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File: 33 KB, 443x656, white-girl-box-braids-6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14593300 No.14593300 [Reply] [Original]

Non-white anons. Female especially:

In your opinion, is it acceptable for white women who want to wear braids or dreadlocks to do so? Why or why not? No judgement here from me. I'm just looking for perspective. I want to get braids this year because it's hot but every time I mention it, I get so much negative feed back about it, and the "cultural appropriation card" gets thrown into the mix and I usually just end up dropping the idea.

Does a skin color or culture get to OWN a hair style? Does a collective group with the same skin color or religious identity have the right to claim a fashion style? In 2019, we are ALL a blend of many different cultures, backgrounds, DNA and communities. We all have hair on our head. We all like pretty things. I understand that there may be significant cultural reasons for certain styles. (Like the Amish who do not shave their beards for religious reasons.) But the Amish don't get to claim that anyone who wears a beard like theirs is appropriating their culture or religion, right? That's silly. Braids were around in many different cultures besides Africa. Mongolia, Aztecs, Native Americans, Vikings. So why shouldn't I be able to wear braids without stigma? Who gets to own the braided hair style? Who's culture "owns" dreadlocks? The Hindu? Rastafarians? Who?

Beyonce can bleach and straighten her hair, but it's not considered "white appropriation" because white can't fucking OWN bleached straightened hair. So who gets to claim braids or dreadlocks?

TL;DR - I want your opinions and personal experiences in dealing with fashion choices and what you think the difference between "appreciation" and "appropriation" is and how you deal with it, please and thank you.

>> No.14593302

I believe in the benefits for all following the RGTOW principle

>> No.14593306

black anon
honestly dreads look shit on white ppl
braids can be decent
but i’m auto gonna assume you fuck black guys and trailer trash guys only
if you’re okay with ppl stereotyping you
i’d say try it
idc about culture appropriation when it comes to ones personal fashion taste
only an issues if you’re profiting money off it

>> No.14593328

I don't care about braids but dreadlocks look fucking disgusting on white people

>> No.14593344

Dreadlocks don’t really look good on white ppl, I gotta agree.

That being said, cultural appropriation is bullshit and always will be. By that logic, black people shouldn’t be allowed to use most technology, since most of it was invented by white people. See how retartded that sounds? Yeah, that’s cause it is.

Btw, quoting google on the history of dreadlocks here:
>The Germanic tribes and Vikings were also known to wear their hair in dreadlocks.

(The germanic tribes were NOT black)

>> No.14593345

kys nigger

>> No.14593346

Sorry, not to be dense but what is RGTOW?

Fair enough. Interesting "profit" idea. I suppose that is the beating heart of the problem with many appropriation arguments, huh? Never been into any one type of person, sex-wise. I consider myself pansexual, so I honestly don't care who or what you look like, as long as we click in the right way. I can work with it. Thank you for your perspective. It's something to consider.

>> No.14593347

i always see the argument that it’s harmful because black folks are looked down upon for dreads while white people get compliments etc

Not sure what world these people are living in but while dreads on black folks might not be the most professional look, dreads on a white person almost immediately disqualifies you from any sort of good job. In most cases, while folks with dreads are considered literally unclean and degenerates.

>> No.14593363

So by what you say, dreadlocks in general are looked down upon regardless of the skin color wearing them?

>> No.14593382

I’d say that outside of instagram, white folks are looked down on significantly more for dreads.

Having dreads as a black guy is like having long hair as a white guy: not professional but not outrageous to see in an office environment. Having dreads as a white guy is literally unheard of in the professional world and I will automatically assume you are a festival wook. I think rightfully so, black hair dreads pretty naturally but to get dreads as a typical white person you have to use oil and not really wash your hair.

I would say there is about the same level of stigma (very different in nature though) for a white dude with dreads and a black dude with long straightened hair. Both are comically out of place in society.

>> No.14593383

I agree with this fella

>> No.14593415

I get that. Thank you for explaining.

>> No.14593445

Dreadlocks were originally a traditional european and near-eastern male hairstyle. It eventually got to subsaharian africa throught trade during muslim times.
So, no. They don't get to own a hairstyle that exists in africa for 1000-ish years, when it has existed withing europe for at least 4000. Heck, even India got dreadlocks before africans probably at 3500 years ago, although this is still controversial, since there are some who claim that it originated there instead.
However, like i said, It was a strictly male hairstyle during most of history. There are some examples of female gauls and egyptians using this hair, but they are the exception. Also, people rarely had a fully braided hair, they often only had half a dozen locks and grew the rest of it normally.
I do agree with the ancients in this, dreadlocks look absolutely horrible in women.

You can argue that dreadlocks are more widely acceptable and better-looking in black people in the current fashion paradigm, but claiming that white people are appropiating black culture by wearing them is laughable, because it is most likely the opposite, or at the very least a smaller cultural distance to it's creators.

>> No.14593506

I don't really give a shit about this but I do get annoyed when people spout the "white hair doesn't naturally dread" bullshit.

Sure it does. Mine does. I used to do fieldwork and rarely showered in the field - out of necessity. Had long hair at the time. My hair started to dread. And I've had the DNA tests done because my parents are crazy about that ancestry bullshit. Genetically I'm like 75% Scandinavian, 25% Anglo.

It's fine if you think dreads look bad on whites, I don't have them, I don't care, but don't justify an aesthetic preference with an appeal to nature that's not even true.

>> No.14593560

Braids is like letting people know you have -20 in your checking account and need some oxy soon. Dreads is saying you not only dont have a bank account but your doc is psyches

>> No.14593607

Eeeh you will just look like a hooker which is good if you want that kind of look. Else I literally wont even consider you female

>> No.14593663

Thank you

>> No.14593686
File: 448 KB, 1245x1868, 1548008080655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is it acceptable for white women who want to wear braids or dreadlocks to do so

White man here. Those styles are a bullshit detector for me. If a woman wears them they are instantly considered as undatable. Cause every woman that wears them (at least in europe) is an extremely left leaning cunt that considers getting drunk great loooooots of casual sex great, but hates children and are massive drama queens.
Good men (that is traditional men with good paying jobs) avoid them at all cost. So if you want to get a Chad that will turn out to be a drunk, COD playing looser for the rest of his life, get those. Otherwise get a good haircut.

>> No.14593967

Braids are a historically white thing to do anyway but dreadlocks are for trannies

>> No.14593985
File: 287 KB, 320x240, 59153CCD-5A25-4C63-96FD-8658094BB2BD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Dreads on my fellow honkers are disgusting and braids make me assume you speak like woah Vicky.

>> No.14594011

This asks the same thing

>> No.14594094


>> No.14594161

It looks better on them anyways

>> No.14594372

Lightskin black anon here. Don't get braids it'll probably look like shit on straight hair. For dreadlocks some people may get offended, but it doesn't really matter because dreadlocks naturally grow from all hair textures. I recommend that if you want dreadlocks you just do your research and keep them looking as good as possible, which will hopefully decrease the amount of people who get upset.

>> No.14594376

There's actually a biological reason why non-blacks shouldn't rock dreads. Black hair takes very long to get oily and therefore doesn't get stinky and greasy as fast as other races. In fact, blacks can shampoo once a week or more and be fine. If they did more frequently it would be bad for their hair and cause it to dry out. Dreads in other races make no sense because they're hard to shampoo, and the result is those gross trashy guys you see at euro raves whose body odor you can smell from 100 yards

>> No.14594377

Yeah it's acceptable
Black women are just insecure about being inferior to white women so they dont want them to wear what they do but better
Also whenever a white chick wears dreadlocks they have to deal with the other white whores who fuck black guys
Braids are acceptable though

>> No.14594397

Thank you. I'm learning a lot today.

>> No.14594400


>> No.14594402

Board's fucked up at the moment.

>> No.14594403

You'll only get hate from blacks for looking like them, and hate from whites for being a nigger.

>> No.14594419

White people should never have dreads. Ever. It's a perfect way to guarantee you will never be taken seriously by anyone other than drug addicts.

>> No.14594432

White people should never have dreads. Ever. It's a perfect way to guarantee you will never be taken seriously by anyone other than drug addicts.

>> No.14594441

As a non white or black when i see blacks with dreads i think
>rastafarian, but only if he is over 40 or is obviously jamaican which is rare on the west cost
>wannabe rapper who emulates chicago style and will eventually chimp out to prove how real he is
>gang member state translant from midwest if they dont speak like us or lool grimier than the wannabe rapper

No one else who is black rocks dreads out here

On whites and Hispanics i think
>hippy/raver/dope head/ loser
>dont take this person seriously

Only one italian guy i know pulled it off and he was a former jazz musician turned pastor who many thought was mullato

>> No.14594600

>Beyonce can bleach and straighten her hair, but it's not considered "white appropriation" because white can't fucking OWN bleached straightened hair.
Nah, it's because according intersectional feminism white people don't have culture that can be appropriated.

>> No.14594604

Totally fine with with, as a non-white. It just looks shit 9/10 times.
Not that my actual culture wears dreadlocks, but you weren't specific about that.

>> No.14594609

so are you non white or black? you dumb nigro, lmao

>> No.14595207

did you even read it?

>> No.14595215


The real world is gonna eat you alive once you finish your useless meme degree. University students are the worst.

>> No.14595504


>> No.14595667

Do you want to stink?
I dated a white girl with dreads, her odor was fucking foul, when she rested her head on my chest I was hit by an absolute reek of decay

>> No.14596305

Why would you let a white broad with dreads anywhere near you. Fuck they are repulsive.

>> No.14596359

don't do it if your hair can't do it naturally

that's literally the only rule. if you're greek and have curly hair dreads up my guy

>> No.14596455

only an issues if you’re profiting money off it
How and why?

>> No.14596478

Because you're taking the culture of people who historically have been persecuted for expressing their culture and commodifying it for profit, while you yourself are not a member of the marginalized identity group. Are you actually this fucking retarded or you just larp as brain-dead white trash for the internets?

>> No.14596556

I wouldn't unless you really really want to and are prepared to be questioned.

I personally think anyone should be able to do what they want with their bodies except maybe blackface and the like.

But idk, I feel like it's better to just not rock the boat if you can help it

>> No.14596585

Im not white and im not black you dumb fucking nigger.

>> No.14596605

I think they're asking why it matters, fucking idiot

>> No.14596640
File: 235 KB, 835x835, r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wear whatever you want.


Only in America and Europe do they get all this fucking leeway Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, and eastern Europe couldn't give a fuck.

>> No.14597214

I think its pretty obvious why it matters, unless you're fucking retarded or willfully obtuse

>> No.14597349
File: 71 KB, 640x480, E2BF08C4-C93C-4221-9B55-FF1055A1CA97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean sure, if you like having literal mold on your head and traction alopecia