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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 325 KB, 950x1267, 1568765835910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14642033 No.14642033 [Reply] [Original]


Ok so I thought I might as well start a whole thread about this. If you think the following statements are ''bait'', you're either 16 or a lost cause.

First, you don't know shit about sneakers. The only thing you know a lot about is Running Shoes. and all you wear is that, apparently. futuristic/autistic multicolored running shoes with poncy shapes and obnoxious branding sometimes. let's agree on some rules, and take it easy.

>Wearing Nikes is not acceptable.
>Stop wearing RUNNING SHOES CASUALLY. you look like shit and ridiculous. like a fashionnable ninja brony that cares about not killing animals for their skin. Or at best: a normy.
>If you still want to wear sneakers daily, there's nothing wrong with it as long as they are Tennis in leather. No matter what you personnaly like, leather shoes are better quality, and are more timeless.
>Spend money like an aristocrat instead of saving it like a Bourgeois. Don't be afraid of the price and go for it.
>Straighten your laces once you have followed these advices.

Pic extremely related.

Ps: to those of you that will claim SLPs make you look like a normy: I see much, much more people wearing those multicolored yamakasi ninja meme running shoes. especially VERY Young people at that. while I've never seen someone wear mines in the streets. You have High School tier taste.

>> No.14642230

>he's never seen someone wearing white shoes in real life

>> No.14642279

he's right though. fully white sneaks are actually very rare, especially in leather so it makes sense. Stan Smith aren't White. there's always a contrasting detail on cheap kicks.

>> No.14642286


Ever hear of AF1s?

>> No.14642288

Cute nurses at my clinic wear white shoes.

>> No.14642315

londoner here
I see all le minimalist white x black outfits all the time fucknut

>> No.14642317

please. just compare Af1s to OP's pic. Af1s are nowhere near as neat and sleek as those. be sensible please. get better taste along with a pair of glasses

>> No.14642467

Nobody talked about white x black outfits you moron.

>> No.14642488


>> No.14642501

Do it

>> No.14642517

So you got so btfo in the other thread you ran away to start a new one?

>> No.14642526


AF1s are fully white sneakers in leather and they're everywhere, so no, fully white sneakers in leather are not rare at all.

>> No.14642545

Nah, I need the brain space, not clogging up my organic hd with some faggot trying to change the way fa thinks

>> No.14642686

And they are still awful. It's not ONLY about the color

>> No.14642846

Common Projects Achilles vs Margiela Replicas?

>> No.14642854


>> No.14643480

the ones on pic related are feminine and thin, those are unable to suport a 6'2 220lbs BVLL

>> No.14643496

This is a proper statement. Any men who’s not a twink and it’s built properly will look ridiculous in these sleek shape tennis.

Also, without silhouettes like >>14642526 designer shoes wouldn’t probably exists. Truth is, as much as I like sneakers, designer ones are derívate and original shapes like AF1’s, Stan Smiths, etc, are definitive.

>> No.14643503

bullshit. loose weight.

>> No.14643518

>properly built
I didn’t said fat, you absolute twink. Hedi boys are fucking insufferable.

>> No.14643533

go to a college campus of > 10000
even in flyover states

>> No.14643556

built is to men what curvy is to women

don't misuse the word or I'll batista bomb you through a picnic table I'm 6'6 and jacked faggot

>> No.14643563

I’ve never seen anyone use built in the same way women use curvy. Being built is generally considered being athletic/jacked or having a body that reflects an active lifestyle also
>post body.

>> No.14643573
File: 200 KB, 1281x335, NIGGER JEW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Running Shoes (are you a G*rman?)
>Tennis in leather (whut?)
>like a Bourgeois (not how that word works)
>also that whole sentence is cringe

I had to get these out of the way because it makes your post look extremely unprofessional. Before you go around insulting people's taste you should brush up on your English.

Anyway... You do realize that all of the sneakers that you hate so passionately aren't actually made for running, right? They're lifestyle shoes, they're designed with the thought of the wearer just walking around, not doing anything athletic. The way a shoe will be used obviously matters, when you're designing it and running shoes look different from lifestyle sneakers.

>complains about branding and posts shoes with golden letters

Do you think picrel looks bad? Explain why.

>> No.14643806

>built is to men what curvy is to women
Based. More importantly, men should only aim to look athletic if they do wanna gain muscle and be remotely /effay/. If "built" or "big" are the first words that describe your body it's gonna look like shit in clothes
He's right about some of it. Like AF1s are not a good comparison to these or CPs. And I rarely see people with actually minimal white sneakers. Closest common shoes I see are stan smiths (or vans but those are canvas). More people do spend hundreds on shitty flashy shoes to wear with their h&m/uniqlo fits.

>> No.14644386

I like Saint Laurent sl01h a little bit better. Younger in feeling and vibe. I can see an older guy might feel a bit too out of place wearing the high tops and opt for the low tops.

>> No.14644390


Air Force ones are ugly for a more streamlined look. They're bulky which suits them for ugly baggy jeans only.

>> No.14644404

This isn't bait, this is unadulterated pure high end autism, you're a legit sperg. And before you say you hurt my feelings or some stupid shit you should know that I pretty much only wear white sneakers, either tennis or basketball, I'm just not a fucking cringy autist about it.

>> No.14644445

This nigga really be dissing AF1 while posting those bitch ass sandals le mao.

>> No.14644613

AF1 only look bulky if you’ve small feet.

>> No.14644801

AF1 look bulkier on big feet than small feet

>> No.14644812

Never Nikes but have some Jordan 1's, and I smash on the regular so FA incel op loses again.

>> No.14644831


LOL those gold letters aren't supposed to be shown like that. Brandwhores/online shopping item pics show it for clarity.

>> No.14644847

OP here. This post says it all, and better than I can because my English sucks and I don't mind. I prefer French.


>> No.14644853

Even though I like low tops SLPs better, High tops are still beautiful and I agree with you on that ''Young feeling'' thing

>> No.14644915

>ooga booga they're not supposed to be shown!
They're there faggot, nobody makes a shoe with the intention of part of not being shown KYS

>> No.14644927

as an AF1s AND SLPs owner, I can assure you there is no comparison. The leather's quality is very poor on AF1s, it looks and feels like plastic. Nike doesn't bother with luxury leather... If you ever get your hands on SLPs or similar expensive leather sneakers, you will see the difference and start to understand what OP is clumsily trying to say here. And you won't go back.

>> No.14644930

but air force's just look better

>> No.14644991

lol you must have been dropped on the head as a kid. look at the photo again and you can see the pants are supposed to go on top of the tongue. Maybe only retarded airforce wearers like you think it is normal to tuck your jeans under the tongue.

>> No.14645005

enjoy your made in china shoes lol

>> No.14645041

> pants are supposed to go on top of the tongue
Yes yes, they designed the shoe, so part of it is invisible, go to your room, Timmy.

>> No.14645060

full white common projects are actually one of the most reddit shoe but okay i guess

>> No.14645239

Are you trying to say that white CPs are common because they're reddit? Reddit =/= common and they are not that common at all outside of like NYC

>> No.14645310

no. What the fuck?

>> No.14645445

Ouch. I feel you. People call me built and stocky all the time. I look like shit in most outfits.

>> No.14645649

>200 KB
too expensive

is there a cheaper version?

>> No.14645661

Can I get details on those jeans? Im pretty sure theyre Saint Laurent but would like a cheaper alt to them.

Also OP can you upload pics of styles how to dress up those shoes? Thinking of a style change once I finally cut off my hair.

>> No.14645689

yeah if I remember correctly also Hedi jeans. To be honest, just get any other pair of jeans you like/find and alter them to whatever length or width you desire.

You could wear white streamlined sneakers with almost any casual look if you want the look to have white sneakers. Shoes are like an accessory. They give the outfit a certain energy that transfers the total vibe of the look. White sneakers like this one make the look a bit more casual, sporty/fresh, urbane, low-key, down to earth (if more dirtied), young, carefree, but still a sleek smartness. My preference is to be paired with denim. I can imagine them being okay with trousers as well (black ones might be even better for trousers since they're almost like a casual dress shoes). Pants should be streamlined to match the streamlined nature of this sneaker.

>> No.14645714

>They're lifestyle shoes, they're designed with the thought of the wearer just walking around
They were designed for sport some 30-40 odd years ago, they've just been relegated to lifestyle shoes.

>> No.14645734
File: 21 KB, 478x542, F86BCCF1-D6B0-41DD-A014-881A7DC4F8FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you’re not wearing Vejas what are you even doing?

>> No.14645741

Having good taste, that's what.

>> No.14645856

You literally got triggered by the attention in the other thread. Now you are posturing. Your self confidence is show and you are pretentious(both things tend to be common together). Get a grip OP

>> No.14645994


This. I own Af1s but not SLP. And you can tell just from OP's picture the leather will last longer, it's smoother and seems to bend with more ease. AF1s are fucking rigid plastic toys. They feel like solid shoes when brand new, but get wrecked so easily

>> No.14646105

I would but EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE in London wears them

>> No.14646231

LOL, the real truth is that he was finding no one in his corner in that miasma of a circle jerking echo chamber. He did good because people outside of this shit hole actually like Hedi.

>> No.14646427 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 750x750, 100mm_white_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is right on AF1s. You are delusional and broke if you think otherwise.

Here's a good pair of high quality white leather sneakers (high top)


It's out of stock not because everyone wears them but rather because they're rare (You AF1s wearers don't have enough money anyway)

>> No.14646441
File: 20 KB, 750x750, 100mm_white_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is right about AF1s and leather in general. You are delusional and broke if you think otherwise.

Here's a good pair of high quality white leather sneakers (high top)


It's out of stock not because everyone wears them but rather because they're rare (You AF1s wearers don't have enough money anyway)

>> No.14646471 [DELETED] 

I think AF1s look bad and here's why:

>Plastic/rigid leather that will crackle easily.
>Big/Clownesque design
>That swoosh will never look good.
>The inside of the shoes would be more hygienic if it was leather, it isn't.
>That little silver thing is annoying
>Laces are crossed.
>So many holes
>Not even low tops

>> No.14646476

I think AF1s look bad and here's why:

>Plastic/rigid leather that will crackle easily.
>Big/Clownesque design
>That swoosh will never look good.
>The inside of the shoes would be more hygienic if it was leather, it isn't.
>That little silver thing is annoying
>Laces are crossed.
>So many holes
>Not even low tops

How /fa/ is my tripcode btw?

>> No.14646543

getting laid

>> No.14646589

time to trigger them more by posting ugly fit pics with AF1s

>> No.14646745

You’re a fucking faggot if you listen or care about some faggots opinion on what he thinks is acceptable white footwear. My fucking god you people haven’t a backbone or a individual thought of your own you all just follow patterns and trends and then swear y’all have it figured out.

>> No.14646747

Lol fucking ewww

>> No.14646849

>Spend money like an aristocrat instead of saving it like a Bourgeois
all hail the cringe king

>> No.14646990

I fuck with Veja, but you should've posted the V10s. C'mon, you fucker

>> No.14647002
File: 266 KB, 862x421, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what are triple white stan smiths

>> No.14647039

My pair of Lacoste leather sneakers stink after every wear. I have washed them and I wear clean socks.
What to do?

>> No.14647042

irony here, folks

>> No.14647093

Stan Smiths have shit leather quality and are umcomfy. I walked 4km yesterday and my feet hurt.
They look great though

>> No.14648056

>200 kilobytes is a lot
nigga you get a million times that much on a dvd

>> No.14648058

>>That little silver thing is annoying
actually agree with this one

>> No.14648059

did you even read the thread Cuckster?

>> No.14648593
File: 149 KB, 1300x1700, whd825018223_cshoecolourwhite_v10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14649172

>caring about approval
I dunno anon. Are they acceptable?

>> No.14649266

NIKE is some cheap Chinese shit.
>Stop wearing RUNNING...
Good idea. Running shoes are specialized for (who would have thought) running.
Pic relate is a trainer/tennis shoe.
>Spend money...
Don't need to spend big money on good trainers t b h
If you live to post images online: of course straighten your laces. Else look like some nouveaux riche faggot lel.

>> No.14649706
File: 10 KB, 474x355, mexico66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a Japanese website; wear something weebish

>> No.14649728

Saint Laurent sl01 sneakers are my favourite out of all the ones Hedi has done so far. I'm on the fence about his Celine ones so far.

>> No.14650311

>NIKE is some cheap Chinese shit.
Yet several of their models hold up better than lot more expensive designer sneakers. AF1s are practically undestructable.

>Good idea. Running shoes are specialized for (who would have thought) running.
With the difference that most shoes, which are called running shoes today aren't specialized for running at all. Those are lifestyle shoes, if you dress in athleisure, those are perfect choice.

>Don't need to spend big money on good trainers t b h
That i can agree with. And there are sales too, nowadays there are so many different models, that it's literally impossible to not any find a model you like for 50% off or with even bigger discount.

>> No.14650344

two types of people wear white shoes
chads and faggots

>> No.14650373

stop talking about money
those are tasteless like a snap back wearing real estate agent shoe

>> No.14650978

just like any other shoe...

>> No.14652256
File: 21 KB, 256x324, 154376489620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W2C fashionable sneakers for the wide footed anons?

>> No.14652265

someone is broke

>> No.14652267
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>> No.14652831
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>> No.14652836
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>> No.14652840
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>> No.14652845
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>> No.14652848
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>> No.14652850
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>> No.14652862
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>> No.14652866
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>> No.14652871
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>> No.14652875
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>> No.14653058
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>> No.14653117

wow what a big comparison when compared to Hedi's sl01...he really did good with those Saint Laurent sneakers