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File: 214 KB, 639x793, 8615E348-9B0F-40EE-B520-C63399484B0F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14739622 No.14739622 [Reply] [Original]

Tips and tricks for growing your hair out

>> No.14739624

look at this duuude

>> No.14739625

Step 1. Stop cutting it
Step 2. Repeat Step 1.
Step 3. Repeat Step 2 until desired results have been achieved.

>> No.14739670

Why I made this thread. My hair is a mess right now

>> No.14739701
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Me in South Africa last month. Ever since I got back my hair has been dry and gross af

>> No.14739709
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>> No.14739832

I’m a guy retard

>> No.14739851

protip: guys have tits too

>> No.14739949
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>> No.14741202

My hair is straight from the roots to my neck and becomes a wavy curly mess after that.
What the fuck should I do?

>> No.14741399
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im 28 and have pic related hair
is it wrong to have it
i dress normally because i never grew my hair because of music

>> No.14741508

wrong? of course not.
there may be better options depending on your general apperance/age though

always found that long hair style a little boring though, why not get some layers?

>> No.14742285
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should i cut it?

>> No.14742515

Fuck no. Shit is beautiful af

>> No.14742601

get some gold chains

>> No.14742634

my savior

>> No.14742676

peace be with you my child

>> No.14742802

You look like a king (of kings)

>> No.14743157

wash your fucking hair jesus christ

>> No.14743346

long hair anons post shampoo and conditioner recs pls
also do you use any product for styling or keeping hair in place?

>> No.14743410
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>father had curly hair up until college when he started to shave / keep his hair shorter
>be me at 4yo
>have curly af hair
>parents decide to shave me a few times
>the hair straightenes out

Brehs is there any way to get it back? My hair is still a bit curly even now (not very much, but it's visible) , and if I will let it grow I'm sure it would get even more curly, but I don't know if I would be able to grow it as I did when I was 4. I heard that shaving it completely and letting it grow might work

>pic related me

>> No.14743424

What is the best starting length/haircut? A lot of sites say have, 4inch/10cm length on top and trimmed sides and then start to grow. Is that right?

>> No.14743427

anything over shoulder length on men is cancer-tier

>> No.14743432
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27 and have this exact style. I've thought about cutting it a few times but I get too many compliments.

>> No.14743472

I have sheep hair that is super thicc and so the awkward stages of growing out are even more awkward. Any advice on what I can do with it (23/M) when it is longer?

>> No.14743537

Are you trapped in 07?

>> No.14743615

>I'm a man with long hair
>It is naturally straight and blonde
It's currently like 3/4 of what this guy's got >>14741399 and hasn't been cut or trimmed in well over a year due to neglect. I want to shave it off but I want to grow it more before donating it.

I have three questions.
#1 What do I do now that I've got split ends and my hair is getting knotty/matted?

#2 How/where/who do I donate my hair to in such a way that ensures no black woman gets my hair?
Call me racist, whatever, I don't care. It's not about them. It's about what's right. I basically want my hair to end up on someone's head that deserves it and no blacks really have straight blonde hair and it always looks terrible on them anyway. Any black woman after straight blonde hair isn't in NEED and is literally just looking for something that's different from their nature. Ideally I'd like to donate it to some organization that pledges to match donations to the end users based on their natural hair. So for example an asian's straight black hair would go to an asian, curly brunette would go to a curly brunette.. and my straight blonde hair would do the same.

#3 Tips on what shampoo and shit to buy? Nothing fancy, just bare minimum cheap upkeep for it considering I'm planning to donate it. Never dyed, ironed or straightened but I use basic shampoo w/o conditioner. Is conditioner a meme or should I get some?
I haven't put much thought into this process. I just literally stopped getting hair cuts.

>> No.14743787
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it's trim time
do i
>keep the curtains, trim back and sides
>trim curtains so the rest can start to grow out

>> No.14743872

only trim it every few months.
dont wash every day
dont use heat
dont brush it when its wet
a coconut oil mask is good every month or ao if its dry

>> No.14743986
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While growing my hair out, should I cut my back once in a while like pic related to let it catch up all to the same length to prevent a mullet?

>> No.14743990

Praise be to the Shahanshah

>> No.14743991

yes, although i can't say exactly when you should stop doing this. mine is long af on top/shorter on sides now and i'm stuck for what to do with it.

>> No.14743995
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I have lots of thick hair, my boar brush barely reaches my scalp, a normal comb works better.

Which of pic related should I get to detangle my hair the best? A Tangle Teezer thick and curly, a detangle comb or are the nylon tufts of the mason pearson brush enough to detangle it?
I want to "massage" my scalp with it as well a little bit to increase blood flow. My current brush doesnt fullfill this need as I mentioned above.

>> No.14744731

I do because my hair gets very messy back there so I have my gf clean it up every week or two

>> No.14744777
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>> No.14744790

It's your shampoo dude. Cut sulfates and silicones out

>> No.14745013

No seriously, that hair looks real nice.

>> No.14745646

how the fuck do i detangle when it curls at the ends? Every product i use makes things sticky

>> No.14746373

Even oli sykes dropped this look bro, it's time to move on

>> No.14746548

i got thin hair at the front
should i buzz/shorten?

>> No.14746800

i have a common problem:
if i don't wash my hair for 3-4 days, it looks insanely good and texturized
after i wash it: it looks frizzy and light and dry and shitty. i use a good shampoo and a conditioner and only wash them 1-2 times a week but still.
can someone recommend a styling product that makes my hair look more greasy and texturized? thaaaaanks a lot

>> No.14746808

Is this bait? Are your compliments strictly on tik tok?

>> No.14746818

that's because you're bleaching it.

>> No.14747187
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Contemplating just getting some short hair with bangs or maybe just buzz it all off.

>> No.14747194
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is the suebian knot effay?

>> No.14747367


>> No.14747626

How do I stop my hair from getting frizzy (I think that's the word for when strands don't really stay together)? It's wavy, not curly like op's. It has also lost some shine to it. Every now and then I'll wash it on sunday and after naturally drying the entire day it'll look great, but then I go to sleep and lose the effect. I wash it 4 times during the week (5 minus wednesday) out of need because I go out during the morning and only come back at night, and for some reason my hair gets much greasier while I'm out (when home I can easily wash alternated days). It also appears to get frizz much easier when out, and I never blow dry it, I always let it dry naturally (blow dry makes it dry as shit).
I've briefly tried no poo before but the grease build up is too much for weekdays.
I see some dudes with ad tier hair, is it just genetics or is there a routine of sorts? When I wash mine I use one hand of shampoo plus conditioner afterwards, that's it. Once a week I use some apple cider vinegar afterwards and it normally yields visible improvement. I eat healthy etc.

>> No.14747635

I've noticed something similar but I wouldn't call my no poo hair "texturized", it looks oily - although I know that's supposed to.be temporary

>> No.14747673
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>> No.14747814

fisher on the chan

>> No.14747866

Depends where you live

>> No.14747909

same thing. i don't use shampoo literally ever anymore and use a non-sulfate conditioner. I think my problem is I shower everyday... like the days i randomly skip a shower the next day my hair looks good again

>> No.14747948

Anyone here ever deal with scalp acne? Shampoo every other day and condition/wash every day. Was wondering if you guys had any product recs for it. It's not a huge deal because no one else can see it, but it annoys the hell out of me.

>> No.14747951
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How am I this evening?

>> No.14747969

fish money

>> No.14747971

need better skin

fast and eat clean

>> No.14748023

I already do those things I dont ever eat fast food or chocolate

>> No.14748095
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-Don't cut it
-Don't iron it
-Don't die it
-Brush it daily
-Only shampoo as needed and not every day

>> No.14748199
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trying to get Gilmour length from a mullet atm, the back of my head is probably about 5.5-6 inches long, the sides are 2 and the top is 4-5. going to be a while before its worth evening out

>> No.14748326

Why are o many people using conditioner only or most of the time?
Are you using a generic one with silicones or quaternium in it? Because than you would just plaster your hair with it more and more. The infamous built up effect.

>> No.14748335

Idk. I don't use conditioner at all. I've found that it deflates my hair and makes it kinda slimy and weird.
My hair is very straight, thick and slightly course, on the drier side as well
I just shampoo every 3 or 4 days and that's it.
I don't use heat, and I don't brush it often, since it doesn't need it really.
And it's perfectly healthy like that

>> No.14748362

sometimes I only use conditioner and gives me better results then using shampoo

>> No.14748576

based t shirt

>> No.14748735
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>Andrew W.K. uses /fa/

>> No.14749282

Might be your hair products, might just be genetics. I used to have bone straight hair, and now its wavy. Nothing to do with shaving, cutting your hair won't change your hair follicles.

>> No.14749578
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How is this?

>> No.14749706
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I usually smile, today succcced doodie

>> No.14749733

what could be causing random bends or damaged spots on hair? I dont tie it or use bands and i finger detangle in the shower never brush

>> No.14749875

Is back combing as scary as it looks? I would like to play with my hair and get a lot of volume and every hair tutorial I looked up for cindy Crawford hair includes back combing. I am afraid this will damage and tangle my hair into an ugly mess. Is it difficult to detangle back combed hair? Is there a way to achieve lots of volume without back combing?

>> No.14749880

how many of you guys metalheds?

>> No.14749892

you dont have to comb it, when you shower tild your head back over the shower head and it will naturally fall back

ive been trying to figure out how to volume for a while and it seems to just be a hair thickness thing

>> No.14749894

hair looks better in cameras due to lighting

>> No.14749936

You look gay.
The way you're holding the phone, the way your shirt looks like a woman's shirt (wider at the hips), how you tuck your elbows in,

>> No.14749956

What do you use to get that initial rise? I've got long hair and it looks pretty good but when it just droops down from my scalp it reveals my shitty hairline.

>> No.14750276
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Do you do anything out of the ordinary with your hair? Mine is pretty much the same type, but as it grows longer the strands don't keep together as much, if you know what I'm saying. The weird thing is sometimes they do, it's just that most of the time, when I need to go out for uni and such, they don't. My hair looks best when I'm home, it's as if as soon as I go out it worsens.
And I don't think it's simply dryness, as often it will feel soft to the touch despite this electroshock look. In pic related, the part where the strands keep together ear the top is how it once looked all the way down.

>> No.14750283
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is pic related a good start for a slicked back mullet?

>> No.14750285

I think it's part genetics part combing.

>> No.14750587
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I used to be but metal got stale once goregrind and gorenoise got boring.
over-brushing is a thing
what do with the frizz?

>> No.14750770

hey bitcoin bro
I met you in japan
hope you're still fucking anime pussy

>> No.14751120
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>> No.14751141

Mad Max: Fury Road
(aka Burning Man) core

>> No.14751324

I read that olive oil can be used to solve frizz, is that real? Sounds like bs

>> No.14751549

patience is key
also shampoo, conditioner and creams

>> No.14752055

Someone answer this damn it

>> No.14752084

I use hemp oil maybe like once every two or three weeks

>> No.14752162
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When your hair gets knotty and split you should go cut it. Tell your hairdresser that you only want to cut of the split ends. Makes it much more likely for you to keep having your hair grown out as well, since it stops fighting you when trying to style it or whatever.

I shampoo and condition once a week, let my hair air dry or try it in a tshirt rather than a towel since it puts less friction on it. Nice tip is to invest in some dry shampoo as well, for days when your hair is oily and you dont want to wash it right away.

>> No.14752174

Damn, that's you?

>> No.14752250
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Should I continue trying to grow my hair out?

>> No.14752267

no, it's just going to turn into an afro

>> No.14752284

It could turn out to be good. What can Ido to start to make it look good or for it to transition into the Steve Harrington look?

>> No.14752302

>It could turn out to be good

>> No.14752806

what are you doing in a long hair thread? fuck off lol

>> No.14753555

>Tips and tricks for growing your hair out

>> No.14754879

The opposite happened to me. Turned 18 and it went curly.

>> No.14754885
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The tip I can give you is that you need to get it trimmed every 3-4 months. You need to get the split ends taken off, otherwise you end up with a couple inches of hair that's damaged and shitty. The damaged hair breaks off, leaving it uneven and even shittier. I get a hair cut every time I start clogging the drain in the shower. After I get an inch taken off, very little comes off my head, because it's not breaking off as a wet comb it.
I can post more/give my routine if you want it. This was right after some real shitty metal show.

>> No.14755828

There's no such thing as "looking gay".

>> No.14755833

Yes. A main culprit of frizz is your hair desperately sucking in moisture from the atmosphere. Olive oil works for hair because it locks in moisture that your hair already has to keep it looking healthy and by locking out moisture from the atmosphere to keep it from frizzing up. Oil is a sealant.

>> No.14755842

>There's no such thing as "looking gay".
Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.14755845

Nothing looks inherently gay, straight, male, or female. It's just what becomes a cultural norm. Those change all the time.

>> No.14755851
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How do I get this hair

>> No.14756286
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I've been thinking about getting a hair cut but I love my hair. Although I get people telling me i would look better with short hair. Anyone got any ideas ?

>> No.14756334

What a retarded piercing

>> No.14756445

based gorebro

>> No.14757288

>trimming when trying to grow hair out

imagine being retarded

>> No.14757317

how do you guys sleep with long hair, mine gets tangled to shit after a night of sleep

>> No.14757638

dude, you look exactly like me, and i mean not the hair, but the face, nose, mouth, beard, everything
its scary

where are you from?

>> No.14757691

hair, glasses and beard cover 70% of his face anon.

>> No.14757823

how to get hair like kpop girls

>> No.14757853

I have thick curly hair and the tangle teezer is the way to go, brush it in the shower when you've got conditioner in and it'll get it done in no time

>> No.14758165
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1st pic with a bun is how i usually going outside. I like long hair despite the fact that 90% of the time i keeping it up. But for the past couple of weeks i started thinking about cutting it somewhere around the length of my chin or even loosing it all. Idk what to do with it but what i know for sure is that i'm sick of cleaning my room from it. What should i do?

>> No.14758211
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>dude, you look exactly like me

>> No.14758512
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You need a more stylish mess.

>> No.14758571

Does a single hair have the same thickness through anagen phase, or does it start thicker and gradually get thinner, or the other way round?

I try to keep track if my hair is getting thinner, put it´s quite hard since it´s some what 40cm long.

>> No.14759159

yea im currently on that myself

>> No.14759196

grow it out, tard

>> No.14759199

you look like a mexican butch dyke lol

>> No.14760219
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Is good genetics how you get this hair? If not what do I need to do?

Also will the style work with a longer head?

>> No.14761262

i live within the hearts of all of my children

>> No.14761292

Please dont ever cut your hair (other than cutting the tips every now and then if you need it).

Your have a patricians hair and im jealous.

>> No.14762842
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>want my hair to be longer
>should I cut it
No, and I have no idea why people think it looks good to cut all the hair to the same length WHILE growing it. After it's long, who cares, but I don't understand why anyone wants to look like picrel. I think even when it's grown out over a year it looks better with the longer back. Trimming and preening it seems feminine to me.

>> No.14762882

plz tell me how you get your hair so curly

>> No.14763127

stop using shampoo

>> No.14763201
File: 37 KB, 500x633, 1570825948400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think even when it's grown out over a year it looks better with the longer back
majority of people dont like the look of a mullet. lets say the difference from the top of your head and bottom is 25cm. You let it all grow without cutting. Once the top hair reaches your chin the hair in your neck is 25cm lower, allready lying on your back. And this ratio stays all this time you let it grow. Its looks stupid and ungroomed. Just because you let it grow doesnt mean you have to look like a hobo and abstain from having a haircut. It also doesnt matter when you cut those hairs short, while growing out or just at the end when you get a long hair cut. You dont take out overall length, only unnecessary.

Your pic is stupid.

>> No.14763224

getting too long for the comb over, find your natural part

>> No.14763228


Trim those split ends puhlease

>> No.14763247
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Longer or shorter?

>> No.14764239
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>> No.14764340
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I like having long hair but I'm just wondering what I should do with it. I like having it out of my face like in the top right, but no matter how I brush it it always falls down and looks like the bottom pics after like 20 minutes.

I've also been wearing it back a lot more which I like a lot, I just wish I could make my hair look less "blobby" and have more character when it's in its natural position.

Advice on what do pls

>> No.14764368

Are you a men or a woman? Legit question

>> No.14764372

Male unfortunately. People tell me to cut my hair so I look more like a man but honestly I just look like a lesbian/trans-guy so that don't work. I plan to grow a beard soon I just hate the middle stages.

>> No.14764406

Drop shampoo for a cleansing conditioner

>> No.14764417

>Tips and tricks for growing your hair out
Yeah I got one. Never wash or rinse with cold water. Hair grows better when bloodflow to the scalp is stimulated and warm water does just that and cold water does the opposite.

>> No.14764432

Lose weight

>> No.14764449

Oh yeah, here is a recipe for a cowash/cleansing conditioner. All it is is conditioner with a little bit of shampoo in it. You can make it at home for a lot cheaper.

200 ML of conditioner(find one without any silicones in it. Any ingredient with "cone" at the end is a silicone. Avoid it. Not your mothers, maui moisture, pura d'or, OGX are all good brands to use, for example.
50 ML of shampoo. I recommend using a baby shampoo due to its low PH(around 6) and lack of sulfates, etc, such as johnsons. But any shampoo that is low PH and lacks harsh sulfates will do honestly. Avoid castile soaps, they have PH range of around 8-9+ which is way too high and roughs up your cuticles.
It does not lather, just letting you know, you need to use more than you would shampoo and it should be applied from your scalp to your ends. Shampoo alone should only be used when hair is actually dirty. Like a lot of grease and dirt or you have product buildup.

>> No.14764452

Yep def lose weight. You could have a nicely defined face with a lower body fat. I recommend starting to do fasting everyday. Skip breakfast everyday and eat at a deficit for lunch and dinner.

>> No.14764458

Already on it, down 45 pounds since the end of June and have 10-15 to go.

>> No.14764466

Some tips:

Only brush it right before you wash it. This keeps breakage down and keeps you away from that flat metalhead style unless you want that.

Never brush, handle, or style when wet.

A little while after showering, still damp but not dripping, take a pencil width at a time, wind it up like a headphone cable, and pin it to your head. These are called pin curls and you can even sleep with them in. Once it's dry at least, and whenever you like afterward, take the pins out and you'll have gentle curls and waves all over.

If you're gonna stab anyone, stab the bassist. They're more easily replaceable and every new guitarist will have an even bigger pedal box.

>> No.14764517

okay, so you obviously dont know anything about hair. dont take this guys advice.

>> No.14764524

Anybody have any advice on chemical hair straighteners? My hair is a bit curlier than OP's and I hate how it shoots all over the place. I just want something strong enough to tame it but not exactly black barbershop burn your scalp out tier.

>> No.14764559

Go to a salon for anything like that you can fuck your shit up if you are doing it at home and have no experience doing it. You can also just learn how to properly flat iron hair(slow passes on thin sections of hair the straightener following a comb) and invest in a good flat iron.

>> No.14764570

also remember that new regrown hair will be non streightened and it may look kinda weird after a while.

>> No.14764606

Fuck yeah. Keep going.

Brush your hair less between washes, and mostly before washing and not after. You're pulling oils down to the tips which is making it heavier towards the ends, and it's only staying up initially because of friction.

If all else fails: Per other post, pin curl it.

>> No.14764614

Keep curtains. You MAY need to trim the sides/back in like 2 months, it's up to you.