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14644841 No.14644841[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is White Man - Black Woman the most effay interracial relationship?

>> No.14644963

It's WM/AF

>> No.14644971

Thank you for seeing and speaking the truth brother.

>> No.14644973

>he cute

>> No.14644979
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Truly I think you are right brother. Peace and love to you all xxx

>> No.14644993

No. Asians and blacks are the most common races in the word. People only try to add some sense of "coolness" to it, because honestly, it's just what's really avaliable for them.

>> No.14644995

because they're not common and dont have much stereotypes. take the most uneffay race couples like bmwf and wmaf. they have shit tons of stereotypes and are common

>> No.14645013

You mean Asian male/Black female.

>> No.14645039

Incel pairing, low effort, nobody care about. Same goes with monoracial couplings.

Black female - white male, asian male - black female, black male - white female are the most effay. Most or some people will get triggered.

>> No.14645046

WM/WF is the most based and effay

>> No.14645075
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Is chadcore

>> No.14645084

You know he was more into Mick Jagger than her, right?

>> No.14645090
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>> No.14645606

because its the forbidden fruit for white men

>> No.14645611

Christ imagine the jaw genes their kids would have had

>> No.14645625
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I am white, only Northern Eurasian women are an option.

>> No.14647065

David Bowie says yes.

>> No.14647069

I think thats Doplh and Grace Jones.

>> No.14647079
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You guys are here too? Can you fuck off back to /pol/? Are you r/asianmasculinity or (((TRS)))?

>> No.14647866

>im not good enough for women of my own race that i need to date down so i can be worshipped
least effay and also quite sad

>> No.14647873

somewhat true

>> No.14647877

Based, I have a northern Eurasian model gf.

>> No.14647879
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>> No.14647889
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Not even asian. Hands down white male/black girl > white male/asian female.

>> No.14647892

That exactly my point. Chasing asian women only because you're white is low tier, incel tier. All other races need alot more of effort.

>> No.14647898

broken branch grandparent cry

>> No.14647918

>date down
The two women in the op image are out of that dudes league.

As far as looks go he's dating up.

>> No.14647920

>White man - Black Woman
>not White man - Jewish woman
I'm disappointed anon

>> No.14647932

why are people nowadays obsessed with pushing race mixing? im a half breed, and, in an ideal world, everyone dates within their race desu: unique cultures remain intact, and youre not left with a child questioning what side to identify with.

>> No.14647954

It's less about pushing for race mixing and more about dating who you like or find attractive without society scaring you away from it. It's about freedom. People have been dating outside of their "race" or whatever group they identify with since the beginning, this is not a new thing.

>and youre not left with a child questioning what side to identify with

This is bs that people with racist agendas push. Your parent's failed if you have "identity issues". There are plenty of mixed race people that don't feel this way. It's funny how you only hear about this for race and never for nationality.

>> No.14647956

All other races are a breeding disadvantage for us in terms of aesthetics and intelligence, i.e. win for them, loss for us.

>> No.14647961

>im a half breed
imagine hating yourself for being mixed
>unique cultures remain intact
imagine thinking race and culture are inextricably linked

>> No.14647966

low aesthetics: short nose, round eyes, overall an aura of stupidity...this average looking white man has been brainwashed...like in this horror story about the man who fucked a humanoid frog

>> No.14647971


>> No.14648035

youre getting the wrong idea. im all for dating whoever; ive dated white, black, middle eastern, asian, also other hapas. thats fine. what im talking about is the *push* towards dating outside your race thats popping up. also, if youve talked to any halfs in real life you’d know its a common issue.
>thinking im using half breed to describe myself in a negative way
thanks for getting offended on my own behalf
>imagine thinking that there isnt a huge connection between race and culture

>> No.14648062
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>> No.14648064


>> No.14648066

>if youve talked to any halfs in real life you’d know its a common issue.

I have. I'm in the U.S. maybe people in other more homogeneous countries may feel different about it though.

No one in my family that happens to be mixed have any identity issues.

and I don't think there's a push for it. If you're talking about there being a slight increase in interracial couples in the media then all that is are people who grew up without hating black, asian, and brown people. They had friends, classmates, coworkers, boyfriends and girlfriends that weren't exclusively white. It's only natural that those stories start to be told in our entertainment.

>> No.14648091
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This. Pasty incel won't admit.

>> No.14648105

Imagine raising a daughter and this is her. I can't help but think the interracial propaganda is all just a psyop to make white men scared of having children.

>> No.14648110

Her mother encourages her to do this because girls should just have some fun

>> No.14648125

Ya I feel this. Not to push any white supremacy meme (or whatever it is) but it's sad to think the world's diversity could converge to some uniformly "mixed" race.

>> No.14648132 [DELETED] 
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>uniformly "mixed" race

Don't listen to poltards. Won't happen. Humanity racemixed since day 1. There will always different shapes of human types.

>> No.14648140
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I coooooooooom

>> No.14648141
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>uniformly "mixed" race

Don't listen to poltards. Won't happen. Humanity racemixed since day 1. There will always be different shapes of human types.

>> No.14648152

Reminder that fetishization of black men is just another form of racism

>> No.14648174

cause it meant theyr not in it for the looks cause most black woman look like shit. most black woman act like shit too tho so i guess its a rare thing if you can put up with their shit

>> No.14648292

it's the fetishization of the inferior, it's not about really longing for black dna, but to signal that oneself is so modest and non-arrogant by choosing lower quality. It's a matter of time when they will fetishize down-syndrome patients for the same reason, however for now the state of the law is inhibitting this development.

>> No.14648329

>the world's diversity
Most of the world's genetic diversity is found among continental Africans.
>some uniformly "mixed" race.
That's not how genetics works. Blending inheritance is an obsolete concept that fear-mongering retards push.
>unique cultures remain intact, and youre not left with a child questioning what side to identify with.
Do you also have an issue with two culturally distinct Europeans "mixing"? Or a white American from Massachusetts and a white American from Kentucky mixing, despite having very little in common culturally? A black and white American of the same socioeconomic and regional background have more in common than the previous examples.
You have to be divorced from reality to think it's possible for a culture to remain static and "intact", or that the intermingling of cultures will result in one monolithic culture. And I say as someone who's against open borders and not too fond of forced cultural diversity.

>> No.14648362

>dude miscegenation lmao
yeah wow so effay lol man what a free spirit you are dude seriously keep up the good work

>> No.14648444

this thread is spilling over from the shit from /b/'s cucks and hapas spamming "breed black women". Stop samefagging this post this should honestly be a rule since it promotes low effort posts.

>> No.14648448
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>> No.14648453
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>> No.14648476
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>> No.14648483

WM/ PersianF chad here

>> No.14648485

stop bumping this post, you're supposed to sage.

>> No.14648488

Back to r/braincels, you virgin

>> No.14648493

someones upset that their being outted as a bluepill cuck, I bet you also browse plebbit and are here because a sub-plebbit told you to spam your bluepill nonsense here.

interracial is code for white extinction and you're pushing the same braindead memes. I hope you get beaten and raped by a black guy just so this post becomes beautifully ironic.

>> No.14648494

reminder that higher stock races should breed preferably among themselves or other high stock races. Same goes for lower stock races. You are considered Higher stock if your people have had several very successful empires/ nations

>> No.14648504
File: 173 KB, 972x972, you fucking incel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting laid with different types of girls
>blue pilled

>> No.14648520

More like you're getting with a loud obnoxious crime statistic who will dump you if she finds out you aren't this bill gates tier sugar daddy she was hoping. You're so bluepilled you refuse to see it as one word, you only push this because you can't get laid with a woman of your kind so you start to look at whoever asks for a dick appointment.

Just shoot yourself.

>> No.14648521

>I've slain puss of every continent thrice over
>thy mad?

>> No.14648523

>you aren't this bill gates tier sugar daddy

What a giant faggot. Have Sex.

>> No.14648524
