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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.36 MB, 940x940, grid3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14748058 No.14748058 [Reply] [Original]

weewooweewoo time to prove your "superior taste

>> No.14748060
File: 22 KB, 938x938, 1571083054404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the template

>> No.14748122
File: 293 KB, 938x938, Chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good taste. However, anime hair doesn't exist on men

>> No.14748223
File: 1.96 MB, 1000x1000, 1E3AAD9C-BA38-468A-A881-7E92E105AA69.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Said I would update. I lied. Haven’t had the time.

Really like it. Style and hair go well together

Pretty cool. But not “realistic”. Born to late

>> No.14748239
File: 1.47 MB, 938x938, ideals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice and comfy, poofy brown hair on girls coupled with laid back aesthetics looks really cute imo

digging the rugged/heavy metal influence here, also fuck with the healthy relationship ideas going on here, nice one

>> No.14748497
File: 920 KB, 952x904, fa ideals 2.0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I adited my older version, I like this one a bit more.
Based and spiagal pilled
Nice and grungy
body aestetic is great.

>> No.14748500
File: 1.75 MB, 1176x1308, grid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another one?

teacher, there is a nude woman on this picture
anime isnt real, nerd
is that hair hard to achieve?

>> No.14748516

>Sacrafised his gains for beer

>> No.14748539
File: 2.08 MB, 3000x3000, Ideals 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

superior taste incoming
good fashion
bad fashion. good everything else
boring fashion. good everything else
good body. dont watch anime

>> No.14748542

the girl in my pic is from a vidya I have not watched anime in a while now.

>> No.14748631

updated the style with examples instead of just pictures of random clothes
style and body are 10/10
overall pretty great
doesnt need updating, still perfect
not a huge fan of the hair but the rest is nice, especially the grills
how do i even rate this
really like the style
really solid

>> No.14748633
File: 1.15 MB, 938x938, new ideals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot image, excuse my retardation

>> No.14748649

>how do i even rate this
If my taste is too good to be put to words perhaps you could assign it a numerical value.

>> No.14748651
File: 2.84 MB, 1920x1920, inCollage_20191029_165728034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty pretty
Body is top notch

>> No.14748682

I wear the outfit on the bottom right regularly except with a black fleece oversized overshirt and a tucked in black oversized t-shirt, wanna date?

>> No.14748723

damn bro this one looks good. last one was terrible great update

>> No.14748747
File: 661 KB, 938x938, 4CHAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute hair and Body
Like the girls, but are you gonna attract them with rock clothes?
I heard people lose respect if you are in a band, idk, i like the grunge style
you failed at the bottom
the only vintage girls you will find now are art hoes, also stop with the beer man
this is a more complex art hoe, i lowkey like that style tho
i never seen anyone like you, hope you keep it up
fine woman and style

>> No.14748757

>the only vintage girls you will find now are art hoes
I know lmao, my current gf is basically the complete opposite of what I put in ideal girl

>> No.14748777

hm.. post grid, then we’ll talk

>> No.14748807

nice trips but i'm not wasting my time doing that shite

>> No.14748840
File: 2.05 MB, 1300x1300, Ideals4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will rate when not phoneposting

>> No.14748862
File: 257 KB, 938x938, 439F21AD-36E0-4214-9CD5-70B379446BCC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will rate others when i have to time

>> No.14748878

>you failed at the bottom
What I want is to go for ivy league/prep but I wonder can it be pulled off with a shaved head or would that look ridiculous?

>> No.14748892

Good body and hair goals, fassion is meh.
Nice Milspo and hair goals, but why does the girl in the lower right have such huge eye brows.

>> No.14748899
File: 889 KB, 938x938, idead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mealfag is back and will actually reply. thrifted a pair of J1s :))
cute, wish I was Matt. Saw Matt and Ryan live earlier in the year
simple, but with enough oomph blend in, in the best of ways
any interest in Nine Inch Nails? Always a good chart
cool hair, fashion is ok, doesn't feel as defined as it could be
anime scares me
solid solid prep, hitting all the marks
still good, if I lived somewhere else I'd like to attempt some of those fits
Having curly hair makes it impossible for me to have that hair, wish I could. Based Debbie Harry
Just ok, it's good enough I suppose
bit too basic for my taste
good milshit, fuck with the girls heavy
don't like the hair, fashion is good and girls are pretty great

>> No.14748900

it will look definitely look ridiculous with a shaved head, i see this style matched with young dicaprio hairstyle

>> No.14748917

Good taste in clothing and hair (and most likely music too) but the body pic is everything but otter mode, your kind of sending mixed massages.
noted but I don't think I could pull off dicaprio hair.

>> No.14748928

I was thinking about that, it does look sort of confusing. I should put a lil "or" on my chart. Cheers. Got a favorite death meal album?

>> No.14748937

>Got a favorite death meal album?
Not really a death metal guy but Im a fan of bands like Iron Maiden and Diamond Head. What would you recomend?

>> No.14748947

A good starting place (and overall amazing group) is Death. Early Death has a lot of thrash influence, later albums bring complex song structures and a more high pitched vocal. I recommend listening to thrash stuff before you move to death stuff

>> No.14748950

Thanks for the tips m8

>> No.14748969

dressed up nigger lmao

>> No.14749222
File: 919 KB, 938x938, ideals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just like costumes.

>> No.14749257

Jencon only good thing in there

>> No.14749264
File: 1.35 MB, 1065x1017, goals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every day you drift away from your goals
Every day brings me closer to mine

>> No.14749268

you probably love blackmeans lol

>> No.14749274

Swear to god everyone in this thread mustve just seen taxi driver for the first time last week

>> No.14749279

not me, nuh huh

last week I saw Clive Barker's Nightbreed for the first time and it was some bullshit

>> No.14749283

not for me, though for some it probably is
>spend 5 years growing out hair
>wash every other day with some bougie 'all natural' shampoo/conditioner intended for self absorbed faux-positive white girls
>never use a hairdryer or brush (comb through with fingers if absolutely necessary, otherwise leave your hair alone)

>> No.14749641
File: 2.17 MB, 3464x3464, 1571362230995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be my gf/10
10/10 for taxi driver
boring hair great girls
Cringe non-white girls
I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near Tenhausser gate.
Ivy League core kino
Good style and body
Girls are literally perfect
Based Alice glass poster

>> No.14749939
File: 618 KB, 1315x1322, goalsdefdef_40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7/10 good but shit taste in men/women
9/10 my nignog, I like it
10/10 would chill with
Another 10/10 excellent taste

>> No.14749952

good handle on aesthetics
left body is highly based, fashion is cool
usually dont like long hair on guys but hair is based
get this guy a time machine, get us both a time machine anon
pretty cool but bein gay is gay anon
cool style
keep your current hair, wanted hair is poo
my grid
cool all around
straight up metal mode
totally based
incredibly epic
good, sexcore kinda tasteless tho, any girl of substance will want a guy with some taste, rest of fashion is good tho

>> No.14750194

me likey
solid, but a bit basic
would be intimidated by your presence
good, i feel like you could flesh out the grunge aesthetic more though
>chris chan sweater
your ideal is a shredded sperg
i mean who could be mad at this
this is what eboys pretend to be
v cool hair
like most of the fashion and cute girls
style would probably get u lots of pussy from the kinda girls you're into, but its pretty basic imo
not my personal cup of tea
love the dark normcore aspects of your style. i dont love the old skools and the knee rips on the black skinny jeans
i respect the hair, me likey
classy, but not super endearing
ew euch what
me likey
ehhh not much personality here

>> No.14750318

>>chris chan sweater
I'm pretty sure Chris Chan does not wear a Rugby Shirt anon.
This is an ideal grid thread and Yuri is everything I ever wanted in a GF and some things that I did not even know I wanted.
God tier body goals and hair. Especially Baki, do you do MMA or have an interest in martial arts?

>> No.14750532
File: 1.73 MB, 938x938, ideals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

glad it's okay to post anime

style isn't that expressive but very nice overall
tobey maguire body GOAT
inoffensive at worst but really good with an attractive face
militant style is great
the metal look feels kind of cliche to me, i don't think it's a bad basis but could be crazier
simple in a good way
great, goose is a good style to go for
a little too SEX but the hair looks cool

>> No.14750732
File: 1.42 MB, 1000x1000, idealsedit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found this from awhile back...yikes
but i guess it is idealism...

I dig it
fuccboi but ight
I mean...ideals?

>> No.14750777



>> No.14750797

Cool stuff. Trash Talk are great

>bad fashion
Look who’s talking.

Cool hair and girls. ok style. Unhealthy body.

>rock clothes
If not I’m not interested.
Like your grid. Bottom hair looks cooler imo.

Cool. But too right leaning for my taste

Very nice

Based. Downward Spiral and The Fragile are some of my favorite albums, yes.

Ok. A bit basic


Great grid. Just needs a couple of more pictures of the goose.


Pretty good. Would look better with a bit more meat on your bones

>> No.14751348

my hair is curly too my guy, feelsbad but at least i can get it somewhat close to looking goth without having to do too much to it

>> No.14751370
File: 255 KB, 1000x1000, that grid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

way too much work to look for a different bod. no money to pursue style, essentially have the hair, at a comfortable weight but my bodyfat is too high.

i super dig it. this is close to what would happen if i was a gril
badlands and winona(i think) are kino. malick is underrated on this board
baste. you've grown on me
that hair would be really impressive if you get there. +LUM. not big on plaid tho
rad, esp if you are a musician
soo much better than the old version
nice patterns solid bod. don't get girls
idgi. is your hair straight or nappy? style box is fine minus SEX jeans
ur style pics are actually pretty cool
edgy and decent. fav DG album?
dubs of cohesion
questionable boy square. everything else is pretty sharp. nice trips btw
classic. although the girl square comically normal. maybe push this angle by putting white bread yuppie girls in there
cool. another grid with badlands+winona combo

>> No.14751562
File: 2.46 MB, 3464x3464, 1572454283660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

European Nobility ideal. We will never see beauty like this again

Consistent and nice style
great body
Richard Spencer is gay desu but good overall
Wow dude your grid is boring

>> No.14751571

thick straight

>> No.14751707

the trinity
really tasteful, hair and style complement each other nicely
great aesthetic chalamet bro

>> No.14751745

>actually dressing the way people on an online forum for Japanese cartoons tell you to

shit and zoomerpilled

close to based, but really kinda retarded

based and ironypilled

These threads are always LARP, as evidenced by the scrawny teenage kids in the WAYWT threads.

>> No.14751755

No irony in mine, you big faggot

>> No.14751770

nobody's implying this isn't LARP, note that the OP is "ideals grid thread." these pictures really only represent a desired aesthetic. your criticism would be better placed in one of the grid threads that are supposed to show what people actually wear; those do show the discrepancy between attempted styles and waywt results.

>> No.14751856

Your dad did not hug you, right?

>> No.14751943
File: 302 KB, 970x938, COOMEr GRID.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you forgot to post your grid bro

>> No.14751950

seething retard

>> No.14751970

>Dylan Klebold

>> No.14751977

already had hair that long for 5 years lmao

>> No.14752035
File: 1.04 MB, 900x900, 1544899012461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

larpy as fuck
weird chink at uni
love this, girls hot af
pretty good, pretentous a little
normie muslim in europe
not my thing, but pretty consistent
would fuck the shit out of you
cool, know a dude looking exactly like this IRL
drain zoomer cancer get out
negro raised around white ppl
pretty basic
tryard as always <3
eternally my favorite
good and simple

>> No.14752085

What you meant to say is based and naturally selected right?

>> No.14752164

Best hair. I want to find inspo pictures of similar cuts to show a stylist but I'm not sure what to search for. Everything I find is either over the top perm looking or just a basic wavy cut with layers. Any suggestions?

>> No.14752444


>> No.14752504
File: 538 KB, 938x938, ideal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice bod
girls are too powerful,I'd feel intimidated!
everything here indicates you smell like cigs and piss
ok based
alright dope ,preppy anon
the fuck
your girls are all over the place anon!
shitty man
chicks are pretty gross
I've seen better metal girls

can relate a lil bit

very consistent vibe
that body is so hard to get.Also, a great ass for sure.

my ideal physique as well. Girls now adays seem to dislike hairy men,but I think a muscular hairy chest looks great. I've been blessed in that regard.
Honestly,I think if you got chest gains ,they will cream for that chest hair+pecs combo.
Chris is actually big man


>> No.14752554

/fit/ ideals are trash. The buzz cut hair and normie girls are boring and look bad

>> No.14752557

You wear girl clothes anon?

>> No.14752565

i strongly recommend pinterest

>> No.14752663
File: 124 KB, 1024x885, 1556233007056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14752667
File: 1.74 MB, 400x225, 1489341522698.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>normie muslim in europe
What the fuck, how did you know?

>> No.14752778
File: 1.13 MB, 938x938, nymphett.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very cute! 4/4
3/4 body might be hard to sustain
4/4 2gruff4me
3/4 long hair on men only looks good until you start balding
1/4 best gril
3/4 stop drinking so much
4/4 looks goood all arounf
2/4 hair and girls eh
4/4 looks good
4/4 solid
3/4 style is ok
3/4 see above
3/4 beefy or bust when it comes to metalheads
Cute! 4/4
4/4 everything vibes

>> No.14752818
File: 1.06 MB, 938x938, 1244856834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14752848
File: 1.09 MB, 1000x1000, 1572488394427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14752869

>1/4 best gril
Is there anything I should work on to improve overall aestetics, what would you suggest?
I don't think the kind of hair your going for looks good on women (also you have to r8 others)
good bod, bad hair, bad fashon, loyal and perv usually don't mix well in a girl but who am I to judge.
Good aestetic but where would you even get armor outside of larp?
Have you looked into free meal planner? It could be useful if you want to lower your body fat see: http://custommealplanner.com/
The only really cringy thing here is hair everything else is fine.
Based and бpaт pilled

>> No.14752894
File: 207 KB, 936x936, marauder2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14752906

бpaт series of films is great. You have good taste anon. Have you seen any more of his films?

>> No.14752918

Thanks. I have not. Any recommendations?

>> No.14752953

Great taste, industrial is my type of shit. Pretty Hate Machine is in my shirt rotation
I don't know if I could be really beefy, I like the look of skinny kids of Sweden and Norway

>> No.14752993

The style is pretty frumpy IMO, and the hair is kind of hard to see but adds to the overall frumpiness. Looking again, I think the body part is fine. Revised:2/10.
Aside: Many keks playing ddlc until i realized the character I related to most was also the one who cut lol

>> No.14753096

Hol up...

>> No.14753130

>The style is pretty frumpy IMO
Fair points.
>Aside: Many keks playing ddlc until i realized the character I related to most was also the one who cut lol
I guess you could say Yuri is very relatable to s lot of introverted types (myself included)
I'm getting James dean vibes (also r8 others)
That kind of body you want is obviousley manly and won't fool anyone if you crossdress (unless you want to be that guy)
based creep.

>> No.14753140
File: 682 KB, 1000x1000, ideal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14753207
File: 1.21 MB, 938x938, template.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my favorites :)
i love preppy fashion
cool vibes
based aryan aesthetic
hot and bonus points for takumi
handsome guys n good that u like hobbit fashion
love this iktf when u werent born in 500 BC :(
lovely hair and body goals
i dig this
ugh ik yungdari is hot

>> No.14753246

I planning on watching Sisters which he directed and then Morphine which he acted and was a writer. So I'd recommend those along with one of his fathers films Freedom in Paradise.

>> No.14753341


so I mean...surely you just posted what you already are? in which case, you're either content or didn't understand the point. Or you are morbidly obese.

I like the boldness of going full skinhead.

>> No.14753346


>> No.14753899
File: 2.81 MB, 3464x3452, 206618B7-CB46-4306-8A0A-E3616DC57674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice hair, would always go with whats more natural, whether that’s the curly or the straight hair. Body is nice, Carrie Anne Moss was in great shape in the Matrix. Style is solid, the oversized clothing looks a bit odd though in the two pics on the right. Taste in guys is also a bit basic but not bad
Rate others
Body is borderline anorexic, especially if you aren’t tall, so a bit more muscle and fat would make it look much better. Hair looks a bit odd but is alright, style uses way too much pink
Solid bodies, hair looks Dylan Roof core and dressing like a woman would make for a very odd combination, nice big titty girls though
Solid as always, great body, hair good apart from bottom right, style works and good taste in girls
Eh you can still see the descendants of those people with those haircuts and old-fashioned styles around, they never had those bodies though and everything in there is highly idealised. Shame that modern art, architecture and clothing doesn’t do that kind of splendor anymore
Pretty solid as always, the hair and style (apart from the cropped pants) are great
Top right body is great, bottom right pretty bad. Hair is alright, style can be good if you can pull it off and will be cringe if you can’t. Not sure what you’re going for with the girls other than big tiddies, but you seem to have a lot of focus on the girls section from the number of pics

>> No.14753901
File: 211 KB, 960x1280, FBF20C28-AA3E-4622-A354-ECA6A6925FDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>14753899 cont.
Aesthetic and achievable bodies, hair si great if you can actually get it to look like that and have the face for it, style is a bit larpy but not a bad vibe, girls look cute. Good grid overall
Good bodies, hair also nice. Simple style but nice vibe, can be cool or seem tryhard irl, depends on you I guess. Girls look good
Body isn’t ottermode at all, hair will be hard to pull off. Style and girls fit the rest, alright overall but could use a bit more of an individual touch
Bodies look alright and are achievable apart from getting as shredded as Bruce Lee. Whether you can go for top or bottom row of hair will depend on the type of hair you have, doesn’t make much sense to me to include both. Top row of style is solid, bottom row right two pics are not that aesthetic and left in bottom row is a bit SEx core due to the ripped pants. Girls look like they’re nuts but look good otherwise
Solid body, achievable in terms of muscle but gotta have a pretty coean diet to maintain that. Hair is nice, style is a bit out there but I like it. The patterns looke great in the first, second and fourth pic of the middle row, but look a bit odd in a streetwear fit like middle of bottom row. Girls are cute
Body is a bit dyel but doesn’t look bad, hair is way out there, will look odd irl. Style is nice, and with the girl it’s certainly an interesting vibe.

>> No.14753903
File: 340 KB, 1200x1600, FA14539C-8CAE-4895-973D-ED0B07479648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>14753901 cont.
Aesthetic and realistic bodies, would be good to pic one hairstyle but they’re all solid enough if you can pull them off. Style is a bit out there, some more realistic fits would be good unless you plan to actually dress like left pic. Fit girls are based, with the bisexuality it’s a bid boring though since you expect it anyways from the style
Ottermode is solid, haircut is nice if you actually get it to look like that. Style is nice if you attend an ivy, might be a bit larp otherwise. Girls fit the rest
Bodies look good, Jeff is way more jacked than Connor though. Hair is hard to pull off, soemthing like in your top right style pic may work better. Style is nice, girls seems like they’d have issues though
Based as usual
Body is achievable and better than average, hair is nice. Style is good but I hope you aren’t planning on walking around in dirty clothes, girl looks good
Nice bodies, just a little muscle would help a lot to tone it up a bit. Hair is nice, top right looks best imo, sauce on pic? Style is comfy, the shoes on the left look a bit odd though. Not sure Spike fits in with the other guys since he was supposed to be a much more physical guy than most eboys are

>> No.14753946
File: 1.41 MB, 868x978, st vincent with her head sown back on.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its funny, you actually chopped up st vincent. you missed a beautiful opportunity to place the pic just so she'd fit into both frames. here, i'll do it for you

>> No.14754126

The blonde to the left is a guy

>> No.14754151

I was sleepy and got shit mixed up,I'm not a tranny

>> No.14754153

Бpaт literally is the taxi driver rip.

>> No.14754483

no niggers please

>> No.14754487

finally someone on here is honest

>> No.14754547
File: 267 KB, 938x938, 83A00D5B-B8DC-4F93-9DF4-8E92954868EC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bald or like buzzcut?
Cool overall but most people would think you’re a gay bear unless thats what you’re going for
Very nice

>> No.14754682
File: 994 KB, 938x938, ideals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

surprised I havent seen one like pic related

>> No.14754957
File: 1.58 MB, 938x938, madscientistsocool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

making more because i like this thread
this one seems pretty dependent on physique/facial attractiveness, which is ok, but style is pretty boring. great girls tho
i like the baggy tops, make for a cool silhouette with that physique
jim morrison could definitely pull off slp so i guess that's a good combo, girls are top tier

>> No.14755022


>> No.14755050 [DELETED] 

anon... thank you, she looks amazing

>> No.14755072

anon... thank you, she looks amazing

ty for rating everyone! i found the pic off pinterest, the models name is apparently Nikola Selezinko. I have the same hair texture, its just chin length rn

>> No.14755093

Kino hair and dog the style. Not a fan of the girls tho

>> No.14755096

Kino hair and dog the style. Not a fan of the girls tho
Thanks anon

>> No.14755190
File: 87 KB, 500x500, 1. ideals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14755201

you're one to talk about larpy and tryhard

>> No.14755462
File: 289 KB, 678x369, Santa-Sangre-pool-of-holy-blood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what makes it more boring than any other grid here?
hm can't picture that with dreads
>really tasteful
couldn't zoom if i tried
but is it that lustrous and silky? if so, kudos
thank you based meathead
what did he mean by this?
i like the fits on the left
>meal planner
no i'm going to just increase physical activity first. that seems way more enjoyable
>apart from the cropped pants
come on they aren't even that high! anyways thanks. you have a nice attitude
not big on double buns but the rest is v cute
this is cool. really solid looks
based victoria. i listened to 7 like two and a half times yesterday
interesting and neato

pic not related

>> No.14755657



More focused on the wavy hair and slim aesthetic more than jim himself, the style brands are CDG, Gucci, and SLP.

>> No.14756145
File: 1.96 MB, 3464x3464, 1572636569886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not too consistent but liv tyler makes it good
Dig everything except the girl. 8/10
Jim Morrison kino
Zoomers will inherit the earth
10/10. Comfy style, great women, sexy body and great hair
Really nice and consistent ideal
Simple and great
Women and style are great, but bald only works on some people
Nice trips also be my gf
I like this one and may actually copy it in real life lol
Amazing hair and girls but style is not really my thing
Absolutely based

>> No.14756246


So i guess you're into anorexic chicks

>> No.14756278

more or less yeah, used to be straighter and not as good but after i stopped using a brush it improved greatly

>> No.14756306
File: 1.28 MB, 938x1170, idealz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a lot of different styles, your versatility is impressive.
You have the Charles Atlas seal of approval. Cute girls, too!
Cool everything, but Tom Holland exudes cute dweeb energies IMO & seeing him trying to look tough (??) in that jacket is equal parts hilarious and endearing.

>> No.14756319

info on bottom right in body

>> No.14756472

you're funky cute

>> No.14756859

Aww, thank you!! Funky is one of my favourite words

>> No.14756908

Yep, love that haircut.

>> No.14757291
File: 526 KB, 938x938, My Ideal Taste.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool hair honestly, if you have that sort of hair naturally it really makes this sort of style look even more beautiful. Overall 7.5/10

Hair is 10/10, looks cool. Wish I could pull that sort of style. Overall 5.5/10.

Not a fan of the style but otherwise very decent. Overall 8.8/10.

Ideals like this slay every girl they want to, good luck in achieving this. I hope you can do it, almost ideal list it's just a shame our styles don't really match. Overall 9/10.

>> No.14758089
File: 70 KB, 722x1273, 016F6728-B5AE-4C8C-ADAD-3FE5D6B8D63C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>14753903 cont.
Body looks very skinny, I guess you just mean ottermode by a bit bigger than that. Bottom hair is nicer than top hair pic, style is pretty nice apart from that huge black spot on top lefts jacket and bottom right would look better without the hoody. Girls look good, their style doesn’t really fit yours imo though
Rate others
Solid and achievable bodies, bottom right looks like he has a bit of gyno. Hair is good, top left looks best, bottom left a bit too greasy. Style is relaxed, gotta be careful for it to not look like a nerd version of redneck or wigger clothes to soem extent, can be very nice if it works though and the shirt in bottom left is great. Solid taste in girls, though 2D>3D in that quadrant for sure
>come on they aren't even that high!
Fair enough man, lots of good pics have cropped pants as well so whether you like them or not they can be hard to avoid in style pics
Good body, looks functional. Middle and middle elft hair looks best, some of the others maybe use a bit much pomade. Style and girls seem pretty specific to WW2, gotta adapt that jap nationalist aesthetic to the modern age
Good body, arms maybe a bit big relative to the rest. Cute hair, style is out there but would be fun to see irl. Taste in guys a bit questionable desu, you’re probably right about most guys like that being gay
Very aesthetic bodies, need some great insertions and frame to look anywhere near like that though. The parted hair is zoomer core, something like top middle looks better imo. Style feels like a waste, if you manage to get a body like that you probably wouldn’t want to cover it up in sweaters. Middle right and bottom middle girls mog the rest, being into K-pop girls as a white guy comes across as a bit beta. Overall the grid seems like a zoomer who really wants to be chad, there is a lack of individual taste there imo.

>> No.14758147

I am this guy. That hairstyle is actually my favorite, but I'm unsure how to achieve it. Style wise, I just like to wear comfortable stuff and I don't ever care for showing off, I actually prefer to hide my body anyway even if I looked that good, I don't do it for women, I do it for myself and it's just an extra bonus if the girl is surprised by my body when I reveal it. Kpop girls are hot and doesn't scream out beta. At the end of the day I like every race and when it comes to Asians, kpop girls do it for me, even the ones that come over from taiwan, china, japan, but I mostly do like the korean girls. I don't think anything screams out beta when it comes down to what girls you like.

I guess I'm a semi zoomer so this style is okay for me, I'm only 20. Individual taste is there, everyone in the world has individual taste, even those that follow trends will pick specific stuff in that trend and wouldn't just buy anything.

>> No.14758627


>> No.14759217
File: 1.11 MB, 938x938, maximalism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any major city art student.
Seems kind of generic but not much to go by.
My man.
Lets be friends.
Generic male art student.

>> No.14759322

What gender are you

>> No.14759396

That’s not me in the pic dude

>> No.14759886
File: 864 KB, 938x938, 1572327661353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14759996

okay but the /r/streetwear style ruins it
the chicks are fire

>> No.14760131


>> No.14760206

Id on the orange flannel?

>> No.14760215

Man I don't wear that shit, it's just my ideal style.

>> No.14760587
File: 1.22 MB, 938x938, ollieisstinky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>14754957 really cool
>>14753899 also really cool
>>14753207 yup i coomed
>>14751562 thumbs up i love the idea haha
>>14749641 good taste bro love it
>>14756306 ur a cool guy bro love it

>> No.14761098


>> No.14761588
File: 1013 KB, 938x938, ideals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14761883

Nerdy white boy that got beat up at school so larps as a racist on the internet.

>> No.14761943


>> No.14761947


>> No.14761951


>> No.14761964


>> No.14761976


>> No.14761977


>> No.14761979


>> No.14761990


>> No.14762623

lol shut up faggot