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14636321 No.14636321 [Reply] [Original]

Thread finally has a subject edition

Old thread: >>14624493

Comfy Rules:
>post thinspo
>make america thin again
>stay hidhratted
>no replying to fitrats


Low Calorie Food & Drinks List:

Feel free to post
>age, sex, height
>current weight
>your highest and lowest weight
>how are you losing weight

Question of the thread
>what signs of progress have you noticed recently?

>> No.14636359

How much weight do you generally lose in a week?

>> No.14636437

Depends on a lot of factors:
>hydration level
>base metabolic rate
If you're fasting and are a lazy ass, you burn roughly 2000 kcal/day or 14000 kcal/week.
1 lbs of fat is about 3500 kcal, 14000kcal/3500kcal/lbs=4lbs

>> No.14636442 [DELETED] 

CW: 189
GW: 130
HW: 220

How far can I go with just not eating at all?

>> No.14636458

CW: 189
GW: 130
HW: 220

How far can I go with just not eating at all?

>> No.14636459

Nowhere or worse than one you started you massive fucking idiot.
Just eat oatmeal, fruit & veg and a decent dinner with some kind of protein and you'll lose weight naturally. Exercise helps too you lazy fuck.

>> No.14636633

I’m fasting today.

>> No.14636635
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does keto work

>> No.14636750

>127 lbs current
>135 lbs high
>114 lbs low
Reminder Ana is lame and you should just naturally be thin :v)

Been skipping me

>> No.14636940
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I fast every other day and usually eat slightly above maintenance on non fasting days, as my TDEE is usually around 1700kcal, I get on average ~900kcal/day which means I have an average deficit of 800kcal each day, which is 5600kcal/week

as each pound of fat is 3500kcal, I burn roughly 1.6 pounds of fat a week, which is depressingly slow especially when I consider that I'm also burning some muscle as well desu.

you have a fair amount of bodyfat so long term fasting shouldn't be particulary difficult or dangerous for you, however if you've never fasted before it's going to be rough.

I recommend doing one fast a week or so until you feel confident pushing for longer fasting periods, alternatively you can do what I do and fast every other day, I find this particular style of intermittent fasting to be really managable and I have plenty of energy on the days I do fast.

For weightloss? Only if you're a giant lardass or someone with a very active lifestyle, as you get thinner your BMR is going to get so low that you have to count calories regardless of how you eat

Keto is good for maximising nutrition (as long as you take suplements for your vitamins) on low calorie diets though, proteins and healthy fats are very important to healthy bodily function whereas fibres and carbs not so much. I would do keto but I like apples too much and I don't consume diary for skincare reasons so I basically do Paleo instead which is probably a total meme

>> No.14637157

Trying to intermittent fast but I feel so weak and tired in the mornings I always give in.

>> No.14637248

eat in the mornings then?

back wehn I did 16:8 IF I always felt super hungry in the mornings so I would eat most of my stuff then, eventually I moved onto 20:4, OMAD and then ADF

>> No.14637358

Does anyone have any tips with nausea from taking pills with no food?

I'm trying to fast but I always have to eat something to settle my stomach or else ill vomit.

I try to keep it small and don't eat until dinner to make up for the bit of oats I'll have, but I would love to fast.

>> No.14637392

let it come up and out. pain in the short term is success in the long term. if you wanna fast then just empty your guts already

>> No.14637442

unless you guys are fat you shouldn't be doing this

>> No.14637467

I get so bored at my job I end up buying food there. Usually a chocolate about 210 calories (almost no chocolate we sells is dark.) It never makes me go over my calorie count But I hate buying them. It's been making me stagnate, if I keep just buying water I just end up needing to piss every 20 minutes. What would be the best strategy for negating this? Also work doesn't have wifi.

>> No.14637505

try fasting, even if it's just for a day, it'll help you unlearn your boredom eating habit

>> No.14637562

I kind of need my meds though they don't dissolve that quickly, usually the vomit happens after 10 minutes

>> No.14637569

I weigh 225lbs and am 6'3

>> No.14637576

you just have to eat then sadly, sucks

>> No.14637867

Anyone know about kratom for appetite suppression? Thinking about trying it

>> No.14637970

HW: 120lbs
LW: 98.8lbs
CW: 100lbs

What helps me progress is going on walks and seeing how there's other people struggling to walk since they're so fat. Bonus points if I see someone who looks like my goal.

>> No.14638107

Going to a restaurant and seeing obeselards shovel down platefuls of the fattiest foods always makes me feel amazing about my decision to order salads and lean meats.

Still, I feel guilty whenever I use people as reverse thinspo. I used to be that fat once and I didn't realise how badly I was fucking up my life back then.

>> No.14638154
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Threads theme https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6-ZGAGcJrk

while I like thin girls as well, i prefere them fit, firm and tight

IF is a pretty normal form of eating. You basicly just skip breakfast and only eat dinner and lunch.

Any ANA-MIA form of weightloss is retarded, unhealthy and only will lead to psychological problems (if your eating disorder isnt allready a symptom)

>> No.14638158

im down from 117lbs being my hw and im so close to my gw yet lately ive been having to fight the strong feeling to binge.this happened last time i was restricting and got down to 92 until i started binging and got to my highest weight. I want to get down to 85 by november 1st, is this duable? I havent binged yet but god it gets so hard sometimes to just walk away. I eat around 900cals daily plus exercise so im not restricting too hard and i still allow myself a cheat meal twice a day. I'm gonna make it bros

>> No.14638162

fuck i meant once a week not twice a day. tfw binging even in my thoughts

>> No.14638194

Your're eating ~200kcal below you're bmr and I assume 600kcal below your tdee. You should not be surprised if your body is graving food. You're basicly starving yourself. Any reduction more than 20% isnt healthy, more over if you're not even fat and i doubt you're fat at this low weight.
Side effects of low weight and extremly low bodyfat: Depression, weak immune system, fucked up hormon system (higher risk of infertility), all things malnutrition can lead to.

You guys should really seek the help of a therapist. You only have one life, dont waste it for a fucked up image of being super skinny.

>> No.14638195

>age, sex, height
24, M, 183cm
>current weight
>your highest and lowest weight
since 18, highest 130, lowest 125
>how are you losing weight
not enough energy/time/money to eat (and i have to walk 6+ miles a day with my job/lifestyle), I want to gain weight but so far I have lost 5lbs in 2019

>> No.14638228

whats your calorie deficit?

you might be having issues adjusting if you usually have a lot of sugar or big breakfasts, drink plenty of water and give it a weak to adjust, if its been like this a while you might be restricting too much

>> No.14638365

Restricting again. Been under 700 for two days straight, I hope I can keep going like this for a few more days. Then I might go up to 1000.

>> No.14638430

I could not stop with my chewing and spitting habits. As a result my stomach feels upset every day and I feel constantly bloated. Fuck, I swear starting tomorrow I will stop. It fucking hurts and it pains me to see myself as ugly as that. I feel like a monster.

Eu me sinto obesa.

>> No.14638431


high: 155lbs (was super hard to achieve, forced myself to eat every day getting at least 3k calories).
low: 125lbs (was very ill for a while)


It's too easy. I'm basically never hungry, and I eat once a day at McDonalds, ~1200 calories (4 cheeseburgers for $4, I get water as the drink as it is free). Occasionally will snack but nothing much. Rarely break 2k calories in a day.

>> No.14638436

thank you anon, i really appreciate you giving me the only logical answer. I know I'm not fat but I just feel like if i lost a little more then I would be really happy. I don't hate my body nor do I have an unhealthy relationship with food anymore. By unhealthy, I mean that I'm not scared of certain foods and will fit whatever I want into my intake. I'm not starving, it's just that I'm surrounded by junk food since my parents are practically obese. My diet consists of plenty of eggs, full fat yogurt, raw fish, rare steak, and some veggies/fruits so I don't think I'm malnourished? If i spiral out of control again, I'll definitely seek help or at least try to be content with my current weight

>> No.14638438

It feels so addicting, to buy about five chocolate bars every day, chew and spit all of them. I have been doing the same shit every day for the last four weeks or so. I just broke my mirror. I saw a pregnant whore in that mirror.
I don't deserve this. Do I?

>> No.14638453

>Eu me sinto obesa.
Eu também...

>> No.14638466

Damn, this makes me feel sad reading this. Must be a struggle. It does sound like an addiction. I've always wanted to gain weight, but I'm never hungry. And when I try to force myself to eat, I feel sorta sick.

>> No.14638476

It is an addiction. I have this habit since I was 18 (22 now). But it has been very... Intense for these past few weeks, most likely due to anxiety and depression. I am posting here mostly as a reminder to myself that I have to commit to this shit.
Damn, I wish I was never hungry. And funny fact, sometimes I am full when I am chewing and spitting. It is, in fact, an addiction.

>> No.14638511

oh i didn't catch the medication bit. try alka seltzer or anything else that settles your tum

>> No.14638522

got a suggestion - substitute like 2 burgers a day for either a veg or fruit salad (i did fruits every third day). you need vitamins and electrolytes.

>> No.14638536

Thats good to hear. I can imagine how hard it is to eat healthy, like you try, in an enviroment you you described.

If I can give you one more tip: Ditch the scale and buy a full body mirror.
Weight really is just a pointless number that cannot tell how your body really is. 120 pounds but only bones? 120 pounds but muscular? 120 pounds but fat? If you workout you can end up thinner but heavier then when you were fat because muscles are much more dense.

Mirror of course only works if you dont have too strong body dysmorphia. For this I like to use a scale as "lower limit checker", to not fall below a certain weight.

>> No.14638553

oh, and one more tip: dont browse 4chan regulary or leave it all together, if you're in a not very stable state.
Its a place of too much negativity and fucked up world views that can drag you down, hinder you developing a real and proper relationship to reallife.

>> No.14638682

high: 142
low: 97

currently 5'8" around 140.

should I take the thinpill again? last time I went too far and freaked everyone around me out.

>> No.14638731

both of those are really good tips, i weigh myself everyday but only because i want to see the impact carbs has on my body as opposed to a protein rich diet im following now. I rely mostly on a full body mirror because I'm strength training and i like seeing my smol muscles grow. And as for browsing 4chan, i only really browse tv anymore for laughs but thats rare.
I feel better now and I'll focus on looking strong, not frail and malnourished. thank you again <3

>> No.14638743

carbs are more likely to bloat you and make you retain water, its good for workouts and energy but protein/fats will be more beneficial for you when you are on a calorie restriction, i know it sounds counter intuitive initially but fats fill you up and keep the light headiness and brain fog at bay.

>> No.14638763


I've gone 2 weeks without eating and after the first 2 days it was EZ. I lost a pound a day and gained back 5 in water weight immediately when I stopped fasting. Just be careful because your shit can really get fucked up. Have a multivitamin every day and if you feel shitty have some chicken broth (it's only 5 Cal so it won't knock you out of fasting mode). Be careful when you start eating again and ease your way into hard food.

For reference:
Current - 165
Highest - 190
Goal - 145

>> No.14638770

>20/30 minutes of cardio 3 times a week
>not eating junk shit
>Drinking 2L of water a day
>2/3 cups of coffee

In how many time can I get Iggy pop's body?

>> No.14638780

16:8 is hardly IF. I don't understand how that is hard for anyone. You can eat between 10am and 6pm. That's pretty normal.

>> No.14638786

Try taking a tums or a little bit of baking soda. Usually the medication is bonded to hcl which is a fairly strong acid. Balance it out, burp a little. Who knows, might work. Also, drink a ton of water to dilute it.

>> No.14638790

Cut out the cheat meal and eat a bit more every day. Cheat meals are absolute torture and will fuck with your head the rest of the week. You keep giving your body a taste of what it would be like to binge. Imagine giving a drug addict one hit a week to "dull the cravings".

>> No.14638830

It works if you don't eat 5,000 calories. You have a slight advantage because you're not getting the insulin response from refined carbs which makes the body store fat.

>> No.14638886

>t it has been very... Intense for these past few weeks, most likely due to anxiety and depression. I am posting her
Well Boo hoo

>> No.14639043

Do you eat anything with added sugar in? Because if so cutting that out would make managabing you binges so much easier. Getting ~95g of protein and ~42.5g of fat from healthy sources (nuts, avocado, hummus) also helps as the protein is difficult to digest so it is very filling, the protein also helps prevents hair and skin from getting worse. The fats are important for controlling hunger cravings after eating carbs and do so much more good for maintaining the body than sugary bullshit junk food does.

>> No.14639051

Should also say that 42.5g of fat on 900kcal a day might not be manageable, that's okay as just get as much as you can. I'm in a similar position where I usually end up getting 20-30g/day

The 90g of protein/day definitely is manageable though is you're getting your protein from lean sources.

>> No.14639077

I am 5'4"
HW: 120lbs
LW: 104lbs
CW: 115lbs

I want to get back to 100-104 again, but I think it's because I gained muscles from my work (light physical labor, standing/walking all shift). Trying intermittent fasting now.

>> No.14639108

>doing one day fast
>wake up 3 hours early (as usual when I fast)
>decide to go the kitchen and eat 150g (160kcal, 30g protein) of lean meat to help me sleep
>still can't get back to sleep

Trying to sleep 8 hours on a fasting day is hell ahhhh

On a side note I gotta weigh myself today and I haven't been able to shit in a week. I'm going to buy some laxatives but I don't wanna become one of these laxative addicts who end up dying on the shitter.

>> No.14639155

Dang I'm jealous about fasting. I wish I could fast too, but every time I do for more than 30hrs I get nauseated and puke air. It's pretty much all that is stopping me from going to less than 98lbs.

>> No.14639276
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>> No.14639315
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I’m in ... are you on MPA?

5’7 and 135 pounds of lean muscle it’s disgusting. LW was a pathetic 106 way too long ago.. I looked perfect

>> No.14639421


>> No.14639527

What are you guys tips for losing muscle tone? At the moment eating less protein and more cardio that seems to be pretty much it.

>> No.14639533

cw 128
gw 110

eating about 1100-1200 calories in about 100 grans of fatty meat, low carb vegetables, some healthy butter, and a tuber for dinner

I wish I could straight up eat nothing but I have no sleep at all unless I get enough electrolytes and carbs from food

>> No.14639549
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haah waaw
wasn't nearly as tough as last time

>> No.14639559

I thought eating too much made the body store fat

>> No.14639584

Suck a cock

>> No.14639740

o que você tem mastigado?

>> No.14639902

Ahhhhhhhhhh I finally managed to go the toilet, I can finally weigh myself after my fast tomorrow

>> No.14639905

Imagine sticking your cock in and hearing the bones crack when you flex it

>> No.14639917

Left for a while. Since when is /thinspo/ straight proana?

>> No.14639999

Umas cinco barras de chocolate por dia. Eu me sinto um nojo, nem gosto mais desses chocolates, mas é viciante. Hoje é meu primeiro recover day. Tô louca pra comer uma macarronada, pra mastigar um doce e cospí-lo, mas não. Vou desinchar essa barriga.

>> No.14640006



>> No.14640031
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>178 cm
>57 kg
I still feel kinda fat and when i ask someone to quess my weight they say something around 65 kg.Btw i have kinda muscular body type.(pic related)

>> No.14640089

Depende de qual, né.

>> No.14640188

People are shit at guessing weight. Post body, then we can help. But probable the answer will be "eat less" anyway.

>> No.14640534

anyone else do a super protein heavy diet?

so I do alternate day fasting and recently on days I have been eating I've been getting up to like 200g of protein

I know there's huge deminishing returns past ~2g of protein * bodyweight in kilograms on the muscle maintenance, but I just really enjoy eating protein heavy foods such as fish and chicken.

Protein also boosts metabolic rate, keeps you warm and and satiates you better than any other macronutrient

only problem is that I often struggle to get my RDI of fats, I detest eating fats, every source of healthy fats has a fuckton of calories, I'd rather just eat slices of ham instead

>> No.14640569

>tfw 185cm tall and perpetually <70kg no matter how much I eat
I can't believe there's a general dedicated to losing weight like just put down the fork lmao

>> No.14640635

there's no general for being a retard so you're shit out of luck there

>> No.14640760


I'm back to fasting, I'm gonna straight up not eat until I'm no longer fat, how bad is my loose skin gonna be?

>> No.14640813
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goal weight is 115-120 lbs.

ate pizza over the weekend so I'm liquid fasting until I have a bowel movement. just had some salt because I felt dizzy. it's been pretty easy to lose weight this time around because I'm a NEET. hope everyone stays hydrated and such

>> No.14641079
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what weight/bf% would u put him?

>> No.14641148

Is it possible to lose 10kg in 1 month with a TDEE of 1550 calories?

>> No.14641287

lol no, unless you just fast the whole month

>> No.14641320
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Was never fat, but I quit drinking a little over 3 months ago. Trying to tone up.

Stay thin my friends.

>> No.14641323

5'11 120ish lbs.

>> No.14641328

no my yogurt is plain full fat yogurt and i add a few berries to give it slight sweetness but aside from that, im eating fat and protein from animal sources and i dont consume vegetable oil. i just realized my period is coming in a week so that may be why i have binge cravings? i havent binged in like two years so im not worried now. i think ill just eat 1.1k calories instead of 900 because losing weight at a slower pace keeps me sane. thank you for the advice anon

>> No.14641415
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how's my progress

>> No.14641447

cw 115lbs
hw 123lbs
lw 103lbs
gw ???

Currently coming off a period where I tried to bulk up to a normal weight, but I'm just naturally better at being thin. But how low should I go?

In short, not sure why thinspo, but here I am.

>> No.14641472

You have a weird body anon. Where your rips end and your hips begin is like 2 feet long.

>> No.14641473

u look good. don't lose more weight unless you want health problems. not everyone is made to be a skeleton

>> No.14641475

How to achieve this physique?
Fatass here

>> No.14641486
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>> No.14641497

routine? Stats? How much you eat a day?

>> No.14641557
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I appreciate the feedback but not sure what you mean by that exactly.
thank you!
I've always been thin and active from an early age (pic related is 2 or 3 yrs prior to the first pic I posted). Only major difference I think you'll see is a bit more muscle and definition.
I've never counted calories (I recommend to just eat whole foods until you feel satisfied, never fuck with processed shit, especially the obvious stuff like sweets), but I do OMAD and inhale as much food as I can in the span of an hour or so every day. Any excess I've consumed is usually burned off in the span of time I fast until my next meal. fasting >>> caloric restriction.
Also if you're human like me and make mistakes and end up stress eating for a week or something, learn how to do long-term fasts (48+ hours). There's a plethora of health benefits you can gain from a good long-term fast that isn't just breaking down stored fat. If you're a fatty and want to lose weight before you get a good exercise routine going, look up snake diet. It works. There used to be consistent /fast/ threads on /fit/ but lately they're mysteriously nonexistent.
I just do power yoga and calisthenics 5 days a week. I rest and do extended stretching on the weekends to loosen my body up. That's it.
~140lbs, 5'9. I'd like to be more in the 130 range if it's possible.

>> No.14641592

anon, you have a long way to go. Don’t be silly about it and lose a consistent 1-2lbs per week instead. You’ll somehow end up there faster than testing whether or not you can starve yourself without giving into binging cycles or not trust me.

>> No.14641796
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>> No.14641839
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>> No.14641847

>binged yesterday
>Just homemade quesadillas
>puked till I was hungry again
god I just feel so alone and fucking empty
first time I've been not-obese since the age of 12 tho so that's a plus
fingers crossed i dont make it to the rope necklace

>> No.14641867

Find things that make you happy other than food. Sounds like you lost track of that

>> No.14641880

Still looking healthy. If you wanna lose more flap you unfortunately have to put on a little bit of muscle. You will get a higher tdee which helps you losing faster and you will stop looking soft.

>> No.14641894

Thanks for the advice anon! I think I'll go pick up some books to read today. You're right about having lost track.

>> No.14641909

No worries bro. I know that feeling and it was horrible. Don’t let your insecurities rule you!

>> No.14641919

Life is about having fun. So make the best of it :)

>> No.14641931

Thanks guys, I needed to hear this.

>> No.14642133
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>Realising carrying really heavy shopping bags back to my house every few days has given me monster trapezoids and ruined the whole skinny look I was going for

Guess I'll order everything to my house from now on but how long will it take to lose these fucking things, months probably jesus

>> No.14642196

I can imagine how ugly that would look. Why do you need to get so much groceries every other day anyway if you're going skinny?

>> No.14642264

I like to stock up on loads at a time to make less trips plus I eat loads of low calorie veggies with each meal

>> No.14642321
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>don't eat
>stomach hurts
>stomach hurts

>> No.14642532
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I live off

>a lot of lean meats
>small amounts of carrot for vit A
>small amount of tuna to avoid mercury poisoning
>vit D supplements
>calcium supplements
>B12 supplements
>omega 3 supplements

rate my diet, am I going to die? how can I improve my diet?
I eat on average ~900kcal a day

>> No.14642581

sounds good to me, but get some more vegatables in
maybe eat a salad with some hard-boiled eggs or something

>> No.14642958

>hw: 70kg
>cw: 65kg
>lw: 54kg
I'm intermittent fasting until I reach 58kg. I hope I'll make to 60kg before the end of the month

>> No.14643271

we're pretty similar, I'm same height and started at same weight, I'm at 62-63kg right now

good luck anon, I'm doing ADF!

>> No.14643324

Why the fuck is breaking a eating habit so hard.

>> No.14643356

Any tips for puking like a pro? I just stick two fingers in my throat over and over again, but it's hard to trigger the reflex and even then it's barely a mouthful at a time.

It's such a fucking drag. I don't want to always spend 10 fucking minutes to heave everything up.

>> No.14643384

why? why would you make yourself puke? just don't eat if you wanna lose weight so bad.

>> No.14643488

What if i eat like 1300 cals everyday and still in the same weight?

>> No.14643508

Drink more water and weigh yourself once a week

Also make sure your counting everything, foods ordered from cafes/takeaways/restaurants are usually deceptively high in calories

>> No.14643565

List of things that taste good that are low on calories:

>> No.14643613


>> No.14644161

Puking isn't worth it, just stick to restricting.

>> No.14644298

do you lose weight when ur sick? i've been eating like a normal person and sleeping all day because i feel like garbage, but i actually lost a pound instead of gaining five.

>> No.14644309
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literally never fucking purge holy fucking shit you idiot. it'll fuck ur face up.

>> No.14644630

I'm off to get a cushion for my poor ass

>> No.14644652

you're hot stay like that

>> No.14644778
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sigh... weightloss does take its sweet time...

>> No.14644780

I fucking hate going to cheaper restruants so much, they never list the macros/calories of anything they sell and people always get upset when I try to order a salad. FUCK

>> No.14644784

start last year
that's what I did

>> No.14644906

thans, anon! good luck for you too

>> No.14644978

Beta Carotene in carrots isn't equal to Vitamin A in the body, you have to get Retinol from animal foods

>> No.14645052
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6’ 4”
somewhere around 155 lbs
I’ve been eating a lot lately actually got a new job and I take myself out to a nice dinner once or twice a week.
but I go for walks and smoke.

>> No.14645119

man what a bunch of losers

>> No.14645151

keep posting these, anon

>> No.14645275

will do! It will be good motivation to stay on track

hopefully next year I'll be able to give the same advice

oh crap, what about supplements?

>> No.14645370


>> No.14645637

I went from 18 stones to 13.3lbs, but gained it all back once I stopped the strict diet.

I cant even look at bacon or eggs again... so much bacon and eggs...

Funnily enough I didn't feel like I was loosing weight because I was loosing it so fast, I wish I tracked my progress with photos I might of seen my changes

>> No.14645656

how long did that take?
1st of january of this year I was 19 stone, today I'm 10
probably too hard but I'd have relaxed a little if I ever needed to

>> No.14645659
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gotta say, browsing MyProAna makes me feel normal for just wanting to be 16 BMI, some of the people on that website are crazy...

>> No.14645705

what's the body count these days
I hear one is currently circling the drain

>> No.14645761

any twinks? poast body

>> No.14646334

Lookin good chief

>> No.14646344


I'm sick of being skinny fat, started going gym and stopped eating carbs. Anymore tips?

>> No.14646359

the body transforms beta carotene into usable vitamin A

>> No.14646368

how i do get past a plateau, my highest is 220 and current is 162, trying to get to 150 but always yoyo and fail at this stage, my face is always puffy and fat and its frustrating because i retain and lose a lot of water so idk wtf is going on from day to day, i could be up or down anywhere from 3 or 4 pounds and im consistently eating under 2000kcal with a TDEE of around 2300-2500

>> No.14646378

Seriously, do 30- crunches/push-ups when you wake up and 50 more when you go to bed. I also do side crunches. Might seem like a chore at first, but it just becomes one of your routines. I don't always do my crunches and push-ups all at the same exact time. Also sugars, man.

>> No.14646459
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>she looks like my ex down to the haircut
>have to see this image every time I open /fa/
>hurts every time

>> No.14646460
File: 404 KB, 1871x2656, 1550949867123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you eat? I had a plateau/yoyo stage at a similar weight that lasted for a year until I learned about nutrition and stopped eating bullshit

cutting out sugary foods and minimising carbs in general is the best thing you can do for your weightloss if you haven't already, eating a fuckton of lean protein (1g of protein per lb of bodyweight) helps suppress appetite for not much calories and improves body composition, eating the rest of your calories in healthy fats is another good idea for general health, fibre also helps but many fibre sources are moderately high in carbs so stick to sources of fibre which are not super high in carbs relative to fibre such as raspberries and avocados (which are fucking amazing for curing hunger btw)

there's literally no reason to each fast food/junkfood, if you need a snack while out and about get a protein bar, if you have to go to McDonalds get a salad, eating the buns/fries just isn't worth it, beware of restruants, the way they produce seemingly healthy foods often adds a fuck ton of calories, if you can't check the calories just order a salad, a plate of plain salad is often ~100kcal whereas a plate of salad with extra ingrediants such as potatos/cheese/chicken/tuna of adds 150kcal per ingrediant

sounds miserable I know but if you're a compulsive eater then this is simply what you have to do to achieve your thinspo dreams

>> No.14646535
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108 lbs

>> No.14646550

Thanks, I'll cut out sugar all together. I struggle with that many push up but I'll try

>> No.14646553
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Moved to Japan on my own, and thought it was an opportunity to change my eating habbits and lose weight. But I love Japanese food, and its why I chose this country. so to compromise I have been eating OMAD since I arrived a month and a half ago. I also did 4 or 5 35~ hour fasts and 2 72 hour fasts in that time. I am 175cm 63kg right now, think I was like 150lbs a week before I left but my memory is fuzzy and switching scales to metric ones doesn't help. The problem is for my one meal a day I always want my favourite nip food which is like ramen and katsudon, and everything comes with rice. Can I keep up my weight loss with just OMAD and frequent fasting sessions, (which I find easy to do aside from just the boredom and being constantly surrounded by all my favourite foods) or am I going to have to cut out the ramen too if I want real progress.

>> No.14646554

>I struggle with that many push up
that's the point. if it's easy you're not doing enough

>> No.14646572

If you're still eating at an overall calore deficit and dont feel the urge to binge then sure

>> No.14646742

Why the fuck would a man want to be thinspo? Men are supposed to be strong work animals not useless stacks of twigs

>> No.14646746
File: 1.04 MB, 750x1334, 4CF51F43-8506-4FCC-A727-57E443DFF094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thin boy reporting in

>> No.14647087

binged today:)

>> No.14647091

I'm going to throw out the ice cream I bought today. thank you anon

>> No.14647099

I have enough Adderall for about 2 1/2 weeks how should I split it up until I can get a refill?

Should I take during the school week? MTWF
and eat on TH-SAT-SUN? or do every other day?

>> No.14647106

Yes, and women need to stay in the kitchen, stay in shape, and offer their holes willingly.

>> No.14647133
File: 89 KB, 800x800, PerfectPortion-ShrimpCocktail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys normally get at restaurants when you're dragged out to eat by friends/family?

For me, it's shrimp cocktails.

>> No.14647260

I lost the sticc discord server someone send it

>> No.14647269

there's a discord?

>> No.14647316
File: 379 KB, 2400x1260, shooshooplasticbag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh fuck i feel a breeze coming
>anon is swept away up into the air
goodbye, anon! goodbyyyyyye!

>> No.14647358


Also, studies have shown that increased beta carotene also increases general attractiveness as your skin turns a little tanned (without the skin damage side effect).

You may want to increase your carrot intake.

I think you should drop your calcium and B12 sups and instead make dietary changes. Supplements should be an absolute last resort, both of these are easy to get in your diet. Vit D is a little tricky to get so I can understand taking that, and you are concerned about mercury so I see you are avoiding seafood so omega 3 is ok too.

B12 is one of the easiest, fortified cereals, dairy, seafood, meat, eggs, all contain B12. For calcium there is obviously dairy again, and fortified cereals, plus leafy greens, beans, seeds, and fish.

Under 1200kcal can cause hormone problems, I think if possible you should increase your intake as close to that as you can, and then accept a slower weight loss or increase exercise to maintain your weight. Something like 15 minutes of skipping or 20 minutes of swimming will burn 300kcal. I know it sucks but 15 minutes of skipping can fit in somewhere. If that's too much, there are stuff like burpees or mountain climbers that burn more faster.

>> No.14647411
File: 1.29 MB, 1080x1073, 19191818337373728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your workout routine like anon?

>> No.14647425

Sorry, I don't understand archaic measurements like stones or pounds, can you convert that to gerahs for me?

>> No.14647491
File: 44 KB, 327x443, A8C29B82-7B38-49B4-B529-6249C3A6EE47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is my body unattractive?

>> No.14647524
File: 81 KB, 645x729, 1522425390931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hurr durr will anyone have sex with me???

>> No.14647527

those overgrown nails...

>> No.14647529

>For me, it's shrimp cocktails.
What decade do you live in?

>> No.14647550

Lol these /fit/ insects always won't shut the fuck up about how unhealthy this is and yet they still browse this general frequently, time to admit that looking thin is better, mouthbreather >>14647524

>> No.14647632

I drink bone broth, miso soup or clear soup with my tablets in the morning. I've just accepted that it'll break my fast even though some studies show up to 50 cals won't break it.

>> No.14647704


>> No.14647707

Seafood for starters
Salads for mains
Coffee/tea for desserts

Usually ill get the salad with some lean meat just to shut my friends and family up

>> No.14647712

Thanks for the informative response anon!
Sadly I have to take B12 supplements because some of the medication I'm on massively reduces the B12 in my blood

I'm taking calcium supplements because diary products cause me skin breakouts for some reason, but maybe I should eat more leafy greens.

I'm already doing a lot of HIIT exercise on 900kcal a day, I know it's dangerous but and stupid but I can't help it, I feel miserable eat too much and I don't want to lose my muscles

>> No.14647756
File: 123 KB, 1080x1074, AB96B863590F45DA994E1112C48C1924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got a text from my former anorexic/possibly still EDNOS mom that she's been inspired by my weightloss and she's going to try and aim for 19 bmi...

I haven't just awoken my mom's old eating disorder have I? Fuck

>> No.14648236

You look like you need to tone up a bit more, but you're not unattractive. Also that underwear is basically the most unflattering fit for anyone without a flat stomach.

>> No.14648397
File: 70 KB, 680x1279, 1566747015285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My goal for tomorrow is to eat 100kcal less than I usually do

I've been meaning to for a while now but because I'm already well within in a large deficit, I don't feel that guilty for eating an extra 100kcal, but I never feel hungry when I eat it, it's simply me being a giant food addicted pigass and eating for fun. Therefore I need to stop eating it in order to develop the willpower that I need to stay in control of myself, it's not really about the calories, it's more about discipline.

I'll post whether I ate the extra 100kcal or not tomorrow night in order to hold myself accountable, hopefully if I break this habit tomorrow, it'll become easier the next day and so on.

good luck to me I guess.

>> No.14648721

I want to lose 5kg before next wednesday :(

>> No.14648986

Shut up skelly i will demolish u

>> No.14648989

Still browsing your favourite general i see

>> No.14649001
File: 42 KB, 600x462, o44hchf54ix01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2k20 we feasting on the bone marrow of every skinny skeleton mode faggot
Prepare to be torn apart and cannibalized
The bulk never ends

>> No.14649343
File: 82 KB, 400x533, tumblr_nvtcxbOCtk1u80dlxo2_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember the thread rules guys, remember the threads rules...

>> No.14649349
File: 48 KB, 507x676, Me 124 pounds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5"10 124ish pounds. Shaving chest is the move right?

>> No.14649354

good haircut, how do you style it?

>> No.14649365

Actually, this is my hair after not cutting it for months. I don't use shampoo or conditioner and I take cold showers. I walk out, air dry and put https://www.randco.com/waterfall-moisture-shine-lotion.html in.

>> No.14649367
File: 1.08 MB, 2134x4160, DSC_6026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

intending to gain some weight in muscle, not doing anything to achieve that yet

>> No.14649681

nice cock

>> No.14649741

your cock looks fake

>> No.14649808

Any more info on the snake diet? I've looked into it. How long did it take for you to see results? Was it hard? Did it make you feel like shit?

>> No.14649824
File: 524 KB, 550x977, titty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're about the same length & weight, I'm 176cm and 54.5kg. Definitely shave your chest if you're going for more of a boyish look like I am.

>> No.14649828

>tfw my scale has most likely been giving me false readings
>tfw it says I weigh 180 lbs
>tfw that's impossible because I been eating like shit, but I'm still losing weight?

>> No.14649864

>How long did it take for you to see results?
Once you're into deep ketosis you burn weight pretty consistently, I'd say about half a pound to a full pound of body weight every day.

>Was it hard? Did it make you feel like shit?
Let me be clear here: it takes an incredible amount of willpower, but the long-term effects are absolutely worth it if you're a dopamine addict, have bloat, and/or health issues. If you've never fasted before, generally the only difficult part about it is the first three days or so. You'll feel awful as your food addiction starts raging inside you, but if you're successful in controlling yourself you'll gain an entirely new grip on the way your mind functions with the world around it.
Of course, you'll never feel 100% (your body is cannibalizing all the waste in your body) but after you break through the most difficult period you'll be perfectly functional (I'd say ~95%), and you'll probably feel a high that I can't articulate into words.
The snake juice is vital though: it helps keep your body absolutely functional by supplementing the basic electrolytes it requires.
This is the MOST efficient "diet" possible. You will burn fat in no other comparable way. For me though it turned from dropping pounds to discovering who I was and the relationship I had with both my mind and body. I've never been the same since I started doing fasts.
>tl;dr: Yes. Yes, at first, but you'll improve immensely and the results will be more than you could ever expect.

Start with a 72 hour fast to get used to the experience. It'll break your food addiction, and you can go from there.

>> No.14649868
File: 446 KB, 828x1792, 462CBAB7-4554-4675-A768-24C74E116A21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no gf to go on walks with

>> No.14650339

>ate like a pig yesterday
>woke up still hungry
doesn't bode well

>> No.14650342

Wow thanks for the response. Just 2 more things, how much snake juice did you drink, did you do any exercise during it

>> No.14650348

what did you eat?

>> No.14650361
File: 29 KB, 728x520, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14650364

not as bad as I thought but yikes
this is what happens when you eat junk food friend

>> No.14650368

wanna know a secret? I eat junk food every day but I'm not always hungry the next
it was a nice theory

>> No.14650391

Eating junkfood worked for me too when I was cutting at 20-21 bmi but after a while my body just couldn't handle it anymore and I start feeling hungrier and hungrier until my weightloss stalled for months, cutting carbs, eating veggies and getting protein from lean sources not only improved my apperance and general health but also killed my cravings for food in general, I'm currently on a 1k a day food deficit at 19 BMI and eating is honestly a chore at this point

if eating junkfood works for you then that's good, but if the cravings keep getting worse or you're interested in improving other aspects of your apperance other than your weight, then I'd highly suggest the nutrition pill

>> No.14650912
File: 86 KB, 1028x606, snakejuice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you already work out? If not don't worry too much about it, but the best I can recommend in any case is doing light cardio that doesn't break down muscle in your body (so long walks, using certain cardio machines in your gym, etc.). Don't overexert yourself, focus on the fast, the exercise should be supplementary if you are doing any at all. I've always thought it better to lose the fat first then rebuild muscle when the fast is over and you're worn to the bone. I'm not a powerlifter or w/e so I find it more efficient that way since muscle is more for aesthetics than function for me.

Pic related should answer your first question.

>> No.14651215

>that picture

you are a thoroughly disgusting tier of skinnyfat.

>> No.14651546

Eat liver.

>> No.14651559

Iron defiency is exceedingly common and will slowly wreck your life, animal liver is an excellent source of iron as well as protein.

>> No.14651657

Im a different poster

>> No.14651699

What did you do during the first 3 days to not get bored and such? Thanks

>> No.14651869

yay I ate 130kcal less then I usually do and I didn't feel hungry
I feel like I might be able to increase the margin of my restriction, I have a suprising amount of energy despite the deficit I'm on, I feel like reducing carbs/increasing fat is really making dieting easier by both reducing hunger and increasing energy

gonna try going full keto tomorrow, if I'm already eating a tiny amount of carbs a day, I might as well make the most of my use of the nutrients I'm feeding myself with

>> No.14651886
File: 109 KB, 484x388, 1556922921053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not just being bored but fighting off urge waves to eat
Be honest with yourself and your own willpower: if you're enveloped by the need to eat I can't blame you if you want to sit at your desk and play minecraft for like 9 hours straight to take your mind off the urge. If you're not trying to fix dopamine issues just do whatever you like: binge anime, play some comfy vidya, youtube, browse, shitpost, etc.
However, if you want to deal with dopamine issues that's a whole other beast you have to slay. I recommend doing anything that doesn't involve technology. Put the phone and computer/laptop away, read (i.e. I read Marcus Aurelius's Meditations, a biography on Jim Morrison, the Tao Te Ching, and some William Blake during my first major fast), meditate, and perhaps the most frightening activity of all: sit and think about your life. You'll be surprised at how little thought you've put into the direction of your life and your goals because you've got an endless stream of meaningless things to occupy your attention. It's terrifying when you realize how much time you have on your hands when you're not burning it all away on the internet and stuff. You might get pretty emotional depending on your level of withdrawal and your own internal thoughts bubbling to surface.

>> No.14651896

How the fuck does one quit sugar addiction? I can't stand the fucking withdrawals

>> No.14651972
File: 357 KB, 640x627, CE4AEC18500F4AFFBF5F9120083E307B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat fruit
Fruit gives you a sugar fix but also fills you up with fibre and has less sugar that also happens to be longer lasting in the blood, the end result is that if you replace sweets with fruit, you won't consume as much sugar and eventually your sugar cravings will die off over time

Seriously, raspberries are the ultimate dieting fruit but can be a bit pricey to buy a lot of each day and might not be sugary enough for someone with a bad sugar addiction, bananas are cheap and full of sugar but are quite moreish, good for easing yourself out of a bad addiction but don't eat too many, apples are a nice middle ground and are very cheap, don't feel afraid to eat 5 a day if you have to

Also stay the fuck away from sweets for atleast a month, I've been sugar free for 3 months now but I had a toffee apple a few days ago and I definitely felt a slight craving for the rest of the day

>> No.14652116
File: 550 KB, 2640x1980, 20190920_195443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like my face shape now but I put on weight to get it here and no my ed is kicking my ass. Opinions

>> No.14652135

What are your thoughts on my smoothie recipe
1 banna
handful of frozen strawberries
handful of mango

It taste way to good to not be bad for me

>> No.14652158 [DELETED] 

trannies ge tout

>> No.14652160

Is that a wig?

>> No.14652610

thank you, anon

>> No.14653019

The mango and the banana are a bit sugary but it's still much better than having a cholwte bars instead, give it a shot and see if it tames your cravings anon

Although I wouldn't recommend drinking your calories, won't keep you as full for as long, so if you have issues with that then it might be a better to eat the ingredients separately

>> No.14653537

I did a bunch of exercise today but I'm kinda regretting it because my weekly weigh in is tomorrow and my muscles are going to retain a fuckton of water weight as a result

>> No.14653581

I'm gonna fail
I know I'm gonna fail, I want to fail
I'm willing to throw away all this effort and hard work and 6 months from now I'll fucking kick myself and wonder why I did it, but that doesn't matter right here and right now

>> No.14653584
File: 35 KB, 420x864, Screenshot_20190912-150118_Instagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking of fasting for a month straight, I just want to be beautiful

>> No.14653587


Calm down.

Don't do anything for an hour, just wait it out, let your mind go back to normal.

Only make decisions when you're in control.

You are not in control


>> No.14653603

I bought flaxseeds to make my diet a bit more nutritious but I'm kinda regretting it because drinking disolved grinded flaxseeds seems like the worst way imaginable to spend my calories

>> No.14653756
File: 376 KB, 1175x1678, F57425C6-0C0C-44C6-B3A3-3A5EE98CE468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

morning effay. don’t have a scale, kinda wish i did right rn. last i checked was over a week ago at 97lbs.. sort of hungry, i had coffee a few hours ago.

>tfw accidentally rip button off trousers

>> No.14653768

it's been an hour, I'm ordering pizza

>> No.14653827

it won't make you happy

>> No.14653839

cancel the order and eat a protein bar instead. Please

>> No.14654190
File: 167 KB, 1365x960, E52FCBFF-C309-4198-A1D2-34F22806AC7B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This seems like the perfect place to ask this

I read Joaquin Phoenix had to lose 50 lbs to play the role of the Joker, and he did all this eating routines or whatever you call them but with "doctors supervision" to check if it was going ok and all. My question is, how do I even ask my doctor for this? I'm not really fat fat, I'm 5'8" and weight 150lbs, and would like to go to 120lbs, if I wanted to do this with doctors supervision how do I even approach it? Wouldn't a doctor deny to help me because it'd considered going underweight and stuff? How does it work?

>> No.14654239

some guy did a 300+ day fast once and the doctors advised him not to do it but he said he was going to do it anyway and the doctors might as well help him minimize the risk/harm so they went along with it

the guy was obese though

what is the routine btw, sounds interesting

>> No.14654270
File: 228 KB, 1500x1000, 00258BB2-2702-402D-ABBA-5EE27B458D35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They don't go into too much details.

>> No.14654278

what the fuck why would anyone eat so little and not just fast wow

even worse considering the foods he did eat almost completely devoid of macronutrients and might as well just had supplements instead

>> No.14654298

>what the fuck why would anyone eat so little and not just eat nothing at all
does that sound logical to you?
genuinely asking

>> No.14654340

when you fast your body goes into a form of ketosis which numbs hunger and gives you more energy, this is why intermittent fasting is preferable to 3 meals a day for a lot of people (including myself) and people can several week long fasts without becoming insanely hungry

so yes that does sound very logical to me, does it sound logical to you?

>> No.14654371

so if I'm understanding you correctly
>eat = get hungry
>don't eat at all = never get hungry
that's the version of earth you've called home?

>> No.14654382

Weak bait.

>> No.14654383

Im sorry, but that is fucking disgusting.

>> No.14654387

if you're not confident enough to answer then don't
you look foolish no matter what you do so just do nothing

>> No.14654392

first of all, fasting doesn't completely numb hunger, it just makes it more managable

second of all, if you're not willing to take my word on this common dieting knowledge, then you're free to make a quick Google search and find out for yourself

>> No.14654393

This anon already answered >>14654340
Go study fasting and ketosis.

>> No.14654408

in two posts you've already gone from "numbing" to "not completely numbing"
at this rate you could go all the way to "it doesn't numb hunger at all"

maybe we can google together, it'll probably take two of us to navigate these adverts for books

>> No.14654411


>> No.14654451

fa discord (thinspo very encouraged)

>> No.14654549
File: 103 KB, 900x900, 1566526485027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Seriously, the constant coldness is a million fucking times worse than the hunger or the sleeplessness. All of my thermal underclothes are in the wash as well and won't be ready until tomorrow evening at the latest, FUCK

>> No.14654983

Ok, thanks a lot anon. I'll try to do a couple of days of fasting starting now, but if I'm in the verge of giving up, I'll just go and eat an apple.

>> No.14655070
File: 3.33 MB, 4032x3024, 20190318_005028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>around 110 lbs
>body still feels gross and disproportionate
>end up feeling shitty and like any form of self control is pointless so i end up binging and sleeping all weekend

tranny dysphoria and eating disorders along with work and school all combined together aren't fun, pic related isn't inspo or anything its just one of the few suitable pics of myself i guess

>> No.14655088

i'm a recovered anorexic. from what i remember this was probably the worst part other than maybe the brain fog and food obsessions. i'd tell you to get your head together and eat something but i know that's not what you want to hear

>> No.14655122

y'all niggas cray

>> No.14655126

22.3 BMI so I can do whatever I want, I'm immortal. When I'm at 19 I'll start being careful.
t. >>14636633

>> No.14655145

>those cuts
Seek help brah

>> No.14655184

I want to eat so bad

>> No.14655198

been getting help since transitioning, the pic is a bit old and scars have mostly faded now but self harm urges still come back occasionally

>> No.14655224

i feel you. i hope you find the help you need instead of continuing to come here and indulge your disorder. i know it's hard to resist but you've got to try

>> No.14655243

CW 135,
LW 109
HW 155
GW1 120
GW2 110
Currently I eat somewhat balanced meals but tinier portions- recently lost 20+lb after coming off anti depressants- tips?

>> No.14655283

How do I stay full longer?

>> No.14655310


>> No.14655322

>feel gross and disproportionate
>binging and sleeping all weekend
>eating disorder w/ school and work

>> No.14655333

lol don't. You'll just binge after 5 days.

>> No.14655385

I'm already thin but I have a bit of excess stomach fat? It's only in this part of the body and its not noticable at all in clothes, but I feel disgusting shirtless. Any ideas on how to lose it?

>> No.14655389

eat less and exercise more

>> No.14655401

Is it a bad idea to fast for a day or two while breastfeeding?

>> No.14655423

why the fuck are you worried about your weight while breastfeeding

>> No.14655491

idk what's wrong with me exactly, i struggle to sleep when i genuinely need to like nights before work and school leaving me looking and feeling constantly tired, then i just sleep all weekend, same logic applies to food, i think its the stress and then all of it combined leads to self harm as a method of release in a way

>> No.14655503

yes, stop being a narcissist you retard

>> No.14655514

eat more

>> No.14655516

yea that's tough
try not to resort to hurting urself tho, gonna ruin ur skin
try finding outlets, like friends, family, vidya, exercise, art, literature, etc
a hobby really helps if u have the time
iktf abt sleeping all weekend and binge eating i rec drinking more water

rn my hobby is tea, it might help u, think uncle iroh
also spend time with people you enjoy talking to

tl;dr learn how to deal with stress better and try to stay healthy :)

>> No.14655517

well that wouldn't be "binging", it would just be responding to hunger the way that you're supposed to respond to hunger. binging is when you consume grossly more than you need, well beyond the point of satiation.

>> No.14655543

Dont believe u. also why does your weight fluctuate to the point where you have 3 different weights?

>> No.14655667

Day 1 going well :)

>> No.14655680
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Why the hell would you want to lose muscle tone? Muscle makes you more attractive, not less. Even for women.

Unless you're a man pretending to be a woman.

>> No.14656057
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>> No.14656108

I just took the biggest shit in my entire life right after I weighed myself and then ate breakfast


>> No.14656134

Protein is really filling because it's difficult to break down, fibre is also filling

A high protein high fibre diet is basically cheat codes for heavy restriction but you'll be missing out on fat which may have health consequences. Going full keto is also another idea just don't be retarded with it and use it as an excuse to eat pure shit as you'll never get /thinspo/ doing that

>> No.14656147

it's good to know someone else suffered badly from this, thank you anon, I'll eat something eventually

>> No.14656150

>self diagnosed anorexic

>> No.14656552
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Weekly progress report

>> No.14656557

Get back to me in about four days

>> No.14657036

A bit, I take it every so often. It definitely suppresses your appetite (it's the most bitter shit ever so obviously) and improves your mood for a bit. It's worth giving a go since the shit isn't very addictive anyways.

>> No.14657254
File: 40 KB, 465x539, 1563724203752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to lose weight from my face even if I'm at a normal weight currently? My face is so unremarkable and has no strong definition to it...

>> No.14657282

generally the difference between 30 BMI to 25 BMI is bigger than the difference from 25 BMI to 20 BMI according to this face composition face thingy I vaguely remember seeing, with the next major change being 20 BMI to 15 BMI

howevrr I absolutely noticed my face getting more angular and sharp going from 21 to 19 BMI so I'd say for go for it

>> No.14657940

Noted. Thanks anon!

>> No.14657952


>> No.14658096

oh god oh fuck i'm 5'7" female
cw: 130lbs (ish)
hw: my cw because i'm fucking fat
lw: 80 lbs or so :)
gw: 100 lbs at least

all i eat is cucumber and plums and the occasional miso soup. i make sure to get lots of exercise n water. i just want to be thinner than my boyfriend :(

>> No.14659288

stop being a tranny


get off the internet

>> No.14659443


>> No.14659489
File: 1.81 MB, 4128x2322, 20190924_164349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its funny, this time around ive had 0 ambution for weight loss goals. I can be at my gw in 1, 2, 5 years, idgaf. Im just trying to eat right. And thus ive had my longest steady loss without any binge (of more than one day anyway. And to me that doesnt count as a real binge) and would you fucking look at this, all in the sudden im at my lowest weight in what, 4, 5 years? I was close to this weight one and two years ago but now im fucking below it. Im so hyped. Its also been my slowest loss ever. I think its obviously more guaranteed that youll keep off weight you lost in two months than in one. So every day ive eaten at maintenance ive been like "fuck its no loss today. But eh. Tomorrow is another day and i'll feel more energized than if i hadnt eaten this much, and i'll restituate(?) more and my metabolism will rise a little". So i've littered my weight loss journey with sporadic 0-net days and its just..its just great. Plus when ive eaten a lot i get to see myself full. Normal. And when i lose weight alowly i get to become accustomed to my body. I used to get low key scared when i noticed bones. But now im used to them and i dont associate them with starvation.

>> No.14659751

what a retarded fucking thread i'm in recovery dumbshits no need to trigger me you fucker take your destructive ana bullshit to other forums

>> No.14659788


>> No.14659929

that's a shame you're in recovery. You sound like an unbearable fag that should've went all the way.

>> No.14659948

CW 189
GW 150
LW 141
6'1" male with a bit of muscle. still I need to lose like 30 lbs. I'm hoping to get there before Apr 2020.

>> No.14660040

ok fatass

>> No.14660162
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is there a way to not have to eat food? I don't fucking care about taste, I don't enjoy eating and am literally lacking the motivation to eat at this point. 5'3 and 107lbs. Looking for shit like onions or whatever, some sort of powder that gets me all the nutrition I need, so I can eat occasionally only when I feel like it

>> No.14660174

worked for me.

>> No.14660183

I have a friend who's like 16 BMI and literally hates eating, nowadays he just drinks those meal replacement shakes and he's managing to slowly gain weight on that. Huel is the one he likes the most.

>> No.14660188

>just discovered that I have hip dips and not love handles

yikes, atleast it motivated me to lose a lot of weight

>> No.14660305

gays like em strong

>> No.14660314

btw we should compare our wrists, post them with age.

>> No.14660334

decided to check this thread out. I used to think you fuckers were crazy. But then I read about the snake diet. And now there's a healthy way to be a thinfag. So, good for you guys! A victory!

>> No.14660591
File: 1.26 MB, 640x480, 1550974792429.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw /thinspo/ and /fast/ are merging

>> No.14660607

Just filter it, imbecile.

>> No.14660976


>> No.14661038

> 5'9"
> current: 171
> highest: i was 176 on september 6th
> lowest: i was 153 in april

my goal is currently to be in the 160s in october and 150 by the new year

i would really like to be between 120-130 just to see what it looks like

i'm drinking plain coffee during breakfast, i eat a small meal at 12pm, and again at 6pm when i get home. this week was mostly noodles. i work at an office job and sit all day, so i don't need a lot and i go for walks on my breaks and after i eat lunch. progress is slow right now but the feeling of an empty stomach before eating actually feels great when i normally feel and look bloated.

i think i'm too fat to even be talking about this in this chat, i've never been small or thin, and i just want to be slender and soft and look better in clothes and when i dance.

>> No.14661459
File: 560 KB, 640x746, 1554647824603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop eating bread

>> No.14661483

neat. could you tell the exact meals you are eating pls?

>> No.14661486

looks good. but ur abs look streched ^^

>> No.14661605


>> No.14661610

fuck that filter. So(y)lent

>> No.14661650

>doing super low carb CICO
>decide to eat brie cheese as an experiment
>get nonstop cheese cravings all day despite not having any cravings for several months

Fuck this

>> No.14661711
File: 75 KB, 265x190, cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>17 BMI
>face is still puffy with little definition

>> No.14661781

take cold showers then everywhere will feel warmer

>> No.14661846

tfw skinny(fat)

>> No.14661920

Only good posts itt. You mentally ill faggots are disgusting, start lifting and eating instead of giving each other eating disorders and wasting daddy's money on expensive clothing

>> No.14662004

why fitfags get so mad at us? just because we don't share their aesthetic taste?

>> No.14662022

You guys are promoting a super unhealthy life style and it's mildly disgusting

>> No.14662035

you don't have to be unhealthy to be thin and even if it was the case, why do you care? lots of people do unhealthy things

>> No.14662037

hi /fit/, how is Zyzz doing these days?

>> No.14662192

Been making steady progress and haven't been falling into cravings feels good. Think I'm feeling the euphoria of weight loss again... This will be a fun ride

>> No.14662275


>> No.14662281

sup lengthbro

>> No.14662283

you literally look like any other skinny white girl it really doesnt make a difference

>> No.14662284

when this thread dies and someone makes a new one


>> No.14662340

New thread

>> No.14663089

Just do intermittent fasting like 16-8. I doubt a starter could go for a week on their first fast. Dont try for results next week, do something you can actually stick to that doesnt cause you massive discomfort because that isn't manageable. I started intermittent fasting at 80kg and have gotten down to 72kg in like 2 or 3 months without changing diet at all just restricting hours.(some weeks I noticed 1.5kg change some not at all, you will plateau but just stick to it and eat less snack shit) Mind you I never eat candy or drink sugary shit in the first place so it really hasnt been hard for me.

>> No.14663135

Dont fall for the water meme. Only drink enough to feel not thirsty. Drinking a gallon a day makes you piss out protien and fucks your kidneys up. If you stay really fit its probs fine but for anyone else it's useless drinking a lot.