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14613146 No.14613146 [Reply] [Original]

/SKG/ : Skin Care General
I'm a 21 year old alcoholic, rip my pores

>> No.14614337


>> No.14614345

Buy liquid BHA acid, apply every night on cleansed skin, then cleanse your skin again in the morning and apply moisturizer.

That's literally all you have to do.

>> No.14614382
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But that's illegal

>> No.14614391
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what the hell are you talking about?

>> No.14614392

i'm sure your body'll be precious at ur furneral

>> No.14614396

t. americuck

>> No.14614400

>finally finished accutane
>using differin EOD
>wash face in the morning
>use a salicylic acid every night

>that's literally all you have to do
kinda, but i needed to get my skin under control before essentially doing this
i highly recommend differin gel

>> No.14614869
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This shit used to be a little but noticeable white little dot, after MONTHS of trying to get it out I did, it appeared again as seen, when showering it "popped" (?) and now it is like that again, what the fuck is this shit?

>> No.14615362
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Need a daily moisturizer. Is this shit worth it?

>> No.14615706 [DELETED] 

it's /skin/ you fucking retard, and you're supposed to include the sticky in OP

>> No.14615817

if it's "for all skin types" it's not for any skin type

>> No.14616477


>> No.14616490

I have the same shit. Do you use soap on your face ? Do you sleep on a clean pillow ? Do you put a lot of lotion on your face ?

>> No.14617229

Guess I will just post here
So I am 8+ months pregnant and wondering if stretch marks are only noticable after you give birth?? I don't have any at all and am wondering if I got lucky or if they appear after the babby is out.

>> No.14617321

Should I be using peel of masks?
If so how often?
Are there any drawbacks?
Any recommended brands?

>> No.14617443
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Thoughts on this moisturizer? Looking for a morning moisturizer thats non-comodegenic and isn't irritating

>> No.14617502

Nah I don't use soap, I wash my pillow covers once a week and use lotion only when it gets dry

>> No.14617509

Id assume after since thats when the skin is loose and recovering, although I might be wrong. Either way i wouldn’t get my hopes up, its better to be pleasantly surprised than disappointed.

>> No.14617511

Like it. Feels great and looks great

>> No.14617574

Usually its before, the worst ones at least. They can appear after, iirc, but on average they come in around the 6th or 7th month. You might be one of the lucky ones but its honestly still too soon to say. Just keep using a good moisturizer before and after childbirth.

>> No.14617654
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Is derma rolling a meme? The skin under my eyes is pretty thin so I’m considering trying it to see if it helps.

>> No.14617837

I tried it for a few months and didn't see much of a difference. Some ppl swear by it tho

>> No.14617863

it's definitely worth giving a shot. in my experience it doesn't clog up my pores and doesn't hurt my sensitive skin at all

>> No.14617868

firstly stop drinking all together

replace with lacroix (that's what i did)

gobble anti inflammatory (turmeric etc)

use bar soap on face once a day

>> No.14618344

It should probably take 6 months to a year depending on the size of the needles to see results.

>> No.14618646

Take hot baths with rose water, or apple cider vinegar, or crushed oatmeal.

>> No.14618806

Post belly pics

>> No.14618817
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Depends how big your belly gets or how stretchy your skin is. I moisturized my skin everyday when I was pregnant, no stretchmarks on my belly but on my back cause that's what i couldn't reach lol, but they disappeared too.

You really just gotta keep the skin nice n moist. Here's what i used

>> No.14618951
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I’M SO MAAAD i have this blind pimple?? and it’s been here for days and i’m so over it.

not the femanon ur responding to but i may have to check that out since i have some on my butt/inner thigh

>> No.14618968

OP: I drink the average amount a 21 year old American drinks

>> No.14618970 [DELETED] 

thank you, Pinterest mom

>> No.14619032
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>breeder fetish

>> No.14619052

>dr bronner's liquid peppermint soap + ice cold water
>skinmedica dermal repair cream

the most brainlet routine i've ever seen in my life, but my skin is flawless

>> No.14619080

I shaved my ass a month ago and its full of red bump how do I get rid of them. Thry aren't pimples and dont hurt just look ugly I think they are ingrown hairs

>> No.14619087

stop being a faggot and shaving your ass

>> No.14619097

Yes, I learned that shaving ass cheeks is a bad idea but how to get rid of my shame bumps?

>> No.14619124

kissable lips bro hahah

>> No.14619992

But if I'm sober, I cant ignore life

>> No.14620611
File: 263 KB, 835x1351, IMG_20190910_120921-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck is wrong with this side of my face? I didn't have much skin problems until a few months ago and I started taking better care of it a couple months ago. I cleanse everyday morning and night, use AHA/BHA foam twice a week and I use a sunscreen lotion that doesn't block my pores. I change my pillowcases every 2 days, I'm also vegetarian for the better part of 2 years and my diet hasn't drastically changed or my work conditions.

Anything else I should do to clear all this shit up? It feels like I'm breaking out almost every day.

>> No.14620637

cerave is so cheap and v worth it

>> No.14620943

do you touch your face? Does anything besides your pillow case touch your face? Do you get enough water every day? Are you exfoliating often enough? You don't consume dairy, do you? Do you consume lots of sugar?

>> No.14621307

Any tips on getting rid of acne scars? I've had them ever since a bad breakout of cystic acne in 2017. Tried Korean vitamin C serum to dermabrasion to exfoliating and nothing's worked. If anything, I'm getting cystic acne from working out and sweating nowadays and getting more and more acne scars.

>> No.14621496

I over exfoliated my chin and not its dry and has ugly skin flakes n shit. Other than keeping it moisturized is there anything else that can be done to speed up the healing process?

>> No.14621628
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I have had these big lines under my eyes for a couple of years now, does anybody know what causes them and how to fix them?

>> No.14621712

I heard dolphin semen works pretty good to hydrate and get rid of them

>> No.14621717

is there any point to use moisturizer if your skinny gets oily pretty easily?

>> No.14621750

you have panda eyes. i have those too.
im 90% sure it's genetic and they just became more noticeable
you can't "fix" it apart from surgery/needles or something. maybe concealer can hide it.

>> No.14621772

Is putting vaseline on your lips a cope

>> No.14621777

21 is the age you're allowed to drink at in the US you dumbfuck

>> No.14621799

I want perfect skin. What do?

>> No.14622436

be born again

>> No.14622511

I don't
Although I fall asleep on my back, I find myself waking up on my side.
I drink at the very least two litres
I thought I was exfoliating with the AHA/BHA cleanser? I might up that to 3 times a week tho
I have very little dairy
I have a sweet tooth, it's that isn't it?

>> No.14623446

>do everything on the sticky
>skin still full of pimples
How long does it take?
Am I simply divinely designated to be ugly?

>> No.14624615

How long have you been on your new routine?

>> No.14625666

I have freckles, how do I get rid/even out skin. I have started wearing factor 50 sunscreen even in cloudy weather. I also have a 0.75 mm derma-roller if that helps?

>> No.14625685

Sugar can definitely cause breakouts, however you can't cut it out completely. Stuff like fruit with natural sugars is still good.

>> No.14625833

is retinol comparable in terms of efficacy etc to retin-A?
i've been using la roche posay redermic R for the last while and have noticed better skin texture etc after 3 weeks but could it be even better with retin A because retinol is weaker?

>> No.14626292

My wife didnt get any stretch marks at all throughout or after her pregnancy. Be thankful and blessed. Lots of women dont realize that you dont need to eat lile a pig when youre pregnant

>> No.14626499

Ok so probably a dumb question but what exactly is exfoliating? Is it just the process of removing dead skin cells from your skins surface? Whats the difference between a chemical exfoliate and an abrasive one? Is one better than the other if so why?

>> No.14627188
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Is this a good routine?

>> No.14627356

Can you combine retinoids with other stuff? Like BHA in the morning, retinoids at night?

>> No.14628708

Best body wash for body acne? Is African Black Soap a meme or should I give it a try

>> No.14628717

Yes, it removes dead skin to avoid pore blockage. Light chemical is usually the best as it is uniform and doest cause damage, abrasion can cause damage if you are not careful.

>> No.14630305

new fag here I have exacts same skin as OP what should I do to fix this? do I use what >>14614345
this anon said and buy liquid BHA? what else should I do? how often should I do it and what else should I know?

>> No.14630338

Retin-a is a lot stronger, quicker results but it makes your skin peel during the first months.

>> No.14630644

Go in the sauna as often as you can...it is amazing for your health, skin, pores, etc....but you have to make sure to shower afterwards.

>> No.14630843
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Is this a good routine? I've noticed my skin has been quite a bit worse since switching over from proavctiv (less than 1 month ago). I have greasy skin, an anon from another thread recommended the cleanser. I've been washing my face more than ever but consistently have pimples. Should I wash twice a day? I only wash at night/when I shower

>> No.14631035

but i could achieve the same with retinol, given a longer usage period, right?

>> No.14631204

You might be over washing your face which triggered a sebum overproduction.

>> No.14631226

Also just because your skin is oily doesn't mean you should use an oil free moisturizer. Your skin wants it to have oil, when there is little or none it will start producing it sometimes in excess. Use a cold pressed sunflower seed oil, its light, gets absorbed easily and quickly by your skin and high in linoleic acid which helps acne. When your skin feels too oily take a gentle cold wet cloth and pad off excess oil.

>> No.14632438
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How do I fix nail psoriasis?

>> No.14632617

So I have always waxed my arm pits, bikini and legs. Would an epilator be a good investment? Do these things work as well as waxing?

>> No.14632855

Is Retin-A worth it?

>> No.14632874
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how to get rid of the giant pores on upper cheek and acne scarring


>> No.14632950

Exfoliate and moisturize

>> No.14633159
File: 1.74 MB, 2600x3687, 9C5D93D6-63FC-47DB-B495-5CA52F662278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you feel about these products in pic rel? have you ever used them or know a friend etc who has? i’m trying to get better with having a consistent, routine skincare regimen. my face is kind of normal, gets dry mostly on my nose. the occasional pimple here and there.

also, what are some of your favorite diy recipes for skincare? i’d like to start making my own in glass little pot/jars/etc. ty /fa/m.

>> No.14633163
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wrong pic, sorry.

>> No.14633440

Do you know a moisturizer without alcohol and fragrance in a range of 40usd?

>> No.14633456


>> No.14633458

Chemical peels or directly laser surgery

>> No.14633503

derma rolling is not a meme but you need to do it right. Screwing it up can either mean a: no results or b: damaging your skin. There are guides out there and people selling titanium needles of assorted lengths. I dermaroll but don't do it religiously, but if I was stuck on an island with only a few skincare products, it would be one of the ones I would take with me.

>> No.14633513

Don’t underestimate the role of *diet*. Took me years to figure out dairy gave me acne.

Listen to pharmacist Ben Fuchs...

>> No.14633540

Drop all chemical creams and lotions, I wish I did earlier. Adopt a natural raw primal diet. Watch sv3rige on YouTube or read Aajonus Vonderplanitz.

>> No.14633702

I need a new facial moisturizer. Right now i am using Day and Night cetaphil Dry, Sensitive skin moituriser with Yeouth Pure Hyaluronic Acid (only at night).
Problem is, i have combination skin, not dry skin. But i do, however, have very sensitive skin.
So i am looking for a Day/Night cream that would be good for my combination sensitive skin. It cant have SPF or UVB protection in it etc, that makes me break out big time, and my skin gets very irritated from it. Do you think using the Yeouth, Day/Night Cream would be good to use alongside the Pure Hyaluronic Acid?

Also what should i do about my forehead wrinkles? They are starting to show and i'm only 19. Dont want to have to get botox at 25

Face cream is a good choice. And i have heard a lot of positivity from the facial cleanser. A friend of mine uses it and her skin is pretty much perfect. If the face cream isnt working too well, i also recommend using the philosophy "Renewed Hope In A Jar" moisturizer alongside the philosophy "purity made simple" which you have. Also if you are putting on makeup during the day, i recommend you use a face wash like
Alaffia coconut face wash > philosophy "purity made simple" > Alaffia coconut nighttime face cream.
Unfortunately i don't use eye cream so i don't know much about it.

>> No.14633704

Get laser treatment on your freckles. Used to have freckles all over my hands. Lasered them off and you wouldn't even know they were ever there

>> No.14633820

Same brother

>> No.14634552
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This is the fucking worst op pic you could have chosen, no one wants to look at a close up of your face as the op

>> No.14634793
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should i cut this mole thingy off myself or be a pussy and visit a dermatologist

>> No.14634802

Use amlactin. So cheap from cvs or wherever and it’s god teir moisturizer.

>> No.14634822

Yes. Your skin will actually produce MORE oil if you never moisturize to compensate for the dryness.

>> No.14634824

my nose gets really oily, like even after cleansing, its oily two hours later, help

>> No.14634935

what products are you using

>> No.14634949

Anybody have any fixes for keratosis pilaris? I’ve been exfoliating regularly but my biceps are still covered

>> No.14634966

I'm 22 with seborrheic dermatitis

>> No.14634973

Btw I tried aloe vera couple days ago thanks to a friend, it worked fucking great, was it a coincidence or is it truly good?

>> No.14634984

Stop using soap dude. Warm water only on my skin feels great looks great

>> No.14634986

Protopic/tacrolimus helps for your face. Coal tar/ketoconazole/salcylic acid for your scalp.

>> No.14634995

Does AHA make anyone break out? I swear I only use BHA now but some areas I could use AHA.

>> No.14635311
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life saver

>> No.14636503
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i used all 3 of them some hours ago, picrel. i think the eye cream may be getting old... slightly greasy. the cleanser left my face feeling pretty tight, even after putting the moisturizer on. :^( i’ve been trying to stay away from foundation for a few weeks now but i do dab on dark circle concealer if i’m going out. never heard of alaffia before. ty anon.

that was me earlier this week, trying to correct that now esp with the cooler months coming.

>> No.14636741

Shaving is skincare right?
What razors are good for a safety razor

>> No.14637382

psoriasis is an autoimmune disease with no cure, talk to a doctor about managing instead of crying on a mongolian basket weaving forum

>> No.14638408

i get ridiculous amounts of facial oil every day, to the point that I have to wipe my face off multiple times a day to avoid my glasses literally sliding down my face

I don't have any bad acne

I wash my face with Cetaphil twice a day and apply facial astringent twice a day immediately after (morning / night)

this has happened since puberty

>> No.14638411
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Pic related is the handkerchiefs I always have on me

>> No.14638435


>> No.14638546
File: 1.43 MB, 1432x1418, Screenshot_2019-09-14-11-33-17(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe try washing the rag tons, and pickup the oil removing cetaphil foam wash. It dries you up good, without making you break out. I have mixed skin so it helps wonders with the oil removing moisturiser. But idk how well that would work with your skin if it's producing that much oil.

>> No.14638647

I'll try some of that and see if it works

thanks for the (you)

>> No.14638747

Are SLS SLES and Parabens that bad? and should they be avoided?

I find it weird that most of the more popular "dermatolgist recommended" washes like Cetaphil have SLS in.

>> No.14638775

sleep well should help, but I think that's genetics

>> No.14638789

How do you figure out what skin type you have?

>> No.14638867


>> No.14638898

not true. Source: I worked in L'Oreal head office for 7 years

>> No.14638905

Be careful using too many acids on your face. Retinol is a powerful mofo

>> No.14638913

The anti-paraben hysteria is ridiculous. Most products have a tiny amount. Once they are removed, some other preservative has to be added---and in larger amounts!

>> No.14639677 [DELETED] 

>Source: your ass

>> No.14639687

Why do so many people post questions here that can be googled easily?

>> No.14639901

Nutritional deficiencies,heavy metal toxicity

>> No.14639907


>> No.14639970

First I want to thank /skg/ for recommending me cetaphil cleanser, really cleaned up my skin. I had blackheads all over my nose that I could never get rid of but now they are gone.

Next thing is my pores are pretty noticeable. What do you recommend for reducing pores? I have oily/ sensitive skin so I feel like something that’s too abrasive on my skin could cause additional redness

>> No.14640025

That didn't answer my question

>> No.14640289 [DELETED] 

Google it.

>> No.14640336

>heavy metal toxicity
that sounds pretty cool

>> No.14640442

Sorry no answers for this one. Unlike a lot of questions people ask itt for skincare

>> No.14641224

why do i get so many little sesame seeds?

>> No.14641374

>finished acutane
>wash face twice a day followed by gentle moisturizer
>avoid sugary, greasy, and fatty foods
>change sheets monthly
>have been working out regularly
>STILL horrendous cystnic acne CONSTANTLY

I'm gonna kill myself

>> No.14641503

Almost relate. I finished accutane three years ago and had pretty nice skin, save for some hyperpigmention that was so subtle I'm the only one who noticed it.

Started working out a lot and was concerned my face would get fucked up. Bought a facial scrub at the grocery and tried it. Two tries in and I'm breaking out like a motherfucker. More acne than I've had in a few years. Confidence plummeted and now I'm overtreating my face. Shit's dry and itchy all the time and red. Fuck my life. I hope this clears up soon and isn't a sign of things to come.

This is a good reminder for me to never ever ever ever ever put any shit on my skin ever again (aside from moisturizer). Otherwise my shit gets fucked.

>> No.14641573

your skin is dehydrated, which makes it up by producing more oils
are you drinking enough water a day? are you applying moisturizer daily?

>> No.14642147 [DELETED] 

>which makes it up by producing more oils
[citation needed]

>> No.14642174

it's not i can assure you

>> No.14642393
File: 123 KB, 590x886, 56512257-8043-4542-866C-0152D89F4968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of bad advice ITT, stay tf away from most products.
Three pronged process and the first is the most important.
1. HYDRATE - If you drink a lot, and don’t drink 3L+ of water a day you’re going to have awful skin. No other way around it. Get ORGANIC lemon juice and put a lil in your water as well.
2. Clean - Clean your face two times a day, tops, but before bed ALWAYS. Use no more than two products, and always use them in this order. Wash face —> Astringent —> Coconut Oil/Aloe (a blend is even better) —> Sleep
3. Get sunlight, never sunscreen - Staying inside is going to fuck you over in more ways than one, but it will especially fuck up your skin. If it’s frigid and windy, wear a neoprene facemask. If it’s hot, frequently wipe the sweat. Sunscreen is a scam that fucks up your skin, so is damn near every facial product, and literally every single one from Glossier makes all my friends, male and female, break out.
Bonus: 4. Switch from coffee to tea.
Good luck, anon.
t. a med with 11/10 skin

>> No.14642765 [DELETED] 

>a med
A Mediterranean person, of course, as very few med students in the world would spout that kind of unfounded nonsense

>> No.14642993

Try this: https://www.paulaschoice.com/expert-advice/skincare-advice/basic-skin-care-tips/infographic-how-to-find-your-skin-type.html
SLS/SLES are both strong foaming agents and can strip too much oil from the skin's surface and cause irritation. Removing too much oil can leave the skin feeling dry and unpleasant.
>3. Get sunlight, never sunscreen - Staying inside is going to fuck you over in more ways than one, but it will especially fuck up your skin. If it’s frigid and windy, wear a neoprene facemask. If it’s hot, frequently wipe the sweat. Sunscreen is a scam that fucks up your skin, so is damn near every facial product.
Get the fuck out.

>> No.14643142 [DELETED] 

>can strip too much oil
yep, but it depends on how much of it is in the product and what its combined with.

>> No.14643579
File: 966 KB, 2576x1932, FF1C77EF-C07E-4B6F-966D-76F19C22D54A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get rid of these weird bumps/pimples? They’re very visible up close and in certain lighting

>> No.14643589

Bro, that shit is barely noticeable and will probably go away in a few days, but if you wanna do anything I would say ice it for like 20 seconds.

>> No.14643608

I’ve had it for months tho

>> No.14644231

cope faggots

>> No.14644485

How do i fix years of dry skin, being using the cerave lotion and a occlusive a night for a month but its not doing shit

>> No.14644498

>Get sunlight, never sunscreen

just dropping in to let all the idiots reading this (who might think this person knows what they're talking about) that this is very bad advice -- always wear SPF

>> No.14644723 [DELETED] 

aaand that's where you would put the science backing you if you could, but you couldn't :^)

>> No.14644734

can i use shea butter as moisturizer for my skin

>> No.14644735

fucking newfags I swear

>> No.14644740

Because I want to know my skin type and I'm sure people here who can't feel or see my skin would be much more helpful than Google

>> No.14644741

Use skin products that are recommended for dry skin.

>> No.14644750

lmao this freshman larp thinks hes hot shit, laught at him HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA

>> No.14644989

they're milia, try exfoliating

I bought an exfoliating scrub just for these and some are going away but most remain, it takes a while. make sure not to over moisturise that's what caused it for me

>> No.14645574

Google it, faggot

>> No.14645652 [DELETED] 

thanks botnet-shill
.1 p has been deposited to your g00gle pay

>> No.14645655

You could have gotten an answer to your question by now if you used a fucking search engine but no you will wait days on end for some anon to tell you instead, retard

>> No.14645678 [DELETED] 

a) not him
b) don't automatically assume that you're constantly talking to another person, especially not if there are 102 posters ITT and the reply is 8 hours later than the first one
c) another .1 p has been deposited to your g++gle pay

>> No.14645679 [DELETED] 

a) not him
b) don't automatically assume that you're constantly talking to the same person, especially not if there are 102 posters ITT and the reply is 8 hours later than the first one
c) another .1 p has been deposited to your g++gle pay

>> No.14645680
File: 24 KB, 640x640, 147f8bb15660c56992b16315800cb39f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How often do you guys apply sunscreen and what sunscreen do you use ? I usually do it once a day but someone told me to do it every two hours. What about skincare in general? Gets a bit expensive repeating it twice a day. How often do you guys use masks?

Also, I typically use pic related and an exfoliator twice a week and that's all I have been doing. Is this a bad idea? what about general body skin care, is it really important and does it need to be as thorough?

>> No.14645760

a)dont care
b)still dont care

>> No.14645769 [DELETED] 

Well then. I'm sure you have other threads to earn a living wage in.

>> No.14645770

You are a gay retard if you think advocating the use of a search engine for basic bitch questions makes that person a shill.

>> No.14645777 [DELETED] 

Wonderful. Have a great day.

>> No.14646331

whats are some good under eye cream under 20 dollars?

>> No.14646704


Please respond

>> No.14646861
File: 41 KB, 525x541, jim-hall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Current Regimen:

>Morning Shower, cleanse face last
>Immediately apply Laneige Cream Skin Toner 2 in 1 to damp face, allow to absorb
>Once dry, apply Holika Holika Lazy and Easy all-in-one Serum
>Full Body 92% Aloe Vera Gel from Nature Republic

Work my wageslave gig

Evening once home
>Just wash face and repeat morning face procedure
>Finish with Morgan Miller Collagen Oil because I got my dad's huge-ass eyebrow lines
>Nighttime sleepy-scent baby lotion before bed because it's mad comfy

The only thing I'm dissatisfied with is the Collagen Oil, any replacement suggestions?

>> No.14647186
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Sunscreen doesn’t exist for millions of years, is invented recently
Just don’t be retarded and stay out in the sun for hours, and stay properly hydrated, you’ll be fine. You have to build up a tolerance to the sun, not lather your face with chemicals that get absorbed into your bloodstream.
Sauce, faggots: https://www.fda.gov/news-events/fda-voices-perspectives-fda-leadership-and-experts/shedding-new-light-sunscreen-absorption
No (You)s for you

>> No.14647208

Imagine thinking a literal ball of radiation is safer than possible chemical absorption, people who recommend sunscreen use quality ones with titanium, mineral and synthetic blockers whose molecules are too large to fit through the skin membrane

Imagine thinking people here use shit tier 5 dollar Walmart sunscreen

>> No.14647215 [DELETED] 

That ball of radiation is absolutely needed for plant and animals. Vitamin D is a hormone that is essential for your health. Imagine being afraid of something almost every single organism needs to live is harmful in moderate amounts.

>> No.14647231

That ball of radiation is absolutely needed for plant and animals. Vitamin D is a hormone that is essential for your health. Imagine being afraid of something almost every single organism needs to live and thinking it is harmful in moderate amounts. Absolute brainlet.

>> No.14647264
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Oh yes, here is some food for thought for you retards. Sunscreen is used daily more than ever among the populace and yet the diagnosis for skin cancer keeps going up. Rapidly.

>> No.14647624

Be a pussy, go to a dermatologist, do it instead of doing it in the future cuz ya fucked up

>> No.14647706
File: 2.56 MB, 322x178, 549EAC42-03E8-4898-9CD2-F33E5D2EC5A4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people in this thread, guarenteed, aren’t using luxury mineral whatever sun screen. They’re using coppertone or whatever you buy at CVS.
Calling the sun a ball of radiation is so incredibly retarded it’s hilarious, one suffers greatly without sun to skin contact. What are you, afraid of the sun? Lol.
Also, the amount of absolute faggotry ITT with the expensive creams and lotions is pretty embarrassing. Paying some bored CFOs wife for Pomegranate exfoliator that will end up at HomeGoods doesn’t make you smart, it makes you an absolute faggot

>> No.14647716
File: 25 KB, 486x375, 41GD5yOSUmL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its genetic and cool

>> No.14647717

Ding ding ding
Imagine being deathly afraid of our literal source of life that youd rather bathe in carcinogens than bask in its glory

>> No.14647732 [DELETED] 

>youd rather bathe in carcinogens
UVA and UVB are carcinogens, Anon.

>> No.14647748

Someone recc me an ebin but affordable sunscreen please

>> No.14647962

And yet skin n cancer rates keep going up rapidly despite the public using sunscreen more than ever, staying inside more than ever, and generally avoiding the sun more than ever. Hmmm. Oh and women tan more than men, yet their skin cancer rates are still lower.

>> No.14648072

>how often do you apply sunscreen
Never, I don't go outside
>every two hours
Thats very excessive and you'll only need to do that if you are in the sun at the beach but even then your sunscreen usually will tell you how long it lasts. Most last around 4hours. Sunscreen has only ever made me brekout so I give it a pass.
>how often do you use masks
Once a month. Used to use them weekly but they tend to make my skin red and sore as I have sensitive skin. For normal skin using them once weekly or not at all doesn't really make a difference. However, using the right cleansers and moisturisers matter. No point using a mask when you are using the wrong products.
>defoliator twice a week
Might be a bit much. Once a week should be enough. If your skin is flaky or you have dry skin. Using it twice is ideal.
>what about general body care
Just moisturise and exfoliate after shaving. Moisturise back of your hands, legs, feet, arms if they are feeling dry.

>> No.14648113
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>tfw 10 days left of accutane treatment
>face has been clear for a couple of months
Feels so fucking good bros, I just hope my acne wont come back once im off the meds. The sides are a bitch but it's so worth it.

>> No.14648915
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don’t be a little faggot, sure its carcinogenic if you sit out in the sun for 6 hours a day AND are dehydrated. I meant lathering your face in liquid, absorbable carcinogens ya fuggin nut
Anecdotally, think on who in your life had skin cancer and they’re typically people who over apply or live unhealthy lifestyles
currently out in the sun for a nice 30 minute session

>> No.14649549
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How to get rid of forehead acne

>> No.14649712

Your beard pattern is like mine

>> No.14649747

Don’t work. It’s genetics

>> No.14651192


>> No.14651202

Your sperm has stem cells in it. I bet rubbing it on your face will keep your skin soft and young. No, I am not kidding I am genuinely interested to see if this works.

>> No.14651262

How to get rosy cheeks?

>> No.14652000

Is moisturizer supposed to burn your skin? I have pretty dry skin and when finishing my routine with some caviar lime moisturizer it tingles/burns for a good 15 - 20ish seconds

>> No.14652516


Yeah same no idea why, burns more the drier it is

>> No.14652522

COSRX low ph good morning cleanser
COSRX snail 96 power essence

That's all I do and my skin is soft and happy.

>> No.14652886

How do I promote beard growth? I've heard people use minoxidil and dermaroller, but that seems kinda serious.

>> No.14653153

>enough water
I've probably had water today

>(facial) moisturizer
no I don't use
what do you recommend?

>> No.14653172

You can apply just minoxidil, but some dermarolling should promote absorption. The thing is, you'll have to apply it for as long as you want the hair to grow in that area. Once stopped it'll fall off after a while. I have no idea how dense the coverage will be.

>> No.14653332

Lads. I’m pale as fuck and got burnt on my face yesterday. Not bad, it’s been 24 hours and it’s not peeling or blistered. That said, it’s more noticeable because of my sunglasses keeping parts pale. I have a wedding this week. Is there a way to speed up the decrease in redness?

>> No.14653495

rogaine works and it's available everywhere.

>> No.14653517

Apply aloe Vera gel or slice up some cucumbers and put them on your face. Do this max 3 times a day

>> No.14653526

Is Aloe Vera aftersun cream a good substitute? I can get cucumbers, but not aloe Vera.

>> No.14653534
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any1 else got dark eye circles?
mine are so bad people ask when i got into a fight

>> No.14653614

I've been thinking of using this sunscreen. Is it good? Does it work as a moisturizer as well or should I apply some before this sunscreen?

>> No.14653618
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Crap, forgot the pic

>> No.14653920

eat only meat and drink only water

>> No.14655226

Water dehydrates you

>> No.14655234

I have had this and its because of dehydrated skin. I would recommend more water and perhaps a thicker moisturizer. Once the scaly akin goes away move toward thinner moisturizers

>> No.14655264

spf is extremely hit or miss, and it will probably take a while to find one you like
>not leaving a noticeable white cast
>texture you like
>won't dry you out
trail and error, just go for it. i prefer asian sunscreens though

>> No.14655345


Recommend me a decent, affordable sunscreen please

Also, any of you guys tried dermarollers? I'm trying to find a good one just for general beauty and health, preferably one that also works my horrible dark circles

>> No.14655439

look up helminth therapy seriously

>> No.14655717

How can I lighten my skin? My arms are so tanned compared to the rest of my body

>> No.14655854

Cosrx aloe soothing sun cream.

>> No.14656079

anyone know anything about supplementing collagen or glycine in your diet?

>> No.14656377

you're all brown so it's harder to see your shitty complexions, your skin is actually shit

>> No.14656453

There was a study on mice where they fed them gelatin and their skin had less aging and more collagen as a result.


>The bioavailability of hydrolyzed collagen in mice was demonstrated in a 1999 study; orally administered 14C hydrolyzed collagen was digested and more than 90% absorbed within 6 hours, with measurable accumulation in cartilage and skin.[4] A 2005 study in humans found hydrolyzed collagen absorbed as small peptides in the blood.[5]

>> No.14656458

Post face

>> No.14656477
File: 26 KB, 480x640, 83AAA5A6-2782-4569-B6E7-295BFB87DED6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i get rid of marionette lines i want to be mistaken as a teenager again.
>tfw 26 is looming

>> No.14656479

And here is another study on collagen peptides(aka gelatin)

>> No.14656493

Wait you have marionette lines before you've even turned 26? Yikes. How bad are they? Can you post a pic?

>> No.14656504

do you know if it works against acne, dandruff, balding or thin skin under the eyes?

>> No.14656518

I do not know of any study on the effectiveness of gelatin consumption related to dandruff and acne, but I did find a study of it on balding once, alopecia more specifically.
As for under eye thinning I am not sure. I hypothesis that it could help as consumption of gelatin has been linked to more collagen density in the skin, but I am not sure if it will help with thin skin under the eyes as the eyes just naturally have thinner skin than the rest of your body.

>> No.14656528


Wait are you the gelatin autist I have seen around recently? If so doing God's work as usual I see.

>> No.14656531


>> No.14656534
File: 77 KB, 1024x1536, elastic_skin_by_chiss_cupcake_d5nds54-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know what to do for loose skin. My face's skin feels like rubber, not tight at all and kind of elastic?

>> No.14656555


Has the gelatin in the cera ve been helpful?

>> No.14656564

Oh well, that is a fairly new experiment I am doing so its too early for me to conclude any results yet. But the idea came to me when I realized there was cholesterol in it, and I kinda just figured if cholesterol is good to apply topically through this why not add gelatin to it too to see what happens. I have no idea if itll work and I don't really know of any experiments done with gelatin applied topically via face washes, well they could exist and I just haven't searched hard enough for it. So uh tl;dr i dunno

>> No.14656588
File: 199 KB, 969x1494, 66653E70-EDF0-4860-ABD7-64DC14662CA9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty bad, i just started noticing it? i have like a neutral olive skin tone and it kind of looks green. :( i’ve dealt with a lot of stress this year, pulled down on my face too much, stupid direction when face washing etc. even found a white hair not too long ago.

>> No.14656590

Eat gelatin, a good source of vitamin C and liver. Gelatin consumption has been linked to greater collagen density in the skin, and liver contains a lot of nutrients that aid in collagen production and skin health in general like vitamins A and B, zinc, selenium, iron, copper it honestly just goes on and on. Liver is incredibly dense in nutrients. I like to make a beef liver sandwich that had watercress, onions, and a bread with whole grains and seeds.

>> No.14656597

I don't think its that bad, but its a good thing you noticed it asap because that will make treatment more effective. Hmm but perhaps try a topical application of vitamin C serum and retinol? This will certainly help prevent it from getting worse and might help clear up the discoloration and fine lines.

>> No.14656616


I love you insane autist anon please get a trip

How do you wash your face? Usually I don't pay much mind to the direction and way I wash it, but I apply all facial products by going upwards and not downwards, mostly with the midsection of my fingers.

>> No.14656620

almost makes me want to give up drinking, almost.

>> No.14656634


>> No.14656659

you think so? i’m like super self conscious about it. i’ve started to smoke socially as well. i’ve cut down on the drinking compared to last year but it’s still a social thing for me. i think i’ll try to refuse smoking now at least. the stress has made me feel kinda hopeless but i really don’t wanna age so quickly like i am. i mean, i still get mistaken for a younger age but still. i forgot i posted in here for another ref >>14636503 ty, i’ll look into what you’ve told me.
i hadn’t really thought about it but for awhile i was going the worse way, like downwards. now i’m doting the wash on like nose, cheek, forehead/chin and kinda patting and circular motions going upwards diagonally with light hands if that makes sense, using my mid fingers like you. to be honest it’s also probably due to me wiping down when crying too, and the above mentioned drinking/smoking.

>> No.14656874

Yeah, I would def recommend cutting back on smoking and drinking. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure and all that. Stress is difficult because a lot of times it's just straight up unavoidable. Definitely try to work on destressing techniques, like meditation, exercise (believe it or not), unplug and unwind. Like if a situation is stressful especially social ones just YEET if you can, or take a nice hot bath for instance after a stressful day. And when you do cry blot the tears away rather than whipe.

>> No.14656891

Kek can confirm the exercise bit. If something pisses me off nothing gets my mind off it/into a better place like a jog around the block or lifting.

>> No.14656919

Do not over expholiate skin. Expholiation should only be done occasionally. Your cell turnover is once every month or two, the top layer of you skin is about 20 layers deep. Expholiation is good to help products like retinol penatrate deeper, but that layer of dead skin is also vital to keeping moisture locked in and the skin from getting irritated. Please be careful with your expholiation routines.

>> No.14656972

i’m a poorfag that has food stamps, what are some great foods that you purchase to boost skincare? both in diet or maybe concoctions you make on your own like an exfoliant etc. i saw the gelatin anon so i’ll keep that in mind.

>> No.14657038
File: 319 KB, 1458x2588, image0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

used to have pretty bad eczema
took some blood tests apparently had a lot of auto immunity issues
cut out all grains and dairy, skin has really cleared up since

>> No.14657114


Once a week OK?

Also, with face wash I just generally get about a thumb's worth on my hands, mix it together with water then sorts just splash it in my face and run it gently for like 2 minutes. Is this correct?

>> No.14657251

It is hard to say because it depends. Some people, especially men, have thicker skin.
Possible signs you are over expholiting:
>dry skin, (because your sebum is stripped more than it can restore)
>sensitive skin, for instance moisturizers etc burn
>oily skin, (when sebum is stripped and your glands go into a production overdrive)
whether you skin is left dry or it over produces oil varies between people. If you are experiencing one or more of these and expholiate often it could be in part due to your expholiation routine.

>> No.14657738

Why the fuck does it have cholesterol in it?? Isn't that the stuff that clogs your arteries? That sounds really weird to me. Also what other experiments are you trying?

>> No.14657893

Yes it is indeed that cholesterol. Cholesterol is a lipid vital to your skin barrier(its also vital for just about every hormone in your body), every time you wash your face, expholiate etc you strip some of it away along with other acids and lipids. Cerave is formulated in a way it not only cleans your face, but it also adds more acids and lipids, like cholesterol and ceramides, back into your skin(hence why I decided to add gelatin to give it an amino acid/collagen boost). This is why it is a really good cleanser for just about everyone its legit. Not trying to sound like a shill but yeah its good stuff. I think I went overboard on the gelatin this time though its THICC but my face does feel really nice afterwards lol

As for other experiments I am trying my hand in making my own toothpaste. Its a combo of olive oil, baking soda, clove oil and honey. Ok hear me out though I know this sounds strange so let me get into detail about the ingredients I am using and why, and again this is another experimental thing...

>olive oil
Prevents the other ingredients from dissolving super quickly in your mouth. Olive oil has also been studied to be antibacterial and help with plaque control.
>Baking soda
This one is a little controversial. I might skip it next time I make a toothpaste but so far it has given me no issues and my teeth have gotten noticeably whiter and it adds that familiar texture typical of toothpaste, that slight grittiness. The controversy behind baking soda is that other time the course texture will erode tooth enamel. But honestly I also think if thats the case wouldn't brushing with toothbrushes aid in enamel erosion as well? I think its safe personally and haven't experienced any tooth sensitivity.

>> No.14657898

>clove oil
This stuff is STRONG so be careful too much and you will experience a numbing effect. This adds a nice freshness to the paste however and clove is also studied to be antibacterial. It can be substituted with cinnamon oil, which is apparently even better at bacterial control than clove as is eliminates a greater variety of bacteria. Next time I make a toothpaste I think I am going to replace this ingredient with cinnamon instead.
Just about every toothpaste on the market has a sweetening agent added to it to make brushing more pleasant. Usual sorbitol(sugar alcohol, usually made from potato starch) or saccharin(made from coal tar). However neither of these aid in bacteria fighting and plaque control, unlike honey. Yes I am serious honey is antibacterial and helps control plaque and fight gingivitis. It also creates hydrogen peroxide which combined with the baking soda makes teeth whiter.

>Olive oil study
Granted, this is about oil pulling, but what I found interesting was this bit;
Olive oil contains 70% monounsaturated fatty acids with oleic acid as predominant constituent. It also contains plant phenolic compounds, squalen, phytosterols; vitamin A, E and K. These constituents have antimicrobial, immunomodulatory and antioxidative effect. Oil pulling with olive oil is presumed to prevent oral malodor.

>Baking soda studies

>Clove oil study

>Honey study

>> No.14658116

Lol you crazy but also brilliant

>> No.14658251

Anonette please get a trip we love you yoyre one of the best posters on effay

>> No.14658254


Are you a chemist? What do you do for a living?

>> No.14658312

She is a level 9001 momblogger, ascended basically.

>> No.14658789

Fucking KEK

>> No.14658974

How do i get rid of body acne? I've tried so much, different washes, lemon scrubs, tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar, even reversed and used coconut oil, no washing, exfoliating, changing clothes/sheets, hair not touching skin, I've changed my eating habits, no dairy/meats, more water NOTHING WORKS. it just wont go away. I've had it since i was 13, Im 20 now. Constantly been experimenting and nothing works, right now i have more scars than acne, so i think im doing something right but i still get random periods of "skin fits" where my skin just bursts with a shitton of pimples.
And as for the scars, how do i fade these? No pic because im embarrassed

>> No.14659095

Are you retarded?

>> No.14659205

>Also, any of you guys tried dermarollers? I'm trying to find a good one just for general beauty and health, preferably one that also works my horrible dark circles

>> No.14659243


Thakk you. So basically, but the cheapest derma roller, buy replaceable heads each time, no bigger than 0.5, and numb, disinfect and moisturise after?

How often can you do it? Do you have to stay away from the eyes at all times?

>> No.14659439
File: 2.23 MB, 4128x2322, 20190924_102606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What lotion should I use for the lines on my feet? Thank you!

>> No.14659529


Are u a gurl

Please respond soon

>> No.14659601

Yes, but I have a penis.

>> No.14659723

Yes, but I have two penis.

>> No.14659725

DO NOT touch the eyes. The only area where it's at least somewhat safe are the cheeks where the skin is thicker. Make sure to watch a buttload of videos first, practice on other areas of your body, like inner thighs. Research "tram track effect" to know what complications can there be from this.

>> No.14659734

your feet ar ugly fatty things

>> No.14659959

No, hell no I am no chemist. I have developed an interest in chemistry because it helps me understand things better, but I do not study it extensively nor have I pursued a career path in it or plan on doing so. This is basically hobbyist dabbling. I just find the art of creating things like toothpaste, lip balms, shit like that a lot of fun and interesting. I plan on making shampoo and conditioners etc one day once I get a better understanding of the science behind it and what ingredients I should invest in. I am just learning as I go through research, trial and error. Like for instance, I did not really know what betonite clay was and after learning about it I am considering adding it into my toothpaste next time, it can also probably be used for other things like face masks so it just seems like a really versatile ingredient to store in my pantry.

>> No.14659973

Have to tried looking to body moisturizers?

>> No.14659991

Ok, I am no expert and I am still learning about foaming agents, usually a product will use a sulfate to create that foaming effect and to de-grease. But from what I understand certain sulfates are more prone to cause acne than others. So read the ingredients on your body wash carefully to identify what sulfates are being used. Sodium laureth sulfate and sodium lauryl ether sulfate are less likely to cause acne, but a sulfate like sodium lauryl are more prone to cause acne breakouts, at least according to what I have read.

>> No.14660009

Also perhaps try to look out for a sulfate free body wash and ones that opt to use cocamidopropyl betaine (CAPB) instead of the usual sulfates to act as an emulsifying/foaming agent/de-greaser. The lather made with CAPB is not as luscious iirc but that doesn't mean its not getting you clean it just takes some getting used to.

Again, I am still trying to figure out what the best foaming agents/emulsifiers are, I am not quite enlightened on this yet but I hope what I share today helps you and other anons.

>> No.14660072 [DELETED] 

>more prone to cause [thing]
several surfactants (and other ingredients) can be coupled with each-other to not exert the same drying effect as they would have done alone. the issue is NOT if a certain substance is in a product: what relevant is the overall formulation: the concentration of the relevant substance and the other ingredients.

you generally cannot reliably say "product x will dry you out because it has ingredient y in it" or "it will make you more prone to breakouts" based off it.

>> No.14660101

Thread dying. Just came back from 4 days inna woods. Didn't shower, just swam in lake water, used a sauna, only brought sunscreen and my skin is as clear as it's ever been.

I'm starting to think this is all a conspiracy, going to try barebones skincare and see what happens

>> No.14660156


And do you think this is enough as opposed to a derma pen or something similar?

Is there a particular roller and set of heads you'd recommend? If be scared of using one that only has one head that can't be replaced or something. Thabk you.

>> No.14660185

Ah, I see, that does make a lot of sense. Thank you anon! By the sounds of it ratio of ingredients is the true key in this.

>> No.14660561 [DELETED] 

the dose makes the poison

>> No.14660611

>>14655345Bbiore watery essence? that along with anessa are probably Japan's most famous SPF. anessa is very expensive outside of Asia though you should be able to find watery essence for a good price
I was using an SPF from the Korean brand innisfree at one point and I liked it

Pollution can have a negative effect on your skin, but with that being said when I visited Shanghai I was literally GLOWING. I guess I just do well with humidity

>> No.14660746

whats the next step above the ordinary 7% glycolic acid? I dont want to go up to 20% peels, is there a stronger acid or is 10% glycolic acid too much for every day use?

>> No.14661464

every two hours is only necessary when you sweat a lot or sweat it off. You can also tell about ~4 hours in you need to re-apply. It also depends HOW much sun you are getting. If you are intense sun all day, apply to directions as stated on the bottle, and don't diverge from them. Otherwise it is as-needed, but I strongly recommend a PA++++ sunblock for your face.

I have tested most (almost all) PA++++ sunblocks and can recommend some very cheap ones in a tier list if people are interested

>> No.14662816
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I'm pretty sure accutane won't help me since the dermatologist's prescribed clindamycin phosphate, tretinoin gel, and tazorac haven't cleared my skin. But what should I say to convince him to give me accutane? My appointment is tomorrow. When I inquired about it six months ago, I think he said it was a whole process to be approved.

I fucking hate this, I'm 23 and eat healthy, clean my bed sheets, and I still get acne. My genes suck

>> No.14663187

i mean cant really do much other than ask again. perhaps if all those creams havent worked and its been 6 months then that should be enough to get a prescription? best of luck anon

>> No.14663188

AM routine
Cleanse with a cleanser
Apply moisturiser
Apply sunscreen spf50

PM routine
Cleanse with a cleanser
wait 20 mins and apply tretinoin to dry skin
after 20 mins Apply moisturiser

Thats it nothing more everything else is bullshit
You want to look for products with as little ingredients as possible that get the job done.

>> No.14663325


Yes please mate recommend the best effective cheap shit for us faces lad

>> No.14663410

ok, give me a bit to type it up. there are specific versions and i want to make sure to include all the info. it might end up being next thread because ive tested so many and i can recc certain ones for dry/oily skin or skin pref of chemical vs physical sunscreens

>> No.14663453

/skin/ - ammature chemists general

>> No.14663454

I dont know much about skincare. But I do know vaseline doesn't moisturize. It basically suffocates your skin, which is not good for it. Def don't use on your penor either. Gl out there fren

>> No.14663575
File: 934 KB, 500x375, 75230ec64e5049c9765bc8cd6d521687b05b0946_hq (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I have figured out a recipe for an oil very similar to sebum. More testing is required but I will report back into the skin thread with my research one day soon.

>> No.14663643

Why do you need to apply tret and moisturizer to dry skin

>> No.14663857

Maybe a basic problem, but I have blackheads and pitted skin from blackheads

Also I have very yellow teeth from smoking

>> No.14664102

Oh fug it will also be anti aging in theory due to having a boost of retinol and it will also be a topical source of vitamin D.

>> No.14664192

And yes, I can combine this oil witches brew into a vitamin c rich water witches brew via an emulsifier to make a cream.

>> No.14664294

Stop masturbating

>> No.14664574

Anyone had success with reducing KPRF redness?

And can anyone recommend makeup that will hide/reduce it, I am a guy so I don't really want it to be that noticeable, but I just want this fucking redness gone.

>> No.14665073

A derm pen makes for more even incisions and at a more consistent depth than a roller would with less of the tissue getting ripped as the needle moves. It's a safer option. I haven't tried any of this but a few youtube videos and articles explain a lot though I certainly can't answer all your questions. A few anons have been super happy with how this helped their acne scarring.
10% seems relatively safe for daily use, Paula's choice has one at that percentage and they suggest even up two times daily, though it's marketed towards an older age group.
With percentages it's important to remember that the actual strength also depends on the acidity of the product, e.g. high percentage peels need to be heavily acidic for that part of the product to be actually effective, anything less acid may make the ingredient less potent regardless of how much of it is there in the medium. That's why 30% TCA can be have pH of 1, while a 7% glycolic acid AHA may hover around pH of 3.5-4. Highly acidic stuff will cause more irritation, with peels it's unavoidable, AHAs however are safer.

>> No.14665085


What do I really need if I get a derma pen? The pen itself plus a needle replacement, is that all you really need? Is it reasonably affordable?

>> No.14665555

i think i might take a nice bath tonight, ty for the suggestions. i’m kinda worried sick about things in my life and the sudden dots of acne popping up isn’t helping since i’m going out this weekend. i can literally feel something in my cupid’s bow so i’m like ffff
i’ll probably exercise in a few too! i really get into it with music going. the medicine i take makes me kind of sleepy but i’ll try and fight it.

how often do y’all use masks?

>> No.14665945

This but with benzoyl peroxide works great for me

T. Former pizzaface

>> No.14665950

Proactiv has benzoyl peroxide and your new one doesn't maybe try adding something with it if you responded well to the proactiv. I use a cheap generic cream from Amazon and it works fine

>> No.14666341

What's a good benzoyl peroxide wash to use? I use neutrogena stubborn acne but I recently stopped and my skin actually looked a bit better which leads me to believe it was too harsh.

>> No.14666406
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>have many old blackheads that are hard to remove
>occasional pimples
>skin gets oily easily
>acne scars
>22 and skin has been bad for almost a decade
how do i fix my face

>> No.14667273

It's pricier than a roller, most go for $100-150 on amazon. The pins are disinfected but you should prepare the skin regardless by cleaning the target area with rubbing alcohol to further minimize an possible infection occurence.

>> No.14667346


The other Asian dermatologist dude in the video earlier in the thread said he advised replacing the pins for his dermarollers every application. Is that not needed with a derma pen? I assume I should still apply the numbing agent and disinfectant to my face, right?

Another dermatologist also said to not apply anything to the face or it might react negatively in the holes of your face and be enveloped by your tissues and basically deform you forever

>> No.14667365

glycolic acid helped me, it gets into your pores and dissolves the shit building up in it and creates an low PH environment on your skin that keeps bacteria from growing quickly

buy an oil cleanser and the ordinary 7% glycolic acid solution which is like 8 bucks and a moisturizing lotion

Cleanse>acid>wait 20 mins>lotion/cream
start off every other day then after a week or 2 make it a nightly routine

also wear sunscreen if you're gonna be outside for a while, the acid also makes you more sensitive to sun damage

>> No.14667377

don't use a benzoyl peroxide wash. You are right it is very harsh. Use it as a spot treatment

>> No.14667414
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How the fuck do I get rid of this hyperpigmentation or whatever it is, its beens there for a couple years now and fucking annoys me

>> No.14667467

do i need to use acid in the morning too? or just face soap and moisturizer/sunscreen?

>> No.14667502

you only need to use it once a day, most people do evening because the acid makes your skin really sensitive for a while, the acid works even after it dries and you moisturize, dont use regular soap for your face, only cleansers, preferably low PH cleansers like cetaphil or cerave.

Cerave pm lotion + glycolic acid or some other toner + cleanser should run you less than 20 bucks total and will last you 6-8 weeks, thats a good start and basic routine thats easy to remember and then you can add stuff depending on what you think you need or want

>> No.14667510

also dont be concerned about the word acid, its technically acidic but its called a toner and theres multiple acids/sources for it, its just a low PH liquid.

>> No.14667531

Thanks anon. I've used some Cetaphil and toner before with no results but probably because I didn't know how to use them.

>> No.14667566

The derma pen needles are meant for one session use to keep it all sterile. Do not reuse them.
>I assume I should still apply the numbing agent and disinfectant to my face, right?
Yes, as I said rubbing alcohol, but if you find something else then use that.
>Another dermatologist also said to not apply anything to the face or it might react negatively in the holes of your face and be enveloped by your tissues and basically deform you forever
Honestly, I have no idea how the process goes on from there.
Another skincare youtuber that I mostly trust has this video on dermarolling: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZU7hfgjMxC0
Therein hydrocortisone is suggested to alleviate inflammation but otherwise hold off from anything else and let the skin to heal first, which can a few several weeks. For daily sunscreen use physical rather than chemical sunscreens are recommended, that means the ones that contain either zinc oxide or titanium dioxide or both. Now she primarily talks about and suggests doing it at a professional which usually entails deeper incisions, but all the precautions should still apply at shallow diy depth. Watch the video I probably forgot to mention something.
Take a better picture where the skin isn't in the shadow and the picture isn't blueish or yellowish.

>> No.14667691


Thank you very much anon. So it's basically a case of buying needles and installing them on the dermapen, right? Should you use it like every 2 weeks or so?

>> No.14668283

Can I rub oil into my scalp to help with the dryness? Its not dandruff just really dry. Will some overnight oil help, for instance?

>> No.14668896

That depends on needle length. Looking at a few articles online 0.25mm could be used three times a week, 0.5mm once or twice a week, 1.0mm twice a month. 1.0mm and above are outside of diy expertise and while they provide the greatest benefit they should only be used by professionals as the risk involved is too high.
Take a look at this article as well, contains more detail on needle lengths and they are best for: https://simpleskincarescience.com/dermarolling/

>> No.14669942

bump for skin

>> No.14670638

Literally just use tretinoin.

>> No.14670674

Looks like the asian face. Reduce salt and carb intake, and other oils associated with the Chinese diet. Get more exercise.

>> No.14670684

Can confirm. Also great as a tooth whitener. Especially if the source eats a lot of citrus fruit.

>> No.14670701

So I plan on getting into lotion making and stuff. If I make small batches of it at a time is it ok to skip preservatives? Is a preservative going to effect the quality of the lotion?

>> No.14670743

Over-exfoliation. Baby your face.
>a sunscreen lotion that doesn't block my pores
No such thing. Use make-up cleanser. Oil cleansing, or at least micellar water.

>> No.14671127
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Is ASEA/renu28 a meme or legit?

>> No.14672347

freckles are adorable keep em

>> No.14672469

If it's marketed with such pictures then it's more or less a meme.

>> No.14672612

there are tons of different pictures from different people that used it

>> No.14673238

Is it true that to preserve the horny layer of the skin you should pick one day of the week to not bathe?

>> No.14673383
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I am using a very harsh product to treat acne. It leaves my skin very sensible. My doctor recommended to apply a moisturizer, and I began applying one with hyaluronic acid. My skin feels like it's burning during the first minute after applying. Is this normal or is it a sign I should stop immediately?
Also for the record I've been using that acne product for like two months. My face was very sensitive at first but now it's used to, except for some specific portions under my eyes and next to the nose, but I DON'T EVEN APPLY THE FUCKING THING THERE, how can these spots get so sensitive if they are not being touched by the product?
Thanks anyway to whoever bothers replying to this retard

>> No.14673395

Fuck I eat waaay too much sugar every single day
Is that why my face looks like shit?
But it's impossible for me to stop. I have tried getting rid of all sweets in my house. By the end of the night I'm calling the midnight donut delivery i'm fucking serous help

>> No.14673415

Holy shit I have been applying a bunch of products to get rid of it but it wasn't working.
Do people really think these are cool? I look like a weirdo with them on.

>> No.14673460

Where do you buy derma rollers?

Also can I but retinol online? Also since retinol works by making your skin cells divide faster, does it end up backfiring in the long run? Aparantly cells can only divide so many times before telomeres run out, so I was wondering if using it in your 20's is too early

>> No.14673491

Brainlet here. Gelatin like the dessert?

>> No.14673509

which one/what form?

>> No.14673559


>> No.14673593

The gelatin dessert you're probably thinking of is jello, which gelatin is in. Gelatin is what gives jello its texture. Gelatin is derived from collagen you see, collagen is what gives skin its elasticity. The amino acid content in gelatin is the same as collagen(containing 8 out of the 9 essential amino acids your body needs), and thus it has been studied that the ingestion of gelatin increased the density of collagen fibrils and fibroblasts. In other words, it helps give your body's collagen production a boost to slow down skin aging. It is also good for your bones and hair(and nails) as well. I am not saying to go eat a lot of jello, jello is high in sugar. However you can buy gelatin in the form of loose powder or capsules and ingest those. I prefer to put gelatin in my morning coffee or tea. It is tasteless, though it may give your drink a texture depending on how much you use and how long it sits.

>> No.14673611

Oh also, the protein content in gelatin depends on what animal is used, what parts of the animal is used, and what they did to process it. If you are interested in purchasing some I highly recommend flyby full spectrum, buy you can also find unflavored gelatin in the baking needs isle at your grocery store.

>> No.14673624

pathetic cope

>> No.14673636

cool thanks. Fried pork rinds are good for collagen right?

>> No.14673813

Actually yes, soup broth especially made from bone and skin is another good source.

>> No.14673954

>look up derma rolling
>dermatologists say its a meme at best and anything past 1mm is too risky
>tons of people online shilling derma rollers and how good it is
>some people say stay away from anything past .5mm
>others say anything below 1.5mm is doing nothing but scratching your face
>some people use .5mm twice a week while others use it once every couple weeks

>> No.14674143

this man understands

>> No.14674602

so what's the truth about it then?

>> No.14675255

That's what I wanna know

>> No.14675448

>My skin feels like it's burning during the first minute after applying. Is this normal or is it a sign I should stop immediately?
Depending on skin condition hyaluronic acid can cause some irritation. I tend to avoid applying it on just shaved areas that didn't go so well because it can sting (even worse is niacinamide, glycolic acid, azelaic acid, in the order of pain). While in your case it may not necessarily be HA, you should switch out the moisturizer for another that's meant for sensitive skin.
>how can these spots get so sensitive if they are not being touched by the product
Once absorbed the particles can get distributed around the skin. Try to leave more space around the regions you find indirectly sensitized.

>> No.14676228

I got this very weird specific set of wrinkles immediately to the left of my left eye
They are probably from sleeping on my side, right? Can I ever get rid of them? They are not very noticeable but still sucks

>> No.14676455

Is birch sap good for breakouts?
Is an emulsion similar to lotion, or more like an essence or moisturizer?

Been looking at the COSRX birch lotion, Tony Moly chok chok green tea gel, and the Benton snail bee lotion. I have combination skin and prone to breakouts. Also trying to even out my complexion.
Any advise on these specific products? Which would work best for combination/oily skin, which would help with breakouts and oil, which would help with hyperpigmentation?

>> No.14676571
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Also here is a picture.
Will it ever go away? Could there be other causes? They are probably from sleeping right? But what do I do?? This shit wasn't here yesterday

>> No.14676734
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>already went on one full accutane run, and then ANOTHER accutane run
>tried washing my face regularly, not washing at all
>tried every antibiotic and cream
>tried not laying a hand on my face at all and tried picking at everything
>tried eliminating various aspects of diet, sugar , gluten, diary
>tried changing sheets, sleeping on towels, etc
>tried just leaving face alone and only rising with water daily

Should I just kill myself? It's not fucking fair. This has ruined my entire youth.

>> No.14676741

Actually your dumbass ruined your whole youth by focusing on the negative aspects of your life and refusing to seize the opportunities you have around you. Yeah you most likely will never be a super model but you can do other things.

>> No.14676777

>super model

I'd be content just not having gigantic pus fulled sores all over my face thanks for the help you fucking faggot.

>> No.14677921

Did you test for allergies?
Stop stressing so much, something got pressed into the skin probably.

>> No.14678098

no its fucking awful