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/fa/ - Fashion

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14766593 No.14766593 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most /fa/ religion?

>> No.14766607

highly spiritual and takes knowledge from all religions but subscribe to none.

>> No.14766613

numerology, because it's true

>> No.14766617
File: 55 KB, 800x531, писечка.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zoroastrianism is pretty cool

>> No.14766621
File: 202 KB, 461x467, B22DD2E2-7299-4EED-BC3C-8131D5B3C921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christianity cause they got the money to buy fa shit

>> No.14766624

Shinto by far

>> No.14766634
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>lots of black
>interesting fabric textures
>flowing robes
>eccentric hairstyles
>wide variety of headgear

>> No.14766646

Bottom middle

>> No.14766832


>> No.14766836


>> No.14766844
File: 25 KB, 345x366, 2ce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know it.

>> No.14766848

East asian mysticism

>> No.14766849

that nose looks Turkish

>> No.14766851
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muslim features overall

>> No.14766854

ideology is not fa

>> No.14766858

All of these have very /fa/ sects and very bad sects, Eastern Orthodox Christianity for example is extremely /fa/ but American evangelists tend to be overweight and poorly dressed.

>> No.14766871

none. religion is a mental illness

>> No.14766974

>Moishe, I want my robe to be a soft gabardine, it drapes on me better
>Schlomo stop being a schmuck, that's not kosher

You think this conversation ever happens?

>> No.14767142

Eastern Orthodoxy easy

>> No.14767808
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>> No.14767850
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>> No.14767853

playing safe is for loosers, it's like fucking with 5 layers of condoms

>> No.14767860
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>> No.14767869
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You can go to jail for that

>> No.14767877
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Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism are the only based denominations

>> No.14767883

I am in Jail, Paolo

>> No.14767890
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>I am in Jail, Paolo

Good, your post was antisemitic.

>> No.14767910

based and redpilled

>> No.14767911

Orthodox Christianity and Sunni Islam. Also the only religions with any legitimacy.

>> No.14767916
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Nowadays Semite means not of Near-Eastern heritage with an araboid phenotype speaking a semitic language but the 10% of the most evil Poles larping as such.

>> No.14767934

Israelis hate him

>> No.14767969

Esotericism, Paganism and Satanism. Especially because most people don't advertise themselves as belonging to these belief systems.

>> No.14768084

Traditional Catholicism. I'm talking only Latin Mass type

>> No.14768102
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pre-Christian European paganism

>> No.14768106

All I know is that protestants are the least /fa/, devoid of aesthetics. They have shit food too.

>> No.14768123


>> No.14768157

Not trying to be edgy but non of them desu

>> No.14768168
File: 334 KB, 1856x1044, jared-kushner-trump-split-pending.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch your steps, goy.

>> No.14768197

Aum Cult

Other assorted cults are acceptable but Aum is Japanese

>> No.14768202

Based on their emblem alone? Sikhism, since it looks like an alien dual-wielding scimitars

>> No.14768357


It's not spiritual at all. Esoterisism is just a mesh or compilation of alchemical and graphical non-sense. Thinking it's all in the mind and that the aptitude for being highly spiritual is intellect. Which is wrong. It's the heart. Being pure. That is spirituality.

>> No.14768431

This bitch just has twigs in her hair

>> No.14768583

Enhoy hell

>> No.14768590

Why would anyone want to go to hell?

>> No.14768680

Many sects of satanism believe that Satan's followers go to hell more as citizens or companions to Satan rather than for eternal suffering. Either that or its atheistic satanism, which is just western esotericism with a focus on individuality and self respect

>> No.14768688


>> No.14768693

>Satan's followers go to hell more as citizens or companions to Satan rather than for eternal suffering
sounds pretty chill

>> No.14768699

Well if Dante is to be believed then yes it would be VERY chill

>> No.14768865

shut up balding subhuman kike manlet

>> No.14768873

>What is the most /fa/ religion?

>> No.14768879

that's vague

>> No.14768950

You do realize that satan hates everything that god created, especially humans? And on top of that, he deceives and tempts people. Sounds pretty stupid to risk it.
99,9% of the people who claim to "believe in science" get mad when you quote scientific studies that go against their own political biases.

>> No.14768953

72.3% of the statistics on the internet are made up

>> No.14769021

Roman Catholicism.

>> No.14769207
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Classical Roman Religion

>> No.14769478


>> No.14769570
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Ancient French Religion

>> No.14769644
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Here's your answer


>> No.14769808


>> No.14769973

Same thing. all you Semite fucks look the same

>> No.14769979

Why do people associate the heart with feelings?

>> No.14770308

it's a crock of shit. only middle-aged women and cool wine aunts fall for that garbage.

>> No.14770375

does everything have to be /fa? fucking hell man, relax

>> No.14770399
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hm yeah I wonder what could it be...

>> No.14770411

found the terrorist

>> No.14770414
File: 28 KB, 147x391, get-a-load-of-my-sweet-3x3-its-totally-original-27199556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude japan!