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/fa/ - Fashion

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14686319 No.14686319 [Reply] [Original]

What's this style called, my /fa/shionistas?

>> No.14686325

trying hard

>> No.14686329
File: 254 KB, 785x1000, 45436564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> core

>> No.14686330


>> No.14686336

3400 calories a day and date antique farm equipment core

>> No.14686339
File: 326 KB, 1242x1531, IMG_20191003_235339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14686340

Doesn't he get annoyed by the dangling keys sound as he walks? Never understood people who wear keys like that. Like a fucking cowbell

>> No.14686349
File: 1.95 MB, 1080x1337, Screenshot_20190926-174227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14686383

How can you be so fat as a vegan

>> No.14686417

mountain dew is technically vegan

>> No.14686422


>> No.14686425

onions core

>> No.14686426

fat Logic-core

>> No.14686431

s o y core

>> No.14686439

Is this the way all fat lifters dress? I mean member Sam Hyde? Fuck if I know the difference between them. Both are bloated bags of skin.

>> No.14686455

oreos too

>> No.14686460

This is actually fire wtf

>> No.14686461


>> No.14686485

obs big boy core, he's been studying under t he master a mister S. Hyde. Don't know if you little bitch boys even have t he organs necessary to see let alone understand that.

>> No.14686665

ngl these are decent fits for his body type

>> No.14686681

Lots of vegans I know eat like absolute shit. The amount of sugar the average vegan eats is mindboggling.

>> No.14686685

Fat Boy Fall

>> No.14686705

You Shouldn't Be Allowed to Listen to Music If You Watch the Needle Drop

>> No.14686805
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Leave Fantano alone /fa/ggot

>> No.14687312

make people seethe on /fa/ core

>> No.14687317

Local coffeeshop guy in any bigger city core.

>> No.14687324

sam hyde-core

>> No.14687331

castro street core

>> No.14687342

ypu all hate on him because hes vegan and isnt a complete skeleton

>> No.14687360
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>> No.14687362

this is why vegans should never, ever be taken seriously. they eat absolute shit and are actually UNhealthier than the average person

>> No.14687919

>these are the retards polluting /mu/ an already trash board
no surprises here

>> No.14687929

Big boy big onions core

>> No.14687979

Are you implying that you're a /mu/ regular? Because I'm not a /mu/ regular and I still know that pretty much everyone hates him there

>> No.14688039

is that andy milanokis

>> No.14688132

enumerate all the carbs and sugars and you will realize the vast majority of junkfoods are 90% vegan

>> No.14688160


>> No.14688175


>> No.14689457

Giga Flanders

>> No.14689971

Based Encino Man

>> No.14690145


>> No.14690305

and /mu/

>> No.14690315

Carabiners and hanging keys its officially over using pockets from now on

>> No.14690509

I actually like this one desu, looks pretty comfy

>> No.14690669
File: 414 KB, 1120x1405, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no suprises here

Hello fellow radiohead fan

>> No.14690730

I simply can't take a man seriously if his eye for beauty is this bad.

All of his opinions about art are discredited.

>> No.14690743

Too thin to be andy

>> No.14690783
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>implygin implied implications
wow that's like so brave of you anon, to only like people a larger group of people tell you you can wow, you're like a real maverick or something.

>> No.14691407

Interesting conclusion based on nothing at all.