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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 71 KB, 255x382, 20190918_133401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14642909 No.14642909 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14642923

on women it comes across damaged goods

>> No.14642927

Like you're in any position to judge, bald old faggot

>> No.14642933

Did Tyrone's slap leave a mark on you or something? Shouldn't have burned the coal.

>> No.14642940

kohls mad

>> No.14642950

I think scars can be endearing and I like hearing cool stories behind them, but I wouldn't call them fashionable. The girl in OP's post is cute, IMO, but it's despite her scar rather than because of it.

>> No.14642971

i've had stitches on my face like 5 times
surprisingly nobody ever notices the scars

>> No.14642972
File: 108 KB, 320x478, 20190608_115724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lite makeup, No lipstick, mouth closed, no filters

>> No.14642981

Genuine dueling scars are absolutely effay, self harm scars are never effay

>> No.14643065

>my father was a fuccboi and a hypebeast...

>> No.14643172

Wash off your eyebrows sweety

>> No.14643196

She's lucky she's pretty, the scars just make her more interesting looking.

>> No.14643257

The eyebrows are super harsh honestly, definitely doesn't look natural but you're very pretty. I'd suggest trying a lite brow pomade the next time you're doing a minimal makeup look, but to each their own. I actually have a huge red port-wine stain under my eye and it looks like a bad burn scar. I used to hate it and cake the foundation on but as I got older I came to really like it.

>> No.14643262

Ooo, that sounds really cool, would you be willing to post it?

>> No.14643264

Eye scars only

>> No.14643265

Why do women do this mouth open face pose

>> No.14643269

So you can imagine them kissing your dick.

>> No.14643270

It makes the face look slimmer, and it's kinda flirty!

>> No.14643276

i mean, its no big deal. just like anyone else its your personality that accentuates physical attributes.... but pretty bad ass honestly.

>> No.14643277
File: 2.80 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20190918_165716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a picture of me and my pops from wayyy back. It's faded a bit over the years, but it's still there. I wish I could go back and tell myself not to be so self conscious about it.

>> No.14643708

Great pic

>> No.14643917

That's a sweet picture

>> No.14643924

W2c cute knife fighting gf

>> No.14644007

OP is that really you? How did you get those scars
Inb4 joker

>> No.14644031


Probably makes you look mysterious/interesting.
Nothing to be self conscious about.

>> No.14644124

Thanks for sharing. You look cute. Great smile. Your dad looks happy and so do you

>> No.14644137

If you are attractive and they aren’t too extreme, it looks unique. If you aren’t attractive or a serious deformity you look awful

>> No.14644153

this thread made me feel sad because i thought of this woman i helped a long time ago. she was crying in the bathroom at a restaurant after being released from the hospital. she was the victim of an acid attack. i hope she is doing better. :(

i have a scar on my forehead, under my chin, near my elbows, side of inner side of foot, inner thigh and a burned one from a microwave burrito on my forearm. and i think near one near my shoulder. and a small wrist nick.

>> No.14644178 [DELETED] 

Every single female is a fucking whore.

Every last one.

They fuck other guys so males like you can pick up the scraps at the end of her life.

Females are mindless creatures. They don't think. They don't have feelings. They're objects.


Every single last one, every single girl you've ever met is a whore. And you're going to settle for those used goods.

How does it feel to know that your girlfriend has fucked other guys? Enjoy dating another man's discarded cumhole.

>> No.14644194
File: 347 KB, 820x836, 1568672599685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14644291

You're damaged good as well, even if you don't realize.

>> No.14644297
File: 361 KB, 1488x1984, IMG_20190910_235001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wrist got ripped open by an angle grinder years ago, but I don't think it's very /fa/. Coin for scale.

>> No.14644398

Thanks for your input!
We will consider your recommendation, have a nice day.
t. absolutely no one lol

>> No.14644408

>This will sound edgy but I understand the desire to rape etc.

>> No.14644452

They better fucking be because I have an "x" near my upper lip. At least one girl liked it so its aight

>> No.14644476

Probably to conceal the severe facial paralysis seen here >>14642972

>> No.14644566
File: 28 KB, 300x400, fukalaska.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14644636

Damn, when you put it like that it doesn't sound very appealing

>> No.14644666

Only a subtle cut scar on the cheek. anything beyond that may add some uniqueness but definitely won't make her prettier.

>> No.14644691

They can be. I have some burn scars on my foot and arm that look pretty cool I'd post but they would identify me too much.

>> No.14644707

her insta?

>> No.14644709


>> No.14644710

"cool stories" like being born a woman into a muslim family

>> No.14644713

your dad looks white, what's your mom's ethnicity?

>> No.14644739

Scars on women are disgusting and make them look like men.

>> No.14644744
File: 50 KB, 680x383, C6CC7926-16BA-427A-9117-2EC51897ED9D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scars are effay. but how do i go about aquiring a cool face scar?

>> No.14644746

who hurt you?

>> No.14644751

scars are usually cool or whatever on men, but if a woman has scars, yikes, thats an instant -3 charisma right there

>> No.14644972
File: 46 KB, 280x953, IMG_20190918_170835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thank you guys. It's one of my favorite pictures for sure, love to remember these days now that I don't get to see him as often.

I actually really like it now, and my husband thinks it is beautiful. Its hard to have things that make you different when you're a kid, though. I actually had several mildly successful laser treatments on it, which drained a lot of the pigmentation and scarred the skin up pretty badly. Looking at it now I wish I would have left it alone, but fucking kids were ruthless and people stared a lot.

English and Irish, according to my DNA test results I'm 80% English, 16% Irish/Scottish, and the rest is Germanic European. So, about as white as any one person can be.

>> No.14644986

>my husband


>> No.14645031

>are scars effay
>is having a borderline personality effay

I swear these threads are started by edgy underage posters. They are also started by people who have neither of those things.

I have a huge body scar and a facial scar. Childhood was rough, even now I have high self esteem and a good body but I still am aware they are there. Nobody lists scars as something they want on themselves and nor do they want on others.

We scar people learn to live with it, to accept it, but you're deluded if you think it's something to aim for.

Same goes for borderlines, they have their whole life screwed up by it, it's more serious than schitzos, and dating one, you have your life messed up by it. I've been there.

>> No.14645096


>> No.14645135
File: 1.16 MB, 3456x4608, IMG_20190919_154850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is the scar on my forhead effay?

>> No.14645146

Did they remove your third eye from there?

>> No.14645155

Even without scars she'd be ugly.

>> No.14645164

Get outta here, Megamind.

>> No.14645254
File: 27 KB, 268x329, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got mauled by a dog, got mine across my eye, barely noticeable though

>> No.14645260
File: 452 KB, 667x564, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14645627

bretty cool

>> No.14645653
File: 324 KB, 471x637, b4bc13ded0954a442028c9d7cb7b07c6f65f20c860eb095973d0e239bb544741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nose ring

>> No.14645750

What a shocking reply, I didn't see that coming.

>> No.14645753

Grow out hair/facial hair, get shredded. Khal Drogo core

>> No.14645972

For me, white starts with Finnish and Baltic...everyone else is admixtured with dark-blood

>> No.14645976

make a tattoo below it: "a penny for my thoughts"

>> No.14646201

>Anime images


>> No.14646255

hating women as a man is the least edgy thing you can be on 4chan. start spouting radfem shit and maybe people will actually be shocked and offended

>> No.14646270

>This is the Supreme Gentleman calling in

>> No.14646277

Yes, OP, they are.
Also ITT: butt blasted permavirgins

>> No.14646278

Head on back to plebbit

>> No.14646280

>How does it feel to know that your girlfriend has fucked other guys?
Who cares? Shes with YOU right NOW. Why are you retarded beta males always so self centered?

>> No.14646283

>shocked and offended
>on 2+1+1 chan
Hello newfriend

>> No.14646288

only real ones

>> No.14646292

i mean he got 9 replies and that's clearly bait. so he definitely "shocked and offended" normalfaggot tourists.

>> No.14646296

This is completely and absolutely the most BASED post on this shithole of a board at this very moment.

>> No.14646324


why yes, because everyone knows the size of a 50 pesos coin. you could be a midget fetus for all i know

>> No.14646338

The replies are almost all mockery, what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.14646342

>How do I use google

>> No.14646343


>> No.14646358
File: 263 KB, 1285x906, Clipboard01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the christ

>> No.14646367

Looks dope tbf

>> No.14646397

something that you don't understand my twitter friend

>> No.14646417
File: 179 KB, 635x1280, scar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao dude, same
mine's bigger and more shallow though, happened like 20 years ago

>> No.14646472

Nigger what is wrong with you?

>> No.14646477

Nigger just admit you wrotw some stupid shit instead of trying to play the oldfag. Stop trying to pull rank on a fucking anonymous croatian flat pack furniture building forum.

>> No.14646483

They look good, if you can say that about scars. They're like old warrior scars, Geralt of Rivia for example

>> No.14646490
File: 711 KB, 1944x2592, IMG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14646599
File: 54 KB, 543x799, 1559470841683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, but only those obtained through dueling.

>> No.14646629

if ur attractive and interesting that could be effay

>> No.14646661


>> No.14646703
File: 290 KB, 717x418, scars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate my SH scars. they're ugly and they make me look mentally ill

>> No.14646718

>they make me look mentally ill
>make me look mentally ill
>make me look
>make me

You are mentally ill, friendo

>> No.14646727

They'd look cool if you didn't have the body of a perennial grad student who survives on ramen. If you worked on your shoulders and pecs a little you'd look way better.

>> No.14646730

Hahaha you cut yourself on purpose. Of course you're mentally ill hahaha

>> No.14646766 [DELETED] 

I have a huge scar running all along my stomach, I don't notice it but it's there. also a big slashing scar running across my shoulder and thru the armpit, no idea how the knife traveled that way, maybe slashed then pierced thru

>> No.14646771

They're obvious self harm scars, they never look good. They practically scream "stay the fuck away from me"

>> No.14646778

Cool man, now please leave /fa/

Either post pics and contribute, or share something insightful.

Don't just LARP while tripfagging

>> No.14646783

Why did you have to bully igor?

>> No.14646790
File: 80 KB, 623x1000, me December 2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had an abortion

>> No.14646792

Looking good. How much heroin were you stabbed for?

>> No.14646795

>not knowing the difference between namefags and tripfags
Please leave this website or stop posting and do your mandatory 1 year of lurking.

>> No.14646810
File: 117 KB, 540x700, Gaspard Ulliel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're fucking chad anything is effay

>> No.14646817

Some people find it hot. And if he bulked up a bit he could at least looks "scary" rather than "scared."

>> No.14646824

He already looks scary, he's fucking mentally ill, could fucking lose it at any moment. Self harm scars are never ok. Get mauled by a dog or something, then you look proper scary and in control.

>> No.14646826

they're old. i have some problems but i'm not crazy or anything. people shouldn't be scared of me or take pity on me.

>> No.14646834


>> No.14646835

We get it dude, you're very angry that someone is different to you. I'm sure plenty of women are into the "damaged goods" vibe, and if he bulked up he suddenly looks "reformed." Wow you've been through so much etc.

>> No.14646836

i don't really want to look scary. i guess it's good to be able to look scary occasionally but usually it's a bad thing.

>> No.14646839

Get into fights desu

>> No.14646840

I mean in a hot way. Trust me, putting on some muscle mass with your complexion would make you look rugged. Very old world masc.

>> No.14646841

>We get it dude, you're very angry that someone is different to you.
I just abused drugs and cigarettes like a normal person, not like a fucking attention whore.

>> No.14646842

>abuse cigarettes
just shut up already you fucking nerd

>> No.14646847
File: 165 KB, 303x311, 1568520909099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14646853

i guess. i mean telling someone to try working out is never bad advice. i'm just not really interested in it at the moment. skateboarding is my exercise.
if you knew me you wouldn't call me an attention whore. i'm the quietest and most reserved guy in the world and always have been.
i only cut on my upper arms so it was easier to hide them. i don't hide them as much now they're old though, just cause i hate being too hot.

>> No.14646859

Growing your shoulders would help the scars shape your arm better. Same goes with tapering your chest a little bit with bigger lats/pecs.

>> No.14646860

>seriously replying to bantz
Nigger that's just embarrassing

>> No.14646867

okay. maybe i'll try going to the gym once i get tired of a current hobby/have the time
alright whatever

>> No.14646871

Cringe. Why are you even on /fa/, an earnest board.

>> No.14646873
File: 174 KB, 517x768, 1557393106321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/fa/, an earnest board.

>> No.14646994

Love this bait

>> No.14647047

What is this? I have the same scar. Is that Pyloric stenosis?

>> No.14647058

Why are you defending people who mock bait?

>> No.14647169

I got stabbed in the back and they opened me up to check for internal bleeding

>> No.14647171

Somebody post that pasta.

>> No.14647184

That might work on 16 year old retarded girls but not on people with an IQ above 40. That's a surgery scar from some health condition.

>> No.14647212

No, it's from exploration for internal bleeding after a stabbing.

>> No.14647233

Why is it not straight?

>> No.14647251

>get btfo by a dog
>in control

Thats like balding perpetual midlife crisis men claiming to be "in control" by shaving their heads when its pretty clear that they are at maximum levels of cope.

>> No.14647335

Thank you, Captain Obvious.

>> No.14647342

I never understood this cuckold argument.

If you don’t care who she’s been with before, why would you care who she’s been with throughout the day before she comes home to you at night?

I think your train of thought is just a cope for the modern man to deal with females sexual liberty.

>> No.14647507

>using Nigger to validate yourself as an ebin mememan
way to btfo yourself redditor

>> No.14647647

Woud you fuck a used onahole, or put on a used condom? Would you eat pre-chewed, or digested food?

Wahmen a shit.

>> No.14647711
File: 389 KB, 1846x1276, dddd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like an Y rotated 90 degrees.Had my eyebrow hanging over my eye

>> No.14647719

I just noticed the forehead scar too, i thought its just the one below the eye, bretty cool

>> No.14648031

Ebin bread

>> No.14648039
File: 193 KB, 888x810, damnFate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]