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File: 148 KB, 750x986, tumblr_obkyh0qMxO1szucd3o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14769878 No.14769878 [Reply] [Original]

What mental illness causes people to get excessive tattoos especially around the face neck and hands?

>> No.14769880

self loathing, don't like what u see so change it

also the need to be unique and special but ofc tats dont make you either.

>> No.14769886

they just want to be special without doing anything hard.

>> No.14769922

>i don't like it, therefore it's caused by mental illness
It looks good (subjectivity of beaity). I'm planning on getting a snake around my neck in the near future.

>> No.14769926

insecurity/low self esteem

>> No.14769951

what others have said often for these problems is broken homes, daddy issues and rebellious mind that manifests like this against God that seems unjust.Them doing this for themself shows that they actually thirst for Truth and Christ.

>> No.14770083

What mental illness causes autists to seethe everytime they see someone with tattoos?

>> No.14770088

ok boomer

>> No.14770092


>> No.14770123

not seethe, disgust. identical reaction to seeing someone obese, but at least they're probably somewhat ashamed of how they look but the tat fags think they're cool which makes them all the more intolerable

>> No.14770126

Do you want the long or short answer?

Yes. It is mental illness. People will argue this isn't the case based on low intellect, poor education and having a personal bias that they themselves have tattoos.

It's caused by a mutation of genes. What does that actually mean? It means before the industrial revolution and later the welfare state, those with poor genes, mental issues, bad health and so on would die out by evolution and Darwinism.

Those who were smart, mentally stable etc. would pass on their genes and offspring.

After the above events, the lower class people and mentally ill now have children and the state pays for them and they survive and hence the genes get passed on. Now poor uneducated people can have 5 children while educated upper class often not even 1 child. After 2 or 3 times the genes are mutated.

Now in upper classes it's rarer to see people mutilated with tattoos in this way because their genes have remained healthy.

This is why you hear mental health is exploding now because of all these mutated genes passed on since industrial revolution/welfare state. Lots of people today have mental illness. That doesn't manifest as asylum crazy but heavily tattooed, piercings, body dysmorphia (my arms are bigger than yours so I feel better etc.)

You can visually see this too. It's much less rare to see immigrant or non-whites families in the West with those tattoos. Why is this? It's because they never went through the industrial revolution and had a welfare state so their genes were passed on though natural selection and their mentally ill died out, so they have healthy genes. Most immigrant families have non-muted genes apart from those that have partaken in cousin to cousin marriage.

In future when they catch up, you will no doubt see heavily tattooed non-white/immigrant background in the West.

So you see how the answer is much longer than a simple sentence but it's easy to understand if broken down.

>> No.14770140
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that's just racist, spics are all covered in tattoos

>> No.14770145

Back to /pol/ incel faggots

>> No.14770146

Which part exactly was racist and I would need an actual refute.

The reason why "spcis" are covered in tattoos is because those are gang affiliations. Small white European groups through history have had tattoos in a similar fashion.

Mainstream people non-gang related such as women have not and yet in white working class backgrounds there is a high percentage of white women with tattoos which is due to the gene mutations.

Comparing a tiny percent of males with gang markings to the whole Western population is such an absurd comparison.

>> No.14770154

>Back to /pol/ incel faggots

I'm the sociology guy, have been for years. Nothing in my post was "pol" related.

I expect this reply though, I don't blame you. I'd ever expect an average person to understand, those with an above average IQ might listen to reason but perhaps not.

Peoples actions do not just fall from the sky as random things. There are reasons for it linked to genes.

People who get a full face of tattoos are not just "random" the same way with people who get masses of facial surgery. There are very real reasons for that. It's why you can pinpoint certain groups with a higher percentage of things because based on your theory full facial tattoos should average the same in all groups but that is simply not true.

People do not just decide "I know, I will just cover myself in tattoos" as though they were purchasing a cheeseburger. It is linked to their being, deep psychological level and genes.

Even with an average IQ of 100 you should be semi able to understand this.

>> No.14770161
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Amount of cope. Seethe harder XD

>> No.14770165

Human sociology and biology of the species. Too much for you to understand hence the teenage buzzwords.

I care little, I have been teaching this for 20 years, those that want to listen will. The rest is no sweat off my sack.

>> No.14770167

You’re taking the theory of the despicable mutants and twisting it around. It’s division is not on purely economic levels, but rather on several distinct levels of selection pressure based on the average behavior of the given society and historical events. Much of the lower class (except the absolute pariahs) would probably be more prone to selection than the higher classes due to the fact that it is much easier for them to die from starvation or social rejection than someone from the upper classes.
The upper classes were also subjected to a few extremely harsh historical events that negatively affected selection patterns disproportionally to the lower class, for example, WW1 which effectively decimated the old aristocrats who still had the virtue of honor binding them to the war.

>> No.14770168


>> No.14770169
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Human sociology and biology of the species. Too much for you to understand hence the teenage buzzwords.

I care little, I have been teaching this for 20 years, those that want to listen will. The rest is no sweat off my sack.

>> No.14770170

good post bro

>> No.14770171

>human sociology
good goy

>> No.14770179

>Much of the lower class (except the absolute pariahs) would probably be more prone to selection than the higher classes due to the fact that it is much easier for them to die from starvation or social rejection than someone from the upper classes.

Yes absolutely. Thus only the best and strongest genes were passed on and why the average working class person was smarter.

My point is, since the welfare state, the above no longer happened and those that would have died out having the worse genes now have children and those genes are passed on. The child marries a similar person and the child further has mutated genes and that's how you get someone like OPs pic.

I state the decline at the industrial revolution so prior to WW1 and yes, the good genes perished and the feeble who stayed at home and later with welfare depending on your country, those genes were passed on which is why so many people are mentally unstable today.

There is a reason for everything yet the uneducated of this thread just believe all this is irrelevant and thing just magically happen for no reason and are totally random. Now that's crazy.

>> No.14770180
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>> No.14770181

I'm not Jewish. I am WASP. I'm very aware of how Jews operate.

>> No.14770184

>fine example of proving my point about how the welfare state has allowed mutated genes to be passed on and birth children with further mutated genes and a lower than average iq

Thanks for that.

>> No.14770192
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>fine example of proving my point about how the welfare state has allowed mutated genes to be passed on and birth children with further mutated genes and a lower than average iq

>Thanks for that.

>> No.14770194
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>someone regrets his little tattoos

>> No.14770198
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>Having to cope this hard

>> No.14770202
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>> No.14770205

>doesn't know what goy means

>> No.14770209

Exactly what do you mean he is trying to cope with? Not having tattoos?

>> No.14770261

The biggest cope there is is saying that someone is coping.

>> No.14770267

>Maybe if I hide my agenda under a thin veil or pomposity they’ll finally stop laughing at /pol/tards
Dress up you speech however you want to, dillweed. You’ll still be a sad, close-minded retarded.

>> No.14770268

truth always bothers oligophrenics well said bro

>> No.14770305

>I'll green text it because truth hurts
What a fucking pathetic faggot. At least you subhumans brand yourself so the actual decent humans know not to get near your kind.

>> No.14770309

You know when you don't agree with something, throwing the word "pol" at them isn't a get out of it card? What is my agenda? I am talking i simple genetic scientific terms. My only agenda is truth.


Nor is that a refute. I could call you close-minded for not being pro-pedo. Who sets the moral ground here, you? No, you don't. I have no moral agenda, simply I am speaking the truth. Nothing more or less.

I didn't even make any judgements on people with tattoos. I know plenty of people with them. Those with a few mainly got them to fit in as all the tv shows on tattoos a few years ago made them more mainstream but those excessively covered on their faces like in OPs pic have a genetic mutation that makes them do that.

You know how on some wildlife documentary if they film a starving animal, they don't throw it some food because it interferes with the natural ways of the species. Well the welfare state did that.

People who wouldn't have survived in the past now survived, not only that, they had kids. Those kids had more kids with other kids in the same situation. That's bad genes upon bad genes which leads to mutations.

This is not about judgement and just be nice. That is the path to ruin using that though process. This is important to understand because it puts light on many problems we face today and without understanding them we can never help to address them. It's not the persons fault with the tattoos and yeah, it probably sucks to hear the truth. OP asked a question though and tattoos can tie into fashion so it's a good discussion to have.

>> No.14770311

Man bringing up IQ to try and stand above people on the internet is really gay. I don't even disagree with your points but this reads terribly.

>> No.14770320

It looks good to you because you have mental illness and you prove that by confirming you are going to get some large tattoo around your neck.

Isn't it strange how most people covered in tattoos are attracted to others covered in them? Because they share similar genetic mutations.

The subjectivity of beauty means the body in its natural form, so that could be fat, thin or whatever but the addition of items (body mutilations) are not part of that.

You could say arms covered in self harm are "subjective" to your interpretation of beauty but they are not the natural state; they are self harm masking deep mental issues, much like how being heavily tattooed is.

If we asked the population, a tiny amount would find this attractive. That small amount would be mainly based around the white population as those are highest in genetic mutations. Isn't it funny how everything adds up?

Now if we showed an attractive girl with no tattoos, a higher percent of the population would find it attractive and a much, much higher immigrant/non-white population would find her attractive.

>> No.14770324

Ehh, it's just a simple truth though. The people on here pushing memes and buzzwords no doubt possess a lower than average intellect. Sure it comes off as a bit conceited but I am not trying to say you have to be 140 plus IQ or whatever just average and the ability to read and understand simple things.

>> No.14770331


>> No.14770334

Trying to guess someones IQ cause the shitpost on 4chan is a low IQ move to begin with

>> No.14770336
File: 10 KB, 194x259, normal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are actually people who think pic related is just by random choice and anyone could end up looking this way and it has nothing to do with mental illness.....

>> No.14770339

Only retards respond with "cope, pol and incel" to serious arguments. Retards and children.

>> No.14770340
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I bet more people are inclined to agree pic related has issues rather than a more pretty girl with tattoos. That's a case of being ruled by your dick. They both have the same illness and the same symptoms.

>> No.14770342

I'm not disagreeing, but I think it's also retarded to try and argue about points of IQ with the same people

>> No.14770351

The same one that causes them to get too much plastic surgery: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obsessive%E2%80%93compulsive_personality_disorder

>> No.14770352
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Well I am not infallible, it was just a throwaway comment because I tire of stupid people who possess the very genetic mutations I am talking about so I wouldn't expect them to understand. Noted though.

>> No.14770357

Which is a mental disorder. These people, like those who have masses of surgery or those who need to have 30 inch biceps all possess a mental disorder.

People just refuse to accept these truths though, they believe they are simply being unique or individual. The mad don't recognize that they are mad.

>> No.14770364

>what mental illness causes people to get excessively angry or annoyed by what other people do with their bodies?
get a life, Timmy

>> No.14770383

Projection, pal.

It's not unusual for normal people to be curious about people like this. We used to have them in a circus.

Seriously though, some of us are not angry or whatever, it's just interesting to me how this comes about and the whole psychology behind it. They are free to do as they please though.

>> No.14770390

Dude, ugly girls look hot with a ton of tattoos

There was a tripfag here who had an acne problem, weird jawline just unpopular in general.

She got like 10k in tattoos done and people fap to her

>> No.14770400

That's because as a normal person she wasn't attractive so normal people were not attracted to her and people with tattoos were also not as they are drawn to others similar.

Once she got tattoos she then appealed to others with mental illness that have them.
It's simple really. She never got hot; she simply appealed to the people who find that attractive.

The same way how an ugly girl could get to 500lbs and then people with a fat fetish will think she is hot.

Neither made her hot.

>> No.14770407

That's true, but also people that knew her before the tattoos.

I don't like tattoos on Aryan girls with natural beauty.

But even I think that particular extripfag looks pretty good now.

>> No.14770413

Even if she does (pics?) maybe it is a case of covering up her bad parts and giving others something else to focus on. I think really the hottest girls with a lot of tattoos are probably pretty good to begin with. Most have a shit load of makeup too though so it's hard to tell.

>> No.14770419

I think a ton of tattoos take the visual focus off of the face

You're you're less inclined to pick up like weird chins or hairline and odd thing body

The visual interest is on all the random images on her...

Idk but it's a lifehack if you're an unattractive woman, just get a ton of tattoos and you'll look attractive or more than you did

>> No.14770427

What if I like the way tattoos look on other people but would never get one myself?
Also you think you’re way smarter than you actually are lol

>> No.14770429

Maybe like how some dorky kid could do the same and try and put some bad boy appeal?

Either way, girls who cover their faces regardless of how they look still have a screw loose.

>> No.14770445

>What mental illness causes people to get excessive tattoos especially around the face neck and hands?
Calling people with tattoos generally mentally ill sounds like you have a very bad view of them. For no real reason.
People have been getting tattoos for as long as we've existed.
All cultures around the world.
Started as tradition, art and beauty.
Sure it's weird when people only get them cause they only like how they look, though it's not insane in my opinion. And yes the whole face tattoo trend is cringey. But for most it's usually something meaningful to them. Why is that such a baffling thing to understand? Could have just google'd the history of tattoos and read a quick and snappy one instead of posting a bitchy thread like this
And no, I'm not tatted

>> No.14770451

I believe you can like the way they look but not get them yourself and be OK. There is a world of difference between admiring and then personally getting them to be on you forever.

Remember tattoos are not the natural state of humans though so when people are only attracted to those with tattoos and can't find people without tattoos attractive then that's not a normal state.

So while you admire those girls, the chances of them admiring you back with tattoos is very slim and hence they are not normal.

>Also you think you’re way smarter than you actually are lol

There could be worse things in life. I only look down on others when they wont even attempt to listen and understand. usually that's the super "open-minded" people with tattoos who tell you never to judge others and yet judge you right away if you dare critique them.

>> No.14770453

Yeah, I think it's like when some dorky kid gets tattoos, gets into street wear and vaping and trashy girls think they're hot

>> No.14770467

>Calling people with tattoos generally mentally ill sounds like you have a very bad view of them. For no real reason.

Humans have a bad view of those who differ from the normal group. You are right, that's not my posts though, I find it interesting why they do this and yes, there are reasons. Not the best reasons but it is what it is.

>People have been getting tattoos for as long as we've existed.

Apples and pears. It was small groups or a full cultural thing. People in the West that does not apply to, only a tiny percentage of people have full facial tattoos. It's completely different.

I always hear this argument, by the way. Like the person comparing Mexican gang tattoos to some suburban white teenage girl and attempting to claim it's the same thing.

The meaningful argument is always used and yet the vast majority never have any meaning to their tats and have the same thing over and over again.

Roses being a huge one like OPs pic, wings, lines and writing. It's as basic as it gets and meaningless.

It isn't normal to mutilate your body either because something has meaning. Someones child has meaning to them, is it then normal to tattoo their child's face across their forehead? Seriously?

They are not insane, people always thing of insanity when mental illness is mentioned but they do have a form of mental illness. I am not going to be "nice" for the sake of disregarding the truth.

>> No.14770569

>snake around my neck in the near future.
The cringe is real....
2004 is dead, buddy. Nobody is shocked by your shitty taste in fashion or cringelord choice in music.

>> No.14770581

brainlet detected

>> No.14770603

>5x longer than it needs to be
>evolution acts this quickly
>immigrant families never had welfare or the industrial revolution
back to r/pol with you

>> No.14770615


>> No.14770622

>Only retards respond with "cope, pol and incel" to serious arguments. Retards and children.

>Come on guys, were on a Japanese cartoon shitposting forum, we have to be serious.

>You're a retard and a child if you don't respond in long textwalls nicely spaced to give the appearance of multiple points while also making it so I can readthem within the limits of my attention span.

>> No.14770706

Having a mega shit ton of tats is definitely a sign of some issues imo, but not to the extent /pol/ anon is taking it.

It's either a self expression thing or they think it looks nice and want to decorate their body, kinda like a canvas.

t. i have a tattoo probs gonna get more

>> No.14770735

sharp ass fangs
most of those arguments are shit. you sound like an incel
you either get it or you don't. simple as that. and not getting it doesn't make the other side mentally ill
people like op and people like this in general are very cunty

>> No.14770896

Not a genius, that's for sure. IQ of 144. I teach anthropology at prep schooling level and college.

This isn't evolution, it's really a form of dysgenics. Let me explain it in terms you might understand. If you get a schizophrenic male and pair him with a bipolar female,it's highly likely their offspring will have some defective genes.

You are denying that can happen. I suppose a 7ft couple wont birth a tall child because one generation isn't long enough? You haven't a clue what you are talking about.

>immigrant families never had welfare or the industrial revolution

What? Most immigrants say to Britain arrived mainly in the past 20 years. They never had a welfare state in the 1940s like Britain did. Nor did they go through the industrial revolution at the same time. Seriously, wtf are you even saying?

>within the limits of my attention span

Low attention span correlates with low intelligence. So I really have no interest in what the intellectually void have to say.

The difference is, that's simply your opinion and if you actually study it, you will find that's not the case. Nobody wants to have tattoos all over their face simply because they want to decorate their body. That's not normal. Genetic mutations of genes cause this kind of behavior and you can find those highest in groups that would not have survived if they were born a few hundred years ago.

Why is pol mentioned when genetics are? What's that about. This is my job.

I'm a married teacher with 2 children but OK. You just assume people "get it" or not as though mutilating your face with tattoos is totally random but no data nor evidence points to that. The highest percentage of these people exists in exactly those that might not have survived if born before the events I mentioned. If it were random you'd see all groups and ages with face tattoos but that does not happen. Educate yourself.

>> No.14771232

shes fucking hot, youre a faggot dude

>> No.14771243


>> No.14771263

>the tattoo hating autist is still screeching
lmao dude have sex

>> No.14771289
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>> No.14771331

This isn't your faggot blog, faggot

>> No.14771337

imagine believing that thot-enabling will help you get laid

>> No.14771350

>trust me
>i blog on 4chins

>> No.14771531

desu I get tattoos to make people like OP asshurt. I have shitty, mole covered skin anyway, so what gives a fuck lol

>> No.14771570


I'm guessing low self-esteem. "Mental illness" sounds too harsh, two people I know who have tattoos are leading average lives and have average temperaments and personalities.

Just a little "teehee look I got a tat now I'm so special it also has lots of deep meaning you normies would never understand XDXDXD".

>> No.14771571
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Imagine posting this mess. How embarrassing.

>> No.14771663

Nobody said you had to trust shit, you just have to form a coherent scientifically based counter argument. Unless you don't believe in actual discourse and resort to shit slinging like a very low IQ person.

Isn't it just incredible that everyone in this thread who has tattoos displays signs of mental instability?

You care that much about total strangers opinions that you mutilate your body just so you can attempt to anger total strangers you'll probably never see again?

No, you don't sound mentally unstable at all...

This is your opinion though based on nothing other than your opinion. It's circular reasoning. You are conflating the term "mental illness" with people insane who can't function. Having an average personality isn't proof of someone who doesn't have mental health issues. Judges, lawyers, politicians can all have sociopath and even psychopathic conditions and have a normal personality.

>Having low self-esteem isn't a mental health problem in itself, but they are closely linked.

So you think these people have low self esteem (highly linked to mental heath) and yet find it impossible they can have mental health issues? You are arguing against yourself here.

Low IQ.

>> No.14771699

>you just have to form a coherent scientifically based counter argument.
I'm still waiting on your series of scientific and peer-reviewed papers concluding tattoos are linked to mental illness.

>> No.14771720

One thing I have to add here m8: you make it sound like lower class people are subject to more mutation than upper class people.
In actual fact the upper class people can be expected to have MORE mutant genes because they had access to better healthcare, food etc. letting them keep their weaker mutant offspring alive plus higher IQ people delay having children and one's genes can also mutate over time so they'd get a dose of that as well.

It does seem, however, that upper class mutants are usually smart enough to avoid covering themselves in bullshit.

>> No.14771749

imagine seething for days about something trivial, posting walls of text in response to shitposting, and calling other people mentally ill

>> No.14771752

There is plenty of data on evolution, natural selection, gene mutation etc. There is plenty of data when 2 mentally ill parents have children, their parents receive both sides of the genetic defects and end up even worse. Children that would not have survived in the past.

Just what is your data? Not to mention, be honest, how many people cover their faces in tattoos... you really think that's totally normal? Please.

Yes and no. If their children had something serious, they would have no doubt died. Their children had intelligent successful parents and good nutrition.

Now the poor child had unsuccessful parents who might not be successful with children because of their condition. Probably the reason they adopted an r-selection strategy to birth 10 children knowing only 1-2 would survive. That's what Africans do today hence why they have so many children but with Western medicine more are surviving hence the African population explosion. They haven't adapted to that yet so continue to have many children.

Now though, poor borderline retarded working class people get state money, medical care and so on so their children live. When those children with bad genes have a child with others, the bad gene (mutation) gets worse.

But upper class do indeed also suffer from genetic mutations of their genes in a different way though because their conditions were different. The upper class acted above the lower and got in a way religious to prove they are better.

That's the reason why you see so many rich kids on the extreme left today and at protests. It's the outcome of that being better than others and yet you see less with facial tattoos due to the different gene mutations.

I think as a whole the industrial revolution really did just fuck us up, other people in other times got close to it but never made it which is why you never saw the high percentage of mental illness like you do today.
Mental illness keeps growing and growing.

>> No.14771758

I can’t tell if this is trolling or genuine autism. My guess is the latter considering he calls himself “the sociology anon” like anyone knows or cares.

>> No.14771759

The massive percentage of mental illness across society now and the increasing level of it and depression/suicide is hardly trivial. Each to their own though.

Yeah people are shit posting because they can't understand things like this, they really believe people are the way they are just randomly and that anyone could just cover their face in tattoos regardless of background and genetics.

Which is of course nonsense but if 1 person listens and explores, then great.

>> No.14771761

I have zero forms of mental illness. Nor does anyone within my family. Disprove me on my points.

>> No.14771763

impulsivity with a low iq and also wanting to be "different", but they really aren't. Only creates a red flag they are good to show who the retards are, same thing with obese people. Creates disgust and shows how low some people go

>> No.14771766

>Impulse control disorder. Impulse-control disorder (ICD) is a class of psychiatric disorders

Which is a mental disorder. Pretty much half the responses I feel are saying these people are not mentally ill but then listing something that is a mental illness.

Which is why I suspect when I say these people are mentally ill people think of some complete crazy person jumping around.

>> No.14771777

I'm not into rap music so it's not an expert opinion but from my perspective it seemed like none of them had face tattoos and then they all did.
I don't say this to minimize the obvious mental problems but as an aside: it seems to me that (((executives))) at some point told these guys that if they wanted to be professional rappers then they needed to get face tattoos.
So I reckon there is also a marketing push here and that might be part of why certain people can have the opinion that it's just a normal thing to do.

>> No.14771784
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You’ve made over ten Ulyssean posts on 4chan about something you clearly don’t understand. Your parents gave birth to you so it must come from somewhere. Q.E.D., turbonerd.

>> No.14771792

Well these things triggered the mental illness in those that already had it. Like when people see rappers or tv shows with tats, normal people don't think they will do the same but those with mental instability do.

I can believe a lot of rappers have issues without their owners directing them though as most have screwed up backgrounds.

Those that run the show manipulate the mental illness to cause a total breakdown of society.

We end up saying obese is normal. We end up saying if 350lbs is curvy than 250lbs must be slim. Then we put obese people forward as models and beauty. Slim beautiful people then must get fat to compete. We convince our society fat and ugly is the new beautiful and society turns into an obese ugly mass of stupidity.

That's why it's OK to say negative things about people covered in tattoos because when we call them beautiful and lie, we risk the above that is already in motion.

>> No.14771796

I've studied Anthropology for near enough 25 years. But yeah, OK, good refute.

>> No.14771814

Will you sign my copy of one of your books, Ed?

>> No.14771816

What a heretical proposal! Oh, I jolly well would!

>> No.14771918

You're a pretentious faggot. I'm legitimately embarrassed for you and the worst part is that you actually think you sound smart. Nobody gives a fuck that you "studied anthropology". The majority of the points you put forward are subjective and reading your dense tryhard paragraphs made my head hurt.

What suicidegirl looking slut rejected you? You can tell us anon, it's okay.

>> No.14771924

Imagine talking about how mentally ill other people are and then filling entire paragraphs with your raging narcissism. Incredible.

>> No.14771939

Lel, are you ironically trying to do the most /fa/-style banter possible or are you really this lame?

>> No.14771944

>science is subjective


>What suicidegirl looking slut rejected you?

The whole "awww sweetie, who hurt you?" is the textbook female reply. So you are either a female or a very feminized male. Grow a personality, I know simple talk of how genes can mutate is dense reading for you, so best not to comment and let the adults talk, hmm? Be a good boy.

>an explanation to a subject matter longer than 5 words equates to raging narcissism

Low attention span correlates with low IQ. Attention spans are shrinking. People are unable to read books. Even if I were mentally ill that would not cancel out other peoples mental illness. Learn a basic argument and.or refute to the points raised or else you look exactly what you are: Clueless and uneducated.

>> No.14771957

It's a taboo subject because of people like you. Tattoos and self mutilating behavior is linked to gene mutations.

I'm trying to make things very simple.

Ask yourself why tattoos are more common in some groups of people with the same backgrounds. As explained, if people who got tattoos were normal then it would be totally random and evenly spread out among groups but that is evidently not so.

Why are pretty much all of these girls with facial tattoos from poor working class backgrounds? There are outliers but the majority are the same background because they had the same genetic mutations.

I think you yourself must have a mental illness too though if you think someone who covers their face in tattoos is mentally sound and they have done it for "self expression" or whatever.

Is self harm not linked to mental illness either? As is anxiety, low self esteem, poor body image, depression and so on.

Find me a married pair of 45 year old doctors with their faces plastered in tattoos?

The profile will almost always be the same. Young(ish) due to result of a few genetic mutations fully coning out now since the industrial revolution and they will be from a poor background.

Now find me someone who has a favorite color of yellow. They will be from all backgrounds. Rich, poor, young, old, immigrant and so on because liking a color is not a mental illness due to a genetic mutation.

If tattoos were not, the pattern would be the same. Random. But you can pinpoint it to the groups who had their evolutionary path changed drastically and thus their genes were mutated.

At least give me another theory if you are so certain I am wrong.

>> No.14771972

This board is filled with a high amount of narcissists so you will get ragged on for making more than a short post regardless of what is contained in that post.
People barely even post about clothing here anymore because they are very afraid of negative judgements while extremely inclined to giving them.

>> No.14771975

Yeah sad but true. This is what the thread is about, what would be the point of 1 word answers. It would be a pointless thread. It's just narcissists in this thread who probably have 1 tattoo and are so sensitive they are taking it deeply personal that I am calling them insane which I am not.

>> No.14772448

I find it's the other way around. The tattoos always look bad on women, especially those are already ugly.

>> No.14772493

>is asked for scientific proof
>cannot provide it
>"Where's yours?"
Lmao so you have nothing other than your faggy ramblings and conjecture, then?

Stay mad, you cringey LARPer

>> No.14772531

thank you based sociology guy
the amount of butthurt, seethe, cope and name calling you managed to gather is incredible

tattoocels on suicide watch

>> No.14772532

It's effectively warning colouration

>> No.14772535

Just because he doesn’t have proof, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t provide it instead of ending it there (realise you hve none either). Go on, provide proof, because otherwise you are just faggy antirambling and as bad, if not worse.

>> No.14772605

>Those who were smart, mentally stable etc. would pass on their genes and offspring.
This claim has no basis in fact. The largest group of any pre-industrial society was always the dumbest. The less educated. The least intelligent.

>> No.14772640

I dont have to provide proof, fuckmook. I haven't made any statements. I asked for backing to his edgy claims and he has none.

You're fooling no one. Imagine pretending to be studious on the fashion area of an image board, blatantly samefagging. Talk about mental illness.

>> No.14772667

Seems alright to me

>> No.14772683

not a samefag, the fact you think that I am the OP and the reaction you demonstrate just shows how fragile you are to anyone calling you out
you're just whining about a guy whining

>> No.14772703

...and youre whining about a guy whining about a guy, cupcake

>> No.14772736

Low self-esteem manifesting as pathological narcissism, causing a constant need to change yourself for validation.
Poor impulse control.
Peer-preasure and groupthink.
Hyperfixation on a particular idea.
But not all excessive tattoos are caused by mental illness, some people just like things you don't and you need to get seen in relation to your low self-esteem manifesting as pathological narcissism, causing a constant need to invalidate those you don't agree with for validation.

>> No.14772771

if that's whining then you are whining about me?

>> No.14772801

.....I-Its my first day

>> No.14772913


idk but when I have to deal with people with visible tattoos I treat them like they were

>> No.14772971

It's called having money or owning a business, you have to take care of your appearance like a bitch boy

>> No.14773026

There is plenty of proof on genetic mutation of DNA. My few words are too dense for a lot of you to even understand, do you want me to provide 1000 pages of science?

I explain it simply in which the proof is around you. The exact groups that benefited from the industrial revolution and welfare state are the exact groups in which tattoos have the highest percentage. Tattoos are not randomly distributed among the population. We can predict which groups will have them.

They are also high on blacks in America because they too went through the welfare state. 1st generation African blacks born in America but their parents were not, have gone through the same culture roughly and yet their percentage of tattoo wearers is much smaller.

You can't even counter argue these facts.

I never said the upper class outnumbered the lower. You fail to understand the point. The dumbest of the lower classes would not have children and those slightly more intelligent would, they would have 10 children and out of 10 maybe 2-3 would survive, the strongest of them, out of those 3 maybe 2 would go on to have children and they would be the smartest out of the 3 so overtime intelligence went up and up while the dumbest at the bottom would drop off. That's how IQ rose and how only the strongest survived. After the above events, this no longer happened and everything has started to reverse.

The strongest most intelligent genes survived and were passed on, now any retard with bad health aided by medical intervention and welfare support can have 10 children who will live.

You listed mental health reasons for tattoos and then go on to claim not all excessive tattoos are caused by mental health. So you must partly believe they are? There are outliers yeah, not 100% of them are mentally ill but as an average, they are.

They think they are!

>> No.14773132

Not an argument. Eating feces is a mental illness enough if the person likes how it tastes. Cutting yourself is a mental illness, even if the person likes how it feels.

>evolution acts this quickly
Evolution acts as fast as the environment demands.

>> No.14773171

>Evolution acts as fast as the environment demands.

Yep exactly.

>only breed people over 6ft
>children all start growing over 6ft


>> No.14773197

So let me get this straight... blacks in American still feel the affects of slavery and it has impacted their lives heavily and yet the industrial revolution, the advancements of medicine and the welfare state, the biggest change in a few thousand years has supposed to have not affected white people at all?


>> No.14773202

Tattoos make more sense if you think about it like everyone is an RPG character and they paid for the tattoo dlc

>> No.14773204

Still no scientific proof linking tattoos to mental illness then

>> No.14773208

borderline personality disorder

>> No.14773210

Do you expect me to present a paper that has conclusive proof that having tattoos is a guarantee of mental illness? Really? It's theory based on evidence.

I've explained how you can pinpoint it to the groups you'd expect it to happen too. You can't even deny that. That is a fact. You present not 1 singular counter argument.

Humans as a species all operate within the realms of a certain normal behavioural patterns themselves, outliers like a genius usually have some form of mental illness.

>> No.14773213

Got some new tattoo ideas thanls

>> No.14773224

Which is as severe mental illness. Borderlines I feel are always played down. If someone said they were a paranoid schizophrenic people would think they are crazy and yet the borderline is much more crazy. A lot of mental illness can be controlled but the borderline is almost impossible to control, some psychotherapists wont even work with a borderline as the borderline will even try to manipulate them.

Often when you see a beta male who has murdered another male because of a female, he was controlled by a borderline. Avoid these people at all costs.

Interesting point that hasn't been raised though, a lot of these girls covered in tattoos not only internally are mentally ill, but if you get to know them they are outwardly. Drama, bitchy, antisocial behavioural patterns etc.

>> No.14773226

Lol sounds about right. All the tattoo people talk of their deep and meaningful tattoos, their expressions of the self when in reality they just plaster lines such as "live your life" across their arms.

Truly deep indeed.

>> No.14773234

And for those asking for evidence, here is a baby piece for you guys.


>A new study has discovered that people with tattoos were more likely to be diagnosed with mental health issues and to report sleep problems.

>Researchers also found that people who had tattoos were more likely to be smokers, to have spent time in jail, and to have a higher number of sex partners in the past year.

Wow it;s almost like I have been saying, real shocker this new research.

>> No.14773276

Why has nobody pointed out what a chinlet this creature is? Her nose is bigger than her chin.

>> No.14773288


>> No.14773294

>imagine being this upset over people having tattoos

this whole thread is a gold mine of seething autism.

>> No.14773302

>what is projection

Nobody is upset, that's simple deflection tactics because you obviously feel hurt yourself by truth and reality. Somebody asked a question and a discussion was had. If somebody says something you perceive as negative (while truthful) you somehow go on to claim they must be angered. Totally fallacious and makes you look like you can't handle reality and want to live in a safe space bubble. Grow up.

>> No.14773355

>It's theory based on evidence.
And I am, and have been, literally asking for scientific evidence of this.

>However, the survey-based study also found that having tattoos was not significantly related to overall health status
>Mortensen, a professor at the University of Miami. “In an era of increasing popularity of tattoos, even among women and working professionals, we find these relationships persist, but are not associated with lower health status.”

>> No.14773366

Do you not understand that study? I already explained how tattoos do not correlate to being bat shit crazy, but it is a sign of low mental health. The study confirmed that. Overall it has no great significant impact on your health and you can function in society, but you still have a higher percentage of mental illness.

What is the issue? That's what I have been saying. Do you not understand what the word "significant" means?

>> No.14773418

>but you still have a higher percentage of mental illness.
Where are the figures?

Your link (and its an "study" batted around online a lot) suggests 2008 people were studied and yet there are no figures

>> No.14773443

You literally expect everyone with tattoos to have had dna samples taken and their genes to be all noted for mutations.

I've proved all the information as to why, I have pinpointed the groups, how evolution works, the impact of a great change to environment and yes, you have to add theory to the information and come to a hypothesis.

All that and do you have a refute or counter argument to any part of it? It seems like you kept asking for the impossible because you have nothing to say back.

Just say if you believe people who get tattoos are totally random and could be anyone.

Once more, if that were true, people with tattoos should roughly have the same figures of those with cancer. All groups, all ages and all races/ and so on.

You know yourself that isn't true though and it;s mainly a certain demographic who do. Now ask yourself why that certain demographic of people does?

That's not even mentioning the visual reality that you can see the masses of tattoos (non-gang related) in prisons. You can see how many girls with self harm marks also have tattoos. You can see the lack of tattoos on traditional well to do girls.

Even if I can't provide a database of all tattoos people and their dna because rather frankly, that's a retarded claim to ask for, I can still provide all the above. What do you prove? I'll tell you. NOTHING. You are debating on subjects you know nothing of or how theory and evidence gathering works.

Here I will argue like you do... white people are 10 feet taller than black people. There might be evidence all around us this isn't true but I want an exact science study that has measured the height of everyone in the world.

Are humans smarter than fish? I need you to have recorded the brain power of all fish and all humans or I wont listen.

You set impossible goals to attain because you have no argument to not 1 single point raised.

>> No.14773455

Furthermore you deny the impact of genes on behavior. How animals born do not take actions upon learned behavior but kkow what to do based on their genes.

You must believe blood types do not exist.

Genes have an impact on all parts of us, from intellect to height and yet you believe genes couldn't possible impact behavior and behavior is random.

We know genes impact upon behavior and having tattoos across your face is not normal behavior so it's obvious those genes must have mutated.

This is why discussion between those of an average standing is futile.

>> No.14773494

>I've proved all the information as to why
No, you haven't. Your conjecture and rambling isn't science.

>> No.14773526

Thanks for proving my point that you can't refute 1 single point raised. You are way out of your depth. Stick to memes.

>> No.14773532

If you want to debate this on camera, then go ahead.


>> No.14773535

Depends on the tats desu, trashy ones like in OPs pic need gassing desu.

>> No.14773548

Swami, V., Pietschnig, J., Bertl, B. & Voracek, M. (2012). Personality differences between tattooed and non-tattooed individuals. Psychological Reports, 111: 97-106.

Tate, J. & Shelton, B. (2008). Personality correlates of tattooing and body piercing in a college sample: The kids are alright. Personality and Individual Differences, 45: 281-285.

Waiting for your refute.

>> No.14773556

Some simple links for you. I wanted to see if you had the ability to think and reason before going to studies. You failed badly.

Neuroticism and surgery: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3......

Changing appearance and personality: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1......

Marks of Misbehavior: https://www2.psych.ubc.ca/~dpaulhus/r......

Tattoos, piercings, and intelligence: https://emilkirkegaard.dk/en/?p=5616

>> No.14773601

And for the low IQ people who find a paragraph hard work then demand studies in which they will never read nor understand (their study asking was just deflection) we take samples of people with tattoos and see what their personality is and what issues they have.

We find time and time again that those with drastic appearance changes on average have more mental health issues than the general population.

That means those with tattoos are more likely to have mental health than those without.

Unless you believe it is a "coincidence" that those with tattoos have on average more mental health issues than those without.

So when we establish those with tattoos have more mental health issues, the act of tattoos must be related to the mental capability of people and thus their genes. The tattoos do not change their mental health status, the tattoos are a result of their mental health status.

Therefore they must have genes that have mutated in someway and the act of mutation of genes in theory is likely linked to the industrial revolution and welfare state as it created an unnatural environment.

Cultural environment does not create tattoo wearers (i.e. I have tattoos because they are popular in my culture and environment) because if that was so, they would not rate higher on mental health than the average population. Fads that are popular such as wearing skinny jeans do not create mental health higher averages. Tattoos do. So they are not linked to fads or fitting in as tattoos are popular; they correlate directly with higher mental health issues on average.

Now I wait for just 1 person to give a different explanation.

>> No.14773686

Intelligence had very little to do with survival for the lower class of pre-industrial societies. And it certainly wasn't selected for.

>> No.14773712

Sociology anon is extremely on point.

It's not surprising that the parents of autistic children turn into conspiracy theorists - it's in their fucked up blood. I'd say it's more of a schizophrenic behaviour than autistic, but something is going awry with their brains.

>> No.14773717

You're confusing intelligence with intellectualism. A farmer who knows how to sharpen axes and has a keen eye for what grows well in which places (etc) would do better than an idiot, and have more children, because contraception and fertility restriction is a very belated idea in human history, even though it's connected with intelligence now (to our detriment.)

>> No.14773722

Sharpening axes and choosing where to grow crops does not require high intelligence.

>> No.14773783

>People that cover their entire bodies in shitty tattoos are mentally ill


>> No.14773850

No I think the ones caused by mental illness are the outliers

>> No.14773867


>> No.14773883

Do you even know what intelligence is?

>> No.14773889

I've never met a girl with visible tattoos who didn't have borderline personality disorder. Correlation may not be causation, but the correlation is extreme in this case.

>> No.14773918

Seems like you don't. Give me your definition.

>> No.14773951

Problem solving and perceptiveness.
I suppose your definition involves wearing glasses and owning an unread copy of A Brief History of Time.

>> No.14773958

Sharpening an axe is a simple repetitive task doesn't even require better motor skills than industrial manufacturing jobs.
Choosing where to grow crops is pattern recognition, not that most of the lower class had a choice.

>> No.14773989

My brother or sister in Christ I love you

>> No.14774008

Honing requires the right stones, but let's not talk about that.

What's intelligence, anon? Why does it never interact with reality? Is it because your intelligence is a thing that is purely spiritual, which explains why you get no material benefits from it, even though you're like totally super smart?
Your intelligence wouldn't condescend to recognise things or perform activities, it just reposes on a celestial armchair.

>> No.14774082

I agree with your definition of intelligence. I just don't think that it was selected for in pre-industrial societies more than it is now. Even the most basic job, like working at a mcdonalds counter requires you to listen to and remember orders. It requires more intelligence than the menial labour that made up the bulk of work in pre-industrial societies. Also don't call me an armchair... something??? when you're the one larping as a sociologist diagnosing people with tattoos as having mental illness. Have some fucking self-awareness.

>> No.14775216



>> No.14775242

Christians on /fa/? I never thought I'd see the day. See you guys in eternity. God bless you all.

>> No.14775244

Everyone I know who got them done was dealing with body dysphoria / low self esteem the time.

It's a way to own and control your body and make it feel like it's yours.

Don't hate on tattooed people, they are struggling to deal with their problems just like drug addicts, obese people, etc. They need sympathy not ridicule.

>> No.14775254

I got tattoos, because at the time something I can't quite pinpoint warped my brain into justifying how I somehow, for whatever reason, needed to add to myself. I can't really explain why.

I've since grew up, so to speak. Started feeling embarrassed by them, ashamed. Started to want to cover them up. I've had them removed

Tattoos are bullshit and a complete waste of money.

>> No.14775295

these are converted by JBP

>> No.14775306

Gorh girl pussy.

>> No.14775368

You ever look into grandiose narcissism and vulnerable narcissism?
I'm not saying you have either of those but reading about vulnerable narcissism tied a lot of things I have noticed about myself together and they also make a lot of 4chan posters make sense.

>> No.14775375

Have a classmate who is early 30s, tatted up and Christmas-caking hard from years of coke binges.

It's the most nauseating sight in the world to see the tats get lost in the stretch marks and under the scabs and pimples and probably in between the rolls. I truly believe that you can only lose weight after getting tats or suffer the consequences.

>> No.14775390

>tfw too intelligent
>look at my liberal arts degree

Shut up and pour my coffee, I got houses to frame and concrete to pour, I'd hire you on and give ya a pay raise but we don't have any openings for pseudo intellectual autists at the moment.

>> No.14775404

Big words coming from a glorified nanny. I think the real issue here is that you’re unfulfilled teaching teenagers how to tie their shoelaces, so you take to the internet to be professor anthropology and rant about something you obviously have an irrational hatred of. Do you think if any of your college professors read your posts they would actually be impressed? Do you think they would consider them scientific?

>> No.14775440

lmao this queer is still seething?
>y-youre all mentally ill

>> No.14775592
File: 75 KB, 750x745, pwewnrx3m6g21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck are these spaces

>> No.14775622
File: 9 KB, 480x270, FB_IMG_1573298528752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is absolute shit.

>> No.14775624

As my friend used to say. Sociology is just Anthropology for white people.

>> No.14775728

You bet your ass I'd fuck her, but you'd be mad to get into a relationship with someone like that.

>> No.14775798

You were not replying to me. I am a Professor of anthropology, by the way. I don't say these things to be cruel but because they fascinate me.

McDonald's workers are not as intelligent as a working class person 200 years ago. They follow and remember basic orders, so do plenty of animals. That's no great feat of intellect. The person 200 years ago had a much larger capacity for remembering as they had no modern technology and they carried out many skills such as basic tailoring of clothing and fixing everything in the home. Hardly anyone can do that now. They only lacked on spatial intelligence as most of us can picture things in our minds from what we have seen and our days are filled with images which theirs were not.

We know IQ went up and hit a peak and now it is falling. Pre-industrial the people would compete for resources, partners, then raising kids and so on so the person at the bottom dropped off and the next generation got slightly smarter and then the person after the person at the bottom become the bottom person and dropped off the evolutionary chain.

In European countries that have mandatory military service IQ tests have been taken for many years and we have seen the real fall of IQ among people.

>when you're the one larping as a sociologist diagnosing people with tattoos as having mental illness.

I've provided study after study and included explanations as to why.

You see I know nothing about mechanics and how to fix a car. I'd never assume things or make up things with someone who can. That's what you're doing, you are arguing thorough ignorance and I can address and refute every argument you have made.

Refute the studies I listed that in all tested groups those with tattoos on average had a higher capacity for mental illness.

>> No.14775816

Thank you for being honest. Nobody, at least not me is hating on them. I am simply explaining as to why people get tattoos and how it's much deeper than "they like them" involved.

Another sensible head. Point to note my posts are not so much based on 1 or tattoos but people who cover their faces in them.

Horrific picture in my mind.

Is this directed at me? I would have thought my explanations of tattoos related to mental health puts me firmly out of the liberal park.

I am a Professor and teach at schools with mainly rich conservative families so actual science and truth is allowed, in fact, I encourage it.

Refute the numerous studies and try again. D minus.

I've been here for 14 years.

>thinks their opinion is valid when they praise an autistic child who is being manipulated

Absolutely! She would cause you so much drama in your life.

>> No.14775966


Imagine trying this hard to psychoanalyze the 0.01% of people who actually get this many tattoos like as if it mattered

>> No.14775992

Why not? Can I only do that with certain subjects and must they be over a certain percent?

Many people have seen those covered all over in tattoos and thought what is going on in their mind.

Tattoo wearers on average have higher mental illness than those without though, not just the extreme ones. Although those are likely to almost certainly have a mental illness.

>> No.14776022


Respect I guess dude. I'm just a nihilistic bastard who sees no point in doing things if it doesn't benefit me in any immediate way.

>> No.14776032

Tldr haha lol

>> No.14776078

What I meant by the "pour my coffee" comment was that you've wasted 4 or more years of your life at a university and acquired no skills to speak of, yet you hold yourself on a pedestal over tradesmen who in the same four years have acquired the skills to earn a six-figure income. Your education is currently serving its sole purpose which is to somewhat successfully argue with people on a message board

>> No.14776112

It does benefit you though, you know who to avoid now!

low iq genetic mutant detected haha lol

Why are you projecting this hard? I hold myself on a pedestal over tradesmen? That's something you just made up and are now using it to form your argument. Do you have a very low IQ? What you posted was nonsensical and I feel stupid for even attempting to read it.

I have a lot of respect for tradesmen. I am doing what I love. Teaching. I spent 7 years actually, not 4 learning. My learning is useful. Some poor guy could meet a tattoo covered girl who could really mess his life up because of her mental illness. Now he might know what to avoid and save himself as opposed to thinking she is "expressing" herself and other such garbage.

It's not as though I did "gender studies" because then you might actually have a point.

I am not here to argue, I am here to give a concise answer to the question OP put forward and hopefully a few people will learn on the way and save themselves a lot of trouble by meeting some borderline girl and knowing to avoid her.

>> No.14776126

>I am a Professor of anthropology, by the way.
Were the useful sciences too hard for you or

>> No.14776191

I'm not sociology anon, as he himself confirmed.

The context I'm thinking of is pre-industrial, where farmers either had to build or maintain all of their own tools and invest back-breaking labour into their work during at a time of food scarcity. If you don't find a way to perform tasks more efficiently, your neighbour will, and his children will inherit the earth. Or will to a greater degree.
How did you think farming originated? A neanderthal and a homo sapiens didn't at the same patch of ragged proto-wheat and come to the same conclusions. In fact, very few humans did, some for an extremely long time, only picking it up by imitation of their neighbours, which still required some intelligence. There are people shambling around tropical jungles right now who don't have knowledge of agriculture. They only number in the thousands because they can't grow or store staple crops, but they still exist because they live in areas to remote for them to be wiped out by their more innovative neighbours. Intelligence is relevant even for the most basic tasks, but as soc-anon points out, the number of tasks has been dwindling and soon all you'll need to do to survive is be able to walk upright and speak in more than vowels. Actually, maybe not even that much.

>> No.14776208

what if i have two tattoos, don't regret them, and also don't feel the need to get any more? it seems like the only case here is people who are covered with tattoos vs people with none, and there's no discussion with the middle ground (which does in fact exist). 30% of people in the first world have at least one tattoo.

>> No.14776211


>> No.14776219

You have some sort of mental illness, sorry

>> No.14776222

10/10 thread

>> No.14776338

Goth girl pussy.

>> No.14776347

i judge peoples character not their appearance

>> No.14776367
File: 179 KB, 450x350, 1525991387010.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evedrybody in this thread have mental illnesses. "Sociology guy" for wasting so much time and efforn typing his rants, and the others for falling for that.

>> No.14776371

Caring about what other people do with their bodies is the most dangerous mental illness plaguing young wh*te men "incelitis"

>> No.14776421

Sorry mate, but there is not a study to be found in the entire reply chain, merely some guy asking for you to post some and you bragging about thousands of pages of science.
As for IQ tests, probably the only concrete evidence that you've so much as hinted to? Your assertion that they peaked and are now falling is absolutely correct. However, all the sources I could find states that they did so in the 1970s. You don't have to be a professor of anthropology to know that that wasn't before the Industrial Revolution.
Secondly, succeeding in society isn't and wasn't correlated with having more children. The poorer and the dumber have more kids and always have. I'm aware that many of them didn't survive, but the fact remains that they were having more children. I know you disagree with this claim, but given that you haven't cited so much as a wikipedia page there's not much I can do to disprove it.

>> No.14776464

Careful anon, he got that anthropology degree lmao

>> No.14776492


>> No.14776573

I'm a stripper and I've worked in 5 clubs. I have only met two strippers that didn't have tattoos (besides myself) and they recently started getting tatted up. Tats are really trendy, especially in the club environment. The more you stand out, the more attraction you command, and the more attention you get.
On the other hand they are like an artificial limb that make up for something felt to be missing/inadequate. I've heard some people say they have gotten tats to cover up parts of themselves they don't like, and when they eventually do like that part of their body they sometimes regret the tattoo.

>> No.14776772

lol this woman got arrested at my hometown walmart, what a small world

>> No.14776964

>we live in a society
ok nerd now get out of your basement

>> No.14776974

except most major non-ameriturd civilizations have tattoos, and facial painting heavily ingrained in their native culture

just go back to /pol/

>> No.14777004

Your Chinese character tattoo has nothing to do with Otzi.
Thinking tattoos are a sign of an inferior person is a bigger part of our culture than what some fucking tribal did 5000 years ago, stop using that excuse.

>> No.14777018

Chad doesn't marry girls covered in tattoos. He is unlikely to even fuck them.
Roasties would do well to listen to what "incels" say they want in a woman because it is, in fact, what ALL men want.
The incel says what all men are thinking because he is unafraid of it hurting his chances of getting a woman.
The mid-tier men will not say it because they are afraid if they do they will become incels.
The upper-tier men probably won't say it because they are attractive enough to have a harem of tattoo-free high quality girls at any given time.

>> No.14777160
File: 25 KB, 619x828, 1543914260271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at the beach
>enjoying some chips at a takeaway shop
>look across the street
>good-looking woman in a bikini
>erection intensifies
>she turns around
>tattoo on her shoulder
>welp, there goes the erection

not long after...

>see the same woman
>she's with her boyfriend
>he has numerous visible tattoos
>he looks like a degenerate
>he's probably heard this many times: "sorry, Sir, but you did not make the shortlist for this job"
>he probably wouldn't remember if he was shortlisted anyway, in between hits of meth
>they walk off
>that's that, then
>even if she was single, I dodged a fucking bullet because of her tattoo/s

>> No.14777163

beta cope

>> No.14777176

Amen, brother

>> No.14777178

Pictures like OP really make me wish I had a Borderline woman with a tattooed body and perfect aesthetic with alcohol and sex addiction come into my life and fuck it all up.

>> No.14777227

> why do people do a thing I don’t like and I decide not to respect as their choice?
Nice thread! Spend less time giving a shit about what other people do as long as it isn’t hurting anyone!

>> No.14777418

Are you retarded and also a 14 year old girl? This is a fashion board.
ie. It is a board about what other people do.

>> No.14777812

Shes hot who cares? Probably bipolar or something, those are hot to fuck, crazy always fucks hot, hot sex is always crazy bitches and I like to fuck crazy sexes with hot crazy bitches

>> No.14777829
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has to be one of the funniest series of posts i've read on here in awhile

holy fuck

>> No.14778065

What a load of barnacles.

>> No.14778067
File: 116 KB, 1024x768, IMG-2044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of pic related. Why would you do this to your face?

>> No.14778084

Just imagine some 70-year old grandma walking around with this shit on her face. No foresight whatsoever.

>> No.14778086

desu it would look better on a 70yr old grandma

>> No.14778087

you honestly don't, on the off chance that you ever read this reply if you ever hear someone even say that they have a diagnosed bpd person then you should basically remove yourself from as many possibilities of interaction with them as you can.
i've had the distasteful experience of having two in my life.
the 2nd one after the first i thought would be an interesting experiment to see how i would tackle this new relationship but they soon found i wasn't as fun to play with as i was before.

they are (from my limited experience, quantity-wise) very intelligent and when verbally challenged they'll play dirty, using emotional infinitives etc, and have a strong maybe perhaps unconscious affinity towards basically manipulating you.

it's honestly eerie to watch happen live.

tl:dr don't do it unless you really want to test your psychic resolve

>> No.14778114

real shit anon

>> No.14778140

>>even if she was single, I dodged a fucking bullet
Have sex, incel. Your LARP is over.

>> No.14778186

this '''''high IQ''''' '''''anthropologist''''' should stop posting

>> No.14778245

Nothing is too hard for me, my IQ is 152 tested by Mensa.

Well you are not going to know if you have some mental instability, that's the whole point really. Nobody with tattoos wants to admit or know that hence why they fight against the truth so hard and get abusive.

>30% of people in the first world have at least one tattoo

I've explained why this is and how a large percentage of people in the first world have mutated genes and how immigrants (apart from cousin to cousin who have an extremely high rate of mental illness) right now have healthier genes.

Which is left wing doctrine and totally stupid. An obese person is likely to overeat. A person with tattoos across their face is likely to have some form of mental illness. A person with self harm marks is likely to have a form of depression.

Appearance counts and it's how humans have always worked.

This is my day job, I enjoy these subjects. I find them fascinating. I relax on here while the kids are at swimming class and my wife is doing woman stuff.

Not caring; explanation as to why.

I listed plenty of studies. You must be confused.


>Secondly, succeeding in society isn't and wasn't correlated with having more children

It was having a higher IQ and healthy genes.

>The poorer and the dumber have more kids and always have

Which is an r-strategy meaning only 1-2 survived being the most healthy. Now all children would survive meaning the bad genes are passed on and then go on to have children and hence the genes get mutated.

All your post is wrong in every way, I never made those claims and I did prove studies. You might have low IQ.

>> No.14778256

>tats are just trendy
>nothing to do with mental illness
>i think it's perfectly fine to be a stripper

Proved my point once again.

>I've heard some people say they have gotten tats to cover up parts of themselves they don't like

Poor body image, anxiety, depression. Mental illness

Low IQ.

Why has the talking of genes and science suddenly become a pol only subject? You might be an extremist. You are comparing tattoo culture from birth in which all have tattoos to a culture in which tattoos are a personal choice and it's a 100% different environment. The fact you can't understand this paints to low IQ.

It's as though you think walking around in armor carrying a shield today is OK because the Romans did it. You might have autism, too.

Yep, the mentally ill are attracted to the mentally ill. This doesn't even have to be visual. Mentally ill personalities often fit together but more often then not a disaster happens with the pairing.

I can assure you, you really don't. Borderlines are often very atrtactive and know how to manipulate from an early age. They will chew you up and destroy you.

Respect should not be given for bad choices. Is viewing child porn a choice to be respected? Take your head out of the clouds and take a step into reality.

If that's really you, a guy covered in tattoos who goes on a dating show naked. Totally not mentally ill... Really mentally sound there.

Yikes. I have the answer though! Mental illness. 100%.

The mentally ill do not think in a normal way.

They never listen. The only thing that makes people avoid a borderline is by meeting one. They will regret it for a long time. They just can't imagine how fucked up these people are.

Low IQ detected. Possible gene mutation.

>> No.14778276

>browsing a fashion board on a mongolian equestrian forum
>Acting like people with tattoos are the ones with mental illness
Anybody who consistently browses 4chan in their spare time is likely to have some sort of mental illness tbqh, let's not act high and mighty

>> No.14778308
File: 22 KB, 720x630, 67341629_10157539031353179_7257892004594450432_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cannot think of a bigger load of tripe than a)trying to ascribe any broad explanation to something that people do for a thousand different reasons and b)Acting like it's remotely possible to gauge anything about a person, at all, through the internet.

People put paintings up on walls. That's not mental illness, that's decoration.

Now you must choose which opinion is worth more: Someone with tattoos who knows a fair amount of tattooed people... or some idiot who at best is telling the truth and thinks IQ and university learning counts for anything when it comes to learning about people, or at worst is just a straight up liar.

>> No.14778402

>Nothing is too hard for me, my IQ is 152 tested by Mensa
You just choose to waste your life on a joke field then?

>> No.14778707

this thread is a fuckin mess and shouldnt be on this board, im never gonna get any tattoos or piercings but i will never give as much of a shit what other people choose to do with their own bodies as much as some of the people on this thread.

>> No.14778737

A thousand different reasons? You just made that up. If you asked 1000 people with tattoos I can assure you their reasoning as to why won't be 1000 different answers. We know their reason. Mental illness.

>People put paintings up on walls. That's not mental illness, that's decoration.

You sound mentally unstable. How are you comparing wall paintings to tattoos? They're not the same thing. At all. people who appreciate art on a wall mist appreciate people who self mutilate? Your logic is completely skewed.

>Now you must choose which opinion is worth more: Someone with tattoos

Oh and there we have it. You have tattoos yourself so there is a chance you do have mental instability. Your opinion means nothing, you have a bias and I have listed many studies. This has nothing to do with my singular opinion. Opinion isn't fact nor is it truth.

Get a psych test.

Have a wife, 2 kids, home, vehicle and so on and teaching which I love to do. It's not so bad. The ad hom doesn't refute this thread though.

It was an explanation as to why people do it. That's what the OP asked. Nothing do do with "giving a shit" about what they do but merely an explanation. Your inability to understand that could be some form of autism or low learning ability linked to a lower than average IQ.

It's not even what they are choosing to do with their bodies as though they are wearing a scarf, it's a sign they have mental instability so you know who to avoid. You make the argument people with tattoos are mentally sound and it's just body art. You are wrong and all data proves that.

Nobody has refuted me so far because you can't refute reality.

>> No.14778758

i'd rather hang out with mentally ill tattooed people than some weird dude like you

>> No.14778765

also, plz post a picture of yourself because i wouldnt be surprised if you're ben shapiro or someone that looks similar to him.

>> No.14778771

>science is weird
>studies that prove people with tattoos have a higher mental instability rate than those without

Hey, this is weird!

You are just confirming that you have mental instability.

>> No.14778776
File: 14 KB, 250x354, smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Logic? Do Jews like to talk science? here.

>> No.14778782

Religion is the biggest mental illness. God has nothing to do with religion.

>> No.14778783

what i expected, some ugly dude

>> No.14778785

Must one be a model to speak of science? Do my looks somehow alter the studies and research? You have mental instability.

>> No.14778787
File: 104 KB, 1069x1069, 72686066_2569839956578024_3620156186380418930_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't say that excessive tattoos always suggests mental illness. They do tend to go hand in hand though.

>> No.14778791
File: 306 KB, 716x716, 20191110_181040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pics related

>> No.14778793
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>> No.14778797

Not 100% no, but they do indicate the very likely reality on average they have more mental issues than someone without.

Wow, that's horrendous. I suppose people will still argue that this person is just "expressing" themselves. They clearly have deep issues going on.

>> No.14778798

you're on a fashion board talking about 'science', since you have the face of someone that probably wears a fedora i wouldnt take anything you say seriously.

>> No.14778800

What an absolute mess. They need help, to check into the nearest asylum for the insane.

>> No.14778804

Tattoos can be linked to fashion, someone asked why people get them, I explained the reasons.

It's strange that you judge me on how I look and wouldn't listen to me based on it and yet when I do the same with tattoos based on studies, you think it is not correct. You are a hypocrite. You are doing what you preach against and doing it in a worse fashion without supporting data. Very low IQ.

>> No.14778815

Tattoos correlative to mental illness yes
But that doesn’t identify the causal agent, you’ve failed to do that and you prefer to attack others than to further develop your view in good faith

Not to mention how far away your lifestyle that you decided to vindicate using a circular argument
>tattoos are bad!
>I don’t have tattoos so my life is good!
>my life is good because no tattoos!

There’s nothing to refute, you basically just say some people do things that correspond to other things. You have this “my body is a temple and in line with the social collective” attitude and well you know my guy there’s plenty of painted temples around.

And not everyone is able or meant for a vanilla lifestyle like yourself and most of the people not browsing 4chan. We don’t even know what mental illness is, but you can’t appreciate that due to how trapped in post-Baconian functionalist realism you clearly are. Should we ban tattoos?

>but they’re bad mkay for low life degenerates only
There’s plenty of high functioning insane people around. I know one with a phoenix extending from his back to his right arm, and a kitsune from his back to his left arm, he’s a board director of a large tech Corp. They look dope, and I envy his life. Just cause you got lotteries the good passive erroneously Christian lifestyle doesn’t mean you ought to drag everyone down with you.

Zeus’ beard, take a look at that crazy Platonist Ken Wheeler. Is he crazy? If being a traditionalist that knows like 5 languages including Ancient Greek and Pali constitutes crazy, does crazy become pejorative? Maybe for you.

Whatever fits the people around you, whatever works. Whichever whatever. They probably won’t get a white collar job, so they probably have the mindset for something else. Class mobility toward whatever you think is best is dogmatism

>> No.14778823

okay uggo, enjoy life

>> No.14778826 [DELETED] 

>but tattoos on a bare minimal level are an easy means of acting out and infantile rebellion!
Sure, but so are about a million other things. Tattoos can easily have “meaning,” they can mark significant times in your life, they trade values with others, let’s other people know, for example, that you’re not some annoying civil realist that claims to have apodictic certainty about a claim just b/ his IQ his high. IQ is no indicator of originality whatsoever.

>what about facial tattoos huh huh huh
Whatever fits the people around them, whatever works. Whichever whatever. Assuming there is this easy social mobility to where you are and what your life assumptions are is dogmatism and that it’d all be sooo much better for everyone to live normally is short sighted. You are short sighted, what do you do for fun?

>> No.14778832

>but tattoos on a bare minimal level are an easy means of acting out and infantile rebellion!
Sure, but so are about a million other things. Tattoos can easily have “meaning,” they can mark significant times in your life, they trade values with others, let’s other people know, for example, that you’re not some annoying civil realist that claims to have apodictic certainty about a claim just b/ his IQ his high. IQ is no indicator of originality whatsoever.

>> No.14778889

>But that doesn’t identify the causal agent

I have explained how people with tattoos have on average higher mental instability rates and linked this to gene mutation caused by the industrial revolution and the welfare state. The exact groups who were most affected by those events are the exact groups who have the highest tattoo rate.

I posted all the research about tattoos and mental health and how this is likely linked to gene mutations.

>vindicate using a circular argument

Do you even know the meaning of the words you are using? I made no such claims about having a good life because of lack of tattoos. You really have no argument when you resort to making things up.

The rest of your post is some rant not even related. Do you have tattoos? Have you had a psych test?

>There’s plenty of high functioning insane people around.

I made no claims tattoo wearers don't function in society. I repeatedly said mentally ill I did not mean criminally insane.

>i know

Anecdotal evidence means very little

>they look dope

Oh. I am conversing with a teenager. Radical my dude!

Your rant is all over the place.

I will indeed.

What on earth are you even talking about? I simply linked studies that correlate tattoos with mental instability. I've no idea what you are babbling about.

>Whatever fits the people around them, whatever works. Whichever whatever.

Absolute gibberish nonsense.

Seek help.

Are you drunk? Take it easy, old boy.

>> No.14778892

she had a boyfriend you did not dodge anything beta

>> No.14778899


This better be a joke.

>> No.14778909

Not at all.

Hello, hello, hello!

>> No.14778911

>no anecdotals
>do you have tattoos?
>touts about his family
Tuquoque. Did you even go to school? If mental illness and “criminal” insanity are not relatable in your view then idk what I’m talking to. What are you referring g to you when you say mental illness

>> No.14778913

And no I’m not gonna look at a bunch of research papers with overentheustiacal methodology there’s too much I need to do already today so if you want to ask something significant that’d be better

>> No.14778936
File: 90 KB, 612x612, 10360462_10202302878764391_7585948126029040030_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think you're a guy pretending to be him, but ignoring that for a second I have never seen someone so catastrophically unconnected with the rest of humanity that they'd miss the point tattoos by such a wide mark. It's like watching one of those clever people who doesn't understand the concept of fun and tries to analyse it to death and prove it doesn't exist.

>> No.14778938

You know according to the bureau of justice 1 in 37 people in the US (a criminally insane system) in 2016 were either incarcerated, on parole, or on probation why don’t you research that

>> No.14778947

what are those red spots?

>> No.14778955

they look like cigarette burns maybe or boils fucking gross

>> No.14778962


Borderline female here. Not "intentionally" manipulative I guess even though I am tattooed and a self harming-inclined. No substance abuse issues I guess altho I had a phase of substance abuse.

>> No.14778967

Ok that guys a retarded freak

>> No.14778969


What is this gutterpunk shit

>> No.14779030


Anon this sounds like NPD lol.

>> No.14779060

So...why are tattoos influenced by DNA and evolution and the industrial revolution again? Is there a tattoo gene that compels the working class to have them? What millionaire celebrities who have them...are they ill, too? :s

>> No.14779108

They're cigarette burns. She self harms quite a bit. She started tattooing herself instead but now she just does both.

>> No.14779113

Then why even bother posting in the thread. You are posting ignorant opinions yet when the studios prove otherwise you can't be bothered to even check them out. Low attention span correlated with low IQ.

Explain what is incorrect in the video. There is some "point" to tattoos that I am missing? We have already been through all this.

You are probably manipulating now. Nobody should ever listen to a borderline online and in person when they say they are being honest. They don't have the ability to be and their whole world is lies, manipulation and excessive over emotions.

It doesn't surprise me you have tattoos also and self harming further proving my point about tattoos and mental illness.

If you really do have borderline personality disorder then I can only say how sorry I am. It's an awful thing to liver with.

Not just tattoos, other forms of body mutilation and poor self image. Things such as self harm or hating how one looks. The cause is the mutation of genes.

Things rapidly changes at that point from ways they had been for thousands of years.

>Is there a tattoo gene that compels the working class to have them?

As above, it's not just tattoos but a whole list of things caused by gene mutation. It is mainly the working class because before the welfare state, modern medicine and so on, in nature they likely would have died because of negative genes. Then negative gene people mated with fellow negative genes and the problem grows and causes gene mutation.

Just in the same way if two mentally ill people had a child, it would manifest even more so within the child.

>What millionaire celebrities who have them...are they ill, too?

The gene can be found in anyway, it's just more common in working class. The millionaire you speak of could be from a poor background. Someone could win a money lottery tomorrow.

Most of the celebrities you see do suffer from mental illness. Hence the drugs, alcohol, deaths etc.

>> No.14779116

So the mental illness led the person to getting tattoos. The evidence is all around us.

Most of those really extreme people on the left wing who talk about men having periods have tattoos. Conservative people tend to less.

>> No.14779121

God forgive me for this, but okay boomer.

>> No.14779149

>What millionaire celebrities who have them...are they ill, too? :s

Celebrities aren't typically "real millionaires." What I mean is take some nigger with tattoos on his face that mumbles into a microphone: the only reason he has any money is he was picked out of a crowd of niggers mumbling into microphones to be a product for them to sell.
He has a double digit IQ, no impulse control, very low conscientiousness.
If he hadn't been picked he would have probably been dead or in and out of prison all his life.
In contrast a "real millionaire" would be someone that is high IQ, low time preference, high conscientiousness etc.
Someone that is capable of achieving high credentials and working hard with them all their life to reliably build wealth.
Most rich people are incredibly "normie" they get rich by doing all the right things consistently.

>> No.14779151

everyone here has low self-esteem, that's why everyone picks and claws at everything that falls into this website like a damn pit of piranhas. I personally couldn't call it mental illness, and i guarantee no one here can. Finding a doctor, psychologist, or any sort of person with a degree in the matter on 4chan is like finding a doctor at a kid rock concert. Shut the fuck up, i don't care if you are right or not honestly because the fact you took your time out of the day to find /her/ on facebook during your daytime stalk & wank session is absolutely pathetic. Its even more so pathetic to bring this poor woman's picture /not censored/ into this website. You could have at least censored her before you put her on display here. I know why i stay in /tv/ because you vile creatures get your kicks from poking at some innocent person living their life probably better than you do. You realize this right? Seriously think about who /you/ are and work from there.

>> No.14779166


Manipulating how what goal would I even need to manipulate for?

>> No.14779173

Look up "vulnerable narcissism."

>> No.14779176

You haven’t proved anything other than the assumptions you vainly made about people with tattoos. What is your argument? You’re incredibly dense. And you are cart horsing mental behavior with genes. You’ve set up a binary with muh genes and muh social constructs, and assumed that genes drive the social, when it seems self evident that they affect each other pretty chaotically, and both probably fall apart in conceptual coherence if you explore other respects of that picture.

The “point” in tattoos is not so dissimilar to the “point” in aesthetics. You could get a lot out of coomaraswamy volume 1 on art and symbolism desu

>the cause is mutation of genes
Good lord you are disillusioned. Still haven’t told me what mental illness is

>> No.14779182
File: 427 KB, 436x668, lilnigga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're based. fight the good fight bud.

>> No.14779321

>other forms of body mutilation...Things such as self harm
So the same genes must apply to smokers who, in spite of the science, still smoke?

>> No.14779327

If I may ask a question also, which gene or genes exactly.

>> No.14779360

Trans people who refuse to transistion do this.

>> No.14779409

She’s cute bruh watchu talkin bout

>> No.14779586

Thanks dude, gotta get scientists to redefine scientific induction cause Humes problem just isn’t satisfied by the assumption that there’s this self correcting scientific method cause it’s just question begging at the end of the day

>> No.14779594
File: 174 KB, 1280x1280, posted-in-sailor-us-navy-vintage-tattoo-wwii-b-o-tattoodonkey.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are sailors mentally ill?

>> No.14779614

If you are really that guy, you are some sex pervert, body covered in the most awful tattoos and you went on a tv dating show in which you undress and show your penis to the world. You are degenerate mentally ill filth and I want nothing to do with you.

Don't even bother replying because people like you need to be put in an asylum or a work camp. You are a stain on humanity.

Every word and action that comes from a borderline is an act of manipulation, lies and drama. You said you were not "intentionally" manipulate which is a lie in itself. You people know exactly what you are doing and then you come and pretend to be "honest" because it is part of your game. Borderline personality disorder is the worse out of all of them.

You are lucky that for most people they are ill informed on the matter and think a paranoid schizophrenic is the worse when it's the borderline who is mentally unstable and dangerous.

You'll never be cured, you'll never change. You will just screw up peoples lives who come into contact with you. You people are the closest to evil that it gets.

It's the low IQ and low functioning poster again. I made no "assumptions" at all, everything is based off testing and I posted all the links.

Social constructs? In what way would I be spouting left wing Marxist doctrine? You are confused.

Debate me on camera. Embarrass yourself.

I wouldn't say it is the same as visible self mutilation, for many it's just an addiction to a drug. I think it more likely just relates to low IQ when people smoke while knowing the science.

There will be a mutation in the DNA, we can't obviously pin point that right now. Bad genes that should have died out now get passed on.

One of the best cases of pseudo intellectualism right here. You are trying too hard. Yes, our science is all wrong. Nice application of Marxist critical theory you have going on here. You must have genetically defective genes.

>> No.14779618

Did you bother to read the thread? No, they are not. That was a thing sailors did, much like gang tattoos.

That's not the same thing as some 18 year old girl getting a face full of tattoos outside of that environment. Sailors were associated with that and if a female non-sailor was spotted with tattoos (didn't happen) she would be seen as having issues and rightly so.

Nor is a culture from birth that does tattoos mentally ill.

Is this really so hard to understand? This thread is clear evidence of the lowering of IQ and the growth of the mentally ill.

>> No.14779639
File: 241 KB, 500x376, 1524601663581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm flattered you know me! I can't help but feel I'll have been of more use to society than you somehow, tattoos or not, when it's all said and done. Second in line for the guillotine sounding motherfucker.

>> No.14779643

1. You're not a sailor.
2. The negative connotations of having tattoos is partially because of them being connected to sailors who were a trashy, lower-class lot.

>> No.14779661
File: 1.96 MB, 2288x1520, mentally ill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think the vast majority of those in society think you are normal? How about in other groups. Do you think you would survive under Islam?

I know you to use as a example of someone who is heavily mentally ill. Are you not a transsexual too now?

Look at this picture. You look like a cheap extra in some homosexual nazi porn movie. Just leave.

>> No.14779673
File: 552 KB, 500x602, totally not mentally ill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine thinking this isn't mental illness. Imagine have little love hearts tattooed on your nipples.

Why on fa are the people with the most tattoos involved in degenerate behavioral practices?

>> No.14779680


Pardon my French but you seem narcissistic. Borderlines only date Narcisissts and autists. Mainly because we feel like we deserve to be raped, told we are shit or deserve to commit suicide. Also only a NPD would write an essay of stuff slamming mentally ill people. Truly yikes lol.

>> No.14779685
File: 69 KB, 706x478, really not mentally ill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, the most heavily tattooed guy on fa has a horse dildo. Totally no mental issues here.

>> No.14779689

It’s become clear to me that your sociology theories will amount to nothing. Why continue to lie to yourself? You think I’m a marxist because I said the phrase “social construct”? Was Hume a Marxist? I was not denying that science has been able to successfully manipulate nature, we just don’t understand induction very well. You have entered full defense mode however and the cult of disbelief you have arrayed for yourself in the assumptions you are unaware of which drive your “studies” are clearly beyond you. Just focus on breeding and raising your kids bro stop. Are you some sort of nazi?

The way you’re talking down to the BPD girl is pretty pathetic. Jesus you have to be a shitty father. Experimental data means nothing if you can’t trnaldate an adequate mechanism. No one gives a shit about testing if it doesn’t fit the paradigm case pool. Sounds like you’re doing what Kuhn calls normal science and you’re steeped in the cult following of it and the archetypal image of humanity. Identifying in an archetype is a dangerous game anon kun

Why would I want to debate such a miserable person like yourself on camera? There’s nothing dialectical about what you’re saying at all, that isn’t exploratory and it sounds like an absolute headache. You’re the Marxist. Also you still haven’t defined anything like “mental illness” you nerd

>> No.14779690

>There will be a mutation in the DNA, we can't obviously pin point that right now.
....so you're not sure?

>> No.14779693

Tattoofags compete with vegans for most cringe so I don't know why you think someone has to be ill to want to slam them.

>> No.14779695

How does a person having a handful of tattoos indicate they are mentally ill?

Maybe in euro land where you have those archaic class systems, but since about the 80s tattoos havent been that strange in the US

>> No.14779697

>I could call you close-minded for not being pro-pedo.
Confirmed paedo.

>> No.14779700

Your goalposts have their own V8 engine.

>> No.14779702

Borderlines are drawn to others with mental health issues, yes. Nothing to do with because you think you deserve it, you are lying again. Most borderlines wont even know the other person is mentally ill when they are drawn to them.

>Mainly because we feel like we deserve to be raped, told we are shit or deserve to commit suicide

Awfully sorry to break it to you, but you are. Borderlines are like zombies. They do not operate in the normal realms of humanity. They are led by their emotions completely, much like how a zombie would be led for brains or whatever.

Borderlines are really not human. You make peoples lives a complete misery. There is no drug therapy for you, there is no cure. Even people who deal with mental health don't want to deal with you because borderlines even try and manipulate them and lie.

They seek out and prey on weak men, love bomb them and gas light them. Soon (after about 2 weeks) the guy will feel as though he has spent 2 years in hell.

Then if he ever drops you, you'll find another guy, play the victim and tell lies like the last guy beat you up. You might even manipulate this new guy into hating the wold one and even get him to commit murder.

Every borderline experience is roughly the same. It hardly ever differs. It's because it's like I said it was. You are like zombies. You have a certain pattern you follow and it never changes.

All people have to do is google:

>dating a borderline personality girl

They will read masses and masses of negative stories and about how bad borderlines are. I despise them. They are pure evil.

>> No.14779706

>How does a person having a handful of tattoos indicate they are mentally ill?
Because Captain Anthropology says so, silly!

>> No.14779708


Ok assuming im lying about deserving rape or suicide is narcissistic as fuck and youre projecting manipulative tendencies which is also narcissistic lol.

>> No.14779710

I had a friend who I believe was borderline for a long time.
I did an online test once that suggested I have moderately high narcissism. It didn't make too much sense until I started learning about Vulnerable Narcissism.
I think I became her "Favourite Person" because I was cold and steady, kind of a rock for her.

>> No.14779711

>The way you’re talking down to the BPD girl is pretty pathetic

So is being a white knight. You are another vulnerable boy who has no experience of a borderline and can't possible imagine how bad they can be.

I'm a Professor. I am an author of many books. You are a teenager trying way too hard.

>> No.14779715

No, I can't hand you a piece of paper with the mutation documented on it. This is theory from evidence, research and testing. It holds up so far and nobody has refuted it.

>> No.14779721

>How does a person having a handful of tattoos indicate they are mentally ill?


I've provided all the links.

In short all the research and tests of people with tattoos has proven on average they are more likely to be mentally ill than the average person.

Even the heavily tattooed person on fa has a 20 inch horse dildo he uses on himself. Normal indeed.

>> No.14779729

>I am an author of many books.
Lmao your cheap, self-publishing on Amazon doesn't count. You literally couldn't get published whilst fucking meme pets get legit book deals

>> No.14779735

>lol look at me sweetie lol

You are already trying your little tactics. I'm also interested in these matters and have friends involved in this field. I have met many borderlines and as I said, you are zombies. You all act the exact same way. There is no individual thought, just zombies ruled by their emotions. Pretty much every person across the world no matter the country and culture has the same story about borderlines.

It's pointless talking to you, you are not human.

>> No.14779738


Show us your books anon.

>> No.14779740

My brothers ex gf had it

You’re some dumb loser aching for recognition for the important work you haven’t done. It’s too late for you, I’ve impressed Truth upon your unconscious and when the rubber band snaps the inevitable failure of your project it will speak to you my deliverances

>> No.14779742


You're a narcissist.

>> No.14779745

just looks like your average californian to me

>> No.14779747

>because I was cold and steady, kind of a rock for her.

Don't be captain save a ho. It wont work. It's impossible to be a rock for a borderline. There is no way you can act to keep the borderline normal. The only thing you can do is cut them out of your life.

You became her favorite because that's what they do. They obsess over someone, they love bomb them, pretend to like the same music, movies and so on. Soon the guy thinks wow, dream girl. She calls me the best guy ever, she says how good looking I am and she loves all the things I do.

t's a big lie though. Oh and they are huge sluts too. No, the crazy sex is not worth it.

>> No.14779754

It counts more than yours that does not exist.

Sure, here is the link:


>ex gf

What a surprise.

I have no mental health issues.

>> No.14779755

We only met irl a couple of times and we're not friends anymore.
She got involved with a dude that I rightly perceived was quite dangerous (probably NPD). The only way I could convincingly tell her he was bad news without making it seem like I just wanted a turn with her was not talk to her anymore. That triggered her abandonment shit.

>> No.14779756
File: 72 KB, 374x362, booksi'dlikesigned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't kidding before.

>> No.14779758


Every time Ive ever been a "slut" it was letting someone have sex with me even though I didn't want to.

>> No.14779766

>religious studies

>> No.14779767

They often make contact again. Just never ever respond. If you had told her he was bad news you can bet she would have told him and stirred up all kinds of trouble.

They really are non-human. Whatever you say to them, they wont think about it logically or understand it, their emotions jut take over. I'd rather meet a psychopath than a borderline.

>> No.14779769

Haha oh how jolly lovely!

>> No.14779771


Indeed I am.

>> No.14779773

She did. I thought she wanted some drama, because she seems to love that with every other dude, so I vented at her a bit.
Haven't spoken to her since. Not sure if the drama just satisfied her itch or if it was the opposite and I wasn't giving her what she got out of me.

>> No.14779777

You know one thing about her: she just lied constantly. Whatever she said you could be more certain the opposite was true. I thought it was a "fake it 'til I make it" kind of thing but I suppose she might have been lying because she thought that presentation was what I'd like.
Really I think my favourite part about her was she seemed kind of shitty so I felt more comfortable being my kind of shitty self around her.

>> No.14779786


You're lying about being an author for validation.

>> No.14779791

Venting doesn't work, it will mean nothing to her, her emotional and manipulate behavioor just takes over. They love drama and causing trouble. When you vent, especially if others know and/or see they use it to justify their lies they have told others about you and others believe them then because they have manipulated everyone.

No matter how angry you are or want to tell them things, you really should just be calm and never vent, give basic answers liker yeah ok. They will almost never say sorry because they are unable to admit they are wrong. When you vent they sue it to justify their bad behavior (see he really is the bad person here and I have done nothing wrong)

When you are calm and never rise to them their are unable to stop their awful behavior around others so eventually the truth comes out and people see them for what they are. Even if you tell others, because what she has already told them about you, again, the others will think it's you being the shit person.

It's fun to google the stories of people dating them, the same thing happens over and over again.

>> No.14779796

Do you know lots of them also hear voices? I don't think many people think of that when they speak of borderlines. That's how crazy they can be.

>> No.14779802


Legit wanting to meet someone who has a high chance of killing someone/making someone kill themselves over someone who would most likely kill themselves is interesting lolwut

>> No.14779803

>It counts more than yours that does not exist
Try bragging when your "work" is legitimately published and not desperately peddled to neckbeards and fedoras on a fucking YouTube channel. Absolutely cringe lmao

>> No.14779807

I will google that.
I don't think I have heard that before. How I sort of conceive of BPD is take the typical shitty behaviour of bad women and turn that up to 11.

>> No.14779813


Most BPD women I know are artists.

>> No.14779815

The one I knew switched majors a bunch of times before settling on HR.

>> No.14779819

No because most psychopaths are not murderers. Many judges rate high on the psychopath scale and others in positions of power.

A borderline is much more likely to screw up your life than a psychopath. A borderline can have emotions times 10 what a normal person can which is highly dangerous. It's also why their emotions override all other functions with them and they can't fight them. Emotion led robots.

Normal people control emotions, borderlines are like primitive early humans.

>> No.14779824


Yeah it's women's emotions times 11. If you haven't, it's always useful to know their tactics of love bombing and gas lighting.

If she tells you how incredible and amazing you are after 2 days, it's highly likely you have a borderline on your hands.

>> No.14779831

ITT: Level 62 Light Warrior preaches against the chaos people from consorting with witches, who secretly consort with demons. Unbeknownst to this bearer of the Word of God, the spirit of this time within the depths cries in delight as pure materialism mobilizes previous inertia into the inevitable technologically aided post-flesh coccoon of pure identity without consumption which we can taste through the current state of telecommunications but won't be realized until we can access a free, publicly hosted and curated gallery of synaesthesia from a quantum drive containing a perfect sensory organ (alongside our consciousness) on a drive in a rock on the moon

>> No.14779832


Psychopaths raise borderline kids.

>> No.14779838


"If she tells you how incredible and amazing you are after 2 days, it's highly likely you have a borderline on your hands."

Yeah because we are genuinely that obsessed and in love with you. We attach quicker than normal.

>> No.14779850

So do feminists like this thing


Yes because you are not normal. And indeed, you are in love in a sense, but it's false because you love bomb and try and force the guy to like you by manipulation such as saying you like the same movies etc.

That's why I keep saying zombies because they all repeat that exact same pattern.

>> No.14779856


No because I actually feel that way.

>> No.14779871

Normal people do not fall in love within 2 days. You feel that way because your emotions are times 10 so he seems like the best thing ever. To get him hooked in, you must love bomb him though and tell him how great he is. Once he is hooked you'll never believe he could love you back, you'll self doubt, create drama and then start gas lighting him and then tell others stories about him.

Whenever he argues back, you'll justify your bad actions as though it is his fault, you'll meet the next guy at the store who helps you with something and then you'll fall madly in love with that guy and repeat the same pattern. You'll be sleeping with him by the end of the day.

>> No.14779891


Cool theory bro but Im also a clinically diagnosed BPD on the asexual spectrum and think sex is fucking gross and its usually the guy pushing sex on me.

>> No.14779893

Your co-morbidities aren't the rule for all BPD cases.

>> No.14779911


>pushes this negative ideas on BPD on me
>breaks the rule
>anons: omg your comorbids aren't the rule omg let me educate you on your own brain

>> No.14779914

>read the thread

What goalposts did I move fag? OP says people with face tattoos are probably crazy, which is a valid point, and then some queer seethes all thread about how someone having any tattoos means they are definitely mentally ill.

This really comes down to autists storming every thread about tattoos and screeching about them whenever they happen to see some ink. That's definitely normal behavior.

>> No.14779919


I'm just wondering why this board hates people who self harm and have parental issues so much.

>> No.14779925

I hate them because they keep posting about tattoos.

>> No.14779930


You must be even more messed up then. Borderlines always carry out risky behavior like unprotected sex. You are also probably lying now.

Yeah 99% of BDP are not asexual, it's the opposite. That one is already at it trying to manipulate, they juts can't help themselves.

>> No.14779936

I'd maybe try and fuck them but since they're asexual what good are they?

>> No.14779940

There is goes. See how the BPD now starts playing the victim and justifying their bad behavior. What I listed is how 99% of them operate and yet this creature is trying to push the narrative it's just "negative ideas" being made up here.

This is why I hate borderlines. Even in an online thread their zombie like status takes over. Imagine in real life what this creature is like.

By now they would be telling everyone how mean and bad the person is for speaking the truth about BPD and how the person is using made up negative ideas and they would be getting sympathy form people that don't understand the person who spoke about the disorder would be getting hate.

They don't say oh that's 100% right and we can't help how we work when we have BPD, because they never admit when they are wrong or apologize and go straight to manipulation and lies.

>> No.14779942

>how someone having any tattoos means they are definitely mentally ill

I said on average they have higher mental instability levels than people without tattoos.

>That's definitely normal behavior.

Calling out mental illness is now mental illness. You are mentally unstable. Seek help.

>> No.14779946


Nigga what are you even going on about now you ableist fuck lol

>> No.14779947

They usually sleep around without protection, you'd catch all kinds of nasty things from them.

be even more careful, sleeping with a borderline can quickly become a police investigation of rape if they get mad at you at some point and they will, that's for sure. Then they will play the victim and manipulate the police.

>> No.14779948

Dude you're insane

>> No.14779950


Cultural Marxist ideology buzzword. Low IQ.

>> No.14779954

Because you either have no knowledge of BPD or you are the person with it.

So you are gas lighting right now if you are the one with BPD and if you are not, you are proving my point about how the borderline makes people think you are crazy and plays the victim.

>> No.14779955


Do you do this irl. Like hit up your suicidal friends after they get out of the psych ward like "hey I heard you were lying about not being a liar and ended up attempting suicide and sliced your neck open and ripped your hair out all over the bathroom floor go kys to cleanse the human race of your borderline lying ass" like whats wrong with you lol.

>> No.14779963


You sound like youve taken advantage of someone's mental illness for sex anon.

>> No.14779972

No, I know how to play a borderline in person. They follow the same patterns and responses. I know being silent is best.

Of course suicide attempt is real but all the other things are lies and manipulation. Everyone who has ever met a borderline ends up hating them. The only people who don't are those that don't understand it.

They never get better. They never get cured. They can't control it in their daily lives. It's forever 1 relationship after another. I can't have empathy because borderlines are not human. They have no mind. They only have emotions.

>> No.14779973

Lurker here, im convinced 99% of users on this site are psychotic.

>> No.14779976
File: 26 KB, 333x499, hate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happily married, thanks. I met my wife 14 years ago.

>> No.14779981


I have a boyfriend of a year and we are engaged if that makes you feel better about your hatred towards borderliners.

>> No.14779985

Let me be the first to say Thank you for all the time you've put here to enlighten all these uneducated people, I actually read through this whole thread and it's astonishing how many didn't even bother to do a simple google search and just went straight bashing you.

I laughed every time you threw one of those "Low IQ" out.

>> No.14779987


No married man goes on 4chan try again.

>> No.14779997


My abusive stepdad and mom who made comments about my private parts was also married so that doesn't mean anything.

>> No.14780001

I don't believe you. If so, that's not very long. He is probably a captain save a ho, thinks he can deal with your issues and it's not so bad. Probably because you love bombed him and he fell deeply in love and now puts up with your shit. It wont last. I promise you.

Thank you for the kind words. People just get too emotional over what they perceive as a direct attack because I say something negative which is likely just a sign of their mental instability.

The data so far shows up people with tattoos on average have a higher percentage of mental instability than those without tattoos. That''s it. It's really not that controversial.

>> No.14780009

The very act of my existence proves that wrong.

Don't project your perverted fantasies upon me.

>> No.14780010


Youre talking about NPD like its Borderline and its not even the same sickness.

>> No.14780014

Nothing beats the borderline for sickness. People never even question the word. It's not some little personality disorder, it's celled borderline because they are on the border of being sane/insane. It's a very serious disorder.

>> No.14780015


What if you are not a human and are just imagining you are.

>> No.14780018


So you want me to just kill myself because I have BPD is what you're saying? Because I will if you want me to.

>> No.14780022

Then that would still make me more human than someone with borderline personality disorder.

>> No.14780026

>So you are gas lighting right now if you are the one with BPD and if you are not, you are proving my point about how the borderline makes people think you are crazy and plays the victim.

Thats Narcissistic Personality get your facts straight anon.

>> No.14780031

No, because I have empathy for your parents if you have them.

I wish I could tell you something positive but there really is no way to help a borderline. Your world must be horrible and while I feel bad for that, you are just not like someone who has mental issues, say someone paranoid who isn't out to manipulate, the borderline has all the worse things a human could. Highly emotional, liar, abuser, manipulator, high risk taker. They are just such horrible creatures.

>> No.14780035

Gas lighting is one of the traits of a borderline, please don't inform me on subjects I am 10 times more educated than you on. I have met many borderlines and studied them.

>> No.14780037


My mother molested me lmao

>> No.14780048

Why would you laugh over that? Are you mentally unstable? Maybe that's how it was formed. Bad parenting in early development can lead to BPD.

>> No.14780057



>> No.14780075

It’s hard to have care and empathy for people that don’t have empathy for anyone or anything else. There is a difference between having self sensitivity and being empathetic. Most borderlines cannot differentiate that. It’s all about how they feel. Not anyone else. I have mad respect for those that get help and try their best. But the ones that are mean, manipulative and nasty without any accountability do not have my vote.

>> No.14780080


>Most borderlines


>> No.14780081


I'm sorry but you don't have empathy and get defensive in giant paragraphs.

>> No.14780087

BPD does not have empathy. It's one of the defining traits of the disorder. And if you understand the disorder you understand that there is really no room in their minds or hearts for true empathy. If someone with BPD thinks they are empathetic then they either don't have BPD or don't understand empathy. Obsessing over a partner and a relationship isn't empathy.

>> No.14780094

Comments from a poor chap that dated a borderline:

I was in a relationship with someone with BPD for a year. It was one of the most tumultuous periods of my life. I became pretty unhealthy physically, emotionally, and mentally. I'm sure these tips would have probably helped, but honestly I'm glad I got away from her. I hope for the best for her, but she was incredibly toxic to me and I couldn't keep doing this to myself. I ended up having to seek out therapy of my own afterward just so I could finally start piecing myself back together. Luckily I'm now in a much better place and have a MUCH more stable, rational, and loving partner.

>> No.14780184


Im diagnosed with BPD and have been told im extremely empathetic.

>> No.14780189

Sorry I have to get off 4chan I can't take this anymore because I'm wanting to self harm from being told i basically amount to trash for having a diagnosis.

>> No.14780193

I want to fucking kill myself.

>> No.14780205

do a flip lmoa

>> No.14780214


>> No.14780355

Well you kept responding to the narcissistic christian psycho pedophile what'd you think would happen you dumb idiots, guy may as well be a nazi

>> No.14780377

>iq not real
Imagine not having an argument

>> No.14780406

Seething mutant, dysgenic, mentally ill tattoofaggots detected.

>> No.14780412
File: 3.00 MB, 640x640, 1573438407906.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have any tattoos

>> No.14780441

Your punitive attitude is what's wrong with this country, for being a father you're pretty keen to make people into victims. there's more than enough people in prison as that anon earlier pointed out. bet you a quarter your kids are gonna be bummed out atheists

>> No.14780672

Ignore that whooshing sound above your head.

>> No.14780884

cause he's a faggot lol

>> No.14781058

Your over emotions come across to people who don't understand the disorder as empathy, they might even come across as empathy to you yourself but they are not, A borderline is unable to feel true empathy.

Look at how many peoples lives are seriously messed up by meeting a borderline. Look how the borderline hates them for nothing or the slightest reason. Look how the borderline will try and smear them to others and cause them misery. Look how some people need therapy after dating a borderline. Those are the main traits of a borderline. None of that is empathy.

Borderlines can be the most cruel, drama causing, nasty and dangerous people you will ever meet. They are the recipe of absolute destruction when paired with a vulnerable guy who maybe has little success with women and thinks he has met the girl of his dreams due to their manipulation.

You see how you confirm what I say. You are playing the victim now and attempting to manipulate sympathy from others. Once you know one borderline, you know them all. You rarely if ever differ. If you read stories of people dating a borderline they are always strikingly similar. That's again why I call you zombies. You are being overly emotional over internet comments because you are mentally unstable.

I do hope that you are OK though and while I would hate to be in the world of a borderline, you are just the most cruel people there are, even if you can't help it. Serial killers are led by impulse (another zombie-type) and they can't help it but we still hate them.

I've maybe studied close to 20 people with borderline, mainly all female and it was like the same person.

>> No.14781066

This is also what I mean. The borderline plays the victim and then some guy comes along and sticks up for them, thinking they are the poor little girl and I am the bad guy. Now if this was real life, she would reel him in and he would fall for her and she would make him take things further. This is why they are dangerous.

Borderlines make you want to rant at them and call them out but the minute you do they use it to justify their awful behavior and then to observers they play the poor victim to gain sympathy.

Even this guys reply is a perfect example of it. Notice how he doesn't just say she should stop replying to me but he actually gets mad and starts throwing out disgusting sluts about children.

This guy is likely lonely, vulnerable, low self esteem. He would become an absolute victim if he met a borderline.

That wasn't me. You must know how I respond by now. If you don't, it's low IQ.

There are gays though and then there are gays that have bestiality fantasists, get a huge 20 inch dildo that would damage them and then post pictures of it online for all to see.

Nobody here thinks that guy is mentally sound. I wont even reply to him any longer. He is beyond help.

>> No.14781072

Disgusting SLURS, rather. Bit of a Freudian slip there as borderlines on average are disgusting sluts.