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/fa/ - Fashion

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14650702 No.14650702 [Reply] [Original]

How do you avoid trying too hard?

>> No.14650713

Look around you at how normal people from your age and background etc dress and do the same. When you need to post your outfit to some weird internet group for approval you know you fucked up

>> No.14650716

you don't follow any of the cringy trends shilled on /fa/

>> No.14650731
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Having taste and confidence

>> No.14650737

Whats that drink I see americans always carrying around?

>> No.14650739


>> No.14650742

well said

>> No.14650941

Iced coffee probably

>> No.14650950

one piece, one pose at a time

>> No.14650998

you have to wear the clothes, not the other way around
really, it takes time, age and confidence
t. 30 yr old boomer that regularly gets told by complete strangers that I "walk like I own the place" and "you really know how to dress". I'm actually mildly aspie and my clothes are all thrifted. The eye for fashion is something that takes time to acquire, and its not universal, it has to do with everything, your body, your posture, your face and facial expressions and what kind of image you want to convey to others

inb4 jelly zoomers

>> No.14651003

It’s iced coffee. Very popular drink in America. Any time I go to another country and see Americans ask for one they always poor hot coffee over ice lmao.

>> No.14651046

You're just saying you should abandon everything with your own personality to be some kind of fashion normie. It's not a shame to try new stuff and get out of your confort zone, it kinda makes you unique in a way :)

>> No.14651207

I just dress really boring. No one has ever said I try too hard and I don't get attention from anyone.

>> No.14651223

what is the point if you just look the same as everyone else

>> No.14651273

based, but a lot of the retards on here will never ever get it.

>> No.14651289

not trying too hard, probably

>> No.14651309

The second you start to lift.

>> No.14651314

The actual amount of insecurity in this post enjoy putting on a costume.

>> No.14651319

for that anon just existing around other people is putting on a human costume.

>> No.14651380

He's been in character for 30 years now.

>> No.14651391

> it kinda makes you unique in a way :)

I don't care about being a snowlake, I just wanna bee myself :^)

>> No.14651421

can't blame them, tbqh 90% of people younger than 25% haven't still developed their persona, so its natural that they'll look like they're wearing a costume. Once you're slightly older and (hopefully) you realize that you don't need to wear an uniform to fit into whatever 'culture' you want to belong, then it is a lot easier to find your own stride.

>> No.14651703

the nips do that

>> No.14651711

that's true. but i also see lots of older people stuck in arrested development though, plenty of people in their 30s and 40s who haven't got an adult personality and probably never will.

>> No.14651777

That is iced coffee though. Iced coffee is brewed hot and cooled. Cold brew is brewed cold over 12-24 hours. Jonah's drink looks more like cold brew.

>> No.14651792

>This is what zoomers think being an adult is.
Haha I audibly laughed at how rediculous you are. 'you walk like you own the place'. Who the fuck says this and how are you supposed to walk like you own the place? Have you got a swagger like one of those trumped up rappers with something to prove? Do you regularly walk and bump into everyone on the sidewalk? Nigga please, your comment is goddamn hilarious. Like hell you're 30.

>> No.14651799

lmao based retarded thirdies

>> No.14651805

nigger I don't fucking know, I just walk like I fucking walk. What is so hard to understand? I mean, I'm 6'3, I spent my entire youth swimming competitively, and I still swim. I'm not claiming that I drop panties with my face alone, I don't really have game and I'm not a Chad. I just happen to rub some people the right way, and from the sounds of it, I'm doing something right when I get changed in the mornings.

no need to project your insecurities on others.

>> No.14651977

Part of it is to understand what you're going to be doing in your clothes. I can't think of good examples off the top of my head but an obvious one is you wouldnt go grocery shopping in fullrick. Theres another thread about wearing yohji to classes and it just seems kinda dumb to me. You're going to classes to learn shit, it doesn't really matter what you wear

>> No.14653314

>enjoy putting on a costume.
Irony, don't you have some fag boots to be trying on and shitting up the board?

>> No.14653317

Jesus Christ, easily the worst case of larping I've seen today.

>> No.14653319

>n-no attractive people don't exist in real life noooo it can't be!

>> No.14653359
File: 182 KB, 1024x929, Mef26No.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek'd hard. cheers brother
the newfags jumping on this b8 only made it better