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/fa/ - Fashion

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14639063 No.14639063 [Reply] [Original]

Are double breasted suits acceptable? Or outdated?

Also general suit style thread

>> No.14639067

What a stupid fucking thread. Stop pretending you're ever going to wear a suit outside of one time on your wedding day assuming you even get married.
Unless you're a corporate lawyer(even they're doing away with suits), a banker or upper level manager you're not going to wear a suit ever.

>> No.14639072

Im a manager at a large movie theater and dress code requires suits.

>> No.14639078

Kek. You won the loser lottery. You beat all the wageslave teenages to be the cream that rose to the top.
But good for you, you make 50k a year to tell people who don't care to not put so much butter on the popcorn and to clean up my mess after I watch a movie.

>> No.14639081

night club manager here
wearing a suit every weekend

>> No.14639084

Im just doing it while im in college. might as well make best of shit jobs

>> No.14639089

People who make a living telling teenagers what to do lost at life. Imagine being a fast food manager or something like that. It must be miserable, a shallow existence
Good for you for only doing it for a while. There is no pride in barely being above poverty level and having to deal with wageslaves

>> No.14639090

Like half the people i tell to do stuff are older than me lol

>> No.14639095

Someone has to do it. Not everyone can be a neet otherwise society would collapse. Youd have to be retarded to look down on the people who actually help keep the world moving even on a minuscule level. If it weren’t for them you wouldn’t be living the life you have at the moment.

>> No.14639109

It brings me great joy to know that there are grown adults in their middle age who live paycheck to paycheck in a food service or related industry who go home after a shift of being on their feet dealing with shit all day just to drink and get drunk enough to fall asleep so they can do it again the next day. They have no savings, no healthcare and they want to die. They rinse and repeat until they kill themselves. Oh we'll.
t. rich sociopath

Oh no, what would my life be without movie theaters that prop up the disgusting Hollywood industry or people to flip hamburger patties so far fucks can get fatter? Woe is me

>> No.14639111

Must bring you even greater joy knowing their bosses (supervisor) boss (me) is a fucking retarded 19 year old chink.

>> No.14639112

you are so fuckibg autiatic lmao
sort yourself out, state of you

>> No.14639114

That's actually based. Good for you Zhang

>> No.14639132
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>methinks the lady doth protest too much
You know who autistically fumes about shit like this? Single guys in their 20s who have seen American Psycho too many times, are making $120K/yr, and pretending to be rich.
Genuinely successful, healthy people happy with their lives do not go off the fucking reservation at the thought of a theater manager being content with his job and living off $50K/yr.

>> No.14639137
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>Bragging in an anonymous russian nesting doll forum

>> No.14639291


Double breasted suits are god tier. Anyone who says different is şòý af. The virgin t-shirt and jeans. The CHAD power suit.

>> No.14639384

The "methinks" should be placed at the end of the sentence, but I wholeheartedly agree, this guy is just LARPing

>> No.14639390

>tfw a system specialist and rocking a suit on the reg

>> No.14639394

Suits are only acceptable if you're a 12/10 Turbo-Chad. Everyone else should stick to wearing t-shirts and jeans.

>> No.14639425

feel like I just witnessed a mental breakdown reading this thread

>> No.14639712

>tfw a doctor and wear suits to work

>> No.14639718

I work in an office and wear a suit all the time. I wear a suit even when I don't have to, because they look nice. I wore a suit to the cocktail bar on Saturday night. Why are you so mad?

>> No.14641123

Stop larping. None of you faggots wears a suit

>> No.14641167

>there are grown adults in their middle age who live paycheck to paycheck in a food service or related industry who go home after a shift of being on their feet dealing with shit all day just to drink and get drunk enough to fall asleep so they can do it again the next day. They have no savings, no healthcare and they want to die. They rinse and repeat until they kill themselves
almost like the economy is broken or something

>> No.14641170

I literally don't give a shit about wageslaves or their miserable lives.

>> No.14641174

Apathy isn't /fa/

>> No.14641177
File: 66 KB, 399x382, 1515386360939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should have gone to college and not majored in meme studies. If you're not making at least 100k a year by 30 then you failed. Give up and accept it.

>> No.14641188
File: 100 KB, 935x912, EEJabUnU4AA6E4n.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were bullied alot, huh

>> No.14641234

Not really, no. Doesn't matter, now I do the bullying.

>> No.14641236
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>> No.14641380

I'm only young but observing your desperate and sad roleplaying is encouraging me to choose to study for a fulfilling career over one that pays well.

>> No.14641643
File: 127 KB, 680x574, _smugjak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw I'm literally studying to be a corporate lawyer

>> No.14641647

>Wearing perfectly normal professional clothing is larping
Oh God, are you one of those autists who goes on the preppy threads and tells people that wearing khakis is larping?

>> No.14641661
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Spotted the programmer. Enjoy the code mines

>> No.14641669


>> No.14641670

you know the phrase "fpbp"? well that doesn't apply here. you're delusional and damaged.

>> No.14641701

I am happily between jobs and like to spend my time at home wearing only dress suits...and I am not the only one, our subculture is evolving and growing right now.

>> No.14641748

If they aren’t baggy then they’re top tier.
I thoroughly recommend them if you aren’t too fat.

>> No.14641751

t. 12 years old

>> No.14641762


>> No.14641988

you mean literally the entire western world until the 70s

>> No.14642002

To answer your question OP double breasted suits are horribly outdated. Might as well buy a trilby while you're at it

>> No.14642009

man this is cringe.

>> No.14642043

t. Underage
Just don’t wear baggy ones and you’re good.

>> No.14642229

Does that look contemporary to you? wear this outside and see for yourself

>> No.14642231
File: 98 KB, 600x835, 1be1dad2ab939927d767be4b875651d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t.seething wagecuck that will never get to wear a cool suit for his profession

>> No.14642232

You're not quite that good at it though, I bet your bullies were much better to have gotten to you on such a profound level

>> No.14642242


>> No.14642271

That haircut is fucking horrible.

>> No.14642352

>(wears it outside)
>Normal people and attractive grills: "Nice suit anon."

>> No.14642357
File: 22 KB, 474x358, _3bait5me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14642361

Who cares if its contemporary
>He's not into '90s power dressing

>> No.14642395

double-breasted has been back in since like at least 2016 so yes they are acceptable fashion wise but you gotta be somewhat broad to pull them off and somewhat confident at least
i'm a lanklet so i can't pull them off but if you're like average-ish height with an average build or tall and broad with some degree of tolerance, it can look pretty good if you know what you doing

>> No.14642746


>> No.14643014

What an embarrassing larper, Jesus.

>> No.14643050

That’s effay as hell, anon

>> No.14643091

>Unless you're a corporate lawyer(even they're doing away with suits)

try meeting the client who will pay a few grand for you to meet them and then showing up in a sweater, or work on a case for months and stand before the judge in khaki's lmao.

The only thing they have changed is that the tie is now optional, everything else is still about suits.

And rightly so, imagine paying 500 an hour to meet with a dude in a tshirt

>> No.14643148

tie is now optional IN THE OFFICE*

>> No.14643155

Only if you're 6'2">= with broad shoulders

You need both the height and the frame to not look shit (though the taller the are, the more you can get away with being not as broad).

>> No.14643807

Double breasted looks better if you get nice shoulders, see

>> No.14644960

You don't need to be "broad" to pull them off, the stance and shoulder padding creates the broad silhouette.

Most normies have no fucking idea what they're doing when it comes to tailoring, so better to just free your mind of what's in/out and do what you want.

>> No.14645474
