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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 128 KB, 670x670, bxt19sp05250bk_a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14756166 No.14756166 [Reply] [Original]

It's going to go away, right? Man purses won't really be normalized, right?

>> No.14756169
File: 126 KB, 1200x1799, Main-Label-Hip-Pack---Multi-20191029011447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do men put in these tiny bags anyway?

>> No.14756171

when you stop being fat

>> No.14756183
File: 831 KB, 1407x885, Untitledd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those look better than bulging pockets

>> No.14756186 [DELETED] 
File: 2.45 MB, 1026x1080, LNGR_0048.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>man purse owner detected

Would you like a nice pair of floral-patterned man-tights to go with your man-purse?

>> No.14756194
File: 298 KB, 500x778, 49XbnbY.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you have that saved on your computer faggot... also men have been using bags since the beginning of time. pockets in pants/clothing is a modern thing so basically pockets are for cucks and bags are for chads

>> No.14756226

>men have been using bags since the beginning of time.

I can't help be imagine you looking like Tobias Funke and telling the above to a sassy black female cashier at the local farmer's market when you go digging through your man purse to pay for you low fat onions chocolate milk.

Would you like some manties to go with your man purse?

>> No.14756229
File: 2.51 MB, 1434x1080, LNGR_0050.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Forgot .webm

>> No.14756234

what are some /fa/ man purses/bags?
I hate to always carry my backback with me or stuff my pant's pockets and fuck up my legs silhouette. And no, I dont wear a jacket with pockets during non-winter time.

>> No.14756250
File: 111 KB, 866x1402, hhnmithauhl01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

almost anything really, just avoid backpacks at all costs

>> No.14756275
File: 40 KB, 367x422, bag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weed mostly

but also just anything i dont want to have in my pockets. keys, wallet, lighter, cigs. i hate having shit in my pockets, this a great trend, never let it die

>> No.14756303

What's wrong with backpacks? Assuming they're not overly large and obnoxious, I don't see a big problem with them

>> No.14756311

childish unless youre hiking/fishing or carrying all your gear in the military

>> No.14756326

>an article by someone too concerned with what other people do with their lives
get fucked liza

>> No.14756384

I'm a 23-year-old uni student and need something to carry all of my books + laptop in. What would you recommend instead of a backpack?

>> No.14756406

ignore muritards. Backpacks are completly normal everywhere else.

>> No.14756439

i don't get it

>> No.14756457

This. I've lived in 3 countries in Yurop so far and the vast majority of uni students and even a lot of working adults carry backpacks.
Muritards are just naturally conformist and self-conscious (thus, usually un-/fa/).

>> No.14756473

just dont dress up and a black backpack is easy to pull off. dont wear a leather jacket or anything stupid with a backpack.

>> No.14756481

Weed, meds, money, phone. Its not needed as much in winter cause of coat pockets.

>> No.14756491

europe is also full of muslims and immigrants now so yeah...in america if youre a buisnessman or working in the city youre expected to at least ditch your high school backpack and use something respectable like a nice leather briefcase or some type of leather messenger bag, although ofc theres still autists who still use backpacks but they are mocked

>> No.14756496

when rappers stop wearing them

>> No.14756653

this is the original not the trend

back in medieval times breeches and tunics didn't have pockets so a man would carry his things in a small sack like this

>> No.14756659

whatever, OP called it a trend, it shouldnt go away, i love the pouches. my silhouettes are so good without anything in my pockets.

>> No.14756702

I hope they go away and phone holsters becomes acceptable. Would totally wear a leather armpit holster for stuff if it wouldnt be considered turbo-autistic

>> No.14756704

They ruin suits

>> No.14756754

i used to rock a small milsurp bag to hold headphones/mp3 player n shit while i was out. who knew i was ahead of the times. feels good being so awesome

>> No.14757493

Hopefully never

>> No.14757607
File: 760 KB, 1280x720, grown man backpack.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14757664

Soon, I only see it on niggers and fags

>> No.14757669

>linking a GQ article

Did you come from reddit today or did you start browsing /fa/ yesterday?

>> No.14757675


I have one but only use it when I'm abroad. Not stylish but very practical.

Carries my powerbank, phone, big headphones, tissues, sunglasses and an umbrella if it rains.

>> No.14757679

americans are weird

>> No.14757681


>> No.14757685

t. has never been to europe
mudslimes are only a problem in a few especially cucked places

>> No.14757835

why would you want to get rid of your jonko bagga?

>> No.14758335


>> No.14758500

Just get one that doesn't look like it was purchased at walmart and you'll be alright

>> No.14759616

damn dude he's just going about his day with a backpack who the fuck actually cares? When you value fashion and aesthetics over the practical use of a backpack than you probably need to take a step back and analyze yourself.

>> No.14759621

Why the fuck do you care? If you don't like it just don't wear it.

>> No.14760108

Your a dumb fuck and a poor fag. Corporate culture is changing so rapidly that backpacks are the norm in business meetings by the younger demographic.

Your so out of touch.

>> No.14760110

Yeah your 20 years late, this was all rage back in the late 90 you autist

>> No.14760239

As long as skinny jeans stay in fashion these wont go away.
The fucking problem is fashion is taking away mens pockets. Trying to make everything like womens clothes with pockets that fit nothing.

>> No.14760455

I know. I lived back then.

>> No.14761493

You are just straight-up lying.

>> No.14761973

8 balls and a handgun