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14603762 No.14603762 [Reply] [Original]

I have created the most comfortable pair of boxers in the world. How do I go about mass producing them and making them into an actual brand? I have $15,000 to spend. Throw me your ideas and I'll throw my money at them. Pic unrelated.

>> No.14603783

The hardest part is the manufacturing/production at the price point that is profitable for you.
Unless you have access to a foreign factory with cheap labor you're not going to make it, son.

>> No.14603850

Have you done any tests on if they truly are "The most comfortable pair of boxers in the world"?

>> No.14603871

OP is gonna get ganked by mac weldon/Calvin Klein and they will discredit his work. Same thing the CIA did with the water powered car guy

>> No.14603905

He won't even make it to Shark Tank
Underwear is like groceries; the profit margins are super thin

>> No.14603911

Good luck to you OP

>> No.14603943 [DELETED] 

I've made ~100 pairs and everyone who's worn them has immediately wanted to buy more of them. I'm not kidding, my brother gave me some of the fabric that his company produces to play around with, and I promise you combined with the cut, they became the most comfortable boxers on the planet. If I ever get them to market, I'll make a followup post with a discount code for all of you guys to use.
I think $15k is workable to put out a proof of concept run. If that works out, investors shouldn't be hard to come by. Not my first rodeo in the fashion industry. You're probably wondering why I'm asking this high-schooler filled wasteland for advice then, but really it's very simple. The old DIY threads here got me into making my own clothes back when I was in high-school, and being able to tap the young adult market is getting harder for me as I get older and I'd love to hear what you guys think.

>> No.14603946

I've made ~100 pairs and everyone who's worn them has immediately wanted to buy more of them. I'm not kidding, my brother gave me some of the fabric that his company produces to play around with, and I promise you combined with the cut, they became the most comfortable boxers on the planet. If I ever get them to market, I'll make a followup post with a discount code for all of you guys to use.

>> No.14604013

If they're so great post a pic with a brief (lol) description of what makes them so great

>> No.14604022

Hire a patent lawyer, register your design, shop your design around to established manufacturers, sell it to the highest bidder, take your fat pay-out and invest it properly, get rich without ever having the headache and stress of starting and running your own business.

>> No.14604301

no. He needs to get a lifetime % of sales deal or why bother. Need to make own brand and shill it good to max money.

>> No.14604308
File: 42 KB, 766x586, ohhhoho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not going to believe you until you show us a pic of your junk

>> No.14604313

When I was a teenager my dad's friend's son came up with this formula to absolutely waterproof any electronic device. He bought generic chemicals from Walmart and mixed them somehow to do it. He used to have some video of an iPod Nano playing perfectly underwater. Really impressed me but I don't think he ever got rich from it. My point is: even if you really have something good there's a huge amount of factors that go into whether or not your invention will be success.

>> No.14604321

>slim margins
mack weldon charges nearly $30 for a pair of fucking underwear. their margins are probably like +90%

>> No.14604702

Take them off and then poat a pic of them?

>> No.14605135


>> No.14606411

Most people dont buy that shit. They spend 20$ for three pairs and that's the price point they're comfortable with.