

ur fucked
stop being so boring square
live a little ar tard

it sucks being the wierd one when ya girl is basic as
its somehwat comforting knowing ur the strange new creature opening her world but also really draining knowing u have to guide someone into a whole new world of unknown, it kind of doesnt work unless ur dating a full blown clinger who is obsessed with u

>> No.14757731

she doesn't have to be basic, just not a fuckin loony/whore
i enjoy being the socially/aesthetically/artistically dominant one anyways
DO NOT date clingers, ever
almost as bad as emotionally abusive cunts

>> No.14757744

im fucking a lowkey clinger rn
shes super independent but i know deep down shes caught mad feelings

its gonna suck when i move on but for now its just soo dam nice fucking a shawty who isnt a two timing unloyal hoe (they really are 1 in a million these days)

life huh

>> No.14757766

ok what is going on here?

is she 1/2 asian, 1/3?

fuck she looks good

>> No.14757773

No you just self select for those kinds of people, because you yourself are broken. I'm in a faithful 6 year relationship and so are many of my peers.

>> No.14757781

fake it until you make it, anon

>> No.14757782

good going lad
hope she sticks around

how the fuck can you be 1/3 asian

Not true.
While I am emotionally traumatised and have gone through several years of depression, I've never been unfaithful or unsupportive. Also, I don't pick girls that are obviously fucked up, but they universally, eventually turn out to be just that.

>> No.14757882

>Also, I don't pick girls that are obviously fucked up, but they universally, eventually turn out to be just that.
so maybe you sense & pick them subconsciously

>> No.14757915
File: 117 KB, 1566x880, 9E8C3B0F-A2B3-425B-8B5D-8C0EE0CDB73F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

confidence, unironically

>> No.14757922

Anything really, just don't refer to them as a hoe. They tend not to like that.

>> No.14757954


do you think OP refers to them as such in 2nd person when he approaches them

>> No.14757973

I'm ready. I've been training for years.

>> No.14757976


>> No.14757978

he needs botox

>> No.14758169

Can we get a story

>> No.14758175

I once knew a bitch who basically said she was .1 of every know group and culture known to man

>> No.14758180

that girl looks like she has just the absolute softest pussy you would ever feel

>> No.14758195

It depends on the demographic. I go for the upper-middle class/rich type that is probably a bit more academic than the classic stereotype.

Thrifted clothing mixed with designer is usally a good bet for dressing, but you need the personality to back it up. I have a bachelors in philosphy and they seem to love that, I also work for a major film festival which has also helped.

>> No.14758207

Most art hoes are mentally unstable and you shouldn't even fuck them. But if you wanted to anyways, the majority of them like the same things most girls like. Older masculine guys who treat them like shit seems to do surprisingly well. Guess it's because a lot of them have daddy issues. I wouldn't recommend fucking one though, just find a girl you actually like for her personality instead. Any relationship with an art hoe will be lucky to pass 4 months.

>> No.14758217

anon here speaks the truth.
all i did throughout my teenage years was chase vain, empty whores.
my highschool best friend then confessed to me one day, when she couldn't bear to see me with other girls anymore, and i realized all i had been doing was avoiding my feelings for her
now we're reaching our one year anniversary and the only problem i have is not knowing what to buy for her as a present

can't wait to see how good looking our kids will be, with my height and jaw and her qtness

>> No.14758371

Anything that typical gym chad wears

>> No.14758493

Have you considered she might have rejected you because she simply didn't like you as a person?

>> No.14758505

impossible. must've been the pants

>> No.14758514
File: 269 KB, 1536x2048, DqyjxBHXQAMobNx.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got rejected by a girl that looks like this. i thought i could have my way with a 3/10

>> No.14758518

just get a job so you can pay for pussy like every other man on the planet

>> No.14758521

just turned 18, going to uni

>> No.14758529

Why girls reject guys (from most to least common):
>not enough rick
>too much rick
>shoes not expensive enough
>noticed the slightest hint of hair thinning
>could smell your pleb ranking of hedi's best collections
>fingers too fat
>poor pant shoe interaction
>could tell you overpaid for your cotton t shirt
>noticed the sõy in your walk
>not enough mew reps

>> No.14758539
File: 201 KB, 1242x1534, DtGbfFEWoAErshI.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>noticed the slightest hint of hair thinning
that one is 100% true

>> No.14758635

You're treating flawed, vain women as princesses. Stop being so desperate, and ignoring blatant red flags. You'll find someone eventually, but not with that attitude. People chase art hoes because they're just as shallow as they are, if not more.

>> No.14758652

Based and truthpilled

>> No.14758666

>People chase art hoes because they're easy

>> No.14758944

hope she's the one, lad

>> No.14758949

good post
I'm NW3 and girls flock to me thou

>> No.14758975

as mentioned, girls are attracted to:


it doesn’t matter if you’re fucking shredded if you’re ugly and too autistic to make conversation

remember that you are not entitled to women’s attention. they are not something you pour kindness and energy into until sex falls out, they might reject you. don’t be butthurt.

>> No.14758986

I'm wasted rn so I'll give you a quick phoneposted rundown, might write a full story if the thread is alive tomorrow.

>depressed as fuck for over 4 years
>meet a girl who emphatises with me
>she turns out to be an ex-druggie and she used to be a slut
>whatever, I like her, start a relationship and start going to raves with her
>take X a few times with her, nothing hard
>she starts going out alone, not telling me where and who with, coming back in the morning and having obvious comedowns
>this escalates over time with her not coming back at all some nights
>confront her, turns out she's been cheating on me
>break up and get her a therapist, I still care about her a lot, try to give her time to fix herself, we promise not to get into anything with other people and wait until we're ready for eachother again
>fast forward two months, find out she's had some sugar daddy/fwb p much since we split
>despite her telling me about her undying love for me and wanting try time and again to become ready for love again
>my hope and trust towards women is shattered, I hate her with a a burning passion and love her all the same

I really am drunk as all hell right now and this relationship took over 2 years so I probably skipped.a bunch of shit, hope it.was sorta coherent

>> No.14759044
File: 90 KB, 720x720, 1529020405511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wholesome post anon

>> No.14759054

Like fuck am I going to listen to some incels opinion on what women look for, floods of irony in a male telling other males what a female thinks, you clueless fucks have zero common sense

>> No.14759060


>> No.14759066

>why the fuck does every girl I meet cheat on me, turn out to be a druggie, emotionally/mentally unstable or all of the above
You have shitty standards/taste, and you only go for girls that make your pp hard. If you can only find shallow whores the problem isn't women it's you. That's the true pill anon.

>> No.14759068

Just be a nigger and threaten their life, white whores are all the same

>> No.14759106

second on that, music or journalism works too

>> No.14759116

lol stop being so jealous and support her yourself

>> No.14759131

I'm not jealous. I wouldn't want to be with her again. I'm just hurt.

There's nothing I can do to support her apart from not interacting with her at all.

>> No.14759166

If she's not into you, there's nothing you can do.

>> No.14759176

>my hope and trust towards women is shattered, I hate her with a a burning passion and love her all the same
You people are such children. You hookup with a notorious whore and liar and it shatters your trust in women? What happens if you were to eat a rotten piece of bread? Would it shatter your trust in wheat?

>> No.14759187

Did you miss the part where I loved her for two years? It's not like it was a random hookup.
Obviously I'm not suddenly misogynist. I have friends who are happily in love with wonderful girls and I understand there's good people out there.
It's just that I've been burned really hard so it's only natural that I'm wary of any and all women now.

>> No.14759198

No, I didn't miss that part and no it's not natural at all. All you're doing is justifying your preexisting weakness that made you fall for such a shitty character in the first place with further resentment. Grow up.

>> No.14759208

Reacting negatively to a source of negative stimuli is not natural?
Obviously I was weak back then (depression etc.), I would never fall for an unstable person now.
If you are able to avoid resentment towards a person who simultaneously speaks of their love for you and cheats on you then I admire you for attaining the pinnacle of stoicism.
I am trying to grow up. I'm just venting on a mesopotamian clay tablet collective so that I don't have to burden my friends with my crybaby bullshit.

>> No.14759212

ignore him he is a retard

>> No.14759219

why do dumb boomers tell advice like this even when its so irrelevant
I want you to read this series of replies and then read your comment. Does it really flow like a normal conversation?

>> No.14759223

take your dumb psychology shit out of here. Holy fuck that is such a worthless statement
>if you hate X that means you like X
>actually even though you say you dont look for X you must subconsciously look for X.

>> No.14759225

This just isn't true.

>> No.14759230

I've never chased a girl in my life. I'm the one being chased.
My biggest point of retardation is being so accepting and neglectful of red flags as you've said.
Time and again my friends have warned me against being with this or that girl but I would always see their TRUE POTENTIAL etc.
Hopefully now that I'm aware of this I'll learn from my mistakes.

I don't fall for girls because I want to fuck them.
I just want emotional warmth and reciprocated love desu

>> No.14759240

25% of all couples are each other's first loves and stay with each other for life. Then follows a large amount of serial monogamists with a few long-term relationships, and then follow the disasters. People always find each other, whether they are aware of it or not. And this psychology bullshit as you call it is well understood too.

>> No.14759247

Don't go around thinking you deserve a woman that's faithful. You yourself are just as much of this equation and loyal women are smart enough to sort you out at a glance.

>> No.14759265

What made you think I feel that I deserve anything?
It's all a biological soup of random attraction and I know it.
What traits do you think I have that make faithful women avoid me?
The only negative thing my female friends and the gfs of my mates usually have to say about me is that I'm too trusting and too quick to fall in love.

>> No.14759280

This concerns me as my art hoe just graduated yet does dishes.

>> No.14759291

Shut up Leo

>> No.14759307

I don't know, because I don't know you. Maybe you signal very quickly that you have very immature views about relationships and understand them to be the result of a biological soup of random attraction, which is only what someone could think who doesn't even being to understand what a genuine long-term romantic commitment consists of.

>> No.14759324
File: 64 KB, 1280x720, akko happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

art hoe sucked my dicked yesterday

im a 5'11" manlet, 6/10 face, skinny as fuck

just have a cool personality

>> No.14759362

>Maybe you signal very quickly that you have very immature views about relationships
Don't think so. What is a mature relationship, in your view?
Based on successful marriages and my peers' fulfilling long-term relationships that I've seen it is primarily a friendship between two people attracted to each other. That is also what I've been trying to create so far.

>understand them to be the result of a biological soup of random attraction
that was just me being resentful and edgy desu

Thanks for challenging me, even in a condescending way. You made me think about the way I've thought about girls so far. My priorities seem to have been slightly warped.

>> No.14759366

You're insane. Psychology is 100% bullshit.

>> No.14759385

You are a retard that ignores redflags

>> No.14759394

Art hoes are the most pompus

>> No.14759399

Can't deny that.
Won't let it happen again.

>> No.14759406

I would legitimately marry her and let her use me as a piggy bank, buy whatever fuck she wants and sleep around as long and she sleeps besides me at night

>> No.14759427
File: 85 KB, 750x741, tumblr_pt7il2C37A1wob3la_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't wear this then its over.
Also be 6'+, pale white and have a e-boy haircut.

>> No.14759474

t. schizo

>> No.14759488

>WTF am I supposed to wear to attract them?
The cologne her father wore before he left her.

>> No.14759537
File: 835 KB, 743x1528, uglyness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14759543

he's right tho
psych is literally just people making guesses because how the brain functions is unknown

>> No.14759574

Yep art girls want Kevin because they want walking art based mofo

>> No.14759611

I'd definitely look into that.

>> No.14759623

This is all of human knowledge. Nothing is ever truly known

>> No.14759665

They're imitating something and they really only want someone who does the same

>> No.14759777

>"Geeez just look at my cherrypicked comments of some shallow whores proving your life us over if youre ugly LOL lets better stay in our rooms like forever and get our last grasps of social skills and sanity lost and never ever even bother trying since that will surely improve our lifes"

>> No.14759782



>> No.14759854

post your gf, shiteater

>> No.14760193

>dumb boomers
i didn't play doom or quake when i was a kid, anon
i added my two cents in order to give anons hope, not as some "just show up at the Walmart, give the manager a firm handshake and don't leave until you get employed" type of advice

>> No.14760258

he didnt even say muscles desu, he said build. from low body fat -> skinnyfit is probably their range. aka very generic just not skinnyfat or rippling.

>> No.14760270

if you dress like this, its over as well

>> No.14760281

incels btfo
based staceys

>> No.14760390

Flip the position of height and dominance

>> No.14760392

Do you even know how women work?
Go look like an eboy faggot and then come crying back when you get friendzoned

>> No.14760396

They want a twink friend, not something to fuck

>> No.14760400
File: 59 KB, 920x610, 88314528-1-920x610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok boomer. Art hoes don't want bodybuilders, that's not even a controversial statement. As the other Anons have stated you can be muscular, sure, but you will have to be skinny and lean.

>> No.14760476

No haven’t , Virgin

>> No.14760483

step 1: be a faggot
the next steps come naturally
the first one probably does too

>> No.14760494

Like I said, dont get confused whn you get friendzoned

>> No.14760507

goal body

>> No.14760555

I've been married for years now and am a boomer myself. Your idea of what women like or don't like is entirely informed by your online habits.

>> No.14760561

Women like confidence and money

>> No.14760627
File: 46 KB, 124x129, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What core is this?

>> No.14760633

Idk, but that 5head indicates the neckington is spectacular.

>> No.14761215

this is a lie

>> No.14761236

tfw fucking ugly as shit

i will never get an arthoe gf or any gf really and idk how to cope

>> No.14761427

No. And anyone who tells you otherwise really don't make enough intimate relations with girls and/or are fooling themselves.

>> No.14761491

thats a mood bro
i have a huge crush on an emo girl rn and its killing me

>> No.14761542

Same bruh I’m developing feelings for some nerdy anime chick who dresses like a goober but she’s so nice and chill that it......doesn’t.....m...mm..ma...tter...

>> No.14761689
File: 527 KB, 220x296, cuuuuute.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wear good clothes and have good art sense retrard

>> No.14761777

it doesn't leave that many girls tho

>> No.14761785

>*BRAAAAAAAAAAAP* Hehe, whoops!

>> No.14761811
File: 1.14 MB, 268x306, chimchimchim.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<3 heheh

>> No.14761971
File: 85 KB, 939x685, 58602742_780606138987302_7352076411147911168_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you would prefer a journal then sure anon. I've seen people write poetry or stories as well. Whatever you feel will provide a more comfortable outlet.

>> No.14762326

took some pingas with my friend for his birthday and he brought an insanely hot art hoe along and we were so pingered of us tits she tossed us off in the back of the car, then almost had a threesome but he couldn't get a boner so we didn't go through with it. Woke up feeling proper disgusted, looked at my friend and he looked at me and just... it'll never be the same again

The two main ways are:

1- Be confident and good looking, but be quirky. Be alt-chad.
2- party with them and feed em pingas

>> No.14762366

no its not

>> No.14762583

i wanna manhandle and throat fuck this slut

>> No.14762743


>> No.14762780


>> No.14762817

a wedding ring

>> No.14762824

sounds like the problem might be you homie

>> No.14763338

My God, those things are ugly!

>> No.14764258

i can smell virginity off of you

>> No.14764310

I was thinking of trying to make music again.
Maybe songwriting could work. Thanks lad.

>> No.14764325

they're pretty based though. ugly people don't deserve rights

>> No.14764390

>mfw most of these look ugly just from the thumbnail
they just don't have any clue don't they

>> No.14764467

oh god I need a girlfriend

>> No.14764957
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>> No.14764971

Like most things in life when it comes to being human. Nothing is ever black and white. There's always gray, you dumb faggots. Try asking out another art hoe.

>> No.14765114

please just get laid once you autistic faggot

>> No.14765378


>> No.14765387

Just be a hipster into the scene. You dont need to be nice or handsome, just hip. art girls will find you attractive in an ironic way even if you are abusive and a prick.

>> No.14765392
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>> No.14765393

getting rejected by an art hoe is like getting rejected by a crackwhore

you should consider re-rolling your character

>> No.14765401

It leaves literally all normal girls worth dating you eed-iot

>> No.14765412

>an art hoe
>what am i supposed to wear to attract a woman

I'm not going to say you should commit suicide but you should definitely go to boxing gym and ask someone there to punch you in the face as hard as they can.

>> No.14765427
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>> No.14765447

>even if

Being abusive and a prick is probably what they like about you m8.

>> No.14765486
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>> No.14765497
File: 26 KB, 414x466, Phocomelia1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did the art hoe tinder thing for a while, then got a normal gf,
its fun most of the time, just a lot of explaining shit getting a "huh thats neat sweetie" or you just being completely unrelatable to any of her friends

>> No.14765512

>It's about your status
Your social world can be broken down into interwoven social hierarchies.
And manipulating your perspective and appearance allows you to appear at the top of them to others.
You may be at the bottom of your work food chain, but at the top of your english class' social structure.
Basically you want to only let people notice you at your best.
This is something I was doing naturally but didn't understand until I actively started learning about social hierarchies.

>> No.14765513

>I have fucking zero game online
Same, I'm only in my 20s, but I suck ass at flirting over text.
My personality shines through irl

>> No.14765731

so they fucc everyone

>> No.14765733

seriously? look at you, you don't deserve love, look at this supid image you posed probablly from some depressed goth gf you stalk on facebook. look at you swearing like a reddit beta. you attract what you put out and you put out trash. you are trash, you get trash.

>> No.14765734

shit attracts flies, flowers attract cute little fluffy bees

>> No.14765735

then don't fucking flirt online. ask them interesting questions and keep it going until u setup a date
i usually text 1-3 times a day then go ghost until the next day

>> No.14765757

Im glad others also have this experience. Its kinda crazy how you only find what you want when you don't look for it

>> No.14765957

Im an alcoholic and I want to drink so fucking bad jesus christ

>> No.14765979
File: 79 KB, 500x667, be51322380c40fd94bf767e9a2a2c9ec--hardy-amies-men-fashion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol@those roasties
I swipe every thot right
when they reply and they are ugly i just dont answer

>> No.14766522

just be genuine and conversational also don't come across as way too friendly an desperate. You should be fine.

>> No.14766546

>Twitter for Android
>Twitter Web Client
Uhm yeah whatever sweetie

>> No.14766569

Obviously, these women are all shallow Ethots. I think the majority of these bitches that feel entitled forget that they wear a fuck ton of makeup on a daily basis just to reach 7/10 status

>> No.14766627

>what am I supposed to wear
you can dress like trash and get art hoes it's your personality (or lack there of) and probably your looks in general sorry man

>> No.14766734

I feel you anon. I'm in the same boat, my problem being that I don't even know her name.

>> No.14766829
File: 69 KB, 750x1000, feels pepe hoodie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the only problem i have is not knowing what to buy for her as a present
I want to feel that feel

>> No.14766842

that hits home, that reassuring "oh cool haha" over the shit she thinks is strange or sad is too relatable

>> No.14767309

What a fuckin weird image

>> No.14767488
File: 99 KB, 683x1024, 46c8e71d6cf2f28c12ccb048e6c5ea75[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahem ezra koenig

>> No.14767717

I swear I read this pasta sometime before

>> No.14767983

they have to get hit on by them basically

>> No.14767984


>> No.14767991

you jus need to be handsome. what a surprise.

>> No.14767999

Meanwhile all the girls IM talking to are boring af
What do i do?
I mean honestly i want to be abused emotionally for a change

>> No.14768180

Who cares about keeping them?

>> No.14768279

>What do i do?
be interesting

>> No.14768404
File: 66 KB, 1280x725, letto-art-hoe-fucker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Basically, Leto in Requiem for a Dream

>> No.14768467

seethe nigger

>> No.14768470

yeah if you want to be friendzoned by her and be added as an another orbiter she probably has three by now

>> No.14768511

fuuck. I've been told I look like a scuffed ezra miller
that dude is just too handsome man

>> No.14768515


ive shagged art hoes the roger left, right, and centre. you have to be cool like me though.

>and also go to art school

try brothel creeprs, with a pair pinstipe trousers. worked for me :)

>> No.14768516

Dude, you can wear all the clothes you want, but it's really this simple

>be self aware, mildly talented artist (with some sort of vaguely 'outsider' aesthetic)
>get art hoe

Art hoes like, or at least pretend to like art.
Make art.

>> No.14768665


> WTF am I supposed to wear to attract them?

Become friends with their boyfriends. Art hoes cuck their bf to pass the time. I was solid into the friendzone with two art hoes a couple of year back, until I met their boyfriends and hung out with them, and within two weeks I had slept with both.

>> No.14769046

>I just want emotional warmth and reciprocated love desu
Shoot me before I start sounding this pathetic. Jesus Christ this is cringe, sound like a desperate 12yr old boy

>> No.14770105

anime avi. have strong opinions on music or art if u dont have any quickly google some lesser-known indie bands and foreign art directors. claim the smiths suck they will love the smiths just say they are overrated but u dont mind the music. defend the random director u found u found to death dont give in. dont dress like chad literally anything other than that. gg ez been running art hoes when im lonely for like 2 years now.

>> No.14770115

jus b urself

qt. i need to sit down and listen to fotb soon.

>> No.14770753

Why would you ever want to date an art hoe, all my ex's are art hoes and I absolutely fucking hate them

>> No.14771082

Seeing as how one can not detect smell through a 4chan post the only virginity you are smelling is your own.

>> No.14771637

a good portion of their profile pics have snapchat filters.

what they are doing is called projecting

>> No.14771660

I know I'm going to be called an incel, but GOD, she looks like a bitch

>> No.14771694

if you cannot date an art hoe you might as well off yourself

art hoes are the easiest girls around

>> No.14772002


He has a jew cock.

>> No.14772852
File: 143 KB, 1139x823, ezra ethnicity parents.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't prove that, his mother is not a Jew so he may be uncircumcised.

>> No.14772974

black turtleneck
black sunglasses
adidas tracksuit
black chain

also be funny and cool and shit

>> No.14772986

I'm on the same boat bros, maybe we should find ourselves another girl

>> No.14772994

protip: all the dutch are jews
also, you don't get promoted in hollywood unless you're jewish
and, yes, it is circumcised and small
he's a huge whore and has slept with everyone in west hollywood

>> No.14773016

the "i want more than i deserve" core

>> No.14773025

if u really want an art hoe just act like the guys from cumtown

>> No.14773042

Jokes on you, small dicks are my fetish.
Also he’s on so much phytoestrogen and dutasteride he probably can’t get hard anymore.

>> No.14773068

I want to laugh at this guys delusion, but its kinda sad

>> No.14773070

post one art hoe with a bodybuilder
i'll wait

>> No.14773084

they are cherrypicked deluded cunts, op chooses to be an angry man

>> No.14773089


>> No.14773093
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>> No.14773096


>> No.14773098
File: 82 KB, 634x639, 9831nrfpfasfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you turned his "muscles" to "bodybuilder", thats quite a leap

any women, even or especially arthoes, are gonna prefer the right one over the left one

>> No.14773102

>any women, even or especially arthoes, are gonna prefer the right one over the left one
okay well post an art hoe dating soembody on the right

>> No.14773111

>he thinks art hoes want some scrawny twink boi
>he thinks they would reject a bad boy muscular chad

All women operate the same. You will learn that some day, son.

>> No.14773118

>he thinks they would reject a bad boy muscular chad
i want some real-world evidence not some imaginary theory you have in your head pal

>> No.14773120


>> No.14773251
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kys, his dick is a normal size.

>> No.14773265

Are you highly autistic? Do you want some scientific study and the papers on Chads and art thots???

It's personal experience, seeing things around me and understanding how women operate. Do you really think if you dress in some "male art hoe" way all the girls will fall at your feet? While some 10/10 athletic guy turns up in his 1 million dollar car and will be rejected because he's not an art boy?

Are you having a fucking laugh mate? These are always teenage boy threads who are clueless. I am a 30 something year old prep guy and I have picked up a teenage "art hoe" girl in the past in my "granddad tweed sportsjacket" simply because I am attractive, built and don't drop my spaghetti when talking to a girl.

The tweed jacket made her drip wet because she thought it made me seem like more of an established older man when you guys thing wearing some art glasses or whatever the fuck will get the girls.


>> No.14773437


I think part of it might even be if you're out doing your own thing and having fun being yourself, women pick up on that.
If you're a try hard and eyefucking every girl who walks in the door, its clear what your motivations are. But if you don't give a fuck, you must have your shit together or something

>> No.14774443

Just wear a cool sweater with animals on it or something. It gives them an easy way to start a conversation by complimenting you. Trust me.

>> No.14774684

ok boomer

>> No.14774711

post fit

>> No.14774876
File: 65 KB, 1068x601, gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just walk up to them and say hi

>> No.14774880

women dont care about muscles.

>> No.14774885

Please define or gib example of interesting questions. I am an autist please help.

>> No.14775292

Be tall wear beanies and scarfs/keffiyehs. Manbun. Admire Da Vinci and want to genuiney want to kill yourself. Bonus points if you paint have a published book or play a guitar.

>> No.14775314


The way she takes selfies reminds me of this goth chick that hates everyone and seduces their boyfriends and is a major alcoholic.

>> No.14775653


You should listen to this album anon.

>> No.14775780


t. 6'3" very well muscled guy with zero confidence though. Girls don't give a shit about muscles. Only guys ever compliment my arms/shoulders.

>> No.14777611

why would you want a superficial art hoe gf in the first place?

>> No.14777615


Anon guys really want dyed haired "Tumblr gfs" whatever that means.

>> No.14777618

if i could eject one group of people forever it would be zoomers that say
>what do i wear to attract x girl
that's not how it fucking works, dude.

>> No.14777733
File: 251 KB, 434x848, pope_innocent_iii_against_marriage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are all girls really just shallow whores nowadays?

>> No.14777777

stop being a bunch of fucking excuse making incels and have sex already

>> No.14777819

You have to be able to fuck them first

>> No.14777828


>> No.14777855

first of all faggot, she's trying to attract you. Wear what you want. She's an art ho. The dumber your outfit the more cred you have with the hole

>> No.14777866

Based and bluepilled

>> No.14777879
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>> No.14778057
File: 61 KB, 500x666, 1546014397527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the common experiences of dudes who put all their emotional stock in one basket. Been there before. Little do they realise they can let go and continue moving on in life with a scar which reminds them of their past experiences something to smile about or they can stay where they are with one giant gasping wound chained to nothing but memories and deep hurt hoping it will attract their past lover back or any lover to seal the wound is nobody is willing to do that it's exhaustive and wholly unfair to be with someone while they-you are aching for someone else

It's going to be okay once you decide it's time for it to be okay.

>> No.14778068
File: 33 KB, 429x268, 9231e585bf4ddfda308279326b13d2c7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
