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14751461 No.14751461 [Reply] [Original]

When I look in the mirror, I look like a 10/10, and if I take a picture of myself in the mirror I also then still look like a 10/10. However, if I attempt to take a selfie of myself, my whole face looks fucked, and I drop to a 5/10. Why is this? Do mirrors lie? Or do camera lenses really just distort an image that much?

>> No.14751471

use common sense.
Also who the fuck rates themselves a 10

>> No.14751474

The selfie camera flips your photo thus you're unfamiliar with the look of the photo which means you have an unsymmetrical face and the angle of the selfie taken isn't complimentary

>> No.14751475

You don't notice your flaws when you look in the mirror because you've seen yourself so much.
But when you see yourself from a new angle (reversed) you immediately notice what everyone else has seen all along; that you're a 5/10

>> No.14751479

That's a meme, if you flip a selfie photo so it looks like your reflection it stills look like dogshit

>> No.14751486

Isn't that because of the focal length?

>> No.14751488


>> No.14751491
File: 211 KB, 1200x914, Take+a+pepe+leave+a+pepe+ill+leave+one+pepe_e4305d_6603223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus how are people this stupid, oh no no

>> No.14751520

Obviously it's because you aren't using a 100 megapixel camera to capture every exquisite detail of your 10/10 face.

>> No.14751539

>criticizes but doesn't offer an alternative explanation
go away, you're an idiot

>> No.14751540

People usually dont look like their selfie in real life.

What you see in Mirror isnt what other people see you either. Mirrors depends on the lighting too.

I know people who admire themself in the Mirror, but they actually look like dorks with insecure body language.

>> No.14751547

what is reading comprehension

>> No.14751737
File: 13 KB, 300x300, wtf bros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does one find an accurate representation of what they actually look like then?

>> No.14751793
File: 94 KB, 500x509, dory-dory-mirror-vs-snapchat-reality-😂😂😂-7625571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14751802

make a sex tape

>> No.14751814

I have the same problem, even at my worst pics others take of me and my look in the mirror is decent, But my selfies are goofy as shit. Truth is modern selfie cams use a slimming effect and a slight fish eye due to focal length: Meaning your face will look thinner and your nose or mouth will be something like 30% larger- these effects generally flatter women but have a feminizing effect on lots of men. If you happen to have larger mouth or nose then u will prolly look stupid in selfie cam even if you look good irl. Best trick for taking IG/snap selfies is to hold the camera as far as possible and zoom in a bit to flatten out the fish eye effect.

>> No.14751821

>see what you look like to people up close
turn your phone around and take a blind selfie with the regular camera (be careful as the perspective can make ur face look a bit assymetrical even if its not)

>see what you look like from afar/passing on the street or whatever
mirror selfie

>> No.14751849


>> No.14751868

Mirror is your image in real time you fools. You correct any slight microexpression and stand the perfect way to look good.

>> No.14751871

>turn your phone around and take a blind selfie with the regular camera
Jesus fuck I look 10x worse just end me now

>> No.14751874
File: 82 KB, 540x509, tumblr_poyk7ahKqQ1r9j9oe_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

truth hurts huh

>> No.14751888

But people call me gwapo and cute the fuck

>> No.14751892

The real question is; Can people actually see our asymetries like we do on pictures? Cuz I certaintly don't see their imperfections on photos

>> No.14751903

I actually look more deformed on the non mirrored selfie and look ok with regular cam selfie wtf

>> No.14751907


>> No.14751924

Top view pics look best regardless

>> No.14752763

this is an interesting point. I was watching a video of myself yesterday and I realized I looked so much better while the video was playing than when i paused it and just looked at it as a picture

>> No.14752773

cheap cameras distort your look (actually anything), it's a static frame, and n real life you have expressions, light changes, you're moving etc.

so, for me, selfies (done with cellphones obviously) are lying, the truth comes when a professional photographer takes you pictures.

>> No.14752783

Are you sure you guys arent just shit at taking pics? if you center the camera lens to your face youll probably look a lot better, but if its off center the focal length fucks up the persepective. take a few until it looks more symmetrical.
Also if u dont wanna try and get better pictures than the general differences between irl and your pics are 1 your face is wider than you think 2 your nose is smaller than you think 3 your side profile is more straight (i.e. it will look less recessed if its recessed but less defined if its defined)
Honestly I think we're all way to hard on our own flaws. Like try looking up pics of some celebrity or some instagram model or something, If you look at their face for more than like 10 seconds youll start to see all sorts of the little flaws you always see in yourself, but they dont hurt the overal perception. Imo the mind subconciously smooths over other peoples flaws in our perspective.