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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 230 KB, 1436x1280, e9e48eda-ce37-4bba-8179-a269fd2e5e0c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14734484 No.14734484 [Reply] [Original]

What kind of hat would fit me better? Flat or curved? A more squarey or more spherical top panel?

>> No.14734485

Convex hat

>> No.14734495
File: 50 KB, 1004x348, hats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All are convex

I mean like between these two, the left one is more squarey at the top and the right is rounder, i think one would make my head look even bigger and the other one would be kinda childish

>> No.14734511
File: 110 KB, 468x802, A6FE8502-6375-47AD-98CC-3A4C431DBF01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same as this chad

>> No.14734865


>> No.14734878
File: 449 KB, 1080x1350, 1571595941316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you a incel?

>> No.14734887


>> No.14735012

No Im volcel, why you ask

>> No.14735019

earl sweatshirt is back bitches

>> No.14735030

fuck off

>> No.14735041

Why are you volcel?

>> No.14735043

Is volcel voluntary celibate?

If yes: why do you supposedly choose not to have sex?

Also: just try some different kinds out at a store, you're just looking for silhouette so no need to find ones you like specifically, from there finding good ones online is easy, there's not that much common silhouettes for hats anyway.

>> No.14735048

earl sweatshirt dont need any pussy bc he
w o k e

>> No.14735056

it's too much hassle and $2.50 catching a bus just to try hats

because women are scum and sex is a distraction

>> No.14735057
File: 150 KB, 550x550, 1536903750646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because women are scum and sex is a distraction
Bro are you ok?

>> No.14735059

what hat should i buy retard

>> No.14735067

the one that will hide your feminine frame /s

Anyway, why are so mean?

>> No.14735069


>> No.14735073


>> No.14735077

Why did you ask if im an incel?

>> No.14735079
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>> No.14735081

because you look ugly, so I was wondering if you are a virgin.
mogs me into oblivion

>> No.14735094


>> No.14735095

thats not what girls around here think, i get flirted on a regular basis

>> No.14735110

totally anonymous stranger on the internet who is definitely not lying.

>> No.14735114
File: 964 KB, 1499x1499, 1571750877962_196350470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not that anonymous, you saw my face

>> No.14735234

How is your head so fucking big compared to your body, it's freaking me out. Lift my friend.

>> No.14735245


>> No.14735269

Arabic Earl Sweatshirt

>> No.14735274

i already lift your mom's pussy with my dick and thats enough

>> No.14735280

based, my mom actually needs a good dicking I think

>> No.14735282
File: 564 KB, 600x800, 1571094238100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sense a insecure incel desu

>> No.14735288

a girl liked that pic on instagram so what am i losing for not lifting

>> No.14735330

oh really? What do they say to you? I am really curious.

>> No.14735373

wow.... a single Girl? honestly though that's pretty sad if that's what you consider enough to validate your body somehow/not change anything lol

>> No.14735386
File: 75 KB, 720x1280, 0bf94a69-ea5b-483e-93b9-e9f90b466ca7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever m8

>> No.14735398

This kind of shit is why I still come here.

you are not voluntarily celibate my dude, it's obvious in everything you say.

>> No.14735404

yes i am
i work in a shop and customers flirt me

>> No.14735408

Niggas like this make me not wanna grow my hair out anymore.

>> No.14735412
File: 1.19 MB, 960x1280, 1566761192905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How???? What is your secret? Please tell me how do i get gf!?

>> No.14735414

fuck off tripfag

>> No.14735416

Play some guitar for us. You’re so good!

>> No.14735438

Yeah okay anon, sure, thing is:

We just have your word and your pictures as evidence for this, and both of those so far have reeeaallly not been in favor of your claim.

There's a big difference between people being friendly to you and flirting.

>> No.14735442

You mean for this important judiciary decision?

>> No.14735453

You might be the incelest OP on whole fourchannel right now

>> No.14735460

Nah for this unimportant detail that OP is hilariously obviously more insecure about than he want to let on.

Anyways, I already gave my advice earlier but OP didn't want to go outside and pay a shocking $2.50 for a bus ride

>> No.14735468

Kek, still mogs me.

>> No.14735668


You need a shorter fade/bang cut with buzzed sides and a front that hangs down to minimize the forehead. Also you would have a nice jaw if you dropped bodyfat. That might help you with the "vo"cel problem

>> No.14735671

your forhead is literally two times the size of a regular forhead

>> No.14735707

lol ur done

>> No.14735729

just want the flirt :((

>> No.14735748

None, you're buttfucking ugly regardless of your hairdo

>> No.14735798

Still working at the pet shop, Macaco?

>> No.14735801

do you have to be shirtless

>> No.14735812

stop bumping this negroid garbage!

>> No.14735820

Posta vídeo cagando de novo, Macaco

>> No.14735956

why did you shave?
you look better with hair.

>> No.14735965

you should change your name to earl swetback

>> No.14736062

>asymmetric facial features
>round jaw
I feel sorry for you, dude. No hat is gonna save you. Get fit.

>> No.14736081

>Sammy has started plaguing /fa/ too
no board is sacred.

>> No.14736118

El ogro de las Américas.

>> No.14736621

>this unimportant detail
>post evidence to get my important approval

>> No.14736629

>You need a shorter fade/bang cut with buzzed sides and a front that hangs down
what the hell does that mean? is it a full buzz like hitler youth? i dont want to go full short hair because im a guitarist, i generally use it tied when not gigging

it's to fit the great brain


yes its hot here

shave what? its tied lmao

im trying to lose weight thanks

>> No.14736787

no hats will fix you. For the love of god please go to the gym

>> No.14736881

no gym can fix his small brain and frame. i am guessing he is like 5'6.

>> No.14736903

janny delete this fucking thread oh my god

>> No.14736994

OP, please provide bisnaguinhas

>> No.14737008

head to the gym, look for a big machine with two handles that when you grab each one you can pull them together until you cross your arms and it hurts those big muscles on your back. Go do that for a bit every so often

>> No.14737154

Ok but how do i make sure i dont hurt myself on the process? last time i went to the gym i got knee and shoulder pain that last to this day


>> No.14737781

Bumping this hobgoblin for keks

>> No.14737809

Hat's r gay and only look good on black people. you'll just look like someone. Larping

>> No.14737812
File: 258 KB, 612x676, 1571935108416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What youre doing is mean and extremely immoral

>> No.14737831

you know that well because it's what you do

>> No.14737845


>> No.14737867

Thanks for the ego boost.

>> No.14737957

based volcelposter

>> No.14737972

Check out this femanazi guys, she gave me a spook!

>> No.14738036

my forehead looks like his should i just start wearing a bandanna to cover it

>> No.14738175

paper bag

>> No.14738202
File: 193 KB, 866x1390, 6xlt2f8jksa31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you on the right looks like esqeleto

>> No.14738227

ive heard that before