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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 31 KB, 500x500, Undercut-Comb-Over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14766563 No.14766563 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on undercuts

>> No.14766585
File: 150 KB, 500x711, what a shame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Redpill me on undercuts
Is this thread serious? OP Are you fucking retarded or what? God... /fa/ is soo trash..
The only reason to come here is to shitpost

>> No.14766628

your about 10 years later my guy
i'm literating laghing in the groumd

>> No.14766630
File: 26 KB, 329x255, igor rice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>almost 2020

>> No.14766731


Undercuts look good, just not that high shaved shit

>> No.14766746

Undercuts belong to lesbians now.

>> No.14766758

Lesbians geordies and youtubers

>> No.14768176
File: 75 KB, 1080x766, 60271190_459196644828520_1089374812467323663_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wear a lower undercut, too high doesn't look good to me.
It also doesn't stay in place well without a base of hair.

>> No.14768181

I have an undercut but it's curly so you can't tell. Just looks like a fade. Imo it only works with curls,

>everyone else take the buzz pill

>> No.14768319

You dare call someone a lesbian moron just for trying to experience life and live a little? Sure, real safe for you in your mothers basement just calling adventurous people gay. Your comment literally highlights the amount of ignorance that still remains in our world, and you should actually go out and maybe stop passing on knowledge that most people would rather suck on a straw. I'm trying to be helpful here, but you give me a headache and your unhelpfulness and irritating know-it-allness is just a complete pain in the ass for everyone around you, but I'm sure you already have heard this a million times but your ego is just far too strong that you don't allow yourself. Take care, and please stay the fuck away from me.

>> No.14768359

someone struck a nerve lmao

>> No.14768473

Looks like Hitler Youth, never understood how it caught on to become so popular

>> No.14768614

>Hitler Youth,
>never understood
I know you didn't.

>> No.14769445

fuck off to your reddit safespace

>> No.14769479

Just wear whatever the fuck you want, don't come here to ask for advice. This place is a cesspool of meme fashion.

>> No.14769884

You ok dude, you can always change your haircut since undercuts are no longer for straight men.

>> No.14769964

faggy as fuck grow out your sides negro

>> No.14769993
File: 519 KB, 1333x2062, Les_Très_Riches_Heures_du_duc_de_Berry_Janvier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a timeless look, very sleek. Not much else to it

>> No.14770245

The high undercuts do, the low ones belong to latinos

>> No.14770382

need to get it touched up too often
and you look like an absolute tool

>> No.14770391

lmao hoes mad

>> No.14770455

Golly Gee Dan, u guys BOGGLE my mind. Don't know WHERE'D Id be without your words of wisdom. Damn. Wish you told me this earlier. I'm so ashamed.....now GETTHEFUCKOUTTAHEEEEERE!!!!

To all the haters…run your tongue from the back of my ball sack to the middle of my leather cheerio

>> No.14770838

>leather cheerio
More like a glazed donut lmao gtfo here hoser

>> No.14771264

Based leaffag

>> No.14771402

/fa/ was very correct on hitler youth catching on, then ahead on curtains and the buzzpill. What happened to these conversations? Why are we transitioning from early adopters to the back of the line

>> No.14771447

We are literally two or three fashion cycles ahead now

>> No.14771470

we sure as hell aren’t ahead if you are talking about undercuts, it’s still being played out. Zoomers are still going to the undercut as a default haircut. Hell I’ve been growing my hair out to achieve a messy boyish yet dirty look. I’m getting bangs as soon as it’s long enough though so at least I have something planned

>> No.14771522

Bald pill for people not balding is the newest trend.

>> No.14771585

IDK about that I always get the same haircut because autism

>> No.14771773
File: 62 KB, 500x500, hoes mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14771836


no were not, a lot of us are going back to curtain shit from 2016

>> No.14771847

It's called being so far ahead that you're actually behind. When I was in the third grade I would fight with black kids who insulted my 990s. Now they are the greatest sneaker of all time. I was ahead, but it seemed I was behind

>> No.14771851

Yeah I need a new haircut and I don't even know what to go for these days.

>> No.14771873
File: 62 KB, 489x300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To anyone watching this thread. Here you go

>> No.14771959

trends are not fashion
you guys are hopeless

>> No.14771989

ok faggot

>> No.14771991
File: 110 KB, 801x552, brand-new-promo-e1426791729887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

emo hair circa 2001/2002 is next

>> No.14772013


Where the fuck have you been for the past decade

>> No.14772059


>> No.14772197

it isn't (currentYear - 10) anymore

>> No.14772204

imo they only look good if you have long hair on top and wear all black

>> No.14772478

This has copypasta potential

>> No.14772498

Whats the new male/female default character haircut next year? Undercuts are so 2016.

>> No.14773071

i wear one of those asian undercuts bc i'm asian

>> No.14774451


fade with short hair on top (zoomer curl fade, crew cut/part fade or buzz fade) and curtain hair

>> No.14774676

Since this is the undercut thread, what should I do if I'm trying to grow one out to long hair?

Right now my hair's like 10" on top and the sides are grown out to nearly 4". Should i just cut the top to match and let them grow out together or let it all grow and let the sides catch up eventually?

>> No.14774724

he said next year not 2018