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/fa/ - Fashion

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14763431 No.14763431 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14763437

-> >>14757400

>> No.14763466


>> No.14763470

You look like a female, hahaha rip

>> No.14763476

post boipucci

>> No.14763766
File: 40 KB, 408x152, 1572888129479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You look like a female
hahaha rip

>> No.14763811

Silly woman!

>> No.14763926
File: 3.82 MB, 3109x3397, IMG_20191104_192751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the first time in a while people havent given me any weird stares, due to this outfit.

Im not sure if its because its so trashy they are too scared to look at me in fear I might be a junky and attack them.

Or if I simply blend in as a normal person.
Im not sure what gender people see me as, Im hoping woman.

>> No.14764289

is hahaha rip a new meme

>> No.14764295

post asshole and soles please

>> No.14764301

I'd say a chubby 12 year old boy wearing hand-me-downs

>> No.14764309

XX or XY?

>> No.14764313

>Im hoping woman.
bro, you're fuckt up, hahahah

>> No.14764378


>> No.14764381

Maybe try clothes that aren't 3 sizes too big

>> No.14764411

looking good bangs kun

>> No.14764431

why the fuck do girls think they get to make their own threads?

>> No.14764443
File: 48 KB, 780x439, dw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


dwight schrute

>> No.14764692

>You look like a female, hahaha rip
>bro, you're fuckt up, hahahah
shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.14764696

drab, potato sack, homely, careless, pick your description.

>> No.14764698

People see you as an annoying fuck that should just post in the generals

>> No.14764737

Don't mix plaids, and don't wear stripes with plaids.

wear regular ass jeans and a solid black tee shirt with that plaid shirt.

>> No.14764747

I thought you were a Dyke, and yes its fucking trash it's something a cliche homeless kid in a low budget movie wear, if you're going to get flannels, protip dont get the shit ones with a hoodie attached, a nice way to style a flannel is creating a relaxed overall fit, so tuck in your shirt, maybe try some black slim straight Jean's white shoes and actually fucking burn that fucking flannel you homeless lesbian

>> No.14764764
File: 94 KB, 500x505, tumblr_mpvy03deIQ1svoxm2o2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave me alone if youre so anti social, well if you need friends i am here.

>> No.14764784

the loose, baggy yellow thing resembling a coat doesn't suit you.

>> No.14764791

The fact that it's oversized, plaid, AND orange is pretty bad

>> No.14764795

Honestly this, and over sized can work for the flannel it’s ehh when everything is over sized

>> No.14764807

please never post yourself clashing three patterns on a fashion board again.
Either choose stripes or plaid.
Put a matching colour tee shirt on and wear some black/grey/neutral pants and some matching shoes or a matching hat

>> No.14765295

dont button up the orange shirt. Ditch the black and white striped thing for a solid colour. Do that you will look fine and anonymous in the crowd.

>> No.14765364

just wear white long sleeve shirts and black pants

>> No.14765384


>> No.14765819

wait, is it a trap?

>> No.14766003

Lose weight, fatty. Any outfit looks silly if you're a fat fuck.

>> No.14766967

get out of here kid. its not safe.

>> No.14766973

how fucked up am i if i find this cute af?
would date you if you lost weight

>> No.14767352

Youre low test.

>> No.14767364

why did you give the new swans album a SEVEN!? it's obviously album of the year

>> No.14767366

you look like a fucking troglodyte pudgy bloated freak

>> No.14767368

you are literally mentally ill forever alone incel coomer tier

>> No.14767527

Heh big OOF in the chat

>> No.14768017


>> No.14769651
