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/fa/ - Fashion

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14689535 No.14689535 [Reply] [Original]

How old do you have to be to pull off the fedora?

>> No.14689558

just wear one if you want, who cares what atheists and non-whites think?

>> No.14689561

being a walking anachronism is never effay, sorry

>> No.14689567

you have to wear a two peice suit, shirt and tie, first. It's not about age, it's about the look. A fedora is an accesory that incels have ruined.

>> No.14689593
File: 32 KB, 636x773, you_as_npc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being effay is fine as long as you don't look any different from anyone around you

>> No.14689599


>> No.14689624

Literally this. My BF does thee Sam Spade thing while I do the trad cath thing. We get the occasional neg, but usually get positive comments.

We're both thin and (largely) conventionally attractive if that makes a difference.

>> No.14689729

2 important things.
>Dress properly
That means proper trousers (no jeans) and atleast a blazer. If its chilly outside wear an over coat or trench coat.
Expect maffia-comments if you do it with a trench though.
>Get a real fedora
Dont cheap out on the hat. There are plenty of hat makers that are affordable like Akubra for instance.
Just dont buy one from H&M or other non-hat stores.

>> No.14689807

Came here to post this. Most hats will look stunning with a full suit on. It is never a matter of age but a matter of maturity.
Also: >>14689558
Wholesome thread with whole some answers. /fa/ is growing up.

>> No.14689862

The classic menswear threads are usually pretty civil.

>> No.14689883
File: 133 KB, 737x957, 2018-01-15-stetson-image14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my experiences with those hats, as well as cowboy hats. I started wearing cowboy hats as a child, and I never abandoned it for long, mostly during my teenaged years I eschewed wearing a hat. I only started wearing hats again more often during my middle college years, at first integrating them mainly for cold and wet weather, and later on, they became more of a regular routine, when I got around to wearing a suit, or a sports jacket with a tie and contrasting trousers. The hats that I wear are mostly Akubra and Stetson company hats, the former of which are of somewhat better quality when it comes to holding up through rain and snow, although I also have a few vintage hats in my collection of around twenty. My favorite fedora is one that looks like the hat featured in this advert.

>> No.14689890

yeah bro ur right, the only way to look different from everyone, to go against da grain, to swim upstream, to really stick it to the man, is to travel back in time 60 years with your style

>> No.14689914

Over 30 if you dont want to look like a tryhard fedorafag, with a suit preferably

>> No.14689930


>> No.14689933

I wouldn't preclude younger men from being able to wear one effectively. They are just more likely to look like hipsters, but people of any age are capable of missing the mark, with certain styles. However, it's just something that some people, not that many, like enough to put on their heads.

>> No.14690115
File: 1.05 MB, 1366x768, 215216261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

over 30 and you need to wear a suit, also don't be a fat fuck or you will look like this guy

>> No.14690314

He should obviously opt for a hat with wider brim and taller crown to elongate his face

>> No.14690373

Then again, he is married and you are gay.

>> No.14691589

Based Uncle Buck
Pancake kino

>> No.14691764
File: 60 KB, 628x434, hat-and-turtleneck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that incels have ruined.
you mean redditors. the meme started from radfems bullying non-radfems and conflating them with the then-contemporary hat revival of the late 00s.
>"stop wearing fedoras, fedoras are 50s and if you like the 50s you must be a misogynist"
>"if you don't agree with my sexual politics you are a misogynist like this boy in the hat"

everything else associated with it, such as atheism, gaming, etc were tacked on later, and the ones who memed it to death are honestly worse than the kids who wore them ever were.