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File: 111 KB, 736x608, punks in 82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14567443 No.14567443 [Reply] [Original]

is dressing punk acceptable if you're an autist and don't have any friends?
I thought the original point of it was to be a place for misfits and losers, not trendy zoomers trying to get clout on instagram.

>> No.14567448

Almost a boy scouts uniform, how can this be taken aside from spectacule?

>> No.14567454

it's just fun, desu. Especially if you like putting together your on clothing designs. I like making painted and studded leather jackets, and sewing patches on denim jackets/vests.

>> No.14567469
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Good idea if you want to be watched and laughed at by everyone on the street.

Just dress Poppunk-ish but when asked what bands you like list ordinary punk rock bands and Green Day, they are kinda in the middle and that would explain your style.

>> No.14567502
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>> No.14567508

poppunk is gay
Agreed. I hate SJW punks. I'm more into the traditional nihilistic approach.

>> No.14567919

if you need to ask its not acceptable

>> No.14567942

hardcore scene > punk scene

>> No.14567959

Horrible advice
Do what you want OP

>> No.14568050

Go for it just don't do the fucking massive hair.

>> No.14568065


>> No.14568202

for fucking real

>> No.14568327

Punk after the 80's has always been into social politics

>> No.14568330

admitting you like greenday expecting not to be laughed at. ok

>> No.14568576

>I thought the original point of it was to be a place for misfits and losers, not trendy zoomers trying to get clout on instagram.
>is dressing punk acceptable if you're an autist and don't have any friends?
Also yes

>> No.14569415
File: 60 KB, 1000x658, 1980-photos-of-Public-Image-Ltd-at-American-Bandstand-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post punk > punk

>> No.14569464

Punk is literally not giving a shit about what's acceptable, so you already failed.

>> No.14569471

Punk subculture has always been communistic/anachistic in nature. They weren't sensitive snowflakes, but ideologically they were always pretty left leaning.

>> No.14569657

Yeah, you're right. I just like dressing the part because I love the style and the music.
But I'm also an autist with no social skills and don't really care about the drama within 'the scene'. Not that I wouldn't want to make like minded friends but I'm used to being a loner.
I guess its just kind of intimidating seeing all these kids on Instagram with thousands of followers, like its an exclusive little club where everyone knows each other. Yet I've probably been into it longer than they've been alive. Just without a social media presence.
Im just an old boomer who's been out of the loop and haven't been on any social media since MySpace

>> No.14569925
File: 166 KB, 1540x866, The Return of the Living Dead 1985 45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14569969

If you're genuinely a loner and feel comfortable staying that way, do your own thing and don't give a shit what kids on Instagram or anyone else thinks.

>> No.14569984

I think the point of punk is to piss people off. Judging by this post it seems to be working >>14567508

>> No.14570000


beat me to it

>> No.14570269

Punk is literally far left though what are you talking about? Punk has always been about hating on the right and authority.
Green Day shouting "No Trump, No KKK, No fascist USA" a few years back at AMA is pretty fucking punk, like their music or not that's punk.

>> No.14570280

punk was always all inclusive

>> No.14570369
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>> No.14570514

jesus christ, just shut the fuck up
I don't care

>> No.14570634


you can either be punk or be fat. not both baka

>> No.14570644
File: 14 KB, 220x293, 1579FDC6-8133-4B8D-916F-B8CD903CDCD6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>poppunk is gay
Umm well yea!!! Of course it’s gay. Gays put the gay in the pop. The Beatles entire wardrobes and image was created by the gay pop industry. Brian Epstein.

>> No.14571422
File: 677 KB, 724x827, Screenshot_2019-08-20-09-32-34~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

punk Is only effay when you do it right and don't try too hard

>> No.14571429

I thought the point was to be unacceptable?

>> No.14571433

I feel like punk fashion should be simple and accessible everyday wear like the stuff a lot of people wore back in the 80s. I hate the way modern Punkss dress with all those ugly patch covered vests. a few patches is fine but people really overdo them.

>> No.14571610
File: 288 KB, 900x600, 2014TheClash_Getty85235567_060514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that mohawk
>don't try too hard

>> No.14571617

Johnny Ramone being the exception.

>> No.14571627
File: 248 KB, 1200x872, 1546828491588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying punks wern't accepting and liberal

>> No.14571682
File: 380 KB, 2048x1365, 58033013_3123102531049045_7635856595590578176_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice jacket

>> No.14571700


>> No.14571712

post post punk inspo

>> No.14571768
File: 100 KB, 640x940, A2B9D75E-7425-4906-B89C-1741A3B44453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with what anons are saying in the thread, punk is supposedly to be more of an attitude than a style, but I’d add that you also have to look the context.
It’s not the same to ‘dress punk’ in the 70s than it is to dress punk now, even if you dress with exactly the same outfit as one of the photosnof that era. At that time mohawks, leather jakets with spikes, military style boots, etc; were an exaggerated and flamboyant way of looking at 60s, 70s and 80s fashion, it was a lense, not a stablished style. I always laugh at ‘punks’ in my town dressing exactly like a guy of the 70s because they’ve failed to understand that simple premise and are just larping.
In a lot of ways the way of ‘dressing punk’ today is the streatwear hip hop stuff that is so divisive here.

But anyway if youre drawn to the aesthetic, I’d say go for a subtle look, lole pic related, i just read the overdoing it of the patches and the crazy big mohawk as trying to hard to be a hard ass or somehing, kind of pathetic.

>> No.14571997

then why are you in a thread talking about it?

>> No.14572110

absolutely based

>> No.14572340

Dude who gives a fuck about social media. You’re clearly not cut from the same cloth that a punk is, you care what people think.

>> No.14572605


>> No.14572623

>that leafy green, clean background
Get in mom's mini-van, we're going to the punk show. Johnny Rotten was a council rat catcher when there were garbage piles 20 ft high in the streets due to strikes, but you're dressing like a jilted faggot.

>> No.14572634

That lens point is valuable. I had the sides of my long hair head shaved to let my head not melt inside a helmet. I wore black jeans because they didn't show stains and a black flannelette shirt over a t-shirt to beat the winter cold without overheating. I pulled out a pack of Marlboro Reds once and this fashion expert homo said "Anon! You're an urban punk cowboy!" he would put people in boxes like that based on their attitude, dress and socio-economic background and it was okay because he was always right. Like, to the third decimal place.

Every straight dude needs a perceptive homo friend for the guidance, otherwise you look like a shapeless bag of shit tied at the middle.

>> No.14572924
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>> No.14572929
File: 531 KB, 1440x810, wWUDBe3zxo2R4TGDhizkWg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14572929,1 [INTERNAL] 

Words from my father who was actually there when punk was new and relevant 1000 years ago
He's shared with me many stories and rationalizations of what actually happened
Nevermind those who literally don't know what they're talking about:
It was fashion from the start. But fashion in symbiotic relationship with music
Designers put the characters that populate their world in to ours
Vivenne Westwood was the designer who created this look
In collaborating with Malcolm Mclaren, a fellow art student and the Sex Pistol's manager,
she was able to bring her clothing, and by extention the characters that inhabit her vision,
into the world. Making her characters real and apart of human culture now and for all time
A feat of ubiquity dreampt of but not achieved by any other before or since the punk movement
The Pistols already had a sound but needed an image.
McLaren offered to get Vivienne's clothing in to the world because her clothing would get the Pistols noticed.

>> No.14572929,2 [INTERNAL] 

What ruined punk is reasonably 'well off' kids from the wealthier suburbs who of course were libtards
And woke capitalists pretending to care about social justice in order to sell punk clothing toself-destructive hypocrites who pretend to hate capitalism
By the mid 80s and early 90s there was so much mall punk fashion. Rich people paying what would be two month's salary to a poor person to look like a poor person
Brands knocking off Vivienne at first but then just bootlegging each other. Charging anything from tens to hundreds of dollars for logo-splattered Perfecto jackets,
pyramid studded belts in every color, band patches that came packaged like napkin refills, and ripped jeans you used to only see on actual poor kids
The $1000 Perfecto you didn't paint or stud and the $500 crust jeans that you didn't quilt over a matter of literal years are such a big middle finger to uptight bourgeois capitalists!
Just fake and retarded and it was easy to tell how fake and retarded they are. They didn't hide it very well
They just wanted to get all dressed up just to be 'seen/scene' in their edgy clothing and cosplay a broke delinquent gutter punk
Just pieces of scenery because thats all cultureless richfags know how to be

>> No.14572929,3 [INTERNAL] 

They'd get beat up, or get bitched out and run home crying to their neatly manicured suburb not wanting to be a punk any more
That happened all the time usually for talking their know-nothing pinko shit like the pampered rich kid they are
Understand that punk then was heavily propagandized against. On one hand the parents were afraid of it and saw it as dangerous
The consumer whore suburban folks where scared especially of the Sex Pistols
On the other their kid's personal appearance affecting their own appearances and pissed them off and that's why their kids liked it
They didn't care about how boring new wave music was or how BOTH radical rights and lefts always hurt the lower class
They didn't care to challenge anything or ask hard questions. They didn't put any ripples in the calm waters of monotony
They just wanted to use mall punk to troll their parents and impress strangers. They were mannequins. Period.
But punk's been used, abused, and commodified from the start, not only by clueless squares but often by punks themselves
At first the cosplayers were the minority and often got punched in the nose, picked apart until they cried, or just robbed
It wasn't hard to tell what side of town they were from and that they didn't belong with the poor kids,
because they were the crude xerox of the people the poor kids had a problem with

>> No.14572929,4 [INTERNAL] 

They misinterpreted sedition; wore feminist symbols, F.A.N. or Che shirts and promoting non-punk garbage
Seditionaries wore such things in addition to swastika and portraits of Marx or Hitler, often upside down,
Because all of that are the symbols of losers and predators who kept the lower class lost
No real punk wore radical political symbols because it's something they unironically liked
As far as a real punk was concerned, BOTH fascists and socialists are as stunningly toxic and as full of shit as the other
They are after the same thing: dictatorial control
They are the sort who constantly violate the well-meaning oblivious and the helpless disillusioned
And they have only been good at that and two other things; boasting about themselves and losing wars
Anyway the cosplayers got an idea: begin coming out in larger groups to make getting beat up happen less often
Even when your wallet weighs more in paper than you do in muscle, ten can do what one or two cannot
Never underestimate the power of loudmouth chickenshits in large numbers
Over the years they slowly outnumbered the actual punks of the lower middle class
Now the true punks were the minority and able to be beaten up and called the poseur instead
So idealistic richfags were able to keep treating poor people like shit like they usually do
Shouted down by the pampered rich kids cosplaying commies, vegans, animal rights, feminists and other non-punks
Deadpan stole a widely feared clique of the lowest-class to promote their dumb shit
They stole the punk image for window dressing and platforming blatantly non-punk ideas
As if it was punk all along when clearly it never was and they never were
They ARE the Pretty Vacant
Not surprising that punk got canceled that way. Punk couldn't be beat, so it got joined and commodified.