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/fa/ - Fashion

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14664656 No.14664656 [Reply] [Original]

Here's the thing. This board should be renamed /ca/ for capitalism

The main reason people give a fuck about fashion is a) they want to look good to potential sex partners, b) to feel better about themselves because our society is shit and things like this matter (or people pretend they do), c) they try to create an identity
All symptoms of capitalism.

Basically you should all wear whatever the fuck you feel the most comfortable with.
Utilitarianism is the answer to "fashion", nothing else

And don't even get me started on the fashion industry...

>> No.14664661

It's true, all of it...

>> No.14664665

very true.

except its fun to play dress up, like its fun to draw. I know how horrid the industry is, but dang it its fun to dress up! no ethical consumption etc etc

>> No.14664671

Bernie was oddly hot when he was younger

>> No.14664731

I agree with you for the most part. Fast fashion is cancer. It's still important to look good, but I'm trying avoid buying anything disposable

>> No.14664774

bernie is qt outsider

eh i used to watch all the project runways and america’s next top model, now i just thrift everything to not give direct profit to the industry. i know some people do swap meets too with cute plant babies as well. gotta go green senpai

>> No.14664783

you sound like a nice person, I bet we'd be friends.

>> No.14664790

for fags in the boots threads: this is how boots SHOULD look. dirty, worn, with character.

>> No.14664793

Why do commies lack a soul

>> No.14664798
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Should i care what you think?


>> No.14664817

Daily reminder to never enjoy anything and never pursue things based in aesthetic value or how they make you feel because it supports capitalism.
Everything must be utilitarian.
Paintings,sculptures,literature,music, theater
All a massive waste of resources.

>> No.14664820

I'm doing my master in Marketing, but I still bite because it is fun and there is nothing wrong with that.

you know, economy 101

>> No.14664895

obviously that's not true mate, cmon. nobody is even arguing this.

>> No.14664904

Op just did

>> No.14664970
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not really though, fashion as it exists today is, of course, a product of capitalism and as such is rotten and despicable but even the most primitive men try and dress nice. The problem is the senseless consumerism that drives every part of our lives as it alienates us from ourselves.

In a sense utilitarianism is the answer, but things that improve your quality of life, whether in a practical or psychological sense, have a utility.

And, most importantly, you can't write without a typeface.

>> No.14664975


>> No.14664990

lmao cry more poorfag
go die in a ditch

>> No.14664997

Was about to say this. OP seems to think that pre-capitalism men were never concerned with how they looked, which is clearly untrue. Though a long time ago it was really only the elites who had the privilege of concerning themselves with fashion. If you were a plebeian you obviously had to be utilitarian.

>> No.14664998

>t. wears a boiler suit casually

>> No.14665437

For me fashion is not about sex but mainly about nostalgia, larping, cargo cult, tradition and symbolism. What I choose to wear impacts my overall feeling and motivation to play a role either required from me or necessary for me to make it through the obstacles.

>> No.14665508

It has very little to do with capitalism, the aspects you criticized are more about materialism and individualism, the first being even more evident in the communist doctrine that I guess you sympathize, the second being more proper of capitalism. Anyway as a kind of traditionalist, I was tempted to think in a similar way as you, not much about utilitarianism, but about stitching to a "traditional" dress code that would limit the same negative aspects you criticized. I realized that it would make sense if there would be an organical dress code in our society, wich is something that is lacking except for a few professions, so there is no "traditional" way of dressing nowadays in the west. Given the almost total freedom that, like it or not, you have when it comes to dressing, you become responsible for what you dress like; being it a choice, it gives off something about you, the first impression that a stranger has of you it's based a lot on how you dress. Ignoring this aspect or basing your choices only on utilitarianism may lead to a poor and distorted perception of your person. To sum it up, I think it's right to choose a way of dressing that is both aesthetically pleasing and that gives off something about your personality, and, if you care about it, that's also practical.
The fashion industry is 99% bullshit and I agree with that, personally I don't like to wear branded stuff

>> No.14665566

This is pretty retarded, you may not believe it but I actually enjoy wearing clothes that I feel look good, it doesn’t matter about getting laid or being approved by society, I just feel happier when I’m wearing nice clothes. And also yes 99% of the fashion industry is exploitive and terrible, but I think a pretty good portion of this board are not really participating in the shitty disposable, dress to impress, fast fashion part of the industry. I spend a lot of money on my clothes but I wear them forever and I buy things made in a small batch, by workers who are paid properly and free to come and go by they please, from companies and designers who I love and want to support, and who are focused enough on the actual clothes, rather than the bottom line, that they can consider the environmental impact of making them. Those who dress purely utilitarian will likely end up buying shitty clothes from abusive Chinese companies, that end up breaking down within a few years, requiring another shitty product to be purchased.

>> No.14665591
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What a retard

>> No.14665612
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>> No.14665683
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>all these serious replies to a bait thread

>> No.14665840

Curious how the ones with the most automated and low-IQ responses in this thread are also the most butthurt.

>> No.14665932
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>Curious how the ones with the most automated and low-IQ responses in this thread are also the most butthurt

>> No.14666231


>> No.14666238

>The main reason people give a fuck about fashion
Most people don't care about fashion, not to the extent that most fa users do. You are on fa little bitch. We care about fashion because it is what excites us, and we have an obsession for learning style aesthetics.

You don't know shit about the fashion industry little baby.

>> No.14666512
File: 70 KB, 610x610, zizek-and-jell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It has very little to do with capitalism
>more about materialism and individualism

and communist materialism is not the same as adbusters materialism, its the same word but his has two totally different meanings, like duck and duck

>> No.14666570

have you people never heard of buying 2nd hand clothes? its almost as if all your guilt would be alleviated and your cognitive dissonance removed if you stoped buying shit clothing and took some time to figure out 1. how to dress and 2. what you like and why do you like it. instead of wasting what little brain power you do have on pointless trivialities like oh uh uh uh the fashion industry is bad guys!!!! uhhhhh.....

>> No.14666573

you presented the idea pretty poorly but you're correct

>> No.14666581

Based commie posters

>> No.14666615

So, should we all be wearing coveralls? Or do like what Einstein reportedly did and have multiples of the same outfit? Do that minimalism chinky chick bullshit

>> No.14666620

Not the same guy but what do you expect from 4chan

>> No.14666624

Can this argument be made in tribal fashion and all tribal cultures? I can't name cultures, but there are some that definitely show that they value beauty. I guess having livestock and wives is wealth and capitalsm in a way... I dunno what I'm doing here; this idea kinda got away from me.

>> No.14666662

Fashion existed before and outside capitalism. Maybe you're one of those modernists that think capitalism has always existed