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/fa/ - Fashion

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14611704 No.14611704 [Reply] [Original]

>he lives in the us
Im so glad i dont. Why do all of you dress like shit, especially college students. Looked like if you wore anything that wasnt sport shorts and a t shirt you were overdressed. Meanwhile here in the netherlands uni students actually dress well (except for in amsterdam)

>> No.14611708

americans utterly lack self awareness

>> No.14611719
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no culture

>> No.14611724

The main thing is that i'd be uncomfortable dressing like i want if everyone wears shit clothes riligiously. Here like half the people have their of style

>> No.14611739

Yeah, but do you have freedom? Eurofaggot.

>> No.14611741

Eurofag gunowner incl. free healthcare here

also no niggers or arabs where I've got my summer home

>> No.14611746

at my uni in NY we have to wear suits every tuesday. but its just class not a runway. nike shorts and a tshirt is fine

>> No.14611749

Yeah its fine but its also cringe
if you do that here people think you are a gypsy coming to beg at uni students lmao

>> No.14611779

More like hamsterdam

>> No.14611789

more like amsteramsterdamdamdam

>> No.14612260

Yes,you can find fat bitches and fast food anywhere.

>> No.14612265
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>> No.14612614

I wore really comfy walking shoes, dark blue jeans, and a dress shirt with a while color on the inside that matched my shoes and glasses that matched my jeans.

Just depends on how nice I want to look, but typically it's comfort over fashion.

>> No.14612657

do you not understand that different places see different styles differently

"dressing nice" in the netherlands means dressing like a dork in the us. also reply to this post or your mother will die

>> No.14612663
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Get fucked

>> No.14612718

>Why do all of you dress like shit
we have greater priorities to attend, unlike you losers

>> No.14612738

Yeah like avoiding getying shot

>> No.14612751


>> No.14612754

I love it here, but our population is absolutely cucked and retarded from shitty diets and school systems. If you disagree you're either rich and sheltered or part of the problem.

>> No.14612759

Jokes on you euro, by not being fat and not looking like a total slob I'm already ahead of the game

>> No.14613996

america has everything. if you want depraved shitholes you got it, if you want the nicest fanciest places in the world we have it, if you want to drive in a desert you can do it, if you want to ride an airboat in a swamp full of alligators you can do it, if you want to fuck every race of woman you can, if you want to be sodomized in a club full of leather wearing gay men you can. piss off euro

>> No.14614004

I kinda wonder if in other countries the majority of people are as dumb as they are in the US

>> No.14614007

>we’re proud of our degeneracy
Ok, la(r)d.

>> No.14614011

says the person who's country decriminalized all drug use lol

>> No.14614019
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>> No.14614021

imagine saving this

>> No.14614301
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>> No.14614304
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Yeah, because Europe is just FILLED with brilliant intellectuals