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File: 734 KB, 1200x1459, 1200px-The_Vision_of_The_Valley_of_The_Dry_Bones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14728821 No.14728821 [Reply] [Original]

"omg ur spoopy skeleton xD lmao kappa :DD" edition. Equivalently, "if I hear that one more time, I will snap and punch your teeth out" edition.

Comfy Rules:
>post thinspo
>make america thin again
>stay hidhratted
>no replying to fitrats


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

Question of the thread:
>Do you consume any media for thinspo other than 4chan/fa/?

>> No.14728873
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I like this edition

>> No.14728967
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just had an OMAD style binge on all of the dangerfood snacks I bought over the weekend, I feel fucking disgusting and I want to be sick but atleast I'm still within my TDEE and I won't be tempted later on

ahahaa why is maintaining my weight so fucking hard

>> No.14729005

are there any clothing guides for thin people?

I'm 6'0" with a BMI of about 18.3 and Im interested in trying to actually look good

>> No.14729010

Youre not punching shit, skelly. Your hand will break haha

>> No.14729067
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Is a 2000 cal diet enough to be losing weight? I use my fitness pal and it's my recommend calorie deficit to lose 1kg a week, but I feel like its not working
I'm a 6ft 96kg male

>> No.14729133

There's no perfect answer. If you've done the MFP recommended and you are tracking properly and you aren't losing weight, or aren't losing it as fast as you want, then adjust.

>> No.14729197
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>> No.14729203

if you can't maintain your weight without binging then it's an unsustainable weight or you lack willpower

>> No.14729208
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>> No.14729210
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>> No.14729213
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>> No.14729218
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>> No.14729250

How will you punch my teeth out when you're so skinny and weak mr spoopy skeleton xD lmao kappa :DD

>> No.14729290

>pic related
Great deathtrash

>> No.14729300
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Nothing like feeling the grim coldness and looking like a corpse for 30 days as the awesome NBBMN is soon here.

>> No.14729313

Just did 2 weeks of binging now trying to go back to my regular fasting now I’m not even going to weight myself
I’m really disappointed in my self right now
Sorry just need to vent a little

>> No.14729510

Baggy clothes will look good on you

>> No.14729514

This is not thinspo

>> No.14729996

Does omad work?
I've been thinking about trying

>> No.14729998
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just started back on the thinspo kick. I've never been skinny and I'm sick of being a fat piece of shit. I was doing it for a while and lost a lot of weight so i hope this helps again

>> No.14730025

I did OMAD breakfast and it kinda worked but I'd often feel sickly bloated after breakfast and once the bloat went away I'd be hungry for a few hours before I got into a fasted state

maybe OMAD dinner would've been a better idea, oh well I simply moved over to ADF instead and had a much better time

>> No.14730044

Is omad Lunch a bad idea?

>> No.14730047

you're going to be sickly bloated in the afternoon so yeah probably, OMAD lunch seems like the worst time to do it

but everyone is different I guess

>> No.14730070

If i would say something, i would only try to justify my own binging.
My legs are hurt from over training that i can´t even run

>> No.14730078

Keep up with the fight anon
You, me, we all gonna make it

>> No.14730089
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/thin/ but powerful. not /thin/ and weak

>> No.14730112
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I was trying to gain a little bit of weight, but now I've been resisting calories again.

>> No.14730173

big binge week sucks
I always Justify it by saying I’ll do better next week
But today going good thank you coffee

>> No.14730229

Any advice for not getting as flabby without exercise? This summer I did HIIT running and home workouts a few times a week, but since the school year began I only have time to workout on the weekends. I've lost weight, but gotten more flabby

>> No.14730430

No that’s the best time to do it
No you have to exercise retard, if you have time to post here you have time to exercise, eat your protein

>> No.14730476


>> No.14730593

OMG you're so right! I can just start doing push ups in the middle of the library or the bus, and in my normal clothes too! 10-15 minutes scrolling the internet is totally the same as 10-15 minutes on an internet forum, they require the exact same things.

Don't talk about shit you don't know

>> No.14730664

can I get a real answer

baggy clothes on a skeletal frame do not really look good. I might as well be fat

>> No.14730679

Just wear the tightest clothes you feel comfortable in and don't make you look ridiculous?

>> No.14730699

I wake up at 5 a.m. every morning to hit my workout goals. You can't do that? I assume you're too busy drinking till late at night or "studying" right? You don't hit your goals because you're a pussy and don't want to sacrifice anything. Lmao you CAN do push ups in public, you're just afraid that a person who doesn't care about you and would never willingly talk to you might look at you for a second and think something mean inside their head.

>> No.14730728

There is ALWAYS time for fifteen to twenty minutes of something. ALWAYS.

>> No.14730832

Just started fasting. Any advice for a first timer?

>> No.14730913

this, stop polluting the thread
put sodium and potassium in your water to avoid heart attacks

>> No.14730915

just dont eat

>> No.14730979

Wow. Thanks. Really helpful.

>> No.14731067
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>I wake up at 5 a.m. every morning to hit my workout goals.
I do the same. A nice way to wake up.

>> No.14731268
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I don't know any clothes to really complement my size, does anyone have any suggestions? Everyone here says my normal clothes don't look very good.
Im wearing Pajamas by the way, I don't wear these in public.

>> No.14731583

Y'all got any tips on how to get max nutrition out of 1000cals/day?

Some recommended foods, meals, recipes aside from the usual?

>> No.14731630

Organ meats are the most nutritionally dense foods in existance. Veggies may look like a good low cal way to get your nutrients but a lot of the nutrients in veggies have horrible bioavalibility in humans, still eat some of them anyway

Focus on getting as much protein as possible and take supplements for anything you fail to get. B12, omega 3 and vit d are supplements everyone should take diet or no diet, iron, magnesium, vit c, calcium are common defiencies in people who diet hard/are on strict elimination diets, I'm probably missing a few

>> No.14731643

I'd bang you bro ur midriff is sexy af

>> No.14731672

you have to eat all the eggs (boiled)

>> No.14731749
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Based. Post more tummies

>> No.14731750

All the eggs in the world? That's quite a lot of eggs...

>> No.14731768
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me, three days ago
>I'm going to eat healthy and focus on protein to lose the rest of this weight :)
me, today
>I can still lose weight and get down to the low 100s, and even the 90s, if I eat 9 mini-brownies for the whole day. It just works.
Why does an actual, healthy meal of grilled chicken breast with vegetables make me feel like I've overeaten, bloated and disgusting, while carb-loaded shit like pastries, meals that have rice and various snack foods feel "normal" and "right" to eat? That doesn't make sense, does it?

>> No.14731773

Because you are used to eating shit and your brains demand more white sugar as you are addicted to it.

>> No.14731784

The annoying that is that I swear I gained 2kg after 2 days of protein, and it made me freak out, but I managed to lose it and get back to my original starting/maintenance weight when I switched back to small amounts of shit food.

>> No.14731810
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>tfw got depressed and gained 20lbs.
I was doing so good..

>> No.14731866
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>tfw depression is the only way for me to stick to fasting & restricting, which makes me even more depressed

>> No.14731923

Yes it is retard. Those guys are muscular thin. They have barely any chest development. That’s what a lot of top make models look like without a shirt on. They skinny, toned, and lean. Not pathetic skinny fat losers

>> No.14731928
File: 1.88 MB, 250x277, fatasianguy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go into a thinspo section of a forum
>see someone inspiring
>ask them their tips for restriction
>get a warning that said board does not condone eating disorders

>> No.14732337 [DELETED] 
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>tfw no irl Jinx gf

>> No.14732361

a skelly cant hurt anyone yall malnourished and look like aids patients.

>> No.14732425

water fasting depletes your electrolytes and your heart needs electrolytes to function properly. Put sodium chloride (table salt) and potassium chloride (diet salt) in your water to avoid heart problems/dying in your sleep (sudden deaths are not uncommon in people who do prolonged water fasts)

>> No.14732463
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>want to diet by eating low calorie satiating foods
>want to save money by buying high calorie cheap foods
>want to eat healthy by eating a balance, varied diet

I'm being pulled apart lads, yesterday I ate a greek yogurt + some deli ham + a fuckton of coffee and I was upset that I didn't eat healthily

Today I forced myself to eat some oily mackeral and after I was satiated because I haven't eaten fish in a week and my supply was going out of date and I feel like shit because I ate when I wasn't hungry

I'm not even trying to diet but my brain can't stop trying to cut calories whenever it can, at the same time I'm obsessed with trying to stay healthy AAAAAa

>> No.14732465

Oh. I'll do that. Thank you.

>> No.14732470

Student? Are you American? You should be able to get healthy foods reasonably inexpensively, as long as you are willing to cook a bit. I mean vegetables are very cheap for example.

>> No.14732495
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I'll beat the living shit out of you, ye fockin' wank stain!

>> No.14732509

I'm a student but not American
I can get healthy foods inexpensively, oily fish, organ meats, veggies and nuts are pretty cheap in my local budget supermarkets, the problem is that I keep wanting to restrict by living off a diet of greek yogurts which I know it's going to lead to huge omega 3, iron, magnesium etc decencies over time as well as costing me a lot more than the healthy foods I mentioned above

for example 600kcal of mackerel is like £1.5 in my local supermarket, but it's nowhere near as filling as a tub of cottage cheese eating 600kcal in one sitting feels like a binge

on a side note I do eat a lot of veggies everyday regardless of whether I end up restricting or eating healthily, veggies are nice because they're lowcal AND filling and full of vit C, it's what I eat in between that's the problem

>> No.14732528

I mean just try to be a bit careful and have some days where you really watch your nutrition and maybe get more of what you normally don't get, but, I understand and also have the habit of eating the easy packaged stuff that I know the calories exactly. Or stuff that is just very easy to estimate like almonds.

>> No.14732606
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Am i /thin/?
Sorry, am i little too skelly, hadn't take my milkies yet

>> No.14732609
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Could this be the reason why my heart is beating over 9000 BPM when I do cardio? I drink a shitload of stuff daily to fight the hunger.

>> No.14732620

How do I avoid skinny fat without losing more weight?

I looked haggard as fuck at 18.2 BMI. trying to maintain a bit higher, but I feel it's all going to my tummy and handles again.

>> No.14732649

I look bigger to myself now at the same weight I was a month ago. why friends?

>> No.14732652

Working out, obviously. You know this you're just too lazy to do it.

>> No.14732776
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how to get rid of this thigh fat?


>> No.14732790

lose more weight

>> No.14732813
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6' 160lbs
kinda want to go to 150 but don't want all my pants to become loose

>> No.14732838

im 6' 162lbs and i think i look like shit compared to you, and all my pants are already loose :/

>> No.14732911

im 6'2 and 140 lbs and wish i could gain just like 10 or 15 lbs just so that my pants could fit right. my belt is either so tight it leaves marks on my skin or just not tight enough to where my pants sag.

>> No.14733194

you're such a faggot. hit the gym unless you are actually a faggot.

>> No.14733851

Im already the thinnest person in this thread. What now?

>> No.14733854

Not allowed to workout for medical reasons :c

>> No.14733864
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I can share more of mine I suppose? But i'd like clothing recommendations in return

>> No.14733944
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I'm pretty sure I'm in the early stages of an eating disorder...

>> No.14733948
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Cocaine diet works

>> No.14733950
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>> No.14733951

Cocaine plus a tangerine and a cappuccino a day.

>> No.14733960

lmao no ass
you look like absolute shit
even more so with those shitty tattoos

>> No.14733967

You look absolutely delightful, anon.

>> No.14733975

good to know, I'm going to stick with the coffee diet myself

>> No.14733980
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>> No.14733997

Anything more specific than just working out?
I've been working out everyday for a month and I'm just wondering if I could add anything to my regimen. (Diet, exercise, or anything relevant).

>> No.14734000

get thinner

>> No.14734017

great job anon. what is your ultimate goal?

are you the musician from a year back or so?

>> No.14734021

To be able to eat a full course meal with my father in a couple days without having to purge it all. Not even a joke. And no, not the musician anon.

But thank you for the compliment :)

>> No.14734035

>cocaine ranked one idea slightly above cigarettes
shit mate, is it really this safe to use?

>> No.14734041

I think eating actual nutrition fills you up better, so less food is needed. This may even apply to sense of hunger

>> No.14734051

I imagine this is not ranked 'per drug', but according to their cumulative impact, unadjusted for their prevalence in society.

So, the more common drugs do more harm to everyone simply because they're common.

Makes it a slightly misleading chart if you don't stop to realise that.

>> No.14734052

Have you found the cocaine is changing your personality? I went on an adderall binge for a while and started to have some real problems...bit embarrassing. I made a few enemies and was a jerk :o(

>> No.14734083

10/10 would peg u

>> No.14734107

Nope. It only makes me motivated to do my daily tasks. I wish I had more now, though. Fuck.

>> No.14734175

I wake up at 4 am just to get to school on time, so don't try to play that game with me. I don't go to parties, so again, don't talk about shit you don't know. I also never said without effort, I meant workout full blown workouts or maybe just changing the composition of what I eat. You're right, I could technically workout in public areas not designated for it, like a weirdo. But I won't. Do you? If not, I don't need your judgement about it

>> No.14734178

you aren't fooling anyone. you are saying you don't have any free time, any day, am day of the week? fuck off you are full of shit

>> No.14734186

Yeah I miss that feeling of being able to get stuff done. Without drugs I have to drag myself through life.

Have you tried Adderall? In some ways it is better than coke because you can get some retarded doctor to write it, skip all the illegal and unknown source stuff, and it lasts a lot longer.

>> No.14734208

Never. I am too anxious to try such medication. Besides, the high yku get off cocaine is too... Surreal.

God, I can't take the pressure to get a masters degree anymore. I just want to learn how to mix and to be thin.

>> No.14734209

But yeah, I know your feeling of getting your shit done out of pure obligation, not because you want to get 'em done.

>> No.14734234

Lookin good chief

>> No.14734257

I'm not saying I don't have any. I am saying that I get home late everyday and have to wake up early, so if I did a full workout I'd be cutting into my sleep time. I don't have time to go a gym because I don't have a car and if I took public transportation to get to the gym I'd rather be late to work or late to class coming back. I leave my house at 5 am and arrive back home at either 8 or 9, mostly because it takes about 2.5 hours for be to get to school by public transportation and I also have the trip back. The free time that I have is usually at school or on the bus or train

>> No.14734258

Learn how to mix? Sound?

Yeah, Adderall does make you anxious as fuck. I offset it by taking benzos...kek..i'm a mess. I'm clean now though, but, I miss drugs. Life sucks without drugs but it is what it is.

>> No.14734262

Literally Judy Garland tier

>> No.14734273

You seem interesing. Wanna exchange Instagrams?

And yeah, mixing sound. I am terrible communicating myself through here, sorry. I am currently taking xanax as well, to counterbalance my cocaine addiction lel.

Anyway. Mine is 0hinterkaifeck

>> No.14734305

yes this is exactly why it happens.

>> No.14734313
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>> No.14734367

At my height I was taking like 70mg of Adderall per day and 40mg of Valium. I was also on an antidepressant called Cymbalta and another drug called Remeron. I was getting so fucked up I finally had to quit, but it wasn't easy - especially because if you cold turkey off long-term benzos you can get seizures. And Valium has such a long half life it was always in my system for years. Took me like a year to taper off all that shit. I never went to rehab I just did it at home, broke pills apart to ease off stuff. Cymbalta gave me brain zaps and made me think about jumping out a window, Remeron wasn't too bad just more depression, Adderall withdrawal was just tired constantly...the benzos were the worst.

I don't have an instagram. I have discord... anjunadeep#6829

>> No.14734378

I went on a 6 week long adderall bender in aug/sept where I hardly slept and was so jumpy and manic
now when I go into work i'm normal (super low energy) and everyone asks if i'm sick or sad kek
but I still lost 8 lbs

>> No.14734408

Post side

>> No.14734413

I see. Thanks.

>> No.14734473
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I miss that energy. When the Adderall would wear off at night I'd get exhausted, so I'd make sure I was at home when that happened. I'd usually have a beer or four to balance myself out, then take a valium and ambien, smoke some weed, and get some sleep. Sleep was always patchy though.

>> No.14734501
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>> No.14734671
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I miss being able to climb the Space Tower twice in a row with less than a minute of rest in between at the Stairmaster.

>> No.14734678

I wish I could afford an Alpro unsweetened yogurt everyday, I had it for breakfast this morning and I wasn't hungry for hours. Only 250kcal as well

>> No.14734687

What is it?

>> No.14734705
File: 30 KB, 614x616, 1548157377235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yogurt made with s o y in the UK

high protein med fat low zero carbs, it's perfect macros for satiety, it tastes good but not in a sweet way that causes you to crave it, if you eat it with a teaspoon it takes ages to get through as well, I love yogurt(-like) breakfast and this is easily my favourite, next would be Greek Yogurts but they are always either expensive as fuck and/or full of added sugars and then cottage cheese which is still amazing but not as good

>> No.14734714
File: 109 KB, 1200x797, 1571417218365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sure hope you are all drinking your snake juice
t. /fast/

>> No.14734718

can you give me a quick rundown of snake juice fasting? I've done several 14 day+ fasts and I've done over 100 combined fast days via alternate day fasting, is it something that'd help me?

>> No.14734790

I wonder if they make it in the US. Is the s o y thing a meme or will I really grow boobs and start craving ladyboys?

>> No.14734838

this is a good gay porn thread

>> No.14734854

Did you do 14 days on only water with no electrolytes?

>> No.14734898

Cuz of YOU

>> No.14734905
File: 184 KB, 1280x1055, 1464364909967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sort of like having fast metabolism, but it sucks now that I'm trying to gain weight and the nasty voices inside my head are telling me to stop because I will be fat (that is, over BMI 17).

>> No.14735145

holy shit I just discovered that green tea boosts your metabolism
holy fuck I'm buying some tomorrow

>> No.14735173

you should drink green tea anyways, it's great for you

>> No.14735190

the only reason they say green tea is great for you is because it is cheaper to make because it skips the fermentation process

it tasts like grass and has low caffeine
what's the point of that?
just drink some water with a bit of dirt in it for the same taste/effect.

>> No.14735198

Caffeine is shit

>> No.14735201

post butt hipsboy

>> No.14735203
File: 1.41 MB, 640x640, Pup_Hug.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't feel disgusted with yourself for eating anon. Food is good for you! Feel better :)

>> No.14735207
File: 48 KB, 507x676, Me 124 pounds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5"10 123 currently, being skinny with longer hair is comfy. One day I will meet an equally-skinny girl and have a very warm bony cuddle session

>> No.14735225
File: 2.83 MB, 4032x3024, clown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whaddup niggers

>> No.14735232


>> No.14735243

I hate having to convert feet into inches, inches to centimetres and pounds to kilograms just to work out someone's BMI without using a BMI calculator...

>> No.14735289
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Seems a little forward anon

>> No.14735298

yeah right you lil slut. post moar

>> No.14735301

>BMI over 17 is fat
based high standards, trying to get there (currently 18.5 and dropping fast)

>> No.14735303

damaged self perception is not based anon

>> No.14735387
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5"11 50kg

>> No.14735443
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>> No.14735492


>> No.14735513

be my gf

>> No.14735531

You need to try more in the shower...like don't just sit there let the water hit you and then dry off...like ...get the grime off

>> No.14735532

nope. queen is perfect

>> No.14735541

Damn this thread is gay as fuck

>> No.14735807
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>trying to get there
Don't. Really, don't.


t. >>14734905

>> No.14736041

God I hate myself so much

>> No.14736097

why's that anon

>> No.14736099
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>> No.14736108

Post even moar now

>> No.14736113

you should be ashamed for calling urself a man. go to a fkin gym u twinktard.

>> No.14736123

>be 20 bmi
>ribcage and spine is clearly visible
>have belly pouch and chunky legs

any else have a weirdass fat distribution? Ohwell, guess I'll just lose more weight

>> No.14736126

No he's perfect

>> No.14736128
File: 38 KB, 876x657, 20190917_224856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is getting pretty off topic now, anon.


>> No.14736138

I need to research, its very important to keep these pictures consistent

>> No.14736139

Research for what?

>> No.14736145

Secret thinspo facility

>> No.14736147

I think I'm probably good on sharing, thats probably enough

>> No.14736150

Kk , you are very hot :)

>> No.14736163

>be me
>chronically cold
>wear 3-4 layers INDOORS where my flatmates are wearing 1
>sleep with 3 blankets + pajamas
>start drinking hot drinks
>instantly only need 2 layers
>wake up several times in the middle of the night boiling hot despite it being over 8 hours since my last drink

what the fuck

>> No.14736383
File: 59 KB, 806x640, 1502719855181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking hell trannies have ruined this thread. i haven't been here in three years or so and there were always a few but holy fuck this is ridiculous now. are there any good places for an actual female to go to chat about getting thin?

>> No.14736387

Dont fucking lie retard, old thinspo threads have always been like this

>> No.14736393

i haven't been here in a few years but it was never this bad. before there were traps but they were just kind of sprinkled in. when i left there was one annoying one that posted every thread but easy enough to ignore. i don't care if someone is a tranny just sucks the whole thread is them

>> No.14736396

I feel your pain. There aren't any good forums anymore that I know of and Reddit has /r/thinspo but you can't talk about tips or anything just can post bodychecks or thinspo. I mostly just watch runway shows and cry since nobody to talk to.

>> No.14736457
File: 119 KB, 640x1136, 352F3983-F4A2-4FD5-B1C7-EB532799516E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s millennials for you. 12% now identify as trans

>> No.14736471

Eh, I don't buy 12% at all. Maybe in their little bubble where they took the survey. I could easily see maybe 10-15% being gay or bisexual.

>> No.14736535

Bruh stfu old ass boomer no one cares.

>> No.14736639


>> No.14737071
File: 462 KB, 880x640, 1555401670864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(aside from the last few posts, lets ignore those) these threads are always really comfy, literally my favourite place to hang out on 4chan

nothing like eating a 0% fat 0 added sugar pot of cottage cheese for dinner while watching SSvSS and scrolling through /thinspo/

>> No.14737117

i ate some fried food for lunch and candy. i think I'm going to go cry now.

>> No.14737180
File: 13 KB, 128x128, 99f61d56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally managed to beat my demons, and bought the bag of potato chips I planned to buy over a week ago. Probably won't gain anything from today, but at least I won't lose too much either.

>> No.14737215

one of my flatmates caught me making a cheese and ham sandwich with no bread (the cheese slices were the replacement for the buns) and now everyone thinks I'm a freak

jokes on them each slice of (whole grain) bread is 70kcal and barely satiates you, there's a reason I'm the slimmest in the flat

don't feel bad, you can always do better tomorrow.

Why not try cutting fast food from and candy from your diet in future? Just make the mindful decision to eat healthy, premade, portion controlled meals instead of relying on the fast food/sugar industry which profits from you fucking up your diet

>> No.14737315
File: 13 KB, 407x286, 1566729527006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now the blaming voices started again. Why must I be a freak like this?

>> No.14737364

I hate that. Can´t reall enjoy food properly anymore.
Currently i´m stressing about tomorrow´s lunch with my sister

>> No.14737859

I do. You should see my fucking university. Rainbow haired feminists and fags everywhere. I thought I was fucked, but then I came to school and started seeing and living with these mentally ill people everyday. Half of them are fat and unhygienic as well it’s disgusting. You should have seen my parents faces on move in day. My mom told the guy that dorms next to me that he’ll never be a girl, and even if he thinks he’s one, he’ll still be a very ugly girl

>> No.14737889

what state is this in?
when i was in college it wasn't like that at all

>> No.14737929

Connecticut. At UConn. I went to private school my entire life and my parents are conservative. They despise this place. My 2nd year was when a trans guy lived next to me. Girls started complaining about him using their bathroom and shit. Due to complaints and increase in gay/trans students, my third year they made an entire dorm 6 levels high into a lgbtq dorm. Wouldn’t be surprised they open another after I graduate since the gay/trans population is supposed to rise since UConn is so liberal/accepting of them. Even on tinder they’re everywhere, and since they check themselves off as girls, they appear in the queue.

>> No.14738303
File: 419 KB, 411x539, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is he thinspo enough?

>> No.14738305

Yeah, and I'm actually trying to gain a little bit, so I won't freeze during the winter and not have my brain functions stop. Then any easy gaining food does this...

You'll survive! It's just one meal, and you don't have to eat much. And remember: you are eating the lunch, the lunch isn't eating you.

>> No.14738380
File: 145 KB, 1242x843, e135efd7-ddd6-4b0e-b5d7-8875e5278845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

binging vegetables and fruit is fucking PAINFUL

>> No.14738480

Hmm. Is it just a coincidence, or could the salt in the chips have absorbed a some (that is, a lot) of the water in my body, as I feel a lot less bloated today than yesterday?

>> No.14738619

I want to be thinpo but I have really broad shoulders and I developed my pecs too much so my upper body really stands out and looks horrible, what do

>> No.14738632

Im 5'8 and 58kg skinnyfat fuck
I need to start losing

>> No.14738658

I'm 5'9 and 120 lbs and I don't look like a skinnyfat at all. How can you still be skinnyfat when you are 58 kg? Don't you have like ANY muscle?

>> No.14739100

adopt a fasting lifestyle and train less bro, you'll lose some of the excess muscle (autophagy, a catabolic process, starts about 15 hours into a fast) and lose fat at the same time.

>> No.14739124


conservatives are trash and so are you. thinspo is a liberal paradise.

plz go

>> No.14739139

what can I do about the shoulders?

>> No.14739203

I really wish this thread was more active, so comfy talking to other thinspo anons

>> No.14739261


we need to brainwash more normies into wanting to be thin, that way this thread will become more active

>> No.14739289

bitufel eyes.

>> No.14739325

since bone structure can't be changed, you should just choose clothes that don't make your width too obvious. Loose tops look good on lean people anyways

>> No.14739333

Green tea is mildly stressful for the liver, be careful if you or your family have liver issues
That pic lol I'm currrently at 17.4 and feeling great, I rarely meet people who don't feel like shit when dieting though

>> No.14739361

>been taking liver taxing medication for 2 years straight
>eat over 100g of protein/day, some days going up to 150g
>drink a fuckton of green tea

fuck, I need to stop one of these soon

>> No.14739369
File: 45 KB, 1280x720, 1473559054382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's been causing the following:
>intense brainfog
>trouble sleeping
>horrible constant freezing
>/thinspo/ telling me to eat more

>> No.14739427

Yeah, dropping green tea sucks because although it has some negatives it tastes great and is mostly good for you.
What's your weight loss method and what does your typical diet look like?

>> No.14739583

How do you people manage to drink snake juice? I can barely choke it down and it tastes terrible to me. And how much do you drink a day?

>> No.14739634

Go into desert for 30 days and ignore the devil

>> No.14740098

>What's your weight loss method and what does your typical diet look like?
Obsessive sporting combined with restricting calories like a maniac. At least tonight I played some boardgames with a few friends, and we had fat people snacks, so I ate quite a lot of those. It will probably lead to me going to the gym and restricting even more heavily after I wake up, though.

>> No.14740102

Currently drinking more green tea than any other liquid. Feels great.

>> No.14740149

>bf tells me he's "curious" what i'd look like thinner, tells me he'd be lying if he said he didn't like very thin women
>have been fasting for 7 days now, in whole foods he blows up at me and tells me "make sure not to eat all the skyr in one sitting" as if i'm some landwhale
bro i'm not eating at all
>just found out that i'm going to meet his parents on thanksgiving
>his dad is fucking shredded and his step mom is really skellie and has a complex with competing with his gf's in the past
there's only 34 days left till then so as long as i fast every day except for my parent's visits + my birthday i should hit my goal weight of around 115 by then but it's exceedingly stressful. why am i cursed with the fat bro

>> No.14740186

>bf tells me he's "curious" what i'd look like thinner, tells me he'd be lying if he said he didn't like very thin women
>have been fasting for 7 days now, in whole foods he blows up at me and tells me "make sure not to eat all the skyr in one sitting" as if i'm some landwhale
he sounds like an asshole

>> No.14740248
File: 32 KB, 495x660, 1570786805443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14740281

you sound like a cuck and are only playing into your perv boyfriends incest fantasies

>> No.14740302

Sheesh now this is cringe

>> No.14740307

Omfg hahahahahahahaha

These are the people that give advice on here. You look so fucking weak and pathetic. And that hair. Wtf are you thinking. I can’t stop laughing

>> No.14740449

when my legs and midsection got super thin my broad shoulders accentuated their thinness even more and it was kind of nice. Hope that makes sense.

>> No.14740469

post your self or we will just assume you're a 200lb pimple faced balding poltard who keeps making those "how do I dress to let people know I'm a fascist" threads

>> No.14740676

Post face

>> No.14740684

Nice work man, looking good.

>> No.14740713

Stfu incel he's cute

>> No.14740931

Naw I've got a haircut and it definitely looks better. I was just very shut in for awhile and let it grow out.
Though I likely look better than you now anon.

>> No.14740964

If you think gnomes are cute, then sure.

>> No.14740966

post face

>> No.14740970

No. Why would I?

>> No.14740987

What do you mean?

>> No.14740994

that's definetly not 50kg you lying fuck

>> No.14741187

used to be into thinspo but then i realized i will never have sex anyways and went from 116 to 136 in a year... i need encouragement to get thin again, someone call me fat pls

>> No.14741192

>20 pounds
those are rookie numbers. 20 pounds is an easy amount to lose, just diet strictly for a couple months and it'll be gone before you know it. How tall are you?

>> No.14741245
File: 154 KB, 360x352, IMG_20190924_164043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw would look like this but have a concave chest with flared ribs

>> No.14741252
File: 32 KB, 400x300, 1570995132488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does drinking coffee with nofat milk count as breaking your fast?

>> No.14741298

people generally say more than 10kcal/hour breaks a fast

just learn to love black coffee fren

>> No.14741356

okay so I've almost watched every episode of Super Size vs Super Skinny

what should I watch next?

>> No.14741396

holy shit I love brussels sprouts so fucking much

if it wasn't for muh anti nutrients I'd literally eat 500g of them a day

>> No.14741461

yeah but it's not enough calories to really affect your weight loss

>> No.14741470

I think I'm going to give Keto one more week and then I'm slowly going to start adding more carbs back to my diet such as boiled potatoes, baked beans and oatmeal

hopefully I don't get hit with mad food cravings and start eating more

>> No.14741472

i think it is healthier to just do low carb diet personally. any diet that restricts yourself to extremes seems silly, other than if you have an allergy.

>> No.14741477
File: 1.41 MB, 1322x1082, fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucked up

>> No.14741480

I mean, there are studies showing that keto can boost your metabolism by up to ~300kcal/day (in obese men that is) and many people report that their appetite gets curbed on keto but yeah, sticking to sub 20g of carbs is getting really frustrating. Whenever I go shopping I spend several hours just looking food labels and putting food down because they'll put over my carb limit by 5g or something silly.

looking forward to next weeks food shop, still going to aim for under 50g/day

>> No.14741484

Why would anyone do that?

>> No.14741485

you looked good on the left
yeah, i mean, keto can be a good way to lose weight rather quickly. but i don't think it should be a long term- permenant lifestyle.
i think that getting some carbs is healthy, not to mention you are very restricted in what you can eat.

>> No.14741516

you look really good on the right

>> No.14741543

lmao disgusting cottage cheese fat. unhealthy liberal with no muscle tone just fuck off

>> No.14741550

post body with timestamp

>> No.14741560

5'8 male lmfao but i actually dont hate my height

>> No.14741564

Be warned this is propaganda. they inflate numbers through umscientific methods to create the appearance of "normalisation". trans + "nonbinary" combined are 0.1% at most. trans people are usuallly fat and ugly af too.

>> No.14741572

post body

>> No.14741575

seething fatty and or wrinkled 30yo boomer detected.

>> No.14741578

body with timestamp

>> No.14741582

Projecting much?

>> No.14741591

more like 100% accurate lmao!! probably non-white too hahahahahaha just kys already its over

>> No.14741597
File: 1.06 MB, 1077x3016, 20191026_133152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm 6ft 72kg and not even close to skinny fat

>> No.14741598
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>> No.14741606

nice boomer fb meme lmao stay fat

>> No.14741608


>> No.14741610

looks good. i recon get to 65 - 67 will look better. but this is attractive.

>> No.14741712

Based bf

>> No.14741765
File: 1.04 MB, 2502x2593, 03474D27-6B5B-4C79-84FE-20A025EA8E5C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I rid this final sort of gut? Everything else has been relatively easy to manage

>> No.14741799
File: 34 KB, 400x393, 1571344072428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THE best thinspo pic of all time

>> No.14741805

lift moar

>> No.14741820

True, that's impressive

>> No.14741984

Apple cider vinegar definitely works guys...

>> No.14742161
File: 38 KB, 570x495, 233333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cant work properly if i eat less, idk what is wrong with me. i literally get depressed asf if i dont eat, and i dont even like to eat. ironically if i eat more i start feeling better. i excercise nearly everyday, aerobic and anaerobic excercises

>> No.14742395

Drink more caffine, it's the ultimate band aid for low calorie diets

also try to eat more nutritious stuff? If you're sugar addicted you're more likely to feel like garbage restricting

but yeah, I try to eat super nutritious and I haven't touched sugar in months and I'm pretty sure I suffer a decline in performance when I under eat too. Oh well

>> No.14742414

ugly looking forearm desu
i mean, starve yourself all you want but you are not fooling anyone with a wrist of that size

>> No.14742686

What do you mean?

>> No.14742694

Get a multivitamin

>> No.14742973
File: 58 KB, 356x842, IMG-2991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw thin but fat

>> No.14743330

start lifting

>> No.14743406

Pancake’s crepe board. Fantastic community.

>> No.14743568

you look kinda weak desu

>> No.14743572

That I am, but who am I trying to fool?

>> No.14743577

I've had a whole week of work where I've been completely flat out so I get to avoid eating lunch and dinner and it looks like I have another one coming up. I love this feeling boyos

>> No.14743701

i eat only whole foods and always aim to eat 70 gr of protein everyday, even thought is hard. also i dont like sugar either sugary foods, i cant stand them i have a sensitive digestion im forced to eat well, that isnt the issue. whoever, i think i should eat and move more, was doing that for a couple months and felt great but the progress that i was making was really slow because my eating problem, so i switched to eating less.

>> No.14743709

i eat only whole foods, i always aim to get 70 gr of protein everyday and is really hard to accomplish it. also i dont like sugar either sugary foods, i cant stand them, i have a sensitive digestion which force me to eat well, so sugar isnt the issue. whoever, i think i should eat and move more. i was doing that for a couple months and felt great but the progress that i was making was really slow because of my eating problem, so i switched to eating less. im cursed

>> No.14743711

how many calories are you deficiting/per day on average? More than 20% of your TDEE/a day typically makes people feel progressively worse.

>> No.14743728

Am I the only one here who loves the taste of black coffee? It's so strong and satisfying, really hits the spot.

Green tea actually makes me feel better but I don't like the taste nearly as much.

>> No.14743730

Ayy lmao
Seriously eat some food this looks freakish

>> No.14744069
File: 128 KB, 1132x620, 1549340628663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what bmi is this

im aiming for a bmi 0f 16.5 before my birthday

(179 cm 53kg"

>> No.14744114

i'm staying with some family members and they literally force me to sit down with them and eat and get mad if I don't
man this fucking sucks, I was doing great too

>> No.14744302

i dont count calories, i just eat what i can without feeling bad. but i think i have a deficit between 15-10%. its just hard for me to eat. actually before summer i had a bmi of 18.4 (i weighted 10 kg less), but i started excercising and gained 10 kg of muscle just lean bulking (i had to force myself to eat over my tdee enough to gain muscle). i think i developed a eating disorder because of mental ilnesses that is fucking me up.

>> No.14744304

i dont count calories, i just eat what i can without feeling bad. but i think i have a deficit between 15-10%. its just hard for me to eat. actually before summer i had a bmi of 18.4 (i weighted 10 kg less), but i started excercising and gained 10 kg of muscle just lean bulking (i had to force myself to eat over my tdee enough to gain muscle). i think i developed a eating disorder because of years of isolation and mental ilnesses. and is fucking me up.

>> No.14744365

tell them to fuck off?
you're over 18 right?

>> No.14744420
File: 73 KB, 399x563, f763156d2a521e47996ed5ff6eb2462a20b9fa7ceea99eb5f88356bcda3f40cc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Height: 184 cm
Weight: 62 kg
BMI: 18.4
Body fat: 6-8%, it fluctuates
I haven't do anything for past three years and gained a little fat on abdomen. How do I lose it?

>> No.14744640

i'm a uni student in another country staying with them at the moment, I can't tell them to fuck off they're doing me a big favor to let me stay

>> No.14744794

+1 for my pancake addiction. it's much better than these crappy threads.

>> No.14744808

Just eat better, less carbs n shit

>> No.14744813

are you two fucking kidding me? It's like the worst parts of tumblr + MyProAna combined and it's slow as fuck

>> No.14744851

goodbye fitrat

>> No.14744899
File: 64 KB, 540x360, 574a6015f650d17c5ff6bb9fd08c6ffe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14744927

cute. post moar pls

>> No.14745058
File: 54 KB, 750x1000, 1c95d09f27bd1c9cda93269a138ed98b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14745061
File: 1.39 MB, 640x1136, 479D4166-60D0-429E-ACC1-402EE2D6FBE5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being a tourist :) waitress lady told me I need to eat more

>> No.14745112



push ups

no beer

>> No.14745216

push ups & crunches would be enough combined with enough weight lose. try and get a lot of protein as well when you are starting out especially. i would also run for it's other benefits though

>> No.14745222


>> No.14745231

Looking good friend

>> No.14745238

MPA is full of trannies, lesbians and bisexuals. How the fuck is that better than here?

>> No.14745468
File: 77 KB, 504x650, 1504487551720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any inspo pics of male ballet dancers. I had a few saved but can't find them.

>> No.14745644

Yes I’ll post some tomorrow they’re on my computer not my phone

>> No.14745728
File: 51 KB, 772x260, Screenshot_2019-10-27-21-42-25_kindlephoto-108854080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take your pills retards.

>> No.14745756
File: 116 KB, 798x1000, 7CBEEB4D-4B72-40C0-8EA7-C3B03531A21A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it even possible to become thinspo when I look like this? My legs/butt are very muscly from playing soccer my whole life

>> No.14745766

Nice attentionwhoring.

>> No.14745769

You want to lose muscle mass, why?

>> No.14745786

skinny arms/face and a thick, athletic lower body is the female ideal.

>> No.14745844

is the discord still active? if so can someone drop the invite?

>> No.14745849

stick to not posting your face, thanks

>> No.14745982
File: 605 KB, 1358x1032, 1544104347300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate my diet:

>wholegran rolled oats
>2-3 eggs
>2-3 fruits
>bowl of cruciferous veggies
>boiled potatoes/yams
>full fat cottage cheese/greek yogurts
>4 cups of coffee + 4 cups of green tea + water
>almonds/olives for snacks
>100% dark chocolate

I get atleast 100g+ of protein every day, and I usually get around ~60-80g of carbs, rest is fat. I eat 1300kcal roughly each day but sometimes I do 1000kcal or 1600kcal

any improvements I can make to my diet? I feel like I'm getting close to perfecting it without making it too restrictive (full keto/zero fruit) or too expensive (avocados instead of fruit for the the mono-unsaturated fats)

>> No.14745985

forgot to mention I also eat a bowl of spinach/kale everyday, the eggs are always hard-boiled, the cruciferous veggies are usually eaten boiled and the sardines/mackerel/salmon are usually canned and eaten raw

>> No.14746028

Get out of this shitty relationship and lose the weight for yourself and yourself only.

>> No.14746280
File: 67 KB, 648x960, tumblr_op6nbrPJz71vud6ffo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14746419

Hmmm thats fucked, packed schedule every day :((( You could do some pus ups or just stomach vaccums during your comute, and if I were you I would eat one big meal a day to have enery and still fast most of the day. Get off the computer and drink lots of water, the best advice ive gotten on /fa/ is to stay of /fa/.

>> No.14746422

I like this

>> No.14746425

almost puked

>> No.14746428

lol @ u

>> No.14746435

I’m not trying too :(

I want skinnier thighs and not drumsticks

>> No.14746778

what exercises can I do if I want to be an aesthetic skellington? I don't want to bulk out my shoulders or my legs but I don't want to be flabby either, I just want to improve my definition I guess.

>> No.14746802

bodyweight exercises, pull ups, chin ups, push ups, planks,...

>> No.14746872

bodyweight exercise + running
it is peak aesthetic imo

>> No.14746899

you should still be taking a multivitamin, but the risk of osteoporosis is dramatically reduced once you reach the age of 17. by that point, peak total bone density has been reached.

osteoporosis is only a problem when you're a 13 year old girl with anorexia and fucking yourself up during the critical growth period.


>> No.14746903

You’re perfect. I’d throw you on to that bed and fuck your brains out just the way you are :)

>> No.14747130

Okay, rough plan so far is to aim for

3 x 15 goblet sqauts
3 x 60s planks
3 x 15 pushups

every 48 hours

and gradually increase number of reps as I can

I would like to do targetted arm/back workouts but I don't have anywhere to do pullups (previous tenant broke door using frame) and I don't have any weights, so I'll give this routine a shot and buy equipment once I know I'm disciplined enough to stick to it

Don't really see the point of running other than for general health, I'm dieting 20% of my TDEE each day so I'm getting leaner at a decent pace anyway. Might do it if I still feel motivated for more after I start doing back and arm exercises.

thanks for the advice frens, any more suggestions?

>> No.14747145

Today was my first day of breaking keto and going low carb (60g today)

I felt a nice increase in energy, I was chatty, attentive and felt physically stronger
I have been feeling a slight craving for food all day though, not overpoweringly strong, but present nevertheless. Still stuck to hunger queues and only ate 1200kcal today though

>> No.14747244

Add abs bicycle and HIIT to lose fat faster and tone. Are there parks near you that have pull ups bars?. There is also a pull up bar that you can drill to the wall. And the last suggestion, get into calisthenics, there are tons of exercises that you could do. For example i gained 10 kgs of mostly muscle just doing pull ups, abs bicycles, chin ups and push up.

>> No.14747278

>miscalculated total amount of calories I ate today
>turns out I over calculated by 200 calories

lmao nice

>> No.14747426

I literally can't stop eating

>> No.14747829

same how the fuck do i curb this? whenever i restrict (even a little) i inevitably end up binging

>> No.14747841

>i gained 10 kgs

>> No.14747958

These are called stretch marks, anon.

>> No.14747966

I feel so guilty after eating today.I did only consume 200 calories I wanted to see if I could endure water fasting and I couldn't, fuck.

>> No.14748098
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I think I am literally about to kill myself because my legs are too fat and eating became a painful act of embarrassment

I don't want this anymore

>> No.14748175

Dead people don't gain weight. Go for it.

>> No.14748339

weeb thread: >>14748334
weeb thread: >>14748334
weeb thread: >>14748334