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14748334 No.14748334 [Reply] [Original]

aesthetic anime thinspo edition
this doesn't count as /fit/spo right? I tried as hard as I could

Comfy Rules:
>post thinspo
>make america thin again
>stay hidhratted
>no replying to fitrats


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

Question of the thread:
>post your goal body

>> No.14748347

First for the joy gaining mass but not fat.

>> No.14748351
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Today's the first day of me exercising again, fuck it feels good, I was worried it was going to be horrible after losing so much weight (and therefore muscle), but I just felt a lot lighter instead

Thanks for the suggestions anon, I'll look into them. A pull up bar is one of the things I'm considering buying if I manage to stick to my new regime for over 2 weeks.

you'll get used to it anon, my first 36 (dinner to breakfast) hour fast was almost a spiritual experience for me and I had done several 24 hour (breakfast to breakfast) fasts before previously, I kept to it and eventually did a ADF for consecutively for several months, it had become easy as my body and mind adapted to it.

>> No.14748534

I swear its most muscle. I was 63kg 186cm, gained 10kgs and now im 70kg 187cm. I dont look very muscular because i was skinny fat, now im getting rid of the fat to bulk a little again (im aiming for ottermode but with a better upper body). I ate peanut butter like crazy just to get to the macros, you dont have to do that, just eat a little surplus of like 150- 100 kcal (i had a surplus of 400 kcal) if you want to gain muscle fast, or just eat a little deficit of -200 kcal, however you will gain muscle slowly.

>> No.14748536

yeah you will get hooked to bodyweight exercises, idk why it feels so much better than the ffcking gym but it does. good luck!

>> No.14748590

When do I start to look decent? I'm 181cm 76kg and still look flabby (especially face and belly)

>> No.14748707

>mfw diet is going well
>at the cost of a growing addiction to speed
What do

>> No.14748726

Depends on how muscular you are. Just imagine a kilogram of feathers and a kilogram steel. They don't look the same, do they?

>> No.14748836

slow down with the speed

>> No.14748841

you need to gain muscle while your losing fat

>> No.14748846

you have to gain muscle while you are losing fat if you want to look decent

>> No.14749107
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>slow down with the speed
No, accelerate. X C L R 8

>> No.14749126

I'm with my grandma and she's making me eat tons of really calorific food, I feel like shit

>> No.14749276

i hate eating. the thought of food disgusts me. besides that most foods taste like shit

>> No.14749336
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then keep going fast like me

>> No.14749811

This, go on anti inflamatory diets to both decrease body fat percentage and increase health
skinny is good, don't listen to other's bullshit
kelly brogan has an entire website dedicated to healthy keto diets

>> No.14749995
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have some reverse thinspo

>> No.14749997
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>> No.14749999
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>> No.14750001
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why do cigarettes make me hungry

>> No.14750054
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>> No.14750056
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>> No.14750077

beacuse it is more natural and lifting weights if for meatheads

>> No.14750078
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/thinspo/, what will you be eating for Skeletober?

>> No.14750101
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Is this a good tummy... should I keep going

>> No.14750189
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>tfw that sudden outer body experience/bad dream-like feeling hits out of nowhere

>> No.14750275
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>> No.14750290

Oliver core

>> No.14750324

Best Mints for keeping off weight?
Got sick and go into sucking on halls

>> No.14750335

suck a dick instead

>> No.14750337

leave this thread please

>> No.14750339

what mango is pic from?

>> No.14750418

What's the ideal weight for a 175 cm male?

>> No.14750434
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>> No.14750479

Would kiss your ribs and hips. Very nice. What do you use for hair removal?

>> No.14750511

I haven't had much upper body hair ever, and the hair I did have was thin. I veeted it all off upper body and plan to do that now and then, probably once a month.

>> No.14750589

protein and vegs

>> No.14750839


who gives a fuck if it's "rude", she's literally turning you into a disgusting fat ugly fuck, that's the rudest thing imaginable

>> No.14750841

softboi uwu fag = less than 125lb, low-mid muscle definition
otherwise = ~125lb and maximum muscle definition

>> No.14750881

for everyday where I have zero appetite and end up deficiting 1000kcal without feeling hungry, there's another day where I'm super fucking hungry and end up eating 80% of my daily intake by 12...

>> No.14750938

Post more

>> No.14751102

I can't stop eating aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
thankfully I won't gain any weight eating 5 bags of raw Brussels sprouts and spinach but still, fuck

>> No.14751128
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Is it just my imagination, or is this hand dryer blowing perhaps a bit too hard?

>> No.14751165
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I ate dinner and I feel fat ;____;
I still come in at 1,203 calories today. I’m too scared to weigh myself, I had a binge 4 days ago that was 4,400 calories. I’m so anxious I gained weight but I’m scared to check the scale.

>> No.14751235
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>> No.14751272

i'm 182cm and 175lbs

what weight should I cut down to if I wanna show a midrift in public

>> No.14751285

130lb minimum

>> No.14751291


>> No.14751297

what the fuck is wrong with me, it's so easy to eat nothing some days, other days I literally can't do anything but think about binging on Halo Tops while eating cucumber after cucumber to the point where I get zero work done and feel like a miserable sack of shit

>> No.14751343
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>eating cucumber after cucumber
is this a metaphor for oral sex?

>> No.14751345

no but I fucking wish it was :c

>> No.14751350

If youre not scared of carbs but youre cool when them when they come in the form of not overly processed produce with significant amounts of fibre and proteins, then ohmygod try out rice pudding made from brown rice. Consider adding some sort of milk (i use unsweetened onions) to the boiling water. Adding a few chooped almonds isnt bad either. Its almost like risalamande (which i guess no one here knows what is. Take my word, its a delightful non-sweet desert). It fills you up beautifully, gives good, slow energy and its so good to keep in the fridge. Lasts you a couple of days. Easy to calculate calories on when u make a batch. Just measure out the rice.

>> No.14751352

>try to maintain weight
>eat maintenance calories
>consider killing myself


>> No.14751354

>i use unsweetened onions
sounds delicious!

>> No.14751428
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how to recover from bulimia without gaining weight lads, I'm so exhausted

>> No.14751443
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>recover from bulimia without gaining weight
where did daddy touch you, anon?

>> No.14751731


>> No.14752016
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>> No.14752232

I thought I managed to avoid binging and eat at maintenance all day but I just realised that I forgot to log the canned mackerel I ate today


>> No.14752930
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>> No.14753266

Why is losing weight easy but gaining virtually impossible?

>> No.14753291
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>> No.14753428

whats a good weight for 186cm, currently 58kg but not hardly any muscle

>> No.14753430


>> No.14753441

Having a large ribcage is the worst fucking thing in the world
I'm 19.5 BMI and nearly all of my individual ribs are visible from behind and in front, yet my my tummy and legs are still pretty flabby

I don't look slim, I just look deformed. I want a visible rib cage, just not a huge one

>> No.14753722

how tf do i become hairless

confident in every part of my body except for the fact that im hairy as fuck (have to shave my face every 2 days or everyday sometimes). help

>> No.14753781

How to stay thin when the liquor jew exists? I'm a piece of shit who needs a substance to cope but I live somewhere that makes getting anything else impossible. I only drink clear liquor to try to mitigate the extra calories but I don't think it's enough. What do?

>> No.14753784

Im the same height as >>14750418
and used to weigh around 121 - 125lbs (it would fluxuate). I feel like even at my lowest, my body didn't ever really look great. For a guy, just being flat and bony doesn't look too spectacular. You need muscle definition, and for that you need muscle. Now, I've put on like 10 pounds of muscle and maybe a few pounds of fat and I feel like I look much better, although I am trying to lower my bodyfat % some more.

Not trying to invalidate the thinspo ideology, just sharing my experience and opinion

>> No.14753786

laser hair removal or epilation, Nair/Magic hair removal is another option but it really fucked up my skin

Currently I epilate every 4 weeks, and I'm going to everything off when I've saved up enough

>> No.14753790

yeah I agree, superlean ottermode is peak male thinspo, 125 was just an estimate, I totally believe that you look better at a higher weight with a lower bf%

>> No.14753791

rapid hair growth is a side-effect of being underweight. I think your body does it for warmth or something, i don't quite know, but if you're underweight then that's why. If you're not then ignore this.

>> No.14753795

ill look into epilating, though even 4 weeks later i would be hairy as a motherfucker i grow hair at such a fast pace its insane. like if i get a haircut ill need another one like 2 months or less later

welp thats just fucking great, i thought it was just that it becomes more exaggerated since theres less surface area. but yea im def underweight goddamn it

>> No.14753810

it's called lanugo, it's fairly distinct so you'd probably be able to tell it apart from normal hair

>> No.14753844

hmm my body hair is actually really thick, probably because i shaved it instead of lazering or something else. kinda wish i had lanugo since it looks faint, mine sticks out sm it looks gross :/

>> No.14753855

posted in the other thread but didn't realise this was the main one

>try maintaining and practicing intuitive eating
>end up "intuitively" restricting and exercising all month with the occasional maintenance day
>feel like utter fucking garbage during the maintenance days, usually end up binging on spinach, zero calorie jelly and brussel sprouts to the point where I feel physically sick for several days after
>pulled a massive clump of hair out of my head in the shower this morning despite eating 40% of my calories in protein

I fucking hate food so much

>> No.14753857

I want to exercise but literally every muscle in my body in aching badly, starting exercising again after taking a break sucks

>> No.14753865

Goals besides the lesbian haircut

>> No.14753937

all you can do is eat less to compensate
or get into benzos

>> No.14753940

I too know this feel

>> No.14753944

don't eat then drink
you get drunk faster and have less calories regardless

>> No.14753972

I wish I could find them, but unfortunately my resources are limited and I live on an army base so I don't want to risk smuggling them in

I'm pretty good about not eating beforehand, but sometimes the combination of not eating most of the day and the booze lowers my self control and I end up bingeing after I start to get really buzzed.

>> No.14754002

coworker told me I could be an amazon if I started lifting haha...

>> No.14754162

stop fucking making excuses, the answer is obvious, just stop drinking

>> No.14754300
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>eat mackeral, brussel sprouts and green tea for dinner (400kcal)
>nice and full
>still have a slight craving for food an hour after

what gives?

>> No.14754306

insulin is a meme

>> No.14754308

b-but I did low carb -> keto + alternate day fasting -> low carb for several months...

>> No.14754404

Fuck, I tried to gain a bit weight, so I bought a bag of chips (720 kcal) to get to at least 1800 kcal for today, but now I disgust myself. Why can't I accept it's ok (and necessary) to gain a bit?

>> No.14754516

Do you feel disgusted imaging yourself at a higher weight?

>> No.14754541
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my hand is getting so boney I love it
can't wait till it I get skeleton claws so I can kill fatties

pic related is not mine but I'm almost there

>> No.14754567
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>> No.14754568
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>> No.14754572
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>> No.14754576
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>> No.14754581
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>> No.14754587
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>> No.14754591
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happy Halloween!

>> No.14754837
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What's a good thinspo cookbook? I never know what to cook.

>> No.14754841

u a retard?
literally any cookbook. just count the calories of the ingredients you dipshit

>> No.14754851 [DELETED] 

Most of the cookbooks I have don't have the calories written on them. If they do it's usually high in calories

>> No.14754855

Just trying to find out what's a good cookbook that makes good food.

r u a retard? u better not b

>> No.14754856

you're the one cooking it so you can just look at the recipe and do the math with the ingredients you have. its the most accurate way of doing it
"1 cup of flour" = X calories
"2 eggs" = Y calories
summ everything up and now you know the total calories of the whole thing and can work with it from there

>> No.14755127
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Yes but I need to be functioning inside my head to get my PhD done, as I want to be a researcher, too. Yesterday was foggy.

>> No.14755131
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muh dick

>> No.14755132

Assuming this is real, literally just eat normally and you'll feel clear headed. Don't shove a bunch of low quality food into yourself thinking you're making yourself healthy.

>> No.14755153

I'm trying to, but I needed to get some quick calories to compensate this week's deficit. I'm trying my best, but the demons in my head don't give me peace. I doubt it's the ideal to be almost 30 with hands like this >>14751128

>> No.14755187

What are you a fucking mechanic?

>> No.14755191

Fat flabby and gross not thinspo

>> No.14755242

I'm sorry anon :<

>> No.14755286

most cookbooks have normal sized meals which can be in excess of 800 calories

who the fuck wants to waste 800+ calories on one shitty meal? just so they can starve for the rest of the day, I don't

you sound fat.

>> No.14755291

eating healthy foods (veggies, fish, low GI carbs) will help mitigate the fog from experience

good luck with recovery man

>> No.14755332
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Poor kid. Do you ever just look at people in old photos and wonder if their descendants walk the earth? He looks minutes away from death, yet I wonder if he lived and grew; that would be heartwarming

>> No.14755333

I've been eating stuff like that, but not enough to compensate for walking 15000+ paces a day, using a standing desk while at work, going to gym etc. Thanks for the support though!

>> No.14755437

cookbooks r instruction mannuals u dipshit
just do the math and adjust
u can eat delicious recipes and make less of it, or use lower cal versions of the ingredients fckin dumbass

>> No.14755587

I like https://www.skinnytaste.com/

>> No.14755589

I'm 4'11 and I just got weighed at the doctor, I'm 81 lbs. My doc is getting worried and I was at 86 just two months ago. I'd like to add a couple of pounds to calm my doctors, what's an effective food that won't make me bloat? Should I try to bulk and then work down from there, since I loose weight easy, or should I try to gain it slowly? Last time I was this thin it took me two years to get back up to 85.

>> No.14755616

Hit the weights and eat more protein. Idk about you but carbs bloat me up like crazy. You're skinny so a little muscle on your legs and ass (I'm assuming you're a girl?) will even out your figure without making you look bulky.

>> No.14755738

Why can't I just eat at maintenance calories and be happy...

I feel like I'm beginning to develop a full blown ED and I don't know what to do.

>> No.14755785

eat less protein

>> No.14756162


>> No.14756189

So I'm fasting and when I stepped on the scale after the first day it said I lost five pounds. I even reweighed myself and got the same result. I don't think it's possible to lose that much weight that fast. Why did this happen frens?

>> No.14756201

have you consumed much carbs since then? Could be water weight

>> No.14756205

You're probably dehydrated as well as having an empty stomach.

>> No.14756342
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5’11”, 138lbs
should i gain muscle?
lose fat?
lose both?
i’m afraid if i lose more weight my hip bones are gonna look even wider and gayer than they do now.
sorry about the shitty homemade tattoos and painted nails
how do i look, /fa/?

>> No.14756355

you look pretty good, as always you'd look better with increase muscle definition so you may want to look into gaining muscle and losing fat

>> No.14756362

I don't think so, I use a body index scale and it said my water percentage actually went up. Plus I drank at least a gallon of water. I did pee a lot though.

>> No.14757653

good gif

>> No.14757842

I ate a corn chip. Should I freak out?

>> No.14757876

>5’11”, 138lbs

Goals, same height currently at ~149lbs looking to drop around 10 lbs by the end of November.

Some inspo for yall:

>> No.14757898

^same guy

If i were you i'd eat at maintenance and do bodyweight hiit workouts. Dont go lower than 60kg you'll be underweight.

>> No.14758021

Just discovered the wonder that is peanut butter powder. Guess I'm eating nothing but pb greek yogurt and pb smoothies for the next few weeks

>> No.14758047

You need fucking help

>> No.14758545

your arms are disgustingly thin based on that mirror reflection

>> No.14758569

Religious and gay. Why am I not surprised that ED brings those handicaps with it?

>> No.14758574
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>tfw doomed to be fat

>> No.14758579
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it's a thinspo thread, autist

>> No.14759031

you can change friend

throw away the sweats
buy veggies, fish, lean meats, eggs and cottage cheese
track your calories
work out regularly
start fasting if you like

before you know it you'll have a beautiful body that you can be proud of

>> No.14759175

damn we have the same body

>> No.14759242
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any1 got a rough idea of what h/w/ bmi this is

im 1.79m and wanna reach a bmi of 16.5

>> No.14759482

This is why I hate you people

>> No.14759865

Anyone here have severe OCD?
What kind of foods do you eat?

>> No.14760278

why is pancake still offline holy shit

>> No.14760397

I think the best thing to do is drink so much that you get sick

>> No.14760402

It's up for me
sure it's not just your network blocking it? Try using a VPN

>> No.14760403
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oh nevermind I just read pic related whoops

>> No.14760569
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So I had a cheat day yesterday, felt fat as fuck etc., hoped I'd die in my sleep and so on and so on. Now that I look at this, my 2500-3000 kcal bacchanalia doesn't seem that bad:
>Based on your stats, the best estimate for your maintenance calories is
2,567 calories per day based on the Mifflin-St Jeor Formula, which is widely known to be the most accurate. The table below shows the difference if you were to have selected a different activity level.
Holy fucking shit if this is true. Then I will still be on the negative side after yesterday. I just don't know if it's a good or a bad thing.

>> No.14760579

I hate being skinnyfat

>> No.14760647

Maintenance calories are hugely over estimated, and if their 2500 your a fatty anyway so it doesn't really matter

>> No.14760656
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189 cm/60 kg, assuming you know what that means.

>> No.14760668

Yea your not that skinny, sorry lad

>> No.14760675
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OK, surely you know that better than I do.

>> No.14760683

Taking your weight and height into consideration, better luck next time

>> No.14760689


>> No.14760702
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>> No.14761512

>ill look into epilating
If you're prone to ingrown hairs, please be careful and stop when you see you get one. I continued as it was so easy but I know have a ton of pigmented scars (dark spots) from the ingrown hairs. Waxing worked better for me and I can go two weeks in between. It is messier than epilating, but no ingrowns or scars.

>> No.14761639

I'm so fucking terrified of forgetting to log something I eat and then going my calorie limit without realising...

>> No.14761850

just add a little bit of exercise a few days a week, but ignore the calories you'd burn doing it and you easily cover up for those mistakes.

>> No.14762843

I haven't lost in over a week even though I've been eating about 500 calories a day

>> No.14762895

Is there any /thinspo/ imageboards?
Like there is wizard-chan for /r9k/

>> No.14762988

yeah, I do exercise four times a week without counting it and I underestimate my BMR by 100kcal, I should be fine, thanks anon

>> No.14762992

water weight
you probably have a giant log sitting in your bowels
you'll lose weight eventually, don't worry

>> No.14763610

i hope so, i'm scared i've been underestimating my calories by a lot but i hope that isn't the case

>> No.14763711

>go into organic food store
>some how get into a conversation with the storekeeper about apples and how I don't eat them anymore because they're too tasty
>she goes behind the counter and gives me 6 huge unusual apples and that taste and look like nothing I've ever seen before
>"You can have them all for free!"

I just had one and it was the most divine thing I've ever tasted in my entire life, I don't even know the name of it but it was bright orange and fleshy red on in the inside, please let me not binge on these beautiful apples...

>> No.14763718
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post god tier dieting foods that are any mix of: satiating/filling/satisfying, low calorie and nutritious

I'll start:

>cottage cheese
>greek yogurt
>low sugar greek style yogurts
>Alpro yogurts
>black coffee
>green tea
>cruciferous veggies (brussel sprouts/broccoli/cauliflower/kale)
>lean meat

any else?

>> No.14763731

>shirataki noodles
>broth with added spices

>> No.14763953

Nectarine? Lmao

>> No.14763971

No it's definitely an apple, juicy, crunchy, and hard

>> No.14763985

although the sodium kills me
>frozen berries in water

>> No.14764875

My money would be on Newell-Kimzey.
Could also be Pink Pearl, or some other Surprise variety.

>> No.14765007

hongerwinter :(((

>> No.14765347

omg, goals

>> No.14765357

I like to go high fat keto since I feel full even if I only eat once a day.

>> No.14765409

For the majority of human history most people were thin as fuck from A. Having to perform more labor and B. Not having as much food. Everyone was just hungry nearly all the time. It seems to contrary to modern thinking but sometimes you were just hungry and dealt with it for awhile and eventually the feeling went away. You can survive on much less than we typically eat. I'm sure this kid lived into adulthood

>> No.14765480
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>> No.14765518

still down, what’s happening?

>> No.14765661

apparently "upgrade process", doesn't say when it will be up again though

>> No.14765697

Can someone post that one asian guy in a white button up shirt in a cafe or somethin please...

>> No.14765708

my gf wants me to gain weight
im 5'10 145 lbs.

>> No.14765745

Your girlfriend likes fatties

>> No.14765750

tell her you want her to lose weight see how she feels

>> No.14765763
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>> No.14765766

not the one im looking for.. the guy was asian and I think it was taken from his instagram
It was posted here a long time ago and I lost the pic...

>> No.14765925

/thin/.... what is best fasting method that will help me lose weight the quickest?? i have discipline to not eat for prolonged amounts of time but i cant for the life of me stick to specific nutrients; id honestly rather fast for a week and then break the fast with a bunch of potato chips and chocolate, some macdonal etc; shit like that would be easy for me

tfw have really hot facial bone structure like alain delon but a lot of fat in the way

>> No.14766039
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>tfw thinspo with no effort

>> No.14766171

If you're gonna binge after the fast then maybe fasting isn't that good of an idea

>> No.14766359
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my digestion is really fucked
I can't eat keto/carnivore anymore because I digest plants much better again
so I went vegan instead again and my gut health quickly improved
I can also keep a calorie deficit so much easier but I am afraid to become skinny fat due to poor absorbtion of nutrients from plants

Basically fucking kill me

>> No.14766519 [DELETED] 

ola nignogs.
I'm down 10 pounds by just eating 2 meals a day and avoiding snacks.
I'm curious if i'll eventually have to switch to a healthier diet to keep loosing weight?

goal weight is 180 pounds (currently 234 pounds).

>> No.14766524
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ola nignogs.
I'm down 10 pounds by just eating 2 meals a day and avoiding snacks.
I'm curious if i'll eventually have to switch to a healthier diet to keep loosing weight?

goal weight is 180 pounds (currently 234 pounds).

>> No.14766527

Gordon Ramsay?

>> No.14766535


>> No.14766541


>> No.14766557
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am i thinspo?

>> No.14766736

please be my wife

>> No.14766780

I had oatmeal and eggs for dinner today (400kcal) and holy fuck it was the most satisfying dinner I've ever had in my entire life, zero desire to eat anything afterwards

considering just eating oatmeal with every meal at this point, it's really really filling

>> No.14766814

at that weight you can eat as little as you want and you're going to be fine, if I was that weight I'd literally just do a water fast until I hit my goal

if you don't decide to fast, then make sure you eat mostly lean meats and veggies, the biggest of risk of sustain calorie deprivation is malnutrition and losing muscle mass, lean meats are low calorie and packed with protein which will help avoid losing muscle, veggies are very low calories and packed with micronutrients which will help avoid malnutrition.

don't worry about carbs and fats, they're not essiential, especially while dieting
junkfood (sweets, refined carbs, artificial and non artificial sugary drinks etc) are wasted calories and/or are designed to make you hungrier, consuming them will just make it harder to diet (especially as you ge to lower weights) and will accelerate your malnutrition
100% buy B12, Vit D and Omega 3/Fish Oil, consider buying magnesium supplements
Consider the life style changes you're going to make to keep the weight off once you lose it, for me this involved cutting out all sugar (including fruit sugar) and takeaways, building my diet around very satisfying foods that I don't crave, weighing myself every week and so on and regular weight training (more about taking pride in my body than burning calories), you don't have to be this extreme but a lot of people do gain back their weight after they finish their diet, don't be like them.

>> No.14766819
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anyone else into greek yogurt?

extremely tasty and filling for how low calorie it is as well as high protein

>> No.14766830

Just water fast?
As long as you're not low bf% fasting is fine, just make sure you take your fucking electrolytes and break the fast if your heart starts doing weird things (extremely slow, extremely fast, irregular, very painful), also make sure you know how to refeed after a long fast, there are plenty of great YouTube guides on fasting. First 3 days are the hardest, after you get used to fasting it'll become really easy to do

There's also alternate day fasting but it's twice as slow as regular fasting and doesn't seem like something you'd be interested in.

I LOVE greek yogurts so much, but low sugar/low fat ones are typically really expensive where I live so I usually eat cottage cheese instead

>> No.14766859

At the same time i would like to exercise more, but that would require more eating and muscle growth.
I feel like a woman with these contradicting desires

>> No.14766866

I feel like resistance training has numbed my hunger desu
I feel you on the muscle growth part, I just can't bring myself to eat at maintenance, let alone above maintenance, I'm working out 5 days a week and eating over 40% of my calories in protein, but I'm still deficiting too many calories to build muscle

>> No.14766893

Exactly. That 1.5g/kg of protein is impossible to eat with moderate calories.

>> No.14766935

these yogurts are 15g protein per 100calories i think
and if you really want you can do protein shakes but i hated doing that and stopped

>> No.14766953

Lose that belly and the muscle on arms and then I'll say yes.

>> No.14767017
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What are some common sources of hidden calories, aside from cooking oils? I think something is contributing heavily to my caloric intake, but I can't think of what. I only eat once a day, and try to keep my calories at a reasonable deficit. However, I've been struggling with a plateau for a while. I think I may have gained some muscle mass since I've been doing some modest stretching and calisthenics exercises for about a month. Many people may say you need a caloric surplus to even gain weight/muscle mass, but I've experienced the opposite when I was into weightlifting years ago, at least at lower weights.

At this point, the only way I see to avoid botching my caloric intake unknowingly is to eat only prepackaged foods, but that's not the most nutritious or economical option out there. I don't even need to drop much weight, maybe 7-10lb (3.1kg - 4.5kg). I track my weight every day and weigh myself under the same circumstances each time. Just not seeing consistent results despite putting in the honest effort.

>> No.14767029

Yeah, looking good

>> No.14767247
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Any tips on getting into exercise (cardio specifically) whilst on <900-1000 calories a day? Good or bad idea?
I'm mainly worried about fainting I guess. I've never really exercised much in the past, and I'm also kinda socially-anxious, but I've been thinking about getting into running. I have a bike, but that seems like a real danger if fainting were to happen... Don't even know what I'm asking specifically, just basically if there's anyone ITT that got into exercise whilst they were restricting and experienced anything they didn't anticipate, or if they have any tips it'd be appreciated.

>> No.14767341
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If fainting is your primary concern then something like pic related is probably your best bet. Most gyms have them if you don't have space/money for your own

I've never fainted from cardio, though I came close once - I felt really light-headed as soon as I stepped off the elliptical and needed to sit down for a few minutes.
Best advice I can give is keep your progress slow and steady. Even if you feel like you could go for an extra half an hour or whatever one day, doing so will mess up your recovery and/or increase risk of injury and make the next day's workout all the worse. I find it also helps to not have a completely empty stomach when doing cardio. Even a little bit makes for a more vigorous workout (and thus more calories burned)

>> No.14767359

Run. If you feel like you're going to faint, stop and rest. Simple.

You probably won't faint. Why do you think you will? Low blood sugar? Carry a snack if you're super anxious. Or just start out with walks, and increase the pace over time.

Eat 1-2 hours beforehand, and you'll be good. Running is great fun, especially around nature, and especially if you have music/podcasts/audiobooks. And it's good for you.

>> No.14767524

so i'm 6'1 and 125 lbs

i wear slp aesthetic and im wondering what kind of workout routines male high fashion models do because they don't look really muscular or big which is good

any ideas?

>> No.14767617

this so much, love oats

>> No.14767709

ethan is so fucking gross but also hilarious.

>> No.14767750

I'm still not out of my plateau, been drinking 2-3 liters per day and eating 400-800 for over a week, no weight lost. Really killing my motivation and making me feel like shit, wat do?

>> No.14767757

oh no, I get more than 1.5g/kg of protein even while deficiting 500-800 calories a day

My diet is mostly cottage cheese, eggs, fish, lean meat and veggies

Although I think you need to have a calorie sulprus to actually build new muscle, otherwise all the protein just goes to maintaining said muscle

>> No.14767760

more fitspo than thinspo but looking good regardless

>> No.14767768

fruit can be deceptively high calories, a large apple can easily be over 100kcal
cheese is really really energy dense for its volume
pasta, rice and potatoes are often more calories than they seem, always weigh and calculate the calories in these
those starbucks style frappachino coffees can have a ridiculous amount of calories in
some sweets can easily have over 1000kcal in a small bag, always read the label before eating
grazing on fruitbowls/sweets that are out in the open is a common cause of unexpected weight gain, that shit can up super fast
condiments like ketchup, mustard and especially mayonaise can add up fast
milk if you put it in your cereal/drinks

these are the ones I've noticed, if you don't already then make sure to count, read and calculate everything eat

>> No.14767769

also restruants/fast food/takeaway, these places often just straight up lie about the calories/portion sizes, and even if they don't, the calories they put in some of their safer sounding meals can still be extremely high.

just get a plain salad if you can

>> No.14767818

I think I'm going to start eating 6 eggs a day desu, they're just too good

>> No.14767837

I've always thought these were bait/troll threads. You guys really do have eating disorders, hmm? I know a lot of people in the fashion world are slim but what draws those with eating disorders to fashion boards?

I've always been slim and had bone thin wrists and arms and found it depressing. I am 6'0" 195lbs with 16.5 inch arms now.

Feels good. Hope some of you guys get help.

>> No.14767866
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Thank you. I've been using mostly modest cottage cheese when I use cheese products, but I think adding some cheddar may be spiking a lot of my breakfast foods. Do most mustard condiments really have that many calories, though? All the ones I've used have had respectable caloric values, and I only ever use a small amount to add a twist of flavor in some dishes.

Mostly, the thing I find confusing is how my meal adds up to enough to keep me maintaining or gaining. For example, for my one meal of a day, I may eat:

>4 eggs
>1 cup cottage cheese
>1 green onion
>1 tbsp of mustard
>1/4-portion of salmon
>1 sweet potato
>1 handful of walnuts
>1 tbsp of grapeseed oil or butter (sometimes making about 1 tbsp worth of both mixed together)
>1 pre-packaged serving of Greek yoghurt
>Misc spices

That is a fairly accurate analysis of a common ingredient list in my every day meals. I realize that certain items like the sweet potato, walnuts, and cooking oils may add a notable number of calories. However, my portions aren't obscene, so I don't see how it would go over 1,600 calories. I selected couch potato for my LoserTown chart to be as neutral as possible, and it still suggests that my TDEE is over 2k. I question if this visual plateau is just a part of me gaining muscle mass (and I have noticed stronger definition). If I can figure out what in my diet is sniping me, then maybe I can make some healthy adjustments.

>> No.14768012
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>eats 1600 and still loses

>> No.14768018

Sums up how this feels quite well. Do you think I really am just eating too much (even with OMAD), or is it possible I'm just making muscle gains? I've just been doing contortion stretches twice a day, as well as some quick sets of low-rep, high-quality squats and push-ups. It just seems odd to imagine when I'm not doing a huge lifting routine or etc.

>> No.14768023

Dude I would be gaining on 1600. That's what I meant. Men are on easy mode.

>> No.14768025


fucking this
that being said I don't know if men get hungrier than women

>> No.14768027
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Sure, men have more muscle mass and less adipose fat than women, but what does that have to do with my post? I'm just trying to figure out where I'm going wrong, or if I even am.

>> No.14768036
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>> No.14768043

they're just remarking that it's easier to lose weight if you're a guy, it has nothing to do with your post, don't worry about it.

anyway to answer your questions, all I can suggest is that you buy a pair of scales and literally weigh everything you eat, track every. single. calorie in a food diary, eyeballing calories is a terrible idea and the main reason CICO fails for some people

>> No.14768113

body weight stuff...
push ups, crunches, pull ups, planks, that type of stuff

>> No.14768116

depends if you already have muscle or not
it is easy to build muscle when you are starting with not a lot to begin with

>> No.14768975

>afraid to become skinny fat due to poor absorbtion of nutrients from plants
fucking retard

>> No.14769028

>mad vegan

I frequent wholefoods stores which often have a fuckton of vegans (as indicated by their shopping baskets consisting of fruit and basedmilk), they always have pot bellies, rail thin arms, thin hair/balding, chipped nails and disgusting skin.

Yeah you can technically get by on a vegan diet if you know what you're doing, the problem is most vegans don't, I've yet met a vegan who knew how to get DHA/EPA omega 3 acids on a vegan diet, and most don't know that plant based protein are usually incomplete or that B12 is really really difficult to without supplements or that vegans should be getting x2.8 the DRI of iron due to the low absorption of non-heme iron and so on

>> No.14769059

>I've yet met a vegan who knew how to get DHA/EPA omega 3 acids on a vegan diet
Ground flax seed, walnuts, algae based supplement
>and most don't know that plant based protein are usually incomplete or that B12 is really really difficult to without supplements
take a supplement...
>should be getting x2.8 the DRI of iron due to the low absorption of non-heme iron and so on
absorption is lower, but you pulled that 2.8x out of your ass. Eat enough oats and black beans and it's fine

>> No.14769069

>they always have pot bellies, rail thin arms
this describes basically every "normal" person, meat eater or not
>chipped nails and disgusting skin.
I imagine is just confirmation bias desu

>> No.14769192

yeah congratulations, you know your stuff

sadly most vegans don't, and that's what my post was about. Kinda sad seeing so many people get roped into a trendy diet and fucking up their health because they know nothing about nutrition.

>> No.14769229
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>visit friends parents today
>"oh anon, youve gained weight, you look so much healthier! you were too skinny before"

>> No.14769245

I bet the average vegan knows more about nutrition than the average omni

>> No.14769251

if you knew about nutrition you wouldn't be vegan

>> No.14769278

that isnt even a contradiction. But you cant tell me that the average joe knows a lot about it, otherwise they wouldn't be so fat

>> No.14769322

Exercise routine?

>> No.14769353

push ups and crunches 2 days a week i'm pretty lazy now
10 sets push ups
3 sets crunches
when i started i did 4 days a week but way lower reps
run 5 days a week, i'm new to running so i only go for ~10 minutes so far
and some decent exercise at work occasionally

>> No.14769421


>> No.14769818

I'm thinking of subsisting on apples and raisin bagels. Is this viable?

>> No.14769933

the average vegan NEEDS to know more about nutrition than the average omni

the ones who don't are visibily disgusting, the omnis who don't can get by just fine by avoiding junkfood and eating a varied diet

>> No.14770001

finally broke my plateau, even though I broke it by getting a stomach flu

>> No.14770613
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>6'3" / 168pounds

only ate 800 calories this week, feelsgoodman

>> No.14770745

Holy shit sauce please
She is perfect

>> No.14770881
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>feel bloated
>feel absolutely disgusted myself for being a worthless food addicted pig

I'm still way under my TDEE, why do I feel this way?

>> No.14771429

I've been doing calinsthetics for a few weeks and I wanna buy some dumbbells so I can start doing some back and arm exercises (I don't have anywhere to do pullups) but I don't know what the point is, eating maintenance calories eating above maintenance fucking terrifies me.

I'm fucking starving right now and I don't want to eat, fuck eating, I hate eating, I hate calories, I just wanna lose weight, even when I'm trying to maintain my weight I still do shit like run everywhere (haven't used my car in month), throw away each meal before finishing and logging calories for the full meal, drinking 10+ cups of black coffee/green tea each day

I feel like I'm slipping into unironic ED land and I can't stop, I don't want to stop, losing weight is the best feeling in the world, gaining it is the worst, even if that weight is just muscle.

>> No.14771434

probably because you eat too much

>> No.14771598

How do I get the Nick Land aesthetic

>> No.14771629

thank you skelly for the post

>> No.14771877
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>6'3" / 168pounds
>only ate 800 calories this week, feelsgoodman
How does one curve hunger to this extent, share your secrets

>> No.14771943

1,88 and 77kg here.
started to do 30min of hiit three times a week, eating less and drinking coffee withtout sugar, eating meat, coffee and a piece of integral bread for dinner. My goal is to lose 7 kg / stop looking skinny fat. Am I doing right?

>> No.14771962

ideal weight for a 175 cm asian girl?

>> No.14772141

donate blood as often as you can!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.14772253
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how do you describe this kind of fashion?

>> No.14772440

Sorry if this is an ignorant question, but I’ve had an iron deficiency for a long time and I just started taking iron supplements. Is there any risk at all of me gaining weight as I recover? I’ve always felt too fatigued to workout so I don’t want to become even more skinny fat.. I can’t even look at myself in a full body mirror anymore because the size of my thighs disgusts me. I’d rather suffer the effects of severe anemia than gain weight

>> No.14772500

or just save yourself the fatigue and iron deficiency by exercising instead
that being said, I always do feel good after I donate blood/have a bloodtest done

>> No.14772505

Why would there be a risk of weight gain in taking Iron supplement?

>> No.14772805

>I can’t even look at myself in a full body mirror anymore because the size of my thighs disgusts me. I’d rather suffer the effects of severe anemia than gain weight

have you considered getting help for your body dysmorphia/eating disorder/mental illness? Sounds like you're suffering.

>> No.14772831

You are so doughy

>> No.14773331

Because iron is a metal and metals are heavy!

>> No.14773662

Was on vacation.
Binged and gained 6 lbs over a week.
Hows this even possible.

>> No.14773668

carbs and sodium lead to water weight gain
or you ate (3500*6 =) 21000kcal over your maintenance

>> No.14774015
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I wanna do a 20 day fast so I can hit my goal weight but I don't want to fuck up my life any further, my hair is already falling out, I'm already freezing cold and last time I tried severe restriction I got horrible brainfog and fucked up an entire semester at uni

I just wanna hit my goal weight, I hate being 20 bmi...

>> No.14774125
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Anyone had success with time restricted fasting, like 16:8?
Is it only good for helping people restrict who are bad at counting calories, or does it help in other ways?

>> No.14774389

59kg upto 68 in less than 2 months

how do i do this while being an alcoholic

>> No.14774403

I have done many forms of fasting, from 20:4, to OMAD and multi-day fasts. It is very helpful for reducing insulin spikes, which can help with minimizing overall hunger. If you're up for it, trying OMAD. Very simple and comfortable to do. Don't forget to drink plenty of water, though (Lord knows I forget).

>> No.14774478

I wouldn't advise such a long fast at your bmi/weight. There is nothing wrong with OMAD, or fasting for a few days (if you take minerals daily), but 20 days is unnecessary and potentially counteractive to your goals. Easy to fall into refeed syndrome after fasting for that long, and your digestive capabilities will be shot to shit. All of your current negative symptoms will be even worse in such a long refeed, and your uni experience will likely be rough as well. Try OMAD instead. I think it is a highly effective option for people like yourself.

>> No.14774998

become a binge drinker instead. pick one day a week to drink on. on that day restrict heavily and go hard with the booze (spirits only though). have some decently portioned food prepared for after, in case the munchies get to you.

works for me.

>> No.14775016


>> No.14775142

Aaah you are right

>> No.14775238

Give it a try

I personally prefer alternate day fasting (40:8), that obliterated my hunger and was pretty sustainable given that I was deficiting more than 50% of my TDEE on average a week.

>> No.14775405
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Trying to read my own hunger signals after years of fasting is so fucking confusing, after a month of trying to get in touch with this

>1: stomach is empty and growling but still have energy
>2: feel weak and tired but zero appetite
>3: full and have energy but still have an appetite

what's makes it even more confusing is that if it's option 3 then it usually passes after an hour, if it's option 2 then it doesn't get any better or worse no matter how long I go without eating, and if it's option 1 then it quickly gets exponentially worse until it transitions into state 2.

>> No.14775480
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So I've just started working out, I've noticed that my weight on the scale seems to be creeping up (on average 1-2lb higher) despite me eating under maintenance (I'm religiously strict with calorie counting, don't eat anything I didn't cook, count, weigh and track literally everything, don't count exercise etc), I don't know what's caused my slight weight gain, could it be muscle? I look leaner but I didn't think I'd gain any muscle while eating at a deficit, let alone a net increase in weight

I tried 800kcal OMAD in the past and I had really awful energy levels compared to when I just do a straight up fast, but I tried OMAD before I got used to really heavy restriction so maybe it won't be so bad this time

>> No.14775737

It could be that you're just consuming more sodium right now or drinking more water as a result of excersing and probably a little muscle gain. If you're a woman it could also be water retention from hormones. If you're counting calories like you said there's no way you're actually gaining weight in fat.

>> No.14775755

I love the thin aesthetic but I also love being big, bulky and strong. It's not fair.

I'm 6'3" and 190lb atm.

>> No.14775756

yeah, I think it's just water weight, I'm also replacing a lot of the fats in my diet with carbs (legumes and oatmeal) to help fuel my workouts which is probably contributing to that water weight gain, still, it's driving me crazy and making me want to go into turbo restriction mode aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh

Thanks for the reassurance anon

>> No.14775761

Find a thin bf/gf and live vicariously through them

best of both worlds

>> No.14775773

There's a girl in some of my lectures that has that aesthetic. Nice thin arms and she wears fairly loose t shirts. Still has nice ass though.

>> No.14775778

I get it. I've been plateauing for two weeks now despite a large deficit and it just makes me crazy even if I know it's just water weight.

>> No.14775856

hate yourself deeply

>> No.14776322
File: 4 KB, 229x220, 1563336093924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just ate a whole frozen pizza (baked in the oven), yet I am still severely underweight (180.3cm 54kg) and I will continue to be so even if I would eat burgers only for 2 weeks (i did that for a week and gained 1 kg which disappeared the next week)

i cant imagine being a genelet, i feel sorry for you ;)

>> No.14776691

you don't eat as much as you think you do

>> No.14776765

>I tried 800kcal OMAD in the past and I had really awful energy levels
I've found that issues with fasts tend to be because you're not getting enough electrolytes, water, or sleep. It's fairly straightforward. I think macros are more important with OMAD than shorter fasts too, since you go longer without eating. Trying eating more protein, fats, and fiber over carbs.

> I look leaner but I didn't think I'd gain any muscle while eating at a deficit
It is in fact possible to gain a bit of muscle if your protein intake is sufficient and your deficit isn't too high, or if you're at maintenance. It's just unlikely, and typically reserved for beginner athletes or very skinny individuals. It's not something that you'll maintain as you improve your fitness, but you'll get it for a while. Could also be holding onto water, but don't reduce your water intake just to shed the liquid pounds, especially if you're exercising. If you do, you might start to get headaches and have a harder time flushing the crap out of your body.

I read your other post about adding more carbs to fuel your exercise. Very likely that it's contributing to (temporary) weight gain. It's nothing to worry about in the long run. Don't neglect your proteins and fats for carbs, though. If you wish to eat carbs, time more of them before your exercises.

>> No.14776890

you're likely carrying tons of excess fat dude.

>> No.14776976

Nah. I have a 30" waist and abs. It's just that my arms are really big and gaudy, not very /thinspo/.

>> No.14777034
File: 102 KB, 800x800, 1515645558079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate being an alcoholic and wanting to be thin.
I need better ways to cope with being lonely because if I don't get thin I'll keep being lonely but if I'm lonely I'll want to drink and drinkings bad because I can't get thin if I drink but if I don't drink I'm reminded of how lonely I am but if I....

>> No.14777146

>I hate being an alcoholic and wanting to be thin.
>I need better ways to cope with being lonely because if I don't get thin I'll keep being lonely but if I'm lonely I'll want to drink and drinkings bad because I can't get thin if I drink but if I don't drink I'm reminded of how lonely I am but if I....
Smoke cigs, weed, or take kartom

>> No.14777230
File: 87 KB, 634x1127, 7026856-6461873-image-a-69_1543986258500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been doing it for a couple of weeks actually without giving it much thought. just wanted to see other people's opinions
Intermittent fasting like that seems more than I can manage desu
OMAD it seems like the logical conclusion to this sort of fasting, I might give it a try actually!
thanks for the info anon

>> No.14777237

You're welcome. Remember to get enough protein, fats, minerals, and fiber in your diet. It will improve the success rate of OMAD by (as with fasting alone) reducing insulin spikes. Protein and fat will both raise insulin, but significantly less than carbohydrates. Carbs can bloat you up, too. Check out the /fast/ general on /fit/ for more information.

>> No.14777310

I've been biking and skateboarding my whole life. My calves are massive. How much weight did you guys have to lose until you lost calf muscle/fat ?

>> No.14777452

Read Deleuze, Hegel, Heidegger, Bataille, Evola and Lovecraft and smoke meth erryday

>> No.14777814
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>> No.14777910

Kinda wanna buy a fuckton of fruit and go on a fruit binge today, how easy do you think it'll be to eat over 1600kcal of bananas/apples in one day?

I love fruit too much so I usually cut it out of my diet, but I miss it badly...

>> No.14777919

reminder: Nothing tastes as good as being skinny feels

>> No.14777927

being skinny and short fucking sucks, nothing fits, I really have to bulk up

>> No.14777964
File: 529 KB, 1347x1648, 0BA766C5-6078-402B-9F1C-0F22CAEB5560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot i made this, enjoy skele bros

>> No.14778026

make this the next thread's OP

>> No.14778042

Daily reminder that there is no reason
ZERO reason
None at all, you hear me?
To eat food.

>> No.14778048

If you have bodyfat, then you literally cannot starve.

>> No.14778055

I would like to try a pure fruit/veggie diet because I FUCKING LOVE fruit and vegetables but at the same time I know it would be an extremely retarded idea due to the absurd amount of sugar/fibre and lack of protein I'd get be getting

>> No.14778071

>pictures of twinks

>> No.14778076
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is there even a point being thinspo if you have masculine heda

>tfw will never be a cute twink again

>> No.14778118
File: 74 KB, 350x495, 1543199616258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can do a lot to feminize your face, it depends on how far you're willing to go

Shaving compulsively -> skincare routine -> twink haircut -> lazer hair removal -> subtle makeup -> light surgery -> HRT -> full blown facial feminization surgery

I'm not even a tranny and I'm going to get feminization surgery just because I want to be even cuter, but I'm a freak case

>> No.14778122
File: 175 KB, 900x1349, 1557882163511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also handsome thin is definitely a thing

>> No.14778142


>You can do a lot to feminize your face

I can't, the snapchat chad filter literally changes nothing about my face except adding stubble

>> No.14778146

then you'll just have to look into surgery
things like a rhinoplasty, botox in the jaw muscles, brow reduction and philitrum shortening can have a pretty dramatic effect on your apperance

>> No.14778152

Very easy, so avoid even starting this hell of a binge routine. Fruit (and Veg) are my favorite binge food too, but overeating on them is so embarrassing and painful so I'd rather throw a tantrum and starve

>> No.14778153

Feel you, I think that's the mental illness

>> No.14778155

I was literally putting on my coat to load up on the fruit and veg when I saw this

alright, I'll try to avoid doing so, thank you anon

>> No.14778174

i am just here to hurt myself
i don't care about seeming attractive

>> No.14778344

kys then u whiny bitch

>> No.14778881

Anddddddd I did the fruit binge anyway, took 2 hours to go from 0kcal to 1600kcal and now I feel like fucking dying

arghhhhhhhh atleast I didn't go over maintenance, holy fuck my stomach hurts so bad, I ate 16+ apples...

>> No.14779048

I am sorry to hear, I know how much it hurts to eat and then digest pounds and pounds of fruit and veg

Even though you stayed under maintenance, don't teach yourself binge behavior because it's going to bite your ass really quickly

>> No.14780292
File: 151 KB, 1080x2069, shunsukecos_75586270_418242999059859_7947911990404209302_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking liar

>> No.14780296
File: 138 KB, 1080x2069, shunsukecos_75243097_925545017873331_1935393635099427541_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]