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/fa/ - Fashion

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14730434 No.14730434 [Reply] [Original]

You know how sometimes a girl has a small imperfection in her facial features that somehow only makes her cuter? Do girls feel the same way about guys?

>> No.14730436


>> No.14730447
File: 119 KB, 760x1164, DENIM SHERPA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, women only look for the top 20 percent of men so they can get their eggs scrambled with chad semen. Minor imperfections are enough to get you disqualified from the evolutionary arms race. You ever see a group of women use tinder? They rarely swipe right on anyone but the chaddest of chads. A man can be a 9 out of ten but a woman will swipe left because "eugh his nose is a little crooked" or "Oh he' only 6 2". In short women are soulless automatons who exist only to pass on high quality genes in a cycle of endless cuckoldry for betas like you and me. The best we can hope for is a chance at some ruined blown out pussy after a woman has had 3 or 4 chadlets and tyronelets and gotten her tubes tied to prevent betas from reproducing. We are fully expected to 'man up' and orally service that cavernous vagina as well as pay for clothes, houses, jewelry, college for chad and tyrones progeny, and alimony after she decides to divorce us. Please don't respond to me I can't stop shitposting on this site here's a picture of something fashionable

>> No.14730479

Extremely based

>> No.14730518

why the fuck are you two so bitter

yes, OP, some. women are people with individual opinions too, despite what the shining socialites of /fa/ has to say. my ex girlfriend found men with wider lips attractive, and always mentioned how she loved the bump on the bridge of my nose (which i absolutely hate)

>> No.14730523

>wider lips
(that's code for BBC(big black cock))
Also can't you read that I'm shitposting? I have a mental issue or something so just filter "Anonymous" and you won't have to see my posts

>> No.14730537

Extremely unbased

>> No.14730545
File: 23 KB, 288x450, 1569006908346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no wonder 4chan produces so many school shooters lmfao. you guys are reading posts from clowns like this

if you're in school, do yourself a favor and get the fuck out of this shit hole

>> No.14730546


Sorry for freaking out guys. I am making an appointment with a psychologist to discuss my issues. Hopefully I can be more civil on this imageboard in the future

>> No.14730611

how am I bitter for saying one word?

anyway, I meant the same thing as you but i was just lazy to type it, yeah

>> No.14730642

how are we bitter? both of us are correct. Do you need me to go into more detail? I can easily write 5 pages worth of foid hate

>> No.14730648
File: 26 KB, 354x490, 6432FDBA-DA80-40E9-BF43-DD299197CCD0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does gaspard count? i really find him attractive/cute, though i myself have a real dimple but only on one side.

>> No.14730677

How do you think like this and not think something is wrong with you? I’m genuinely curious, it’s surpassed jokes, it’s unhinged, actually, I don’t think people who think like this have ever been hinged

>> No.14730680

Nigga gonna say a handsome nigga with a minor thing is an issue go home roger

>> No.14730683 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 479x720, RbqVuDk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what he said is true my dude, what's wrong with you? leave your basement it, and see for yourself.

>> No.14730698

if you think that's the farthest a joke can go then you're actually an amateur. People on r9k post legit cuck porn and pass it off as a joke and not as some sort of latent cuck fetish that they can't get a grip on because it causes too much cognitive dissonance. I post these things because I get an inherent joy from shitposting and seeing the (you)s add up on my screen. Cuckolding and woman hatred are a good combination because they hit the sweet spots of the average 4chan user. Most people on here have had a girl reject their ask to a school dance and turn around to go with a black guy. This instills a deep racial insecurity in them that they have a hard time getting over. So pair that with the recent ubiquity of cuckold porn due to hebrew influence on society and you have a recipe for making white guys rage. I had a friend who actually got mad at the amount of mixed couples in commercials and television programs so he cancelled his cable. That's how powerful this insecurity is. Why do you think asian masculinity uses BBC porn to raid the boards on our home site? They know how perturbed this site is by the virility of black men, and the very real possibility, in america at least, that your wife/mother/sister/girlfriend could easily replace you with a black man

>> No.14730712

That guy is bating if it's not obvious

>> No.14730716

unfortunately he isn't. As a white man I have the same fear. I have nightmares of my wife getting railed by BBC while I am powerless to do anyting but watch in anguish as her c*nt is destroyed by several black bvlls

>> No.14730722

Shit i need help

>> No.14730733

Lol aye bruh thinking like this is what drives them hoe’s to the gang b you really gotta get a grip on reality nigga cause you lackin on some other shit, reading in between lines that you, yourself have written, apparently I’m your worst enemy but only because you believe me to be so, cuck porn is only so big because y’all feed in to that delusion a healthy man of any race who’s experienced enough to become an individual will never think of another man’s fertility or place in his life in the way you interject the black man, only sickos, people with no personality, no identity, and no self value would ever think in that way maybe that’s why white women or all women go to “sexually gratifying” black men cause all your dumbasses are devoid of humanity no retention of true emotions or self just a wallowing pointless waste of space

>> No.14730736

He said to much to be bait he can play it off all he wants it’s genuine lol

>> No.14730738

I have no qualms with you IRL. I am just shitposting because I am bored at work. I have about one point five hours to go until I can leave my security desk and go home. I may change my shitpost style two or three more times just to diversify because the woman hating schizo act is getting kind of tired for me.

>> No.14730739

Gay nigga alert

>> No.14730744

inspiring, b

>> No.14730745

rule 4, bye

>> No.14730748

racism in 2019? yikes

>> No.14730750

I know you have no qualms with me, we’ve never met, to have emotions for someone you’ve never met is weird. But I see, well do as you wish in the end your shitposting is a reality to someone on this god forsaken site.

>> No.14730752

Homophobia maybe racism not bloody likely

>> No.14730758

Idk I have some qualms with lawliet because she is an asshole. I should get a hobby or something I can do at my desk

>> No.14731381

I hear fashion or self care is a good hobby to pick up there’s a board where they theoretically discuss these topics

>> No.14731416

i mean...yeah his language is a bit extreme but hes not wrong.

>> No.14731420
File: 16 KB, 200x303, Doubt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can easily write 5 pages worth of foid hate
suuure you can

>> No.14731426
File: 33 KB, 456x824, zujh2i6s3dw11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought this thread was going to be cute :/

>> No.14731438

Ignoring the incel sperg above, the answer to OP’s question is yes. I’m partial to things like dark circles or slightly misaligned teeth that still give a charming smile.

>> No.14731491
File: 213 KB, 548x868, 1542217530895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yikes how beta is that

>> No.14731505

I love love love large noses on men

>> No.14731558

Many women like dimples

>> No.14731563

How am i an asshole?

>> No.14731603
File: 199 KB, 1080x1350, 4af9df3a42ba7973c10866841c4ee949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely yes. I almost prejudge guys who are conventionally attractive but im deranged anyway so.

Kek it's hilarious cause all the female space groups im in talk just like this about guys, like, I literally just saw a post calling all guys automatons useful only for sex, really wish all genders would stop degrading sex so men women and whatever else exists could just have a lot more guilt free casual sex.

t. roastie

>> No.14731619

theres quite a few wholesome posts tho

whats -not- to like about dimples on literally (anyone)? I cant think of very many face shapes they dont compliment or any one time in my life that I thought they detracted from someone's face

>> No.14731657

Dude stop watching porn. The real miscegenation problem is yellow fever because white guys are conviced by the media they consume that white women hate them.

>> No.14731661

none thinks that I think you consumed too much 4chan

>> No.14731668

i dont want white women anyway. horse faces with no ass and pasty white skin that ages like milk

>> No.14731688

>imagine seeing race in 2019

>imagine not seeing other meatsacks as potential resources to further your personal agenda in any way mathematically possible to fuel your nihilistic ennui and sizing up every person's capacity to do so on a case by case scenario.

ya'll really missing out

>> No.14731689

as a tripfag the responsibility lies on you to prove you aren't an asshole inasmuch as tripfags should be assumed to be assholes.

>> No.14731780

i wonder who is behind this post

>> No.14731786
File: 108 KB, 997x768, abc68e3d6297223ec57162b622464e80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're ok

>> No.14731791

Idk I get 1/2 matches and 10 likes a day on Tinder and Im not even a chad.

>> No.14731803

10 likes in big city is nothing a chad gets 100 likes in 1 h.

>> No.14731867
File: 45 KB, 400x400, D4B68172-511C-44F1-86FA-853D2FFA46B9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silence, incel

>> No.14731914

Please have sex before trying to discuss sex topics , Buddy

>> No.14731921

I am, why do you ask

>> No.14731936

I think only teenage or infantile/superficial girls go after pretty boys. Women are not as visual as men. What matters is the attitude, confidence and masculinity. If I like a man I don't give a shit if he has scars over his whole face or is a balding manlet, but if these traits make him insecure it's a big turn off. If you're the girls type she's not gonna care about imperfections, and if you're not, one peculiar trait won't change anything.

>> No.14732074
File: 55 KB, 960x540, dc99919fcb82b78c2cdf46a63cda131382f2b9a0_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro did you ever heard of app called tinder, pure black pill. Girl care way more about looks then guys, and who cares about 25 yr roastie, everyone want to date girls.


>> No.14732076

no, men have to be perfect

>> No.14732082

I like big strong guys and I don't care about face

>> No.14732089
File: 30 KB, 273x333, Death-Note-image-death-note-36089342-273-333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats be cause youre a fag, girls arent into that. Now back to lgbt.


>> No.14732097

don't reply to me, smelly weeb roastie

>> No.14732101

i hate mine 2bh
its alright from front but when you are sitting next to someone and they are looking at your profile mine is fucking huge

>> No.14732163
File: 9 KB, 500x300, okc_rating_curve1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women are not as visual as men
This is what we've been told since basically ever but it's only partially true. Men look for visuals more than women in the way that for most men it's enough that a girl looks good. We don't care about her job, personality, hobbies, status, conversational skills etc. a lot. She could be homeless or work at a fucking graveyard and be boring af, as long as she looks good. BUT men have a low standard for what looks good enough. Basically anything above a 5/10 is good enough if we're horny and if no one would find out most guys would go lower and bang a 4/10.

Women aren't as visual if you mean they also count in status and personality more. BUT their visual standards are waaaaaay higher than ours. You basically have to be at least a 8/10 to be considered as attractive by women. There was this study once that asked okcupid users to rate the other gender. When men rated the women the result was a bell curve, which makes sense. The majority of women must be somewhere around average while only a few percentile are on the lower and higher ends. When women rated men, the result was pic related. What this means is basically women will rate over 50% of man as "below average" while guys getting an "average" rating are actually already in the top 5%.


>> No.14732170

>scars over his whole face or is a balding manlet
Lmfao if you think scars/pimpels/height are what are minor imperfections. A miniature porsche with a scratch on it is still prettier than a brand new toyota prius. By minor imperfections we actually mean things that make you ugly like a too big/crooked nose, weak chin, wide ears, small mouth, etc.

>> No.14732233
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>> No.14732260
File: 48 KB, 400x550, 69aab0133809c6854f36c3a0ed1a9d3d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and woke as fuck

>> No.14732284

Take the chastepill, your life will be much better.

>> No.14732313

Tinder is for hookups mostly so obviously women gonna look for hot bodies to fuck. I'm not a man, I can't speak for all women but this is how I perceive things.
For just hooking up women gonna be picky. But I realized that I can't judge by the looks, it happened to me that I thought a guy is a weirdo and wanted him to fuck off but after spending some time with him my feeling changed to opposite because of his personality and attitude. The point is, I think many women are like me, whether they realize it or not, they may don't like someone at first glance but if the personality clicks someone looking average may become very attractive to them.
Work on your reading comprehension

>> No.14732326

Yeah absolutely. I'm not really into guys who look too groomed or perfect, it makes me think they're maybe a little self absorbed or something? I can't relax around them.

At first I didn't find my boyfriend super attractive because he's balding, but after a few dates he was irresistible to me. Still playfully trying to get him just to shave his head but I don't really care either way.

>> No.14732811

if my manifesto didn't have all the details doxxing me and my wife I would post it. Sadly you'll have to wait about 60 or 70 years because a law firm will publish it on 4chan in the event of my death