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14659650 No.14659650 [Reply] [Original]

How can I dress to compete with women who show more skin? I'm built more like a twig 5'4 105 lbs. Seems like girls with really good bodies have an unfair advantage and men automatically gravitate towards them

>> No.14659652

>skin bleached
>plastic surgery
>fake hair


>> No.14659657

post body in panties so I can give you a fair critique

>> No.14659658
File: 308 KB, 660x988, 1569334237189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14659659

i miss sex in my life

>> No.14659679

i never had it, so i dont have to miss it. unlike you, loser

>> No.14659684

Eat more and hit the gym

>> No.14659685

I had it once, ten years ago, with a black prostitute from Jamaica, that's like not having it at all. Even to this day, I sometimes asking myself "do I have Aids?"

>> No.14659714

Show off more butt. Think about it.

>> No.14659715
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Lmao hahahahaha


>> No.14659720

Those things are natural and they’re wearing wigs.

>> No.14659722

You can never show enough butt.

>> No.14659741

Thin legs are super sexy

>> No.14659749

Straight up, being a woman is always easier in terms of partner finding than being a man. As long as you're not hideous or obese, you won the lottery. Bitch about getting a job, or being taken seriously at work, or something like that and okay, but I'm so tired of these fucking bait posts pretending that women who are even 5/10 have a problem finding a guy

>> No.14659755

Different men have different preferences. Even if at present being thicc and showing skin appeals to the majority, there are still dudes like >>14659741 who have other taste. Rather than trying to appeal to taste your body isn't compatible with, try to dress to emphasize your thinness, fragility, etc, and eventually you'll find someone.

>> No.14659759

Do sports you pathetic excuse of a woman.

>> No.14659766

dont tell me you wouldnt coom to this

>> No.14659776

You don't necessarily want to compete with women who show more skin, unless you're just looking for hookups. My last girlfriend stopped using any full pics in her dating profile because she had the figure of the girl on the right and she'd just get messages from guys talking about how they wanted to cum on her tits. When she went to using head shots only she stopped didn't get messages from those guys. It was funny, really. We talked online for almost a week before she decided to send me a photo of her wearing a dress and it was like holy shit what is this.

If you're too twiggy, eat more and do exercises that emphasize your figure. Squats for instance. Find a flattering clothing style that suits you. If you're really plain think more about hair and makeup, but don't overdo it and look fake.

I'm not even a chick but I've dated enough different ones to see the attention level really depends on her appearance. Some mousy girl with cold body language won't get nearly the amount of attention of a chick trying to shove her appearance in everyone's faces. And trashy hot women will get hit on a lot more often than successful hot women, since the latter makes guys think they won't measure up.

>> No.14659821

its a ''girl'' you fucking weebshit so it doesnt matter if she is short

>> No.14659824

chad here

don't be memed! i love flat girls as long as their face is beautiful

>> No.14659888

Have standards, you retard.

>> No.14659995

You can't, a good body will always attract more Chads, only incels care about le pretty face, nothing, NOTHING can surpass a nice pair of tits, small waist and a big wide ass. You are an inferior specimen and will probably never breed with top tier men, you aren't made for it

>> No.14660001

Emphasize your feet and face. Boobs and ass are a meme.

>> No.14660006

Oh lord he doesn't realize it's a tranny

>> No.14660085
File: 72 KB, 250x250, tumblr_ou4zbty9xm1w3jubzo4_250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this stupid, i almost feel sorry for you


>> No.14660090

I'd rather be a retard than a faggot and weeb like you

>> No.14660136
File: 35 KB, 250x350, tumblr_ovcys27YIG1wuun12o8_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why should i care what an low IQ autist thinks, KEK?


>> No.14660144


>> No.14660220
File: 27 KB, 480x545, 1527415599447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calls me an low IQ autist yet...
>posts anime
>says ''KEK''
>posts weeb music to seem different
>gets his gay images from Tumblr
project harder faggot

>> No.14660347
File: 22 KB, 128x128, 5652462465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calling someone an autist when showing no signs of autism, just tells me your IQ is lower than average, and the weeb shit confirms it.

>> No.14660362

You don't that's called nature

>> No.14660437

Show more skin, eat more but not junk (no empty calories), hydrate especially in the morning, go to the gym don't do only ass exercises but don't skip them (toned rectus abdominis on a woman is GOAT), if you can poke around at your phone while "exercising" you may as well stay home, do cardio but not only cardio, practice nose breathing but understand it won't help much at first, stretch before you work out, don't smoke understand if 90 percent of women are wearing a certain outfit then men are either desensitized to it or can find someone else that's doing it easy.

I'd add in be confident but men are thirsty enough to not care, however if it helps to understand that there are WAY more 9/10 men who think they are 6/10 than woman who are 9/10 and think they are 6/10. It's way easier at least for me to pick up men then it is to get women.

Good luck.

>> No.14660440

mmm tiddy

>> No.14660458

You are not fat so you have that going for you. There are lots of dudes that like smol stick womenò

>> No.14660506
File: 74 KB, 1280x720, hyouka-02.mkv_snapshot_16.50_[2012.07.25_13.43.08].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am done talking to you ;)


>> No.14660543

just grow bigger boobies lmao

>> No.14660553


>> No.14660720

Theyll all get hit on tho

>> No.14660841

Building up pecs should push out tits more.

>> No.14660899

I personally just want a girl in sweats and a comfy sweater to come over and sit on my face for awhile.

>> No.14660992


>> No.14660995

>more beautiful women have an unfair advantage

>> No.14661000

I thought we chased you out of here. You seriously have the worst taste of any tripfag I can remember from this board.

>> No.14661014

If you have to ask the question

>> No.14661018

probably more worthwhile to focus on glutes, women can't build a lot of pec muscles.

>> No.14661172

Lululemon leggings and a crop top with a push up bra.

>> No.14661189

>more intelligent men have an unfair advantage

>> No.14662152

>women can't build a lot of pec muscles.
They don't have to, just a small increase in musculature can be a notable increase in size for tits and more importantly it improves their cup size to band size ratio which is the real deal. That being said, they aren't just going to go to the gym for a month can get significant gains or anything but adding in upper body into a work out rotation is a great idea.

>> No.14662228

yeah duh better people have more edge, thats my point

>> No.14662485

waiting for pics

>> No.14662518


Honestly OP, if you are a twig and you are comfortable within that sheer amount of meat, it’s alright. I’m a 6’3 guy, and in my opinion, I would never impregnate a woman shorter than 5’9, I’ve dated many sorts of heights from 4’11 to 6’2 but working things out with girls that have your built is complicated, after some time, many men, myself included, we only see a sextoy/cumdumpster, something with little but not worth the reproductive check. I can’t imagine my sons and daughters being all short and twiggy, fuck that.

>> No.14662527

I'm 5'9" and pretty stocky and I'm torn between getting a wife as tall or taller than me so my spawn can escape manletdom or breed with a thick athletic chick like myself for ultimate dwarfmode progeny

>> No.14662535

Lmao you cant even larp properly, hahaha, i love 4chan.

>> No.14662547
File: 183 KB, 1200x900, 6E538B4A-E966-45CC-A6AB-F8D36CCBEB8B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Date someone you love and respect so they have good mental health. Hopefully with money. Then put HGH in their cereal to balance it out.

>> No.14662558

Dude, save your fucking genes, don’t waste time with these ingrown nails.
Shut up, fag.

>> No.14662561

>people shorter than 5’9
>mental health

Are you a roastie?

>> No.14663791

Its a shoot for a porno you retard

>> No.14663839
File: 29 KB, 645x773, 1522048435742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shoot for a porno
>somehow makes fake girls more attractive