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File: 157 KB, 900x900, TASTL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14709352 No.14709352 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14709353

brand names on clothing is the biggest sin you can commit in fashion, so no

>> No.14709357

patagucci was in style about 2 years ago
get an L7, they'll be everywhere next winter

>> No.14709362

They’re nice enough but it pisses me off that they don’t have front pockets. Why not?

>> No.14709371

Because then they couldn't sell you different models at a higher price, which have front pockets.

>> No.14709374
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No, but some other items are

>> No.14709439

No they look alright but their extremely overpriced and the technology is very outdated.

>> No.14709483

lolwut, fleeces are outdated now? what exactly replaced them?

>> No.14709569

Depends, are you going for the Northern Prep look or something more vintage?

>> No.14709639

Yes, but not all of them. Those with special patterns are :^)

Omg just shut the fuck up.

>> No.14709648

chris chan core

>> No.14709693

it's fratboy core but they're very cozy. if you're going to wear a fleece by itself it's a pretty good choice honestly but I think a nice turtleneck or crew sweater looks better

>> No.14709737

no, you fuck off
if you wear brand logos on your clothing you are not trying to be fashionable. this is a fashion board not npc fashion trends

>> No.14709773

This is what all the hot chicks at the climbing gym and the dudes with them wear.

>> No.14709891
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Not effay, but comfy af

>> No.14709943
File: 1.01 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_1007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate my synchilla

>> No.14709955

What are some alternatives to patagonia fleece?

>> No.14709967
File: 597 KB, 963x1024, Patagonia cliff underwater chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only in the one true chad pattern

>> No.14710099


>> No.14710204

You can't post here if you're underage

>> No.14710253
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Nothing really. Can't think of anything that signals conformity, taste, monetary, and social virtue signalling quite like Patagonia. Wearing it is how you get ahead.

Alternatives would be Vineyard Vines, KJP if you want something heavier/comfier. You could always get something from a more expensive brand at the risk of looking tacky.

>> No.14710478


>> No.14710593

thank you

>> No.14710969

Bruh I'm 22

>> No.14711173

no go buy kapital fleece if ur not poor

if u r poor don’t fret about what to wear go make some fucking money

>> No.14711195

why are you dressing like you just got your allowance at 15 then lmao?

The thread was about sweaters and you literally posted a jacket.

>> No.14711238

Holy shit, I just had a look at their knitwear. They have a lot of balls to try and sell their absolute dogshit Coogi knockoffs for the price they do. I've seen Chinese knockoffs that looks better. Wouldn't buy anything from the brand out of principle and common sense after seeing that. The rest of the shit is probably shit knockoffs marked up to con hypebeast retards as well.

>> No.14711799
File: 51 KB, 500x457, rgne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brand clothing can also be fashionable you literal dumb retard. The only reason you hate on brand clothing is because "le normies/NPCs wear it!!!!11". You're doing nothing else but jumping on the bandwagon by having this opinion. Stop being such a fucking bitter and insecure loser. There's no way you've never seen a piece of brand clothing that you didn't find cool, but stopped yourself from purchasing it because of the principle of "never buying brand clothing!!!1". I bet the people you call NPCs dress better than you anyway.

>> No.14711804

Whatever poor retard

>> No.14712204

imagine being this much of a tryhard faggot.

>> No.14712285

they absolutely are. only true CHADS have a 'Gonia in their closet

>> No.14712295

essential portland subaru lesbian core

>> No.14712374


I remember when I gave this much of a shit about logos.

If you actually lived with some authenticity and wore Patagonia while doing outdoor activities like mountaineering, hiking, or rock climbing, you wouldn't give a flying fuck about a logo because their shit is keeping you warm and dry.

>> No.14712497

except dressing for function is not fashion, and this is a fashion board
coming from someone who structures their sentences in an internet meme
>Brand clothing can also be fashionable you literal dumb retard. The only reason you hate on brand clothing is because "le normies/NPCs wear it!!!!11". You're doing nothing else but jumping on the bandwagon by having this opinion. Stop being such a fucking bitter and insecure loser. There's no way you've never seen a piece of brand clothing that you didn't find cool, but stopped yourself from purchasing it because of the principle of "never buying brand clothing!!!1". I bet the people you call NPCs dress better than you anyway.
yeah, i'm totally the bitter insecure one here. no good clothing brands plaster their logo's on their clothes.

>> No.14712515
File: 36 KB, 780x435, eotw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy is literally your doppelganger

>> No.14712524

I just looked up Kapital Fleece, it all looks like Kanye West nonsense. Do you actually wear these things? How old are you?

>> No.14712709

Ignore everything else here and listen to me. Yes. It's like the easiest possible thing to wear right now. It never looks bad or out of place, the brand has no negative connotations, it is actually functional as well as looks good.

>> No.14712738
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Only vintage nubby ones from l.l. beans that get the little stuff stuck in it.

>> No.14712755

>>>14709352 (OP)
>they absolutely are. only true CHADS have a 'Gonia in their closet
Best is thier overalls.

>> No.14712764
File: 287 KB, 1400x1416, 19PTGMMRTRPLJKTXXAPO_El_Cap_Khaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bought this off-white patagonia fleece , i actually regret it. it looks terrible on ppl with really pale skin. also it gets dirty really easily.

>> No.14712781


>> No.14713104

if you retards have to ask if you can wear a patagonia fleece in public, why do you browse a fashion board

also i'm 22 but i think you fail to realize the older you are, the more fucking pathetic is the fact you're on 4chan asking other men hurr durr can i wear this completely plain unoffensive and pedestrian article of clothing

this board has really fallen from grace

>> No.14713111

also imagine calling a 80s japanese brand focusing on americana workwear a hypebeast brand

word of advice, if you don't have expertise on a subject, don't open your mouth

your opinion means absolutely nil

>> No.14713137

Only if you’re planning on going out for craft beers with your wife’s boyfriend

>> No.14713147

im gonna try to make some custom fleece out of water/dirt proof UHMWPE

>> No.14713204

that kapital shit is ugly, no amount of typed words will change that. suck it up

>> No.14713208

post a fit loser

>> No.14713216

you first

>> No.14713238

I didn’t ask for advice, I just entered the thread to see what other brands people might recommend. Also if you think this Kapital shit represents Americana workwear you are familiar with neither workwear nor Americana.

>> No.14713241

I called it "hypebeast" because those knits are Chinese knockoff tier, frankly worse, but marked up more than 100 dollars over the RRP of a similar cardigan made by the original Coogi factory. With the way you are multiposting and desperately trying to paint two different posters as the OP of this thread, I'd say you were conned into buying this shit because of the prestige the label affords. If somebody walking down the street didn't know they were supposed to blow you for wearing Kapital they'd just see a shit-tier imitation of a classic design.

>> No.14713268

you're right a brand that got its fame off mixing american denim and workwear with avant-garde elements has nothing to do with americana workwear just like visvim has nothing to do with americana workwear either

how retarded are you?

>> No.14713302
File: 297 KB, 1045x699, kapital.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i currently don't own any kapital because i'm not into that niche of fashion anymore

multiple brands have done coogi pattern iterations, that doesn't make any of them a chinese knockoff tier. not to mention there isn't a kapital fleece article of the style that OP posted that resembles anything ever made from coogi.

kapital is heralded as one of the best quality producers of denim in the okayama region, a region that's already known for quality artisinal denim, and the quality translates over into the rest of their apparel. to call it chinese knockoff tier without ever having held and felt an article from kapital yourself is pretty ignorant. if you're referring simply to the aesthetics, it's a brand that's main inspiration is heritage clothing, there is overlap but a knockoff brand doesn't create iconic pieces of clothing that make it a world-renowned brand.

there is not a single brand that captures the aesthetic kapital does, which shows that someone like you calling the brand a "knock-off" have no idea what the fuck they are spouting

>> No.14713342


>> No.14713353

>multiple brands have done coogi pattern iterations, that doesn't make any of them a chinese knockoff tier.
What makes them look like cheap knockoffs is the superficial aping of the style with a complete lack of any attempt to emulate the 3d knitting techniques. You can see how shit they are from the thumbnail even, which must equate to at least 20m away on the street.
>not to mention there isn't a kapital fleece article of the style that OP posted that resembles anything ever made from coogi.
Like I said in my original post, immediately when I saw it I thought it reflected extremely poorly on the brand, and would make me wary of buying anything they put out.

Maybe I wasn't aware that their clothing is made from the finest recycled panties from virginal Seishin Girl's High School freshmen, but I can see when absolute dogshit is right before my eyes. Doubly offensive when it costs more than the original.

>> No.14713437

>Kapital isn't hypebea-

>> No.14713495
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>complete lack of any attempt to emulate 3d knitting techniques

i honestly don't understand how this even relates to the discussion at hand.

you realize 3d knitting is simply the act of a machine creating an article of clothing in one piece instead of in parts? coogi only uses this technology in their iconic sweaters.

if you literally look at the picture of the coogi-inspired kapital sweater, you will see there is no seam line between the sleeve and the body indicating that it is a 3d knit product.

>superficial aping of the style

all 5-6 coogi inspired sweaters kapital has ever done in their 30+ year tenure have unique motifs such as animals, peace signs, etc that no coogi sweater has ever had.

and also, you realize new kapital coogis retailed for around $300 while new coogi sweaters retail around for $700?

and finally do you realize the topic was on fleece jackets? i don't understand why you would even venture into the topic of 3d knitting when not a single brand on earth 3d knits their fleece jackets.

you are a fucking fool trying to sound educated on a topic you can't even seem to grasp

>> No.14713498

are you retarded? if you literally look through the front page of their articles, there's articles involving comme des garcons, needles, louis vuitton, dior, even fucking woolrich, an american staple that's been around for 200 years

none of these brands are "hypebeast" brands you stupid fucking twat

>> No.14713515

>comme des garcons, needles, louis vuitton, dior
>not hypebeast
hypebeast in denial lul
What next, Supreme isn't hypebeast?
sage for ruining this thread with your autism

>> No.14713528
File: 1.85 MB, 1791x756, Screenshot_5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hypebeast fashion revolves around streetwear, all of these brands specialize in high fashion

yes, you can take items from any single brand, even avant-garde brands like rick owens or ann demeulemeester, and incorporate them into a hypebeast streetwear fit.

no, that does not make them a hypebeast brand.

also have you ever looked at a cdg runway show? if you think that's a hypebeast brand then there's no help for you.

convenient of how you make false points and switch topics when you're proven wrong. oh well, can't help retardation of such extreme degree.

>> No.14713555

>i honestly don't understand how this even relates to the discussion at hand.
>and finally do you realize the topic was on fleece jackets? i don't understand why you would even venture into the topic of 3d knitting when not a single brand on earth 3d knits their fleece jackets.
I don't want to repeat myself for a third time. I have no doubt that you aren't anywhere near as retarded as your continued inability to read what I've written would suggest. You are disingenuously picking and choosing elements of my posts to reply to while ignoring others in order to white-knight Kapital, not change my mind. I couldn't give a fuck if they have knitted scenes of the whale harvest on their sweaters, they have the barest minimum of detail in these knits and none of the complexity of the real deal. Presumably you cherrypicked what you posted as a reference, and it's still insulting, frankly, at the price they have it.

>and also, you realize new kapital coogis retailed for around $300 while new coogi sweaters retail around for $700?
The brand has been sold but the factory is still trading independently.

>you are a fucking fool trying to sound educated on a topic you can't even seem to grasp
A fool which you have to keep ignoring in the better parts of the posts of in order to keep repeating the same shit I keep answering. After this I won't indulge you further.

>> No.14713559

Being this retarded. I bet this person actually thinks that CDG play is CDG and that Kim Jones and Virgils designs are reflective of Louis Vuitton

>> No.14713561

To clarify I meant Kim Jones for Dior and Virgil for Louis respectively

>> No.14713567

W2c this kind of fleece but on pants?

>> No.14713621

i've hit every point you mentioned, i've not left one point disproven, 3d knitting, aping of style, and price points

why the fuck does the brand being sold matter when you're the one that brought up price points

you have literally brought nothing of value to the discussion, i don't give a flying shit that you don't like kapital, why the fuck do you think i'm here to change your bad taste. i'm just here to point out how utterly incapable you are at getting a single valid point across.

who the fuck cares about the brand being sold, you're the one that brought up retail price points in the first place

in comparison, you've ignored my jib with 3d knitting, failed to understand that the pieces are coogi-inspired and not required to have the "intricate" but really truly the completely fucking random detailing/coloration of a real coogi, failed to prove how the most established high fashion brands with decades of history are "hypebeast" brands while completely failing to realize that you have been the one avoiding the talking points brought up the entire time.

>After this I won't indulge you further
because you literally have not given one single valid point and you're out of bullshit to spew. your entire gripe with the brand is that the coogi-inspired sweaters don't have enough detailing without giving a fuck about quality, design philosophy, or the history and recognition of the brand.

considering how big Kapital is in current scope of the fashion market, the fact you didn't even know what the brand was and then based your entire opinion of the brand off a quick google image search already tells me enough.

hurr durr let's base the entire legacy of a brand off their current creative directors that have been there for less than a year and label them as hypebeast brands.

listen dude at this point just post a fit so we can all collectively laugh at your coogi sweater fit

>> No.14713629

Coming from somebody who generally doesn't like wearing clothes with logos on them, you're pretty fucking stupid. Conflating Supreme box logo t shirts and LEVI'S billboard logo t shirts with polo shirts with small Polo RL logos in the corners or Patagonia fleeces with the logo on one breast does you no favours.

>> No.14713666

did you read what I even said, I said that it isn't reflective of the brands past

read next time

>> No.14713690

i know what you said, it’s just laughable you could ever even think of those brands as hypebeast brands regardless of their current design philosophy. especially considering Louis Vuitton and Dior have some of the greatest and most recognizable legacies in the history of modern fashion.

and cdg? rei and junya are still the leading figures for the brand except for diffusion brands like play which shouldn’t even be considered, how the fuck are they a hypebeast brand when they’re considerably more experimental and innovative than either lv or dior

give up buddy

>> No.14713692
File: 83 KB, 500x623, 11111111111111111111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one tho

>> No.14713699


>> No.14713701

Can you fucking read?
This is what its in reference to.

>> No.14713720

yeah I can, lv and dior will never be considered hypebeast brands regardless of their current creative directors because whatever they do will forever be overshadowed by their predecessors.

virgil for lv isn’t a brand, it’s an era for the brand.

it’s retarded of you to even consider attaching that adjective to the brands despite their current direction. and even more retarded considering you’re the one that said kapital is a hypebeast brand because it was posted on hypebeast when lv and dior have been posted on hypebeast numerous times long before their current directors had taken the helm.

triple retarded for thinking it’s a comprehension on my end when i was clearly referring to the brands as a whole when i brought them up in the first place. there wasn’t a mention of virgil or kim yet you’re the one who misconstrued it as such.

>> No.14713831

that actually wasn't me. I never said any of these brands were hypebeast. Bold of you to assume I was the person who even said Kapital was hypebeast because I didn't. I just simply suggested that the current heads of the brands were more attractive to people because of past work. You have displayed that you can't read 3 times now, stop spending so much money on fashion and buy some fucking glasses retard,

>> No.14713842

only if you drink white claws while wearing them brad.

>> No.14714126

Could be a sweater my dude, but ye he looks a bit to young to be here

>> No.14714146

champion has "sherpa sweatpants" and maison margiela has "reversible fleece sweatpants" but they're all in shades of grey and blue.

>> No.14714164

>Actually following trends

>> No.14714930

thanks brother. I'll see what I can dig up.

>> No.14714946
File: 402 KB, 1390x1800, baste and patagonia-pilled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I see you are a man of taste as well.

>> No.14715376

can someone link these? cant find them on the patagonia site.

>> No.14715610

"Cliff" series patterns. Long since discontinued.

>> No.14715632

can confirm chads in uni wore this

>> No.14715640


>> No.14716143

How are these threads still possible that picture of the Jewish manlet is 4 years old by now, every fucking fashion victim has caught up with it

>> No.14716231

Polyester piece of crap

>> No.14716422
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>> No.14716504
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>> No.14716514

Frat boy tier

>> No.14716522

Anyone know where I can find something similar that won’t cost upwards of $100?

>> No.14717436
File: 690 KB, 2000x2000, 26940_FGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just copped a woolyester. Not really into the feel of their normal fleece, but I liked it with the addition of wool

>> No.14717439
File: 669 KB, 3264x2448, IMG_1191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14717451

frat is peak effay. It's literally effortless chads looking good in all situations

>> No.14717870

haha somebody has never stepped into a fraternity house

>> No.14717888

>t. Geed twink

>> No.14717894

damn it's actually harder than I thought to find this shit. MAybe I will just cop some sherpa lined ones and turn them inside out

>> No.14717901

surprised they're still a thing -- seems like they have a huge unsolvable image problem. everyone i know shits on them as well

>paying for friends

>> No.14717911

There's this Japanse brand called Naissance that sells some, you might have some luck searching on Yahoo jp

>> No.14717915

base and tripspilled
why would they care what the goblino masses think about them? Getting into a frat is literally free connections for life in business and most other high paying competitive areas. Sometimes it's the difference between you and an equally qualified candidate. I'm literally making 300k in a year and my first internship was because of my frat creds

>> No.14717920

here is a question for you then:
if patagonia made the same exact shirt without the logo; would you buy the one with the logo or the one without?

>> No.14717921

that's only if you get into a good frat. 80% of frats are just a bunch of vineyard vines wearing brainlets that made daddy pay for their underage drinking club.

>> No.14717928

yes. patagonia t-shirts are decent blanks and a patterned synchilla is based by itself. the quality is decent and the return policy is pretty good even if you fuck up your item.
i once bought a used taped seam patagonia jacket off of ebay for 90's, accidentally washed it and some of the seams came untaped. sent it back to patagonia and they gave me $80 credit. proceeded to buy a pair of shorts and a backpack on sale with that money.

>> No.14717931

the same can be said about most things. Being discerning about the company you keep is an important life skill. Youo don't want to spend your time around trashy whores and have it come back to bite you in the ass when you're president. Look at Trump, he paid to fuck a "classy" pornstar and it made him look like an idiot who pays for sex when decided to run for pres

>> No.14717933

Finance isn't a job.

>> No.14717987


>> No.14718005

I founded the chapter at my uni with a bunch of guys I was already friends with. I pay towards group events and fun shit to do together. It's pretty sweet. I also got an internship (comp sci) through a connection with one of my bros and his boss at work. We have a few guys with that vineyard vines and coral shorts image but not many. My uni is pretty good for STEM also so most of us are good at our own thing and aren't typical fratty retards but sororities still consider us pretty good looking and continue to have mixers with us. There's literally no L to take here. Only people who hate on frats are jealous of the free puss

>> No.14718026

that wasn't a yes or no question you fucking mongoloid

>> No.14718114

i got this same one too. cozy stuff right there

>> No.14718169

Found the poverty minority