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/fa/ - Fashion

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14667790 No.14667790 [Reply] [Original]

This is going to sound extremely cringe/unusual; but I want some advice and maybe you guys can experiment/come up with something?

How can I be furry and /fa/?

What's the best way to fuse the two - and have an aesthetic that is cool/hip with normies/hipsters and that furries love/has a furry flair like without going into neckbeard/fedora fashion territory?

>INB4 yiff in hell

>> No.14667818
File: 35 KB, 571x552, 1527568172320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

neck yourself you disgusting degenerate, get the fuck off my board

>> No.14667825

Put on some ears and a fox tail buttplug and shoot yourself in the face.

>> No.14667834

go away

>> No.14667839

Why do you have to bring in your fetishes into your clothing? just wear some lapfox trax merch or something man idk

>> No.14667845
File: 54 KB, 720x720, shirt_roadtrip_paper_main_720x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not literally gonna wear tail buttplugs or shirts displaying fetishes or yiff references/terms dude.

Just a non-sexual style, and a subtle one at it.

>Lapfox Trax

Ewwww. No.

Thoughts on Hyena Agenda? Their clothes look to overdesigned/like hot topic scene kid ish, but there's one that I really like here (Pic related)

I am a car seat headrest fan as well; I do want some sort of Will Toledo inspo album or something like that.

>> No.14667856

ur a furry why do u even want peoples' approval, that tshirt looks ok tho.

>> No.14667866
File: 163 KB, 500x522, 938373646362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something subtle like this

>> No.14667872


Damn OwO UwU normies will undoubtedly approve haha

>> No.14667876


I mean, I'm not trying to gain mass acceptance/popularity with normies or anything?

That doesn't mean that I can't indulge into fashion as a hobby I like, and still be presentable and having decency.

It's not like being a furry means I have to wear buttplugs to the grocery store and rape everybody who makes eyecontact, white wearing a button up flame shirt and not showering.

>> No.14668411
File: 42 KB, 447x720, 1547072027229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that hardcore reddit spacing

>> No.14668419

OP, just don't bother trying here. As someone else said, at the point of actually doing things irl just don't be faggy about it. I have my keys on a little hyena lanyard, that's it.

>> No.14668449

I sympathize OP, but you came to the wrong place to ask for advice (know our audience). Maybe try your normal aesthetic (assuming it's not horribly cringy/bad) and just add some light furry elements that don't clash with it. Like a belt buckle or something. Unless you want something that overtly outs you. Then maybe look into some tasteful (if there is such a thing) graphic tees. Can usually find some neat prints on etsy. If your female (or cute male) you might be able to get away with animal sweatshirt things.

>> No.14668464
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>> No.14668473
File: 162 KB, 1024x923, 96C3D07D-430C-4B98-BE19-E12F9F6E7B69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14668804
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>> No.14668858

there's no way to fashionably signal that you are a furry without looking like a faggot. but around other furries, looking like a faggot won't matter, so just dress for the occasion

>> No.14668950

>my board
not with that reaction image

>> No.14669678
File: 39 KB, 400x600, 1-075-sable-fur-coat_600x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this faggot retard this is now a fur coat thread. I found a coat like pic related in a dumpster, how do I make it look baller as fuck? I'm considering chopping off the arms but I'd need a fucking power saw cuz this bitch is real fur. I'm a dude btw

>> No.14669690

maison kitsune and polo bear stuff. dont buy anything made by furries, its all tacky faggot shit. you might be able to do somethings with color palettes to try and look like an animals pelt, like earth-tones with a reddish clay focus to look like a fox or something idk. whatever you do dont buy designer shit and wear it with ears and a tail. possibly the cringiest shit to exist

>> No.14669700

>durr i found a sable coat in a dumpster

>> No.14669709
File: 909 KB, 3110x2073, 1435884241741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

similar to it retard, which one of these faggots are you?

>> No.14669710

then why not post what you actually found, fuckstick.
Differentiating fur is not difficult, nor is finding a brand name on fur-in-question

>> No.14669744

me on the far right

>> No.14669904
File: 65 KB, 633x758, 1568918044311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my board


>> No.14669909 [DELETED] 

Anything made specifically by or for furries will usually look like 16 year old lesbian girl tier shit.

You can try to take the most tasteful furry graphic t-shirts you can find and wear them with something tasteful, but even then...

>> No.14669910
File: 85 KB, 612x587, ED6UIFiVAAE15Gz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>consulting 4chan about anything furry related outside of /lgbt/ or /b/
>not expecting it to turn into a thread complaining about "degeneracy" and reddit


>> No.14669915

Anything made specifically by or for furries will usually look like 16 year old lesbian girl tier shit.

I'll try and help you anyway, it's awfully plain of a suggestion but for that t-shirt for example, you could try dr martens 1461s and those black uniqlo ankle trousers, that should be easy enough for someone inexperienced to pull off

>> No.14669951

nothing says 'i don't use reddit' like everything reminding you of reddit

>> No.14670245

Try dry icing your hands off or get better taste.

>> No.14670882

Bump of interest, I sympathies with furfags because I like animals and anthros too.
It would be nice to wear something about cute animals but I guess it's hard to find anything which isn't ultracringe.

>> No.14670963


>> No.14670966

show us ur balls

>> No.14670967 [DELETED] 
File: 1.46 MB, 2000x1007, killme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill me

>> No.14670978
File: 1.58 MB, 2100x1057, killem2plsb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill me

>> No.14670994

What is #5's neck?
Brontosaurus looking motherfucker

>> No.14671059











>> No.14671649


>> No.14671668
File: 48 KB, 640x607, EEcDMARU0AAUB4t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the dry ice incident is a meme in -chan spaces

Why? No one in the fandom at large even knows of the incident and it went pretty much completely under the radar for anyone outside of 4chan.

Your meme is shit when the people you're using it against have no idea what it means.


>> No.14671673

How do you know how redditors space, anon?

>> No.14671677
File: 247 KB, 900x1200, ECrR80WU8AA-nHs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no nomadcomplex.com

they're so based tho

>> No.14671938

You reek of underage get out

>> No.14671943

I wish furries weren't a thing so I could wear shit like this without being judged

>> No.14671947
File: 40 KB, 480x550, 1478847498067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14671949

This. Furries killed it for us who are interested in mammalian megafauna but not for deviate reasons

>> No.14672268
File: 78 KB, 750x831, EEro9c9UEAIJbsQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there's """people""" in this world who willingly limit their ways of expression because some -chan incels might think less of them


>> No.14672295

Chan incels? No, more like all my friends and some people.
Yes I don't want to be made fun of, I may dress with something a bit out of the ordinary but won't dress with something that will get me judged. I wish I didn't care at all but I do

>> No.14672307

get better friends

>> No.14672312

i can ensure you i made the decision, that a bunch of """people""" being attracted to animals and going as far as to fucking in animal costumes, is degenerate and wrong, by myself with my own information and rational thought

>> No.14672317
File: 108 KB, 750x1000, B92C76BE-17D2-4153-B2CA-6A1BF68EEA36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14672320

nobody is arguing that. are we still talking about not wearing a harmless shirt just because it happens to depict a furry or are we gonna discuss the morality of being a furry now?

>> No.14672323

wear what you want, just know that i wont treat you equal if i know youre a furry

>> No.14672325

>waahh waaaahhh i obsess over what people do in the privacy of their bedrooms waaaaahh


>> No.14672331


>> No.14673001

I mean they wouldn't laugh at me or say something like that.
But I would feel bad about it, I would be embarrassed. Much.