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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 54 KB, 529x779, makeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14622878 No.14622878 [Reply] [Original]

People should not wear make-up.

>> No.14622938

Humans have developed a standard of dealing with symptoms, not causes. They are weak and seek instant but temporary solutions.

Women fuck up their skin with makeup so it works like a drug. Instant gratification is more important for them than their health. Also people have increasingly unrealistic expectations and women are more wired to value themselves upon their level of perceived attractiveness. They are in constant competition with other women and by not wearing makeup, they would put themselves deliberately in an inferior position.

It's a devilish cycle, but that's how it is.

>> No.14622976
File: 62 KB, 538x374, 9b40254c-e1420033755771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand what the problem is, both of those girls have clean skin with no pimples and just a bit of blemishes on the white girl probably due to the studio lighting. I do think doing false eyelashes and contacts is way too much but besides that it's not an everyday look I don't see why this is bad. Most people can tell that they are wearing loads of make up so they aren't fooling anybody.

>> No.14622993

nobody knows that wyt bitch is actually pink with no tan/melanin unless she took off her make-up.

>> No.14622995

your picture proves otherwise

>> No.14623006

I don't wear make-up and i don't have people thinking i am ugly or inferior.
When grills i know bitch about make-up i just say they don't have to wear it and their skin problems will go away, and they bitch about the patriarchy and say they HAVE to wear it.

>> No.14623008
File: 39 KB, 580x435, 1519069030271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is white, of course she is pink, it's not white peoples fault that most make up comes from china and is yellow as the people there are

>> No.14623010

wow, you're so not like the other girls, can you post feet queen?

>> No.14623024
File: 95 KB, 708x800, nooooooooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14623027

Make-up is only for guys you normie

>> No.14623028

The Asian girls in general use eyelid tape to give themselves double eyelids like Europeans and sometimes chin tape for that popular surgery sharp chin. Also, circle lenses are huge there. This is what I call a radical alteration of looks
Nikkie(the girl on bottom) just evened out her complexion (in full videos you can see her face is a tragic red compared to her body), gave herself more eyebrow and added lashes besides basic makeup. You can see she hasn't contoured herself to oblivion, lips are the same size and eye area looks the same. This is enhancing makeup you can tell it's still fake, but it doesnt hide a whole different person underneath.

>> No.14623033

>Nikkie(the girl on bottom) just evened out her complexion (in full videos you can see her face is a tragic red compared to her body
Proof or fake

>it doesnt hide a whole different person underneath.
Yes if freaken does, her face is pink, shes lying.

>> No.14623036

i’m so grateful i don’t look a completely different person with makeup on. all i really “need” is to color correct my darkish eye circles really, and hide the occasional pimple. people always ask if i’m wearing contacts/lashes/tell me they wish they had my full brows. i lucked out.

>> No.14623038

Top is doing a look, bottom is putting a mask on because you’re a phantom of of the opera

>> No.14623044

just look at her neck

>> No.14623045

good thing you have an awful personality to make it all good for nothing

>> No.14623046

who fucking cares, its the lighting making her look that pink, shes a vain cunt.

>> No.14623049
File: 8 KB, 255x253, apuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who hurt you?

>> No.14623054

why are you getting mad about it?

>> No.14623092
File: 639 KB, 830x888, furry reaction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They look fucking retarded with all that bullshit make-up all over their fucking face, the texture looks disgusting.

If it was only eye make-up and lipstick i would be okay.
I am disgusted with the bullshit shit texture fake-up.

>> No.14623113

i’m not saying others are beneath me because of it, idc if someone else wears as much makeup as they want, it’s their body ya know. i wear more of it too sometimes. i know some people can’t help with their hormones acting up, etc. i have people close to me who has had very extreme breakouts and they were prescribed medicine that has helped them since. it’s also about diet too, like how it’s best to avoid dairy products etc.

>> No.14623115
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>> No.14623125

no retard, it looks like complete fucking fake shit and they are liars trying to make you think they look completely different.

>> No.14623133
File: 19 KB, 480x480, 50748122_2503871519839740_7525080769027375104_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

women don't lie, you big meanie

>> No.14623142

Stop being a jelly pansy and wear make up too

>> No.14623231

everyone who self identifies on an anonymous message board is an attentionwhore you stupid fucking roastie

>> No.14623236

Women should not wear makeup and men should not use deodorant and steroids.

>> No.14623238


Men shouldn't go to the gym and try to hide their smaller frames and symmetrical inaccuracies behind muscle, unless said muscle comes from the job he earns his living with.

>> No.14623239
File: 37 KB, 558x558, 33691172_487025358380986_8502697114659192832_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>men should not use deodorant
imagine the smelle

>> No.14623246

Local village idiot admits he is easily fooled by make up. More at 11

And up next, Infant cries in game of Peek-a-boo because it lacks object permanence.

>> No.14623253

They never said they were female, you just assumed it.

>> No.14623258

What the hell are you talking about you dumb roastie whore?

Women don’t gain their fake make-up looks through natural means like people that exersise.

Takes no effort, just put paint shit on.

>> No.14623259


>> No.14623263

You actually have to work hard to gain muscles (muscles are part of your body) whereas makeup is a form of deciption you can buy at your local grocery store. Makeup is used soley to mask away women's incecurities. How can you be so fucking stupid that you couldn't figure this out on your own?

>> No.14623265

she literally looks better without the makeup

right picture just looks creepy and obnoxious. Left looks like an actual person

>> No.14623269

trannies should be hanged and watched as they shit themselves

>> No.14623306
File: 89 KB, 600x704, 1536211714348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14623307
File: 48 KB, 700x428, asian_girls_makeup_14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14623308
File: 2.86 MB, 180x320, 1535864056873.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14623339

You know what's worse? Women now use makeup AND fucking social media filters, as if makeup wasn't enough of a fucking cheat. And they buy their own shit, thanks to social media. They don't care that they look like shit IRL, so long as beta orbiters praise them on their online profiles, they will carry that amount of narcissism

Hence the rise of "e-thots", who people believe are impossibly beautiful, but who 9 times out of 10 look bland as fuck IRL

But you can't call them out on their ever growing cope

>> No.14623358


>> No.14623402


>> No.14623404

You must have the personality of a rock

>> No.14623407

I seriously don’t understand why people do that on here.

>> No.14623408

It’s called painting the barn.

>> No.14623412

Because they are insecure themselves. They are the type to be envious of other other’s successes, including bodily achievements vs. inspired by it

>> No.14623415

How does her eyes get bigger with makeup??

>> No.14623528
File: 807 KB, 500x224, auighp9qearohgpe;.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been literally saying what the fuck repeatedly after seeing each one

>> No.14623671

I have never worn deodorant or cologne, i never smell because i take a shower everyday and wash my bed cover once a week.
>lol fag people wont tell you if you smell like poopoo
My friends are very blunt, my family is even more so, if i did small like shit/BO they would have definitely said something.
Women should not wear makeup, they end up pulling out theyre eyebrow and fucking up their face. Men shouldnt wear deodorant, instead should pay attention to their diet/cleanliness/health so they dont smell like shit.
Your body will tell you its in shambles if you let it, take care of yourself and you wont have any problems.

>> No.14623675

Double sided tape between the eyelid, they fold it in and literally tape their eye open

>> No.14623680

Why anyone trusts women in the current year and why nobody ever calls them out on their COPE, literally the biggest COPE in history, is beyond me

>> No.14623681

woman: I want a guy who's genuine! I hate liars and players!
also woman: *never shows her real face in public, wears a padded bra, dyes her hair, wears heels*

>> No.14623682

okay i'd still fuck the 2nd one

>> No.14623687

just remind them that guys do not give a FUCK about makeup, in fact, we make fun of girls who wear a lot of it.

>> No.14623691

Everyone should wear makeup

>> No.14623692

Don't forget the modern, probably the biggest cope of them all, filters, and they will have the audacity to say it's just lighting

>> No.14623728

>girl is drunk at bar
>tells me I need to hit the gym
>say yeah, so do you
>she gets butthurt and a couple guys tell me i went too far

Don't forget, women are only half the problem. Faggot enablers who tell them they do no wrong are just as bad, if not worse.

>> No.14623780

this can't be true, you're literally telling her the same thing she told you

what was feminism supposed to be anyway?

>> No.14623800

This. Just look like the best version of yourself

>> No.14623806

based white knights coming to the defense of m'lady

>> No.14623876

>t. roastie
using makeup is not the best version of yourself, you're putting on an illusion

>> No.14623884

did they pick you yet sis?

>> No.14623966

Come on, there are 2 genders and yet you picked the wrong one. On /fa/ of all places.
What now, will you militate for actors/models/whoever sits in front of a camera for money to not wear makeup because muh illusion? Their job is to be pretty, sure, but you can also choose to bump your looks by a few points by covering small imperfactions. What's the point of a fine fit when you look like a red sleepless mess?

>> No.14624045

That's what females do. They act like cunts towards men because they know they'll get away with it most of the time, and in the rare case some guy refuses to accept their nasty attitude, they start crying like children, trying to make you look like the bad guy. It's such an obvious manipulation tactic, and yet most men fall for it every time.

>> No.14624065

Let's be honest, it's the fucking cumbrain enablers who are the only ones at fault. Women just do it because they can get away with it, not anyone is going to call them out on it

>> No.14624067

she's just making a weird face t b h
would probably bang

>> No.14624070

raise your standards uggo

>> No.14624077

i love this post

>> No.14624089

for penis obviously

>> No.14624095

also some weird black contact lenses

>> No.14624098
File: 38 KB, 720x592, 59295409_2283861471856446_2456203552184336384_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thamk you

>> No.14624120

Imagine if you give me the source

>> No.14624217

>people complain if you wear makeup
>people complain if you don’t wear makeup

tf /fa/

>> No.14624356

Asians don't have a very strong smell. Depends a bit on your ethicity. I'm of strong Aryan descent, so every drop of sweat will instantly ferment into something putrid.

>> No.14624371

When I talk about shaving my ball sack nobody is bothered. When a roastie talks about make-up everybody suddenly gets flustered. How else could she contribute to the "discussion"? By pretending to be a dude? We all know lying is a sin Anon.

>> No.14624458

People have different opinions, wow

>> No.14624463

Makeup is COPE.

>> No.14624468

Chinks literally use eyelid glue/tape to pull their eyelids back. Just think about that whenever some yellowfever cuck goes on a shilling spree again

>> No.14624470

what the fuck they literally have no eyebrows and have fake noses

>> No.14624474

No you cope whore

>> No.14624498
File: 188 KB, 840x838, 990FEAE3-E878-49BB-9E7B-14E746D01A0C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14624547

And men on the other hand want to "dominate" in whatever are they are in, in every conceivable way (i don't need ro list them), and yet they can't because of todays climate, and they either become an "incel", get depressed, or off themselves. Feminization isn't working, telling them they're incels/"nazis" isn't working, denying them their nature and forcing something alien isn't working and the problem gets bigger and bigger, the cup is nearly overflowing, it's just a matter of time before it spills all over, and someone else will have to clean it up.

>> No.14624556

What i'm saying is; women are not the problem, they never were. Most women will always follow "trends" (what is currently popular and what will give them an advantage in love life) and in those they will find meaning. In other words; women are children who are "guided" by men, and now weakness reigns. What does that tell you?

>> No.14624655

Based and redpilled

>> No.14624664

They are still anonymous. Anonymous doesn't mean gender ambiguous.

>> No.14624698

Fuck of back to Facebook

>> No.14624704

>muh asian goddess
not even once

>> No.14624735

Pomeranian Pole with Austrian admixture here, I don't use deodorant either and shower every other day and I'm fine. I don't do anything physically demanding though, besides biking to get around, and I'm an ectomorph.

>> No.14624778
File: 196 KB, 996x1280, dbabb15bf83aca71d23243610282bcf0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let fix this thread

>> No.14624794

you fucking idiot shes still wearing makeup

>> No.14624798

People think that I don't wear makeup because I'm some humble trad waifu, but in reality I'm an enormous narcissist. I know that I'm objectively beautiful without makeup.

Will enjoy the next couple of decades of smooth, radiation-protected skin while my peers are aging like milk.

>> No.14624802

Absolutely, but anon's point may be that makeup can be used in a positive way instead of all the way at the end of the tranny scale.

She's got eyeliner and eye-shadow, probably some concealer around the nasolabial area. Standard photoshoot fare.

>> No.14624809

sauce nigger

>> No.14624814

My point is not all Asian are ugly, anon

>> No.14624821

The thread wasn't about Asians (for once) but makeup in general.

She looks hapa, btw.

>> No.14624837

it's not about whether you shower or not (though that places a massive fucking role). Some people start smelling like sweat 5 minutes after coming out of the shower. It's all about their glands and the bacteria in/on their skin.
Its why people who plan to visit asian countries should bring their own deodorant loadout. Westerners wont find anything that works for them in Japan since they dont even have the same gland composition as us.
Read up on apocrine glands if you are interested.

>> No.14624971

Dam im Polish as well, definitely agree with the asians lack of a strong smell. You would think with all the fish, fatty means and fermented food they eat they would have a scent.
Im this poster btw

>> No.14625592
File: 147 KB, 1280x720, monolid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those fake ass fucking eyelids

fuck this inferiority complex whore.

Even this make-up wearing chink is more honest.

>> No.14625600

The op asian is not ugly, you just think she is because of her ethnicity showing through her normal monolid.

>> No.14625607
File: 120 KB, 640x416, Two-Face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck w*men

>> No.14625626


>implying good make-up and hairdressing doesn't have to be learned and exercised

Seethe harder manlets. Your 30 minute workouts won't hide your girly shoulders to anyone.

>> No.14625631

>durr short people are bad for existing

I am not even short, make-up takes no actual skill.

>> No.14625632

i'm trying

>> No.14625745
File: 90 KB, 876x579, Chink Ape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck white women
>Asian women are better and hotter

>> No.14625750
File: 28 KB, 754x495, Chink Ape 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My waifu is so based
>She will bare me beautiful based children
>Who needs white women am i right?

>> No.14625760

>muh patriarchy
>muh beauty standards
literally both problems created by women, men don’t care

>> No.14625763

how does this even work it looks like theyr eyes have grown twice their size

>> No.14626755

As someone who hasn't wore makeup in like,. 5 years, I have to admit I miss the ritual of it. Something about applying mascara, eyeshadow, eyeliner, shit like that, was fun. But honestly my skin is way better now that I have stopped and I do prefer how much less work it takes to just be without make-up.

>> No.14626794

Right side of the chinky girl looks better to be unironical

>> No.14627001


I think men should join in on this rather than getting upset that women are using it.

Using a bit of concealing make up/height increasing insoles and going outside is a lot healthier than the shit incels are doing online.

>> No.14627054

>the fucking cumbrain enablers who are the only ones at fault. Women just do it because
Literally cumbrain enabler mentality.

>> No.14627066

Nah it's weak men who are solely to blame, that's the only thing that's changed in the past century. Women have always been harlots, the moment weak men arise so are they allowed to be what they are by nature.

Fuck take a look at birds, females tend to be bland as shit but they demand the male be colorful, do a particular dance, and all sorts of ridiculous shit. Religion kept that nature in check and now they are free to be stupid

>> No.14627069

Laowinners BTFO.

>> No.14627072

Its a more tasteful amount though.

>> No.14627128

Fake eyelids you racist cunt

>> No.14627362

>fake noses
they'll never be the chosen people no matter how hard they try

>> No.14627452

too fucking good

>am asian femoid, need to end it all, too fugly to be effay

>> No.14627481

I agree honestly. Everytime I start to feel lust for a woman I remind myself of all the time and money she put into her makeup and hair, and the fact that they have hair in most of the same places men do. Turns me off right quick

>> No.14627487

and I forgot what pussy feels like, been a couple years. that makes it easier

>> No.14627489

>being this delusional
men can only tell when a girl is wearing makeup if it’s obvious. i’ve had men say to me “i love girls who don’t wear makeup” while i was wearing concealer, mascara, blush, and lipstick. if you scrotes could just learn how to use a bit of power it would make men look more attractive in general lmao

>> No.14627525

both look disgusting

>> No.14628304


>> No.14628431

this thread is retarded

>> No.14628827

>Working hard to better yourself functionally and aesthetically
>slathering a layer of paint on every mornin and accomplishing neither
>same thing

>> No.14628849

COPE, its so easy to spot when a girls wearing even a little bit of makeup, you just have retarded friends, women just hate the idea of another woman being beautiful without makeup lmao
also are you implying men should wear makeup?

>> No.14628903

Just another reason to go for tomboys if you aim for long term relationships.

>> No.14629774

>women spend hours in front of a mirror to make my walk down the street slightly more idyllic

God bless them.

>> No.14629823

>women shouldn't wear makeup!
>posts partially edited photo of asian woman, whose eye is most likely smaller even with makeup on

More like Photoshop should be illegal.

>> No.14630065


>> No.14630974

It's not edited. You can see the original 'white' of the eye and it's the same both sides.
Circle lenses are really powerful in making your eyes look bigger. She's also blurred the eye boundary with the smudgy eyeliner, making it look bigger.
If you see a picture of some east Asian idol or dolled up normal girl, there's a very high probability that she's wearing circle lenses. Look at before/after photos.

>> No.14630978

Not the person you're replying to, but I can confirm men I know can't detect subtle makeup. To be fair some women can't either, but they're more able to because they know how it changes a face. Literally my boyfriend looking at a pic and saying "she looks good without makeup", and she's very obviously wearing at least lipstick, mascara and some kind of foundation. When most men say they prefer women without makeup, they mean they prefer a naturally attractive woman to wear makeup that's not obvious, like bright coloured lipstick or heavy eyeshadow.

>> No.14631016

https://www.deviantart.com/rrred/art/Pinkie-you-gotta-stand-up-tall-380298386 bronie

>> No.14631288

thanks bro

>> No.14631500

Bro my girlfriend legit wears no make up, and mogs all the girls who do, maybe its this experience but I can usually tell

>> No.14631526
File: 78 KB, 650x941, nomakeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate make up most of the time.
some eye liner is fine i guess

>> No.14631959

Mostly because it fucks up your skin

>> No.14633029

who is that

>> No.14633051

>men on the other hand want to "dominate"
>they can't because of todays climate, and they either become an "incel", get depressed, or off themselves
...or they become a state-sponsored thug in the US (a.k.a. 'police') and get a license to dominate everyone and everything at all times.

>> No.14633074

people shouldn't wear an amount of makeup that completely changes the look of their face*

>> No.14633586
File: 35 KB, 810x483, 1521350304286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do they blink?

>> No.14633860

Damn this bitch really ain't like other girls huh

>> No.14634074

i hate thin eyebrows so thats a fraud that bothers me, other than that though i dont care. irl you can tell if theyre ugly despite it all.

>> No.14635555

>Humans have developed a standard of dealing with symptoms, not causes
How does this statement apply to wearing makeup? You can't directly fix a shitty face.

>> No.14635674

your girlfriend (lol) is definitely wearing makeup

>> No.14635740
File: 301 KB, 474x409, 1509154385723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are the dudes you two hang with complete retards or something? Do you even hang with dudes in real life?

When someone is standing right in front of you, it's completely obvious if they're wearing makeup.

>> No.14635895
File: 2.74 MB, 1438x2000, taylor swift no makeup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do girls even try to go out without loads of makeup to see what would happen?
I feel like all the current celebrities are a really bad influences on girls right now.

I always avoid girls with too much makeup and go for the ones with the more natural look but I might be in the minority because they always end up with some guy eventually, don’t really know if guys are really into it or they’re just desperate and give up eventually.

>> No.14636160

It's obviously disgenic and contributes to the incel problem. Ugly women should not breed. Women have always held evolution back by being a sort of buffer against it.

>> No.14637177

>dedicating years to improving your body and strength by lifting heavy weights and following a strict diet is the same as using a powder to cover your mangled face in a matter of seconds with no effort
Nice bait

>> No.14637717

It's not. How can you see mascara, if it's not clumpy or too dark? How can you see concealer, if it's blended well and not cakey? A natural looking lip tint? Etc.
There is always the kind of makeup you can hide. Besides, I wear eyeliner that stays on so well, it stains my lashline unless I scrub for ages with a proper eye makeup remover.
And eyebrows are the worst: it's rare to see a 'no makeup' pic with the eyebrows scrubbed clean and completely bare.
Besides, microblading and other more permanent makeup is more and more popular.
I don't go out without makeup, but I would 100% support some kind of ban (e.g. in the workplace) or a 'makeup free' day, or something. It's really fucking bad for women's psychology.

>> No.14637721

Tldr fuck off back to tumblr with your add fingers

>> No.14638274
File: 57 KB, 720x537, IMG_20190908_122905_350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is deep knowledge anon. I'm not sure the rest of the world can handle it

>> No.14638340
File: 108 KB, 408x408, Keanu-Reeves-Woah-Bill-and-Teds-Excellent-Adventure-Gif_408x408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit I thought you were memeing

>> No.14638353

This is some scary fucking shit
I think I'm finally cured from my yellow fever, thanks anon

>> No.14638388
File: 25 KB, 399x322, _cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14638398


>> No.14639434

*nonchalantly removes nose*

>> No.14639437

>taylor swift no makeup
damn she looks pretty good

>> No.14639710

What the actual fuck. Why?

>> No.14639756

I don't get the tomboy thing either.

>> No.14639792

Because sex tourists don't buy ugly shit

>> No.14639959

she's so pretty. how will black women ever compete?

>> No.14640153

I had forgotten this, thanks I needed this

>> No.14641728
File: 71 KB, 552x550, 1529195003484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14641746

Only complete IDIOTS can't tell if a woman is covering up her ugly ass face with makeup. Looking at their facial structure instead of their features is key, you can cover up wrinkles and shit skin tone with makeup, you can't cover up your headshape, fucked up eyes, huge forehead, cheekbone height, etc. With makeuo

>> No.14641755

the fuck, the one on the left is way better

>> No.14641761

LOL she made herself uglier by wearing makeup

>> No.14641768

I mean worse not uglier cuz on the left she's pretty but the right looks way worse

>> No.14642202

>thousands of $, hours and guides
>no effort

>> No.14642213

>styled hair
>covered random zits/ redness
>no goofy smile lines
Yep, this is it. The eyeline is kinda tacky, but meh

>> No.14642217

Women have competition? I aughta give you monk cut.

>> No.14642226

>on /fa/g board
>advocating against peacocking
So.... you come here often?

>> No.14642233

How do you make your eye look bigger? What sort of witchcraft is that?

>> No.14642263
File: 3.75 MB, 1979x2400, taylor swift rolling stone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly the makeup she used in the new Rolling Stone magazine looks great.
Occasionally using something different like this for some party or event this is way better than what the cookie cutter basic bitches usually use.

>> No.14642281

>editorial make up looks great
Jolly, how unexpected!

>> No.14642485
File: 178 KB, 1200x600, 1511219777460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigger taste

>> No.14643711

I said occasionally.

>> No.14643728

i didn't expect even /fa/ to have r9k tier threads, pathetic

>> No.14643741
File: 659 KB, 1536x2048, D9D29618-5AAF-4BA1-807E-1E58DC881C4A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

start ignoring women who wear makeup and a clean face will be the big thing next decade.

>> No.14643757

wait i might actually be autistic. loud noises freak me the fuck out and make me insanely anxious. i usually cover my ears or pace back and forth until the sounds stop

>> No.14643760 [DELETED] 

Every single female is a fucking whore.

Every last one.

They fuck other guys so males like you can pick up the scraps at the end of her life.

Females are mindless creatures. They don't think. They don't have feelings. They're objects.


Every single last one, every single girl you've ever met is a whore. And you're going to settle for those used goods.

How does it feel to know that your girlfriend has fucked other guys? Enjoy dating another man's discarded cumhole.

>> No.14643763
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>> No.14645074

Speaking with anonymity is the exact opposite of speaking for attention whoring.

>> No.14645088

I legit had no clue that that was panka po, i should've known from the trees