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File: 313 KB, 2000x2400, Skinthread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14680436 No.14680436 [Reply] [Original]

Skin care basics:http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Skin-care_Basics
Acne treatment:http://tuxbell.com/index.php?title=Grooming#Acne_Treatment

Skinacea Links:
Ridding dark eye circles:http://www.skinacea.com/how-to/get-rid-of-dark-circles.html

/fa/ skincare FAQ:

Cosmetics product ingredient analysis:

- Basic routine, skincare guide, and products tips
- How to pop pimples, remove blackheads and whiteheads
- Why you shouldn't use ordinary soap on your face
- How to improve your skin tone through diet
- Studies on how diary and sugars create acne
- How your skin is affected by sleep, sun, skincare ingredients

>> No.14680622

I wouldn't recommend popping any pimples. Cosrx pimple patches extract that stuff for you and also can be used to cover and protect the broken skin so it can heal properly. If you're like me and are prone to hyper pigmentation then I'd advise you to put a sticker on after the a popped pimple.

I think another important factor in skincare is ph balance and knowing what skincare items shouldn't be mixed. As for products/brands great for accomplishing an ideal ph balance to let actives work properly, Klairs supple preparation toner is perfect to maintain an ideal ph balance and comes unscented for those with sensitive skin, it hydrates well too. Mizon is another great brand that actively keeps ph balance in mind. Mizon's aha/bha toner works very well yet is still suitable for sensitive skin. I personally like to use a hydrating and cleansing toner (cleansing one first), once you let the cleansing toner absorb for 2-3 minutes then use a cotton pad to swipe off excess dead skin cells as well as any dirt. Cosrx also has a lovely tea tree cleanser that keeps ph balance in mind and it leaves the skin quite soft.

If you're ever wearing sunscreen/make up then I extremely recommend an oil cleanser, it makes a dramatic difference depending on the one you choose. I think an oil cleanser should be decided upon by your skin type since there are hydrating oil cleansers and this may be great for dry skin but not ideal for oily. A great oil cleanser is Tatcha's oil cleanser as well as Innisfree's Green Tea Seed oil cleanser and their Apple one too.

As for products you shouldn't mix together: Vitamin C + AHAS/BHAS, Retinol + AHAS/BHAS, Retinol + Vitamin C, Glycolic acid + Salicylic acid, Niacinamide + Vitamin C. If you're using some of these combinations then I recommend you stop because they can cancel each other out and can damage your moisture barrier. Damaging your moisture barrier is a common cause of break outs and depending on the damage it could take months to repair.

>> No.14680716

Thoughts on other cosrx products, I just founs them and thinking about trying their cleanser and moisturizer when my currenr stuff is done.

>> No.14681459
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Does BHA really remove milia? I've noticed some developing around my right cheekbone

>> No.14681476

>he doesn't put cod liver oil on his face at night

>> No.14681528
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what is this? it is hard for me to google because it is just a lump on my face. When I pick at it, it only bleeds and there is no pus that comes out of it. And the skin is rough and feels kind of like a callous. It doesn't hurt when I pinch a piece of skin off. It's small right now but before it was bigger and at one point it was a darker brown-purplish color. It used to just be a small mark of discoloration. Could it possibly be some kind of wart on my face? :(

>> No.14681537
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Yeah that's probably wart but everything around it is much worse so dont worry

>> No.14681601
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>> No.14681618
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Sorry mate, I have pretty bad acne too..I dont care for sex or looks much but its getting straight up annoying and gross so in thinking of trying to get rid of it and well according to the OP its alot of hoops to jump through.

>> No.14681625

stop picking.

>> No.14681659

Also, don't use soap. Clean sheets.

>> No.14681791

i clean my sheets monthly (is that gross?) and change my pillow case weekly. What do you mean don't use soap?
i know i shouldn't pick at it but sometimes they open on their own and other times they are just ready... i want to give up trying to make it better. I didn't get acne in high school. Only in my twenties it started happening. Right now is the worst it has ever been

>> No.14681912

I have had acne around my mouth and chin area for years and I've never been able to make it go away. Sometimes I'll have a stretch of time where it will begin to clear up and then I get hit by a breakout in that area with a big cluster of pimples. I've tried all the creams. Can't take Accutane because depression and side effects.

>> No.14682571


>> No.14682625

just got myself the basics for a simple skincare routine according to the basics.

all of them combined, the 4chan stickies and basics have helped me so much getting started on ultimately worthwhile things. (/fit/ /fa/ /frag/ /skin/)

thx /fa/

>> No.14682632

Do The Body Shop do decent stuff for the price?
I'm using a tea tree mask and a vit c liquid peel exfoliator by them and have noticed a slight difference

>> No.14682636

for me acne got fixed not from washing face or using A vitamin pills or changing sheets. It was diet and my body fat percentage. My face was fatty because I was skinny fat. So just lose weight by eating less. Fix your fat (you cant even see easily if you have overly fat face so just go for very low body fat and avoid foods that make your skin break out) face. I drink only water.

Bonus as you lose weight. Stretch shoulders for mobility. Most effect on your posture from shoulder mobility.

>> No.14682690

Looks similar to a wart but I really recommend going to a dermatologist before trying to treat it yourself.

I recommend a retinoid. There's a 2 week purge period with retinoid which means that it will cause breakouts before it takes affect but it's worth it because it gives great results long term for break outs.

Their products can produce good results but I really recommend trying out Korean brands since they have great products for low prices, overall surpasses mainstream western brands.

I do recommend trying their cleanser. As for their other products it really all depends on your skin type. Products work differently for everyone. Some of their toners aren't necessarily suitable for sensitive skin. With most brands/products trial and error is necessary so you can find what's best for for you. For me personally it took me a long time to find what works for me and what doesn't work for me. Thankfully many stores online and off are understanding when it comes to returns and exchanges. Sephora is particularly great with that but they are also overpriced.

Also to add on my post here, another great brand when it comes to acne/redness would be Benton. Their centella products and in particular their centella redness mask works absolutely beautifully. Another recommendation would be using sheet masks regularly. A personal skin concern of mine is aging, I use a sheet mask in the morning and night everyday and it makes a dramatic difference. Depending where you buy sheet masks, it's very affordable to use them everyday. Great brands for affordable sheet masks would be innisfree, missha, papa recipe, a'pieu, tony moly, nature republic, lovemore and jayjun.

>> No.14682932

How often do i use BHA if i shave every three days?

>> No.14682936
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How the fuck do I get rid of this hyperpigmentation or whatever the fuck it is?

I've had it for a couple of years now, is laser my only option? Ive tried a bunch of different shit

>> No.14682939

Your photo sucks can't even see it take one in better lighting if you want advice please

>> No.14682942
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>> No.14682948

Its honestly hardly noticeable. Are you surr its not a birthmark?

>> No.14682957

There isn't much that can be done. I assume you have already tried chemical peels so laser is probably your only option. And as the other anon said its really not that bad I doubt its worth paying for laser treatment. But if its bugging you enough you do you

>> No.14682981

Vitamin C and glycolic acid helps quite a bit.

>> No.14682985

You can go to the dermatologist and they will prescribe you a skin bleaching cream. You use it twice a day for a couple months just on that area. They prescribed it to me for scarring

>> No.14683013

Yea, it appeared like 3 years ago and has been fucking annoying

>> No.14683085
File: 555 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20191003-130250_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello anons, I'm 18 and already getting slight lines on my forehead and around mouth and my skin is awful. Currently I wash with Cetaphil and moisturize with CeraVe twice daily and use an acne spot treatment. What should I do? It's really hurting my self esteem. Have no money for a dermatologist right now. Even when I eat better I still have this problem. I appreciate any help, sorry for the ugliness!

>> No.14683103

caveman routine
cut out milk/sugar

>> No.14683107

Sunscreen genius

>> No.14683110

I'll try to cut out the dairy, thank you

I do use that too

>> No.14683198

How come I drink a lot of milk(like a gallon every two days) and do not get acne?

>> No.14683211
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Have any of you done punch excision for pitted circular scars?

Do you recommend it? This one is smaller than an eraser head

>> No.14683403

Thank you for the advice. I am already thin and active though, I don't eat fast food very frequently but I do eat out a couple times a month. I think I will try to cut down on sweets (but what do I eat when I am craving?) I do have a chubby face but I think maybe that is just genetics.

>> No.14683432
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ive had arm acne for years, since i started puberty. I'm not talking about keratosis pilaris, I'm talking about full-on whiteheads and blackheads on my arms, shoulders, back. literally every single pore on my arms could be squeezed whether it was raised or not, and sebum would come out. I've recently gotten on a skincare treatment and the acne is going away slowly but surely, but now there's a lot of small dark circular spots, especially on my upper arms, from where i picked a lot as a kid. how do i get them back to my regular skin color?

>> No.14683561

redpill me on derma rolling

are the dermatologists trying to shill me into only going for a $600 microneedling sessions or are the bloggers trying to shill me their derma roller brands that they partnered with
or both

>> No.14683609

I’m supposed to use a toner in my PM routine but I’m not supposed to layer it with fit C serum? Am I better off using one rather than the other?

>> No.14683700

Literally just use tretinoin. Solves all problem except severe rosacea and pitted scars.

>> No.14683731

who are you replying to

>> No.14683765
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Would really appreciate advice on how to treat this shit bros.
It’s not as inflamed right now, but it’s still pretty bad

>> No.14683794

wtf is that acne?
get on the acne.org routine quick my nibba

>> No.14684102
File: 1.80 MB, 4608x3456, IMG_20191003_202151773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>change pillow case/pajama shirt every 2 days
>change sheets every week
>eat clean
>exfoliate and use moisturizer
>close pores after shower with cold water
>don't scratch/pick at it
>dermatologist says it's just genetic and to go on Accutane which is literal poison and makes you bald and fucks your hormones
I'M 27

>> No.14684106

FUCK dude what the fuck
Do you have leprosy?

>> No.14684109

...pajama..”shirt”? Every 2 DAYS??

Either go to sleep naked or put a new shirt on every night wtf

>> No.14684118

benzoyl peroxide
glycolic acid
it should go away, yours isnt that bad

>> No.14684128

That's folliculitis

>> No.14684152
File: 77 KB, 575x536, wrongway.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no... it's just acne. i know it's gross but i've been following common skincare advice. it just hasn't been getting better at all

>> No.14684160

some of those combinations are okay it just depends on your skin sensitivity. there's also multiple forms of vitamin c which plays a big part, the strength of the acids/retinols, etc.

>> No.14684162

Hahhaha pizza face hahaha

>> No.14684550

np senpai, were all gonna make it. Keep at it.

>> No.14684592

precious <3

>> No.14685618

U need retinol, my nigga. I can't comment on the mole, you should probably see a derm about it. Derm can prescribe you otc grade retinol as well as antibiotics for the acne.

>> No.14685624

Getting this done on an old piercing scar in 10 days. Hopefully my derm doesn't fuck my face up.

>> No.14685684
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My most potent witches brew yet.

>> No.14685699

Retinols don't need prescription.

>> No.14685704

w-wwhat is that?

>> No.14685718

Overnight cream. Its full of retinol, B vitamin complex, vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin D3 and its PH sits at about 5.3. Now time for the 30 day test trial to see how effective it is.

>> No.14685806

Maybe it's different elsewhere, but for Tretinoin you do where I live.

>> No.14685810

Tretinoin is a retinOID. It's considerably harsher than retinol products.

>> No.14685816

How do I minimize pores? I already cleanse, exfoliate, moisturizer.

>> No.14685821

You can not actually shrink pores only keep them clean so they are less noticeable.

>> No.14685822

Well. The more you know, huh?

>> No.14685831

That's what I mean anyway. I heard clay masks work but those dehydrate skin.

>> No.14685844

Rhassoul clay is far less dehydrating than say, bentonite. Try that if you are interested in trying out a face mask, and of course you can apply a good moisturizer afterwards to help keep skin moist.

>> No.14686003

thank you for the advice i noted it

>> No.14686098
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I have informed myself a lot about acne, so if any of the things I'm listing you haven't tried yet, try them.
>green tea extract pills to reduce inflammation and oily skin
>keto diet
>jojoba oil to reduce oily skin
Keto was truly the most effective and I have clear skin nowadays. And I tried all kinds of shit so far. The obvious diet tips, accutane (I relapsed despite good hygiene and diet), autohemotherapy, sauna. Try what I said. Acne is mostly caused by your pores being clogged by something. That might be your own oily skin or comedogenic products you are using. Bacteria that naturally live on your skin feed off of it, grow out of control and your immune system tries to fight the overgrowth, which results in you seeing an inflammed bump. Try what I said, for me it was really the final solution to entirely clear my acne.

>> No.14686114

thank you so much for this

>> No.14686713

Biggest contributors to my teenaged acne:
>dairy/milk products
>sugary foods
Dairy mainly created cystic acne while sugary stuff made me prone to regular acne breakouts. High triglyceride levels (ie consuming sugary foods) largely contribute to acne development in those individuals susceptible to skin problems.

>> No.14686718

It's makeup genius
>t. every girl who has horrible skin because of makeup

>> No.14687118

Aww damn how much is it gonna cost ya

I went to a plastic surgeon and the fucker quoted me $1500 for this shit that would take less than 5 minutes with supplies that cost less than $20

Post update in future

>> No.14687141
File: 129 KB, 650x650, 0C3D5456-B5BE-487D-B78E-0A7E1BF1E6BB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>skin care thread
I don’t have a routine I just use this every time I hop out of the shower or shave.
Should I actually start a routine? Convince me.

>> No.14687143

Eliminate carbs from your diet RIGHT NOW

>> No.14687165

Hmm interesting you say not to mix those products. I currently switching up my routine and am trying out Vitamin C and Niacinamide to treat mild PIE. I use Vitamin C in the AM and Niacinamide in the PM, also using a BHA in the PM every two days.
So being curious I searched google for a few sources about this claim and for at least the mixing of BHA and Vitamin C, as well as Vitamin C and Niacinamide, it seems that it is fine to use both of these examples in combination. There were a few sources who noted that using these in conjunction could lead to redness of the skin for those with sensitive skin (AKA: me) but using each product after different times seems to nullify this.
I'm curious if you have personally had troubles using multiple different products, and if you did what was the problem? Overall, I could see the need to be wary to mix many different skin products (especially actives) since more often than not I find less is better for skincare.

>> No.14687169

Yeah for me the best way to minimize pores have been Clay masks (works best but doesn't last to long and I don't like using a clay mask everyday) and Oil cleansing has also worked wonders. I've heard a BHA works well too, however, I haven't noticed the results as much (I use a BHA 3-4 a week)

>> No.14687196

It could be your toothpaste. sodium lauryl sulfate can cause breakouts on lips and mouth.

>> No.14687210

You can’t make your pores smaller. If you have oily skin, your pores will be bigger.
To reduce the look of them though;
>clay masks
>Glycolic Acid & Salicylic Acid

>> No.14687973

thanks. how long did it take for your acne to improve after removing dairy and sugary foods from your diet? i will try to stop eating ice cream and chocolate :(
i don't think that is sustainable for me. i like carbs and starchy foods too much. but thank you

>> No.14688288

actually haven't worn makeup for a couples years cause it does make it worse

>> No.14689279

you made it yourself?

>> No.14689461


>> No.14689668

Did you just shave? Probably folliculitis if then. I've got that too and it should go away by itself, but I'm on antibiotics now.

>> No.14690336

oh i didn't even know there were antibiotics for folliculitis

>> No.14690936
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my forehead has been looking like a wasp nest for years now and I fucking hate it, completely destroys my confidence. Anyone got any idea on how to clear my skin?

>> No.14690950

Right now I use the COSRX low ph morning cleanser, the COSRX snail power essence, and the biore aqua rich sunscreen.

I'm looking for a new exfoliator and a good moisturizer for the winter, but I'm terrified of irritating my skin or ending up with a breakout. My skin tends towards being on the dry/dehydrated side. Any recs?

>> No.14691829

Only $150 per dermal punch with my Tricare referral actually. I will let you know if it was worth it.

>> No.14691864

Are you a woman? The chin/jaw can be a hormonal breakout area

>> No.14691877

I’m going to try this, sad because dairy is probably my biggest and favorite food group

I did accutane and cleared up for a bit, face is still clearer, but back and chest are shit again. BHA helps some but not completely
Any advice for scarring on very pale skin?

>> No.14691880

You aren't ugly.

>> No.14692211

How can i deal with the sides of my nose darkening and having some funky smell whenever its oiling up. I have no other acne problems other than this. Would be great if anyone could help

>> No.14692229

Try bha

>> No.14692377

It gave me breakouts

>> No.14692378
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Avoid cleansers with harsh sulfates (I think Cetaphyl cleansers have then), I use this for
both body and face and it works for me:


You are young and have oily skin, I don't think you need to moisturize.

Don't pick at your skin, don't scratch, don't rub or do anything harsh. DON'T wear makeup. If you have some body acne as well, stop wearing synthethic materials, only wear loose cotton clothes. Eat healthier and excercise regularly.

Also, it's an age related thing and it's absolutely normal. If it persists for long: go to a dermatologist and get a prescription for accutane. I, too, have very oily skin like you and had acne when I was younger but guess what, when you get older everyone else starts looking like a sun dried raisin while you'll still look young :)

You look pretty cute.

>> No.14693545

Get a face wash with Salicylic Acid in it (neutrogina oil free acne wash is solid and fairly cheap).
Get an AHA (glycolic Acid) to exfoliate with once or twice a week.

Are you moisturizing? If not, do so. Your forehead is oily and needs moisture. If you have oily skin get a lotion or gel moisturizer. If you have dry skin, try a cream.
Cerave has good ones, the AM and PM lotions.
Also, wear sunscreen to prevent hyperpigmentation.

>> No.14693564

Don’t moisturize? Wtf?
No, oily skin absolutely should moisturize. Just use a gel moisturizer, emulsion, or lotion instead.
Some serums/essences are hydrating enough to do the job of a traditional moisturizer too.

But everyone should moisturize, it will help in the long run for a multitude of reasons and a multitude of skin concerns.

>> No.14693632

You're so very kind thank you! I really appreciate this, I'll switch to that cleanser. and follow that advice

yes maybe it's better to use a tiny bit

>> No.14695046

>tfw forehead wrinkles
Christ just kill me now. Is there any legit way to get rid of them?

>> No.14696180

Sharing what I wrote to another anon a number of months ago
>I really don't see how fasting can help with wrinkles. If you want to go at them in terms of skincare then it's best to start using hyaluronic acid, retinoids, AHAs or matrixyl or a combination of them. If your skin is dehydrated or you want a near immediate effect then hyaluronic acid is the best option when starting out. While it does fill out wrinkles remarkably well and provide moisturization necessary for restoring normal skin function HA by itself has no long term effect. AHAs can provide a longer effect by exfoliating the top most layer of the skin and also stimulate the production of collagen effectively combating small wrinkles by increasing skin elasticity. The effect isn't as immediate and can take month or more to become apparent. Retinoid provides same benefits as AHAs but is certainly stronger and the use of it can extend up to year until all of the results show up. It's the best anti-aging solution around. As for matrixyl, I'm not too sure about it but it is said to influence skin elasticity long term so should help with wrinkles. Whatever you choose, you must make sure to build a basic skincare routine around these because otherwise you may ruin your skin even more. Sunscreen is even more important because a lot of aging related issues such as wrinkles in a lot of cases are directly directly to UV exposure.
Another one that I didn't mention is deep microneedling and laser application, but this goes outside of skincare really.

>> No.14696199
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any toronto mans here who can tell me what exfoliant they use? hard to get paula's choice in canada